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EL PASO HERALD Saturdav. February 24, 1H2 r OF FEBRUARY NITURE SALE END FUR f You never know when he will visit you. Insure your self agamat loss. The cost is small and your mind will be t ieit It is cheaper to insure BEFORE than AFTER a loss. AUSTIN & MARR, General Agents, SOUTHWESTERN SURETY INSURANCE CO., v for West Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. CHARGES AGAINST THE MONEY TBUST WILL BE SUBJECT OF CONGRESS PROBE New Resolution Is a Com promise, but Calls For the Invetigaioii. Washington, D. CX. Feb. 2A Before the nooee today the money trust reso lution inquiry, as agreed noon by tie committee on rules was scheduled for passage. The resolution direets that allega tions against the money power men tioned In representeStve Henry's orig inal resolution tamed down by the Democratic caucus, be investigated. The text follows: Resolved. That in order to obtain full and complete information of the i. an king and currency conditions of the I nited States to determine what legis lation is needed, the committee on hanking and currency is authorised and directed to make a fall investigation thereof, including- all matters touched n In house resolution No. 405 within the jurisdiction of said committee, and naid committee Is authorized as a whole or by sub-committee, to sit during ses sions of the bouse and the recess of r engross, to compel the attendance of witnesses, to send for persons, and pa pers, to administer oaths to witnesses and to employ expert counsel, account- 1 ants and clerical and other assistants." Resolution No. 405 was the Henry -solution which proposed a special - 1 committee and denounced the "money trust" in scathing terms. Xorrfs Hot Satisfied. Representative Morris, of Nebraska, the Republican Insurgent leader, de clared the compromise was not satis factory to the Progressives and an nounced that he would make an effort to substitute for H a resolution of broader scope. ' . Majority leader Underwood raid of the resolution: "It accomplishes lust what we set out to do. Our only differences were regarding reference. I was opposed to the Inquiry going to a special com mittee. "The question now will go to the banking and currency and other stand ing committees, where. 1 Insisted It be longed." Indian Appropriation Dill. The Indian appropriation bill re ported to the house carries the follow ing items For suport civilization and education of the Indians of Arizona and New Mexico, TW0.090; Fort Xojave school, $38,400; Phoenix school. 527.4W; Truxton Canyon. $21,200: $10,000 for making a farther investigation of a suitable dam for impounding the water of the GUa river; $6090 immediately available for water supply of the Pa pago Indians. In New Mexico Albuquerque. S5S.20". Santa Fe school, S6C500; to make an In vestigation of conditions on the Na vajo reservation at Ship Rock. $1000. TfcTay In Congress. The senate was not in session. It YOU'LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN IMPERIAL FLOUR You know that water -poHrccl tqxm sand k quickly absorbed and that'Water poured upon dust remains at-tbe top in a puddle while tlje bottom of the dust pile remains dry. . " This is true of Imperial Floor and o&er' flours. Because Imperial Floor is pade up of minute 'granules it quickly absorbs the water that yon Use k fixing, and kneads into perfect .dough. Imperial Flour is first of all a skillful blend of Tiard Northern Spring wheat for lightness and raisg qualities and our own Red Winter Wheat for flavor and smoothoess-r-granelated not ground by a scientific process and sifted and granulated and sifted over and over again" until it feels as soft and smooth as velvet. ' Telephone 353 for Imperial Flour and give your family such bread and pastry as you've never set before them before. 24 POUND SACKS 90c 48POUND SACKS $1.75 "None Better At Any Price." Just a few specials to close the largesf Feb ruary business we have ever enjoyed. 9 WfBf?---j7irP Steel Sanitary Couch ae represented bare. Special on sJe J0 QC , m j j only i ' Ts " HI Steal Cot, with link rw taring, ' nvntfiairxM TMmd Dosts. twit good -wIIwb, Hs , regafer $4.50 vhJw. ST! Iron Bed fee shown here, eonhnwa3 steel posts, heavy reversible rails, m white or Verras Martin, full ,or three-quarter size. Special ifemHis &2.QS THTCe fWvw SOUTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS. will meet Monday at J p. m. Shotgun manufacturers told the SUFFERED EIGHT YEAR RESTORED BY PERUNA. I sfcfc i Jr V5C finance committee that the tariff on guns should be increased rather than decreased, as proposed by the Demo cratic steel bill. Samuel TTntermever told the Inter state commerce committee that there J was an open violation of the anti-trust j laws in the acquisition of smaller rail- i roads by certain larger eastern systems. Government ownership or express properties an3 operation by the poet office department is provided In a bill senator Gardener will introduce Mon day. l'n house met at noon. Private pension bills were consid ered. "The "money trust" resolution is scheduled for passage before adjournment. piun TiTT Denies He Said Americans Are Not Fit to Govern Themselves. speech included CoL Roosevelt, politi cal leaders here believe such to be the case. Msnv of president Taffs friends have asserted that Col.- Roosevelt had Mr. Taft in mind when in his Columbus speech he seld: 'Many eminent lawyers who more or less frankly disbelieve In otir entire American system of government for. by and of the people, violently antagonise this proposal. They believe, and some times assert, that the American people are not fitted for popular government, and that it is necessary to keep the Ju diciary Independent of the majority or of all the people'; that there must be an appeal to the people from the de cision of a court In any case: and that therefore, the Judges are to he and are established as sovereign rulers over the people. I take absolute is sue with all thede who hold such a po sition." In the same connection Col. Roose velt also said: "If the Ameriecn people are not fit for popular government and if they should of right be the servants and not the masters of the men whom they themselves put in office, then Lin coln's work was wasted and the whole system of government upon which this great democratic republic rests is a failure." After speaking at length of "the po sition which these eminent lawyers take and applaud," Col. Roosevelt said: Baby Go-Oarts, the largest assortment in the ay, cart starfktr to-oat iii Mack or tan, nlt eoflafsJbte. tfj" CC Sbecfaloaeaie.- P "'' Plain Folding Go-Cnrfe, with nbar tires and eeei wfceete. rf -1 OP Special on ante J 1 .OU Calorie Tireless Cookers We have the 8vJai arte w this territory and keep in etoek all sise Catefcgae matted upoaoplteRtioa. IHutarwted write. Globe Weimeke Elastic Bookoaees in ail fyle and finishes, We will iur nkh catalogue free to anyone inter ested. Refrigerators We haws received one car of refrfg estoTR and aaobner to earns soori. We are exclusive aeeote for the Guraey and Cold Air Refrigerators. Can fur nish a onfadogue of these. Our Gasoline Stove stock is complete. We-fcave the celebrated: Jewel Gaeebne Stoves, which ace all gaarAateea to give entire satisfaction. Hose! Hose! All kinds of Hose in 25 it. and 50 ft. lengths. Xow is tie tune to get your Hose. Visit our Hardware Department. We oarrv the bet tool in the world. &fti Booker, aHa3aof- eoKd -osfc, fisfalved Bsrly Ifegiisik or famed oak. BO seat Epecial'OijrflBin-' $7.20 Waffle Irons $1.00 This Waffle Iron ie hig grade and worth laore thaa our price. Oaljr ee&. . . . Waffle Irons for Gas Stoves, raised so can j turned over without removing from stove. These are in st 1 7 K stock at only ipl.O Mission library Table, heavy square posts, has large drawer and shelf be low, strong construction anu toi im- ialied. special on sale $6.95 H H Ir IM iM llUlkllt'JLin :icsast J "The only tenable excuse for such a position la the frank avowal ithat the people lack sufficient intelligence and morality to be fit to govern them selves." MANY FREEZE IN RUSSIAN BLIZZARD Omsk. Asiatic Russia, Feb. 24. One hundred and sixty-eight persons are known to have froaen to death in a snowstorm in this district today. In Omsk M fatalities were reported while In Koktopatavak the death roll totaled 38, and in Petropavlovsk it reached 105. HEAVY SNOTV IN' OGALKS IXSURKS GIIEKX RASCg Nogales. Aria,, Feb. 24. The heaviest snow in the history of the border dis trict fell here this .morning, storming at the rate of three Inches an hour In many places the snow is now a foot deep and drifts in the mountains are ISSUES STATEMENT FROM WHITEHOUSE As Many Thousand People Suffer from Catarrh of Head in "Winter, Mrs. Fennessey's Permanent Recov ery Should Create Great Public Interest. Mm. ary S. Fennewiey, Lakr Benton, Minnesota, vrriteat I Trns afflicted vrttk a had ease of catarrh In e head, and was unable to breatfce through my for eight years. Six bottles of 1'hhbu cured me entirely and I have net been bothered with eatarrah since." WWWWWWSV' A KelpleM Invalid Mrs. Annie Spaine. Oalneavflle. Ar kansas, writes "I wan helpless in bed for eight months, and part of the time would rot . have weighed over 60 pounda Food would do me no good. ' I had -atarrh of the head and stom arh and interna; catarrh, and also had 'lean trouble so bad I could not bear i one to talk in the room where I 2' Tf doctors and everybody that -. me W.M T would not get we!! But - fi 'U soa'-o in and sent re lief through your wonderful medicine. Peruna." Oeughs, Colds and Grip jtrs. I. D- Hayes, 187 Druid Hill Ave.. Baltimore, Maryland, writes peruna is one of the best remedies for grip, cold in the head, sore throat nervous headaches, and coughs that has ever been discovered. I don't feel safe without Peruna in my house" In a later letter Mrs. Hayes says. "I am never without a bottle of Pe runa in the house I give the children Panmt if find e have a. colli and U a wa 8 relieves them." Washington. D. C, Feb. 24. Presi dent Taft today denied emphatically that in a speech in New York on Lin eedn's birthday he said "That the peo ple are not fitted for Wlf govern ment." In the first official statement of this kind that the white house has ever Issued during the Taft adminis tration, the president calls the circu lation of this story a "falsehood." i iiir rrmic uv swiement TOilows I "Among the falsehoods that are be l ing assiduously circulated by persons I and papers opposed to the president. Is i .nA that in hlte T.lnAln j4.r .... . I ..c --.-- - --.y "j -pcecn me I president argued that the people are rot fi'ted for self government Presl- aem iui Dm umy un vtnat occasion which possibly could be tortured into anv such construction. "The speech In which the president made reference to popular government was delivered at t!ie banquet of the State Bar association In New York on the night of January 20. What he then said on this subject, and It was cor rectly quoted In the newspapers the following day. was thle: "'Popular government we all be lieve In There are those of us who do not believe all people are fitted for popular government The fact is we know they are not Some of us dare not say so. bu x do: and the question whether a people Is fitted for popular self government so as to make that government best for the people is determined by the ability of the majority of that people to plce on Itself the restraint bv which the mi nority shall receive justice from the majoritv. It Is the qnestion of self imposed restraint that determines whether n people Is to govern itself" Think Roosevelt Included. While It is not admitted bv an one at tne wm ik'uqc who nas amnnriT ii peak for the president that hl correction of the Interpretation p'acert j hi me people upon i i New . n-k pecials TRADES. Beautiful two story brick, " C19 fHlO strictly modem . . .:. p I 4, UUU Fine home- large grounds $R 900 Home, 6 rooms modern 9 711(1 New modern brick Small house 2 lots $3,000 $1,250 Established paying hotel, fully equipped, modern in every way C7 RSlfl rented $100 monthly ' uuu Trade for Valley Lands, Vacant Lots, orff0ther Property FOR SALE. Bargain in 2500 acres 60 180 veres $-70 jlsr4"-..- $5000 !? "..".".".'."." $3500 BUSINESS PROPERTY. We Have Several Close In Properties Sacrificed. HOMES. Buy y,our home now property will never be as cheap as today. We have several fine homes listed far below actual value Easy terms. Wm. MOELLER RF4.I. ESTATE, ISIRACK K'STi RE"VTLS. Hell Phone 122T. HCRUI1 BI'H.DT'M. Vuto. 1585 much deeper Cattlemen and ranchers are elated as it breaks the droijth and insures green ranges. Colorado Uaa General Saevr. Denver. Colo , Feb 24. A snowstorm general throughout the state covered the ground to an average depth oi more than five inches, prevailed all last night, and in some sections continued through a great part of today. The heaviest precipitation was recorded in the northeastern section of the state, while In the mountain dls triots of the southwest a heavy fall was reported. Snow at Deuglaa. Douglas, Aris.. Feb.y 24. A heavy snowstorm followed a brisk rain here today. It Win supply much needed moisture on, the ranges and In agricul tural districts. HOTEI. ASD SAiOOX DA3S.1GBD ' BY FIRE IX SIIWBR CITY Silver City, N M-, Feb 24. The Broadway hotel and the Club House 8aloon caught fire about two odock this morning Slight damage was done. RO OMS Hotel Delmar, near postottiee, op South western BWg. 60c 75c. 91 per day. $2.5 and up weekly. Hot aad cold water, free oaths, free service. F. B. Gilbert, Propr. Bell phone 10M. I Iet ai figure A NIAGARA PYRAMID FURHACE . to heat your home. K. WELSCH COMPANY SHMKT MHTTAXi WOR3CESS 311-13 W. Cs-erlasd. St Bl Paso. Bell Phono 664 Anto "imo - - Wk i S sfHsb W vi a fa i m .oslB A a. y re w y c vi Be sS i 3l iasHHaVVisV: i J .eW am P I ank Ja A Pi W Jl Wu I yWl Late Arrivals 1 MB m fw -iK E jni 1 KM I h law 6L L I f ' ' kR 1 ImI lJi 52,-65 M v mt3m&- 3 s U elaEaH HIV IsHIHBSBI SKmmmKmBmmBmmRBmammmmma'smBBtwmgmaatstB Five cases of Velvet and Patent Button Shoes have just ar rived six weeks late. These were bought to sell at $4.00. We are going to close out the entire lot at AH Sizes aad Wi&fe The American Shoe Store in MESA