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EL PASO HERALD Saturday, February 24, 1912 Know Say That the Mi The Peop Tftfll H HI H JHf lB mmk emH .bk. Always In the Lead ii n i IK '" "iL l-r' -i 1 You. need search no more madame. At this office you will find what you Want at the price you wish to pay. Call or phone today and prove this for your self. Or better still, come in and let us show you what we .have for rent. We can satisfy you. Copies Building ORE KILLED Si ONE WOUNDED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK EtiH EVE Joseph Barlow Is the Dead Man Automoble Said to Have Been Running Very Recklessly. One dead and one seriously injured is the result mt more reoklees automobile driving' en the SI Paso county road. Joseph F. B&rlew is the dead man and J. R- Golden is laid up with a. broken leg. A. B. Palmer, an Overland street plumber, was driving' the car. He -was not Injured, bt shortly after the ac cident, appeared to be est of bis right mind. TWdar he Is reported as ra tional The a. a Jrd,runabt. -was going east. oaMpied jr the three sen. Palmer driving, and when H reached the turn in the road at Evergreen cem etery, opposite Washington park, in stead of negotiating the curve, it head ed straight for the cemetery fence, overturned and hurled the occupants over into the cemetery; Hurled Against Tenee. Barlow was "hurled against the fence and, besides having his neck broken and several other hurts, his body was badly cut by the wire. The car leaped beyond him into the cemetery and fell, bottom upwards, among the graves. Palmer is unable to explain how he managed to escape, but lie did not sus tain any injuries. Oolden sustained a broken right leg and was badly used up otherwise, bat did not lose conscioueites. He was rushed to Hotel Dieu for treatment and ' a coroner was called to view the remains of Barlow, who was a well known painter. Later Golden was removed to his home, 1612 Wyoming street. Palmer la Irrational. ' John Harm, foreman of The Herald stereotyping department, coming into SI Paso from his home near the ceme tery passed the scene of the accident shortly after it occurred, which was about : Friday evening. Palmer climbed into Hum's oar and claimed it as his own, but finally consented to allow Harm to run it to town, and he was brought to The Herald office, where, talking wildly and still claim- A True Friend Would not give you a drug in year food. But many person, of uSeir owa accord, drink cosfee or tea day after day ignoring the fact that there is a drug, cageine. hi every cup. True, you ay he able to "stand k" for aVtunc, hut the drug is there, and sooner or Ja?er is pretty sure te'yhow m some annoying ailment- .. There can be no relief untu the cause is removed. Simply leaving off coffee and tea wilt work wonders, but k k much easier if you shift to well made POSTUM It k made of wheat, and con tains no owfetn or other harmful substance. It does contain the phosphate of potash (grown in the wheat) which Nature requires for the proper nourishment of Brain and Nerves. "There's a Reason" Tosti'm Cp-rto fompam, Ltd. Brfttle ('reek, !icr Phone 4350 - lng the car he was turned over to po lice chief B. F. Jenkins, who turned him over to an officer and sent him to the police station for a short time. He claimed not to know anything about an accident and when told that one of his friends was dead and the other in jured, he protested that it was not so. "o Charge la Made. No change was made against Palmer, although it is stated that he was driv ing recklessly; that the car had been taking a zig-zag course out the road all the way, seriously endangering traf fic several times before the accident brought the car to its end. A short time after being taken to the station,. Palmer was sent home, 1101 Wyoming street, where he re gained his composure rapidly, but still maintained that he had no recollection of the accident. Saturday morning, he -was able to leave his house and come down tows, but he still said he had no memory of the accident. He did not sustain a bruise in the accident, evi dently having struck soft ground. Barlow Leaves Family. Joseph F. Barlow, who was killed In the accident, was 41 years pf age. He leaves a wife and three children, who live at 717 East Missouri street. He was married on February 25. 1303. to iMiss Hattie May Rokahr. He was a member of El Paso lodge No. 187, of the Elks, and in good standing in the , order. Barlow's neck was broken at the base 1 of the brain, this injury sensing his death. In addition, his left shoulder I was broken and his left leg was crushed, indicating that the ribs on I the left side had been torn loose from j the breast bone. MeCHatock Investigating. i Justice E. B. UcClintock. when asked i If any arrests would be made in the case, said: "I have not yet completed the investigation of the accident and until such investigation is completed i cannot, say wnat action may be taken. As coroner I would have the authority to order arrests if I deemed them ad visable." j Attention. Telephone Subscribers. ! j This is positively the last notice In i regard to changes in the new telephone , book. All changes of whatever nature, extra, listings or anything pertaining to . the telephone book -must be in by 6 p m. Thursday. It will be better to at ! tend to this th flrct hi vrj , Telephone 3S0 or make your wants I known In wrltlnc- t - zr "' lBe xrl-statc Telephone Co. Pasteurized milk. Bl Paso Dairy. Love Souls. Deep hearts, sage minds, tafce life as Godbae made It; it is a long trial, an incomprehensible preparation for an unknown destiny. This destiny, the true one, begins for man with the first step in the tomb. In the mean while, love and 'suffer, hope and con template. Woe. alas! to him who shall have loved only bodies, form,, ap pearances! Death will deprive him of alL Try to love souls; yon will find them again. Victor Hugo". London Good Oyster Market. London is a great consumer of oysters. The cheapness of the deli cacy half a century ago created a de mand for i, which has hung with the appetites of the people as tenaciously as the habit of smoking a pipe has among the men. It is estimated that London consumes a billion a year, and the record shows that in 1864. when prices were very low, 7H),(K).(M were eaten. The Tipping Evil. When Toole, the famous actor, was playing an exceptionally fine eneaee- j meat with a company In London, ne saw to me manager laughingly: "Ok, by the way, if my wife comes dawn next week don't say anything about the big receipts. You see, I've a tot of nephews and nieces, and they all expect tips from Uncle Johnnie. Last year they bad over 480 from me, and By wife thinks r rather over- h eo It" i Orthodox. "If St James Bible was good tenough for St Paul, it Is good enough fbr me." This was the emphatic pro test of a New England deacon against the reading of the Revised Instead of (the King James version. Congrega donalist A gentleman who has been spending his winters here for several years says: "I am always glad to get back to El Paso on account of the excellent milk I get from the El Paso Dairy Company." John J. Valentine, the well known president of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, when living said: "In trav eling over the United States in my private car I do not get such excellent cream anywhere as I get of the El Paso Dairy Company." Our stock is the very best and we have lately concluded a exico Agricultural College which put J3r Holsteins and 2 - Is Our Specialty. The Best Authorities Recommend It As the Safest Mi El Telephones: Bell ANNUAL CLEANING OF DITCH NEARS FINISH Cash Paid For the Work and the Cost Is Light. La Luna, Ter., Feb. U. The annual cleaning' of the Berlno-Anthony-Texas ditch -is nsarlx finished. The work has progressed slowly under the new sys tem of paying cash ioi labor, bat ths cost has been very light, only J1.26 per acre. On account of the continued frosty nights, the lack of wattr In tho ditches has nat been to the detriment of alfalfa in the' least, but has reduced the wheat acreage. The unprecedented cold weather this lab in the season portends plenty of water during the whole season and a consequent increase In the alfalfa out put. It also increases the danger of overflow In those places where the river should be straightened or the banks protected. Tens of driftwood remain lodged against the piers supporting the Canu tlllo bridge. County surveyor Eubank has decided that the condition Is a protection and to let It remain. It is said that the discovery of a solitary piece of driftwood against a Pier at the Elephant Butte works Is cause 'lor a, severe reprimand to the employe whose duty It Is to see that the piers are kept clear of all rubbish. Invitations by telephone from Canu tlllo are being extended to everybody In this vicinity to attend the Rev. Miles Hanson's Sunday afternoon lecture at the new school house near Canutillo. j. A. Light, the Santa Fe agent, yes terday was appointed manager of the South New Mexico Fanners' association. Hiss Mary Adams and Miss Hllde gard Howell are at home from the A. & M. college on a short visit. Taut a ttnr more of those snappy uncalled-for suits and overcoats at Pear son's. 'VThy not save $10 or J 15 and get the best money can buy. If yon need clothes and can't wait to have them made to order? .perfect fit guaran teed R. V Pearson. 110 Texas street. We P El Paso Dairy Company's Delivery Equipment MpbJksSESHOsttslBfcS' n.gBltf'BflfiBEslBBBBaHa JSjPWBpp ir- ,;BwBssBsBllsg'ffl -i. - dBHBsllsaaBHiaSsW ' - 'bT'ssm IT 1t jg-fa, t. v i-vt " ' &- i-,srw5aCaHHBKS5frasKaBBEA H& JbTssTssTssTssTbTssTI ssbb bbb a 69 aB Bb cHb A mSsa s bspM as'o 340, Auto 1156 J. A. LETTERS TO THE HERALD (All comnkunlcatlons rous: tiear the signature of; the writer, but the name will not be published where such a re quest Is mane.) Editor Haso Herald: It is witm sincere gratitude to God that the Roman's Christian Temper ance UnioJt read of tho stand our newsboys have taken In making their pledge ox membership include disap proval ofj gambling, of Intoxicating liquors and of the deadl cigaret habit. We know that In a few years our boyg wll hold the ballot, and the at titude of tie boy is an indication of the etarfd the man will take. We cor dially welcome this new organization into fellowship with the many others worklnk for the good of our city, and want toT assure them through the cour tesy OS The Herald of our cooperation with their efforts for self Improve ment, and of our admiration, for the noble Stand they have taken. 1 Local TV. C. T. U. 'Hero Medals and Thanks. Thjere are few that are thanked Thefe are millions who deserve thaalks. Higher than the stars is thi herjblsm of dally life, for no wish foi recompense ever tarnished nor de baed it Bravo men ask no otheij thanks than the whispers of their own Bonils. Grand women would blush tc revjeal the heroic things they dailj do.j it is to this deathless impulse ol doing that we may always look, that a 'race of heroes does not perish from the Wi-th Pasteurized milk. Bl Pn tv.1- Full jbieanure at Southwestern T"ue' Co. Ladies' skl'ts clearer' "Wrlcbt rodiuce Is Not Dairy C Smith, Manager HE PLEADED GUILTY; JTJBY DISBELIEVED IT Therefore, Shemian. Allen, Negro, Is Freed, Only , to Be Rearrested. Sherman Allen, a nesrro was found not guilty of burglarising the tailor j ouwp ut u. xi&rris on ou .Aiiiumi; oticci by a Jury in the 34th district court Fri day afternoon. The verdict wu an in structed one although the boy admit ted In a confession to city detectives that he had committed the burglary. It Is held according to the law tbat a confession alone Is not sufficient tes timony on which to convict a prisoner. There must be direct testimony of tho commission of the act charged. Immediately after Allen was released from custody he was rearrested by city defective W. M. Wood on a charge of stealing a lawnmower from the Dome of W. N. Small and selling It to a South El Paso street pawnbroker. SAI.OOX1CEEPER IS CHARGED VIOLATING ORDIXAXCB Teodoro Kyrlacopulos, who conducts the Emporium tar on South El Paso street, was arrested Friday on an in dictment charging him with violating the Sunday closing law. He furnished bond and was released. There is understood to be another in dictment against a saloon man of the city for the same charge but he has not yet been arrested. Two hundred fifty rolls best roofing, slightly damaged, at half price. Lander Lumber Co., phone 232. Full measnre e? Soutnwentern Fuel Co. Fresh buttermilk. El Paso Dairy. Juat In a ur of Congo guaranteed roofinp lender Lumber Co. phone 282. SHERIFF WD RINGERS COMK B1CK REPORTING QIIET Sheriff Peyton J. Kdwards and the rangers who went to Cannttllo with ' In Frida eturned Frirtu- evening " ' -r Hi it theie bas been no I is a store at Equale El Paso Dairy Company's Famous Cow Carrie Eilisfa test under the super Jerseys in the advancl Milk omp ny Office: 423 North Oregon Street HERE IT IS MOVE IN 10 room residence, complete ly furnished. in excellent neighborhood, close in Low Lone Star Inn The One Place en the County Road tm Get First Clans Service. LUNCHES AND DRINKS OF ALL KINDS. The Lone Star Inn Is on the County Road right hand side going to Tsleta 7 it miles from El Paso. CHICHESTER S PALLS iCv , THE BLUteXB SRLVB.' X PHI 1 H ud C1J K. Tk bo atker. Bar ef Tow siaXbkb AKAXJ PfiJA fcra TnritevmUBcit. Stint. jMtthl StiBBYMUfiGtSTSOEimWESE fm price, easy terms. jjK - obm Keal Estate I B Xo 1 Tobln Arcade H IH The Postoffice Is Behind Ut "There Ira-, been no trou'.i" nn tuf Texas side of th. hn i we hii report" t'int sonr f ti - M xn i-- n New MeK-. v r - i , AV , hall' distill" ad i u- i, to General Anson Mills, after viewing the plant of tile El Paso Dairy Company said to Mr. Smkh : "The people of El Paso owe you a debt of gratitude they can never repay for the very excellent Dairy arrangements you have given them. These are only a few of Jhsjiianv comDli- ihe iSt ' Watch Our Speciai Prices Weekly Opitz Market 213 K. STANTOH ST. Bell Phoae 136. Auto 2345 Rheumatism Stomach Troubles Kidney Ailments Faywood Hot Springs It curse, and voa reasain cured, its know, and yoa will ii yoa try it Goseedea tke greatest kidsey water an earta. Wky Mt Tisft Faywood Hot Springs first, siiic yo will evemta ally go there anyway! Large Modern Hotel. Perfect Cli mate. Booklet. T. C McDennttt, "Tie Faywoad" - Favwood. K. K. rasteurlzed milk El Paso Dairy. 5Jse Herald Want Ads. I'a'pte'i'-ued r- k. El Pass T 3 r tai , aud said