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EL PASO, TEXAS, Tuesday Evening, TnW 2 1912 I Pag" ASSOCIATED PRESS Leased Wire "WBATHBU FORECAST. Unsettled tonight and Wednes ".' mvc rnn,lV, TYVtl Miljll"--' day. I EH Ai K EUi B. wx. Mr iati .-ew h an 9&v4 -b-m nHsosfl cw two Maui'"-1" - W0D0R0W W1L3DN IS THE CHOICE OF THE DEMOCRATS UflPQIITT niilMRY rlNQ WOODROWWILSONJHENOMIMEE'nf IfRFVCOUFRiOR nflnnitl uUllirDI rfiLLiJ . js liLWidLHULi duliiiiuu 1000 FEET First Woman to Secure an Aviator's License and Only Woman to Cross the British Channel in an Air craft, Is Crushed to D eath Off Boston Coast. t ? Boston, 3as July 2. Miss Harriet Quimby, of New York, the first wo man to win an aviator's license in .America, and the first woman to cross the Englisli channel in an aeroplane, was instantly killed with her passen ger, W. A. Willard, manager of the Enston aviation meet, at Atlantic to ntfht when tier Bleriot monoplane fell into Doi Chester bay from a height of jni.o feet. TIm- accident happened when Miss cjuimby a.nU Willard were returnins lioni a trip oer Boston harbor to 'Soston light, a distance of 20 miles. Hip flight was made in 20 minutes. The Bleriot, one of the latest models of military monoplanes, circled the aia: ion field and soared out over the Sawn Hill Yacht club, just outside the awation grounds. Machine Turns Over. Headinp back into the eight mile gustv wind. Miss Quimby started to olplane- The angle was too Sharp fnd one of the gusts caught the tail of the monoplane throwing the machine upend down. For an instant it poised there Then, sharply outlined against the setting sun, Willard was thrown lear of the chassis, (followed almost immediatcl by Miss Quimby turning oicr and oer, the two figures shot downwaid striking the water 20 feet from shore They splashed out of sight a second before the monoplane plunged down 15 feet awa. It was low tide and tne water was only five feet deep. Men from the yacht club in motor hoats were on the spot quickly and dragged the bodies out of the mud into which they had sunk deeply. Death probably was instantaneous. Bodies Hxully Crushed. Both bodies were badly crushed. Several of Miss Quimby's bones were broken and there were many large hruises. Willard, who weighed 19 pounds, hit the water face first and KISS HARRIET QUIMBY. I Moissant and Miss Quimby !, . , , .i i ""II Ill I II I II 1 Jfliss Juoissant (on the left) and Miss Qumby (on the right). The picture was taken when they were in Mexico together with the Hoissant aviation troupe. Miss Moissant quit aviation a few weeks ago, following an accident in the air in which she was almost burned to death and after her brother had met his death that way. Miss Quimby. since the above picture was taken, went to Europe and crossed the English channel, being the only woman ever to 'per form the feat. The cut is made from a picture in possession of Martin Kastle. who was manager for the young women while they were in Mexico and who is now living in El Paso. TO BEATH over one eye there was a gash from which the blood was flowing. He, too, sustained several fractures and bruises. The clothing from both flyers was torn and their bodies" covered with mud. A troop of state' cavalry held the crowd back while Dr. George Shea nan, the field surgeon,-with his staff and nurse made hasty examinations. The bodies- were taken to the Quincy hospital. 31is Scott Was Flying Aboic Them. Flying high overhead at the time of the fall was Miss Blanch Stuart Scott, another avatrice, taking part in the meet which had entered upon its sec ond day. Scott Woman Collapses. From her high altitude Miss Scott watched Miss Quimby's splendid flight and was nearby when the gust upset the monoplane. In the excitement oi the moment no one noticed the lone aviatrice, but when Ifcs Quimby's body wag brought? ashore all eyes were directed aloft and Miss Scott was seen making sweeping circles over the field at a height of about 600 feet Twice she started to descend, but eaeh time she was seen to falter. In another moment, summoning ail her nerve, she turned the nose of her machine down ward and landed safely, collapsing in her seat, before any one could reach her. A Leo Stevens, of New York, man ager for Miss Quimby, and Miss Qulm hys friend, Mrs. Helen Vanderbilt, who were both witnesses of" the accident were prostrated. Machine Takes, a Dlie. The powerful Bleriflt, after being freed of its two passengers glided oft graeefully into the wind -and struck the water on an even keel then drove its nose into the mud and turned over on its back. . It was . recovered un damaged except for a few broken struts and wires. W. A. P. Willard was a widower and leaves two sons' and a daughter His second son, W. Harry Willard, was a witness to the accident and it was only the toss of a coin, probably, that allowed the fatality to rest between the father and son. The son won the flip last Saturday night and had his short ride with Miss Quimby at th dose of the first daj'tof the, IWTfKg "the senior -vFrfiard to take his flight yesterday. Laughed With Friends Before Going L'p Before going up on their last flight Mss Quimby and Mr. Willard were talk ing and laughing with friends. In crossing the English channel on April 16, Miss Quimbly flew at an altitude of 6,000 feet which was believed to be the reeord for women. Miss Quimby yesterday said she felt sure she could excel the record of 13,943 feet set by Garros. Miss Quimby iaid to a friend just before she left the ground: "A water tCoDtinued on Pge Three.) f ,5' AXTI-RIXG TO HOLD -y 4. A JDUILEE MEETIXG. 4 The "anti-ring" announces a Wilson ratification meeting for $ tonight. The meeting will be -j held in the "anti-ring" head- 4" 4- quarters, at 115 North Stanton street. Judge J. M. Goggin and f- several others will address the ! Democrats and there will be a ! general jubilation over the nom- -S" nation of the anti-ring's choice ! at Baltimore. 5- H-4"r t t ' Z . -' ... . . ,-l V Mir -V A asAcaAI CBK na a D H3 H 91 B MB fi"" H H H H H H 1 I BSf fflBSSSf' 3. wSIRtlBt BlOON DROPS SWT11 Dirigible That Was to Have Crossed Atlantic Ex plodes in Mid Air. SEVEN MEN ARE HURLED INTO SEA! Wife of One of the Victims Sees Her Husband as He Falls to Death. At lantic City, N. J., July 2. In view of 3000 spectators, the big dirigible bal loon Akron was battered by the explo sion of the gas' bag at 6:38 this morn ing, a half mile off shore over Abecon ir- let. Melvin Vaniman, who had buut the airship with the idea of flying across the Atlantic ocean; Calvin Vanim-m, his jcunger brother; Fred Klmer. alti r Guest and George Bourtillios, his crew, were instantly killed. No trace of their bodies has been discovered. The dirigible was sailing at a heig'it of 1000 feet and had been in th" tir since 6:15 oclock when the accident oc curred. She was a quarter of a mile south- of Brigantine Beach. The hug envelope, containng thousands of cubic feet of gas, was rent by the ternc im plosion, probably caused by expension from the sun's rays. It burst near the middle. A mass of flames hid the ship from view to perhaps 10 seconds, the half million dol lar dirigible was invisible, while tlif air about the spot where she had been hovering seemed to be all flames. The fire disappeared and then the ship, outlined against the sunny-, wan seen to fall like a plummet. First the understructure or car n v. inch were penned the unfortunate rren, held in by a meshwork put o i after the second trip of the balloon three weeks ago, unable to e; a broke away from the envelope, it u' ended, the bow turning first in a slow arc. Then it reversed sudden! an-l r lunged downward. Directly .iboL twistm- in a long spiral, was the ba-r a smoking mass of rubber and silt, with flames shooting out irom a doxi i sections as it collapsed. It fluttered a moment and then streaked dov. n aftLi the car. In the descent, something which ap i oared to be the body of a tmb shot out to the left of the wreckage and mt the water before ' the rest of the de scending mass. It was reported that this was the headless body of Calvin "Vanman. At S.20 a. m., a message was relayed ashore from rescuers that this body had been recovered. With it came the state ment from Capt. Lambert Parker, of the Absecon federal life saving crew, that this was true and that the other four members of the crew were enta gled in the wreckage, beyond reach for the present in IS feet of water. Airship's Second Flight. The flight ws the Pl onU that the airship had taken this jear. Vaniman n3 7 "S7"8 LCiVin vamman, wnose Airship Cost Him His Life Bo sp:s& M-" took the Akron out for a short flight on Saturday morning, June 1. At that time the balloon was slightly wrecked by some of the mechanism going wrong, but it was landed without seri ous mishap. The longest flight the balloon made was last fall, when it spent the greater part of the day in the air n the vi cinity of this city. In the general appearance, the Akron was not unlike the America in which Walter Wellman and V.miman at tempted to cross the At! mtic oc , ,n in October, lOlo, but tlKru wnt, many KSbs differences in the construction. The gas bag was 30 feet longer than that of the America, but was smaller in di ameter. The dimensions were: Length of ba,g. 25S feet; diameter. 47 feet. The bag was made of a compostion or rub ber and was constructed in Ohio. Cur 150 Feet Long. Beneath was the car, similar In shape to the Amouta's but longer, p.rhap3 150 feet long. The bottom of the car vas composed of a round steel tank two feet in diameter and 100 feet long. Continuca on Pase Three.) WINS THE HONOR AT BALTIMORE CONVENTION ON 46TH BALLOT Champ Clark Remains In Until the Last and Is Given but a Meager 84 Votes After the Instructed Delegates . Had Been Released From Their Pledges Convention Adjourns Until Evening to Name Vice President. Baltimore, Ma., July 2. Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, today was nomi nated for the presidency by the Democratic national convention The nomination was made after Underwood and Foss had oeen withdrawn, Clark had released his supporters and New York as a climax had moved to suspend the balloting and make the nomination of Wilson by acclamation. - There was objection to this plan. As the final roll call came on, state after state fell into line for the New Jersey executive, piling up an overwhelming ma- The result was received with tumultuous demonstrations by delegates and SPeCTherfinal break to governor Wilson as the nominee came at the beginning of the 46th ballot. Wilson had received 683 votes on the 45th ballot, with 725 1-3 necessary to nominate. Senator Bankhead, of Alabama, quickly withdrew Underwood. Senator Stone, of Missouri, in behalf of Champ Clark, released all Clark dele gations, at the same time saying Missouri would vote for him to the end Mayor Fitzgerald, of Boston, withdrew governor Foss from consideration. By this time it was apparent Wilson would win on the 46th ballot and tne convention was in an uproar, delaying the call for a long whilt. It was'apparent to the friends of Wilson when morning broke that he woulu be the nominee that the delegates were ready to go to his standard. Wilson ,;,! -ma t on the 43d ballot, the first cast today at the Democratic national convention and the hoped-for break appeared at hand. Illinois' 58 delegates pro pelled the movement and gains were made also from Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, nortn uarouna, xenuessce, '""", ". &"., .... sin and Hawaii. Wilson's vote was 602, a majority of the convention. It was the highest vote he had received up to that time, and the vote of 307 cast for Mr Clark was the lowest received by him in the prolonged balloting. When the result was an nounced the demonstration for Wilson was as enthusiastic and protracted as the weary delegates could make it Wilson lacked only 124 of the necessary two thirds to nominate. . ..,,, The convention adjourned immediately after the nomination, until 9 oclock tonight to nominate a vice president. Prominently mentioned for vice president this afternoon were governor Mar shall, of Indiana; governor Burke, of North Dakota; representative Henry, of Sexa's, and senator Kern, of Indiana. Thi fTonvrntron Onens. The convention was called to order, at 12:09 p. m. and the 43d ballot was I ordered at 12:16 The balloting was resumed after brief preliminaries. The chair announced that disorderly demonstrations would not be tolerated and the galleries would be cleared if necessary. The Illinois individual standing on the 43d ballot was announced as Clark, IS; Wilson. 40, but under the unit rule 5S votes were cast for Wilson. Wilson gained eight more Clark votes from Michigan. Big Wilson Gains. The 43d ballot showed unusual gains for Woodrow Wilson. By the time the roll call had been about one-third completed. Wilson had gained 73 over his last vote. Illnois had thrown SS iotes to him and t became apparent he would pass the majority mark. Virginia cast a solid 24 votes for Wilson amid a storm of cheers. Chair man S-vanson, of Virginia, said Vir ginia acted in view of an emergency which had arisen and, while the dele gation had teen divided, it had now determined to apply the unit rule, giv ing Wilson a solid vote. West Virginia added her 16 Clark votes to Wilson amid tumultuous The 43d ballot offcial: Clark, 329; Wilson. 602; Underwood. 98 1-2; .Har mon, 28; Foss. 27: Bryan. 1; Kern. 1. Forty-fourth Ballot. The 44th ballot was ordered at 1:81 p. m. Colorado cast 10 votes for Wilson and 2 for Clark. Wilson Gains Stendy. Wilson was gaining steadily as the 44th ballot progressed. Mississippi, thus far solid for Under ! wood, announced a caucus and was i passed. 1 Pennsylvania, heretofore almost solid i for Wilson, cast the full 76 for him j amid cheers. I Wisconsin voted solidly for Wilson 1 the first time the delegation had voted as a unit 26 votes. I The 44th ballot, official, resulted: Total, 10S8; Clark. Clark, 306; Wilson. 629: Underwood . 99; Harmon. 27; Foss, 27. Clark's Slstcrlnlaw Quit-, Him. One of the two Colorado delegates who left Clark for Wilson on the 44th ballot was Mrs. Anna Spitzer, sister inlaw of Clark. Washington's vote on the 44th ballot was questioned and a poll led to much discussion and delay. An effort was made at the end of the 44th roll call by the Washington delegatioi to vote proxies on a poll of that delegation. Chairman James I insisted upon maintaining his position. ! formerly taken, that no proxies should be voted in the convention. I An appeal was taken trom the con- i vention but the chair was sustained bv a rising vote, which seemed almost unanimous. I CInrk Returns to Baltimore. I Speaker Champ Clark returned to Baltimore from Washington his after- 1 noon. He was driven in a tiKicaa to ' the Baltimore club, where he wnt into conference with former senator Dubois end others. i Senator Stone said Mr Clark would not go to the convention. Mr. Clark dented himself to news paper men. The 45th ballot resulted in no choice. j The 45th ballot, official: Clark. 306; i Wilson. 633; Underwood, 97; Harmon. 25; Foss, 27. j Senator Bankhead went to the plat form and withdrew Underwood. I Bankhead spoke amid breathless The Herald's Splendid Service Thirty minutes ahead of any other newspaper in its field, The El Paso Herald was on the streets today with an extra telling of the nomination oil Woodrow Wilson. Besides bulletining the events as fast as they happened, on its board in front of The Herald building, this paper issued an extra edition of the paper as soon as the nomination was made. The extra gave the de tails of the morning session up to the very time the nomination was made, including the withdrawal of Foss and Underwood, the releasing of the Clark delegates ami the unanimous choice of the New Jersey man. Thirty minutes after The Herald was selling on the streets, an extra edition of the contem porary was brought out. The Herald always has a way of printing the news first. The Vote That Nominated Wilson Wilson. ClarTc Alabama 24 ... Alaska 6 ... Arizona 6 Arkansas ................. IS . California 2 24 Colorado 19 2 Connecticut .....14 ... Colorado 12 ... Delaware 6 District of Columbia 6 Florida 7 5 Georgia 38 Hawaii 6 Idaho .............. S ... Illinois . ... ......... 5S ... Indiana SO - - Iowa ............ 26 ... Kansas ................... 20 . Kentucky - 26 .. Louisiana ......... IS 2 Maine .................... 12 ... Maryland 15 ... Massachusetts ............ 36 ... Michigan ............ 30 ... Minnesota 24 ... Mississippi ...20 Missouri 36 Montana S ... Nebraska 16 .. Nevada .. 6 New Hampshire ........... S ... New Jersey 24 4 New Mexico S ... North Carolina 24 ... North Dakota 18 New York 99 Ohio 33 1 Oklahoma 29 ... Oregon -- - 10 Pennsylvania - 76 ... Porto Rico 6 ... Rhode Island 10 ... South Carolina t IS South Dakota 10 1 Tennessee' 24 ... Texas 40 ... Utah - Vermont - - 5 '... Virginia 2-1 - Washington 14 ... West Virginia - 16 ... Wyoming 6 - Ohio. 12 for Harmon, two absent- silence. He said Underwood had en tered the convention hoping to be the nominee. But his chief desire was t' eradicate every vestige of sectional feeling. That had now been demon strated by the liberal support given the Alabama delegate. Not for Vice President. He would not be a party io the defeat ' of any candidate. But 1 tntnK tne lime aas con.e i' rccognne that he cannot be nominat, a in this convention nor can he be usi x to defeat any other candidate," Bank head proceeded. "Vice president?" queried a del- s?ats from the floor. "No." shouted Bankhead. "H tvi1 not turn from the important duties I . is performing to take suih an offu as vice president." Underwood would remain where "? is. 'oing his great constructive work Bankhead went on. ana ne express hope no one would further ur:? t"e Alabama candidate for vice presidnr (Continued on next page).