I, PASO HEUAL 14 Thursday, October 10, 1912 raafcw-w?gT.-3?'''SgHi 1- TnTmiaaiwfaMawta!aRgai "We Sure Get Dandy Service From Your House" Word comes from Bisbee, Douglas Lordsburg, Bowie, Globe, Tucson, Safford, Doming, Silver City and Hayden, voluntarily, too, 'that Tnttle Paint & Glass Co. give them good and excellent service. Also speaks well for the railroads running out of El Paso, for their prompt freight service. 1 utile Paint and Glass Co. 210-212 fli. STANTON Order from eaier a Dozen or Two of Your D rill TOT ttfe toay -4 F? tT These Eggs are the better kind-the old fashioned country eggs, sweet as a nut. Strictly fresh and every egg guaranteed. If your dealer don't handle them call Phone 2173 and we "will tell you where to get them. istributor, 1425 Myrtle MILLER, Sole D yyvtmT.vmmmatsmB,idai, atfc!i4iftHyviawjfckrs FAKffTTTO EXPECT BUMP ciopsi$ rae Carrizozo Country in Mne Shape; Outlook Better Than Ever Before. Carrizozo, 2L ST., Oct. 10. Many prom inent, ranchers and stock men are in from outsjde districts attending court and all report ranches and ranges in the best possible condition. The unan imous verdict is that the aggregate of farm products in the county this year will exceed by half the record of any former season.- The rrult chop is the very finest ever grown here and will total something over 50 carloads, most of which goes to the El Paso market. Wallace L. Gumm, fruit buyer, now has several picking and packing camps In operation at the orchards. He re ports a fine quality -'of fruit. Growers began spraying the past season for the first time on account of the ap pearance in small numbers of scale and moth never-known in the county be fore. Much interest is being taken here In the proposition to utilize the 'shallow wells of this section for pumping and irrigating small tracts. "Water in ap parent abundance is obtained at from 18 to 40 feet over thousands of acres of the best soils adjacent to Carrizozo. J. S. "Williamson, a former resident of Capitan in this county, but now In the mercantile business at Deming, has been here a few days and has been giving glowing accounts of the devel opment by -well irrigation in the JUm bres valley. He freely predicts the same development for this section. Abundant rains have fallen here. Numerous camps of hay makers ar scattered over tho valley cutting gramma hay. The largest crop ever cut will be baled this season and a large amount has been sold at ?10 per ton. The new settlers on homesteads who put in dry farm crops this year have all made good. J. G. Tester brought to town recently sorghum cane stalks 11 feet high and milo maize stalks six feet in length with enormously heavy heads. He has 35 acres where the yield will be almost phenomenal. TO TRY FARMING IX SAXTA CRUZ VAM.EY FAKETTTO PROSPERITY IS ' FELT AT AMISTAD Japanese From "Sear Phoenix tense Land for Experimental Purposes. "Will Try Onions and Potatoes. Npgales, Ariz., Oct. 10. Thomas Cummins, a well known rancher from Calabasas, Is trying an experiment which may result in the coming of a large number of Japanese farmers to this section of the sate. He has leased about 25 acres of his best land to a Japanese from Phoenix, and the entire tract will be planted in onions and potatoes, neither of -which crop has had a great deal of attention in this vicinity in the past. The Japanese, who Is an experienced farmer, states thafa he believes the land and climate is well suited to both, but particularly to onions, and if he is successful with his experiment, he states that many Japanese will come to this section of Arizona provided, they can get hold of the land at a reasonable figure. An industry of this kind will mean much to Santa Cruz county, as a large part of the fine farming land along the Santa Cruz river between Calabasas and Tucson, is and always has been in the hands of the Mexican farmers who are satisfied to raise a few beans and melons,' and a little corn each year, without working the land as it should be worked to give it the value which it should have. Conditions Are Favorable for Bumper Crops and Range Is Good for Cattle Throughout District. Amistad, N. M., Oct. 10. As a result of excellent crop reports throughout this part of the state, this town has taken on new life. Farmers and ranch men in this vicinity are alike prosper ous this fall. In an exhibit of agricul tural products held 'at Amistad, every variety of farm produce known to this country was shown. Wheat especially has been a successful crop here, one farmer having averaged on a 60 acre plot, a fraction under 40 bushels to the acre. For this land an offer of ap proximately $20 an acre has been made, it is said. This offer was refused. Practically all of the wheat raised here this year will be sowed this win ter. Many farmers and cattle raisers are intending to cut during the coming summer the crop of wild thistle which was so plentiful this year, it having been seen that this makes good feed when cut "while young and cured for the winter. It is said that cattle will eat thl3 plant when properly cured rather than eat the grass. Much of the thistle bas already been stacked for thi3 win ter's use. Dairying is becoming an important factor of growth of this section, every one who can possibly do so, taking up this work of raising cream for the mar ket. If was thought for a time that considerable money was required with which to begin this business but ex perience has shown that one good milch cow was sufficient on which to engage. In the work and from this modest be ginning several residents of this neigh borhood have increased this business antil at present they are enjoying a lucrative business. In fact It Is thought here that dairying has proved to be the real salvation of this portion of the state, at least supporting it until the country can be successfully de veloped on a larger scale. Grass Is unusually good this year, cattlemen claiming that this field is the best in the southwest. Little loss wa had during the cold weather of last winter. FARflTTTO DITCH CLEANING TO START ON NOV.. 1. Chamberino. J. M., Oct. 10. At the meeting of the Chatnoerlno Community ditch commissioners it was decided to begin the work of cleaning the banks on November 1. and the work is to be completed so that water can be turned into the ditch by December 1, as there will be quite an acreage of wheat sown and this will give the farmers water for early seeding of wheat. There was also a committee appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws which are to be presented to the members of the ditch commissioners for inspection at the general meeting January l at which time the new commissioners will take their office. J. M Johnston has marketed his wheat at El Paso. " Wayne Crowder has a contract for furnishing El Paso parties with his first cut of alfalfa. B. M. Highland sold to Mrs. Mundy some registered Duroc hogs this week. Halloween Special Marshmallow Pumpkin and Radishes with faces 10c a Box. COXFKCTIOXERY CO. The Store Beautiful. 7L tjmm& fvm& dfi RAISE 23 POUND HEADS OF CABBAGE Plainview, Texas, Oct. 10. The Hale County fair and race meet at the fair grounds has closed. The purses in tho races amounted to more than $3000, and many fast horses from Oklahoma and other distant points participated. Tho attendance was fair, notwithstanding that the local farmers are very busy with harvesting a heavy feed crop. A fine exhibit of dry farmed and irri gated crops was on display at the new i exhibit hall, and the livestock and womans departments attracted much attention. Among the notable truck exhibits were cabbages weighing 23 pounds; a sweet potato weighing 11 popnds; pumpkins more than six feet In circumference; a stool of kaffir and sorghum, containing 15 heads, which had grown from a single seed, seven of which were sorghum heads "and eight kaffir. AT FOUNTAINS. HOTELS. On ELSEWHERE Get the Original and Genuine HALTED M ILK j TheFoodDrinkforAllAges RICH MILK, MALT GRAIN EXTRACT. IN POWDER !Not in any Milk Trust g Insist on "HORLICK'S" Take a package, home GEORGIA LADY'S PLAN TO SAVE WASTE WATER OF VALLEY Douglas, Ariz Oct, 10. On the re quest of a number of farmers in the sulphur Springs valley, Drofessor G. E. P. Smith, irrigation engineer of the "University of Arizona, has left for the valley -where he will make an inspec tion in the interest of furthering plans for irrigation. During the rainy season enough water is carried away to irrigate many thousands of acres of valley land if it were properly conserved. This water makes ts way Into the YaquI river and empties into the California gulf, when it could be used here at home. Two gaging stations are maintained for the measurement of the water flow of "Whitewater creek, one "at the bridge near the C. and A. smelter and the other at the Taylor bridge up the valley. During the heavy rains of August 30 and September 2, enough water passed the smelter to Irrigate 7000 acres fof valley land, if It had been saved. ARTESIA APPLES -WIS PRIZES AT ROSWELL FAIR Artesia, N. M., Oct. 10. Artesia took the sweepstakes on apples at the Pecos valley exposition at Itoswell and for the second time secured the silver cup of fered the town taking the most prizes on that product. The credit for the ex hibit is due to the C A. P. ranch and to Robert M. Love. The C. A, P. ranch captured 25 first prizes and four second prizes while Mr. Love took nine first prizes and four second prizes. Apples at Artesia are unexceled and have never failed to take first prizes wherever they were entered. Last year besides taking first prizes at Ros well, they took first prize at Denver and St. Joseph. BROOMCORN GROWERS OF QUAY ORGANIZE Tucumcari, N. M., Oct. 10. Broom corn growers In the northern portion of Quay county have organized with, Fred Lutz, puresident, and D. S. Euchli man, secretary treasurer, to better the sale of the product. Samples of each member's crop will be collected and sent,, to the various buyers for price quotations, the broom being placed where the price is best. Heretofore there has been much loss, it is claimed, through disconcerted action -of the producers. SAFFORD COTTON MEN ELECT NEW OFFICERS Safford, Ariz., Oct 10. At a meet ing of the Cotton Growers' association held in the Lee district of the Artesian Belt, just south of Safford, S. W. Lard was reelected president, John Lee, vice president, and "Walter "Wool sey, secretary. Cotton raising is being boosted steadily and will be of con siderable commercial Importance in an other season. Cold Goming? Co To Your Doctor You may cough tomorrow ! Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. J. CAtotOo.. Lowell, llaes. Sportsmen's Sunnlies RUNS ANn AMMHNITinN J&& Shelton-Payne Arms Co. 'SSflb '$Mmm MAY TRY COTTOHi CROPS OTi MEXICAN COAST Guaymas, Son, Mexico, Oct 10. In terest Is beinir aroused In cotton grow ing on the west coast Three cotton mills are operating on the west coast all of which import the majority of their cotton from Texas. The soil from as far north as the val ley of the Sonora river to the terri-'' tory of Teplc is well adapted to the raising of cotton. It is claimed cotton In Mexico would have no pest other than the boll weevil, and this could be combated as well here as it is in Texas, where there is a disease known ag root-rot in addition to the ever Invading boll weevil. There has been such a shortage of rain in the vicinity of Bamoa, SInaloa this season that the corn has suffered very much in consequence, and farmers complain that there will be an ex tremely short crop. PLAN TO SHIP SOXORA BARLEY TO EUROPEAN MARKETS Guaymas, Son., Mexico, Oct 10. Farmers in the Yaqul valley are look ing Into the European markets with a view to making large shipments of barley next year. Barley yields well in the valley, and that raised this year was found to be absolutely free from rust and It is hoped that arrange ments may be made whereby they may be able to compete with the eastern product. TULAROSA MAY SHIPS ALFALFA TO CARRIZOZO Tularosa, N. M., Oct 10. Dan Mc Guire is shipping a car load of alfalfa to Carrizozo market He is receiving $11.50 a ton loaded on car. Of Five Dollars, Worth Fifty Dollars to Her Now. Read Following Letter. Headwig, Ga, "I suffered untold agonies for five or six years with wo manly trouble," writes Mrs. Delia Long, of this place. "Could not sit up but a few minutes at the time, and if I stood on my feet long, would faint I took $5.00 worth of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and it did me $50.00 worth of good.'' I can do my work, now, all the time, and suffer but very little. I am recommending Cardui to my friends, and shall continue to do so. You may use this letter in any way you wish. Its 50 years of wonderful success proves, that as a tonic, for weak wo men, you could find nothing of greater benefit to you than Cardui. It is a woman's tonic- a strengthening medi cine tor women made especially tor , "women, from ingredients wnicn act specifically on the womanly organs and thus help to build up the womanly con stitution. You are urged to try Cardui -if you are weak, tired, nervous, wom-out, or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, dragging pains, pains in side, and other symptoms of womanly trou ble. Judging from the experience of thousands of others, Cardui is sure to help you. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept, Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chat tanooga, Tenn.. for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request (Advertisement) If PO'rt solved onco for all by Calumet. For daily use in millions of kitchens has proved that Calumet is highest not only in qudlity but in leavening pouter as well un failing in results pure to the extreme and wonderfully economical in use. Ask your grocer. And try Calumet next bake day. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World' Pr Food Exposition. Chicago. IIU Parts Exposi tion. Franc. March. Tell These People What You Want They Will Respond Promptly B01 608 & 629. DRUGGISTS A. E. RYAN & CO. OPEN ALL NIGHT. 212 SAN ANTONIO ST. " LONGWELL'S TRANSFER AVD AUTO GARAGE. PHOSE 1 Our equipment is complete Passenger Automobiles. Auto Baggage Trucks, Hacks, Livery Rigs, Light and heavy hauling. Storage warehouse. Call DOM'S TRANSFER To haul your baggage or move 70U. Storage and packing by careful men. BELL 1054. . B. BIAS FUEL COMPANY HEN FOOD, CHICK FOOD AND POULTRY MASH. POULTRY AND STOCK SUPPLIES. HAY AND GRAIN. PHONE 849 EL PASO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Special equipment for outdoor games. .Miss Slater and Miss Tafel, Principal." Telephone 2929. 1111-1115 Terrace Street, Sunset Heights. mmm mmvm&m CHANGE IN SCHEDULE 1 Mexico North -Western Railway BETWEEN EL PASO, NUEVA CASAS GRANDES, PEARSON, MA DERA, MLNACA AND CHIHUAHUA. UXDER THE TEMPORARY PASSENGER SCHEDULE AT PRESENT IX FORCE, TRAINS Leave EI Paso Union Depot 7:05 A. M. On the odd numbered days of the month. Arrive EI Paso Union Depot 5:00 P.-M. On the even numbered days of the month. PARLOR-OBSERVATION CAR, BUFFET SERVICE BETWEEN EL PASO AND MADERA. For further particulars, rates etc, phone 926 or communicate with T. R. RYAN, i. i- vy-BALTI, Traffic Manager. Asst. Gen. Frfc. & Pass. Agt. I Hfet ..S3SS2iSSN, IsV Ha vsi4 fi A W BTuZZZ 7 la MS Wf'dUST y m iSLySmrrtBm a Yoa don't save money when you hag 1 I cheap or big-can baling powder. Don't S 1 be misled. Buy Calomel. It's mors a B economical more tcholexme gioes 9 H hat results. Calomel is far superior to 1 R soar milk and soda. R yWyaBm.A.1 n ' i'ii..Lin.j. a. .. Use Herald Want Ads. S ) I Jrst&3& p f 'jail Iff Wlien wise, folks wish to chew they choose SMITH'S MELLO-MINT. It is good gum and Texas gum. Pure chicle. A delight ful and lasting combi nation of delicious fla vors. Pure mint. Pure spearmint. Texas Gum Company, Temple, Texas Makers of those other famous gums TICKLE CHICLE and PEERLESS CHIPS. J The Two-RepubEcs Life Insurance Company EL PASO, TEXAS A. KRAKAUER, President. Good men Wanted to sell policies that guarantee protection. C. R. RUSSELL, Supt. of Acents. LOUIS ST. J. THOMAS, Secty. and Gen'I Mgr. i