OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, April 09, 1913, Sport and Society Section, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1913-04-09/ed-1/seq-17/

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Wednesday, April 9, 1013
jT.-r j
Cat tiie Cost of living!
A plate of hot biscuits or muffins, a
fresh, home-baked cake, a loaf of brown
or nut-bread, rescues any meal from the
commonplace, and more expensive things
are never missed.
With K C.
.. j .. j .
I powder, good results are doubly certain.
There's economy too, in the cost of K C.
BuHlne Men of HIshee Itsiet Prop
erty ef Commonwealth BxtemHWH; ,
Copper (Ihmh's Product n.
Lisbee, Ariz.. April 9. Announcement
' as been made that iO.'J'JO shares o
ne Commonwealth Kxtersion com-i.a-i.
now being developed by local
i.i ins men, will be rlaced on the
. .aiket for development work. The
iuiM-rty of the compare contal'is ISO
r . lying to the sautb and fast of
jir old Commonwealth trine, which it
.ij'Mns. Ore at a shallow depth has
r. idy been uncoven-J and active
i oik in putting down shaft is now
n progress. It is possiolc that ai
ingements will soin be made by the
n w company to nave :ts ore treated
i the new concentrator of the Com
. "ii wealth, which is rapidly Hearing
i .iripletion. An inspection of the proi -t
w.is recently made by a commit
i r of Bisbee business men. consisting
Parker Woodman, president of the
mpany. Gus Hickey. M. J. Cunning
am. M J. Brophy, M. Newman. W. K.
Han kins. Carl Stone, F. E- Shine. Frank
i'hnson. 1 E. Bail, Dan Seed and Joan
.- Williams.
ruring ttie year 1912 the Copper
yuten shipped 192,297.371 pounds oi
. -pper. il.995.409 pounds in excess, of
" )1 Owing to the higher prices rul-
ng for the metal during the closing
'i onths of the year, the profits were
.iisu increased. The average price teal-
"d by the company for 1912 was 15.31
i ents a pound, f. o. b. Sew York, as
iainst 12.36 cents a pound, t. o. b.
New York -in 1911. Besides copper, the
ompany produced 11,622 tons of lead.
"-'G.S62 ounces of silver, and 3889
.uncos of gold. The production for
ii. vear 'was the largest recorded in
nr- ompanys history.
KAiellent progress is being made on
it new Higgins lease. This property
v 3 recently leased for a term of 18
' ciths by local mining men and ac-
: ui development work will begin not
t r than April 15. it is said. There
- considerable machinery already on
. 'ic ground. The property was worked
: "in. ears ago and a large tunnel
was constructed. Both the Uncle Sam
l aim of the Copper Queen and the
hattuck have prospected up to this
tunnel and have remained In ore in
onsiderabie quantities right up to the
Jt,cci:is line.
A number of small leases have been
I. t l.v the Copper Queen. These are
n man propositions, usually located
'os.- to the railroad, and are said to
1" making very satisfactory showings.
The extension work of the oppe.
Vueen into new areas, especially into
1 1 porphyry zone, gives confirmation
- the reports that new low grade ore
bodies have been determined that will
5-non be producing by the Copper
Vucen. That these discoveries under
i neap mining methods will add largely
to the output of copper ore of the
.'ueen. besides necessitating the mak
ing of a considerable increase in the
Hoiking force, is the opinion of prim
inent mining man.
Walter Douglas, for a number of
v f-ars in charge of the Copper Queen
i iterests here, has gone to Cananea.
i'-reeeding Dr. I- Rickets in the man
. grment of the Four Cs companv.
Vitalitv Shows -
in a Man's Eyes
This, reader, applies to you. It
means I am here hinting at a mar
velous powpr or force which you can
easilv avail yourself of and which
might mean for you all the differ
enc between future years of health,
strength and bubbling spirits, or fu
tur. years of ill-health and debilitv.
Please use the free coupon below. "
In speaking to you of this great
mysterious power I care not what
our years may be, whether you are
- oung. middle-aged or elderly; I
rare not what in the past may have
i auscd your loss of strength and
lo of reserve energy. I sav In all
seriousness, if by employing this new
method I can quickly re-supply your
blood and organism with new nerve
force I should then make you
strong again, put new courage and
health into the flash of your eyes;
make you feel young, capable, am
bitious aad keep you feeling young
to a ripe, vigorous old age.
The secret of new strength is sot
found in medicines ar drug stimu
lan's. I have evolved a simple, drugless
method for the self-treatment of lost
strength, "which is meeting 'with a
marvelous demand' all over the
world It is a QUICK and PBRMA
XHNT natural restorative.
Here is the simple modus operandi:
Apply the method tonight
while you steep.
Awaken tomorrow "feeling
Ine." all pains
in back gone.
60 to 90 days, complete
restoration of lost strength
should result.
86-Page Man's Book
Sent Free to You
Sfy 86-page, beautifully illustrated book, gives much information of a
pt rson&l nature (and fully explaining my new treatment), will be sent to
iou by mail, absolutely free of charge, in a plain, sealed envelope as soon
as I receive the coupon below There are several chapters of this book
which ANY MA. young or old. single or married, should read and can
profit by to the end of his life. Please write today, or. if living nearbv
eall in person and have a free demonstration of the treatment. Hours 9 to "6
E. A. S VXDES CO, 1361 Broadway. New York. X. Y.
Dear Sirs riease forward me your book as advertised, free.
w ill
the "double actinc baking
Misma NEWS
Belt Petroleum Compan 1m Organized
Hy Artesia People to Operate in
The Dayton Plcld.
Artesia. X. 1L. April 9. Northeast
of Dayton the Dayton Petroleum com
pany, working the immense welt rig
that was brought from California, is
down over 400 feet with a 12 inch
hole, which his been cased. As the
company is drilling from 40 to 50 feet
a day, it is expected that it will make
a strike the latter part of next month.
The Pecos Valley Oil and Gas com
pany is down about 200 feet with its
rig on the Martin place. It is also
drilling on the Everest well. Pumping
from the Brown well continues and the
company has the credit of shipping the
first carload of oil shipped in New
Mexico, having sold it to Roswell par
ties for smudging purposes. The oil
from the Brown well is put through
heating process to eliminate the water,
and retails at $1.50 a barrel.
The Seven Rivers Oil and Gas com
pany is preparing to resume work on
its property 12 miles west of Lake
wood. The Belt Petroleum company has
lteen organized for $100,000, divided
into 10.000 shares of $10 each. The
directors are Wm. Jt Belt. W. A. Hyatt
and J. S. Highsmith. all of Artesia.
Among the objects of the corporation
are the refining of oil and the estao
Iisument of pipe tines. The company
will begin work by drilling deeper the
artesian well on JJr. Belt's farm, two
miles east of Dayton. This well made
one of the best showings in the dis
trict for oil and gas.
Several companies have ordered their
drilling outfits and it is expected that
within the next 30 days at least four
more companies will be drilling for oil.
Socorro Mine In the Mogollonn iw Tarn
leg Oat More Bullion Than
Ever Before.
Silver Citv. X. M.. April 9. Padro
Vallemose. a miner, working In the
Phelps-Dodge mine at Leopold, was fa
tally injured in the mine by a quan
tity of rock falling on him and he died
a few minutes after.
The big Socorro mine in the Mogol
lons is now turning out more bullion
than ever before in its history, and its
big mill is busy nighL and day.
The Chi no company, operating at
Santa Rita, is shipping immense quan
tities of ore daily to the big concen
trator at Hurley, and the company is
preparing to increase the quantity by
adding two new steam shovels and two
engines to the number now at -work.
The company is now working the rich
est body of ore since it commenced
Archibald Davis lest week b'.-gan
work again in his mine, the Atlantic,
near Pinos Altos. He sunk a shaft
about 100 feet deep some time ago ana
indications are the mine is going to
prove a very valuable gold property.
That is all there is to it. no drugs,
no medicines. 110 stimulants to nib
on, no rules for diet or exercise, no
hardships of any kind. Absolutely
nothing that is not perfectly easy
for you to use and follow. One
promise and one promise only I
exact; you must lead a DECENT life
during the treatment and hereafter:
otherwise your strength cannot be
properly or permanently restored.
I can only afford to pay for
enough space in this paper to hint
at what my method Is. but as soon
as I receive the coupon below from
r1 i ZLnL send m" S0-page illus
trated book, which not only contains
a lot of private information for men,
but tells the full story of my won
derful discovery, what it is; where
you may get it and how it is to be
Thousands are taking advantage
this method today for the restor
ation of lost strength. Not only
tnat ,bot when the method is ap
pMin a certain way it is a specific
treatment for rheumatism, kidney,
liver, stomach, bladder disorders and
general ill-health. It puts energv.
snap and go into your whole body,
lour eyes sparkle with new power.
Drop in at my office, if ever in or
near the city, that I may give you a
practical demonstration of what the
method will do. You can test it
vourself and see. Hours 9 to S.
Please write today.
Superior & Boston Co. Plans
For Increased Ship
ments to Ei Paso.
Globe, Ariz., April 9. A good strike
of high-grade ore has been made on
the Whitlaw-Brown claims. These
claims lie about one-half mile south
east of the famous old Silver King
mine. Leasers on the Horn Silver
claim, which lies -one-half mile north
west of the Magma, are taking out
considerable high grade ore, having
already made one shipment. The town
of Superior is experiencing a small
boom, several new business buildings
being in process of construction.
Plans Mmle for Increasing Tonnage.
At the Superior and Boston, plans
are being formulated for a greattly
increased tonnage in the near future.
A favorable contract has been entered
irto with the American Smelting and
Refining company at EI Paso, whereby
this company is to handle all the Su
perior and Boston ores for a period
extending over the following two years.
Drifting on the east and west drifts
on the 600 foot level has reached a
distance of over 200 feet, while the
raise from the 8th to the 5th level is
expected to break through 'within the
next week. The crosscuts On the 10th
and 12tth levels are daily encounter
ing geological changes which are
highly indicative of the closeness of
the main ledge, and it should be en
countered very shortly.
The present shipping capacity of a
car per day is being maintained and
within the next SO days the company
expects to increase these shipments to
150 tons daily.
Arizona Commercial Punhes Wort
The Arizona Commercial steadily
continues to carry on the active pro
gram of development work which the
rew management has inaugurated. .
Operations at present are confined to
the Copper Hill shaft. Sinking is be
ing carried on. the shaft having now
reached a point below the 10th level.
A station is being cut on the 10th.
Drifgting continues on the 7th and Kth
levels. On the 7th level an extrac
tion drift is being driven for the pur
pose of handling the ore previously
encountered on this level.
The highly favorable developments
at the Superior and Boston may lead
the company to resume operations near
the old Eureka shaft which is situ
ated near the Superior and Boston
property line.
At the Iron Cap after further de
velopment work the recent discoveries
0:1 the S50 and the S00 foot levels still
remain very promising. The raise from
the 8th to the 650 foot level is now
in over 30 feet and constantly contin
' ues to disclose ore of a commercial
grade. The strike on 'the 650 foot
level still holds out with the ore show
ing only a slight variation in its cop
per contents. The shipping rate of
fcur cars per month to the El Paso
smeltery is being steadfastly main
tained, i
Gibson Rmployx -10 Men.
During the month of March the Gib
son Copper Co.. shipped five cars of
ore to the El Paso smelter, inclement
weather having curtailed the monthly
output. However the company ex
pects to again reach its normal ship
ping capacity during April. About 40
men are employed by the company.
Mining conditions are excellent.
At the "Warrior Copper Co., steady
shipments of from 125 to 150 tons of
siliceous ore are being made daily to
the El Paso smelter. The ore is freight
ed by teams to the Warrior siding on
the Arizona Eastern, about two miles
below the town of Miami. Between 50
and 60 men are employed.
At the South Live Oak drilling op
erations are progressing at a very sat
isfactory rate. Hole No. 7 has now
reached a depth of 805 feet and is to be
discontinued during the early part of
the ensuing week. The new hole No.
S, the location of which has already
been spotted. lies about 750 feet
northwest of No. 7 and about 400 feet
west of hole No. 5. the hole in which
65 feet of over two per cent ore was
Has Series of Accident.
A series of unavoidable accidents
have been retarding drilling opera
tions at the Southwestern Miami dur
ing the past two weeks. The broken
beam at No. 4 bole, and the broken en
gine at No. 11 were repaired in the
record -time of less than 24 hours, only
to be succeeded by cavy ground at
Xc. 4 and a lost Larkin sand pump in
No 14.
All three crews have been fishing
for the sand pump at No. 14 but ao far
have been unsuccessful. The bad
srround encountered at No. 4 necessi
tated the casing of the hole, the casing
b ing bottomed after much trouble.
Hole No. 4 is 755 feet deep. No. 14 is
."16 feet deep and No. 11 is 1016 feet
deep, the unusually fast time of 36
feet per day having been averaged the
past few days at the latter hole.
Sinking Superior Shafts.
The two main shafts of the C. & A.
at Superior, that are being sunk on the
Morns ledge are respectively 200 and
135 feet in depth. General manager
John A. Greenway states that no ore
of a commercial value has as yet been
encountered and the company has no
expectations of striking ore at the
present depth. The shafts are located
at points convenient for working
shafts not on account of any special
geological reason and active explora
tion work will not be prosecuted un
til a depth of 700 feet is attained.
Finish SOU Foot Hole.
At the Magma extensive exploration
work is being carried on by diamond
drilling, an 800 foot horizontal drill
hole, running in a southerly direction
Arizona's Vast Store of Mineral
Wealth Has Scarcely Been Touched
Many Opportunities Await Capital in the Winkleman and Other Mining Dis
tricts of the State.
Winkleman, Ariz., April . With s
great a number of large mines now in
operation, and Arizona the leading cop
per producing state of the United
States, it might seem rather absurd
to say that the mining Industry of the
state is in its infancy," yet that is a
fact not doubted by mining engineers,
mining men and prospectors who are
gun that the surface has just begun
mining districts of the state.
Any man who is at all informed in
geology and minerology who has seen
the many eloquent outcropping,
knows beyond cavil that the state's
mining resources have but barely be
To enumerate a few of them; (many
What have we sot that has not been
opened out? Everything, almost in the
line of precious metals.
To enumerate a few o fthem: (many
of them are on government land open
to location), gold, silver, copper lead,
zinc, iron, manganese, tungsten, plat
inum and lays full of aluminum, also
Take for instance, the country em
braced within a radius of 20 miles from
Winkleman. It is wonderfully rich, as
is proved by the many significant ore
out-croppings and it is virtually un
touched, and many other districts of
the state are just as rich.
The writer knows where, within 20
miles of Winkelman. therp is a body
of ri(h iron ore more than time nuKs
in ln-fli and a iit ol it with i'i
soii I-I i i 'j' i 1 1 ii.,'! n r i tvii'i ih.-
l'-t Of -! 'fi , Htll Tin - Tni
P I I.-l I . 1 . I'll it
n e o ii 'h.
has jusht been finished, while a sec
ond perpendicular one has attained a
depth of 300 feet. Results to date are
proving highly favorable. T. I. Ryan
nas ci 6c ". me wijm ..w ..u m, -using
a Longyear and Hooge machine
of a 2000 foot capacity. Three shifts J
are being employed in drilling. The '
companv continues to make shipments )
of 10 tons of high grade ore per week .
via Florence to the El Iaso smelter.
Atout 25 men arc employed at present t
under ground.
Wade and Cox to Dcirlop CInrk and
Maheney and S. D. Swope Properties '
jB Tre Hcriunnns Mountain. .
Deming. X. M-. April 9. W. Rogers.
Wade and W. S. Cox. of Silver City, ,
f have taken a lease and bond on the
Clark ana .iianoney .i.n...i.- ..... . .
the Tres licrmanas muiuiuiuo uw.
of Deming 22 miles, and also on the
claims of Dr. & D. Swope. in the same
district. These claims have been
worked in a desultory way for the
past ten years, and a number of ship
ments of zinc ore. running between .0
- "in rwr cent have been made. The
claims have an aggregate of about one i
mile of tunnels ana snans. xm inp
ertv together with several locations
made by Wade and Cox, covers an
area of 2000 feet square.
It is the purpose of these men to
work this property, and make ship
ments from time to time, ami at the
same time prospect with churn drills
for la-ge ore bodies, which it is be
lieved, exist at the water level. 2a0
feet from the surface. Mr. Made is
a mining engineer with large exper
ience in the tine Tiusiness in Xew
Jersev before coming to New Mexico
seven years ago. lie is enthusiastic
about the property, stating that it has
ail the ear-marks dt developing Into
a great mine.
When the large dody of ore is reached,
it will be a milling proposition,
and the location is very advantageous,
since it is only seven miles from "9,2"
erlin, a station on the E. P. & S. v.,
and there is an abundance of water,
close at hand fo. milling purposes. It
is located right inUhe center of a rich
farming district in the Mlmbres valley,
so the cost of supplies for a mining
camp would be Tery low.
Messrs. Wade. Cox and Mike Quar
rel spent a week on the. property, and
gathered an immense number of sam
ples for assaying. A force of men will
be set to work immediately in the old
wnrkni'm anri shinments of ore will
1 be continued, while the prospecting for
the larger bodies of ore is Deing con
ducted by means of drills.
Operating In Gnge Jlliitrict.
Prank Wvman. mine operator of the
Ga;e district, is in Deming today. Mr.
Wyman is shipping from 356 to 400
tons of gold, silver and lead are per
month to the El Paso smelter. This
ore runs $15 per ton, and costs in
cluding all operating expenses $4 per
ton thus making a net return of $11
per" ton. He is working at the 50 foot
level at the present time, and the ore
at deeper levels is much richer. There
are 30 men now at work on the prop
erty. Several years ago this ground
was tested out by means of drilled
holes, and it is interesting to note that
one of these test holes passed near
the corner of a large ore-body which
is now being worked. This working
is now $25,000 to the good, and would
have been missed entirely had com
plete dependence been put in the test
hole. J. W. Bradley is sinking a shaft on
his property in the Gage mining dis
trict and i down 250 feet. The shaft
will be sunk to the 400 foot level. Six
men are at work on this property
Ha j den. Ariz. April 9. Erie V. Dav
clcr. assistant superintendent for the
Ray Consolidated Copper company,
has severed his connections ivith that
company having been notified of his
transfer to Juneau. Alaska, where he
will act as metallurgical engineer for
the Alaska Gold Mines company, do
ing special work prior to the erec
tion of the mill at that point. The
Alaska company is one of the Jack
ling group of properties and Mr. Dav
elers transfer conies as a promotion.
In hdnor of Mr. Daveler. several of his
friends in Hayden acted as hosts at a
dancing party at the company's staff
house. After the dance, a stag party
was held in the Kay Consolidated dor
mitory when numerous toasts were
given by his friends. Roy Hatch, for
merly general mill foreman, succeeded
Mr. Daveler and Clarence Dresser,
formerly concentrate foreman of the
mill becomes general mill foreman.
K. J. Franklin, superintendent of
power for the Ray Consolidated Copper
company, after a two months' business
trip between here and Ray. has re
turned to Salt Lake City, his headquar
ters. A. J. Macjean, cashier for the Ray
Consolidated Copper company, spent a
fe wdays in Florence, being called as a
witness in a damage suit brought by
the heirs of F. J. Daly, who was re
cently kiiled at Ray.
William Wyness. traveling auditor
for the American Smelting and Refin
ing company, is in Hayden making an
audit of the books of that company's
local plant.
The Magna Copper company, of Su
perior, has commenced the construction
of a power line between that place and
Miami to connect with the Roosevelt
Ifaamt power line at that place, which
receives its power from the Roosevelt
dam. If a sufficient quantity of power
can be taken at Superior, it is expected
that the town of Superior will receive
its power for lighting purposes from the
same sourre.
The Xeal auto-stage line, of "Winkel
man has been combined with the one
owned by R. T. Jones and will here
after be run by Mr. Jones alone.
The ordinary cost of a "Want Ad in
the El Paso Herald is 25 cents. It
reaches an average of about 7,W
readers each issue
angle of about 3
degrees and strikes
east and west.
Adjoining this with a strike nortn
east by southwest exists a very Intri
cate system of true fissure veins in
a highly faulted zone which is inter
spersed with quartz porphyry, and sur
face indications bespeak that they are
rich with silver-lead. There is gale
na and pyrite in the gangue of these
veins upon the surface.
Quartz porphyry remember, is the
great ore indicator in the rich mines
of Butte and many other districts, and
think of it, all upon Uncle Sam's do
main, awaiting capital.
There is a district larger and with
surface indications that it will be as
rich and almost a duplicate as to eco
logy and petrology of the famous
Butte. Montana, district and it is vet
untouched. Again, thPre is not more
than ten miles from Winkleman and !
tne Arizona nastern railroad a moun
tain side which assays $3.20 in gold
and 92 cents in silver immediately up
on the surface, it presents nothing but
a quarrying proposition.
Nature cannot lie if the alue is
upon the surface it is also beneath
There is a mine probably as large and
much' richer than either the famous
Treadwell or the Homestake and at
this moment it is government land.
Beyond question here in Arizona the
latch strings on the doors of nature's
vaults of -wealth hang on the outside
m:i rapuai is umifi wnat no iip-'Lili-ts
-v -h" T'at vilth . ht pnir-
Mg lbl' in! It Ml-ll !. ; w the .t
.ft.- i .. ii.in it- -.irl ' i-t
i .. i, .i t, 'i us . ,:;
I wUI give you FREE a sample of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets that have brought
health and happiness to thousand alao a hook on any chronic disease requested.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
has the endorsement of many thousands
that it has cured them of indigestion, dys
pepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour
risings,heartburn,fbulbreath coated tongue,
poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stomach,
biliousness and kindred derangements of
the stomach, liver and bowels.
"In coughs and hoarseness caused by
bronchial, throat and lung affections, except
consumption, the 'Golden Medical Dk
covery' is a most efficient remedy, espec
ially in those obstinate,, hang-on-eougbs
caused by irritation and congestion of the
bronchial mucous membranes. The Dis
covery is not so good fcr acute coughs
arising from sudden colds, nor must it be
(.Continued from
the land or a part thereof is situated.
an application in writing for the sur
vey of the claim, giving the name of
the claim and such description of its
boundary and location as will enable
the surveyor to identify the land. The
affidavit shall be accompanied by a
fee of twenty dollars ($20, unless its
tender is waived, and also with an af
fidavit stating the kind of the claim;
also, the date of the first posting cf
the notice on the claim by the appli
cant, and that the notice has not been
post dated or its date changed. Upon
receiving the application and affidavit
and fee the surTcyor shall file the ap
plication and affidavit and shall forth
with proceed to survey the claim. After
the field notes are recorded and a plat
of the survey is made hy tne survevor
which shall be within 90 days, 'he
shall deliver the application and the
affidavit, together with the field
notes and plat, to the applicant or
his agent, who shall forward the same
within 60 das to the commissioner of
the general land office, together with
one dollar (51). as a filing fee. The
fee of twenty dollars (?:), shall
cover all charges by the surveyor ui
connection with any one claim.
Sec. 18. If any mining claim of any
character shall be filed upon Jointly
by two or more claimants and anv one
or more of them shall fail to contrib
ute his proportion of any expenses re
quired in this act within the necessary
time the co-owner or co-owners who
have paid the fees or other expendi
tures required by this act. may. at
the expiration of the time in which
the payment is required to be made
and after the same has been made, give
notice in writing to such defaulting
co-owner, or if such defaulting co
owner cannot be found, then by publi
cation in a newspaper published in the
county where the claim is situated, or
if no such newspaper be published in
such county, then in the newspaper
published nearest thereto at least once
a week for four successive weeks. If
after such publication notice, such de
linquent shall fail or refuse to con
tribute his proportion of the expen
ditures required, his interests in the
claim shall cease and shall be forfeit
ed to the co-owner or co-owners who
have made the required expenditures.
An affidavit of such co-owner or co-'
owners of the claim, accompanied
with notices given, shall, when re
corded in the office of the county
clerk, be sufficient evidence of such
delinquency and forfeiture.
Sec IS. Claims usually called plac
ers, including all forms of metallic
deposits, excepting those described in
Section IS, as well as any mining claim
covering deposits of koalin. baryta.
salt, marble, fire c:ay, gypsum, ni-
t rates, mineral paints, asbestos, marl,
natural cement, clay, onyx, mica, prec
ious stones or any other non-metafile
mineral and stones valuable for orna
mental or building material shall be
subject to location and entry and
lease on the same terms and conditions
and upon similar proceedings as are
provided herein for vein or lode claims;
proiUfd. all placer claims located
shall conform as nearly as practicable
to existing surveys and their subdi
visions, and no placer claim shall in
clude more than 40 acres, and no
aggregation of inatvidual claims shall
exceed 220 acres. After the location
ot any mining claim and survey there
of and the registration thereof in the
office of the general land comm's
sioner. as hereinbefore provided, the
locator shall be entitled to the exclu
sive uses and possession thereof eo
long as the locator shall continue to
do the amount of work upon such
claims equivalent to one hundred dol
lars S100) worth of labor per annum;
provided, that an affidavit shall be
filed before the expiration of ach and
every year, setting forth, in detail the
development work that has been done
that year, with an itemized statement
of the value thereof. Such statement
shall be filed in the office of the com
missioner of the general land office,
also in the office of the county clerk
ot the county "Where such mining
claim is located, or the county to
which such county is attached for Ju
dicial purposes. The commissioner of
uie general
land otiicc may. at nis
discretion, require additional proof
that such development work nas Deca
See. 20. In full payment to the state
for the right to take from any mining
claim of any character described m
Sections IS or 19. any mineral wealth
or deposit whatever, whether metallic
or non-metallic, the owner or holder
of such claim shall pay unto the state
a royalty or rental equivalent to five
per centum of the total gross output
sold or disposed of from such mine
or mining claim of any character
therein defined. If any locator shaU
fail to post the location notice or to
fill- with the countv clerk .the loca
tion untie a!tl afiitiaU or snll fill
1- fib wnl tn. i.ninf Mir-tor tne
ii -.1 i im.. --ii . ' i-i 1 a.'ii.l.M it
. n . i .- "ii .1 r.-- n il i 1
li' v ' n Mv i in i -ic-i : til- u !.-
Men and
During many years of practice I have used numer
ous combinations of curative medicines for liver ills.
I have kept a record of the result in case after case,
so that my staff of physicians and surgeons, at the
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., are able to diagnose
and treat cases at a distance with uniform good results.
But for the permanent relief of blood disorders and im
purities, I can recommend my "Golden Medical Discovery"
a Wood medicine without alcohol or other injurious ingredients.
R. V. PIERCE, M.D., Buffelo, N. Y.
Nature's Way Is The Best
b ' 3 J r .. A . r t iwu .
b znmea izccfi ion aeinau iwoh c
mrtA alnae root ffolden aeai. Oreaan 1aae
i K. V. Pierce m&de m pure glyceric extract wbich 3ms been favorably Icsown for
I orer forty yer. He caSed it "GOLDEN MEDiCAL Di5COVRY." TBts
I "DUcoTery" psrifie tfee blood sad toEes Hp the ttoraach aad the e&tke system ia
V Hl.lnaa'a j waw It's um Mia I 1 1 1 hmUar hbH tn tm fm i.p.
m IVatttt C wmn v J 0 aBl uk. kiubu nfc
expected to cure consumption in its ad
vanced stages no medicine will do that
but for all the obstinate, chronic coughs,
which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead
up to consumption, it is the best medicine
that can be taken."
Sold in tabkt or ligxM fens fey all
principal dealers im ateikiiies, er
se&d fifty OMe-ceat stamps
fer trial package of tablets.
To find oat more about the above mentioned dis
eases and all about the body in hcaith and disease,
get the Common Sense Medical Adviser the Peo
ple's Schoolmaster in Medicine revised and ap-to-date
book of 1,003 pages. Cloth-bound, sent post
paid on receipt of 31 cents in one -cent stamps to
pay cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address:
Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, BuSjIo, N. Y.
page i, this section.)
t eral land office the application, affi-
davit, file notice and plat hereinbe
fore required, or shall fail to comply
with any of the terms or conditions
herein required, such claim shall be
subject to forfeiture by the commis
sioner of the general land office by
an endorsement upon such application
theretofore filed of the word -Forfeited,"
signed officially by him, and
thereupon all rights in such mining
claim and rights or the locator or
claimant in such mining claim shall
utterly cease and determine and the
same shall be subject to relocation:
provided, that the commissioner of the
general land office may upon satis
factory showing to him why such con
ditions or requirements were nut
complied with, reinstate such claim
upon the written request of one or
more of the locators, claimants or own
ers, filed in his office; provided, fur
ther, that no rights of any others
have intervened at the date of filing
of snch request in the general land of
fice. One interested in the claim at
the date it was forfeited shall not be
eligible to relocate or file upon the
same land, or in behalf of any other
person within a period of six montbs
next ensuing after such forfeiture,
and any attempt to make snch locatioi
by such person shall be wholly void.
Sec 21. Any locator, claimant or
owner of any mining claim under this
act is authorized to fell and remove
for building and mining purposes any
timber or any trees growing or be
ing upon any unoccupied public lands
under sum rules and regulations as
the commissioner of the general land
office may, from time to time, pro
vide for the protection of timber and
other growth upon snch lands and snch
other purposes.
Sec 22. Nothing in this act contained
shall ever be construed to destroy, in
validate or impair any valid claim,
right or interest existing in. to or con
cerning any lands whatsoever at the
date of the passage of this act or of
anv pre-emptor, purchaser, claimant,
settler, locator or any other person
Sec. 23. The locator or owner of a
mining claim shall have the right to
occupy within the limits of his claim
so much of the surface ground as is
strictly necessary for the use and ex
ploitation of the mineral deposits and
for the buildings and works neces
sary for mining operations and for the
treating and smelting of ths ore pro
duced on such claims and to occupy
within and without the limits of his
claim the necessary land for right vt
way. for ingress and egress to and
from his claim for roadways, or rail
ways; provided, that if the locator or
owner of the mineral right cannot
agree with the owner or lessee of the
surface right in regard to the acquir
ing of same and in regard to the com
pensation for the injury incident to
the opening and the working of such
mfne and the access thereto, he may
apply to the judge of the county court
of the county in which such mining
claim is located by filing a written
petition setting forth with a suffi
cient description the property and sur
face right sought to be taken and the
purpose, for which the same is to be
taken, "and it shall be the duty of such
county judge of such county to appoint
three disinterested freeholders to ex
amine, pass upon and determine the
damages and compensation to be paid to
the owner of such surface right or other
property necessary to be taken, and
the proceedings for acquiring or con
demning such surface right or other
property shall, at all times, so far as
possible, be covered by the laws re
lating to the condemnation of rights
of the wway for railway companies the
locator or owner or such mining claim,
occupying the position of the railway
company. and an appeal may be taken
from the decision of the commission
ers upon the same terms and condi
tions and subject to the same regu
lations and qualifications prescribed
by law for the condemnation of right
of way for railways.
Sec 24. Upon all lands of any
character heretofore sold or leased by
the state in which the minerals or
mineral rights were reserved to the
Rtfttt. th nnblic free school fund, uni
versity fund, asylum or other fund, the
..A Aw IaOAA OM t,A MBA. I ,1 I.A
shall have the prior right for six
months after date upon which this act
shall take effect to prospect, locate
w nnlr For fh- m n.r.1 rlo-hOa m.
on such land heretofore sold or leased
tn him and aftnr tht fTniratinti of
..w .. MA.i- ... v.AAnA A
n.loritv rie-ht .hall .. ,. i,..h
OT-antoV r lcaoo shall h.r. nn nrlnr
or nreference rights over anv other
n-Acni-Hnr nr 1twnr
. K Tin. hii.p tt ft nTm
l.n.. n niLCnvtiTi . h . nr inv- itHnr
iigrht at iinieil untl. - t'-i- .1. t 1p.11
T"li!'.(Uish ,n. -nor.- of s .. 1 ,e-init-
1 iv. cla it- . r n o-p, t - ,fiii" a'
i, t, - ic h
n 1 1 i tk a' li nd t un.. it ii i; '!
C.J !. J . . v
iwu uxAxrroot, qscea S TDOZ XBaadfaJCfl
root n&d cherrr baric. Of k rw
vustr j wu a VtfVn
duly recorded by the clerk of :h-
proper county, but such holder shall
not be entitled to a refund of any sum
paid thereon.
Sec. 26 The commissioner of th
general land office shall collect an.l
transmit to the state treasurer a L
mone derived froni the development
of any minerals or substance named
herein and found on th public fre
seiiool land or other public land, and
it shall be credited to the permanent
free school fund or other fund to which
the land from which such money is de
rived is set apart. All money derived
from the development of any mineral,
or substances named herein and'
found on other than public free school
land, university or asjlum land snail
be credited to the game, fish and o: -ter
fund for the use of that department-
All fees shall be credited to
toe generaL revenue in the nianr-r
provided by law for other fees pa' 1
into the general land office.
Sec. UT. All development in water '
on islands, marshes and reefs shall
t Hniu under such regulations ; 3
I will prevent the pollution of the wa
ter and tor tne proemmu w "-
pollution the same, fish and oyster
commissioner may be called upon for
assistance in the adoption and en
forcement of rules and regulatu :is
for the protection of said waters. !"
the violation of such rules and reg
ulations the commissioner of the g "
eral land office may revoke a pei'r.c
or cancel a lease.
Sec 28. The rights acquired un 1. r
this act shall be subject to taxat.n
as is other property after the owner
shall have paid to the state the suns
necessary to perfect his rights.
Sec 23. The issuance of a pern.'t
or lease or the filing of a prospect r s
affidavit on unsold land included
within this act. shall not prevent i'i
sale of the land without minerals t
which such mineral or mining cla'n
mar be located under the laws it
plicable to such land, but in case r
such sale after an application .s
been filed with the county cle-k as
herein provided the purchaser of sji
land shall not be entitled to any pa-t
of the proceeds of uch minerals or
mining location nor other eomoensa
on? nor shall such Phaser h.
froV uif.nrom?heVop."
land b or resuiir d?r suca
rSVi." ector r claim.
o ft rrne cuiii"-jv"
- -": r ". .h.u have sen
eneral una. !1.. necessary!
WT - " -"
supervision oi "'". tloII of tha-
i of tne
s autho--utions
for the proper "- , -tho--
purpose "J,5n'a regulations
ized to adopt . roll ana m nme
purpose ?fi-r,,rr- ml regulations am-
.m wx. mot 3-iiu i;c - .
v '"'j .hTr, from time i
t alter or amenu ""--,rv for tnt
time as may PP" involved an-i
protection of the ,terurp0se. of tm
the execution of tn r P !, provision
let not mconwtent r & w
UefdPScSater STEe more tha,
;- cUdrn. of rcBTv
fined ' ffrnade "contrary to th-s
location or lease maae aei OA.
section shall bt vw, v ltc nine
cver that upon coal oi Ugn firm
or deposits an one t corp0rat. u
association tO?oHe or leas, a,
SSS a1nTUVeT .. -M .
pareand sixty -M n of ln.s
br be ntoVnconstitutio.al
S?d V warsescr-ted ,n Section .
o"?n anv other respect. h,.?etclst
shall not be construed to invalidate t e
Provisions of this act with regard
anv other character of land or waters
desenbed in Section 1 or any other pro
vision of this act Tuie
revteed "ivil statute of mi reUti.
to mtnes and mining and all other Uv
and parts of laws relating to the sale
of minerals and mineral land are ht re-
SeTwTh- fact that there is no
adequate statute bj wh.ch fhe mmeial
resources of this tate can be --
developed on the publ'C lands, and tne
waters of the Mat, create an erre. -",ncv
and an imperative public neces
sit" txisto that the const. tutioral n. a
requiring bills to be read on three -V-eral
davs in each house should be sus
pended." and that this should be pla. 1
upon its third reading and final pas
sage and take effect from and ar r
its passage.
Douglas. Ariz.. April 9. There has
been some speculation and uneasini
Americans holding propert -n
as to tneir status iii pi-
mine taxes at present. The March pa
mont. k.n in maiiN t. stance 5. been
-" bT men no could se no ecu-
paSSea Uy im.a .10 vioia uv
ty in making n.ij moil uid.T exi-ti i
conditions. With the ll.ierta KOVei
mnt pMitrohnir a nhrt of Mexico, m
.-. .. - -
state of Sonor.i . r. opn le.illion.
others aS WOl' "Oe m Tie OWllCTS f
thaf no matt. - wno --. ' pa ta
to th,n are llkU to -. the TT.ol
t". ' M t'urrv a U-il littiiins: n ui has
rCflllll a letter frOTO the tlenart
j f --.'te at "Washington statinc tii it 1
I i.tt.ti ' id he. .1 t'ui.-rht to .- a i
I '"" '" x'ex an .nini - i-i 1-
I ''' '" ' ' i- ' -Uoin i i i ia s
Is.i '.j t f i t.

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