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! THIRTY-THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER DEDICATED TO THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE, THAT NO GOOD CAUSE SHALL LACK A CHAMPION, AND THAT EVIL SHALL NOT THRIVE UNOPPOSED. H. J). Slater, Editor-in-Chief and controlling owner, has directed The Herald for 15 Years; G. A. Martin is News Editor. EE PASO HERALD Editorial and Magazine Page Saturday, September Twenty-seventh, 1913 Superior exclusive features and complete news report by Associated Pres3 Leased Wire and 200 Special Correspondents covering Arizona, New Mexico, west Texas. Mexico. Wash Published by Herald News Co.. Inc.: H. L Slater (owner of two-thirds interest) President: J C. Wilmartb (owner of one-fifth interest) Manager; the remaining one-eighth interest is owned among 12 stockholders who are as follows: H. I. Capell. H. B. Stevens. J. A. Smith. J. J. Mundy. Waters Davis. H. A. True. McGlennon estate. W. F. Payne. R. C Canby. G. A. Martin. A. L. Sharpe. and John P. Ramsey. Mexico WHAT will be the attitude of Felix Diaz, now that Federico Gamboa has) been nominated by the Catholic party with the approval of Huerta? What will be the attitude of the Carrancistas if Gamboa shall be elected? Upon the answer to these two questions depends the development of events in Mexico next month and in the near future. Diaz seems to have no personal or party following. At any rate, none has manifested itself during the last few months. Huerta threw him overboard early in the game, and he has so far shown no ability to "come back." He has Tepeatedly announced that he would be a candidate, but of what party or faction? If Diaz's ambition be patriotic and national, he will support Gamboa. If Diaz's ambition, be purely personal and selfish, he will support himself and oppose Gamboa. If Diaz should now undertake to fight the Huerta-Gamboa Catholic ptrty" combination, he would have another rebellion on his hands. There can be no such thing, under existing circumstances, as a peaceable contest between the Huerta,' faction and the personal supporters of Felix Diaz. t will be-compromise or war. The Carrancistas will not participate in the election or accept Gamboa. The only hope for an early termination of the disturbance lies in the "election" of .1 strong man, his maintenance by force of arms, and the crushing of rebellion. No such thing as agreement among the various factions, or peaceable ac ceptance of the results of any "election" held under Huertista auspices, can be thought of as within the range of possibility, at this time. Any government, to be able to control the situation at this time, must be installed and maintained by force. Gamboa is an able man. He proved that by his diplomatic victories over the Washington government at every point of conflict. He has the makings of a statesman. Nominated with him as candidate for vice president there is a soldier . of the old school. The combination ought to be able to accomplish something toward the pacification of the republic. But even the Gamboa government will have to count upon having to face the hostility at Washington. The European powers have been singularly forbearing. Perhaps the time is coming when Mexico can afford to ignore Washington and do business direct with European capitals. Europe owes the United States nothing in this matter. Europe may proceed in her own way without violating any international obligar tions or ethics. Gamboa is just the man to turn the trick. The United States, with the strongest hand, has played the game as if it did not know the names of the cards. When Gamboa deals, he may prefer to dealj to a dummy. In Gamboa's "election" to the presidency and maintenance by force there is no hope of permanent peace and restoration in the republic, but in his "election" and maintenance by force there lies the only hope of immediate results looking toward at least temporary recovery. o State institutions and departments do not ask furniture men ,to furnjsh chairs free, they do not ask stationers to furnish ink free, they do not ask clothiers to furnish coats free for employes, they do not expect free labor, free lumber, free tobacco for inmates and officials, or free medical attendance. Yet there is scarcely one of the various public bureaus and institutions that does not beg free news papers. From all over the southwest requests come for free newspapers, requests from government departments and officials, public schools and colleges, hospitals, asylums, jails. The time is coming when all newspapers should combine to stop this petty government graft. Some publishers make a practice of dfistributingt their papers around promiscuously in this fashion, and the practice spoils the beneficiaries and makes some of them think they have a right to beg in spite of the laws against vagrancy. The Mayflower Aristocracy PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON'S personal representative at the court of St. James, Walter H. Page, ambassador, did not make the hit he planned with his speech at the unveiling ofl the monument to the Mayflower pil grims. He did not even greatly impress the English, it seems, while many Ameri cans had their feelings hurt.' It was all because of one remark in his speech, quoted as follows in the English press: "In spite of the great fusion of races and of the great contributions which other nations have made to the 100,000,000 people across the sea, and to her in calculable wealth, the United States is today English led and English ruled." And another passage in his speech seemed well calculated to hurt the feelings bf the Germans, and of all other peoples not of British origin. "With due regard to other bloods and other nations," Mr. Page is reported as saying, "it is with us who speak the language of Shakspere that the responsibility ofruling the world must rest" The tone of his address was influenced throughout by the attitude of extreme respect and love for all1 things of Brijtish origin, that made the public addresses of some of his predecessors offensive to some of their countrymen, and brought en thusiastic commendation from others. , The London Express was inclined to poke a little fun at Americans, using the ambassador's speech as a text. Indicating the degree of respect which some Englishmen entertain for our "American aristocracy," The Herald quotes from the Express's editorial comment upon the Mayflower speech: "We would not for all the worlds, old and new, speak with disrespect of the Mayflower or of her precious human freight. She gave to history many honored names, among which those of high. She founded America. She did today tne proudest and most numerous aristocracy on earth. "When William the Conqueror landed on our south coast he brought with him a galaxy of Norman knighthood. We are not allowed to forget it. So many of our forebears came over with the conqueror. But they are, at best, an insignificant company by comparison with those whose ancestors sailed In the Mayflower. William must have come in a mere cockleshell with half a com pany of chivalry. The Mayflower must have been the direct progenitor of the Imperator. "This was clearly no little ship such as credulous history believes in, but a, mammoth liner. Of course, the Mayflower did make more than one Transat lantic voyage. But mathematical accuracy compels the assertion that, on count ing up the numbers of persons In America whose families 'was commen over mit der Mayflower,' the good ship clearly had stateroom accommodation for 5000 souls on each journey, even when allowance is made for those originators of the present aristocracy in the states who took passage as stewards and cabin boys." President Wilson ias just made 30 consular appointments; 28 of the 30 appointees were already in the service and are being promoted, while the other two took the consular examination. This commendable action is in contrast to the previous action of the president in displacing many of the minor diplomatic officers who had come Up from the ranks and had shown special ability, but who were not Wilson partisans. o By the way, what is the total of rebels who have been captured and disarmed by the government forces? Is it one or two? 14 Years Ago Today From The Herald This Date 1809. Randolph Terry left yesterday for Austin, Texas. The district court opens Mondav with a, heavy docket L. B. Jones, traveling auditor for the Santa Fe, is in the city Fitzgerald Moor left this morning for his ranch at Turquoise N M- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff "are in Jsew York city attending the Dewey celebration. K. L. Stewart master mechanic of the E P. & N. E.. came down from Alamogordo last night Sheriff Riley Baker, of Otero county N. M. and his deputy, Jim Latham! are in the city on business. Dr. Childress and family, who have been spending a few days In this c.ty. left for Alamogordo this morn ing. Alderman George Ogden came home this morning after a brief trip up the road visiting San Marcial and other points. The G. H. pay car is expected to arrive Friday, which is an event which the employes are looking forward to with anticipation. Superintendent A. S. Greig. of the E P. & K. E, left on the Santa Fe this morning for Needles, Calif, ac companied by his little daughter When the news first reached this city that admiral Dewey had arrived In New Yorl., merchants were quick to hang out the stars and stripes in hia hunor J. E. an R'per arrired on the G, What Next? y Winslow and Alden stand consDicuouslv more she gave to the United States of 1 H. yesterday evening from Marfa, and will leave tomorrow on the E. P. & N. E. to join the engineering corps at the front Messrs. Bushong and Feldman have donated a dozen photos to he first prize in the Presbyterian church "baby show," at the Hammet building tomor row evening. Schutz brothers, of this city, have on exhibition a number of souvenirs from the Philippines sent to them by their brother, Julius, postmaster at San Fernando, P. I. Miguel Ahumada jr., son of the gov ernor of Chihuahua, was escorted to the train.b efore he left for New York, by mayor Onate, senor Cuadra and a large number of Juarez friends. Superintendent W. R, Martin, of the G. H., left this afternoon for a trip over the line as far down as Fort Hancock, Texas. He was accompanied by C. H. Borcherding, foreman of the car department No contract was awarded yesterday afternoon by the directors of the In ternational Light & Power company, action again being postponed. The cause of the delay it is understood Is I the high figures submitted by the bld- The management of the Athletio Park association is putting forth every effort to secure first class play ers to represent El Paso on the dia mond. The style of play exhibited at tne park Sunday will not prove an at traction everv week. The management proposes to pav the players a given salary, and t. oe under contract for a certain length of time. Maun Ed wards is ,r, Ial!as. and It is beh.-ved that he will fcrirg back s-..-ne star piajcra when he returns. Mexico Wireless Expensive Manager Wagner, of Smelting Plants, Says Ills Company Has Abend- oncd Idea; Little Interview). bt Wait-Less was considered for our Mexican smelt- ing plants," general man ager H. R. Wagner, of the Ameri can Smelting and Refining company said, "but we learned from the en gineers who instal these plants that the expense was so much greater than the cost of installing plants at sea on phips that we finally dropped th plan and will continue to depend upon the telegraphs and mails for communi cation between our smelting properties. The wireless would have been an ex cellent thing during the revolutionary times, for the revolutionists make a practice of cutting wires between sta tions and interrupting service where ever possible. We had considered the matter seriously until we learned that the initial cost was so great, and then decided to drop It" 96- 96' 3fr "Just 30 years ago today I arrived over the Texas & Pacific to make my home in Bl Paso," judge F. E. Hunter said Friday afternoon, as he handed out cigars to his friends. "Until my college mate judge Foster had written to me about Bl Paso, I had never heard of it and when I got out a map of the United States, I saw that El Paso was on the Rio Grande, a river as big as the Ohio. I had seen the Ohio on one of the excursions which was run from my Indiana home to the Kentucky town which is tho to bacco and whiskey center of the uni verse. The first thing I looked for when I reached El Paso and got off the train at the old Stanton street sta tion was to see the steamboats and masts on the river. I knew that the river could not run on the north side for the mountains were there and I looked down every street toward the river to see these ships. I am still looking for them. W. A. Hawkins was one of the first men I met after reaching here and he invited me to so across the river with him, as he was doing newspaper work on one of the local papers at that time. I kept watching for the river and when we finally reached It there was- enough water in it to get your' feet wet and no more. I could have stepped across it in many places and jumped across it at any place along the rver. "El Paso was an adobe town In that time that was on September 26, 1883 and there were few houses north of the tracks and as few south of Overland street Juarez did not have a single brick building at the time and it was a typical Mexican town. There were only two banks, the First and the State banks, doing business, and of the lawyers now living, judge T. A. Falvey. Capt T. J. Beall, judge J. A. Buckler, and judge A. G. Foster, are the only ones who were here then. Emerson & Berrien, R. C. Lightbody and Pete Kern were the only business men who are here now, and a good many of my friends have passed over the river with their boots on since I came here, a tenderfoot Hoosier from the felt boot district of Indiana." Pierre Schon, a local salesman for a motor car company, has been In Kansas City and sized up the Mexican situation for the Kansas City Times as follows: "The trouble is too deep seated. The peons have found they can shake a government that refuses them the right to own land, and they will never be satisfied with any peace that re turns them to the old conditions. They want equal votes, the right to own land and a division of the big estates virtually the platform Madero was elected on. "You can't blame them for wanting ; the land divided. One family In Chi- ' huahua. the Terrazas, owns nine mil lion acres. They are cattle raisers, which means they do not cultivate any of the land, The laws exempt uncul tivated lands from taxation. So the Terrazas, with all that big estate, pay no real estate tax. And they will sell none of their land. "The rebel state government in Sonora is practically supreme there now. It controls the whole state, with the exception of Guaymas. Busi ness goes on. but it is handicapped greatly because the railways are de moralized. "Persons familiar with the situation have no hope that an election will improve It The Huerta election pro gram can be enforced only In those places controled by Huerta'e men. And In at least two of the huge northern states his army barely has a foothold." Buffalo Bill By Walt JIninn - They've taken down the great gray tents, the injuns and imported gents who lately robbed the Deadwood bus are on "their uppers now, or wuss; where late rough riders rode and swore, the bucking bronchos buck no more. Bill's stunt is done and we shall know hi3 face no more in tented show.. Alas, that in his wintrv years, disaster in his path appears! Of pioneers about the last, he links the present to the past. Before our thrifty cities rose, he tracked and fought the settlers' foes and showed the path, o'er lonely plains, to long and creaking wagon trains; both guide' and guard, fie led the van, in war or peace a mighty man. With big, brave heart and noble face, a form with tigers strength and grace, a. soul as true as was his aim, and mind as broad as is his fame, of all the heroes of the west, Bill Cody, is beloved the best. Oh, hero of our boyhood days! Oh. Bayard of the frontier wavs! the world grows sordid in pursuit of stocks and bonds and other loot; and all we hear along the pike is talk of mergers and the like; and you bring back a wholesome thought of things too apt to be forgot; of davtimc treks and night alarms and stalwart men's appeal to arms, of men who gave their bloodto buy the land whereon our mansions lie. of vistas fresh and great and still and so God bless vou, Buffalo Bill! Copyright, 1913, by George Mat thew Adams. , SAN DIEGO TO ERECT MONUMEXT TO BALBOA. San Diego, Calif.. Sept 27. A plot in Balboa Park was dedicated Friday as the site of a monument to be erected to the memory of Vasco Npunez de Bal boa. The oration of the dav was rt- lievered by Don Juan Riano y Gayan- gos, t States Congressman R. L. Henry, of Texas, and G. Aubrey Davidson, vice president of the exposition that will be held In this city in 1915, were other speakers. JEROME CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PROPERTY SOLD Jerome, Ariz., Sept 27. The superior court of Yavapai county has granted the Congregational church corporation of Jerome, permission to dispose of its property for $1600 to- the Episco pal churr-h. In the petition it was set forth that a mortgage of $1560 soon falls due. and the congregation, which had dwindled to a few per sons, was unable to pay it. FRUSTRATES ATTEMPT ON LIFE OF POUTLUUESE PREMIER. Libson, Portugal, Sept 27. A ennfps- ' sion that they intended to assassinate j the Portuguese premier and instiscatf a revolt, was made by five men ar- . rested while placing bombs around th ' premier's villa at Praia das Macas' a j wiiicjiua yiauc near miru i ABE MARTIN MOW RFADY IrS. OV5TBRS AtivsrrLE What's become o' th sweet ole fast color girl that could step out o' her skirts? Did you ever know a good man that wuz a good politician? l In Search of Glory A Short Story. EACH man among us has his pet ambition, and my own was to win some distinction which should make my fellows envious of my prowess. Life saving at fires was my first Idea. I practiced running up and down lad ders, while I positively made my par ents miserable by the ruthless way in which I manipulated the garden hose. And it was only after I had carefully hit the postman full in the face with a stream of water as he came up the fiont path that I was made to desist, my father Indignantly remarking that he could not afford to pay a sovereign compensation every day, even to please me. However, by this period I had be come pretty well proficient and merely bided my time for putting my skill into practice. g Opportunity came quickly in the shape of a fire at a dwelling house in the neighborhood, and I rushed to the scene of action, eager to distinguish myself. The local brigade had not ar rived, but some people passing had raised a ladder against the second floor window. Pushing them aside I rapidly ascended half way, and then well, then it "began to feel so hot that I thought I'd better come down again. This I proceeded to do amid the jeers of the fast "gathering multitude. I thought perhaps, my talent lay more In the way of playing on the fire with the hose than in saving life, which seemed such very hot work. But I was brimful of enthusiasm, and direct ly my feet touched the ground. I snatched the hose from a fireman who had" just arrived, swung it round, quite unintentionally deluging the crowd as I did so, and played it on (to a dog kennel from which the smoke was issuing. Then the fireman I sup pose annoyed at my prompt voluntary assistance snatched the hose from me. played the gushing water right in my lace, and then again poured the stream on to the burning . house. The ciowd roared with delight and I walked home with a vague impression that I had rendered myself unpopular. AVhen the Boer war broke out, my father, who never approved of my medal hunting tendencies, grimly ob served that here was .the chance of my life if I really thirsted for glory. Be ing a volunteer I wished to go out with my companions in 'arms, but un fortunately I had quite a lot of social engagements just then, so I denied my self the pleasure of fighting my coun try's battles. But I went to see the othersof f at Southhampton, and was with them in spirit all through the war. And such a lot of fellows volunteered that I think it was really- more dis tinguished to single myself out from the crowd and remain at home. After finding that fire and war both failed to provide me with the oppor tunities I thirsted for, I turned my at tention to the watery element and practiced swimming under the tuition of an excellent professor of the nata tory art I became an expert swimmer, and thenceforth was always on the look out for chances to perform deeds of "derring do" In sea or river. Beyond falling out of a boat on the Thames, however, nothing of note happened for a long time. Unfortunately, authorities do not award medals nor even prizes to the, man who merely saves himself. Last summer I regularly haunted the shore at Shrlmpton-super-Mare, where I went for my annual fortnight's holiday, on the look out for drowning people to rescue, but there were none. But as we know, "all.things come to the man who waits," and one morn ing my chance seemed to have arrived. The sea was a trifle rough; but in spite of this, there were a number of bathers disporting themselves in the billows at about 12 noon, when I took my usual walll along the parade. Sud denly I saw a bather some distance to the left of the rest throw up his hands and sink. With me to think Is to act In a flash I hjd cast off my coat kicked my shoes away, and plunged into the sea. With rapid, powerful strokes I plowed my way out to where the un fortunate bather had disappeared. Im mediately I reached the place I pre pared to dive; Just at that moment however, the man rose almost beneath me. Rememhering how dangerous it is to let drowning men grasp their would be rescuers, I seized him by the back of the neck and began pushing him vigorously towards the shore. Just as I had foreseen, he straightway com menced the struggle. I kept a firm hold, and exhorting him to fear noth ing but trust to me, I continued push ing him along through the water. "Le'me go le'me go! We shall both drown If you " "Keep quiet!" I exclaimed, adminis tering a good shake to the scruff of hi neck. "Keep Jiuiet, you fool: another half dozen strokes and we art? safe." At that moment my foot touched the beach, and 1 continued; "Ah. here we art on shQre at last saved!" The ingratitude of that man I shall never forget: instead of thanking me for preserving his life at the immi nent well mnrc nr less Imminent Irish of my own. he sputtered out about a quart of tea water aim jeiieu; "Dolf Ass! Idiot' How dare you t iii viuieiiL na iuh mi - - .. ....... be ii nsiiorfi shnvincr me through the water as nearlv as possible did drown me. Can't a man dive and amuse him self without some officious idiot like you to show off and earn a little cheap story? Go to the devil, sir! LA BOQTJILLA PARTY DELAYED AT BORDER S. C. Hulse and the party from La Boquilla, Chih., were delayed at Pre sidio in getting their baggage out of Mexico and will not reach El Paso un til Monday morning The party is com posed of 20 Americans from the Mexi can "Northern Power company's proj ect at La Boquilla. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE ABOLISHES CASH GRAIN CALL. Chicago, 111.. Sept 2". Members of the Board of Trade Friday voted to abolish the cash grain "call" which was the point of attack made by the federal goe.n-n-nt ,n an anti-trust suit filed a ycr?)" i Federal Laws Protect Birds Federal Statute Will Not Conflict "With State Lairs but Will Assure M Isratory Birds Protection. Uy frrcderlc- J. IlnaKln WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 27. Hunters in all parts of the country are much interested in the new regulations governing the shooting of migratory birds. These will be approved by the president and go into effect about Oct 1, at the begin ning of the annual hunting season. The law authorizing these regulations was passed by the last congress. It was In cluded in the appropriation bill for the department of agriculture, one of the last measures signed by president Taft upon the morning of March A. In some states this new law will not materially affect the hunting provileges because It will not make any greater restric tions than are imposed by the state laws already In existence. In others, the change will be more keenly felt The five years' closed season for cer tain game girds, the prohibition of shooting between sunset and sunrise, and the long closed season for birds along certain navigable rivers -are the most important features of the new regulations. Federal Protection for Birds. The new law authorized the depart ment of agriculture to formulate regu lations covering the points needed for the federal protection or migratory birds. These regulations were to fix and prescribe the closed seasons with due regard to temperature, breeding habits and the times and lines of mi gration of the different classes of birds. A committee of experts upon the sub jects involved was appointed to pre pare these regulations with the pro vision that they should be printed and made public for three months before their adoption. During this period they were to be examined and public hear ings given upon them when desired. The knowledge possessed by the com mittee upon the habits of birds enabled them to fix suitable districts, in differ ent parts of the country, in which It shall be unlawful to shoot kill or cap ture migratory birds, and at the same time to give the hunter all the sport possible without threatening the total extinction of the birds. It is under stood that where the states have suit able laws for the protection of the mi gratory birds nothing in the new regu lations shall be permitted to conflict with them. No Interference With State Laws. The provision that the new law should not interfere with the bird laws already existing in the states required much work from the committee for mulating the regulations. Over 700 laws regarding bird shooting are in existence in the 48 states. In order to harmonize them, a number of excep tions have been included with the regu lations, which it is believed, will make .the new law a harmonious scheme for conserving the bird life uniformly throughout the country. The country is divided Into two zones. Zone 1 Is to be known as the breeding zone. It includes 25 states lying chiefly north of the Ohio river and latitude 40 degrees. The closed season for this zone shall be from Dec. 16 to Sept 1 for water fowls and rails, with exceptions in nine states, where the dates vary slightly. For woodcock, the closed season extends to Oct 1, with exceptions in 10 states. The closed sea son for shore birds excepting for those coming under the regulation of the five years' closed season, extends from Dec. 16 to Sept 1, with slight modifica tion of these dates in 10 states. Sensons Differ In Southwest. Zone 2 is to be known as the winter ing zone. It includes all the states south of the breeding zone. In this, the closed season for water fowl extends from Jan. 16 to Oct 1, excepting in Maryland, Virginia and the Carollnas, where. It is from February to Novem ber, and in Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, where It comes between Dec 16 and Sept 1. The closed season for rails, and also for coots and gallinulesv comes between Dec 1 and Sept 17, with slight differences in Ten nessee, Louisiana and Arizona. For woodcock, the closed season extends from Jan. 1 to November 1, excepting in Louisiana and Georgia. The closed season for shore birds, including only black breasted and golden plover, jack snipe or Wilson snipe and yellow legs, the rest coming under the five years' regulation, is from Dec. 16 to Sept 1, with the exceptions in Alabama. Louisi ana. Tennessee, Arizona and Utah. The new law prohibits the shooting of all migratory game birds between sunset and sunrise. This restriction has been objected to in New England and in some of the western states, but the objection is not sustained because this protection already exists In a number of states, including New York, Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Iowa. Arkansas and Missouri. At least half of the hunters in the country have been subject to this restriction for years by the laws of their states and most of them endorse It as a proper measure. Louisiana has even gone a step farther. The shoot ing of birds after the noon hour is prohibited there, thus giving them an additional advantage. Insectlrerons Birds Protected. The closed season for lnsectiverous birds now extends throughout the year excepting for reed birds and rice birds in Delaware. Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and South Caro lina. In these states they may still be shot between Aug. 31 and Nov. 1. Many bird lovers object even to this small killing, for these lnsectiverous birds may almost be classed as song birds. The reed birds are really the northern bobolinks which, haVe been greatly de creased by the greed of the hunters. It has been claimed that the rice birds of the south interfered with the crops, but a scientific -examination proves that they feed larfly upon Insects which damage the grain. The substitution of the much hated English sparrow for the reed bird in many restaurants is now admitted. Many claim that the difference is not easily detected. At present no consid eration is being given to sparrow con servation and, lh the minds of most people they can be spared with less loss to the country than the bobo links, catbirds, chickadees, cuckoos, grosbeaks, humming birds, martins, meadow larks, night hawks, orioles, robins, shrikes, swallows, tanagers, tit mice, thrushes, warblers, whlppoor wllls, woodpeckers, wrens, and all other perching birds which feed entirely up on insects. Five Years Protection for Some. A five year closed season has been authorized, extending until September of 1918, covering band tailed pigeons, swans, irlews and three varieties of cranes, ""he enormous decrease in these birds threatens their total extinction, so that a long closed season Is consid ered absolutely essential to the con tinuation of the species. A closed sea son shall extend also from Jan. 1 to ov. I, for all migratory birds passing over or at rest upon any of the fol lovlng navigable rivers between cer tain designated points. These are the Mississippi river from New Orleans to M.nneapolls. the Ohio river between Its mouth and Pittsburg, and the Missouri river between Its mouth and Bismarck. N. D. Tomorrow. Contests in Egg Produc tion. AMMUNITION FROM EL PASO IS SEIZED Special agent E. M. Blanford, of the department of justice, was notified iriday afternoon, that five barrels, containing 20,000 rounds of ammuni t'on. had been seized in Douglas. Ariz., while being shipped from El Paso to the rebel front The ammunition was shipped out r EI Paso marked as mer tnandise and is to have beer smug gled across the Jine Ta, dipjrtment is now t.jhig to locate the shippers at this end "This Is My Birthday Anniversary" OUR chipmunk story yesterday reminds us of Emerson and his squirrel fable, and, because it isl a favorite of ours, we are printing it to- day for the El Paso boys and girls who were born on September 27. ,The story goes: The mountain and the squirrel Had a quarrel, And the former called the latter "Little Prig." Bun replied, "You are doubtless very big; But al sorts of wind and weather Must be taken in together, To make up a year And a sphere. And I think it ho disgrace T occupy my place. If I'm not go large as you, You are not so small as I, And not half so spry- " , ' A ni not deny you make J A very pretty squirrel track; Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on ,my back, Neither can you crack a nut,"' The boys and girls who celebrate today have the advantage of having the anniversaries come on Saturday and this is so much more convenient a day for a party. Our good wishes go with the whole list, which follows: Louise Erminger, 7. Florence Robertson, 15. ' Louise-Brewer, 13. Emily Brown, 8. Marian Howe, 12. John McDonnell, 11. Ella Hayden, 15. Ruth Pickels.' 10. Ralph Edgar Allen, 3. Mildred Kennedy was 2 years old yesterday. Telephone, please, the , name or names of any left out today. We wish to print all. France's Torment of Blood Jnst 209 Years Ago the People of France Started a Movement "Which Put Royalty Out. By Rev. Thos. B. Gregory I T WAS 299 years ago today that the States-General of Louis XLTL met at Paris. After cursin few days another most bitterly for a the orders adjourned without doing anything at all and there was not an- 1 other meeting of the States'-General for j li5 years. For 175 years four kings, Louis XIII., Louis XrV., X,ouis XV. and Louis XVX had their own sweet way with the people of France, with none to molest them or make them afraid and then came that other States-General, of 1789, 02- which all the world has heard times without number. For a century and three-quarters those four men, aided by their respec tive ministers, did what they pleased to and with the 25.000,000 of French men; and then, suddenly as the bolt trom the storm cloud, something broke loose and the wrongs of ages were washed out in such a torrent of blood as had not been seen since the days of Marius and Sylla. Beats Fpnr Kings. Four kings is a good hand, but there is a hand that will beat even four kings, and that hand was held by the people when, in the shape of their rep resentatives, they broke away from the Rtntps-fipnprnl nf 77RQ. -rfitfrerf to thi famous tennis court, declared them- selves the "national assembly," and swore by the eternal that they would never separate until the "constitution of the kingdom had been established and confirmed on solid foundations." It was a. terrible time that they had in "confirming and establishing" things, a time the horror of which still haunts the world's memory, but the work was at last thoroughly done, and today there Is nowhere on earth a freer, happier land than France. Good Ont of Evil. It is a splendid instance of good coming out of evil. Possibly it was just as well that the four kings were given that 175 year rule without any body to bother them. Without realiz ing it they were opening the people's eyes, arousing their sense of wrong, quickening their long-cowed resolu tion and so fitting them for the great work that was to be laid out for them in 17S9-93 work that was to free France from despotic rule, and. indi rectly, inaugurate the democracy which is eventually to make every people free. WOMAN IS SHOT IN FEUD OVER CHICKENS Springfield, 111, Sept- 27. A family feud, which originated in the trespass of a chicken, and which has been marked in the last few months by numerous arrests on both sides of the fence, has culminated here in the shooting of Mrs. Ira Patterson bv Mrs. Ho Stedman, her next door neighbor. FORMER CLOVIS BANK OFFICIALS INDICTED Clovlg, N. M.. Sept 27. The Curry county grand jury has indicted L. C West, former president and M. Boyle, fcrmer cashier of the American Bank and Trust company, whVh failed last June, on charges of having re ceived deposits when they knew the institution to be insolvent The bank failed for approximately $50,000. G O O P; Bj GELETT BURGESS LUDIE VROOM I notice crumbs upon the floor! They surely were not there before. They always come when Ludfe Vroom Eats cookies in ' the sitting-room! When they have eaten cakes, I find Gocps always leave their crumbs behind! Doni Be A Goop! U ' ".; ?: "."' - Automobile Horns By GEORGE FITCH. Author of "At Good Old Slvrnsh." SOME inventions are inspired by an gels with a friendly feeling for hu manity, while others are worked out bv the devil in his leisure moments and ! le'ft around for thoughtless mortals to grab, aiost oi tne auioinouue uwua now in use were thought up by the latter. An automobile horn is a mechanical insolence by which bad manners can be produced through a simple turn of the wrist. Some horns are made so that they can be operated intelligently and politely and made to say "I'm coming in different tones to the pedestrian. But most of them are made so that to usa brains in operating them would be an entire waste. Their remarks vary from. "Get out of there"' to "Jump lively you," and produce about as much good feeling among pedestrians as a 4hump on the jaw. Automobile horns of the brainless variety are made in six feet, nine feet and twentv feet sizes. The sizes do not refer to the size of the horn, but to the distance it can make a pedestrian jump. By means of electricity a horn can be constructed nich, when blown one hundred feet behind an ordinary "Will make him jump 20 feet in three directions." citizen, who is intrudin- on the street, will make him" jump twenty feet in three different directions, leaving both shoes and one sock back when so doing. This horn will also make a quiet, peace able lover of flowers go home and look up firearm catalogs for a whole evening after he has made the aforesaid jump. By means of the automobile horn young men who have been overlooked by the foolkiller can pass through a sleeping city after one P. M- leaving a trail of uproar behind them three miles long and three blocks wide. In this case what the horn says is "Look at me.'' Unfortunately there are too many blind policeman. The electric horn has given the au tomobile a voice all its own. It is such a voice as might be produced by a hip popotamus, a walrus, an angry baboon and a pterodaetyl all in one. It is an original contribution to the noises of the world and cannot be mistaken for anything else. Judging from its voice, the automobile is fond of raw meat; Still only this kind of a voice could ex. pres sthe feelings of a respectable auto mobile which is being joy rode. Copy righted bv George Matthew Adams. PEARSON MAY BUILD PANAMA CANAL RIVAL Rumors in England Are That English Capital Will Finance Ocean Con nection in Colombia. London, Eng., Sept. 27. Hints that English capital, represented by Pearson & Son, may give Colombia a chance to avenge herself against Panama bv con structing an ocean to ocean canal bv way of the Atrato and Cupica rivers, are circulated here. 'What," says the Standard in an edi torial, "is to prevent Colombia, if it has sufficient support from foreign capital ists, from making this canal itself, and thereby setting up a formidable rival to the enterprise which is rapidly ap proaching completion " "The assertion of the Monroe doctrine to prevent the building of the canal, would be," according to the editorial. equal to tne assertion oi sovereign rights over every American republic, which so far is not a pretension Amer ican statesmen have put forward." BOWIE CITIZEXS FORM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bowie, Ariz.. Sept 27. Bowie citizens have organized a chamber of commerce. Herman Freese, editor and proprietor of the Arizoman. was elected president G. Killough, first vice president; Dr. Thos. Hill, second vice president; Geo, Armstrong, treasurer, and R, B. Hen rich, secretary. Lester Brenizer, J. R. Thomas, H. C. Morrow, jr.: W. D. Arm strong and Herman Freese were chosea a board of directors, to serve one year. Tho meeting was largely attended 40 s!gnln,i: the roll. Fred Ripley, son of president Ripley, of the Santa Fe railroad: Chas. V. Hat ter, of Los Angeles, and Wot. Kmp, mining engineer, of Tucson, acct Tt panled by Capt Thos. Burns, suert .ev- 1 eral days examining mining pm rty fcw Asva awva uiuuuta u W1 I .S ) v-