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LM IT MILITARY FOR 5ME ZNE Troops Will Try Offenders If Colorado Strike is Not Settled Soon. Trinidad, (Mo., Nov. 19. Strict mili tary law, JBekidinc the establishment of a military court for the trial of all law violators, will be inaugurated at the close of the present week unless definite steps that erre promise of eliding the strike in the southern Colorado coal fields are taken in the interim. This, in substance, is the statement isied this moraine by Maj. E. J. Bougfcton, judge advocate of the Colorado national guard, after a conference with Gen. John Chase and Francis . Bouck, deputy at tornev general. Amnions Bries to Settle Strike. Plans for the immediate institution ot military court tor the trial ot a number of alleged law violators now under arrest, have been held up pending the results of the efforts on the part of governor Amnions to affect a solu tion of the present situation. Governor Amnions is quoted as being hopeful of bringing about a settlement of the strike through the aid of the leaders of na tional labor organizations. Deputy attorney general Bouck ar rived at Trinidad this morning and at onee went into a conference with -Gen. Chase and Maj. Boughton. He declined to be quoted regarding 'the nature of his mission. Gen. Chase, it is understood, dnsires to establish a military 'court, but his view does not meet with the approval of governor Amnions. No serious importance is attached to the rumored differences existing be tween Gen. Chase and assistant adjutant general Lee, or the report that the lat ter has recently asked to be relieved from further duty in connection with the strike. Three Strikers Arrested. Three strikers were arrested at the Valdez mine near Segundo, for stoning nonunion miners as they came from the mines. The arrests were made, by the military authorities and the men were brought to Trinidad under a military escort and lodged in the .guard house at Camp Trinidad. Two militiamen patroling the hills Bear the Forbes- tent colony were fired upon. An investigation did not reveal who had fired the shots. Find Powder in Camp. Another quantity of giant- powder was found in the mail carrier's house, which is loeated in the tent colony. This is the second time powder has been found there. Ninety-five- pounds of giant powder was also found in an ar- roya about three miles from the tent colony. INDUSTRIAL WORKERS ENDORSE DIILG STRIKE Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 13. The In dustrial "Workers of the World have endorsed the strike of the stationary firemen in the textile mills, who walked out asking: an eight hour day. The Industrial Workers, who con ducted the strike of the operatives In 1912, which lasted for nine weeks and which involved 35,000 persons also recorded themselves as being- willing to go out on a sympathetic strike It the firemen so desired. EAST INDIAN STRIKERS DENY RESORT TO VIOLENCE Cape Town, Union of South Africa Nor. 19. While 35,000 East Indians were on strike at Durban alone, the chief leaderssrepudiate any resort to violence or inf midation. Conflicting reports are current as to what is hap pening on the sugar plantations. While in some cases the coolies have tried to burn and destroy the crops, in many other cases they have kept order and have even assisted in extinguishing the fires. MONEY BILL 1 nine leie GANGSTER BATTLE IN NEW YORK STREET Attak on Lower Eant Slue Club Is AnMtvered by Volley; Three Arc Seriously Hurt. New York, Nov. 19. One of the most spetacular gun battles among gangsters of this city in recent years was fought at the doors of a club house on the lower East Side late last night. Three men were seriously shot, many others -were wounded and seven were arrested after poljce re serves finally dared to break up the fight. Gangsters crouching behind trees, ashbarrels and other obstructions opened fire on the club house. Men within sprang to the doors and win dows and answered the attack. Fifty shots were exchanged while detectives blew their whistles for aid. When the revolvers were emptied the police charged the club house. They met with no reistance. The gangsters in the street fled. One man's eye was" shot out. An other is fatally hurt from bullet wounds j-n the back. A third was shot In the legs, which will be amputated in an effort to save his life. Many men escaped over the roofs, carrying wounded with them. Six re volvers were found in the club house and six more in the streets. The men arrested refused to tell the cause of the trouble. It was apparent to the police that those in the club house had expected and prepared for the attack. TELLS if 8STILL i me; IS A Severe Sickness Leaves The Kidneys Weak After recovering from a severe spell of sickness some time ago, I was all run down and suffering rrom poor blood. I -would have pains in my back and hips and my kidneys bothered me all the time. I started taking Swamp Riot upon the recommendation of a friend and found it was just what 1 needed. My blood became all right and after taking a few bottles, I was surprised at the effect It had on my kidneys. They were entirely cured and I have much to be thankful for that your great remedy aid for me. Tours very truly, W. O. BLACKMON, Phenlx City, Ala. Sworn to and subscribed before me, tnis the 14th day of July, I9. W. J. BIRS, Justice or the Peace. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnprhamton, N. V. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Bmghamton, N. Y.. for a sample size bottle. It 'will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the El Paso Liaily Her ald. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement. Stop Using a Truss TRUSS WEARERS. Here's Greet. Good, Hews Tiresome. Torturous Trusses eaa be thrown away for ever, and It s all because STUART'S PIAFAO-PADS ere diifere&t from the painful truss, bein? nxedfcizio applicators made self-adhesive purposeir to prerect slipping and to afford an arrsnzement to bold tha dsiended auscles securely In place V jtSW. I MM. Wilson "Wants Congress to Remain in Session Dur i ing Holiday. Washington, D. C Nov. 19. What to do with the two currency bill3 now being completed by the two factions of the banking committee has given concern to senate leaders. Senator Hitchcock's report probably will be ready for the senate before the end of the coming week. There has been no formal report on the Glass bill. Both factions of the committee are anxious to obtain whatever advantage there is to be obtained. Wilson Opposes Adjournment. President Wilson let Democratic sen ators know in positive terms that he was opposed to the movement now un der way to secure an adjournment of congress for the week prior to the opening of the regular December ses sion. He told several senators that the country would charge congress with adjourning for the purpose of secur ing their mileage allowance. While ad journment talk continues, it is be lieved the special session will run through and merge into the regular session Dec 1. Guard Against Stringency. Means of protecting the country against any financial stringency when the proposed new currency system goes into effect were considered by both the Republican and Democratic wings of the committee. The Republicans and senator Hitch cock, continuing their work on a draft of the bill, adopted a more radical change, providing that banks need de posit only a one percent reserve when the new system becomes effective, an additional one percent to be deposited each six months until the entire re serve of five percent has been pro vided for. The Republican members sent their draft to the government printing of fidfe last night, but will revise it. Propose Farm Ijoans. Farm loans as an investment for na tional banks would be authorized in an amendment -written into the Republi- I can drafts. Senator Hitchcock and the I minority members amended the bill to 1 provide that the national banks may invest one-third of their time deposits on five year farm mortgages based on 50 percent of the value of the land mortgaged. The Republicans struck out of the house bill the requirement that national banks must segregate the capital and assets behind all funds held as savings accounts. The bank examination section of the bill was revised, the committee providing that bank examiners shall be placed on a salary of from $2000 to ?7000 a year, thus eliminating the fee system. Strengthen Gold Redemption. The administration forces once more reinstated the disputed 'lawful money provision. The clause provides that the new currency shall be payable In gold at the treasury in Washington, but shall be payable in "gold or lawful money" at each regional bank. In this connection, the committee strength ened the gold redemption fund re quirements. The "legal tender" qual ity of the new notes, provided for in the bill after a lengthy discussion and a rather heated struggle, was stricken out again. The representation of the banks in the directorate of the regional reserve bank was altered to allow di rectors elected by the member banks to be directors or officers of other financial institutions. Auto baggage Advertisement. trucks. Phone 1.- POPE BLESSES PILGRI3IS; PRAYS FOR PEACE IN MEXICO Rome, Italy, Nov. 19. Pope Pius to day received a party of Mexican pil- They were Introduced by the Rev. Jose 1 to. fit down on account of the danger Ramon Ibarra. archbishOD of Puebla. After imparting the .apostolic bene diction, his holiness expressed the hope that the blessing of peace would be given soon to their country. The Mexican pilgrims were accom panied by the Rev. Leopold Ruiz, arch bishop of Michoacan, and by bishop Jose Amador Velasco. There was a most impressive scene when the pope, surrounded by the Mexican prelates, knelt with the pilgrims and prayed for the peace of Mexico. PHONE ment. 1 FOR TAXL Advertlse- (Contlnued from page 1.) termjtned, directing, inquiring, giving orders and receiving information. I addressed a captain in the name of the six Americuns that were in fail. Pancho Villa passed by. He guaranteed in friendly words safety to us and v to all others, "except officials and traitors." It was then a little after 3 a. m. Villa directed some men on the roof of the prison, others were burning the papers and records of the prison. One soldier called Villa's attention to heavy shooting in the cross street and Villa, with unsurpassed bravery, with gun in his arm, went alone to the corner to see where the shooting came from. He does not know fear; the simple act of going alone when he could have sent others, when he could at least have taken some men along, characterizes the man, Villa. He is brave through and through, not asking and not giving quarter. , A man was brought to him, whom some of the prisoners thought they rec ognized in the darkness as an official of the prison. They flashed an electric pocket lamp in his face, somebody asked him, "Esta secreto?" He answered, I could liot hear what he said to them. Four men stepped up, one man led the prisoner a few steps back, the rifles were leveled, four shots rang out and the man fell. An officer stenoed up, examined him and shot him with his revolver &rough the head. Within one minute he was captured, "tried," sen tenced and executed. In the side streets the firing kept up. A captain asked us ments were coming and going. There were cries of "Quien viveT" The an swers of "Viva Villa" were followed bv closer questions. "Que gente!" Every GOVERX3IEST SENDS 20 SXOW SCALES TO ARIZONA. Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 19. Twenty snow scales, each one capable of meas uring snow to a depth of nine feet, have been received at the local U. S. weather observatory. They "will be distributed throughout the northern and eastern parts of the state. Not one will be kept here, as there is never any snow worth mentioning in Phoenix. One will be placed in the Graham mountains, several in Yavapai county and one at Fort Apache. Other points at which scales are to be installed are Williams, Grand View. Lowell observ atory, Pavson. Pine and the Thomas ranch, near Flagstaff of flying bullets, and within a second every one of us was sitting on the side walk, close ud to the wall. Three more men were brought up. One was accused of having cussed Villa. They argued about him; should they shoot him at once? The man tried to explain a young fellow he was. They told him to keep quiet and stand against the wall and wait till they were ready. One captain told him they were going tb shoot him. What became of him and the others with him I do not know. One of the fellows out ot prison re marked, "povrecitos." A captain stepped up and said quiet and earnest: "Thev have illed our Sladero." We got orders to move on. They marehed us around side streets to the plaza. The officers called on us to look out for fallen wires; to step quick when we crossed a street; to look out for the water that was running out of the tank of the jefatura building, and seemed concerned regarding our safety. They promised us we would be free by daylight. They explained that we were safer with them, as wc could not go anywhere without being, challenged, and possiblv taken for an enemy. On the plaza thev halted us; detach- J.23T -rr & Colds Caase ITeaCncne and Grip LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tabletsre movp cause. There is only One "BRO MO QUININE." It has signature of E. W. GROVB on box. 25a are pale and frail backward in studies with Dincned feces and poor blood their minds and bodies are actually starved because their regular food does not nourish. Such children need Scott's Emulsion above everything else; it contains nature's rarest life-giving fats; it is essentially food value blood-food and bone-food, free from wine, alcohol or harmful drug. Scott's Emulsion often builds many times its weight in solid flesh its medicinal, tonic and nutritive properties make all good food do rood. IT 15 HOT A PROP. BUT A FOUNDATION FOR STURDY GROWTH: Every Druggist Has It Avoid Substitutes. fctA.'.-WfH'WrMLftana 13-120 M0rrJ?ff jamtr vzpiamo- dear TKasmm ornrva. THti noT - 0FPLAPA0 MfMMA iwswtxtta . NO STRAPS. BUCKLES OR SPRINGS ATTACHED, cannot dip, so cannot chafe or press against the pubtc bona. Thousands nave treated themselves Is the privacy ot tho home most obstinate cases cured no delay from work. Soft as velvet easy to apply inexpensive Process ot recoreiy is natural, so af tenrards no nsa for trasses. Awarded Cold Modal International Expo, akon. Rome; Grand Prix at Pans. Write us today to prove it by sendme TRIAL PLAPAO FREE. Address, Planao Laboratories, Block 1 100St,Louis,Mo INDIGESTION ENDED, STOMACH FEELS FINE Time Tape's Diapepsin In five min utes all SoarnexM, Gait, Heart burn and. Dyspepsia is gone. TWO MADEROS ARE RELEASED ON BOND Veracruz, Mex., Nov. 19. Evaristo and Daniel Madero, relatives of the late president, Francisco I. Madero, and Leandro Aguila and his son, who have been confined for several weeks in the fortress of San Juan Ulua charged with sedition, have been re leased on bond. They hav.e taken quarters at a hotel here. The Maderos were arrested in Octo ber at Monterey and brought to Vera cruz. The United States government notified the Mexican government that itr would regard with displeasure any accident to the two prisoners. The United States battleship Nebras ka, now at Tampico, repoits that all the women and children re cently held by the insurgent leaders at Tanguijo have been allowed to leave that place and have arrived at Tampi- The rebclb are in strong force In the oil region, but are maintaining or der and paying for all supplies taken. They still threaten Tampico. The exodus of American citizens from Mexico City continues. Forty persons, most of them women and children, arrived here this - morning by train. The fugitives report that only a few American women and chil dren remain in the federal capital. Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and ou feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Eiapensin. It makes all stomach mis ery Tanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt if you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try .Pane's Dia pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a litUe Diapepsin. There will not be any dis tress eat without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin "really does" regu late weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales annually. Get a large fift-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin f'om any drug store. It Is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic it is a scientific, harmless and pleas art stomach preparation which truly DCiOnss in eerj home Advertisement. VILLA WILL HEED ; CARRANZA'S ORDERS Nogales, Soil, Nov.. IS. Gen. Car ranza had a long talk this afternoon by telephone with Pancho Villa, at Juarez. It was said that Villa ex pressed his willingness to abide by any orders from Carranza and that other insurgent chiefs in Chihuahua state were also in sympathy with the "Constitutionalist" commander in chief. Gen. Hugh Scott. commanding United States troops on border patrol, arrived in Nogales. Ariz, from El Paso, his headquarters. No explana tion was offered for hss visit here at this time. TROOPS AT TEXAS ClTV WALL TEXTS AND SETS UP STOA'ES. Texas City. Tex., Nov. 19. Tents in the camp of the seoond division of the Irnited States army were walled and refloored today and stoves were in stalled in them. This was regarded as InrHrarinr-.ho. the division; would remain hAro throughout the winter. mnSxflt 00- ttrr o JJ i-i n T-x -1U..V k:vu, saia trie ro- sflRlKrfti 4 verb, "do not lay .out your money ia the purchase of re pentance." la buying a piano, you should consider the Quality, and Durability, as well as the price. In buying one of our sweet toned instruments, backed by our iron clad guarantee, you are certain to pur chase gratification and satisfaction. Every piano that, leaves the factory and enters our warerooms must be as perfect as -knowledge, skill and taste can make it Prices from $75.00 up. s to Suit You Term Tuning and repairing a specialty. Work guaranteed. Your Thanks giving entertainment will not be a success if your piano is out of tune. JENKINS PIANO CO. Phone 2958 "THE BIG PIANO HOUSE." 211-213 Texas St ture was brought up, looked over, taken aside and a volley rang out. "The mur der of Madero must be avenged," they would say. The hMi.inr of the drums sounded from the distance, the strains of music few minutes some poor suspected crea-) were carried to our ears, they had start ed out the "band of the 15th to celebrate their victory. The church bells were ringing and the very air trembled with the shout of the Tktoriom rebels, "Viva ViBa." ' The "battle was. tnr. - Juarez was in the hands of mVL goenunafc, whose first business was -revenge. F. Ballin. ? S) "Agents Revillon Freres Furs" CL 4T Qh beautiful Lace and Net Blouses In Regular $3.95 Values commencing It Thursday Morning . TO emphasize the remarkable values in our Blouse Section we offer a wonderful collection of fine lace, net, chiffon and silk Blouses far under value. The lace and net models come in all the light shades and white. The silk models in a great variety of darker colors. All charmingly trimmed with lace frilled fronts, pretty buttons and colored ribbons. Reg ular $3.95 values, commencing Thursday morning, choice $2.95 $1 TJNION SUITS One table of reg ular $1 union suits in white cotton ribbed styles in plain and fleeced kinds. Ankle lengths, elbow and long sleeves. Choice the suit 79c 13 INCH SLEEPING DOLLS One loir of 13 inch sleeping jointed dolls with long eurly hair in Blondes or brunettes. Remarkable values and only one gross at the spe cial price, each ' 25c New Furs The White House is famous for fine furs at moderate prices. We are exclusive agents in El Paso for the Revillon Freres Furs, the finest in the world. In addition we carry a large and varied line of White House guaranteed furs. Re member always that The White House is "The Fur Store of EI Paso." Visit Oar New Gift Section $2.50 Ostrich Plumes 98c M A- J&, a -jam 1 JsTjK fa fjmf Sweater Coats As an extraordinary special begin ning Thursday we offer one lot of fine plain and fancy knitted wool sweater coats in all the leading colors. Double and single breasted models with two pockets and big pearl buttons. An unusual $2.50 value will go on sale tfj 1 J g I tomorrow at tpADU' See Our Arcade Window Displays $1 to $4 - 49c illinery for the Horse Show $36 to $125 Values at $18 to $60 rUE New Tork office has been able to secure a complete line of ex-- quisite Horse Show Millinery at a big price concession, which was brought out for the great Annual New Tork Horse Show. This pur chase was timely because the hats have arrived and will be placed on sale in time for the El Paso Horse Show and Races. These hats are en tirely new designs of gold lace trimmed in the rarest of furs, aigrettes and paradise. The regular prices range from $36 to $125. Our special prices beginnhrr tomorrow and continuing as long as they last, $18 to $60 Early Shoppers Will Secure Best Values 100 . Unirimmed Shapes at $1.39 Regular $3.50 Values T"E HAVE made a fortunate pkk-up in the New j York market over 100 erect pile silk plush untrimmed shapes and all faced in black velvet and lined. They come in 20 different shades including gold, melon, amethyst, garnet, brown, navy, delft blue, light blue, pink, old rose, copper, black and white. This is a remarkable opportunity to secure a rare bargain. Regular $3.50 K 1 QQ values beginning Tomorrow at $ J. .j5b COPYRIGHT, II IT Time To Buy jff ! ILf BBEgWWmT WTinjIllllllllliB jtf n-MM- liiL. " iwil BQBmg Vllmsili b iff mM mrMvmiirPf O Xmas Gifts 'The Xmas Store of Service" Q. ii 4 IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Stops Xasty DlschnrRe, Clears Stuffed Head, Heals Inflamed Air Pawiages and 'on Urcntae Freely. Try "Kly's Cream Balm. Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try It Apply a little In tne nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and stopped air passages of the head will open? you will breathe freely: fljll nesfi and headache disappear. Bv morning' the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream BUtT' at any drug store. This sweet, frag rant balm dissolves by the heat ot the nostrils; penetrates ami heals the inflamed, swollen meuibrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling or cleansing, soothing relief comes- immediately. Don't lay awake to-night struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Ca tarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put jojr faith just once In "Ely's rrea"i Balm" ind ifrar cold or catarrh will sorely disappear. Advertisement I Just Because I I CIJ QRf 1 W-. MJ iL- M I 9sa W B sj c meeu me money g I $25.00 Suits for $1S.50 i B $20.00 Suits for $15.50 1 S $15.00 Suits for $11.50 1 I The $15 Clothes Shop 1 I HARRIS KRUPP, Prop. 1 H 107 San Antnnin St. M EaHWWBHBHMWWBH83BaaMtBBmaBiBaa3Bi ,flfo. f UXliUJ&Sa&A AJLi OTBSRS C O ftS P A NY PHONES 505506 204-206 E. OVERLAND ST. Car.'oad of Apples Must be Sold at Once Ben Davis 50 lb. Box $1.90 Wine Sap 50 lb. Box Black Twigs 50 lb. Box $2.25 Phone your order or call at once if you want a bargain. These are Lincoln county apples. First class. Absolutely no seconds. TER HOTEL! "Use Herald Want Ads. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Absolutely Fireproof, Modern, European. Rates $1.00 to $3.00 per day. A. HOTEL BUILT FOE TEE CLIMATE PERCY TYRRELL. MGR