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El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, November 19, 1913, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1913-11-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1913.
- w
11111 urriuLOO
Gen. Scott Asked to See if
He Can Quiet Them; Two
Troops From Nebraska.
WASHINGTON. D. C-. Nov. 19.
Secretary of the interior Lane
Issued the following statement
today concerning the IS Navajo indian
outlaws encamped on Beautiful moun
tain. New Mexico, who are defying
"The sending of troops to capture the
.ndians was done on advice of Maj.
McLaughlin, who for 3 years has been
Known as the Indians' friend. Saturday
he sent me the following telegram:
-The' United States marshal left for
Santa Fe with three of the indicted
Navajos, -who surrendered, leaving
eight of the indicted still in camp.
There are seven other Indians with
them. I returned here from conference
with the indians at Noel's store, six
miles from their mountain camp. This
is a natural stronghold. They abso
lutely refuse to surrender. I recom
mend that a sufficient force be sent
to overawe the recalcitrant band.'"
"I held a conference," said secretary
Lane, "with commissioner Sells, of the
indian office, and replied as follows:
" 'We would greatly regret to use
force, and this must be the last resort.
I am not favorable to the use of troops
if this can be avoided.'
Pears Serious Trouble.
Wilis morning I received Maj. Mc
Laughlin's answer, as follows:
" This recalcitrant band has been de
fying the authorities since Sept. 17 and
have been appealed to bv Chee Dodge
Peshlaki and Charley Mitchell, the
most influential men of the tribe, also
by a majority of other Navajo head
men, to deliver themselves up, but to no
avail. It would require 500 men to sur
round their camp and in my judgment
they cannot be starved into submission.
They have threatened, the lives of
friendly indians and of trader Walker.
They have also threatened to burn the
agency and sawmill, six miles south of
their camp, and kill the while peonle
employed there. They have been defy
ing the law for the last two months.
To defer their arrest much lonerer is
liable to bring them supporters from
among those who are now friendly.
The offenders believe that the govern
ment is either afraid of them or don't
want them arrested and punished by
the courts."
As a result Mr. Lane asked the war
department to send troops.
Troops Ordered Sent.
The war department at once acted on
the request of secretary Lane and or
dered trqpps. .
In the hope hpwever that the excited
indians may be induced to yield peace
ably and surrender, the war department
ordered Gen. Hugh L Scott, command
ing the Second cavalry brigade at Fort
Bliss, to proceed in haste to the Navajo
agency to confer with the indian chiefs.
Gen. Scott May Settle It.
Gen. Scott is singularly influential
with the Navajos, whose language he
speaks. He has always, been regarded
by them as their best friend and it is
believed that he will be able to placate
The general's instructions are to con
fer with Maj. McLaughlin, the indian
agent, before beginning his conference.
To back his mission with a show of
force, orders were also sent to Fort
Robinson. Neb., to entrain and despatch
to the Navajo agency a full squadron
of the Twelfth cavalry to serve as Gen.
Scptt's escort. ,
Tio Troops From Bliss.
Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, commanding
the southern military department, was
first ordered to dispatch troops from
Fort Bliss; but as none could be spared
from the 'border patrol and as the
Fifteenth cavalry, just arrived at Fort
Bliss, has not had sufficient experience
with the new Worses, just turned over
to that regiment by the Second cavalry,
it was not deemed expedient to send
the troops from Bliss.
Indians Burn Slgnnl Fires.
Farmington. N. M. Nov. 19. With
signal fires Mazing at many points on
Beautiful Mountain, where 15 Navajo
indians have fortified themselves in
open defiance of the Washington gov
ernment, and with the indians holding
war dances and 'singing their ancient
war songs, the situation on the Navajo
reservation, where an incipient uprising
exists, is ne tended to give agent W. T.
Shelton. at the Shiprock agency, grave
Agent Shelton has a force of 30
deputies, all heavily armed, on guard
at the agency, while indian police,
working In regular shifts throughout
each 24 hours doing scout duty, mini
mize the possibility of a surprise attack
lv the renegade Indians, should they
attempt an offensive movement.
In the meantime, agent Shelton and
Maj. McLaughlin are awaiting the
arrival at Shiprock of Gen. Scott, from
Tl Ppso. Texas, and the sauadron of
United States cavalry from Fort Hobin
Kon. Neb., with no little apprehensive-ness.
Austin. Texas. Nov. 19. An .official
statement issued by Dr. S. R. Hezes,
president of the university of Texas,
to the student's association, says that
there will be no holidays in the uni
versity on the Friday and Saturday fol
lowing Thanksgiving.
Many of the students and faculty
members had expected the university
to close Wednesday night until Monday
morning, following Thanksgiving fes
Austin. Texas, Now 19. The first ap
plication to sell stock and operate un
der the socalled Blue Sky law which
became effective yesterday, was filed
today in the state department by the
Ta-rflct Tnhlihlnsr nnmnanv with head-
! quarters at Dallas. This concern is
the one which proposes to puonsn a
daily and semi-weekly newspaper In
Texas backed by the leading "pros."
This company is to be capitalized at
Phoenix. Ariz., Nov. 19. The Phoe
nix Senators pounded southpaw John
son for 13 safeties and defeated the
Mesa Gems 5 to 0. Hall, who twirled
for Phoenix, allowed four hits. No
errors were committed by the Sena
tors, but bad ones were chalked up
against Morris and Core, ef the visitors.
"Villa doesn't seem a bit anxious to
get any mail," said postmaster J. A.
Smith. "We have 500 sacks of mall
for .Juarez here. I have gone over to
see Villa about it, and I have 'phoned
him about it, but it doesn't seem to
concern him very much, as he has not
i aone anything toward getting it.
I "I believe they appointed Manuel
Bouche Alcalde postmaster yesterday,
but he has not said anything to us
about wanting the Juarez mall. While
we are waiting we will open the sacks
and take out the mail for the United
States. Lots of the mail In these
sacks has been bonded through from
Mexico, so we will separate that be
fore we send the rest over.
Cleaning, dyeing; pressing; best work,
quick service. Wright. Phone 343 and
wagon will call. Advertisement.
Auto baggage trucks. Phone 1.
Advertlsement. .-
How about some red fence? We have
just unloaded a car. Lander Lumber
Co. Advertisement.
tisement. Cleaning, dyeing, pressing; best work,
quick service. Wright. Phone 343 and
wagon will call. Advertisement.
"Wife of Army Officer Consents to
ProTe Her Contention That Dresses
She Bought Did Not Fit.
Cheyenne. Wyo.. Nov. 19. A pro
posal to try on a gown before the
throng of curious spectators in the
T'nited States district court was
promptly squelched today by Judge J.
A Riner. Mrs. Joseph L. Wler. on the
most stand in the trial in -which she is
charged, with her nustand, an army
officer, with the theft of clothing from
Mrs. J. S. Cecil, claimed that dresses
which she asserts she bought for a
trifling sum from a woman canvasser,
did not fit. and that therefore there
would have been no object in steal
ing them
Her attorney suggested that she try
on one of the gowns In open court to
substantiate her claim. The witness
promptly consented, and there was a
momentary flutter of excitement
among the spectators. Judge Riner,
however, hastily interrupted the pro
ceedings, saying that the demonstra
tion was unnecessary.
Arguments were heard in the case
following the close of the testimony,
and a verdict was expected before
Chief of Police Noble, of Houston,
Tex., was a witness of the defence.
The court Instructed the jury to find
Lieutenant Wier not guilty, no evi
dence having been produced to con
nect him with the alleged theft.
Whenever Ton Neeff a General Tonic
Take Grove's.
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gen
eral Tonic because it contains the well
known tonic propertiesof QUININE and
TRON Drives out Malaria, enriches Blood.
B-.iid. up the Whole System. 50c.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
and Rogers Peet
Overcoats $20 to $40
COAT that is leading
in popular favor this
season is shown here
in double breasted
and single breasted
models. Ideal for gen
eral wear prabtical,
smart and good for
"all around" service.
A wide range of fab
rics over-plaid, diag
onals, herring bone
weaves, imported
mixtui-.es and smooth
finish materials, reg
ular oi combination
storm and soft-roll
and shawl collars,
patch pockets a reg
ular "tbp notcher" in
style and value.
Variety of other mod
els, lots of different
new things, and all
good that describes
our overcoat stock.
For the older ' and
m or e conservative
dresser, we have the
quieter types, dignified and dressy. For the
young men who seek the snappy, ultra models,
extreme styles, we have plenty of the latest
things. For voung women who like the "man's
overcoatWeaTcJiave many good things.
Glad to show you any of them.
Hart Schaffner & Marx, Rogers Peet
and "Fitfoim '. Suits $20 to $40
Cojjyritht Hrt ScLiffbcr & Mux
omens Dresses and Coat Suits
In An Unusual Sale All This Week
THE next three days will be busy ones in the "Popular'-s" Ready-to-Wear Sections, for these remarkable
values are certain to attract a host of shoppers. Such a sale would be out of the ordinary even at the
close of the season, but we have made some fortunate purchases recently and we are going to give-you the
bfiiiftfit of the savins now. and also include garments from our regular1 stocks. These suits and dresses cor
rectly portray the very latest authentic fashions and you are sure to find just the style garment to please
The Very Latest Suits Are Included
THE lines of Suits included in this sale represent the verv last word of
Fashion. Distinctively rew, clever in cut and design, novel in trim
ming effects, rich in materials and colors. Both plain and rough weaves
.are shown Broadcloths, Duvetynes, Eponges, Boucles, Broches, Wool
Bengalines, Poplins, Diagonals, etc.
Some are very faneily made others are more plain. Almost any length
coat, and almost any cut. Pine selection of cole-Tings.
Coat Suits
Coat - Suits
E3 m m b rs.
worth .up to M H H efi 1
offered M rfBQJr
in this sale at
Coat Suits
worth up to
$37.50 offered
in this sale at.
worth up to
$47.50 offered
in this sale at.
Coat Suits
worth up to
$520 offered
in this sale at.
J &tr u
Women's Dresses of Wool Materials
THEEE nevor was a better collection of Dresses assembled than we of
fer you to select from tomorrow. There is a snap and a go a grace
and a dash about them that strikes one in a most pleasing way. Materials:
There is almost no end to styles and colors; every shade that is good, every
model that" is desirable, every size one could want. All represent late pur
chases which were made after the season's styles were thoroughly setUed.
Woolen Dresses,
values up to
8.50, offered in
full assortment
Woolen Dresses,
values up to
$25.00, offered
in full assort
ment at
Women's Dresses of Silken Fabrics
A MAGNIFICENT collection of this class of Dresses is offered. A very
noticeable characteristic of the lines is their completeness offer
ing such a wide range for choice, and with the assurance of having your
size in almost any style you select.
Many of the models are reproductions and adaptations of foreign masters.
Parisian in style and effect, but American in make and price. Some are
plainly made, while others are made in more elaborate effects.
Dresses worth
up to $15.00,
offered in full
assortment at. .
Women's Gowns for the Charity Ball
And for Every Engagement During the Social Season
iff tst V
offered in full
assortment at. .
up to
Women's Sweaters
VJTTOMEN'S wool sweater coats In white,
oxford and red, pearl button
trimmed, high collars. Good protective gar
ments for the cold days. d' ft
Extra special, each P A vr
VT7HAT is the new fashion?" some one
asked Mme. Jenny, of Paris. "What
ever is beautiful to look at," she replied with a
pretty smile. After reviewing the almost endless
fashions on the Third Floor any woman must co
incide in that opinion. Whatever is beautiful to
look at is the fashion and it is all here. - Seldom,
if ever, has there been offered such a bewildering
variety of charming dresses. They have all sorts
of picturesque movements, swaying, floating ef
fects which give them grace and softness.
From the little lace gowns at $15 up to the original
models of the great Parisian dressmakers, there are
many gowns to suit each individual complexion,
figure and preference.
Every dress here shows foreign inspiration. The
makers represented usually send their designee to
Paris two or three times a year. This, with all
the fashions our own scouts bring and the additional
cables, photographs and letters constantly being re
ceived by our New York office, keeps the "Pop
ular" up to the very last minute of Paris.
So delicate, so feminine and wonderfully pretty are
these evening gowns that trying them on will be as
amusing as going to a play. Only a few gowns of
each model, so there is very little risk of duplica
tion. We call your especial attention to the even
ing dresses at $15, $1950. $25 and $3450.
A Grand New Lot of those $ 19.50Evening Gowns
that Created Such a Furore Last Week
Phone 1
Only 20 Cents Per Day
will pay for any straight upright piano now
on my floor.
Closing Out All Straight
Pianos at Cost
Will carry only player-pianos hereafter.
Pianos which have been rented for short
time now below cost. Cash or terms.
No interest. Come and see the prices.
F. G, Billings Piano Co,
102 N. Stanton
In the Infants' and
Children's Dept.
SWEATERS We have Just received a
-natty number in our sweater depart
ment in the popular Balkan style.
These come In Cardinal, navy and ox-
lord, and are an exception
ally good value at
SPORT SWEATERS Don't forget our
line oi sport sweaters, rnese are in
fancy stripes, showing white with
maroon, navy or light 1 nc
blue, choice p...J
SWEATERS Another special in the
sweater department Is a child's 2 piece
set. sweater and knee pants, that we
are going to sell Thurs- CI QC
day for pi.7J
embroidered and scalloped in a large
variety of designs and an exceptional
quality of material T 1 ff
are warm, cozy garments for the cold
evenings just coming on. and we are
making this special offer Just at the
time when you feel the need of this
certain line of merchandise. C f)f)
Remember, for Thursday only V' 11
and corded silk, artistically trimmed
with lace and ribbon; a special T 1 f)f)
H ' HEY are made of the materials most fashion
able today in Paris Velvet, charmeuse, bro
caded velvet, chiffon, shadow laces, net, etc
They are combined with delicate French laces,
glittering rhinestones, opulent pearls and metal laces
in exquisite patterns.
Until one looks at the labels these gowns would
seem "to have just landed from Paris. In fact, they
come from a New York maker, an artist who re
cently returned from Paris. He is now ready to
start working on his early spring models. So he
Priced at 95c and $1.45
NEW shipment of Middy Blouses just received.
These are the celebrated MENDEL'S MAKE
and are of materials that are absolutely fast color
anii wiR positively retain the original shade. Made,
undr strictly sanitary conditions. Workmanship,
quality and fit are unexcelled. Best quality white
jeaR aSv galatea, with collars, cuffs, emblems and
lacings ofvarious colors. Best values in the city
at v 95c and $145
WE received today a large express shipment
of dainty shadow lace and net blouses in
over twenty-five different styles. Some trimmed in
fur, and others irr chiffon, ribbons and fancy chiffon
flowers. These BJouses are worth much more than
the advertised pride of $2.95
made the materials on his shelves in the styles he
had just seen Paris wearing.
Every gown in the purchase is freshly made and
never shown before. In individual models to suit
every type of woman distinguished models in all
black and very beautiful gowns in white, orchid,
yellow, pink, brown, rose, copper, red and very
many shades of blue.
We ourselves, have never seen such charming gowrr?
at such a low price. They are suitable for the
opera, the Charity Ball, or any other social en
Trimmed Hats $1.00
$7.50 and $8.50 Values
TOMORROW we offer a collection of Trimmed
Hats, odds and ends from our $7.50 and
$8.50 lines that we are going to sell at this re
markably low price. The very latest and most
popular fashions are represented in this lot, in
various shapes and styles and the most desirable
colors and combinations. There's sot one of them
but is worth much more than we ask for it. You
will be surprised to find sueh Hats
on sale at
offering for Thursday
Bronze Pumps $5 Newest thing Out
WOMEN'S bronze pumps Co
lonial style with the very new
and much wanted Louis Cuban heel.
The very newest creation in street
footwear. Come here tomorrow and
let us fit you while the stock is com
plete. We have marked them to sell
at 1 $5.00
Ai'tn hapg-ic-r trucks
A''u i.i meat.

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