Newspaper Page Text
Villa Calls Spaniards Conspifitors I WILL TRY TO SHIP LUMBER TO MILLS Juarez Merchant Denies; Says They Have Been Central Always. (Continued from prevloas page.) the blame of having- mixed themselves In the Mexican politics, giving an un derstanding that all the Spaniards that have been damaged by the revolution have participated In it, is entirely false and invented by the excited passion of I energetically protest against ,all news 'which 1b and might be spread, that I have given support to Mr. Huer ta's government, as, knowing my rights and duties of a foreigner, I have al ways been neutral. Men under Mr. Villa or Villa himself have taken from me in Ciudad Juarez or Chihuahua 93,000 pesos, and only by reimbursing me this amount to pay my debts, could he justify his proceedings. I again state that I have never been mixed in politics and on the same con ditions, many others can be found. 1 also will explain that I am not looking for intervention, owing to the outrages committed on us, as I have lived in Mexico for the last twenty-five years and it has my respects. If any Spaniards or from another country have mixed themselves in the present revolution. ,1 am sure they make an extreme minority, and it Is a shame against people's right that of expell ing and depriving us of our own in terests. - Iomingo Trueba. TWO KCHDERED SPAJflARDS fVEEB CLVBBBD TO DEATH. Refugees who arrived en the Tuesday morning train from Chihuahua say that the two Spaniards, Jose and Au gustin Gonzales, who were found dead in the dry bed of s stream. In Santa Rosa, a suburb of Chihuahua, were clubbed to death. They disappeared at the time the order was given by Villa for the Spanish residents to leave the State, The bodies were found: later with the heads of" the two men -"badly beaten and their clothing torn. The rebels claim that jobbers were respon sible for the crime. Husband and Wife Both Saved From Suffering I wish to tell you the good results myself and husband received from Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. About eleven years ago I had a severe attack of La Grippe and "was confined to my bed about eight weeks under the doctor's care. He pronounced my case kidney trouble and vtaeumatism and not re ceiving the results from tie-doctor's treatment I should have received, I de cided, to try Swamp-Root. -After taking several bottles of Swamp-Root I was able to get up and attend to my work. iAbont a sear later my husband was af fected with a severe attack of kidney trouble and doctored for some time with, the doctors and received no ben efit. Knowing of the good I had re ceived, he decided to try Swamp-Root His condition -was such that he was confined to bis bed and words cannot tell how he suffered, hat after taking Swsmp-Root he was relieved so he couM go on with his work without pain. I wish to heartily recommend Swamp-Boot to all persons afflicted with, kidney and bladder troubles and you aay publish this letter if you wish. Tours truly, MRS. A. B. BRIGGS. Bldred. Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 26th day of May, 1912. IEA MCCARTHY, Notary Public. - CARDINAL RAMPOLLA, NOTED PRELATE, DIES Papal Secretary of State Under Pope Leo, Once Considered for Papacy, Passes Array at Home. Rome, Italy, Dec. 17. Cardinal Ram polla, former papa secretary of state, died last night. He was not known to have been 111, but had several times suffered from serious attacks of influenza, similar to that which has afflicted the pope. It was cardinal Rampolla who cele brated the Te Derai at Rome on May 11 in thanksgivingrior the recovery of tne pope. Cardinal Rampolla, Marquis Deltin daro, was appointed secretary of state by pope Heo XIII, and' at the conclave for the election of a successor to pope j SPANIARDS' GOODS HELD BY BENAVIDES CARDINAL RAaiPOLLA Leo, was a dominant figure until Aus tria exercised an old prerogative, the right to enter an objection to the elec tion of a given candidate for the pa pacy. Cardinal Rampolla led on the first and second votes. Of late cardinal Rampolla had been mentioned as a possible successor to pope Pius X. He was born at Polizzi, Sicily, in 1843, and was proclaimed car dinal in 18S7. He was arch-priest at St. Peter's and secretary of the con gregation of the Univerasl Inquisition. Since the conclave cardinal Rampolla has lived in retirement in the palace of St Martha, just behind St. Peter's, and had devoted his time to the de partments dealing with matters of doc trine, dogma and internal administra tion of the church, holding aloof from affairs pertaining to the foreign rela tions of the holy see. Removal of Minor Juarez Official Is 'Said to Ilavc Followed Attempt to Smuggle Property. Additional details of the attempted smuggling of four van loads of seized Spanish merchandise from Juarez have been learned by secret servioe opera tives on the American side. The mer chandise was a part of that which was taken from the Trueba and other stores in Juarer, which were owned by Spaniards. "When the stocks were confiscated, it was reported that HI Paso men had bought large quanti. ties of the merchandise and would at tempt to move them from Juarez to HI Paso. To prevent this, attorneys for the Spanish mercnants prepared to claim the goods when they arrived .at the custom house here. This pre vented the purchasers from bringing the goods into this country. The merchandise was then stored In Juarez and left there until Monday, when four wagon loads of the goods were taken from the warehouse and hauled to Guadalupe, below Juarez, the reported intention being to smuggle them across to -the American side. The rebel commanders In Juarez were not in on the scheme and the rebel river scouts arrested the eight wagon driv ers and escorts and took them back to Juarez under guard, seizing the four wagons with their loads. Later Primo Salcido, the chief of police of Juarez, was removed from office, Juarez resi dents say, and arrested by order of Gen. Bugenio Benavides. The goods are being held by the commander un til instructions are received from Villa as to their disposition. Fresh and smoked tongues. Opltst Market, phone 136. Advertisement i Movement of 10,000,000 Feet of Lum ber, Year's Supply, Will Start When Railroad In Repaired. Railroad communication between Juarez and Chihuahua over the Mexico North Western will be resumed before January 1 if Castillo's men do not dis turb the construction crews now re pairing the line. As soon as the work is finished, the movement of 16,000,000 feet of Madera lumber will be commenced. This will supply the El Paso mills for the entire j ear of 1914, officials say. There is a construction crew at Sab inal, 155 kilometers south of Juarez, another at Santa Sofia at kilometer 174, and another at kilometer 115. These are the only places where the track Is damaged. With the completion of re pairs trains will run to Madera and Pearson. A repair crew is also at work at Rincon, 471 kilometers below Juarez, on the Chihuahua division. Castillo himself has not been on the North Western line, but a few of his men appeared near Pearson. 5EXT DOLLAR. DIXXEIt , IS SET FOR DECEMBER 22. The next dollar dinner of the cham ber of commerce will be held Dec. 22. The dinner was originally planned for Dec 18, and governor McDonald, of New Mexico, was expected to be the principal speaker. On account of his inability to be present the dinner was postponed in order to secure other speakers. CABRERA MAT BE MEMBER OF CARRAXZ.VS CABINET Hermoslllo, Son., Mer Dec. 17. The cabinet offices of secretary of the treasury and secretary of foreign af fairs will probably be conferred upon Luis Cabrera, who arrived Tuesday night from Washington. He was a member of the national house of depu ties when Madero was president VILLA TO GO SOUTH WITH 15,000 MEN Herrera's Force Will Be the Vanguard; Rebels Have 5000 Xenr Monterey to Join Movement. Villa is making preparations for his advance south toward Torreon, re gardless of the presence of the federals at Ojinaga, according to Torreon refu gees, who arrived here on a special train Wednesday morning. The move ment of Maclovlo Herrera, with his command, was to ParraL where Her rera will recruit his force, visit his family and make all the arrangements for departure to the south as the van guard of Villa's main army, the Tor reon refugees say. When the Torreon mining and smel ter men left that town, it was being held by the rebels, but Valasco and Argumedo with 6000 federals were en camped at San Pedro, 60 miles north east of Torreon. This was on Dec 5, and, since they left Torreon, it was re ported that the federals had occupied Torreon on Dec 10. Trains are run ning between Chihuahua and Berme jillo every second day. The refugees left Torreon on Dec 5 on board a special train which arrived in Chihuahua on the 9 th. They left Chihuahua on another special Tuesday at noon and arrived at the border at 4 ocloek Wednesday morning. One of the party saw a review of troops at Chihuahua Sunday and say that Villa had 4500 men in the review. Pablo Gonzales, the rebel leader who captured Tampico and Victoria, is re ported near Monterey with 5000 men, preparing to join Villa when he starts south. The Torreon refugees say that villa will have a lorce or 15,000 men when he moves south, unless he leaves a part of his command at Ojinaga to prevent the federals from retaking Juarez and Chihuahua. The refugees declare that a lake was discovered on the Orient line west of Chihuahua which had been filled with ammunition and machine guns by the federals on the march to Ojinaga. The rebels have taken 125.0W rounds of seven milhueter Mauser cartridges from this lake, two machine guns be longing to the federals and an auto mobile which had been run into the lake when it could not be operated. The members of the Torreon party were L. de la Garza, a mining man of Torreon; F. F. Vlllareal, manager of the Torreon smelter; Alfredo S. Farias, a real estate dealer; B. Ramos Bar rera, an official of the smelter; Vivto riano G. Navarro, Raoul Gamez, Man uel Amaya and Bmelio Mores. The two latter came to Chihuahua from Tor reon on a secret mission for the "Con stitutionalist" government THROS'C SEEKS TO REDEEM BASK BILLS IX MEXICO CITY Mexico City, Dec 17. Thousands of persons formed lines yesterday at the doors of the Banco Central. It was the only bank in the city that had not refused to redeem state baiik notes. Practically every bill in the city issued by an outside bank was brought to the Central bank for redemption. Paper of six outside banks has been refused on account of lack of funds in the Central. It is assumed that the paper of others will be refused when their deposits have been exhausted. Business men fear the refusal to re deem the notes will eauee a run e the state banks. It is known, however, that perhaps a majority of these are wholly solvent and that ultimately when the notes now out of their ter ritory are returned to them, they will be paid to their face value. It is reported that president Huerta. by official decree, will force acceptance of the bank notes, perhaps making thorn lac-al tender throughout the re public, aa he has already done In the. states w-hea they were issued. Colds Cause Headache and Grip. LAXATIVB BROMO QUININE tablets remove cause. There is only One "BRO MO QUININK." It has signature of W. GROVK OB box. 25c, To Grow Hair On AJBald Head BY A SPECIALIST. Thousands oX people suffer from baMnaas and falling hair who, having tried nearly every advertised hair tomj and hatr-zrower without results, have resigned, themselves to baldness a"! its attendant discomfort Yet their case is not hopeless; the following , simple home prescription has made ha r J grow after years of oaianess, ani also unequalled for restoring gray ha to its original color, stopping ha from falling out and destroying tv dandruff srerm. It Will not make ti hair greasy, and can be put up by ar y1 druggist: Bay Rum, 6 ounces; Lavonal de Composee, Z ounces; Menthol crys-' tals. one-half drachm. If you wish It perfumed, add 1 drachm of your fav orite perfume. This preparation is highly recommendedlby physioians and specialists, and is absolutely harm less, as it contains none of the poison ous wood alcohol so frequently found in hair tonics. Advertisement tCh Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co Biag&amton, Iff. T. Prove "What Swamp-Root Will Do for Ton. Send ten cents te Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, K. T., for a sample size bottle. It -will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Bl Paso Dally Her ald. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement DUAL SYSTEM OF ESPIONAGE STARTS A dual system of espionage has been established in Bl Paso by the rebels and federals in Mexico. The federal and rebel spies are watching each oth er and the leaders of the opposing fac tions elosely, and are reporting to their chiefs here. When a new leader comes to the eity he is foUowed by the spies detailed by the opposing bureau and his movements are carefully reported while he is in the city. The federal spy system is made up of a large num ber of the former federal officials and officers in Juarez who are being paid by the Mexican government while they ar-e refagees here. FORBIGXERS DECLIXE ' RED CROSS ASSISTANCE Foreign refugees from Chihuahua are not seeking aid from the American Red Cross. Inquiries have been made of all the foreign refugees If any needed as sistance, which the Red Cross branch here is authorized by the national or ganization to give. The Spanish. Ger man, Italian and French refugees de clared that they would care for their own people and that while the offer was appreciated, they would need no assistance. Low kME Eas? rnces 1 M JgL" payments The Best lEr A Piano nu i a n Wn 0r A Player iilft of All Piano In. purchasing your Christmas piano bear in mind and consider what kiad of an instrument will afford you the greatest satisfaction for the longest time. Come la aad listen to the sweetness of the tone-quality of our instru ments, and let us show you why they will not get thin and harsh, but will have the same sweet tone after years and years of use. Tuning and repairing a specialty. Work guaranteed. JEfiKINS PIANO CO. Phone 2958. THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 211-213 Texas Street J LEVY PHONES 505506 GQMP AMY tOTDEHSKU. ATI. OXH9BS 204-206 E. OVERLAND ST. 20 LBS. SUGAR Tucuffic&zi par lb New Mixed per lb ..... Butter, 35c .$1.00 j Nuts, per doe ...... Pft&sge Kgs, 25c aad PJgc Dates, 2 ff Cnaaberries. S quarts ,. StKtted Pecans, Alaaade, Wal- fcwig, pejr U Bwlk Queen Olives, per quart xu ids. uamornia spuds OE? for dtUC rfSliCperdoz &UC ZOC 6 lbs. Eating Applfcs 2r imported Jngs, OA and per lb W Evaporated Cterries, per lb , , Grape Pntit, 25c 45c 10c 20c Qfcrries , 30c 50c and 75c Bread Wiaaer Flour 24 lbs. 75c; 4S lbs. $1.45 Levy's Best Flour 24 lbs. 90c; 48 lbs. $1.75 EAST EL PASO DELIVERY 2 P. M C ,&3C 25c ,80c ,45c CbestButfe, per. Jfe .,.. Maraaduao ristmas At The Boston Store Always Means Satis factory Shopping, Because You Are Sure of Quali Good Service, a Wide Variety Choice and Low Prices You can save time "shopping around" if you will'come first to the Boston Store, because you mil find us ready with, the largest and most comprehensive stock of Christmas merchandise in our history. Bring your Christmas, list to the Boston Store' tomorrow and we will demonstrate our ability to satisfactorily serve you. $30, $27 and $25.00 Suits The swellest little coat suits of the season, in the start would bring twice the price asked now; splendid materials and original in make all d " g Q shades; Special P A OJ&U $45.00 Ladies' Tailored Suits in brocades, two tone effects, matelasse, and broadcloth, in Rus sian green, mahogany, brown, midnight, and black; all the. newest effects Special Dresses $12.00 Ladies' pretty dresses, in silk poplin, messaline, aad also in wool, in all shades; neatly made and draped. 4JK IO" Special J74TTy 22.00 In this line come both street and party frocks in all newest fea tures, and in every shade excellent values dtin g rf special P A iJ Coats $18.00 Our New York buyer pur chased this entire lot they come in many different materials and every wanted shade fe7 QEJ Special V ' 0 30.00 beautiful brocaded Coats two season guarantee satin in brown, grey, and black; they are shown in the new sleeve, .cutaway, and 3-4 length Ji Q iyi- Special Pli7.D $8-$9 Children's Dresses These dresses are shown in many different styles and materials-'-aJl are uptodate models, beautifully made and trimmed; J?,1 QQ 6 to 14 years pfy!0 $9.00 Children's Coats The snappiest ling. CHILDREN'S HATS $1.00 Hats, in velvet and Arabian Lamb, 6 to 14 years black and dyj QC colors; speeial t)kac0 Chiffon Waists Every one a beauty in dj O A Q every color; special .... J)Z frl Children's Hats 1.00 Hats; ' OP Speeial OC WAISTS Christmas suggestions, are strietly tailored Poplin rtl fJJ? waists; special pJL0 $6.50 Underskirts Crepe de chine, plain and brocaded Shopping 1 I ty, TTfWMm For v WC4 i Beautiful soft Poplin in nice line of colors; worth $1.25. Q Special DC 56-inch wool Serge, sponged and ' shrunk, navy and blaek ; ( 1 J5 1.50 quality P A &tO 60-inch fvool Coating, plain and plaids; worth $00 yd.; Special all shades lace $0 QC 36-inch all, woe! Dress Serge, A C trimmed; speeial fia,ZfJ splendid li of colors iDC 38-ineh Dantek $9.00 Kimonos Silk Kimonos, made in every de scribable way; empire effects and shirred; all colors; tf A fS Speeial ipfff.yO Hats $6.00 Ladies' Hats, both street and -Special &1.UU Children's Fur Sets . $2.00 Sets $1.49 $4.00 Sets $2.98 $7.50 Seta $4.98 Ladies' Furs $15.00 Sets $9.75 $22.50 Sets $17.50 $38.QQ Sets $19.75 Woolens 56-inch Chiffon Broadcloth, sponged and shrupk; one of the greatest bar gains you will find. It is worth $3.00 yard, and the colors are just fine dark navy, wine, tan, light blue, red black $1.95 44-ineh all wool Poplin, nice weight for dresses or skirts; worth ffQ $1.50. Special i70C Poplar cloth; navy, brown, red, -tan, white c j? and black &SC 36-ineh wool Cashmeres, QJ the 45e quality; special wwC Silks, Velvets 22 ineh Dress Velvet, Ejfh- all colors ,..5tJC Silk Paon Velvets SfiT.. 89c Silks 40-inch brocaded Stfk Messaline and Satin, $1,76 and $2.00; d -j A Special P 1 .W 40-inch Princess Crepe de Chine, good line of. colors, a beauti- h AQ ful erepe, $1.75; special. . ? 1 .ftO $3.0Q Brocade Coating, dj QC extra quality ; special ..VUc&u Beautiful Brocade Crepe Meteor, eol ors green, Nell rose, pink, navy, yel low, also gray with colored flowers; worth $3.09; flo OE Speeial pi0 $1.25 all pure Silk Moire, brown, rose, gray, green and Q p red J70C Basement Salesroom- Christmas Toys Our Basement Toyland is a wonderful inspiration, not at all nerveracking, and is a sight the grown-ups as well as the children will enjoy. It is part of the children's Christmas, to see all the toys, and makes a mental picture in their minds that will last far beyond the holidays. Novelties of every description at prices that will appeal to any pocketbook Dolls, Lamps, Books, Games, Pictures, Rocking Horses, Toys of all descriptions. Rugs, Draperies, Blankets, Carpet Sweepers, Glassware, Queensware, Wagons, Velocipedes, Enamelware, Portiers, Blankets, Bath Robes, Curtains, Silverware, Pianos. Come and See Santa Claus Do Your Shopping Early t , ... . . , . , . .I,,. , Do not wait until the last few days before Christmas to buy the Toys, and be forced to ma"ke your selections from SON TO wait" Purchases will be stored upon request and delivered promptly at any specified time. NO REA- EXTRA SPECIAL Four-lie Parlor Brooms r 25c Quality IOC Queen Quality Shoes HOME OF LOW PRICES 316-322 E Overland St cor. Stanton. Educator Shoes for Boys and Girls ' ?- PIOXBER PLAZA yftazataft4Hitai.'ia PHQ3T8 45S9 ? Special Xmas Notice According to our established custom of protecting onr salespeople from unnecessary work daring the Xmas period, we will not keep our store open evenings ex cept Xmas Eve. Please help ns and yourself most by shopping early. Two Xmas Specials In Ready r To - Wear $2.50 BEACON BLANKET BATH ROBES Ar other shipment of these flavored Xmas gifts for men and women have just been received. Shown in light and dark colors with pretty floral designs. Regular QC $2.50 values, Thusrday only, each P 1 0 $1.50 EIDERDOWN DRESSING SACQUES -A very sensible gift and one which will be much appreciated. We show a pretty collection in red. gray and light blue. All have silk embroidered edges. Regular $ 1 .50 f fk values, Thursday only, each pJ.oA7 Four Exceptional Xmas Gifts The Values Are Unusual UP TO 3SC HANDKER- NEW XMAS MUFF ROSES CHIEFS Beautiful hand em broidered, all pore liaea aad Shamrock linen styles with lace edge and wide aad nar row hem effects. Choke sr: 20c HANDKERCHIEFS LN XMAS FOLDERS WeiBea'sjiBe ea breMwred handkerchiefs, ef all pare linen with narrow hems and shown in pretty Xmas folder. . Exceptional vahtes 50c "" 25c Just received hand made rib bon Mnff Roses ia red, yel low and pink. They are made of fine messaline and so na tural they can hardly be dis tinguished from real rosea. Large sizes. A- rf Thursday, each. . P X iV 50o CHARACTER, DOLLS A special lot of big bisque body Character and dressed dolls. Some sleepers. With and without hair. Speeial Thursday, each.. Watch Arcade WindoTs f&r Gift Suggestions. 38c Sale of Tailored Hats Far Thursday Only we offer just 50 of our Gage and Fisk $8.00 and $10.00 Tailored (J f aq Hats as an Extra Special.. pii70 i l & u 'The Xmas Store of Service" Save leney m Groceries Calif ornia Navel Oranges, per dos 20c and 25c Good Large Cooking Apples, 6 lbs. for. .v . . ,:. . .25c Per box of 50 lbs , $1.50 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 2 Cans New Pack Tomatoes 15c 2 Cans Eancho Corn. . .; .,. ...-.150 2 Cans Soaked Peas w . .-..lSc 4 Pkgs. Krinkle Corn Hakes . . .-. 25c 2 Large 3 lb. Cans Califarnia' Fruit, in heavy syrup, for .: : 25c New Sauerkraut, per lb.. .pr. -.-.: 5c 2 lbs. Fancy Dried Peaches for .-. ...... .25c Breakfast Bacon, per 'b ,.. .: . ..-r. . .-.21c Smoked Hams, per lb. ,'. ..,..,.., .20c Diamond M Flour, guaranteed to bake good bread or your money back 24 lb. sack. .-. 75c 48 lb. sack. .-,-.-. . .-.-,$1.50 Lion Grocery Company Phoms 2405, 2424. 109-1 1 S.Sianton St. Increase Your EGG Production- J3u feeding PERFECTION FEEDS. The best on the markaL PERFECTION DRY MASH fed with PERFECTION HEN FOOD is bound to increase your egg supply. Retail Store ill v iai:Q O prt OSice ana Warehouse 106 N. Stanton Wff. U. WtOC UO. Cor. 2nd and Chili. IV