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United States and Mexican Soldiers Exchange Shots Near Presidio ASSOCIATED PRESS Leasea Wire DAY AND AIG1IT flBrOUTS. XV RATI1KK --OKKA.T Unsettled tonight and Friday; warmer tonight. EL PASO, TEXAS Thursday Evening, December 18, 1913-12 Pages TWO SECTIONS TODAT. n MEXICAN FEDERAL IS KILLED RANSOMS FIRES AT TROOPER OF U. S. Americans Return the Fire as Men Run Back to the River; Kill One. MEXICANS WERE STEALING HORSES PRESIDIO, Texas, Dec. IS. Two Mexican federal soldiers, believed to be stealing- horses, fired upon United States soldiers last night on the American afde. of the line, tiro miles west of Presidio. Luis Orozco, no relative of Gen. Orozco, was killed as a result of his temerity, but his companion, Faustino Flores, escaped to the Mexican side unharmed. The shooting caused much excite ment and there was an inclination at first to believe that the Mexicans meant harm to the United States troops In some manner. This is not credited by the officers of the American troops. When questioned after he had been brought by an ambulance from the scene of the shooting to the military hospital here, Orozco admitted that he and his companion, armed, were on the American side when the brush took place He claimed that they had come across to deliver a note to Mexicans on this side, but the supposition is that the men were here on a horse stealing expedition. According to the story told by eye witnesses, the American soldiers on dutv at the ford, near where the shooting took place, were informed by Mexican women that two federal sol diers were hiding in a hut 300 yards from the river. The Americans went toward the hut to investigate. When about 200 yards away, two Mexicans rushed from the lint and started runninsr toward the river. The patrol called to them to j halt." ine only answer was a unui iruiu a rifle of one of the fleeing Mexicans. Then the Americans returned the fire and one federal dropped. The other continue running, firing as he ran, and made good his escape. limnr MfNamee. commander of the Big Bend district, will probably send ( a written explanation of the incident , to the federal commander at Ojinaga. - Private Gever is alleged to have fired the. fatal shot: . Ten or - dozen shots were exchanged m an. Grand Duke Boris Says He Was No Coward in Battle; Gets Apology Suit Growing Out of Magazine Pub lication Is Closed After Testimony In High British Court. , London, England, Dec. 18. The grand duke Boris of Russia, a cousin of the emperor of Russia, testified in rebuttal today in the lord chief justice's court to allegations of misconduct and cowardice brought against him in a magazine- article. In connection with this article he brought suit for libel against the Frank A, Munsey company, uui me suit was seuieu uui ui cuuri on Dec. 9. The grand duke, however, wished to clear his character publicly. He swore that there was no founda tion for the libel, denied that he had been guilty of misconduct, and testified that he had been constantly under fire for a fortnight during the operations in the vicinity of Liao-Yang in Manchuria, when the Japanese and Russian armies fought a desperate battle in August, 1904. He said he had participated as an officer in the lighting in which the army under Gen. count Keller engaged the Japanese and in which Gen. Keller was killed. Henry K. Duke, counsel for defend ants, then apologized to the grand duke on behalf of his clients, saying the article had been published without the knowledge of Mr. Munsey. He had ad mitted that the words used were ex tremely objectionable and indefensible. The case was then closed, the defend ants agreeing to pay all the costs. l MOMFYArir VILLA Senate Agrees to Continue Present Clearing House System. GOLD RESERVE "WILL NOT BE INCREASED w ON TO CITY OF MEXICO IS THE CRY Carranza Sends Word that the March Will Be Taken Up by the Rebels. ASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. IS. Another modification of the currency- bill to permit clear ing house associations to continue their present system of bank examination and report has been agreed upon in the senate. Protests from clearing house associations saying the usefulness of the associations would be destroyed under the restrictions of the bill caused the change. The senate debate continued today with a limit of IS minutes for each senator. Restrict Gold Reserve. Senator Hitchcock's proposal to increase- the- gold reserve from 35 to 45 percent was tabled by a vote of 42 to 40. Senator Bristow asked whether the Democratic managers had decided to drop the deposits guarantee. Senator Owen replied there was "nothing in the rumor" that such a conclusion had been reached, but he would not say whether the provision was to be re tained in the Dill. Mexicans Forced to Pay For Privilege of Coming to the Border. SEVERAL HUNDRED REFUGEES COME IN W EALTHT Mexican families are being refused permission to leave Chihuahua without the payment of a ransom, according to passengers reaching hero on a train from Chihuahua at 7 oclock Thursday. More than 500 Mexican and American refugees were aboard. They reported that Villa's representatives were at the train and made a number of Mexican families of wealth leave until they had paid ransoms ranging from $1000 to ?5000. Luis Siqueriros and his family wer taken from the train and are re ported to have paid $5000 for the priv ilege of coming to the border. Pedro Corres, another wealthy mining man. was also forced to pay tribute to the rebel treasury, the refugees say. Luls Terrains Still Held. The refugee train left Chihuahua Wednesday and arrived at the border early Thursday -morning without in terruption along the route. The Ameri cans on the train say that conditions are as near normal in Chihuahua as is possible under the present conditions. They report that Luis Terrazas, Jr., is still being held by Villa. The arrival of the refugees caused the customs service men to get an early start Thursday morning, as It was necessary for deupty collector W. W. Carpenter to have his men at the bridges for the custom inspection ne- TO MOVE SOUTH WITHOUT DELAY NEW SHIPS ARE SENT TO MEXIOAN WATERS Warships Returning From the Medi terranean Cruise Will Relieve Ships at Veracruz. Washington, D. C Dec 18. Several changes among American warships in Mexican waters were ordered today. The gunboat Wheeling will go from Tampico to 'New Orleans, so her crew may have shore leave. The gunboat Dolphin will mova from Dominican waters to Mexico. The cruiser New Orleans has been ordered from the Puget sound yard to relieve the cruiser Maryland at Topolobampo. The battleships Connecticut and Kansas, detained at Guantanamo, Cuba, on their return from the Medi terranean cruise, because of smallpox on the Ohio, probably will proceed for Veracruz within a day or two to re lieve the New Hampshire and Louis iana which will sail north. In the meanwhile the battleship Michigan will remain on duty in the gulf until relieved by the Ohio, which has been ordered to Charleston, S. C, for fumigation. ' Admiral Fletcher reports to the navy department stated that the Ger man steamer Bremen had left Tampico for Veracruz. The Hamburg steamer Bolivia is still at Tampico. LEGAL TENDER. OF STATE BILLS IS TTRGED BY MEXICO BANKERS Mexico City, Met, Dec. 18. Bankers representing the National bank, the Bank of London and Mexico and other banking institutions want president Huerta to issue a decree making state bank notes legal throughout the re public A guarantee fund to be subscribed by the state banks and deposited in the na tional bank and a government guaran tee of bank notes is the program the bankers consider necessary of main taining in circulation a sufficient amount of the medium of exchange. MATTRESS STOCK IS DESTROYED IX FIRE In jthe fire which occurred in Juarez Tuesday evening, a large amount of wholesale mattress stock belonging to E. B. Welch was destroyed. The Globe Manufacturing company, which is owned by Mr. Welch, had its storage warehouse adjoining the fire. The stock was a total loss. w ASHIXGTOX, D. C, Dec IS. That the Mexican "'Constitu tionalists' In the northern part RrSSIAIC MINISTER CONFERS WITH LIXD AT VEItACRUZ Veracruz, Mex., Dec 18. The Russian minister to Mexico, Dr. Alexander D. Stalevski, conferred here today for some time with John Lind. the personal representative of president Wilson, The Russian diplomat is on his way to visit the Panama canaL rnHfr'n? n bard tbe Morr CMtle trT '" the'south wa"s ta'a sta teV S for Havana. i nation. 6 ianza are icrr ranking active prepara tions for a final attack on the cities of Monterey, Tampico and Torreon, with the object of continuing on to Mexico City, if they take those places, was the information received today by the "Constitutionalist" Junta here. The telegram conveying this word added that the "Constitutionalists" will have a force of 30,000 men on their march southward, and that simultan eously rebel forces now south of Mex leo City will begin to march north ward. This was the first definite word of its kind received here from Carran- za's headquarters regarding this movement. Villa Invites Carranza. Hermosiilo, Son, Mex., Dec. 18. In a lenghty report denying that any for eigners except the Spaniards had been molested in Chihuahua, Francisco Villa urged Venustlano Carranza to make his capital at Chihuahua. In requesting Carranza to move to Chihuahua, Villa argued that the en tire state was in the hands of Insur gent forces and that its central loca tion would make the move most ad vantageous. It is said here that Car ranza has made no decision in the matter, but is considering it. Villa took occasion to reassure the "Consti tutionalist" commander in chief of the "loyalty and constancy of your most affectionate subordinate." In his report he said: "The foreign consuls asked for guarantees for their countrymen and these were given in full for all ex cept Spaniards. These, as you know almost entirely have taken an undue part in the internal struggle in our country and have put themselves alj ways against the cause of the people of whom we are the defenders " Gen. Villa told of the institution of a civil government at Chihuahua city and the enlistment of 200 federal sol diers who were sent to Juarez on their own recognizance. "Want Mines to Resume. Mine owners in the territory under the control of the Mexican "Constitu tionalist" government may resume the operation of their properties whenever they see fit. It was announced today by Ignacio Bonillas. secretary of in dustry in the Carranza cabinet, that if mining men desiring to work mines located in the states of Sonora, Chi huahua, Sinaloa and Durango would apply to the "Constitutionalist" depart ment of fomento, colonization and In dustry, located here, they would re ceive the necessary permits to resume operations. Under Mexican mining laws, mining property may not be worked until for mal permits to do so have been issued by the federal government It was said that many Americans and other for eign men holding property in the ter ritory mentioned, had found it impossi ble to secure the proper authorization from the government at Mexico City, and for this reason the mining indus- . . ft .a. a! a aIp Tlift n( rvAAO 1 - VlOTf . a t m I A ore i utiuuri. j.u? a;o O AU. - Hitchcock toeasTfron? r33S J&i3!tiS& to J5.000.000 the capital required for "?",.?." . already crowded with the each reg.onal reserve bank was tabled j g.SSL rman! French. liaHan and r,m.. to w-i.- I Mexican colonists. Compromise Plan FI! i All of the Available rooming houses With a limit on upbate and tKc ma- in the city are filled with refugees Jority on hand to support the Owen (and many are going to Alamogordo, bill amendments were defeated with i Las Cruces and even to Los Angeles rapidity. One, proposing six banks as j to find accommodations for the winter. a compromise oetween tne eignt oi tne j Among the American reiugees wno Owen bill and the four of the Hitch- j arrived here were: Dr. H. H. Field, cbek plan, went to the table by a vote of 4S to SO. Another Hitchcock amend ment that forced a vote on the direct question of whe'ther the government or the banks should control the regional banks, was, also tabled. Scnatone Root and Oliver voted with the Democrats. senator Lane. Democrat, Joined Hitch' rr. Ranchert. John Maher and wife. Ray Mathewson, Thomas Cousins and Oscar Kaufman. TOURISTS SEE NO TROOPS FROM CHIHUAHUA TO JUAREZ Cross country touring in Mexico is anvthlntr hut nleasant. The big Lozler cock and the Republicans in Its sun- I six. which belongs to the Chihuahua port J smelter, arrived in front of the Sheldon Senator Hitcbeock'e amendment pro- hotel Wednesday evening covered with nfliainf- mihlff mmaKhln th etnjklf ' n,t fmm rajllatnr tn tail llirht- its of ;tbe- eeimtcy undex-"VeunstIans..Car-J.( .federal reserve Dairies also vwas ta- j driver. Mike Lawless, sunburned and uiea oy a vote or 41 to 37. mud spaltereo, ana tne two oiner uc- To Vote on Bill Friday. ! supants. Dr. C. W. Watt and J G. New- An agreement for final vote on the ; ton- of the smelter force looking like currency bill on "the legislative dan two refugees. They left the smelter t of Friday.. December 19," -was reached nes?7, ana slept oeswe tne roao. pe I in the senate late yesterday. The low Villa Ahumada Tuesday night, i agreement provides, that debate shall : They say that no troops are to be seen np UTntTPfl Tn 1 mlmlTac fn. Ao.h a.n.. ( IKLWCCI1 Lllllluauua Aiiv. .luetics, aui tor on each amendment or on the Mil nothing has happened in Chihuahua itself. While the legislative day may run i ver into Saturday, the expectation of since the last train came to the bor der. senate leaders is that the "bill will be i COL. ALBERTO TERRAZAS IS passed before midnight Friday night. AT OJINAGA. IS BELIEF If important amendments are pending , Col. Alberto Terrazas has not arrived at that time, however, a recess may i from Ojinaga to see his father. Gen. be taken until Saturday morning, as Luis Terrazas. so far as is known at the Republicans would not consent to the hotel or by friends of the colonel, the agreement until the Democrats ' He Is supposed to be In Ojinaga with promised they would not keep the sen- the federal volunteer corps which he ate In session all night Friday. I organized. Vote Down Amendments. The senate defeated senator Hitch- . u. S. CONSULAR AGENT IS cock s amendment to extend the guar- qn WAY TO MEET VILLA ? if ? deDOsUs .to state oanks George C. Caruthers, consular agent that joined the new system, as well as i for th Tinned States at Tnrrnon. ar- MmPii?M?T!El S; : . Washington Wednesday eve- thr Democrats would n6T suooort it I nlas and wl" fo Chihuahua on fhe l5. .H-0?. ?ula "V...!"?0"" next train. He is going on a special, dorsement of the caucus. A motion by I "i'P'U,0! the Alerican government! senator Hitchcock to increase from 90 to see viua. to 180 days the maturity date of paper J that could be submitted for rediscount the house postoffice committee as an at the regional banks, was also de- I economy measure. feated, 39 to 34. I Cnucns to Tlan Policy. Revise Reserve Section. Postmaster general Burleson's declar- The Democratic conference last night ation for the principle of government revised the reserve section. The re- ; ownership of telegraph and telephones, quired gold reserve behind the notes ! as outlined In his annual report, un was Increased from 35 perceut, as pro- . doubtedly will be followed b a Demo vided tn the Owen bill, to 40 percent I cratlc caucus in the house in January; with a tax of one percent on depletion which will decide how far the project of the reserve down to 32 percent, u to be made an administration policy An attempt to fix an arbitrary limit on j in congress. the amount of notes to be issued failed. , Pi-Mident tvilsnn rm hn .-1-iMnt- ti Other amendments adoDted nrovlde for the use of a part of the surplus earnings of the regional banks for building up the gold reserve and for an increase in the compensation of the members of the federal reserve board from $10,000 to $12,000, as provided for In the Hitchcock amendment. The pro vision that all the member banks must receive the proposed new notes at par was approved. Redemption of Notes. The conference also decided to re model the section providing for the en trance' of state banks and trust com panies into the new system and voted in favor of a provision whereby re gional banks would be required to keep a fund intact in the treasury to pro vide for the redemption of outstand- project careful study and administra tion supporters say he has not pressed it on congress at this time because of the enormous expense involved. KELLY POOL CHARGE MADE AGAINST FOUR Jesus Aguirre, said to be the proprie tor df the pool hall at 110 Broadway, was arrested by the police early Thurs day morning on a charge of operating a "Kelly" pool game in his establish ment. T. H. McMahon. Willie Burk and J. E. Roy, arrested with Aguirre, were aocKetea on charges of playing the ne bona or Aguirre was fixed game. at 1200. The bonds of the others were ing notes. All of these changes, with placed at $25. nation. CLAIM RA TES UNFAIR WHOLESALE COMPLAINTS ARE FILED BY COMMISSION ON ALL ARIZONA ROADS several other minor amendments, were referred to the Democrats of the bank ing committee to be framed in detail. The conference took no action on the guarantee of deposits provision of the bill. Defer Probe of Strikes. Democrats of the house rules com mittee conferred today over prospective Investigation of the Colorado coal strike and the Michigan copper strike, but concluded to defer action. Trim Postoffice Bills. Every new proposition In the post office appropriation bill, including an Item of $2,000,000 for Increased pay for rural carriers, has been eliminated by : : : : : : : .;. DENY U. S. HAS SENT NEW NOTETO MEXICO Mexico City. Dec 18. The re- port published In the United ; : States that a new note had been sent by ..the United States government to provision- al president Huerta is untrue, : according to Querido Moheno, the Mexican secretary, and Nel- . son u;-naugnessy United States charge d'affaires. FEDERALS MAY AM. 1 1 .VlY J J JijLlJLi NOT CHIHUAHUA i ' PRESHDlIO, Texas, Dec. 1 8. The dispatch of large quantities of rations across the border from Presidio, today, following the receipt of urgent messages from the War department at Mexico City, ordering Gen. Salvador Mercado to take the offensive against the "Constitutionalists," gave rise to a belief that the federal troops which have been entrenched here since their retreat from Chihuahua, were preparing to attack the Villa forces somewhere. Mercado had previously stated that "unless the rebels attacked Oj'maga soon, the federals would leave for the in terior. He then announced that he would try to recapture Chihuahua, but it is believed here that should he actually assume the aggressive, he would more likely move toward Juarez, which is less strongly defended than k was before Villa took a large part of his army to Chihuahua. Some of the federal officers today expresed the belief that the capture of Juarez would be more advantageoH to the federal cause than that of Chihuahua, on account of the importance of the former place as a port of entry. SAYS HE WILL ATTACK CHIHUAHUA. "Unless the rebels attack us in a few days, we will leave here and march against them at Chihuahua CIry.,, Gen. Salvador Mercado, commander in chief of the federal 'army of the north, made this definite assertion m Us camp here today. He said Ojinaga would be evacuated and the entire federal army under his command would march toward Chihuahua. The commander's statement was given without the usual reservation attached to military plans. Others professed: to believe, however, that the rebel forces in Chihuahua, the most important city in the far north, were top.-strongrj; en trenched to invite an attack by the federals. WILL COOPERATE WITH OTHER TROOPS, However, another federal column is reported as marching north from Torreon towards Qriliurrua anil MercaSo may be counting on cooperating with this column and defeating the rebels. , The federal general intimated that he merely drew out of Chihuahua city to escort to the border a number of prominent refugees whom he knew would be killed by the rebels if caught, and in order to draw the rebels south from Juarez and scatter their forces. , Gen. Mercado would not comment openly on the reason for his evacuation of Chihuahua, however, except to say that his flight to the border at this point, opposite Presidio, Texas, was to enable him to communicate with Mexico City. In Chihuahua he had no way of obtaining orders or money for the troops. TO REPLENISH SUPPLIES. "We came here to replenish our provision tram and to communicate with the war department at Mexico City," continued Gen. Mercado. . "Our orders are to attack the rebels. There seems to be little prospect of a battle here, for the rebels have not yet appeard in large number in this vicinity. I never believed Villa's troops would be seat against Oj'inaga, for we were ready to meet them with 5000 men and five batteries of artillery." Should Mercado attack or surround Chihuahua, where Francisco Villa and the main body of the rebek are forti fied, -he would check any rebel activity toward Torreon, directly south. ..." EXPECT COOPERATION. Federal officers have information that federal troops were moving toward Chihuahua from Torreon and that the return "of Gen. fSferiSadoWfls'ordered in conformity with orders from Mexico City for an advance on Chihuahua from two directions. Gens. Caraveo and Orozco have returned to Ojieaga with the column they led m the direction of Mulato two days ago, reporting that the rebels are not there. There, are ten generals in Ojinaga, including Gens. Salvadore, Mercado, Aduana, Landa, Orozco, Caraveo, Romero, Martinez, Orpiael and Jesus Mancilla. Cols. Lopez, Terrazas and Gueoma are also with the federals. Ojinaga will be closed as a port of entry Saturday, except in case of emergency, which means except case of a battle, according to instructions from the customs department received here today. This Is & fona Lisa, Found In Florence .. -: : : II DA VINCI'S STOLEN MASTERPIECE, MONA LISA Paris. France, Dec. IS. Two direc tors of the Louvre art gallery and sev eral secret service men have started fro m Paris to Florence for the purpose of identifying the painting that was f ound there in the possession of an Italian art crook and which is supposed to be Leonarda Da Vinci's famous masterpiece, "Mona Lisa," or "La Giaconda." "Mona Lisa," one of the most treasured canvases in that magnificent collection housed In the Louvre, was stolen from Its place of honor in the summer of 1911. Since that time its whereabouts and the manner in which the thief made good his escape with the treasure have been a mystery. PHOEWLY, Ariz., Dec. 18. Alleging that all lumber rates between points in Arisoaa are unjust and discriminatory, the corporation commission has filed a complaint against every railroad doing basiness within the state. A gen eral readjustment of lumber rates, on a distance basis, is sought. ' A hearing prob ably will be set for the second week in January, before the commission. The present rates between San Pedro, California, and Bisbee, are taken as the basis for the rates the commission contends should be in effect in Arizona. The distance between those two points is 636 miles and the rate on mining timbers for instance, is $4.40 a ton. Higher rates are charged on the better grades of lumber. For hauls not over 200 miles in length, over two or more lines, the commission is willing to allow a slight differential charge. Beyond this distance the com mission will agree to no differentials. It is claimed that the railroads in their rata sheets, disiegard differentials for long hauls. BANKERS IGNORE THREATS; REFUSE M0NEYT0 HUERTA PARIS, France, Dec 18. Efforts of the Mexican government to raise money in Europe in order to meet the in terest on its obligations falling due in January have thus far been fruitless. Tn ParU nA I 4n kU ,..l,,Vk took $20,000,000 of the loan authorized by the Mexican congress in the spring, and an option on the unissued ' icmaiuucr, uecnne io exercise ineir option even tor a tew millions. Mexican minister of finance Adolfo de la Lama, now in Europe, brought with him authority from Gen. Huerta to intimate to the banks here holding the option that, they must either exercise it or surrender it. The bankers refuse to do either. A threat has been conveyed to them cautiously that their option may be revoked, so that the unissued portion of the loan may be placed elsewhere. The bankers have replied resolutely that the contract cannot be revoked summarily, as Mexican credit would be in a worse condition after such a revocation than it was before. MEXICANS HOLD UP AND ROB A NEGRO B. Howard, a negro, was held up Wednesday night by two Mexicans at the intersection of Second and Stanton streets and his overcoat and $3 in cash were taken. One Mexican was armed with a pistol and he compelled the vic tim to stand with his back to the two while being searched. For this reason Howard was unable to furnish the po lice with any description of the men William G. Pettengill. living at the Western hotel. Second and Stanton streets, missed a suitcase, a suit of clothes, shirts and other wearing ap parel Wednesday night. May Irwin Dons Veil As Protection Against Bullets, Visits Juarez "Son Wrote: 'Stand Sideways to Avoid Ballets;' I Havent Any Slde ways,' Says Stage FaTOrlte. i "When my boy in the east learned that I was coming to HI Paso ha wrote me and said; "mother, for heaven's sake, when you get to 19. Paso stand, sideways to keep any of those Maxima bullets from making xa , tailor mad orphan. "The worst of It Is, I haven't an sideways." May Irwin. Mlse Irwin, who- plays at the El Paso theater this evening; arrived Thursday afternoon, put on a v4ll as a protec tion from the southwestern sun and Mexican bullets, and went gadding across the river to see the sights in the revolutionary town. She was so busy trying to get away from the hotel for her rubberneck run across the Rle Grande that she just didn't have time to be interviewed. (Business of telephoning from th lobby of the Paso del Norte.) "Is this Miss Irwin?" "All nresent anr votinjr: what can 1 do you for?" (Laughs.) "I wish an Interview for our paper. "Consider that I have been inter viewed at length and write it youtself. What do you wish to know?" "Are you as fat as your press agents say you are? On the level, are you? "Not fat, son stout. That sounds so much more dignified. No not by half. If I were I would have to travel by freight. (More laughs and big ones.) You are sure to be disappointed when you see me tonight for I am not as large by hair as I am said to be." "Can't yon giva me a story for my Interview?" "Just one, for my taxi is waiting and it has locomotor taxia, and is reg istering time like a life termer. 1 have a few laughs left that I intend to hand over to the 1 Paso people. 1 must go now. Duty calls." There was a ripple of mellow laugh ter over the telephone from room 501, the receiver cut into the laugh and May Irwin, the woman with the won derful disposition, was on her way to see the battlefields' In Juarez. WILSON TO TAKE A HOLIDAY REST SHOOTS NINE D BRIDE FOR THItElT TO LK HE, HE $lS Indianapolis, lind.. Dec. IS. John j.'. Conrad. 21, salesman for a local fiah company, shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Catherine Conrad. 19, his bride of nine days, at their apartment here to da. Conrad told tne olice ,-,e hot his v.:f because she had thn.U'':ieJ to It.ue ln"- President Plans to 6o Away as Sea as Me signs tne Money Meaxare Gives Cabinet a Dinner. Washington, D. C. Dec. 18. An agreement to vote on the currency bill in the senate with prospects of its be ing brought to the president for sig nature next Monday or Tuesday, have made president Wilson's plans for a vacation more definite. He will leave Washington immediately after the signing of the bill. It has not vet been announced to what place the president will go. but the selection is said to hate narrowed iovnto seme point on the Mississippi coast, or Ashellle. X. C. It was officially announced at the white house that the president would take at least three weeks vacation and that ti.,- diplomatic reception will be postponed to a date to be announced later. DiBBfr fr Cabinet. Tr. sident Wilson -Mil gie hia first cabinet dinner tonight at the white "rouse. few invited guests outs-Te th, trt'inet will be present, among tht-r John Furroy Mitchel, major elect of X w i Lrk