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EL PASO HEBALD 1 Tuesday, 'April 28, 1914 PUIS CASH FOE mum PECOS VALLEY Former New Mexico Man, After Trying Texas, Re turns to Old Home. Lakewood. N. M . April 2S. Joe Kirk endall. who recently sold his ranch west of town to R. B. Knowles and departed ith his family for Texas to live, has returned to Lakewood to live. Kirkendall failed to find conditions in south Texas as promising as they bad been pictured and. believing that t lie Pecos valley offered the best ad xantatres for ranchers, he returned. Co incident with his return here was an nounced the sale by E. P. Moxley of h:s ranch, cattle and horses in Missouri alle. 16 miles west of Lakewood. for 14.500. cash, to Kirkendall. TI.e Moxley ranch Is one of the finest In the Pecos valley and is well stocked. It has a comfortable residence and tommodius farm buildings. The new owner will take immediate possession. MORE BLOODED SOWS FOR FORT STOCKTON T"ort Stockton, Tex, April 18. An other carload of Duroc brood sows has been purchased in Fort Worth by secretary Lee Giles, of the Commer cial club. They will be distributed among the farmers cf the Fort Stock ton country. TTCED CLASHES! ASK SBGALL. MOVED TO 10S TEXAS STREET Advertisement. Guaranteed by Me. ME COFFFEES TEAS SPICES :: EXTRACTS Made in El Paso CANDY SPECIAL OX OCR COCOANUT MONKEY KISSES (Molasses Haystacks) 25c THE LB. WEDNESDAY ONLY TVE HAVE Cl'T PIOWERS POT M.AXTS FOR SALE &&es. Guarantees Positions. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Spanish, English. K. F. DAVIS T&sr. T2UST BLDG. Phones 1484-145S, El Paso, Tex. WESTERN COFFEE CO'S &T o XT THE SUN APPROACHING THE NORTH Indicates spring is here and is the time to paint up. We will assist you in selecting color scheme, quantities necessary, etc. Just telephone us. TUTTLE PAINT EL GLASS CO. Pit one 206. Banking by Mail Just as easy to open a savings account with ui as though you lived next door. WIS PAT 4 percent Interest compounded Twice Every Year. We do husiness under ths Depositor's Guaranty Law of the State of Texas and are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided by such Law. Our plan, in addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable and liberal. Nobody has eTer lost a dollar in & State bank in Texas. Write today for our free booH'et "BANKING BY 1L&JL" or simply nail your deposit. EI Paso Bank and Trust Co., El Paso, Texas. STATU! WATTnWAr tjawtt Established April, 1SS1. Capital. Surplus and Profits. 00,000. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS JOHT VASr-rf " C' X- BASSETT. Vice President. JObETH MAGOFFIN, V. Pree. GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. L. J. GILCHEIST, Asst. Cashier. CLOSE DEAL FOR SALE OF 11,11 OF CAITLE Nearly $500,000 Involved; Much Mexican Cattle Received. Clay Robinson and company, cattle men, made the first delivery Monday of 11.00 bead of mixed cattle sold by t. t m... ..(Mi InVAlves nearly half a million dollar: This l I j .. . . . , i jmIHs that um oi tne Olggest aeais w. - has been made along the border in years. The first delivery Monday was of 2500 head, and the balance will be delivered during the coming month. The delivery was made at Monabans. Texas, the remainder of the 11.000 cattle sold being at various points in west Texas. Cheesman & rray. of Denver. Colo., and Becker Degan, of Sioux City, Iowa, are the buyers. Sell TOO Mixed Cattle. Clay, Robinson and company sola Monday 700 head of mlxed catUe to John McCarthy, of Pueblo, Colo. The cattle are being shipped to Colorado for pasture and market. This henl was -.. .. .. s v Ucvnr. And f Tankersley through the port of o- gaitss. ai-ix, ana soipv ...w Import 3441 From Mexico. The Bigham and Love Cattle com pany has imported during the past week over 3411 head of mixed cat" from Mexico, the larger portion beinc Terrains stock. Of this bunch, 1W0 head were sold to J. H. Nations: G M. Saddler bought 500 head and sent them to pasture in Arixona: p. Hart, of Dry den. Texas, bought 600 head of steers and shipped , them to Dryden for .pas- Neb..' bought 100 head of ro5l" and shipped them to his ranch in .Nebraska- !.. The Bigham and J COD1Dany;S2 purchased 1100 head of Mexican rattle from Maple and Wala. who imported the stock at Fabens. Of the tnch, 500 head were crossed Monday night and 709 Tuesday raornins- Hie Importations From Mexico. W. H. Craft has bought over - head of cattle from the Zuloatus ranch, tnrouch the port of El Paso. Robert Slaughter and company has brought over 12 cars of unbrandeo calves from Chihuahua. There were about 750 head in the bunch. L. E. Booker has brought over 1 cars of Mixed Mexican cattle from the Casas Grandes district Bates and Franklin have imported a shipment of 360 head of cows from Sonora. The cattle were brought oyer at Nogales and shipped to the 151 Paso cattle market. ...... , To Receive 500 at Valentine. W. T Tolbert. of the D. F. White Cattle Commission company, left Kl Paso Monday night for Valentine, Tex as, to receive 2&00 head of steers Iron. the Rian Well ranch and the Hoilana ranch. The cattle have been sold through, the D. F. White Commission companv to J. F. Campbell, of Wichita. has, jar. j-uiuein. . m. J F Campbell, Joe Stelnbangh and F L. ivumoerg. oi aiit. wm. " . . ? Hyden. of Ashland. Kas., who will take the cattle to Kansas, the shipments be ing made by way of Sierra Blanco, Pe cos and Amsrillo. To Receive S80 Ilead. The cattle firm of Haley and Talbot, of Rifle. Colo., is expected to have rep resentatives in El Paso on May 2 to receive 800 head of steers purchased in March at Hillsboro, N. M-. through the D. F. White Cattle Commission company- VARIED PROGRAM FOR WEDNESDAY CONCERT Vw tlie Wednesday afternoon con e rt b the l.'.th catalry band at Fort Bliss Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock chief musician Rocco Resta has ar ranged a varied program. The se leHnntt to be eiren are: March, "Greeting of Bangor,.. HalL) j overture. "Le jaic iiwuu.' Waltz. "Casino Tanz" Gnngle.) Selection. -'The Yoemen of the Guard" Sullivan.) Medley overture. "Bunch of Favor ites," (Beyer) March. "Chilcothian" (HalL) BOY IS DROWNED IN TEXAS TL00D Dallas. Tex-. April 2S. Dallas. Waco anil Waxahachie are threatened by floods as the remit of a there days' heavy rainfall Res cuer 31ondmy were forced to eo to the re lief of persons caught In their homes by the rtautff waters. The first toll of life was taken when Thomas Mclntyre, aged 12, of Dallas, was drowned. OJILY D UGHTHR IS LOOKING FOR FATHER. J. D. MAI.ONEY The only daughter of J. D. Maloney wants to locate her father, according to a letter received by police chief L N". Davis from R, W. Bray. Equity building, Muskogee, Okla. Fifteen yeats u;ro the missing father is said to have on ned a large interest in the Circle ' K" ranch, located in Oklahoma. Maloney, it Is stated, disappeared in uRust. 1890. at the time "presumably" going to Mexico. M. E. Leverich and company, of Phoenix, Ariz, want to locate John Morris. 210-212 If. Stxnfon Si. Marlnierte Ilacringr, Original Ilollnender. Milwaukee IVurnt. nllc Sorlen. Ilelegte Butterbroteund Salate In Jeder Men;re. Ilerxtellung In knerzexter Zeit. elne und Llquoere nller Art III!" M flYlllf Isin ivf.s4iftAli Frcle Lfererinj; ins Hati. UUDf Ilka, COWBOY BOYS CATTLE RANCH LINCOLN William B. Crow Graduates Into Ranks of New Mex ico Stock Barons. Roswell, X M., April 28. William M. Crow, formerly m the employ of thb LFL outfit, has graduated from a cow boy into the ranks of New Mexico cat tle barons through his purchase of The old Raton ranch la Lincoln county from Martina Chaves. ' Crow a few .years ago began buytnjr 2P Ie7 ""Y? and eradnsJly added tS his herd until he now has about 300 which he has had on pasture. The stock 'orth approximately J10.000. The old Raton ranch consists of 440 acres of patented land In the national forest at the foot of the Capital mountains. It has pure spring water an orchard and fine pasture land. There is a residence and outbuildings on the ranch. The consideration which Crow paid Chaves is said to have been about $7000 Crow came to Chaves county 10 years ago with 15 cents in his pocket and after working seven years with the then went to work for the Bloom Cattle company and in three years has devel oped into a fullfledged cattleman on ln own account. 1500 CATTLE ARE SHIPPED TO COAST Tucson, Ariz.. April 28. Fifteen hundred head of cattle, purchased by Miller and Lux of San Francisco. Calif, from the Arivaca Land and Cattle company, were driven to Tucson from Arivica. southwest of here, and shipped to the coast. About 12,000 head of cattle from various ranches will be shipped in the near future. As this herd of 1500 was nearing Tucson, it was f Unfed by a moving picture company. The scene was to be worked into a picture dramatiza tion of a story written by Eugene Manlove Rhodes. J. CROVEIt PDCKBTT IS GIVKX 10 TEAR SH.VTEXCE J. Grover Puckett. known as Jack Simpson here, was given a sentence or 20 VeSrS On a durPA nf lrUlin- hl wife about two years ago. he wu I jouim gumy oi muraer In the scrond degree. The news was contained in the Williamson County News, pao lished at Franklin, Tenn. A motion for a new trial was made by the de fendant. Puckett was arrested here by the de tectives and taken back to Nashvii.e. Tenn., where the alleged crime is said to have been committed. He was in the real estate business here. TODAY 1V1I.L BE ODSBRVBIJ .VS BAIS1.V DAYt BIS CROP Today is raisin day and, led by the Southern Pacific, nearly every railroad in the west will serve raisins in some form in its dining cars and statiois. The local passenger office of the C H. has received a large supply of liteia ture on the California raisin. tocr-rh-.T with many recipes for using raisins. The crop this year was one of the largest on record, amounting to S0. 000,000 pounds. COUNT White Pumps The While Canvas Pump is by far the coolest and most practical shoe for summer. Black shoes are always troublesome for tender feet in hot weather. They tend to swell the foot and cause irritation. All this is elimin ated if you will wear White Shoes now. White Canvas or Nubuc, Lou) or Button Oxfords, Tailored Bow Pumps or Colonials (frA ftf Prices range from $2.00 to pSoUU Laird Schober Grades, Welt or dE? ff Turn Soles U)OoxJU GREATFB nhe-d y bHEPLTE5T 5H0E STORE k SHOE- COMPANV- 203 MESA. Ask Pot Spring Catalog Mailed Free. iSSt CILBURNINGitr I Jl LOCOKOTlVrS f g" j Atlanta $58.20 Birmingham $57.15 New York $84.05 Louisville $60.10 Chicago $53.25 On sale daily May 1 5th to Sept. 30. Limit Oct. 31 City Ticket Office, 206 N. OREGON EL PISOM MIKES 11,001 CATTLE M RIP SEAL W. D. Connell Buys Santa Rosa and Batioquivari Ranches in Arizona. Two ranches comprising 3?00 acres and 10,000 cattle have been purchased at Tucson, Ariz, by W. D. ConnelL or El Paso. The transaction involved $300,000 and the property purchased in cluded the Santa Bosa and the Babo qulvari ranches .of the late Sabino Otero, from his estate. ' The property is located about 60 miles southwest of Tucson, Ariz. The ranches include 3300 acres of private land and control a. cattle range of OT Apw.An inn nf nver 50 sfluare miles. All the equipment of the ranches Is ) uptodate. and mere is a ois swam pumping plant, besides a full outfit of t- i tljt(w Anprttl ftntl home Vp Connell has Just returned to EI Pass from closing this aeau HBP I'IIIiHHR! nil1 1 II MD UUULliuLu WORK 01 FOOB NElAf RjSIDENCES Perry-Kirkpatrick Company Building Three of Them in Manhattan Heights. The Perry-Kirkpatrick company commenced work Monday on four sew homes, three in the Manhattan addition and one at JilS Tularosa street. Those in Manhattan Heights are beina; built on Pledras and Copper streets and will be of six rooms each. They will bw built of ror brick and will have two lots each. The houses will cost $0000 each. The Tularosa street home Is be ing built for L. H- Williamson. It is a six room structure and will cost $2300. Sells Seven Acre Farm. C.H.Leavell has sold to Anselmo Me lendez a seven acre tract at El Gallo. near Dona Ana. The tract Is alfalfa land and is watered direct from the Leesburg ditch. The selling price was $133 per acre. The Mayfleld BaUdiug & Realty com pany has started 'work, on a five room home in block 3S00 on Montana street. The house will be modren in every re spect, with basonnmt and beating plant, and will cost $t7& RED CROSS XURSES TO MBET. A meeting of the local Red Cross Nurse association will be held Wednes day afternoon at 3 odock in the Roberts-Banner building. The meeting is to be a special one and graduate nurses not" members of the association are ex pected to attend. f PAGn UNMl RATS VIA ssBssssskk. We Give Green Trading Stampc H B I lB Vi n M All Charge Purchases x Entered First Clearance Sale of Suits arid Coats A General Clearance Embracing All Spring Weight Suits and Coats That Offers the Most Amazing Values El Paso tias Suits and Coats of novelty imported spring weight woolens in the newer shades, black and white checks and the favored blues and blacks, with lavish trimmings of taffeta and moire silks, laces, brocades and novelty buttons in designs that have captivated modish dressers of two continents, are offered to you At Half and Less Than Half Former Prices! The great Garment Floor is a perfect maze with this brilliant assemblage of unmatchable Spring Coab that formerly sold up to $7.50 are offered in the Clear- Q Q C ance at O J7eJ Spring Suits that formerly sold up to $15.00 are offered in the Clear- Q Q$ ance at O.OU Spring Suits that formerly sold up to $22.50 are offered in the Clear- jr? ance at i. 1 O Spring Suits that formerly sold up to $35.00 are of fered in the Clearance at- . . Sprins Suits that formerly $55.00 are offered in the Clearance al. Corded Novelty Spring Suits in values to $15.00 at... And hundreds of other amazing values offering economies that are impossible to duplicate, in the best styles of the season. ' It is imperative that a general clearance be effected at once and prudent buy ers are assured of marvelous savings! LET TJS SHOW YOU! I'iJI SSL INTERNATIONAL Gives your Bov a starr. Phone 1 147. J. P. MuIIio. Pres. Herald Want Ads for results I'lJ'i RSHaa ininj tjjm vkzP Made Today, Wednesday on Your May Bills, Payable bargain values. Spring Coats that formerly sold up to $10.00 are offered in the Cleat- 1 gg ance at tjj Spring Suits that formerly sold up to $18.50 are offered in the Clear- qqa ance at sJJ Spring Suits that formerly sold up to $25.00 are offered in the Clear- 1 O QC ance at 1 -y3 Spring Suits that formerly 15.00 sold up to 26.95 7.50 C A Proper Corset-'-- . For a Proper Figure" The Woman of Fashion or the woman who demands best finds-every desire gratified in J? J&- f Corsets The price, that youpay for an "R. & G." corset is the smallest price you have ever paid for a corset half as good. A NEW SHIPMENT has just brought us a com plete selection in all the, newer models in medium, low and waist line, suitable for full, medium or slender figures, boneless hips, long skirts and rustless. "R. & G." corsets are built to permit that natural grace so necessary to the proper draping of the fashionable figure a suppleness much desired, but difficult to ob tain without the particular corset your type of figure requires. "R. & G." Corsets are offered in a wide range of new models, 1 Aft 1 CA O AA Moderately Priced at. I A" 9 l.DU, Z.UU. Our txperiatced ConeHtre vUl ex- ) AA O O FS plain the merits of "R. & C" Cor- .Villi l& A Si I sets, and fit j,ur figure correctly. VU W PUBLISHER'S NOTICE The HPaso Herald was established In March. 1881. The El Paso Herald Includ.. "!,. .?,TpUS!L and 'accession. The Daily News. The Telcgraphl ThTTlie,ram' Thc Tribune. The Graphic The Sun. The Adwtiaer The Independent. The Journal. The Republican. The Bulletin MB3IBBR ASSOClATKto 1-11BS3 AND AJ1ER XEW3P. FL'OMSIIKRs- .,,. Entered at J2ftife In El Paso. Tex, as Second Claw Matter. Tne DauV Herald Is Issued six days a week at El Paso. Texas. T . rERsis op suBscim-i tt. " Daily Herald, per month, eoc per year. J7.. Wednesday and Week-En., issues t. rcn w..m "i J " 'or rw per year 3" t,,. The?rZ?ei?11 U aevred by carriers In El Paso. East El Pao rArt BUss and Towne. Texas, and Ctudad Juares. Mexico, at 60 cents a month " FJ,rt ddress: change 0r address pleas Slve the old as well as tee cswl Save Your Trading Stamps They Are y HR( r jLTi and Ihursday, Will Be Jane First. iLver renown "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV frfc sold up to $45.00 are of- OO DC fered in the Clearance at ,D Spring Suits that formerly" sold up to $59.75 are offered in the QA EfA Clearance at .3vJ While Serge Suits in Norfolk fri r and draped models to $25 at p X U 2? u