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6 B Week-End Edition, July 11-12, 1914 J J VI' OBSCOE II Secret Society detective's Jn'-Z"""'" ifo-mct -en I'M VHXE vourself su1dcnlv suspect ed of murder, of killing j our own father by your friends' If you are a girl imagine your own sw-et-rici-t falling a prey to that suspicion b it would be your first Impulse? V. hat ouid you do? Certainly, wheth er jdu are min or woman. ou 'would rebel furiousl' at the unjust suspi cion. The heroine of "The Severed Hand." enacted b the beauufal Cled Madison. rrsented the suspicion, resented the ci.rumstanccs which had thrown her Irto such a compromising position, and -he escaped. Then, strain, perhaps She fled because she could not stand the look in his eyes the man she loved. Ten years later the girl. Nan Daw son, swung with fate back again Into the life of her one time sweetheart, iick Ralston. Nan was an adven turess, the secret service detailed to asassssflr?&' smmnSmSiSs SX55?fiiK fwWnnS ITa a ' h9- i3BHEra9HBKEF jaHHRaSfe uF&y&r$&yByFtE2f3mmmmm fan m nnK tSoHBjHKJTgKrsy .splCTYSSf fl&5t istop-!&&T73 HL J3H& rf tBgr JfiSssf SUM. mSkfwS mmmmmmWwc HHrvgHBfiBg -SSritiSSfi'' X3a HHw j BrTsffJMiiffi k 5 BBf mlEh3BEmP9ti4&mi53EmWmmm3!f233ir3KSl&mmm ADLER'S ARTISTIC TRIUMPH By BTTRNHAM Jacob Idler 1 na Scene from "" HERE is grim reality In Jacob Ad I ler s production of "Michael " Strogoff which is not shaken off as the last reel is finished, but remains fixed i none's memory long after we've turned the latchkey and blown out the light It is good to see this old1 time favorite in the movies. It was all interesting, from the mo ment Strogoff met MuMa Federova, the beautiful young -irl, who was going to join her father, who was a political ex- Pure Rich Milk AMERICAN DAIRY Look for the Red Neck Bottle PHONE 402 Government Irrigated Land (El6PSre) $100 Per Acre We will sell you five to forty acre tracts of the best land in the entire val ley, just ahead of the interurban electric railway, at $100 per acre on very easy terms. This will be the highest priced farm land in the United States when the Lower Valley is fully developed. For particulars, call on or address: E TWO REPUBLICS BLDG. tout) of Favorites M JIY Fl LLER lnlveral" Farortte Late Edison Star. Captured By Daring Dash 'THE SEVERED HArTD ruu th Sewrrd Hand society to the earth. The cards arc laid face down upon the table Things happen and the spectators look on. thrilled, shaken o- amused, as the case might be. It is a vivid play, a, melodrama of love, intrigue and adventure, laid In modern London and setting forth the experience of this girl -who was forced, through no fault of her own. Into an atmosphera of crime and cabal. The inner secrets of the Severed Hand society, an Itatllan organization of blackmail that is said to exist in Europe, is laid bare in this interesting play, and such prominent stars as Cleo Madison, George Larkin. Ray Hanford and Edward Alexander take tbe lead ing roles. The production is made bj the Powers company under the direc tion of Wilfred Lucas, from a story by Bess Meredyth. It will be released on July 17. PHILLIPS. "MICH Wt STROGOFF" He at Irkutsk Inch was played with true simnhcitv hv thpt chimin. 1 actress. Ormi Hawlev), until, when, at cue cise oi me min reel, the daunt less courier to the czar was rewarded by the cross of St. George, a decoration from his emperor. An Adler production is not complete without thrilling dramatic situations and climates, and in "Michael Strogoff" he has glen all that the most roman tic heart could desire. One of the most striking scenes in the play is the burn ing of the oil-covered river, which is one of those perfect bits of stagecraft which cause us to grip the arms of our seats and lean forward. This is Mr. Adler's initial bow to Screendom. and if he eontlnues to up hold the standard he has set in this production for perfect portrayal of that country of which the average Ameri can has such a distorted knowledge, we will await with interest his next silent oow to tne lovers or the screen me piece, wnicn is In the first big feature of Plavs and Players. five parts. Is I the Popular j E3L I b Ww"1' If MARY riCKFOKD : PICTURE PERSONALS. : o : : Mis Mary Fuller has transferred from the Edison to the Universal com pany. . Otis Turner, who produced the fa mous picture. "The Coming of Colum bus." is Just completing a three reel picture of "Damon and Pythias," that cost the Universal company 515.60" was produced at Universal City." near Holly wood, CaL. and it was necessary to build a Grecian street scene that cost $10,099. The Grecian garden scene ; is made in a Pasadena garden. t I Marie Dressier has Just completed a Keystone comedy at Los Angeles. Many of the scenes 'arc made at Venice and Ocean Park, one of them, a scene with I police in automobiles, being made on the wharf at Venice. ( I & ' Friends of Val Paul of the McRae 101 ' Bison company . Just returned from I Hawaii to the Hollywood studios, are oriering tne young universal actor con gratulations. Mrs. Paul was Miss May Foster, known as the "Queen of Rag time." i Universal exhibitors and patrons ' throughout the world, are to be treated ' to a series of plays featuring the fa I mous title screen star. Mary Plckford. j These plays, produced for the most part three ana lour years ago by the old Imp company, are the ones which first brought the clever little artist to the atentlon of the picture pu lie and made her famous. The reason for releasing I them is the innumerable requests that cave come in irom exnioitors and pic ture "fans" during the last month or so. Through exclusive arrangements which have been made by the township of Tucson, Aril., with the Western Eclcv aggregation, locad at that point, complete motion 9ctures will be taken by the Eclair people of all points pf Interest In and about the town. Among these will be films of historic San Xaricr mission and views of Old Tucson. "William Clifford, handsome man of the Henry McRae II Bison company, which has been in the Hawaiian islands for the past four months, arived home with the company at 5 ocloek on Saturday- At 4 ocloek on Sunday Bill was presented with, a bouncing baby daugh ter. 1 i Al E. Christie and his - Inimitable Nestor Comedy company has returned from a Journeying that took them from ' one end of California to the other ana into Mexico. One of the pictures Chris tie made shows scenes of construction J in the exposition at San Diego. . Robert Leonard and Lloyd Ingraham (Universal West Coast studios) are producing an exceptional romance of artist life in Paris, which affords Mr. Leonard and Miss Hall a fine oppor- j tunity to display their art in new roles. The story is a one reeler and Is enti- j tied "As Fate Disposes." I a ! A series of dramas written around the unique French character Francois Villon, who lived during the reign of . Louis XI and rose from the lot of wan- j dering poet to the post of personal i adviser to the king, is being produced at the west coast studios of tbe Unl- ; versal. The role of Francois Villon will be played by Murdock MaeQuarrie, the , great character actor, who scored such i a personal triumph in the title role of iticneueu. jrauuiie uuna m P"y uic principal female role. Commencing Thursday, July IS. the Universal company will release every other week, under the Imo brand, a Universal Boy film, featuring Matty i Roubert. deliciously precocious, and one of the cleverest youngsters on the screen In the title role; "What Is said to be the most spec tacular and reallctic war production ever filmed has Just been completed by Kalem. This production, "The Boer War," Is In five parts and will shortly be seen In photoplay houses the country over. ADOUt ltw men. an possessing military experience, some of them in the actual struggle, were used in film ing the story of the fight between the British and Boers. When Ralph Morton, an artist. In Jealous frenzy, slashes a portrait he has Just completed, he seriously Injures his fiancee, who Is hidden behind the pic ture. This is one of the strong scenes In Kalems two-part drama. "The Fatal Portrait" Irene Boyle and Robert El lis, two popular Kalem players, por tray the leading roles in this produc tion. "One hundred and ten pounds of en en and enthusiasm." the way a news paperman described Irene Boyle, the charming Kalem leading woman. In an interview published recently. SECD GLASSES? ASK SBGALL. MOVED TO 10S TEXAS STREET. Ad vertisement. IF YOU WAST RESULTS a..a. Iot,a qn oil nf hn ((mi qVA tise In the Ready Reference Directory, Don't forget the phone number "four-" five-three." Advertisement. EL PASO, TEXAS PASO HEUAID the Moving Picture wofld In nElEN BAPSLEY , Vie'ThBohouser Kfdtei? Mu.icLaLWovies:-'- WILL WRITE SERIAL FOR THE UNIVERSAL Louis Joseph Vance, one of the best known modern fiction writers, has been secured to write the new serial. 3LOOI5 JOSEPH VSUTCE.iJaOioric' tne ffeyy rrtiVcT-jl' cnai -THE TRET O" -HEARTS"" Trev o' Hearts, which is to follow the present Universal serial. "Lucillo Loie. to be released in 14 or IS dis tinct parts, each of two or three reel the latter part of July. GD2L ELOPES WITH FATHER'S CHAUFFEUR Boston, Mass, July 10 All New Eng land is talking of the disappearance of Miss Gern HaillUn. a tall, graceful. IS year old South Shore and Arlington girl, who has disappeared with her fath ers chau'feur. Louis Eisman. On the night the girl disappeared a telephone message said they had gone to Provi dence to Ret married, out -ir. uaiuian, who is awakening every city and town In New England to search for the elop ers, believes this message was a blind Mr Hailllan is wealthy and his home is one of the show places of the fash ionable South Shore. His daughter has been educated abroad, but recently re turned. to her borne and was a favorite among the younger set. She is said to have been wearing some valuable jew els when she vanished. DAILY RECORD rtuildinir rermlts. To Mayfield Building" sad Improvement company, to ootid a residence, let 1 afad part of ;. Mock: 19. Cotton addition: esti mated value JSS49. To E. Carlson, to erect a building. Stevens and Alameda, estimated value J44. To W. c Nations, to build an adobe. Eotrella and Texas-Pacific street: estimated value JSt. To J. Aramendo, to ootid an adobe, 171 Oklahoma street, estimated vnlee $Zie. Deeds Filed. Northwest corner of Nevada and Aag Isabel Conway to L. S. Ivy. lot 1 and part of 2. block lie. Pierce-Flnley addition: oaaid eratlon ifSSO; June 29. 1911. North side of Manzana. between San Mar- OSTBOPATIIIC PIIVSICIAXS Drs. Bowlby &Bowlby Offices 709 31111s Bid?. Phone -ISS1. Residence Phone, U2T. Literature !ent FREE on Request jtfggFfHli;, J43IES MORRISON N- Vitairrnph Director - eial and alley John C Hum to Mrs. Em ma K. Smith. lot IS and part of If. l.ltck SI. East El Faso; consideration 2?9e; Jans 25. lfll. Sootaweet corner of Nlntn and Oregon Charles J Qoiaa to Daniel lUrtl-xc tots 1 and It. block IS. Campbell aaJit'otj; cosrid eratlon ; July 1. lilt. North side of Missouri, between NMnaan and Brown Tomu Guerra to A. O. Stan berry, lot 24 and part of XS. block 2C, Frank lin Heiffhts. consideration $22i4; July 9, Government Hill addition Government Hill company to Joseph Saltaer et ox- lots 1 2 and 3. block 10. Government Hill, con sideration J1559. July 9 1911. Weitlyn Heights addition F. B. Hadlock et a to Clara Owen, lots 1. 2 and 2. block 3 Wetlyn Heights, consideration 313M; June : 19K Faben. Tex C M Newman et at, to Clements Bomlla. lots 11. 12 and 12, block 1 ry This With Your Favorite Remedy f there was an ounce of nourishment in a BarreS of Whisky cr any drug, YOU COULD LIVE ON IT WITHOUT FOOD. But you can onSy ing. They burn the Safe out at that rapid rate. They exhaust. That is why 19 deaths are from drugs and stimulants to one from diseases. 700,000 exhausted each year into a consumptive grave in TJ. S.; 300,000 irritated into cancers; 200,000 irritated and exhausted, sink hopelessly into the mad house each year. Were some of these yours, and did you permit it for fear of offending your family doper? Did you ever stop to think that when you jeopardize your life with calomel for a physic or take a drink of whisky when you feel sick, or a doctor gives you some arsenic to stimulate up your heart, that you were only exhausting your vitality at a fearful rate and burning out your life. If it were not so you could Hve on a stimulant or drug alone. But the poison squad who tried it showed you reduced your vitality to 1-20 of its normal, when attempting- to live on a drug alone. This is in perfect harmony with the test made by the French Doctors whieh Dr. Osier, now of Oxford University, who wrote most of the medical hooks which he now condemns, says has shaken the ,faith of the strongest hearts in drugs when they divided the patients with every kind of disease half and half; the ones thev gave nothing to lost one per hundred, others drugs 20 per hundred, making 19 deaths out of 20 due to drugs. If you need a stimulant when weak it must be some kind, of nourishing food that you can live on that will sustain life or else it burns out your vitalitv and in creases your chances of death at a fearful rate. You dare not put a stimulant or drug into your mouth except you add a nail to your coffin, or a whole pound of them for that matter . You should harbor your vitalitv if you wish to get well. Fruit juices will ferment and digest food, will also ferment and throw out stagnant blood; all these rest the nerves. But a continuation of stimulants or drugs exhaust at a rapid rate so the nerves will not force circulation in the part exhausted, liver, stomach or other organs and it rots and will not build up cell life and eaneer is result in everv instance. Ford, the great manufacturer, is right. The ground for a cancer is in aii exhausted system, and when you irritate it up with drugs vou exhaust the nerve and the vitality being exhausted, it cannot build up cell life and cancer alwavs follows. You must rest the system with proper diets and loosen the exhausted nerve, whiih has deadened its sensitiveness by drugs aal, it forces the circulation and the hlm-il to accumulate and decay and form whatever disease you have in any part. So when the Osteopath restores the nerve to normal' ,it forces the circulation and the blood carries out the impurities, builds up the part again and vou are as well as ever aain. The blood made everything about you in the first place" and it onlv can repair it again when the circulation is restored. That is how the Dr. A. T. Still Osteoptitlu Infirmary restored all these blind and re eyes you have read about. All these tender lungs, ruined stomachs from drugs are made as good as new and appendix restored t) perfect again. Bright's disease and other kidney troubles are perfectlv restored Rheu matism, pneumonia, catarrh of evey nature, Hav Fever, Fits and all such diseases are perfectly restored by getting the blood cleansed through the kidnevs and get ting the liver in working order again. Don't be prejudiced, just go and"hiYetigi"t for yourself. Your life is your own and you don't care to jeopardize it to please anv doctor. For the Osteopaths can cure the greatest percent ever known of anv diso.ics. That is why 47 states have decided they were physicians able to handle anv disca.-o known and legalized them as such. You don't want to be one o'ftho 700,000 exhausted each year into a consump tive's grave in U. S., nor one of the 300.000 irritated into cancers, nor one of th 200,000 irritated and exhausted into the madhouse just to please a family doctor wLn is mad because he didn't get your money and an Osteopath has saved vour lLe and prevented you from having consumption, a caiK-er or the mad house, T. Fabeas: consideration : Ana. w" El Paso conntT. Texas P. V fk5?tBi? E. P. Flagx. sections IS. . 27. 21 aatt . block 7. Texas and Pacific Mrrej; OHWld- ratioa, other and 21. Oct. 11. Ills. AetomoMIe TJeoed. S1 T B. Cunalnham. Ht MaBtasa '"ZUl'S: luMMMoffta Hap-obll. na?J.jGbfc To Mrs. G. W Farars. Hotel : Jaae 1. Btrttm By. . To Mrs. Bafal Arrillu. 1 Bast Secaad To Mrs. Raymando Lnjan, 711 Myrtle ave nue; Jn'y 4. IF VOU WA:tT nESULTS everv time ana all of the tlrae, adver tise "in the Bendy Heference Directory. Don't forget the phone number "four-five-three." Advertisement. Sive one-20th as CANDY SPECIAL OX OTTR LARGE, SOFT, DE LICIOUS SUPERB JELLY DROPS 15c THE LB. SATURDAY ONLY BEAUTIFUL CUT FLOWERS 55 Song as on noth AZs- i I I