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i he Nerve Of Some Folks; Whaddaye Mean, Gave 'Em Real Bulletins? CANTALOUPE DAY IS AUGUSTI8 Latest News By the Associated Press CLINT WANTS YOU TO BETHERE HOiyiE EDITION EL PASO, TEXAS, TUESDAY EVENIMG, JULY 28, 1914: P.. LEATHER FORECAST, rartly cloudy tonight and tomorrow. lir.; 13.25 Stocks. Irregular ?" Mrter Livestock, rtrong Ml c" !.ntea. it Vina currency. 21. ChUmahoa currency. 28 U Carranza curreacy, 2S9i. Tea Pages Today. Mme. Caillaux Is Acquitted Of M W7: iiraer Jury Returns Verdict at End of Exciting Trial Involv ing State Secrets. CLOSING ADDRESSES FULL OF INVECTIVE ALL EUROPE IS INVOLVED Former Premier's Wife Is Called Woman with Tears Only For Herself. PARIS, France, July 2S 3Ime. Calilaax, jrlfe, the. tormer premier of Ianee. wn acquit-' ied by the Jury late tMi afternoon -9n a chars of -aavlng- murdered Gaston Calmette. editor of tie Figaro. The Jury went Into secret session immediately at the con clusion of tlie dosing- addresses of Maitre Chenn and Maitre tnbort, opposing' counsel. Excitement tras Intense -when the verdict -was an nonnced There 'were cheers and groans. VOTE COSTS $100 CALIFORNIA TO PAY Los Angeles. Calit, July 28. It will cost the people of California just $190 to furnish Charles Wilson with the right of franchise at the coming state primaries and he in sists he must vote. Election officials estimate that his vote will be the costliest luxury of its kind in the state and perhaps in the Dnlted States. Wilson lives at the Isthmus on Catalina. Island, and is the only voter In his precinct., which is IS miles distant from Avalon, the only town on the island. Three voters will be sent by launch or stage from Avalon to the isthmus and with Wilson as a fourth. will constitute an election board. Wilson will then vote, and the board will cast up and certify the returns. Paris. France. July 28. Madame Hen riette Caillaux. on trial for the alleged murder of Gaston Calmette, editor of the Figaro, fainted in court today again, while Maitre Chenu. one of the attor neys representing the family of the murdered editor, was delivering a cut ting analysis of her actions on. the day of the tragedy. Because of the de fendant's condition, judge Albaiiet sus pended the sitting. Mme. Caillaux looked worn and 111 when she entered the prisoners en closure of the criminal court of the palace of justice for tae eighth day's hearing in her trial. .Proceedings started with a speech by liQuam siiuMi ode OI iq6 attorneys representing the family of the mur dered editor. Defendant "Weaken. Mme. Caillaux became visibly weaker as the sitting continued and appeared unconscious of what was occurring In court. A hot water bottle was placed beneath her feet and a cushion, at her back soon after she entered the court. Meanwhile Maitre Seligman continued bis address. "The sons of Gaston Calmette asked us to bring them to this court to seek justice," he said, "we refused to do so; but do not forget, gentlemen of the Jury, with what anguish he orphans await your verdict. You have heard witness after witness speak in praise of the late M Calmette. There has been only one discordant note and that came from M. Caillaux. What connec tion with the case has the fortune of the murdered man? How many millions must a man have in order to permit bis being assassinated with complete impunity?" Team Only For Herself." The Jury was next addressed -by Maitre Chenu, and his cutting analysis of the actions of Mme. Caillaux on the day of the tragedy was too much for the prisoner. She collapsed and fell in a heap on the floor of the prisoners' enclosure. "I will speak of nothing except the assassination of M. Calmette," Maitre Chenn was saying. "I will ask the accused whether when she spoke of her love for her daugh ter she thought of the two children of it Calmette whose pictures never left him. I shall not attempt to go into the biography of Mme. Caillaux. She Is a cool, sensible woman without emo tion or pity. She has tears only for herself." Ifill IDIIIS m ruuGL ! STUCK Czar of Russia Will Support the Servians, Whereupon Italy Is Pledged to Support Austria if King Dares to Try to Force His Subjects to Fight For Their Ancient Enemy; Germany, France and Great Britain May Become Involved. Officials Are Baffled in At tempt to Cut Off Her Water Supply. MAY FILE SUIT AS NEXT MEASUURE BELGIAN BANKER IS GIVEN SENTENCE Brussels. Belgium, July 28. Nestor Wilmart. Belgian banker, railroad man, newspaper proprietor and sportsman, was sentenced today to 10 years' im prisonment and 58W fine on a charge of swindling the public out of JMW, 000 by over Issuing shares in the Ghent-Terneusen railway in 1912. Five accomplices also were sentenced Easqutn, the traffic manager to sev en years and J 800 fine; Wareneter to four years, and three others to three years each. HETE MANAGER IS HELD PEXDEVG MURDER PltOBE Boulder. Colo- July 28. Wilson Davis, manager of the Lost Lode mine at, Eldora. was arrested today and held for investigation in connection with the killing of Champ X. Smith, whose body was found in the Caledonia tun nel at Eldora on June 13. No informa tion has been filed against Davis. The coroner's Jury decided that S-.,t.h had been killed and his body biown up to hide the crime. Death Threat Is Hurled at Police When They Try to Enter House. PJBBLO, Cole July 28. Armed with a repeating rifle, Mrs. Mary Marti nez barricaded herself In her home here today and successfully kept off officers of the local water company and members of the police force who had gone to the woman's house to shut off the water supply. The water company officials were In formed that neighbors were getting their supply of water at the Martinez house, which Is the only domicile In the neighborhood conected with the reservoir. When they sent men to shut off the supply today, Mrs. Mar tinez warned them away with a gun. Later a detachment from police headquarters went to the scene, but upon being threatened with death, they withdrew. The water company will probably file suit to accomplish its purpose. Claim Right to Water. Mrs. Martinez holds that she has a right to water for domestic purposes and that her supply cannot be wilfully withdrawn. The company maintained that Mrs. Martinez, in supplying all the neighbors with water, was infring ing the company's rules since otherwise the neighborhood would be obliged to connect with the mains. TWO YEARS ABSENT, PIGEON RETURNS Kansas City, Mo., July 28. A little battered homing pigeon, absent from home two years, has returned with its wings frayed and Its feathers missing. The bird was released, from the balloon Uncle Sam near Chicago two years ago by Roy Donaldson, aide to Capt. John Hunnewell, of St. Louis. Donladson released three pigeons. all of which had small metal tags attached to their legs. Both of the others returned within a few days. REPUBLICANS WON'T START FILIBUSTER Washington, D. O, July 28i-rSenate Republicans In conference today de" clded not to filibuster against the trust bills. They are opposed to them and will say so in speeches, but their main purpose is to bring about ad journment as soon as possible. When the senate convened today discussion of the trade commission bill was resumed. PARIS. France, July 28. By Austria's declaration of war against Servia, vthe whole of Europe is brought to the brink of a general waf so terri ble in Us proportions that it cannot be estimated. The Issue will turn on the action 'of Russia. "Ititbe czar's farces'sSta.nee to-Aastro- Hungaryw'lthcaanatfa! draw Ger many into we armea conuiet. The declaration, formally announced today, is based on the reply given by Servia to Austrian demands for sup pression of Austrophobe organizations In Servia, limitation of press utter ances, declarations of fealty by Servia to Austro-Hungary, and the punish ment of Servian state officials alleged to have been implicated In plots which resulted in the assassination of arch duke Francis Ferdinand, of Austria, and his consort at Sarayevo. Bosnia, a month ago. Servia's reply, was deemed unsatis factory in that It failed to allow Austro- xlUnsrarian nartlMYiattrm tnl. ..(..,.., Investigations in Servia. This is regarded as a pretext on Austria's part to enforce her aggres sion In far eastern affairs. The whole structure of European peace is on the brink of collapse. Ten million men are waiting to be called under their respective flags, and In a few days all Europe may be aflame with war and thousands of smiling cornfields now awaiting the harvest may become the scene of blackest desolation. Anaasinatlon the Cauae. The assassination of the arch-duke Francis Ferdinand and his wife has been the reward of a long life devoted to the cause of peace, and now Franz Josef, "the grand old man of Europe," has flashed his sword, and to all ap pearances, thrown away his scabbard. Behind the emperor's action, which is an indirect but none the less ex treme challenge to Russia, lies the steadfast resolution of the German races to sweep back the Inrush of hordes of Slavs into Central Europe. The dream of a greater Servia, em bodying all the Slav elements In Austria-Hungary, has been the hobgoblin of the dual monarchy for the last five years. It is realized in Vienna that the Slav movement received a tremendous impetus from the Servian successes 'n the Balkan war and the unexpectedly ' aggressive siep or tne emperor u a desperate throwuin behalf of the wan ing Hapebsrg " tfristlge. The conse quences are frightful to contemplate Never since 1S7Q has there existed a blacker outlook. In the opinion of Georges Clemenceau, expreraier of France and the greatest authority Is the world on international politics. If Austria does invade Fervia. the czar of Russia, as "the father of all Slavs," will be bound In honor to de fend king Peter from being crushed by the dual monarchy, whose objective all along has been to obtain a road for Itself through the Balkans and to seize Salonika. " Ruaaia'a Solid Front. The great Russian empire presents a solid front. Five army corps have already been mobilized To all observers the attitude which Italy will take is most interesting. While the Italian government Is of ficially Informed ti- her parliamentary representatives war tney will stand by the agreement to support Austria, it is questionable whether the Italian people would ever consent to take the field in behalf of Jhefr old oppres sors. Italy 3Iar Revolt. Should the Italian government Issue an order of mobilization to help Aus tria it is quite possible that a general revolution might break out in Italy and upset the monarchy. The feeling on the peninsula runs high against Austria, and it would not surprise students of international poli tics if the Italian people in the case of a general European conflagration should rise as one man to wrest Trieste and Trento, the annexed provinces, from the dual monarchy. The immediate course Italy Is likely to take will be neutral, as her policy, would be largely Influenced" by Eng; land's attitude. Sir Edward Grey, the European statesman, realizes the grav Conttnoed on Paffe 9, Col. 4. RULERS OF NATIONS NOW LOCKED IN WAR I y 'rlffii'fas,. "' W i i sssssvZ ilsWKff?liriis83HB5Sill i PETER Kins of Servia Russian Troops Advance, Folio-wing Austria's War Against Servia. KAISER'S FORCES ADVANCE TO BORDER Hostilities Between the Ger roansj Austrians and Rus sians May Break Soon. ,By ASSOCIATED PBESS. FR.IlNZ josef Emperor of Austria AUSTRIAN TROOPS APPflOHGH-BOBDEB Berlin. Germany, July 28. Reports from the Austrian border today state that the transport of the eighth and ninth Austrian army corps from Bohe mia toward the Servia frontier began Monday and that there was no other traffic on the Bohemian railways ex cept that of troop trains. WAR SCABfTsTOPS TRADING IN TORONTO Toronto, OnC July 28. Trading was suspended on the Toronto stock ex change this afternoon. Whether the exchange will resume tomorrow morn ing depends, the governors saia. on the conditions in London and other European exchanges. ERLIN. Germany. July 28. Russian cavalry, artakry. two regiments of infantry, and engineers have occupied WHDaiien. xxussaa jroiana, rickt on the Austrian and German frontiers, wffle Russian guards have been placed along all roads on the frontier. This -is stated m an imconfirmed dispatch from Gumbinnen. eastern Prussia, to the Taeglehe Rundschau today. The dispatch adds that a squadron of German IWans has advanced to Eydtkuhnen on the Russian frontier. Germany is pledged to Austria in the matter and Russia is in a position in which it must fight for the Servians. A clash at arms between Germany and Russia oa the frontier would not come as a surprise. THE DECLARATION OF WAR, VIENNA. Austria. July 28. The declaration of war against Servia by the Austria-Hungarian, monarchy, which is expected to involve the whole of Europe hi war, was gazetted here late this afternoon. The text is as follows: "The royal government of Servia, not havmg replied in a satisfactory manner to the note remitted to it by the Austro-Hungarian minister in Belgrade on July 23, 1914, the imperial and royal government finds itself compelled to proceed to safeguard its rights and interest and to have recourse for this pur pose to force of arms. "Austria-Hungary considers itself, therefore, from this moment in a state of war with Servia. n (Signed) "Count Bechthold, minister of foreign affairs of Austria-Hungary." Mme. Joseph Caillaux, Palais de Justice, Where She Was Tried, and Joseph Caillaux, Her Hushand 'j AUSTRIANS SEIZE SERfN SHIPS Nlah, Servia, July 28. The Servian steamers Deligrad and Morava were seized today at Orsova on the Danube by Austrians. The Servian colors were hauled down and the Austrian flag hoisted. The passengers were detained. B ENGLAND IS ALSO READY FOR WAR London. Eng July 28. The refusal by Germany and Austria-Hungary to participate in a mediation conference on the Austro-Servlan conflict, reports of the rapid movement of Austro-Hungarian troops and the persistent down ward trend of European stock markets, were tb outstanding developments of the European situation today. Preparations for war proceeded on all sides. Even England's battle sauad rons have all been mobilized in readi ness for eventualities, and the publi cation or oinciai news as to Che move ments of British warships has ceased. The first and second battle squadrons have taken on their full war strength and are to slip their anchors at a mo ment's notice. The destroyer flotillas around the coast also have been pre pared, and armed guards were placed today around all the magazines and oil depots. BERLIN ISNERVOUS; DEPOSITS WITHDRAWN Berlin. Germany, July 28. Toe pub lic in the German capital was very nervous today and alarmist rumors continued to circulate. The run on the savings oanR in wmch the poorer I classes deposit their money was re ! sumed this- morning. As early as ! oclock there were long lines of depos I itors outside the municipal savings banks and the people Insisted on hav ' lng their money, regardless of the re- assuring statements by the officials. J Police authorities of Berlin today an nounced they wonld not permit any I more patriotic processions in th streets i of TVrlln Hitherto these had not been I lntcrltrcd Bitn. STO TRYING TO II CENjM IR LONDON. Sng, July 28. All Eu rope may be drawn into the Austria-Servian war which vir tually began toiay with a formal dec laration of war by Asstrla-Hungary. Armies of the great powers and of the small nations as well are mobilizing and fleets are assembling lor prompt action. There will, nowever. be some effort toward localising the war so as not to involve the great powers. The actual cause of Austria-Hungary's decision to enter bate hostile con flict with Servia was the reply sent hv the Balkan state to the note from Vienna demanding that Servia take steps to put a stop to the pan-Servian propaganda of Austrian territory, and also punish those Servians indirectly concerned in the assassination la Bosnia on June 22 of archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne The response of Servis was considered by the foreign office in Vienna "unaatisfacory" and in a serai official communication made pub lic yesterday, the Austro-Hungarian government said that the reply as filled with the spirit of dishonesty. Two Nations Deellne Mediation. In the meantime air Edward Grey took the intative of requesting the European powers to permit their am bassadors in London to confer with a view to a peaceful solution of the con troversy. Italy and France at once consented to join their efforts to those of Great Britain but Germany and Aus tria refused. Germany supporting her ally in the contention that it would be undignified for a great power like Austria to appear before a tribunal of European powers on the same -status as the little Balkan nation. Anatrta and Servia MobUlae Armies. Austria-Hungary in the interval had proceeded rapidly with the mobllixa tlon of her great army. The entire railroad system was utilized for the movement of troop trains. The tele graph system was vlrtuVlly monopo lised for government business and a strict censorship was imposed Servia also has mobilized her forces .Continued on rase 9, Colomr