Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 10 TTednesday, July 29, 1914 BY GEORGE M'MANUS BRINGING UP VELX-VELL-VELh" PIT iyr Dln-pf ME TOWN- MOW M?e. TtaA.CKlETo-SEE - TQO nc Herald Want Ads for results. Rates For Classified Ads: One Cent per Word. No charge leu than ..$ .25 Cons, per Word 05 Six Consecutive Inser- Notice To Classiiied Advertisers All classified advertising; ordered to run Indefinitely (L f.) must be In writ lap No t, . advertisements - -Dted over the telephone. Orders to discontinue t. f. ads must also be !n writing and can not be accepted over the telephone. A stop order re c!pt will be given when a t t ad Is ordered discontinued. Personal. AILBEN BERG'S Preparations at Ryan's. CROCHETING ttaoroasMr tanrnt. Mi -v.' SOtS. CJIOXL.VS La Belle Face Cream, lit Texas. Pnone 3S4S. lace Cnrtalns JCade Uke yew. Ph. tsit J. SOlMCCKING. ahaznpooinc electrical treatment- Swlteaee made xrom eembinsa. Miss Byan. Phe&e :. AT TTVrK? any o n eenld use a little pri vate money. Oar offices so arranged that all business Is confidential; lady patronage soUdteo. SI Paso Loan & Realty Co. MS Two Republics Bide. Phone 1111. Lost and Found. XOST Bunch Xeys. Reward. Herald office. LOST Gold CHff betton. eneraved "C B. T" Liberal reward. Mr. Unrray. Hemut Sanatoriom. CAMEO BROOCH Lost, on X Kansas St, above high schooL Reward If returned to t01 Arizona. LOST White collie, black markings. Tuc eon. Aria" on collar. Reward If returned to Topeka House. S. Oregon St. Phone 9:i J. JJPJ5i2ed Mae A BOT "WANTS WORK Reference given. Phone 4711. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet. T. (32, tells how Write today now. Earl Hopkins. Washington. IX " LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED-1 Ko canvassing or soliciting required; good Income assured. Address National Co-Oper-atlve Realty Co.. V. 1U Marden Bide, 'Washington. D. C. TVAKTED Sxperlesced auto repairer and blacksmith married man preferred, would also give work to young son driving car No dgaret smoker. For particulars call Boyt Furniture Co. CARPENTERS House work. X. M, J4.5. 9 hours, mill work, Arisoaa. 34.3S, t hrs, mill nork. Sonora, I4.&9, 9 hrs, painters, 50c per hour, baker, 375 mo.: cooks. 1st. 15 2d 340. mine N it, waitress-maid, 335. waHreee. 3 mo, B-R. Fall & Mitchell. 2QS ban Francisco St, WANTED at once. orxaaUers for the Benev olent Order Bees, experience not necessary. Also a few experienced men for state or ganizer Call room 213, First National Bank Bldr, 9tolta.m,lto3p.m, Sundays. II to 12 a. m. TEAMSTERS Railroad work, X. MU J1.7S and (3. free fare. Cooks, city, 3(4 sad 390. Mexican bouse girt. 34 wk, R-B. Man and vlfe cooks, ranch. N X.. 345 and every thing furnished. Colored waiter, city. 330, R B. Tayer Tynham Employment Agency. ;os n San Antonio St. Phone 1441 One block weat Hotel Paso del Norte. , Help Wanted Female. WANTED A good girl for general house v ork. small family 1303 Arlsona. Ph. lilt T. AJ-.TSD-Heueekeeper. two bachelors! fhone 411 or call 1301 Texas St. WANTED Girl (colored) for houae work. Pay good wages, must stay nights. Ph. 5188. WANTED Girl for general housework, pre fer rhlte. Phone 115 Address 130 Rio Grande. WANTED As English speaking girl for cookiag and general hoasewerk; refer ences. 1531 Mundy WANTED A nurse and a bouse glrL The nurse to stay night. Phone 2313. Call 2C2S Montana. Wanted Situations. W ANTED Windows to clean. Phone 721. WANTED Lace Curtains to wi &L Ph. 3373. COLORED GIRL wants position, house glrL Write G 44. Herald WANTED Work la general merchandise line best references. 304 8. Stanton. WANT FENCES and sheds to build. Phone 3031 J WANTED By young lady, position as ste nographer Phone 434. JUDV STENOGRAPHER Experienced. h cai reference, desires permanent or tern porary job. Write G. 42. TOUNG MAN, 35 years, with runabout, employed at present, wishes change; wide business experience. What have you to offer' Write H. M. REFINED, capable widow, with boy 12. girl 14. wants place as housekeeper for widower or bachelor on stock ranch; good home more an object than salary. Write Herald. H. 4. Wanted Real Estate. WANTED TO BUT 1 or 2 lots north side of track. Will pay down, bal ance monthly State location and best price. Address 145, Herald. wjfe ooT'vT, r"" . -. l fet-i-- , is l i .'' v-ms.. UN ioJAlTabel FATHER 1 MAzie -t.'. THAT DO cmr AND MAMT A TIME 5HE"DVT Aft EXTRA CORii EEF SANDWICH ,r tour Dinner used 'uv. ron Mf p0 REMEueq Stocks and Bonds. TUTS Is the day of specialists. TVhen money Is to be spent efficiency In the person who acts In an advisory capacity is the first onsideration. Like other specialists, we know our business better than any one else can know it in our field, and are propor tionately efficient. Au Investment is a sensitive thing May we help you to avoid mistakes? Think it over. CnrtlM-Mannlng Cew Inc. Investment Brokers. First National Bank Building. Bl Paso, TexasL IWantetL CONTRACTOR'S NOTICE Sealed Wda will be received until 1 odock p. xn. August 19 1ttl Kr ITnwall Tntinun Annt liters 1"i w, .uunv a"u-'s - wv(ws Ft. Stockton, Texu, for Improvementa on approximately zw mues oz I'eeo coxxntr highways. Separate bids win be received far concrete work. Complete plans, sped ficaions, etc. on file with coanty elerk or can be obtained from Whitaker & Washing ton, Engineers. Ft. Stockton, Texas, by deposit of Jl Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Howell Johnson, Connt-r Jndpe Pecoi Coqnty. TeTSS. Wanted to Rent. WANTED TO RENT C or 7 room house, unfurnished. Phone 1C17 or S929. WANTED TO RENT I or S rooms with private bath and sleeping porch, furnished or nnfornlehed. Phone 395 J. Wanted Miscellaneous. LARGE olesnder wanted. Phone JS7. WANTED TO BUT Second hand tools and guns. K. Mohr. 39 S. Bl Paso St. WANTED 25 cars of bones. Herman Bloch & Co . 305 B. Boulevard. Pheae 5413. WANTED A second ' hand show case. Brite 47 G COMrRAMOS ORO, plata y cobre en cual qnler cantldad o oondldonee. metales. plan chas, pripltados. etc Metals Buying A Refining Co . 210 San Francisco St. ForSaje jtealEsJtate 45 LOTS In French Addition for sale cheap zor casn. Apply owner tiz, copies atag. HAE BEAUTIFCL C room home on paved street for irale at bargain. Will take lots as part payment. Address H. C . Herald, CLOCDCROFT COTTAGE Level corner lot. best location, S6o, terms easy. G. G., Herald. RIO GRANDE ST. BARGilN For sale by owner A south front corner, 4xl2S fL This is an ideal location for a home. Phone 2143 W A CASH BARGAIN. SU75 5 room up to tne minute oungaiow on pavea xuiarosa &t. Ton can't possibly duplicate this for this money now Ton can assume 3800 on this. Anderson Realty Co. Phone 111L 509 W. San Antonio St. AN UNUSUAL SiCRIFICE. 3 sooth front corner lots In first block on Trowbridge St, 1 Mock off Bliss. Beauti ful surroundings. Csn double your money on these by falL Price I (5 tor alL Phillips, with Austin Marr. BARGAINS In improved farms and ranches In Midland. Union and Glasscock oeuntiea M4.M acres for sale right, will take cattle in pan payment. Henry 2H. Haur. owner. Midland. Texas. lOR SALE Valuable property CHEAP. Will sell at price that will net purchaser, rented unfurnished, about 12 percent, fur nahed IS percent; also some valuable lots, well located. Answer "Owner." care Herald. SOHE! REAL! BARGAINS! 32500 Brand new 4 room bungalow, H. P , : lota 350 down, baL like rent. J1760 4 room brick, furnished, tt P best locality 320 down, baL 315 per month. Worth 3210 3250 each I of the best lots In Govern ment H1IL Near end of paved Montana, ht cash. baL monthly 3347a A CASH BARGAIN 5 room up to the minute bungalow on paved TuJarosa St. You can't duplicate this lor the same money now JI75 2 room brick. Z lota, fine locality. Lou worth $ alone. 3775 I room modern bungalow. Wyom ing St. 3 down. baL easy terms. ANDERSON REALTY CO. PHONE 111L 39 W. San Antonio St. NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. BONDS. 100 SAN ANTONIO ST. 33250 C EM. BUNG, NEW. GRAND VIEW. 1 BLK. CAB LINE. SS30 CASH, $30 PER MO. S31S0 S RM. MOD. HM, RICH MOND ST. SS6 CASH. S35 PER ilO. J2S B SM- BUNG, NEW. GRAND TIEW, 1 BLK. CAB LINE. SS00 CASH. BAL. SUIT S80 KM- STONE nS, GRAND TIEW. ?10O CASH, S0 PER MO. S2280 KM. nS., 1 LOTS. DEN VER. COST S3300. TRADE FOR EL FASO LOrS OR HS. S300 TER A- ML TSLETA. 10 A. CASH. 10 PCT. CASH. BAL. PER SO, FINE LAND. MO PER A, A. SAN EL. SNAP. 1-S CASH, TERMS. SS650 10 A. WELL TJIPROVED. UiS.CHICKEX RANCH. ML TSLETA. oo CASH. BL. SUIT. NEWMAN INEST5IENT CO. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Beautiful 3 room yellow brick. East Rio Grands St. home, west of Golden HIM: SOx 120 ft, south front, nice interior finishing, hestlng plant hardwood floors, spacious garage and storeroom, cellar, servants' nttart.M Im. jt ..,-,- . , , ,. brick outhouses, back yard planted In grass I and china trees. N er rented FOR SALE . BY OWNER FAR BELOW COST. Apply for lnformatfcra to 304 Caples Bldav I 1- CHIU.., ( - ir m iii-fc- rm. oe.. i . sss. . i -rni intA. -sst-m sb-w -rOUReMEr,K(. Y O-Vl HE USED H va-v VwTLt REAW in I DON'T m... .. . r " LBHIKhum RECALL THE NAM( ;;Tr.D6t wt - , "'Mi MtM -- y For Sale Real Estate FOB SALE Beautlfnl 6 room frame bun galow. ToMn's Fourth Add. Owner leav ing city. Will take auto as part payment. Price 32250 Phone 423 J. MONTANA ST. LOTS. 900. lots 9. 10. 11. 1 block 53. Baieett Add, on the paved extension of Montana St, 5900 each, including street paving. Will sell 1, 2, 3 or alL as desired. 1-3 cash, balsnce 1. 3 and 3 years. S percent. W. M. Laugh lln. Herald office. ANDERSON REALTY CO. PHONE 114L 29 W. San Antonio St. 1 BLK. WEST PASO DEL NORTE HOTEL Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. BARGAINS OUR SPECIALTY. FAIR DEALINGS OCR MOTTO. ONCE AG UN WE ARE GOING TO AD1ERTISE WTLVT WE KNOW TO BE ONE OF THE BEST BARGUNS IN THE MESILLA VALLEY. 113 ACRES LESS THAN TUBEE MILES FROM ANTHONY. X. M, 20 MILES NORTH OF EL PASO ALL IN THE VALLEY. FIRSTCLASS SILT SOIL. SIGVED ITP THE GOVERNMENT DAM, I OR ONLY S3S FEB. ACRE. IF THIS DONT GET RESULTS WE FEEL LIKE QUITTING. BAILEY LAND CO. rnONE 206S. 306 MESA AVE, For Sale or Exchange. QUARTER SECTION New Mexico wheat land exchanged for auto or property. Wil kinson, 401 Roberts-Banner BMg. S PASS. ABBOTT-DETROIT auto for trade for El Paao lots or vendor lien notes. Mc Mullen. 325 Mills Bldg. Phone 1521. WILL EXCHANGE a splendid roll top desk (oak) for a roll top typewriter desk, 215 San Antonio. Phone 302. FOB SALE OB TRADE Irrigated lands, city property, ranch, merchaadlee stores and stock of goods Artesia Realty Co , room 45. Grand HoteL FOR TRADE Unincumbered automobile and farm 1 mile from railroad station. New Mexico. In trade for unincumbered El Paso property. What have youT Write F. 35. Bl Paso Herald. FOR SALE OR TRADE One lot and adobe house. 2820 T d. P St. rents 55, cheap. Also 7 acres In San Rlizario. Will trade auto. Meise. 215 S. Stanton. WILL TRADE 10 acre subdivision tract dose into the business center of the city of San Diego. Calif. Price 3 :,. Will con sider El Paso or other desirable property for exchange. & L, Lace, 133 Magoffin Ave. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT Furnished 5 room bungalow On Bllaa St. Phone 274! 3. FOR RENT or will sell 1 furnished rooms, all outside, newly papered, new furniture, dose In. 32 Phone 249 ELEG.VNTLY furnished 6 room bouse, all conveniences, for rent or sale, dose In. n .-. uampoeii. l'none asai. FOR SALE 5 outside room well fur nlshedr hot and cold water. 535 Write R. IS care Herald. Second-Hand Automobiles. FOR SALE Ford car. Over ll extra Cheap far next few day 512 X Kama SECOND HAND C.VKS. Expert repairing. 23 X. Kansa Phons 4754. Calls answered, day and night WANT To TRADE for good second hand auto. Artesia Realty Co, room 45, Grand HoteL PREMIER 7 passenger cheap for cash. Just overhauled: brand new tire 513 X Campbell. Phone lt. For Sale; Motorcycles. FOR SALE Twin Indian motorcycle. Phone 2641 durinfr office feaim lie T after 6. EXCELSIOR Twin motorcycye. free engine dutch, perfect condition. A snap. Phone 334 or caU 21 San Frandsco. Bicycles for Sale. FOR SALE One lady's "Shspleltb Special" pwyri. reanonaw ills Wyoming For Sale Fnriutoe. FOR SALE X bed, springs and mattress; flrstdaas condition; no sick. Phone 434. FOR SALE CHEAP Leaving dty. Furni ture of 5 room house, good condition; also Becker Bro plana 1404 Arlsona. FURNITURE FOR SALE; house for rent: rent reasonable. 73 X. Kansas. Phone 3512; call morning FINE BRASS BED, box spring, rugs. uivsecr, cniuomer. rociang ccnair 92 w. Missouri. Apt. 1. Dogs For Sale. ENGLISH BULLDOGS Registered from prize winning parents, three 3 months old pups, 2 brindles, 1 yearling brindle. prices reasonable, breeding and quality considered. T. M Wingo, Rto Grande Bank. For Sale Miscellaneous. Calif. Medicated Healing Soap Ph. 330 W. FOR SALE Horseradish root Ph. 3371 J. FOR RATS SUAiTl. t.ri Mlno-l It.rMn Phone 3S5S. IRON SVFE, 330; ice box. 34. tent, 8x1. - -. -..... .. v ieira, -& .a. insBimi. FOR SALE 2 room tent house, furnished. . uvuo .... .-.. JUST BOUGHT BY CHANCE Big lot of rubber set brushes at Sec on the 3LM. 1L Mohr. SOS 8. El Paso St. FOR SALE Second hand brick, lumber. olas Abraham. FOR SALE Kokomo ornamental Iron fence, 2io per foot 17 feet or les 350 Mon tana Phone 317 SINGER patching machine for shoemak ers, cheap for cash. 1913 modeL G II, Herald. v 5 - ' i V . 1 'I OVER now I ' 1 U . 1 r I -'I I "I I Copyright. Mil. International XewsSerdc TOU BETTER HOw oont mean ro TEU- ME THAT'x MAdlE lUtED To ismow Amy r-ol.' NEED ic nERVAMTi For Sale Miscellaneous. DE VENTA Ladrlllo. madera. ventanas, puertas barato: segundo mana 215 Wyom ing. Nicolas Abraham. LOCOMOTTiE ENGINEERS I sell best -cushions and metallic grips. Albert Teas. 213 Walnut. Phone 2935. JUST BOUGHT BY CILiNCE Big lot of rubber set brushes at 50c on the 51.00. II. Mohr. 309 S. El Paw St. FOR SALE One Incubator, run twice, one hover never used, six -one feeder; six gal vanised trapnests, all In good condition. Phon 629 W , Ready Reference Business Directory. Adding Machines. DALTON Adding Machines. 215 Mills Bt. Barrough Adding Machine 202 Mills Bldg. Accountants. THURSTON AUDIT CO. PHONE Sled. 31-22 City Nat. Back Building: LONGNECKER WICKSTEAD. Ph. 574 Am. Bant Bide P o BL 954 Auctioneers. ' W. A. WILLIAMS, 1 Auction Sales and Commission Broker. ! Office Phone 9L Residence Phono 2550. I Office. Entrance to Caples Bldg. I Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale Carpets Cleaned. SANTO VACUUM CLEANER for rent. Ph. 28. Cleanint; and Pressing. BRING US TOUR CLOTHES TO PRESS. Only 36c a Suit, Morehend. the Tailor. 4t X Oregon. Phone 3333. DtadCatthv FULL GROWN Dead Cattle. Horses. Mule. "" wy try, rnoaa t immediately. Dentists. DR. A. BURTON. 415 Mills Bldg. Ph. 1075. Dressmaking. SEWING BY THE DAY Phone 4311 W. MRS. MOSS. Dressmaking Phone 2587. DRESSMAKING SOLICITED Phone 2592. SEWINQ AT HOME or by the day Ph. 5579 BUTTON'S COVERED Angdus Cl'g Wka. DRESSMAKING Work gusranteed. Phone 433. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. Mra. Webb, rhone 5319 Furniture Packing. PACKING and shipper household goods our II., I.ll K,dt.u , 4 , .,! k. a : . i i .-..j. (uiui.i. ..p.i.u. ,iuf.nia 1014 1 upholstering R. L, Daniel Furniture. Mat- treass factory 419-12 MyrUPhoneljji. Gasoiine. 5 GALS. B. GAS, 75c; OIL 5c Phone 3555. Guns. WANTED TO BUY Second hand tools and gua H. Mohr, 39 S. El Paso St. Jewelers. DLMOND RING. Hamilton watch. Pnmo kodak. Bargain. Old gold, 31 pwt. Watch es elaased 60c. mainsprings 5c Denver Jewolry Co, 14 San Antonio. Junk Dealers. ILLINOIS BOTTLE & JUNK COMPANY, 1e Overland. Phone 1S4L EL PASO IRON & METAL CO-1546 San Aatonlo. Dealers In scrap Iron, mbbir. cop per, bras bone eta Phone 4249. HERMAN BLOCH CO. Scrap copper, bras metals. wcoL hides, boaes, rubber, rag rope, etc Correspondence selldted. Phone 5453. 35 E Boulevard. S ell Livesto ck Buy. FOR SALE Young horse, sound and gentle. Fhone 419 FOR SALE Hardy, well kept bay saddle horse, bridle end all equipment; cheap at 33M, will take 315 cash. Phone Country club 223. FOR SALE My driving horse, perfectly gentle, and new buggy, cost me 3235, will seU for 52 Tola Is an outfit you will not be ashamed to drive through town. Phone 221. THE DUROC JERSEY Is a general utility, quick developing, easy feeding, attractive. profitable hog. Breeding stock for sale. Ham B. (HllctL Phone 149 LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on Individuals, collection Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Agencle Harry Pateman, Mgr. Rooms 321-13 Herald Bldg Musical. GARCIA Violin lesson n Buckler Bldg. WAI-w.R DAVIS. Piano Teacher, 35 month. Voice . Phone 291. ! PL1NO LESSONS. Prof. Vergaro, Mexico City ,,, .. ... j, ... . . .. mcf X3UIC. Nurses. FOR PRACTICAL NUR.SE phone 5t4 w Mercantile Agencies. K. G. DUN & CO. Mercantile report El Paso office. SSI Guaranty Trust Bldg. Postcards. MEXICAN WAR PHOTO POSTCARDS Wholesale, retail. Mall orders solldted. W H Home Co.. 79 K. Fourth wTitn PonEtc. MONBYSTRAIN BARRED ROCKS. Mid season sale to make room for young stock. ii pullet 31 ea.h. 25 pullets. 31.50 eech 100 hens, 1150 esch. SO hen j. g-eS" 25 ben 32 50 each. All of above stock trap nested and bred to lay These prices ire for lots In alwue given quantltie Catalog free Parsons Chicken Ranch. El t I yOO CANT FOOL. mg THftTb TOUR DAUCHTER: Ml -M"t AMD HE CEQTA.INL s OEAUTirut. OH! Ready Reference Business Directory. Poultry, Etc. THOROUGHBRED BOOSTER Ph. 5230 W. FOR SALE Chickens. Phone 4S0L SVFE ARRI1AL of 5 varieties day old chicks. 15c each. Eggs 31; stock JL, Meas day Poultry Farm. Alpine. Ter. Plumbers. PAY CASn Save money on your plumbing. El Paso Plumbing Co, 915 S. Va. Ph. 217. PRONTO rl.UMBEK Call us for that hurry up Job. TOe don't hold you up In nrices. Re phone. 542. office. 153. S econd Hand Furniture. WANTED 2d hand furniture. R. L. Dan iels Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1035. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second hand furniture, stoves, carpets. Phone 417. Texas Furniture Co, 4 8. Bl Paso St. WANTED All kinds of furniture. We pay more than any firm In the city. Also we exchange new for second hand. Western Furniture Co. Phono 1182. WANTED We will pay spot cash for all kinds of household good The ner store. Popular Furniture and Hardware C&. 5 Mesa Ave. Phone 51. Second Hand Goods. LADIES' 2d hand clothes bought. Ph. 5043. WE BUY. SELL or exchange anything In household good Rto Grande Hardware and Furniture Co, 407 X. Oregon Sc Ph. 395. GENTS 2d hand clothes bought. Ph. 513. Spanish Lessons. MRS. ACEBO DUNLAVY Phone 529 L SPANISH LESSONS Prof. Bravo, 33 Ca plei Bldg. Signs. C1TV SIGN CO, 309 X. Stanton. Ph. 1247. pedallTjalment. DR. AUEB (UnUeraity of Hdddberg. Germany) Chronic and Xervous Diseases. Female Diseases. Surgery Office 22 H San Antonfd St (over Ardetns) Hours 10 to 12, 2 to i. Phone 4542. Storage Warehouses. STORAGE Safest location, positively low est rate El Paso Trunk Fcty Ph. 154. EL PASO STORAGE WAREHOUSE Larr- j est. best equipped In dty. Goods called luc- iwi stereo. i.Bcapen ana Desx. trn. site. PASS CITY STORAGE CO, 515 X. Camp bell St Phone 26C2. Stores furniture, house hold goods, automobiles, machinery or freight Taxidermists. MrT.HLLAX BROS. Ph. 70 39 'Frisco St. Tools. "WANTED TO BUY Second hand tools and n. sour, les s. Ki paso si Typewriters. TYI'EIVBITER ANT) OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All makes sold, rested, repaired. Corona Typewriter 21 Mills St Phone 832. Veterinary Surgeons. MAX MISER 1113 San Antonio. Ph. 1157. Special Notices. JUST BOUGHT BY CHANCE Big lot of rubber set brushes at 50c on the 51.00. H. Mohr. 309 S. El Taso St. IF YOU 1IA1E in your possession Bur roughs Adding machine 225324. write or phone ns () and receive reward. CATCH IP ith the wise people, save money and get on to H. Mofcr's Cut Rate Harusrare store. 3 S. El Paso. Phone 43L Business Chances. FOR SALE Good (reirhtlnr nlflt ,. plete wagon harness aad horse with good ore hauling contract, party selling to go Into other buatnee Address box 324, Lordsburg. X M. AN ESTABLISHED general supply store doing good business, for sale sin country, good buildings, large living house in con nection, does some hotel business; has liquor license, large corral, barns, sheds and grounds, merchandise will Invoice about 30. everything for sale. This prep osition will stand rigid Investigation. Hawkins Dros. WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST located grocery stores In El Paso. Call quick. This will not last long, also a restaurant and confectionery with fountain, sll in h.rt of ertjr. We have other good propostttenr-f iioBi .www up. n . w in give nusmess aa vlco free. El Taso Assn. of Credit Men. 37 City Nat Bank Bldr Money to Loan. 533,000 TO Trust Bldg. LOAN on valley land. 51S I WILL LOAN YOU MONEY on vacant lots. 7 percent Interest, all correspondence eon fldeBtteL Answer Money Lender. Herald. WANTED TO BUT vendor lien notes on property close in, good security. Write PRIVATE BANK Loans money At rnrnl ture, pianos, diamond livestock, real es tate, etc.: good notes bought and sold. Phone us or call at our office. Courteous treatment and confidential dealings ex tended. 31 Two Republics Bldg Ph. 1444 For Rent Furnished Apartments, Houses, Etc. FURNISHED APT 7 Mundy Ave. ITJIMSHEP APTS 325 and 335. Ph. 14,29. i ROOMS, kitchenet and bath, furnished. 711 N. Stanton. Georgette Apt FOR RENT Furnished 5 room cottar. 704 X Santa F. 149. NICE NEAT furnlehed flat for rent. 109 Montana. ROOM FLAT, nicely furnished 156 N St Vraln. Inquire COOL NICE housekeeping apt beautlfnl jard, exclusive neighborhood. 403 Montana. XOO MUSI VTAf TO DINNER NR. DUA.n4 TOu ARE A Ft-AT.TeRttR' MR DOCMV For Rent Furnished Apartments, Houses, Etc. APARTMENTS and housekeeatna; rooms for real. 311 E. Boulevard. FOR RENT Nicely furnished lor 4 room anartmeat. dose In. 8 N- Oehoa- THE DWYER High coot "core. Phone 45M. NICE bousekeeplng nttea. Blair Apt. 515 M X. Campbell. I AND t ROOM furnished apartments. 75 X. Florence. . FOR BENT APARTMENTS. In The Lucerne." Boulevard and Camp beU. and 5 rooms each. 31 ana . Anstin Marr FOR RENT An apartment with large -i i- nn.h For narticolars call at Barte Apartments. 15 Upson Ave, or phone Ii4 trnjr WWVT APARTMENTS. A few desirable apartmonta In -The Wright" corner Montana and Stanton St. Most modern in the city From 1 to 4 rooms each. Prices reasonable. Apply Anstin Marr. Phone 435 304 San Antonio St. For Rent Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 511 X. Stanton. MODERN housekeeping suite. 59 X. Oehoa. FURNISHED BOOMS and light bouse bouse- keeplng 11 X El Paso St. TWO furnished houaekeeplns rooms. 111 X. El Paso. FOR BENT 1, S sad 3 housekeeping suites. Phone 5414. . 5 OR S NICE housekeeping rooms for rent. Phone 5t W LIGHT cheap. housekeeping 13 Oltvo. rooms, gas range. DESIRABLE housekeeplBg rooms, with run ning hot aad eaM water. 93 X. Oregon. I OR J FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 913 E. Missouri. Phone 541. FOR RENT 2 rooms for housekeeping. Ph. 32 W. ONE LIGHT housekeeping room. 2 S. Florence. Fhone 3728. TWO housekeeping rooms, opposite the dty library, no sick. 113 W. FrankHn. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, 16 ill EL Bou levard. . LARGE FRONT ROOM, private poreh. kitchenet. also bedroom. 30 X. Oregon. CLEAN. COOL housekeeping aad bedroom ill Myrtle. FOR RENT! eonventest front rooms dose la. 515 Montana, KrNflT.TC hnnaekeaDlnr rooms. 310 month. j including ga 1015 E. Overiaad. HOCSEKEEPINO ROOMS Mesa. Phone 43L dose in. 54)1 FOR RENT Nice large housekeeping room cheap. 915 X Bl Paso. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 111- 1M Ma- goffln. Phono J w FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms and rooms for rent 325 Sea Antonio, upstair Fhone 4153. T-nse wsrvr e farsnefied house- keeping room water, light and telephone. 315. no children. 2137 Wyoming 2244 W . St. Pb. Rpoms ! Furnished or UntruTushed D. R. FRANCIS HOTEL-SUH MBls St. NICE ROOM, light bath. Phono 13L L-VIiGE COOL ROOM Phone 1357. DELIGHTFtL front room In private home, with no children, reasonable. Pboae 54. FRONT BBDROOM. lit month. 35 Moa. tana. Phone 41 W. FURNISHED ROOMS, close In. reasonable rate The Loraiae, 11 X. Santa. Fa. L.VKGE AIRY tarnished roasa. now bun. galow. close In; no sick. Pheae 549 J. FOR BENT 3 uafuraished reams, near W. shop 311 Ore St. LARGE COOL ROOM with private bath: no sick. Phone !. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Apply after 6 p. m. 17 Wyoming St, FRONT ROOM for rent It X. Kansa Phone 471L FOR RENT Furnished outside bedroom, private entrance; price reasonable. 11 Lockle. PUZZLE A Kenilemati left his csrd Tat ! hw A3VER TO VEST xm. xxcxi. -v P-T r- I I II cw-t i - - ii i-ii i.a.ii?f.X rfm-ttwnrrWr ySVi?'- ih jyf:Kfg. y&mKfiBB9KKKKBHBti-BR 5t GjCK-l-f -H CEKTAJHU'Y CAM HANO OUT FINE UNg OF JOU.". T" it- ri -. . ini i r m . nnnunn nr ininiiMHiru COOL HEDEOOM3 CESAP CLOSS ES. FAasSTXx. ivovJsa, aaa jw o. wm '. vrrtvrr.T furnished room adjoining bath. private -family. Ml Montana. Phase 511" ROOM for 2 young men. "Braxoe Apt, sin gle boa intone aess. LAR8K airy foxalshed room, new-bungalow, dose Ib. no stole Phone S54 J. FCBNISHBD BOOMS with aleeplcs poreb reasonable. MS Arlsona. NEW LAKE HOUSE 419 W Missouri. Booms with bath. Everything modem. FOB BENT Clean, cool bedroom, walking distance, lit. 515 Montana. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room II . .. .tw SOU Arlrtmm. Se PhfUU 'S ,H ptlf.W .Wt TI.J. sais ' ' TOR BENT BeauUruHy furnished rooms in all parts of the cKy. Phase A. J. Myer 22 FOR BENT Furnished room, hot and ee i water, very roasoaaaee. 1 W Bou ' art 1 minutes walk from town. Phone -is it NICE BOOMS CHEAP One apartmet Jar particular people; gentlemen preferred. Fi st J. HOTEL DBLMAB, 417 X. Stanton, hot sad cold water, free baths; all hours, roams S4 to 11 day: 33 up weekly Phono ma. TO GENTLEMEN Elegantly furnished ream connecting bath, walking distance. 1-a. Apt. R. "The Wright." Stanton and Mon tana. FOB BEST Very nicely furnished front nam, gentlemen preferred: also large airy housekeeping rooms, dose In. tli !. E. Paso. Jl Rentals VOTTTt RENTALS COLLECTED by an ex- perieBeed man: best service In EI Paso. Hawkins Bros- For Kent. FOR RENT Small house, large garage. S.I. if jvmins- fawn. .,. FOR KENT One good dean cellar. CaU at SIS S. Oregon. FOR RENT I room house. 41 Pledra IS S room house for colored. 114 FrackLn, 19. Br. Weeks, 713 Texas St Phone 110- FOB BENT unfurnished, modern t room, apartment. 2 porches; eteam beat, The" Virgin!,- Phoee IMS. J DINTN'G BOOM, kitchen and bedroom far rent for the board of 2. bouse fun. 1130 Texa r -untxr WTrvvT C St IT w.?!lf vib .. Alr awswatnsr isorch. coal ana -Is sas raago casaected. SS per month. Address P. a box Mtt TOKRENT. R. noose at oFrt BBss. I(.to S R. house as Mtssaarl Bt . . SS. Large warehouse on Santa Fa tncka Broaddus 2 Le Baron. 29-31 First Naltoaal Bank Bids. Phoaa-Utt. FOR BBNT AP.RTMENTS. Wo have scene very desirable apartments In "The Wright,- oeraer Montana and Stanton. Prices 325 to IS each. Austin Marr. TOR BENT. , S room modem apartment dose tn . on Boulevard. hardwood asp a 1 , floor steam heat All outside large 1 Broaddus & Le Baron. 2S-21 First National Bank Building. Phone 1558. Rooms and Board. ROOMS. BOARD 14)1 X Stanton. Flu 115. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking. Mrs. Fayram. 139 Myrtle ave. Phone 6194. .ROOM ANB BOARD 3SS San Antonio, up stair a WANTED Convalescent lady to room and board at homo of graduate nurse. Fhone 524 W OffiMsftffRent. LIGHT, AIRY OFFICES for rent, 2d floor Herald building; win subdivide to suit ten ant PICTURE iras' ekdaxs rrxzu