Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Wednesday, July 29, 1914 11 A " g, .v5 'i -s The First National Bank Building and Those "WLo Occupy It Attorney. 3. B. LARBOZOLA. Boom 139 Qgtn and Periodically PEED BBOMBEBGEB Grd. floor. Ph. 1833. Deafett. LEE McINTOSH. Dentist. Ph. IM. R. 803 Detectiref. WILLIAMS Detective Agey. Ph. 4408. R. 614. Cattle and Coamitnoa Men. J. G HALL (P. B. Dixon) Ph. 418J. R. 804. n. F WHITE CO. Phono 1T38. Room 70S Paving. Texas Brrpurmc co. Ph. iiss. n. lot. Specialists. DR. CAUL L. SMTTn Pb 11?L Bm. 33T. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. BROADDCS ft XX BARON R. Set: P. 1558. T. C HCNXAM Phone 5175. Boom 413 PIKST MORTGAGE CO. Ph. 163: Bm. 121. JAMES T. SMITH. Boom 111 WTil.e-To.hcrt Bealty Co. Ph. 1728. R. 704. Stocks and Bonds. CUKTISS-MAJTSISG CO. Ph. 378. B. S10. Too Late to Classify. IDS TBADE One of the nicest residences in EI Paso Will trade for Improved valley land or income property in California. Hawkins Bros: AUTO WASTED i passenger. WfU trade I fne lots on paving at once. Hawkins Bros. S LOIS OS BLISS ST. for Quick sale. SS donn. Bargain price. Hawkins Bros. NOT1IISG MOWS 4 room cottage on 3 Jots, fenced. Just move in anel pay by month. Hawkins Bros. BUSISES3 PROPEKTV Corner in center of business district. JMS.frM. A. pickup. Hawkins Bros. JIBS DOWN 8It monthly for 4 room brick, near shops. 3170 far quick sale. Hawkins Bros. ll.eeo ACBES fine -valley land In artesian belt. 312.S8 an acre. Hawkins Bros. WE ARE TURNING CUSTOMERS away eery day for good "rent" houses. Hawkins Bros. rOR BEST S. room bungalow, furnace and cardvood floors. Tularosa St. 888. Hawkins Bros. SAVE TOUR BENT. 4 room house on I lots; has trees, grass and f loners. Price SJte. SSe down. 4 roomi house, ceeee in. A rdee home. Price 32330 82e down and 335 a raeath. Rooming house wanted in trade on a 4 2 lots. BHsa St. Cream of Alts, Vista. Price only 31300 Howell BraHy Co. . IS Morgan Bfdg. Phone St7. FOR SALE 104 acres Island land at 380 per acre, well located; fine soil; on county read H cash. bed. 1 and 2 years. Rio Grande Realty Co. FOB REST. 128 Arizona. S room cottage, 33. 3 Prospect, i room flat (fur.) 88. S01 Prospect. 4 room flat (unfur.) 888. S17 E. Rio Grande, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bulltin bed, buffet, private bath, hardwood floors, gaa stove and heater, paved and parked street: walking distance. Cassidy ft ScH. FOR COLORED BAST PAYMENT. 4 room red pressed brick, bath, toilet and large sleeping porch, good location. Wri'e X.. care HeralcL TOR BENT BT R. E. LTONS. 1S20 Nevada. 8 rooms, furnished 110.0 273 San Diego, S rooms 38.0 2737 San Jose. 6 rooms 3. 1(1 N El Paso, 4 rooms 2L00 Hotel Sheldon Lobby. Paoae 11X7. WILL TRADE Corner 146 ft. Arisona and Cotton Ave. 4" acres in Malaner Co.. Oregon. :" acres in Liberty Co.. Texas. 180 acres near Artesia. X. M. 4 4-10 acres in the town of' Tsleta, Tex. is acres near Belen. paved road. 16 acres near San Eltsario. 13 acres near Tsleis. And many other tracts. Rio Grande Realty- Co. FOR BEST. 1 storeroom. 314 San Francisco St.. 310. W 10 storerooms. Kansas-Myrtle. .384 to 14.00 1 garage. Kansas and Myrtle ....... 10 1 basement, Kansas and Myrtle 14,0 Douglas C Crawell Agency. 208 Mills Bldg Phone C73. EASY PAYMENTS. 4 room frame os 3 lets. 33 cash. baL 325 mo. 31784 i room pebble dash. 2 lots. E. El Paso. Sloo cash. baL 33S mo. 3184. 4 roomiew. an fenced, south front. East EI rasa 315 cash. 8188. I room, all bulltin features, furnace. nardwood floor throughout. 4 car lines, paved street 3435. 85(4 cash, baL easy. a room pebble dash, Tularosa St, 4 lots. 32S50 3500 cash. Creel, With Austin ft Marr. Phone 575. TWO GOOD ONES. 14 room house, fine tental proposition, will net IS percent. Price so low It will surprise you. 6 room house on corner, 'bath, sleeping norcbes, etc, 4 full lots, fruit of ail kinds. Prl e 33500 wtth 33 down and 82S per month. Why pay rent? Byrom E. Fenlmore. SOS Trust Bldg. Phone 52 1 TRADE NOW AND 4JET BEST HALF The crop H4 acres the best alfalfa in the lower alley. Trade for city property. 5 acres, splendid house, fruit and garden. S miles down. Trade for city property 80 acres up valley, unimproved. Trade for city property. 1 acres in alfalfa facing county road 9 miles down, for sale. Can be cut- in Z acre tracts and made beautiful HOME sites. We have several fine building sttes. In the city, close In and some beautiful ones in the additions. Let us give you pricea BIBard ft Henry. Phone 99C 18 Chamber of Commerce. KRYPTOK LENS. Ground to order and guaranteed only by Geo. D. Kendall. 248 Mesa Ave. The Only Lens Factory. NOTICE. The statute provides that the treasurer of school funds shaU be that person or corporation that makes satisfactory bond and the beet bid of interest upon average dal'y balances. The bond shall be in double the amount of the estimated anmia! receipts. Estimated receipts for the com ing jejr for meentenance. 324.44; for aulldlng 320.; total, 344.. All persona desiring to bid for the pool. tlon of school treasurer will deposit with the auditor of the school board at his Office in the Ballev schnol bofMlnv enrnr Montana and Ochoa streets, bids addressed i lo the Board or Trustees of the Independ ent school District of the City of El Paso. Tca r or before a p. m Monilay August C J 4. J E. Morgan R - T" v pre ent - rg Sc -e'3-r Too Late to Catt'ify. TY1T KAT.E BAKGAIX. w li.l .iuiM TVicts. for A hnrrr op sale, J1SW. Jlfi cash, bat U 3 and X .. A PH at Affirm years, xra i pnvuc ". -- Bio Grande I.ealty Co. SNAP IX EAST IX rASO. Close In on 4 lota, 4 room adobe house, all modern. 1 sleeping porches, bans, chicken house; fenced. Will accommodate 104 chickens. Will In clude 48 chickens, some pigeons, fur niture complete. Alt for 1354; easy "j!L Griffin, With H. M. Maple. $05 Mills Bldg. Phone I1T. COB. RIVER AXD STAXTOJf. 5 room cottage, corner lot. Price J 4 340; good terms. Only J' cssh. bat J50 per mo. ROOSEVELT ST. S room cottage, fit: gd terms; pa-ring Pa,i ROOSEVELT ST. ( room new bungalow, heating plant, paving paid. Price 38040; terms to suit C room cottage. 2 lots, only J3750. RAMPART ST. room cottage, I lots, 3484. . CassJdy ft Xcet, ill Mills. BUSINESS CORNER. 360,049. will take np to 310.00 In trade. Valley land or other city property. Block of S3 lots on paved street going to Country elul. Will take val ley land or other lots as part pay ment. See acres of land below Fabecs on paved road and B. B. 384 acre. Will take city property aa part pay ment. Automobile Will take part lots In payment for automobile. 3 room house on 2 south front lots on BHss SL, 31100; easy payments. Broaddns ft Le Baron. Pint National Bank Building. BUT AN ACRE. Palmdale Acres, the closest tracts; easy payments. Bio Grande Realty Co. A SUGGESTION- TO THE WISE INVESTOR. Do you know that leu on the mesa offer the best Investment in El Paso today. The location is the best It is close In. Look at the improve ments now going In and the class of homes being built. Call us for an appointment. Barney Bros. First Nat Bank Bids. Phone CIS. SEAB THE PROPOSED SEW SITE Of the new G- H. & S. A. B. B. shops. Palmdale Acres. Buy one or more acres; easy payment. Bio Grande Bealty Co. W W W W TT 28 rooms. 9 2room apt&. 2 single rooms and 1 3-room suite. Bent 315e. Can put you in this house at your own terms. Nye, Sole Agent. 24 rooms on N. El Paso. 6 double, 12 single apts.; rent 312. This is the best bargain of the summer. A small payment down and 325 per jnanth. Nye. Sole Agent. 30 rooms In the throbbing heart of the business district for sale for 3I3M cash. See Nye, With W. C. Belden Realty Co. 24 Milts St, Phone SOL BLOCK ON MESA. Pacing N. Bl Paso St. Will trade for sots In south part of town or for small house. Jay P. Knox. 249 Mills St. Phone 148. StSO CASH BARGAIN. 320 per month will bur this upto date 4 room house with fine steeping porch: on 2 fine lets, 1 block from car Jtne. , In Highland Park. Price for qelek Kale is JI5. J. H. Griffin. With. H. M. Maple. JM Mills Bldg. Phone 227. N. STANTON ST. 5 room brick house. 28 foot lot, dose to Montana. SL Price 345: terms. Pfcoee S43. D. G. Helneman. 23 Milts St BUT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SIXTH ASD S. EL TASO ST8 60x120 FEET AND DOUBLE TOUR MOSEY. PRICE SIS.OOO. HALF CAgn AND BALANCE 1 AND Z YEARS. DOUGLAS C CROWELL AGENCY. 26S MILLS BUILDING. I FOR RENT. An unusually nice 5 room house In good condition on Arizona, St west of Cotton Ave.. 827.50 month. Austin ft Marr. ANGORA GOATS. 1844 head, pure Mood. A bargain. E. 8. Pennebaker. Suite 57, Two Republics. 160 ACBES. PECOS VALLEY, With 7 room house, 84 ft well and 80 acres broken. Price 3SS per acre. WW trade for 1 Paso property. Jay F. Knox. 249 Mills St. Phone SIS. S900. SU acres heart of Yslets, worth SIX. Better hurry. $2500. 4 room red pressed brick. cash. baL 82S per month. 8281 3-3SVO. 4 room bungalow, furnished on Montana, Location the best. $3500. 5 room bungalow: terms to suit. SSOO. 2 lots on Bliss. $2500. 4 room bungalow. Alta Vista. $1750. 3 room pebbfe dash. 72 ACRES At Canutlllo. Want to trade for city property. Whlte-raden Realty Co. 11-12-13 Morgan Bldg. Phone 1519. $150 CASH. 384 per month, including Interest New 4 room bungalow near car and school; good location. 32444. $200 CASH, 32S per month, including interest. Dandy 4 room brick. 2 corner lots. Alta. Vista. 3!!. $300, 32S per month. New S room bunga low, 2 full lots; hardwood floors, bolHIn features. Only 334. $100 CASn. Balance to suit you. 4 room frame, 2 lots, good location. 384. DOWN THE VALLEY. 15 acres of land. All smooth" and level: good soiL Will trade for S or 1 room home. Only 375 per acre. $500 CASH. Balance like rent. New 6 room bun galow, hardwood floors, bulltin fea tures, basement, heating plant, paved street, sidewalks paid for. Only 3 blocks from postofflce. SEW. SEW. 10 new 4 and 5 room bungalows, lost completed. Never been Hved in. All well located. Price 3244 to 384. terms 14 percent cash, balance Hke rent Let us show you these ne. MOSEY TO LOAS. We will furnish the money and bfM for you on your lots or ours; very easy payments. ' Macon Realty Co. 428 Mills BofMlng. Phone S579. YOU BARGAIN nUNTERS. 31591, bUVS 11 SOUth frnnt 1a. in Vat V.I Paso. 7 in block 63 and 4 In bioek 48. 1-none 845. u. u. lleineman. 209 Mills St TWO LARGE size store refrigerators and fjr an ti 'res xor tate at & L--rgain till so 4 Fi-ne 2 j; or ca.1 114 S Snion. Too late to Oaifr. pvw nmi- 1CR1TS LETT In Palmdale Acres. Get In right. Bay now. Easy terms. Bio Grande Realty Co. MANHATTAN" HEIGHTS HOME. Modern S room buff brick nf,",;.?1. front, large brick garage, dose to car line. Price SUM; easy terms. ... -,.,.. . Phone 843. D. G. Helnemaa. -Sl Mills St 5 ACBES -with 5 room house on main street. Tsleta; partly In rrult; 3:84: -"J"!. ,. 4 room home on Port Boulevard. I sou, on car line. 3:s4. , . .,.,.,, I lota, best section Country elub district. UK each. 8 room home, north side, good location, 50; terms. ir. C. Swearlngen. With Anstln Marr. Phons tret. BIO GRANDE ST. LOTS, SUM buys 2 lots in the 1TM block: good terms. Phone SIS. D. G. nelneman. J4I MIHa St LOOK AT THIS SXAP. 7 fine lots on corner, 4 roes house. Grand View. 34 cow stalls, chtcken houses, barns, servant house, fenced; can be used for dairy, chicken ranch, etc.; on car Hne. (lit cash, bat I2 per month. Price 81500. J. H. Griffin, with H. M. !(& 306 Mills Bldg. Phone SIT. C150 CASH Buys large, modern S room red pressed brick house, 2 fuU lots, fences and sheds, Altura Park, close to Manhattan Heights and car line. Price IJ150. balance easy monthly payments. Phone 848. D, G. nelneman. 208 MHls St WANTED Gas range at half price. Phone 83S. SAVE TOUB BEST Collect and pay It to yourself Ask Howell. IS Morgan BMg. TUB SALE 4 lots on corner at sacrifice: close In. Only 8550. Phone 5S7J. Owner. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. Phone S31S. BIGHT WAT LAUNDRY Phone lilt. FOB BEST 3 furnished rooms, private family. 1401 Wyoming. COOL housekeeping rooms. Sit E. Missouri. FOB SALE Very desirable 10 room house at a bargain; 8 blocks north of postofflce. Phone 1853. CARPETS CLEANED and general house cleaning. Duntley Vacuum Cleaning Co. Phone 3218. FURNISHED BOOMS Sleeping porches. with ooara. pnone 872. 1210 N. Oregon. COOL BEDROOM, fine yard, close In. N. Campbell. WASTED Short order cook, sober and re liable; married man preferred. 314 San Antonio. WHY SUFFER WITH CATABBHT Try Slack's Remedy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money rexunaeo. At ward's raarmaey, s N. Stanton St. FOR RENT Large room, east front; pri vate home, 15 minutes walk north from postofflce; is Mock from car Bne. Phone 47 W. SAVE TOUR RENT Be free from land lords. Ask Howell. 18 Morgan Bldg. TO LEASE FOR OSE TEAR to responsible people. 5 room modern bungalow, 83$ month; hot air heating plant, large yard; 1 block of Alta Vista school house; IS min ute car eervlce. Phone 2562 until S p. m.; later phone 2428. FURNISHED Boulevard. APT. and rooms. Til W. DU SANG ft WELLBOBS. PHONE 3999 Steam and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, stored and shipped. DuSang & Wellborn. Phone 3909. Mattresses Renovated Du Sang & Wellborn BOARD AND ROOM Housekeeping apts. lie Texas. FOB SALE 1914 two-speed twin Tale, bargain. Allen Arms Co. WANTED Gas range at half price. Phone 8389. SAVE YOUB BENT Any workman can own a home. Ask Howell, 18 Morgan Bldg. WANTED Girl for housework, stay nights; no washing or cooking. Phone 2981. FOR SALE AT WARD'S PHARMACY. 84 K. Stanton St. Slack's Catarrh Remedy. 31 for 15 days treatment. Money refunded If not satisfactory. Try It. LOST 37x5 Firestone tire on demountable rim. lost either In Et Paso or on road to Canutlllo. Liberal reward. W. L. Toofey, First National bank. YOUNG Buff Leghorn chlekena Phone 598. for sale. FOR SALE Restaurant, K Its value: tine fixtures; has cleared 350 a month; big money for some one. Address H. S. HeraM. 12 2-ROOM APTS-12S W. Missouri. FOH BEST By private family. 2 fur nished connected light housekeeping rooms; light, gas and bath. 112 Wyoming. Phone 2348. FOR SALE Twin Indian motorcycle. Write Motor, care of Herald. FOR REST Unfurnished, on beautiful Montana St. Exceptionally fine home. 2 story house. 7 rooms, 3 porches, servant's room. 2 lavatories; every modern conveni ence; will lease. Inquire 104 Roosevelt St. Phone 138. SAVE YOUR RENT We don't rent houses because we show our customers hew to save their rent Ask Howell, 18 Morgan BMg. A RARE BARGAIN Corner. 52x12. A S room and a 4 room brick house: good rental property Investment See R. H. Thome, sole agent. 518 San Francisco St. El Paso. Texas. SAVE YOUR BENT Get a home of your own. Ask Howell. IS Morgan Bids. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, telephone, bath; no sick; no children. 821 E. Boulevard. LOST Near Manhattan Heights, small black water spaniel dog. Answers name "SnowbalL" Reward. Phone 1177. WANTED To trade on bungalow or lot. 10 acres in cultivation on new Borderland road In Borderland Aereage. 12 miles from El Paso. Trade or win sell on easy payments. F. G. Billings, 103 N. Stanton. FOR SALE Best grocery in growing town, exclusive trade. 11 52. Herald. ROOMMATE WANTED by young man. room with sleeping porch; close in; no sick. Phone 1484 J. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, either with or without sleeping; 4 blocks from plaza: no sick. Phone 1184 J. WANTED Furnished bungalow or apart ment. 4 rooms and bath, close In, by 2 adults: state price and location. Answer Herald. J. E. K. FOR BEST One large shop, suitable for carpenter or cabinet maker; has electrlo motor and power saws. Call 815 N. Camp bell or phone 2582. WASTED American gtrl. Answer S.. care Herald. egg candling. BOY WASTED One speaking Spanish and English preferred; one to make himself generany usefuL Apply after 4 p. m. 318 MIMs St. $350 CASH takes 2 fine corner lots, block 44. Altura Park. Write J. 176. care Herald. FOR SALE Nice peaches at 40 cents per crate, and good cooking apples at Sec per box, f. o. b. Tularosa. N. M. EL H. Simmons. LOTS 19, 20, 21 on Latta St. 354; terms. Mrs. Sfaobe. Phone 337. THE COURTS. SPECIAL DISTRICT COUBT. M. Naglr, Fresiclng. L. E Booker et si n Kl Paso and South western svstem t at i for damages to cattle shipment; filed. JUSTICES COURTS. t E. B. McCllntock. Presiding. Charlex r:cir i... ..- r.tnrf vs. J. M. Lewis, suit for 35 filed. Milton MeKiu i T J- Prlchsrd. suit for 839 C- filed. Charles nan.lnrr ulth assau't ftnert 11 f .... I Tcno Pai rharged witn criminal assault ' c cp.a.nt f.iel BILL B7 1st Sergt WILLIAM H. SMITH, Bill was the dnrndest feller 'At we ever hsi in the comp'ny. He elnra' dear np to the top And went on ahead of me. He first took on in Lonieville, And say he was the biggest recruit At ever hit the parade ground. All humped over and sick to boot. But it wasn't very long afore he left The recruitin' barracks and went away With a trig bunch of "Johns" Out to Californy, in Monterey. Ricollect he was room orderly onct, Had a pick and shovel goin' to work, When the old top sargint come out And says, "Hey, BUI, I need a clerk." Bill never was very Kg and strong, So he lowed he'd take the job and do The best he could, and, leam the army All through and through. Now Bill was a printer 'by trade. His dad run a Tvaper'back in Indiany Somewhares, in a little country town. So the colonel called Bill in to-, see How much type he could set, And if he'd handled printer's ink. But the cap'n didn't want him to go, 'Cause he liked Bill, I think. Peered as if he'd set and look at Bill Learnin' on the typewriter, and then He'd look kindo proud like 'round to'the top sargint, and Say what a great boy Bill must have been. Wasn't long afore Bill got to knowin All the office work pretty well, And the way Bill got along with the fellers In the comp'ny is raoie'n I can teU. 0 Peered jest like they all liked him From the start, and in about Six months he was a corp'al and had on ' His stripes afore the order was out , He was in charge of a squad Was an athlete, and on field day He'd run races and pitch tents, Takin' all the medals away. Bin was a sargint in about five Months more. Some fellers said The wide stripes and chererons would . Give BiU the. swell head. But they didn't, and 111 be durned If it didn't beat the land While I was on furlough back east, Bill was made drcm major of our band. Jest after bein' orderly for Admirt Evans And Thomas of the Pacific fleet, When all the ships was in Monterey bay, And Bill dressed up slick and neat In a tailor made uniform and white gloves. The colonel told the cap'n right then 'At he conld juggle the stick all right, And Bill was promoted again. Bill could hike more and longer Almost than any of us fellers could 'At was older and had gray hair. ' While he was young he understood All the maneuvers and hikes and drills, And most all the army ways. I was always next to Bill on parades And drills days after days. 'Peered jest as though me and BiU,-- Me his dad, and him my son, Was the dostest chams, and I could , Like him more 'cause he had won. The old top cuttsr, most always cross, Would come around and say 'At BiU, now a top sargint, like hie'.elf, Was all right, he'd "raised" him that way. . I ricollect 'at when I got retired IM Go whare Bill was jest to see What he was doin", maybe never say A, word, too busy to notice me. But when the 20th wrat to the PHHppinM I stood on the dock shakin' hands till All the boys went up on the deck, And I stood a-lookin' at BIU. The big transport was leavin' and Sailed away from the pier so slow At my eyes jest kep on cryin' for Bill. I know he hated to go, 'Cause bs stood along the side and Shouted he'd be back in a year, Tryin to gladden my heart and at the Same time tryin' to hold back a tear. "Peered jest like I was lost when the Ship was so far out it looked right still, And my voice was weak, and arms tired A-wavin' farewells to Bill. Divorces Show Alarming Increase in New York; Tango Blamed as Cause New York, July 29. New York has Just been brought face to face with the fact that the number of divorces during the first six months of this year show an increase of 50 percent over the corresponding period for last year. Indeed, the county clerk esti mates that If the court business that went to the Bronx after January 1, had remained In New York county, the number of divorce decrees recorded would have been doubled. As a result ot these figures all sorts of Investigations are being made In an attempt to discover the cause. Many factors are cited as being to blame but the one which faces the heaviest indictment is undoubtedly the new dances, and particularly the tango. One of the most ingenuous reasons ad vanced Is that of too great poverty or too great wealth. As these have been existing causes for years it Is dif ficult to understand how they could have lately contributed to the Increase In the number of divorces. By suffragists it Is argued that the man-maae divorce laws are mucn too easy and that it women bad the vote it might be more difficult to sever the marital ties. Ingenious Plea Made By Frenchman Sued By Wife Because of Drunkenness raris. Prance, July 29. The French divorce laws are fairly elastic and amORg the many grounds for a success ful plea is drunkenness. But even in the matter of persistent inebriation there are exteunatlng circumstances. This week a womsn asked the Courts for a divorce from her husband be cause he came home drunk thrice a f week. The husband defended the case. -tie aia not, as Is usual, deny tne facts, but put In the following curious plea of Justification: "I am," he said, "a traveler for a champsgne firm and am therefore com pelled to frequent cafes. If I did not drink with possible customers I shouia never do any business at aJL Now my wife, for whom I have a great afleo tion, owns shares in the firm I rep resent." The husband went on to develop his defence Ingeniously. If then, he said, "I sometimes come home rather late and" a little merry, my wife Instead of taking offence, ought to be delighted. My state merely proves that I have been working haro for her sake" This rather c;rinn form of absorp tion in a wife s Interests the rmr's seem to have approved, for they re- j fused to grant a - gt Company L, 20ti Infantry, TJ. S. A. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMBS J. 5IOXTAGDE. The Luxuries of Civilisation. Villa paid 8400 for a bathtub. When he goes to New York he probably wilt feel that he can afford to take a dip a i Coney Island now and then. Not a Drop to Drink! Huerta was wise to choose a German warship to go to Europe on. He wouldn't have been exactly at homo on one of ours. The Eternal See-Saw. Each morning o'er my coffee cup I notice with a frown That while the price of stock goes up The price of stocks goes down. A Dreadful Itevengc. Possibly Mr. Roosevelt's secretary has kept Mr. Perkins watting In the ante room now and then; but does that justify Mr. Perkins in giving him a motor cycle? Chance for a Bnrbank. The cavalry has discarded white horses because they show too plainly against their surroundings. The first man. who succeeds In crossing the horse and the chameleon will have a real opportunity In this country. Needed Practice. - Apparently that owl who visited the senate chamber couldn't find anything to hoot at In his native wilds. SometaiDS Else Asrnln. They -are selling whlsxy sundaes In West Virginia. They are also selHng whisky Sundays in Bl Paso, but some times they are arrested for It. Disillusionment. Mack a Candidate for the Senate Headline. When we first read this we supposed of course it meant Connie, and laid our ears forward to catch growls of baffled rage from Penrose. Now that we find It is Norman we don't see how It can make any difference to anybody. It Will Stop Short. An Englishman asserts that a ra dium watch Invented by him will run for 30,49 years. Not if a watchmaker gets his microscope on its Interior it won't. Just the Man. Al Jennings isn't making much head way as a candidate for governor or Oklahoma, but there is still a vacancy in the United States supreme court, Not the Isual Inside Job. T,"tic 1'and villige is all fussed p,r'I .! u iLUft TRADING FEVERISH, E IS L Early Losses of Several Points Are Eegistered in Important Stocks. -a . NOTE Quotations reflect eloatosT prices Wednesday. July 18 New Tors. July IS The local stock market opened today with, trading feter- sen. and in largo volume. y , ranged from three to five points Is Amal gamated and Utah coppers, Oreat North ern preferred. Reading. Can. Smelting and same of the less active lssuea Canadian Pacific, weakest of the inter national stocks, sustained only a sUght loss. MONEY AND METALS. NEW TORK MARKET. By Associated Press.) New Tork. July 24. Close: Mercantile paper. Stt- . . Commercial siBs, 4.SS. A Bar silver. 5t. Mexican dollars. 44. Government bonds, firs. Railroad bonds. Irregular. CaH money, strong, 3H. .... Time leans strong: 64 days, t; days, 55(4; six months. H- Copper, easy: spot and Sept. offered at 13.04 Tin. strong; spot. 3.S11.3(; SepU 34kSv31.3S. Lead, quiet: 7,854 3.55. Spelter, steady; 8.440S.14. .... Iron, quiet; No. 1. rforthem. 14.75915.2S; No. 2 Northern. 14.S44aiS.84: No. 1 South ern. 14.75018.28: No. J Southern. 14.56? 18.04; iron. Cleveland warrants, til. dH. London Metals Markets. London, Bag.. July 29. The London met als market closed aa follows; Lead, 18. St. Spelter. 21. slS. Copper firm, spot 87. sS: futures. 58, eS. Tin firm, spot 138. sl; futures, 138. si. Iron, Cleve land warrants. sSL dl. St. Louis Lead and Spelter. St. Louis, Mo., Joly I-Lead quiet, J.75; spelter stroager. 4.34t(4.9f. THE LOCAL MARKrTXi. Mexican currency. 32. Mexican gold. 41. Mexican pesos (El Paso buying price) 43c, VUla curreaey. 37; Carranxa currency, 28: Chihuahua currency. 28. 1 Paso Smelter IuotatlottS. ' (Corrected Sally) Bar silver. SMi. Pig lead. 3.S4. Cepper, wire bars. 13.2. Lead (London) 118. sit, d. WeeVly Average. (Dougias Smelter Quotations.) Sliver. 54.15. Copper. 13.37. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS. Amalgamated Copper Hn Amertcaa Sugar Beflateg ....12 Atchison a,... J35j Northern Pacific ....11 Reading JS4 Southern Faetfle 91 Union Pacific 12 United States Stee4 88 UnHed States Steel Pfd 18 BOSTON LISTED STOCKS (From Xi. J. Orertoclc. Bffee. Axis.) Arizona. CosuiMrciat 4U C Ate met 4 Artseaa SS Cbrfio Opfxr O W4 Copper Range 22 Gtmx IH Greene CJM&e&. 39 Hefrttta. .'... IS 3tfftEBi .............. ..... . J Nevmtfta Cm 12H ?fortlJ Butt ............. OM Domlsdea 43 Ray Csmsetldated . 1 Seanse. .. SH Superior & Boston 1 Trinity U S. Smelters, common 33 H Utah Con 1 Utah Copper 2 TJNLISTEDSTOCKS. (From L. J. Overlook. Btseee, Arlx.) Caetes I Chief Con S4 Denn-Artsosja 8 SotafioH Con 1H lasperatlom Cower 18 4 MaJeetSe Copper of Utah 34 Mason Valley 2 New Keystone ........ 1 Ohio Copper 34 San Antonio, part paid 2 Sbstmek 23H Ssjssuwtt ...... .......... a... ..... Tosiopsh S NEW YORK MARKET IS STABLE; OTHERS WEAK New Tork. July 2. The New York stock exchansje vrsts strraoet the only seenrttr market la the vroHel to show strength and stability today. While London and Paris were discouraging trading and many other foreign ex changes were entirely closed Because of demoralised conditions resulting; from the AnMro-Senrlan war, this market not only continued to absorb farther heavy offerings from across the water, but pat the short interest to route as well. TKENCH BOCBSE WEAK. Paris, France. July 2. The bourse opened weak today. Price! were affected by drops In New Tork Tuesday and there was. but little buerness dons. WEATHER BULLETIN c. S. DBPAIITMBXT OP AGrtlCTJL TUTtE, WEATHER fJUFtEAC. osservatloBs taken at 8 a. m. 75th me ridian time (S a. uu a Paso thno). July fs, 114. Torecasls. El Paso and vicin ity Partly cloudy tonight and Thurs day; preoaMy show New Mexico 6ei orally fair toatgh: and Thursday. "West Texas Part ly cloudy tonight and Tassrsday; prob ably showers In ex treme west portion. WOT O'tOO THrg OV THAT , 'tnrrats caxtrir TBI CAMS FOS ' THIS 3.ITTLX Precipitation last Weather at 8 a. .1 hours (men). ...... Lowest temp, last night. I 'I I Hlgnest yesteraay ... Temn. at 3 a. m I Abilene 74 8 7 clear Amarillo 8 S3 84 clear Atlanta 7 S2 8S cssudy .71 Bote. Idaho.. 7 88 clear t Boston 32 84 88 cloady .04 Chicago , 84 7 32 door CtoclaaaU... 84 34 3 dear Denver 33 St 83 a, etdy .31 Detroit t 7 51 etear a Duluth.MlBn 83 84 83 tjsaifar H Paso 33 S4 88 pceidy .78 Galveston S St 78 clear Havre. Mont 84 S4 84 clear Jacksonville. ....... 78 SI 78 cloady Little Rock S 14 S cloady Los Angeles tt 7s ss dower Nashville 73 SS 73 clear New Orleans sa S2 7S pt cldy NewTork 82 Si 3 cloudy .11 Omaha.. 72 84 73 a, cldy t Phoenix .812 8 clear Rapid City. S.D.... 88 74 84 clear .08 Roswetl 84 S2 34 clear St. Louis ....7 34 83 clear .24 Salt Lake CUT ss c clear a San Antonio .74 34 71 dowdy a S&nFraacisco 5 t 88 dowdy a Santa Fe t: 78 If dear a Seattle 53 7 51 eosar Wasalagtoa 84 88 dear .54 Wlebita. Kaae 78 14 7 steady xuma. ...... - .. is .. .... River Readtsr. The Rio Oraade was rasatag 3432 cubic feet of water per second Wednesday at the IAsbiirsr dafla. Skavinsr awtMMj 1 1 &., since Tuesday nrghi. The robbery, it appears, was commit ted by oateMarn, i He Certainly Deserves It. Pal-baps Buorta has merely gone to Kurope to file a claim on the Nobel peace prise. IF fOU TVA-VT RESULTS ever time and all of the time, adver tise in the Ready Reference Directory. 1 . 't forget the phone number ' fu jr-firc-tliree " Ad t -s rut 11 m SJUX J S; OBOPi BUSES Collapses and Befoounds Are Startling; Wheat Grad ually Steadies. Chicago, m.. July 2S Instead of ad vancing, aa most traders expected, the wheat market today made a startling break right at the opening. First prices were down more than 2 cents a bushel. la another minute the market had dropped an additional 2 cents or more, then there was a sadden rebound of more than 2 cents, followed by another descent, but not so violent The extreme point of the break In the early trading was 4 coats under Tuesday night, and the market grew gradually steadier at approximately 3 cenu down for active months and loss for other options Fortunes were mads and lost In Tues days lata trading. One instance Is that ot a maa who, operaaas" on a very nar row margin, actually pocketed 325 000 profits In five minutes trading. Brakes were clamped down hard today on the wheat market as a result of com mission nouses demanding almost prohibi tive marglas on all trades. The opening, which was to 4i cents down, was followed by numerous sales, but not of a lasting sort. The etase weak. 2)4c down as com. pared wtth Tuesday night. Cora shoved some firmness at the out set, bat soon followed wheat down grade. AfterBatBg- c off to He up. the mar ket dropped to about a cent under Tues day aUht. and displayed bat Utile power to recover. Oats developed comparative strength at first, but the eellapn of wheat checked buying.' The result was a setback, though not sa pronounced as in corn. Weakness seised previsions when grain failed to advance. Moderate upturns were quickly more than wiped out. Grain and Provisions. Chicago Grams. Close. Wheat Jary, It: Sept, IS. Cera Jury. 74; Sept, 71. Oats July. SS; Sept.. 38. Ohirago Provisions. Close. Pork Jury. 2S.3S: Sept.. 2.. Lard Sept.. lt.12,; Oct.. 10.28. Rsbs 11.J2H; Oct.. IL17H. LIVESTOCK. Chicago Livestock. Close Chicago. 111., July 2. Cattle Recta, 13.044: market steady. Beeves. 37 44tyS: steers. 38.44.S.4: stackers' and feeders. 85.5408.88; cows and hetfers. 33.7CSS.I5. calves. S7-St01L2S. Hog Recta 21.844: market strong; ows s.7J3.i: ngnc ss.:t (.-. mixed. 38.840S-2S: heavy., rough, 3S.4 98 84: pigs. Sheep Beets. IS,; market slow. Sheep. ti.lt5.S4: yearlings, S.4t?C.5t; lambs, 38.8493.11. Kansas (Sty livestock. CIoe. Kansas City, Ma. July 2S. Cattle Recta. SS48; market steady. Prime fed steers. 3t.439.St: dressed beef steers. 37.3S4S3.30: western steers. S7.84?9.84; stockers and feeders. 38.068.4: carves, 3S.S4uUa.05. Hogs Recta 444: market higher, bulk, 38.35ft4; heavy. 38 15434; packers and butchers., Tight, 38.30wS.S5; pigs. 83,3448.34. -Sheep Recta. 21.844: market steady. Lambs. 37. 4) 8.: yeartlaaa. 3544)8.:;;: wethers. 14.7565.75: ewes. 34.3S8y4.7S. Pert Worth Livestock. Close. (By Zetger Betel.) Cattle Recta 2S44. lacmdtng 344 calves. Steers, 32.59 S:-stacker steers. 35.009 8.3; cows. 33.593.84. belters. 34.5097 "0; bstna.314.aae 3 54: calves. 32597 5. Hogs Recta. 384: tops, t. bulk, 39 ) 94S. Sheep Recta, 1. TVethers. 85013---. ewes. 34 7595 35. lambs. 38.5087::, ;(--lings. 38 9 5. WHEAT AND COTTON BREAK IN NEW YORK New Tore July . Tkre iras a bi opeotaf- In tke wheat market, with prices dvini jabsytst 4 1, cent aader hea-7 liq'i- -rtitleii tT 3sfoadar buyer, bat prices Jiir nHlttf 3 cents mbashe. os lea. fm.vorav a cMtt new aadjL renewal of excited buir CotkosB. oa the other hand, broke :r i 11 to 34 point in reopoate to w-ate. cab ej, Coffee opeaod weak: DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS AT HOTEL . Mrs. Elsie Smith, wife of John II Smith died Wednesday morning at a, local hotel at 6 oclock. She was ill but a short time. She Is survived by r---hnsband, a yoonc son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loins Sheffler. of Kan sas City, Ma, two brothers, Albert a-I Walter Sheffler. who reside in Lafay ette. La-, and Topeka, Kans-, and three sisters. Mrs. O. F. Sanders, of Kansas City. Mrs. Chamois, of Sellna. Kans., and Mrs, F. 6. Gntscn. of Topeka. The body is betnsr ntrj. awaiting the ar rival of relatives from Kansas City. MRS. T. L. COLLIRR SUCCUMBS TO ILLNESS Mrs. Bant Augusta Collier, wife ot T. L. Collier, died Tuesday night at her home, 217 Palms court She was 4 years old and Is survived by her husband and Httle son. Rev. Henry Master will conduct the funeral ser vices, which will be held at 3 ociocic Thursday afternoon at the Church of St. Clement. Interment will be made la Evergreen cemetery. RAILROAD AND AUTOMOBILE TUBE TABLES. All trams arrive and depart from Cniea depot, foot of San Francisco street. All arrivals and departures given la Bt Paso or mountain standard time SANTA. JFE. Fer AHmnueraue, Heaver. Chicago, Lot Angeles Lv. 8 '38 a. xn. and.S:84 p. m. From Albuquerque. Denver. Chicago. LOS Angeles Ar. 14:64 a. m. and :! p. m. el taso sotrrmvxsTEKX. (Western Division). For Arisen and Sonera Lv. 3:40 a. m. 3 p. m. and T:4S p. m. From Artsoaa and Sonars Ar. 7:13 a. bl. 2:34 p. m. and 4:1 p. m. (Eastern Division). For Kinssi City. St. Louis, Chicago Lv. 2:4t p. m. and 24:53 p, m. From Kansas City, St. Lenis and Chicago Ar. 8:38 a. m l:tt p. m. C U. S. A. AND S. P. TRAIN'S. For San Antonio, New Orleans. Washing ton Lv. 8:45 a. m. and 11:41 p. m. From San Antonio. New Orleans, Wash ington Ar. t:4 p. m. and 3:15 p. m. For Arisona, and Canlerala Lt. fi33 a. m. and S:34 p. m. From Arizona and Catttsrnla Ar. 8.30 a. ra, 1:3 n. m. and :J p. m, TEXAS 1'ACinC For Dallas and St. Loots Lt. 7:45 a. hl. 8:34 p. m. From St. Lents and Dallas Ar. 3:3 a. NATIO.NAL R.ULWATS OF MEXICO. (No regalar service.) MEXICO i'OKTH WESTSBN. (No regalar service.) HOSWKLL-CAKRIZOZO MAIL LINK. Passenger 'servlee leaving both Roswell and CaH-r4iso dally and Sasday at S a. m. for Pleach. Ttaal. Hondo. Lincoln. Ft. Stanton. Capltan and NosaL Through fare on way. 38.44- Interme diate points at Sc per milt. Baggage earned np to 17S pewnds. 14 pasjsds free. Excess at le per pound. RetweH Auto Co. Owners and Operators. , LAS OR DOBS AUTO LINE ' FOB MHHLLA VALLET MINTS. Leaves Herald ottsee each week day at 3 p. m. Fares from XI Paso to Camrrnio t ' Anthony ........ ...........1.0 Iserlno ............................... i s vaoo ................ ................ 1.59 JSosonlto ,.... ..... . ........ ..... Z.T& Mesllla Park 3.00 La Cruee. 3.00 Leaves Las Craees Drag Co. for SI Paso at 8:18 p. m. daily. GLOBE TO rHOENIX. Birht hoar. Via Keesevelt dam. Leaves Dominion hotel. Glee, dally. 8:34 a. m. Arrive Phoenix 4:3 p. m. Fare. 318. Make reservations In advance. CHUt Valley Aato Stage Line. Globe. Arts. kLeI'HAN-T BUTTE AND HOT SI-RINGS AUTO LINK Clay Davidson. Prop.. Engle, X. M. Leave Engle dally. 3 au m. and 2 p. m. Fsrea from Eag'e to Eleph-nt Butts J? 'J Hrtt SrrlrtTs 3.69 K-'rn f'res sa-e tr appQ'maest. MARKET