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EL PASO HERALD Wednesday, July 29, 1914 ORATION BY F. J. LYONS IS FEATURE OF WOMEN'S CLUB PROGRAM TUESDAY FRANCIS J. LYONS dellverefl his prize winning- oration, "Interna tional Peace." Tuesdar night be fore an audience in the Chamber of Commerce hall, under the auspices of the Vonin'i dub, and repeated the triumph he scored at Lake Mohonk. N. T when he won the national colle giate oratorical contests. Mr. Lrons was heartily applauded. Mr. Lyons left no question in the minds of his hearers as to why he had been selected as the bett collegiate orator in the i-i, tt for his delivery was natural, convincing and dramatic and the thought well, concisely and con sistently exxpreesed. Precellnp the oration. Mr. Lyons briefly described the oratorical contests, first by we colleges, then groups of coleges. then state, then groups of states, lf5 up by elimination contests to the final contest at Lake Mohonk. Judge A. S. J. Eylar nH.05.uc4hT;h Lyons with a short speech in which he complimented the El Pf80. ?,? highly as an Bl Paso product, born in El Paso, reared In the Rio Grande val lev. and educated in the public schools of this city., He won a scholarship to the Cniversfty Of Texas at his gradu ation from the high school. M.r; Ly"s is taklngt he law course at the uni- VTher'orat!on was given as the prin cipal feature of a program given under the auspices of tho Womans club, com plimentary to Mr. Lyons. was opened with two soprano solos, sung by Mrs. Jtalph J. -Wilson. Mrs. TV. B. Brown ac companied her on the piano. Her se lections were, "She Is Mine." by Mary Turner Salter, and "At Dawning, by -, ., ui Vellie May Bowen nla ed two piano selections. "Etude de i i. .... . . .11 .... Tn Ulan I tonee: t, Dy jiciwci, uu -n. . .u. Aimee, by Ed Schutt. and showed a splendid mastery of technlc and Inter pretation. Miss Bowen is also an El Paso product and Is giving much prom ise as a pianist. This was her first performance in public since her return from Los Angeles, where she spent the winter in study. Closing the program were selections from the opera TL Boheme." played on the violin by Mrs. D. V. Fennessy. with Mrs. TV. R. Brown accompanying her on the piano. Mrs. George Brunner, chairman of the music department of the Woman's club, announced the musical numbers of the program. Mrs. A. W. Foster, the vice president of the club, spoke briefly In appreciation of the work of Mr. Lyons. The audience was received at the door by Mrs. George Brunner, Mrs. Victor E. Raggio and Mrs. 8. H. Suth erland. Dinners and Luncheons. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Horton enter tained at an informal dinner Tuesday rught at their home on Arizona street lor tneir irienos, A. n. Taiion, 01 Jor- r A..w nirnvnln. A Thursday. Mrs. J. R. Ellis will entertain j the Merry Gossipers. Miss Emma Hoffman will en- tertaln the PhUathea sewing Mlss Nancy Edwards wUl 5. give a dance complimentary to Miss Ode Alkin. of Houston. Miss Grace iecn win cm. taln the Omega Phi sorority. pus Christie, and A. Stebbins, of Okla tome City. Mr. Stebbins is traffic manager of the B. & O. railway. Mr and Mrs. M. P. Carlock were hosts at a delightful Informal dinner Tuesday night at their home In the Nagley apartments. Carnations and ferns were the table decorations. Fol lowing the dinner, the evening was pleasantly spent In playing cards and In listening to music. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fillmore, Ray E. Sherman and Jake Miller. t t t El Pasoans A Way, Mrs. R. P. Canant Is spending the X TV Out of Town Orders. TCe again remind out of El Paso peo ple that we make a specialty of attend ing to their requirements. Orders are filled the day they are received and satisfaction is guaranteed In every case. In addition to Prescription or ders, we pay special attention to orders for Toilet articles. Rubber goods. Safety Razors and accessories. We handle Ansco Cameras and supplies. Let us have the next order. Scott "While s Co, Mills Building, EI Paso, Texas. (Advertisement.) AJ5p inSIPt Nadlne Face Powder tin Cncn Boxa Orttx) Keeps Tie Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Money bk if not en tirely pleased, iadine is pare and harm less. Adheres until washed oC Prevents snnburn and return of discoloration!. A miCioa delighted users prove its value. Tints: Fleih. Pink, Brunette, White. By ToUet Comtm crdail. 50c National ToQat Company, Paris, Teaa. SlTERFLrOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY Unshapely Noses, Outstanding Ears, Drooping EyeUds. Hollow Cheeks. Beggy Skirt Corrected. GRACE A. BEXSO", Face Specialist of Chicago, Room 38S, Herald Building-. El Paso, Tex. w sir r summer in camornia. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schelb have gone to the gulf coast for a visit of several months. Mrs. C F. Morse and children left Tuesday to be the guests of Mrs. C M. Hendricks at High Rolls. Mr. and Mrs. J. ' F. Miller returned to Cloudcroft Tuesday to spend the remainder of the season there. Mrs. R. P. Kyle left for Tombstone Tuesday afternoon, where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. F- M. Wolcott Miss Gladys Gaffield is visiting Miss Ruth Johnson, in Carlbad, N. Ml, and will be away for about two weeks. LeRoy Pickens and George Pickens have been called to New Orleans by the serious illness of their father, G. P. Pickens. C R. Morehead left Tuesday after noon for California to visit his grand daughter. Miss Lemlre Nebeker at Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Charles De Groff, re turned to their summer home in Cloud croft Tuesday after spending a few days in El Paso. Lee Orndorff accom panied them. Homan C. Myles. British vice consul: Mrs. Myles and Alice Myles will leave for Europe, July SO. W. E. Arnold will be acting British vice consul during their absence. Mrs. J. B. Carothers and little son, John Carothers, are visiting in Den ver, Colorado. Later they will go to California for the remainder of the summer season. Don Lusk left Tuesday afternoon for Cloudcroft, to spend a few days with his wife who has been 111. Mr. and Mrs. Lusk and children will return to Bl Paso the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fillmore are ex pecting to leave within a week.; Mrs. Fillmore will go to Albuquerque to visit relatives, and Mr. Fillmore will go on a business trip to New Tork City. Mrs. J. S. Morrison and her daugh ters. Miss Alma Morrison and Miss Irene Morrison, will leave Sunday for a pleasure trip through Colorado. They will be away for about a month, and will visit points of Interest In the state. El Pasoans Returning. Mrs. T. C. Phillips returned Tuesday afternoon from Cloudcroft, where she has been spending a short time. Miss Margaret Hitchcock returned Tuesday afternoon from a visit of several weeks in Alamogordo and Carfizopo. Mrs. Minnie G. Nagley and son have returnea to iii aso alter spenamg three months, visiting in Ohio and eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Zach T. White and Miss Mary White, who have been in California for a short time have re turned to El Paso. Miss Gladys Strickland, Is expected home in a few days from the Univer sity of Texas, where she has been at tending the summer term. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell, who have been visiting In Dallas, Houston and other east Texas points, have re turned to their El Paso home. Miss May Campbell, who has been taking advanced work In English and history during the summer term of the University .of Texas is exoected to return home Saturday. Miss Henrietta Buckler Is expected to return home Thursday from Cloud croft, where she has been spending a ween, tne guest or Jirs. cms coles, and of Mrs. H. D. Slater, at their summer cottages. Mrs. W. R. Brown has returned from Cloudcroft, where she went with Mrs. Francis L. Moore and her little baby, who Is quite ML Mrs. Moore will re main in Cloudcroft for some time, and Is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Kaster. James C. White, wife and baby, ac companied by Mrs. J. L McCullough. mother of Mrs. White, have returned from an extended visit to Los Angles and California beach resorts. They mo tored to a number of places of inter est in southern California while there. Lodges and Clubs. y The entertainment committee of the Elks met Tuesday night at the club house to plan for the entertainment of Elks who will cose as delegates to the Democratic state convention. It was. decided to have an entertainment for the visiting Elks on Wednesday night, August 12. and the plans for the affair will be arranged bv C H. Arm strong. Max Miller, W. H. Long, Charles A. Brann and Herbert Ward. ft Church Affairs. The monthly social of the PhUathea and Baraca classes of the First Bap tist church will be held Thursday even ing in the church. The business ses sions of the classes will be held sepa rately in the earlier part of the even ing and then the classes will unite and enjoy a program and a social time. ttheDiiGlean i Must4hawj ik To Accomplish Faultless Dry Qeaning Mostteople think little knowledge is neneesutrir "but as a matter of fact, in order to accomplish the re sults you demand, years of experience and study are required. We must know more about materials than the retail merchant as much of the chemical action of fluids on colors as the manufacturer of the ma terial We have expert knowledge of fabrics from oriental rugs to light weight silks, of feathers and furs, laces, etc Can yon imagine how airy one but an 'expert can handle your order! HOI MPS DYEING AND riKJIuMEiD CLEANING WORKS 701 Texas St. Telephones 786, 787, 791. ,.. . Out Of Town Visitors. .miss Bertha Fessman or. xs - Is visiting Mrs. Frank Bauman. Mrs. J. A. Potter, who has been In El Paso for a short time, returned to her summer home in Cloudcroft. Tuesday. Miss Gertrude Mueller, of Clint, Texas, left Tuesday for Cloudcroft. where she will be the guest of Miss Mae Wood. Miss May White, of Eagle Pass, who has been visiting Mrs. Frank Bauman for a week has resumed her trip through New Mexico. Mrs. V. E. Anderson and Miss Pearl Crouch, of Marshall. Tex, passed through El Paso on their way to Cloud croft to remain Indefinitely. Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald, of Hou ton. Tex, who has been visiting Mrs. Florence Curtis Gaffield. will return to her home within a few days. Mrs. Gus Erf, and son, Raymond Brf, of Bellvllle, Ohio, who have been visiting in Wiilcox, Ariz, passed through El Paso Tuesday on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. DuBose are ex pecting their sister, Mrs. Lean Chan cie, of Lufkln. Texas, to arrive the last of the week for a visit of a week or more. Col. J. F. Gullfoyle, who has been attending the session of the special retiring board at Fort Bliss, and who has been the guest of CoL Joseph Gar rard while here, returned to his bri gade command at Douglas, Arizona, Tuesday. About El Pasoans. Mrs. V. L. Bean Is confined to her room with sprained ankle. Mrs. E. Krause is slowly improving after ah Illness of Several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chesney are the parents of a baby girl, born Friday. July 21, at their home 291S East Mis souri street. Commander Christopher C Fewel, United States navy, son of IfaJ. and Mrs. W. J. Fewel. of El Paso, is now stationed at Chee Foo, China, in com mand of the cruiser Cincinnati. Parties. Tuesdav ".? Clements entertained mentis WIth a P0"1 P" compll rfelSr touMrs. E. R. Lee. the day morifin birthday anniversary. The SSShZS ? Pleasantly spent with 2?'?wo'k and nmu. aid later a thi if..i?ncheon was served. Among thh . "on was serveu. imoob 4?." E0"? Were Mrs. G C Butler. Mrs. Ethil" n?.arrlson. Mrs. E. R. Lee, Miss ViSrt5US,r' M1 Thelma Butler. Miss risoo. Harrl,on ! H's Bess Uar a.-1?-..11- Kelley entertained Tues ?J.annoon at her home. 2SS Man jana avenue. wltl a children's party rliiJ"1' 21'r Hle daughters. Gall 2!!n Thelma Kelley and Magda h.eiley. The children spent a happy aLi "won playing games on the lawn, and later Ice -:ream. cake and other refreshment, were enjoyed. Among "" guests were Bertha Baumstark, ituhy Baumstark. Leona Pollard. Jose phine Pollard, Eda May Ardotn. Dorothy Jackson. Sabra Bourland, Helen Bourland, Esther Bourland, Lil lian Bourland. Jessie KidwelL Ual Clark, Creek Clark. Frances Wafer, Drew Dillon. The hostess was assist ed by Mrs. W. J. Clark and Mrs. G. 1 Vaughan. Dances. Miss Nancy Edwards will entertain Thursday night with a dance at her home on Golden Hill. In honor of her cousin. Miss Ode Akin; of Houston. Mrs. E. P. Rankin. Jr, and Mrs. S. W. Fant. entertained Tuesday night with an Informal dancing party at the home of the latter in the Broaddus apartments on Oetavla street- About eight couple were present Dainty re freshments were served during the eenlng. A number of the boys of the younger school set were hosts at a Jolly, but yery Informal dancing party given Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. DuBose. on Arizona street. Punch was "served during the dance in termissions, and Ice cream and cake were enjoyed later In the evening. Among those present were: Irma Davis. Sophie Williams. Louisa Leigh ton. Mary Bell. Nellie Weber. Sallle PMpps. Myra Jackson. Gertrude Smith. Marion Calnan. Mary Cornwall, Mary Heermans. Harriett Heermans. Henry Schumacher. Jack Vowell. Hanlon Du Bose. Lonnle Sorrells, Donald Grant, Earl Evans, Hurley Griffith and Ralph Priest. ra&fceMfcrfog irt THE MANICURE LADY Th Ben "Davis apple, with u opposi tion scattered an' gone, is now supreme. With th' exception of f. few liver spots it looks as xosy an' plansibl: as it did in October. Th feller who sleeps till 9 a. m. might as well stay in bed. Weddings. K The wedding of Miss Minnie A. Beek and Charles H. Price wiU-oeeur Wed nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Nagle on Lee street. The ceremony, which will be attended by only the most intimate friends will be performed by Rev. Perry J. HIee. of the First Christian church. Following the seirvice a reception will be given. Miss Mabel Harrison will be the bridesmaid, and the best man will be L W. HowelL The couple will make their home in El Paso after a wedding trip east. They will visit Pittsburg. Louisville and Indianapolis. Heat of cleaning1. Fnone 4091 tor wagon. Crescent Cleanlnr Wkav Advertisement. By WILU.OI F. (( p HK latest bug Wilfred has went I and got." said the Manicure -- Lady, "is to fall in teve with a. pktare la the back part of a. magazino. It Is the picture of a young lady stenographer setting at her typewriter, and she is pretty Kind of a doll at that, bat doa't yc see. Gerge. It is only a photograph, and Wilfred don't even know whether ahe can speak Eng lish good or not. I don't see how a grown up man can fall In love with a picture until he has fell In love with the original, but ha la as moony as I have ever saw him. and Ins that there ad around, calling It hs wodros dream glrL" "What's the use of falling In love with her If he don't know her name, and can't locate herT asked the prac tical Head Barter. "RlgTit. George." agreed the Manicure Lady. "That la Jnat what Marine and me was telling him. sat he says that to a poet beauty Is more divine than reality, and Jnet keeps en raving about that picture. He eays apoet 1 always looking for the unretalnable. or what ever he called It, something mystic and beyond. And that Is why ho loves that fool picture he cut out of the ad. MUla u la Vfnri nf hAtW1Mn 1ST WatT we can agure it. George. Because even li ne snouic nappen to the original of this photograph. It's a ten to one shot that she would be looking out of the window when he proposed to her, because my poor orotner ain't got no fatal beauty to spare and no bankroll with which to win a trusting heart With. So all we can hope for Is that he will get over this love craze of his and forget her, the same as he has forgot a lot of other dames that he thought he loved extravagant." "I supoee he has wrote a poem to his new love." said the Head Barber, anticipating the worst. "That was one of the first things he done," replied the Manicure Lady. "It KIRK. is called To My Wondrous Dream Love.' and this la th way it sounds; "Wondrowa dream love. ' Don't target an Don't It lumi. love. Like you've met me? I'm so lonely O'er yottr photo If I only Knew where to go to. I have kissed Tour cheeks so pink. Bat they taste Like printer's Ink. If I know Jnat' where to go I'd love you And not your photo." "I don't see what good the poem wilt do bar if she never "sets a chance to t it," said the Head Barber. "It wouldn't probably do her any good If she did see it." said the Manl'uia Lady, "bnt when a poet has wrote a love poem to a girl he thinks he has did more for her than If he married her and bought a palace in which to live lB." German Alpinist Breads Leg; Almost Starves in Hut Before Help Comes Geneva, Switzerland. July 29. Ger man Alpinist of Munich sas Just had a terrible experience on the Roopasa. 72M feet high In the Canton of Glarus. He set out alone for Welsstanen a week ago to cross- the pass and de scend to Ela. While struggling a deep anow near the summit of the pass, he broke his leg. but managed to erawl to the Alpine hut, 509 yards away. He remained there seven days and nights, during which he ate up his meager tinned provisions. When discovered accidentally by a. Swiss wood cutter, he was starving and had eaten part of his boots. Several peasants with a stretcher climber the pass and brought down the Alpinist to the valley, where It is hoped that he will recover. Bargain Week in the Thousands "'Articles Ice Cream Freezers $1.59 $1.89 $1.98 room 1 Quart Arctic Special prices . 2 Quart Arctic Special prices . 3 Quart Arctic Special prices . Enamelware Bargains I0c GREY ENAMEL DRINKING CUPS for 25c GREY ENAMEL COFFEE POTS .L. 5c 18c 4 Quart Arctic I9 OQ FOR , iO Special prices .... -35c GREY ENAMEL COVERED SAUCEPANS Ofi . . ' FOR &J 6 Quart Arctic Special prices 8 Quart Arctic Special prices . . . . 10 Quart Arctic Special prices 12 Quart Arctic Special prices . . . . $298 $3.69 $4.49 $598 FOR 35c GREY ENAMEL TEA POTS FOR 25c CREY ENAMEL LIPPED SAUCEPANS FOR 35c GREY ENAMEL FRY PANS FOR EXTRA SPECIAL!!! Varnished Hardwood single door Polar Refrig erators, galvinized steel lined. Ice capacity 50 lbs. 2 shelves brass trimmings, regular (Q QC price $13.00. Extra Special .... M7e-0 10c Grey Enamel Pie Plates A 39c Grey Enamel Chambers nr for &DC Jl-25 White Enamel Combin- aq tts for . VOv 50c White Enamel Sauce Pans for 35c White Enamel Covered Sauce Pans for 39c 29c 5e White Enamel Wash Basins for 35c White Enamel Covered Berlin Kettles for J5e White Enamel Chambers O C -, C 23c 18c 22c 39c 25c Ice Cream Freezers 1 Quart Whke Mountain d CO Special prices tP X oOt 2 Quart White Mountak d "t AQ Special prices ; P A 17 O 3 Quart White Mountain Q yf Q Special prices : $)& TT 4 Quart White Mountain O AO Special prices 3f)fUO 6 Quart White Mountain. J Q fZQk Special prices PDoO B Quart hite Mountain 4f 7Q Special prices .. SVo ? 10 Quart White Mountain d? OJ? Special prices PUo0 0e White Enamel Cuspidors on Enamel Plates Otf,r for 15e White for -HOAfc OF LOW PKICES jflgWjljjSpll.-i -mi. t-mi- Extra Special P A J . f t-J J SS Mssmmsmmmam3:maammxmm&aBm gummas rssMssssrosssiiiiSiirrpX)mBgaBsjsaBaesassBsi I 3 8 I Ut&o j , EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! ! Improved side icing refrigerator, handsome oak cabinet 50 lb. capacity, removable shelves. Regular price $18.00 Extra Special "Where "Road Meet Some young men find it hard to decide when it comes to the matter of spending their surplus cash for luxuries, or saving it. Start in the right direction today by start ing an account with the First National Bank . . 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. Herald "Want Ads for results. Herald Want Ads for results. Where Cool Sea Breezes Blow -California Beaches VP ' S'lpU.SURMINOir: I TICKETS ON SALE July 18. 19. 25. 26. Aug. I. 2. 8. 9. 15. 16. 22. 23. 29. 30. RETURN LIMIT SIXTY DAYS. Stopovers allowed. Los Angeles and return .-.$35.00 San Diego and return r.-.?. $35.00 San Francisco and return . $45.00 DAILY EXCURSIONS ' RctamLmk Oct 31. 19 14 Los Angeles aad return $40.00 San Diego aad return $40.00 San Fraacisco and return .... ...... .$50.00 TRAIN SERVICE Leave EI Paso 6:53 a-sa. 9:30 p.m. Arr. Los Angeles 7:15 a.m. 9:58 p.a. See Igeni Southern Pacific El Paso Office. 206 North Oregon St. Phone 142.