Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Thursday, ISTor. 12, 1914 11 S 'Suy The First National Bank Building - and Those Who Occupy Itl Cigars and Periodicals. FRED BROMBBROBR Grd. floor. Ph. 1652. Dentists. DR. LEE MglNTOSIt, Dentist Ph 523 R, 608 Detectives. WTLUAMB Detective Agcy Ph. 4406 R. 616 Paviaz. TEXAS THTTJIJTHIC CO Ph. 2355 R. 79 Specialists. DR. CARL L. SMITH Ph 1171 nra 187 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. JAMES T SMITH. Room 217 Ready Reference Business . Directory Accountants. NOKWAN F Box 157 YKAZEY. p Phone 3655 Addisg Machiaes. DALTOX Adding; Machines. SI Mills Bt Agricultural Expert. COVFIDENTLW, ADVICE concerning soil r 4 . rop adaptation. R. A Harris, rnone 3 i t ,. .nwii.(m..t Kail ana nortlcul- expert. rite fee Report furnished for rnode- Attorneys. KI-iniK u nAMRL LAWYER. ' Mills Bldg Phone 613 J LI I'SO WELDING CO. Broken auto and machine parts welded good as new, all work u nn ecd 610 N Kansas. MTOMOBILE repairing done efficiently ai J promptly Amsr Motor A Machine Wks. J H Hurxthal. Trop. SIS Texas St GENERAL AJTMe3IU5 REPAIRING H H Upser. SOS N Kansas Stj GENERAL LATHE and machine work, auto mobile repairing Amer Motor & Machine Works T H Hurrthal Prop SIS Texas 8t Auctioneers. W. A. WILLIAMS. Auction Sales and Commission RroLer. Office Phone L Residence Phone 3SI0 Office Entrance to Caples Bldg I Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale. Auto Tires. GOODRICH T1KK6 AND TI UES AT im I'EROKNX llKUr JU rmuss. Also complete vulcanising piant for all repairs. G. Klaffert SIS San. rrancisco St EI Paso Rubber Co Bottli e ME Bl AN SKI.I, any kind of bottles. 1401 MTTtle Phone 2210 Carpets Cleaaetl. Santo actram Cleaner for rent Ph. 2988 D18VNG & WELLBORN. XrilONE 3699 Mc ira and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning C VRPETS CLEANED and general bouse- ork Duntley Vacuum Cleaning Oo. Ph S218 CbknBey Sweeps tHIMNK 8HKKP Stoves set up and re p ired All work guaranteed. Joe, at Legal Fur r-o 2t S 8taaton. Phone S-7S4 IE8SOS Sc; firing Mrs. Nafe. Fh. 1494 IIVND I'ALVTED CHLNA Lessons. SOc Mri- Walters. 401 Prospect Phone 4049 J Cleasing and Pressing. BRING rS YOUR CLOTHES TO PRESS. Only 8c a Suit. Morehead, the Tailor 4n: N Oregon Phona SS86 I A .KKNK KKRSHNKR for ps N El Paw Phone Hit. brick work. Dancing Lcssobs. INSTRUCTION In all new dances. Miss -tone 36 Bnckler Block. Ph. S704-2M4 Dressmaking. BITTONS COVERED Angela Cl'g Vki. CLASSY DRESSMAKING Phone (66 J. WE DO DRESSMAKING, crocheting (r fr iderirg at (II N El PaSo. bN.PI RIENCED WOMAN would like sew ini, I the day Phone 6157 W CHILDREN'S DRESSES Plain sewing, lat c i tlerns. Mr H irrls 90o N Stanton. PLIN AND 1-VNO SEWING Alterations, -Jar-ling men nig and repairing 417 Texas. Plinr r 3774 HfcMhTITCHING HOKk by expert demon strator executed on short notice and reaaon ai f ratcb Singer Store. 81 El Paso 8t Ladies and dry goods concerns who Intend hating work of this kind done will do well n call upon a for full particulars. Electric Irons. -ELECTRIC IHOXS, $JO EVERY DAT. FJ rate Heebie Railway Co. Fle.tnr- Bldg -Phone 1321. . Furniture Packing. 1101 hUloLl) COODS packed, stored and Wpp-d- DuSamc A. Wellborn. Phone 3 l'Ai KING and shipping household goods our iped ,iy Furniture repairing, finishing and upholstering R. L. Daniel Furniture. Mat !" Factory 410-12 Myrtle Phone 1025 FyakHre Repairing. riUNITCKK -BEl'AIKED ITohol.ri.nw- cuMjns made to order, prices reasonable. P'fnf ".ISt CTS BBTAIREH Allen Arms Cycle Co. .INS REPAIRF.D W iCm x PI me 51 j It Shop II MOHR rAV8 THE HIGHKbT PRICES " r gjm and tools. Rlna us un if sab Ring as up 41. 309 JVoBt. Juak Dealers. liJJNOIS- BOCTXK & JUNK COMPANY. 10 ) erUind Phone 1041. a--a. HEKHVN HLOOH- CO. Scrap metmT iopitr l.rois. bon,s, wool, hides, rope. ram. PI one 64 30 K Boulevard. L I'SO IRON MKTAL CO. 1606 San . iluiiiu ueaier: Dealers In bcrap Iron, rubber, cop non" etc Phone 42Sv Tir bras SH Livestock Ba. FOR h I E Toung horse and bugfey Sll lOR t.IL 10 licicl of good work horses o i K Phi np "ro u-nti II E nl , J,r PJ , v ;, 1 111 4l Ff- g-TW?AsreTe4r75Phtne66r Guei. j j, Too Late to Classify. AN ASSERTION Easily proved A bargain. 60 acres alfalfa. good house, all farm Implements, on main road and canal, for few days only at $110 per acre J1200 cash. bat easy. Autos at your service. E. S. rennebaker. 607 Two Republics. Phone 3641 This ad appeared 3 times -in The Herald. Mr. Pennebaker had 4 good inquiries and sold the tract to one of them- You can do as well. Write your ads and phone The Herald, the k wonderful silent salesman. ' Phone 116115. A Herald Want Ad Does the Business. Ready Reference Business Directory Sell Livestock Buy. 2 MONTHS OLD bull calf Phone 5522 YOUNG MARE, ill'A E. Second. harness and new wagon. FOR SALE S7 large Missouri mules and flvo 8 ton ore ivagons In good condition. Address, Gregg & Gleim. Maria, Tex. FOR SALE SO head, of Al saddle horses 15 hands high and over. Price J 75 each. Address S. W. Samuel, box S10, Safford, Aril. CUT FROM $175 TO S143 for Immediate sale Nicer young 4 year old filly and run about buggy as good as new. Inquire 318 Herald Bldg. FOR bALE Large, speedy good looking horse -with surrey and harness. Animal verv gentle and strong and an excellent family horse has always had good home and Is in excellent condition, rig In fair condition. Owner leaving city Phone 5222 or 2281 Millinery. MISS LULA 3L1SON" Remodeling --- 20 N Stanton i ' Mattresses. Mattresses Renovated DuSang & Wellborn. Mercantile Agencies. IS. G. DUN CO. Mercantile reports. Paso office. 5U1 Guaranty Trust Bldg LOCAL 31ERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on Individuals, collections. Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Agencies. Harry I'ateman, Mgr. Rooms S31 -SIS Herald Bldg MusicaL WALTER D VMS Piano teacher, 55 month. Voice 6 Phone SSSS Paper and PapersSiJ. EL TASO PAPER CO. Phone 3672. 318 Mills St Plumbers. PRONTO PLUMBER Call us for that hurry up Job We don't hold you up in prices. Ren, phone 8043. office. 1063 Poultry, Etc FOR SALE Fat belts and ducks., Ph. 4692 J 12 HENS and cockerel. 818 Parsons Chicken Ranch El Paso 6 PLLLETS and cockerel. J10 to 81S. sons Chicken Ranch. Par- BREEOBHS and pullets. II each. IE eggs. SI Mcasday Poultry Farm. Alpine Texas. Public Stenographers. J J CBOHXEl. Public Stenographer. Caples Bldg Phone 1069 Storage Warehouses. EL TASO STORAGE WAREHOUSE Larg est best equipped in city Goods called for and stored Cheapest and best Th, 2166 Spanish Lessons. SPVNISH taught 701 N El Paso. Ph. 6856. rBOF. ItRAN O. Graduated. 24 Buckler Bldg. CONVERSATIONAL Palmore College. 2420 Ph. Second Hand Goods. LADIES' CLOTHING BOUGHT Ph. 1E34. CLOTHING We positively tav rood nrices for Second hand clothing Phone 4037. HIGHEST PRICES TAID for men's 2d hand clothing New starter, needs goods. Ph. S384. HIGHBST PRICES PAID for all kinds sec- 1 ond hand clothing, shoes, hats. Ph. 1C34. TURN' YOUK OLD FURNITURE and second hand clothing Into cash, i Highest prices paid Phone 3491 Second Hand Furniinre. WANTED 2d hand furniture. R. U Dan lels Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1025. WANTED TO BUY second hand furniture. Linda Furniture Co, 111 E. Overland. Phone 589 HIGHEST PRICKS PAID for second hand furniture, stoves, carpets. Phone 4097 Texas Furniture Co . 406 S. El Paso St. WE BUY, SELL or exchange anything in household goods. Itlo Grande Hardware and Furniture Co 407 N Oregon St Ph. 896 Store Repairing. STOVES SET rr PHONE 589. Taxideimists. M. t'LUGSTON 3624 MorencL Ph 6964 TV. McLEMNROSTfloao-i 'Frisco St. Tools. JVANTHD To i buy ia hand tools and guns. H Mohr 309 S El P-mo s Typewriters. TII'EWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO- AH makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona Typewriter 216 Mills SL f hnn. J32. Sell Vehicles Buy. riftt 2.1IjK FurttttnrA TT T. eta,,. art Furniture Co . g5 s Stanton. Wallpaper. MAM, ittMJB, 10c double roll and up Phone 3581. 208 N Campbell. AnsWers to Herald Ads. following list ot uncalled for answers to Herald Want Advertise ments are now being held for delivery at The Kerald business office: A, 5 C. il a f. a. D 2 r 4i H. F. H. J. C. 44 L. C M. M 366 M. G. 13 & M & 34 X M9 47 T. V 380 V 12 W. 7J2 W JS W. 92 X 7 X. 412 Z. 447 ' Z. 450 Z. 13 Dfctor Heukekeeper Mr V,: H. Soott 34 Too Late to Classify. (SIGNIFICANT. 5 lots 1 block from end Montana St Jlftoo cash for of paving on 6. Worth the eacn. 4 corner lots French addition, the 4 Worth 3200 each. 3460 for 4 corner lots block ro Altura. An extra harg n HC0 for 4 Worth J200 each. 1000 exchange pr ipoalt'ons I h Pennebaker. 1k1 Istate iile Ijnl R n'-he, fittlr Mmrp 517 Two R pui !i Phone 2C4L Qulck Action Too Late to Classify. S100 DOWN, 15 monthly, will buy-- room home, fenced, sleeping porch, on car line. $1600. i Hanking Bros, l'hone 2S00. WALKING DISTANCE 5 room red pressed brick. N. Florence St Cut from 34500 to 53400, terms. Hawkins Bros. Phone MOO. COST OWNER S5500 He will sell for S3SO0 this 6 room brick close in on. Boulevard paing paid S1000 down will handle it Hawkins Bros. Phone 2800. LOTS WANTED In exchange for S passen ger automobile, electric lights, demount able rims. Hawkins Bros. Phone S800. V NOTHING DOWN Just move in and pay by month This 4 room bungalow, south front only 12409 Phone 2800 for appoint ment nawlJns Bros., Morgan Bldg. NOTIONS AND NOVELTY BUSINESS fof S1200. This Is a rare opportunity for a man or noman to get a business that will make them a good lllng $500 down needed. BAKERY lOR S1800 Receipts 150 dally The profits will surprise you. You do not have to be a baker to run the business. Just a business man. LUNCH COUNTLR. billiard hall and sa loon for SHOO. Big money maker for a hustler See Lonls Howell, !02 Herald Bldg. ON THE MESA. 10 of the best lots on the first mesa at J350 per lot You can double your money on thete lots in o months. Kern Place Kealtv Co. Phone 6774 308 Mesa Ave ANOTHER ASSERTION Easily proved. A bargain. SO acres. On the Borderlarfd Pure silt J12S per acre. $2250 cash. baL 5 years, for 1 week only Title absolute. Close to market This tract will bring $300 within 2 years. Autos at your service. E. S. FennebaLer. Suite S7, Two Republics Bldg Phone 2641 DrfSlSTRlWyjt 4.ft J 4 room modern brick, 7BclWT( it, corner on N Kansas St for J 3600 Must have 81500 cash. Think of It' 83300 for 3 lots this close in. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. On 2 full lots hot water heating plant, full basement on Boulevard at 84000 Must have 82000 cash. S ROOM BUNGALOW On 52x122 feet east front on Ange St, for $3960 Where' else will $700 down buy more? Will PAY RENT? $46 a month will buy a S room red pressed brick, close in on Boulevard St About $80 down will handle it Price $3750 N. FLORENCE ST. E room red pressed brick. 40 ft east front at $3750 J7E0 cash. walking distance to churches, schools and postofflce TCLAROSA ST. South 40 ft front S room new bungalow,, paving and side walks in, at $4500 Just pay us $E0 and move in. You will own a home before you know it Cnwldy Necl. 211 Mills St Phone 920. TRICE SSKO. OX BEAUTUUL MONTANA ST. Typical bungalow architecture. masive cobble stones piers and chimney; roomy porches, artistic pergola, built of blue vitri fied brick, abestos roof. The Interior is un usually attractive large living room and dining room, bulltin bookcases, colonnade opening, beautiful brick aianteL A feature of this beautiful home is the breakfast room with bulltin furniture, all finished In white enamel. The kitchen is equipped with a modern cabinet, another good point in tfela iiuuic -la u. nauway Detwen the htthmnm j?? j?r,? fi"!..?8, r?,oms and lho Wtchen are finished with vUrallte, white enameL T-Mt T-m-, ..-. 1 T, What "Sterling" U to Mirer Jlaj-field' Is to a Home. 1 Mayfield. Phone 684 BUY OV THE MESA NOW And double your money In 6 months. Kern Mace Rraltv Co. Phone 6774 M8 Mea A THE MESA. In location, surroundings and natural beauty thla subdivision has no competitor, and can TODAY be dnPllcated. Buy Ramey Bros. ' First National Bank Building Phone 613. FOR 8LE. A long list of bungalows on Montana St. In the bungalow district, with sill the'Siew features, all modern and uptodate 1M V,,1?, ,5et on nock IIana switch, near retail district on Texas St. Several pieces of business property pay ing a good rate of interest on the invest- nenu ' i 750Weach.9 C"ly 2 W0,kS rm Lamar sch0'' 3750 An 8 room house 36900. on ni0 Grande st- I FOR RENT. udtoSSdV tt corner of s stanton Frank A. Spence. M? fi1? "v.'f" "J1? and Investments. 307 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 1933 ROOMING HOUSES-MONEY MAKERS. BUSINESS CHANCES Let us show you what we have. Some good propositions cigar stores, res Uurants, grocery stores, saloons, eta VALLEY LANDS Up and down the valley No trouble to show you. atTourrvIcT11 EaI"raen and lw0 aDl" ,r ,. W. c Btl? Realty Co. 105 N Stanton St &,, m627, FOR RENT. Modern, steam heated store rooms. Myrtle and Kansas. ' Doos,a.,..c- frowen Agency. 208 Mills Bldg. termso's'uTt1'111" d"h buna". xl20: S1800. JSMsh.'haleis;.0" IOtS' on SL Vln $3730. l'-oU. nor?1.,fra,m.l' M Alta Vista school. 3100 cash, terest. - vci memo. Including in- S2000. 3 lota 4 room frame, per month. $100 down, $25 SVAP. Better Vhn. ".l,-rali Hearty Co. Phone 1549 11-12-13 Morge Morgan Bldg. BRING THE PIECES When you break your glasses and I will grind j ou a new lens ox mtly like the broken cated. t0 d'"icult or to C0P" Geo. D. Kendall 208 Mesa Ave. t.r.nds Speual Lcnss, LOTS FOR SALE E. Rio Grande St, any terms to suit you Hen. II. Itenoaii, zu -iiesa aio. I NEAR SCENIC DRUEWAY. An east front corner, 44x12!, on the mesa, for 1900. The best buy In the Alexander , addition. I Kern Tlace Realty Co. Phone 6774 308 Mesa Ave CASH FOR HIGHLAND PARK LOTS. Only bargains considered. Kilburn-Lindscy Co. 103 Main St Phone 803 PBOSPECT AVETBAliciXLN ro6m mod- em home. 600 bile. barn, garage, shop, nice lawn. Owner going to California, quick sale, Newman Investment Co. DAILY BULLETIN. About 40 acres, lower valley, for home in El Paso. , ,cn 11 acres 12 miles of El Paso, only S150 per acre, terms. ... Metz car. 1914, run 1000 miles, 340. Ford roadster, good condition. J215. Byrora E. Fenimore. 308 Trust Bldg ' Phone E0.Z FOR AALLEY OR STOCK RANCHES See us. We have the bargains. ANYTHING TO TRVDE? We can match you. While-Pnden Realty Co. By J. C. Tandy- ,,.. 11-12-13 Morgan Bldg Phone 1549 BARGAINS IN HOMES. 4 room house Just finished on Fort Bliss car line, hardwood floors, bulltin bookcases and buffet glassed-in sleeping porch. One of the very best houses on the market. Price J2850 $250 down, SJ5 monthly. Howell Realty Co. 202 Herald Bldg Phone B67. MANIL1TTAN HEIGHTS HOME Beautiful, new 5 room bungalow, hardwood finish, fur nace, south front, stationary tubs, paeJ street, S5250 Owner will make reduction quick sale. Terms to suit Newman Investment Co. SEE OUR BARGAINS Howell Realty -Co FOR RENT 4 room brick cottage in High land Park. Modern conenIences; on car line Phone 3890 FLRNISHED ROOMS In private home with or without board, Creole cooking 1S0S E. Boulevard. Cars to and from races pass the door WANTED Flrstcless English, speaking chambermaid, no other need apply. Ph. 2764 NICELY furnished room, close in. nio Grande. Phone 228S J 219 W TWO SMALL S907 J rooming houses, fulL Call WANTED Boy to wait on table and work in kitchen. Apply at K. of C, 890 Myrtle FOR BENT In new Germane Apts., 2 and 2 room apta, modern, close In. steam heat and Janitor service. Apply to H. B. Stevens, or phone -t246 TWO LARGE BOOMS $25. private entrance. walking distance 1029 Olive l'OR BENT Unfurnished 3 room flat, front and back porches, close In, near high school. Call EOS Nevada St Call after 4 pm. SEE OUK BARG INS Howell Realty Co, 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 916 N Kansas. Phone 5509 BOIS WANTED to deliver telephone books. Apply Franklin Printing Co. Apply In per son Do not telephone. i Nfo: SLE 5 acres opposite Cineeue Park on proaa s soum xroni. hhs. diock is. ManhuTfJRMht See w H Scott, owner Phone 213 FOR RENT Beautifully . r3f' rw,m in private home, with bath for 12 gentleU n , breakfast if desired. references exchangv Phone 6456 FURNISHLB room in private Tiome to gen tleman. no sick. Phone 771 TWO NIC-CIA furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenet, hot water, phone and bath. In private family, close in. Phone 4717 QR.VDLATE NURSE will care for several small children In her own home. Ph. 1S06 A N'BAT, experienced waitress wishes posi tion where she can work for herself and husband's board, husband employed, joun" couple, healthy Ph. 4J67. lady In room 29 NICELY furnished 3 room apt. with bath, within walking distance. 700 Mundy Phone 6115. HAN'DSOJIEIA' furnished room. tana. 401 Mon- FOR RENT Front room adjoining bath. In private home walking distance, reason able Phone 6147 W OUR WORK A8 GOOD AS THE BEST better than some We sew on buttons and mend the rins. Try us. Right Way Laun dry Phone 1119 see ou: ra H-. -UtOAINS Howell Realty Co. M ANTED Position by an experienced of fice man. salary no object Address 'Work, care Herald. fclTUAIION V. ANTED T anted position as compositor 5 years experience Address Printer 327 W Missouri. FOR LE Apperson 45. as good as new Will sell cheap Phone 746 or call at 109 Broadway NEM PARTb MADE and carried for ail makes of stoves. L. J Peeler, with D and II. Iron Works, corner U Eth and S. Flor ence Sta, Ph. 344 Will call at youj home FURNISHED ROOM with bath, hot water. 701 Wyoming FOR SALE 4 passenger car In good con dition cheap for cash, or will trade for good motorcycle or lota Phone 392: for demon stration GOOD 160 ACRE claim for sale cheap, near Demlng. or will trade for houses or lots. Phone 993 J 5. HAN TED Colored chambermaid. Ph. 4987. Call 216 S Oregon. "WANTED Few more customers for rich. Juicy milk, who live between 1500 and 3400 block. East El Paso Phone M67 J ' LOST A brown, bald faced Shetland pony Phone 19S7 or call 1819 Montana. T J Ceggins. FOR BENT 5 room furnished cottage 1! E. Boulevard. MOOSE AEE WEARING "EL PASO SMILE" A telegram received Thnrodav morning from Dr r P Miller and Dr B, B Hon an. who are reDresentlnc th chamber of ommerce and local Moost I joage at tne Denver meeting of the grand trustees to select a site for the proposed 3500,000 sanitarium, stated that Kl Paso's chances for securing tht building arc very bright The Kl Paso delegates adopted Tho Herald suggestion and have distributed among the delegates present ribbons bearing the inscription, "We wear tho El Paso smile, the city that never has the blues." i Silver City has two delegates at the convention and is making an effort to secure the sanitarium, as is Phoenix. Ariz. ROGERS IS HELD TO GRAND , JURY ON $20,000 BOND Clare I Rogers, the registry mail clerk, who is held in connection with the Itheft of 32S.000 from the regis tered mail in the EI Paso postofflce ' on SeptemDer 2, was bound over to the grand jury and his bond fixed at S20.000, by U, S. commissioner George V Oliver at the conclusion of his hear ing Wednesday afternoon He was unaoie to furnish bond in this amount His attornej, W. B. "Ware, gave notice that ho would sue out a writ of habeas corpus GIRL IS CUT BY GL1SS WHEN" CIGAR COUNTER BREAKS Miss Mary Forsvthe, clerk at the oigar stand in the First National Bank building, had her arms badly clat jthis morning when, in turning over a fella of magazines she let the pile drop heavily and crash through the plate glass show case Pieces of the glass struck her arms, cutting them badlv. Miss Forsythe was removed to her home The Plate glass, which is two and a half by seven feet, was completely shattered Remember Clean coal and full weights mean f url o onomv Southwestern Fuel Co. ohone 5"! dvcrtlsemcnt iron form News Brevities (Ajvertlsemsnt) Train Bulletin. All afternoon and night trains for Thursday aro reported on time. Iievr City Directory. The compilation of the 1915 El pa,n City Directory Is nearly flnuvfi FZ i publishers should be promptly notified , of any change In your business, busl- SSw ln,ldeVdS. nl ? cna asemw information-' Please-lv tneioilowing information: 1 a"e j" UI, Old address. Also the names of all adults moving with you. John P. Worley Directory Co- 12 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. El Paso Booklets Distributed. More than 200 El Paso booklets were distributed at Houston on Texas press day of the deep water celebration. One cor of assorted mouldings. Pick it out at half price. Bargains in sash and doors. Roofing paper. Lander Lumber Co , phone 282. dinner Poultry Men to Meet. A meeting of the El Paso Poultrv assoclation will be held Th,..T. night at 3 oclock at the chamber of commerce.- Final arrangements for the poultry- show NoTember 26 Willi be dis cussed at the meeting Dr. A. T. Still Osteopathic Infirmary. v. .,, i,. .uiu-is, iiiii.;iun in cnief: Dr. M. Alklre, Jidy specialist; Dr. Carl uiusun, tin w. oiisspun street. They cured others. They can curs yon. AftkM Police to Locate Man. Chief of police L N. Davis Thursday moriilng received a telegram from Mrs. I' D Jlontgomerj, of Memphis, Tenn asking him to locate F. D. Montgom ery, who Is reported seriously m in this city. A Card or Thanks We desire to extend our thanks to neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in our hour of grief, In the loss of our daughter, Agnes Zlerath. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Zierath. An cxtri large sepia picture free this month with each order of J 5.80 or over. smart's studio, -storehouse BIk. Fuueral Itendyi Principal Alive. Chej enne. "Wyo . Nov 12. With prep arations complete for the funeral of their son Robert, who was reported killed last week in a wreck near Springfield, Mo, Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Bollln. of this city Wednesday night received a message from Fort Worth, Tetas, signed with his name and stating that he was in good health See The Herald's Ready Reference Business Directory in our classified section. Arranged al phabetically (with telephone numbers) tor the convenience of readers who may require Instant service. Seek to Rescue Miners. Pottsvllle. Pa, Nov 12. Rescuing parties hae been working continuously for more than 68 hours in an effort to reach W. O Schriner, of Tower CItj, and John Evans, miners, who were en tombed at the Brookside mine last Alonday The men are (mnrtqnncfl in . a breast and there Is but little chance Iw- -ommunicate with them, they are Vnoown to be alive although Tanso Lavender Line of rent cars, taxicabs and limousine are the best c?is driven by c $ful, experienced drivers Phone 1, daj or .night Snnta Fe Official He-re. F. E. Summers, sunerintendeirTof the Rio Grande division of the SantJeJ railvvav lines, arrived in EI PasoN Thursday morning- from San MarciaL T H Bristol, general superintendent of the southern division of the system, at La. Junta, Colo , accompanied Mr Summers. LonKirrir1 LaTcnder Line of rent cars. limousines, taxicabs and auto baggage trucks are on the job day and night cjulck service, careful drivers. Pbone 1. Nov. IS Rumored Evncuatlnn Date. Laredo, Tex, Nov. 12. A dispatch from Mexico City received here this morning says that Veracruz -will be evacuated by the American troops on November 15 The advices, according to the dispatch, was contained In a telegram from Gen Frederick Funs ton, addressed to Gen. Candido Agul lar. commander of the Mexican army, and Gen Carranza. t Dr. Jnrslesan, diseases of Kidney. Blad der. Skin and Rectum. 618 Mills Bldg Dr. Anna Reuai.Buckler Bldg., over Elite. IT. S. Seeks Tas DodgerB; Washington, D. C Nov. 1!. CfTcIals of the treasury department are seeking to lay the groundwork for a vigorous and nationwide campaign for the de tection of income tax dodgers and the collection of unnaid taxes which some authorities believe may, mount Into millions Dr.IIurIcr.319 Herald BIdgobstetrlcs. diseases of w omen and nervous troubles. Dr. Paget, dentist, 502 Boberts-Banner. mil, Optician of Precision, 421 Mesa. Juvenile Worker Here. Dr and Mrs. A. S Orne are In El Ppso for a time in the interest of Juve nile court work. Dr. and Mrs. Orne have been interested in work for chil dren and in the juvenile ourts and probation work for some time. Dr. Cnthcnrt X-ray laboratory removed to 310 Roberts-Banner Bldg. Phone S86. Phone SS7. Wilson Mllltcan, the best cleaners. White work a specialty. Dr, Morford, moved to 21S Mills Bldg Won't 3Iodlfy Wool Embarso, Washington, D C. Nov. 12. Ambas sador Page has reported from London that Great Britain for the present is unwilling to modify the embargo on the exportation of wool from Australia. Wool dealers, however, are hoping through the state department to con tinue negotiations so as to enable them to participate In the auction sales soon to be held in Australia. Dr. Cameron, dentist, 202 Rob -Ban Bldg. Dr. Eliert, dentist, 216-21S Mills Bldg. El ro Distilled Water Co- Ph. 489. Turkish Bnths, 406 N. Oregon Clau sager has returned. Phone 1090. "PLUMBERS WANTED TO RIDE IN AUTO; STRUCK," BOSS SAYS Five journeymen plumbers employed bl I P. JlcChesney went out on Strike Wednesdaj, McChcsney sas He sajs the plumbers demanded a. chauffeur to drive the automobile which was used for making repair work trips. He declined to grant the request of the plumbers and they walked out. he claims. Charles Escott, president of the Plumbers' union. Bald he knew of the strike but said lie did not know what caused the strike. FORD ni,NS INTO MOTOR COP'S MOTORCYCLE THURSDAT The Ford automobile belonging to L. P McChesney, which was being driven by J B. Ross, struck the motorcycle belonging to deputy sheriff Bill Davly, in front of the Popular, Thursday morn ing at about 10 oclock The damage to the motorcjcle was slight Davis was not on it The hearing of W C Winkl r, charffed with reikless driving has been pn-tnoned until Fnturdrv to nermit Mr v, inkier to .ecurc another witneso. WILSON OBJECTS TONEERO'STONE! Tells Delegation if It Calls Again, New Spokesman Will Be Necessary. - Washington, D C Nov 12. -President Wilson, while receiving a delega tion of negroes today who came to the white house to protest against seg regating the races in government de partments, objected to the tone adopted by their spokesman, W. M Trotter, of Boston, and told the committee that If it called on him again it would have to get a new chairman. The president added that he had not been, addressed in such a manner since he entered the white house The delegation charged that secre tary McVdoo and controler Williams, In the treasury department, and post master general Burleson had enforced segregation rules in their offices. President Wilson replied that ho had ! investigated the question and had been assured that there had been no discrim ination In the comforts ana surround ing given to the negroes He added he had been informed by officials that th segregation had been started to avoid friction between the races and ' not with the object of injuring the npfrpnp The president said he was deeply in terested in the negro race and greatly admired Its progress. He declared the thing to be sought by the negro people was complete independence of white people and that he felt the white raee was willing to do everything possible to assist them. Spokexmun Takes Issue. Trotter and other members at onco took Issue with the president, declar ing the negro people did not seek char ity or assistance, but that they took the position that the negroes had equal rights with vwhltes and that those rights should be respected. They de nied there had been any friction be tween the two races before the segre gation was begun. President Wilson listened to what they had to say and then told the delegation that Trotter was losing con trol of his temper and that he (the president) would not discuss the mat ter further with him .Negroes Are Disappointed. After leaving the president's private office Trotter, Maurice V Spencer and others of the delegation deolared their talk had been "thoroughly disappoint ing" They declared they would hold a mass meeting in Washington Sunday to discuss the question. Mr. Wilson is understood to have told the committee the question was not a political one and that he would not take it up on political grounds. THE COURTS EIGHTH COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS. James R. Harper. A. M. Wnltliall, . F. liiggins, jusuces. Motion Granted. Fred M Bishop vs. Dan A. Japhet. from Harris appellant s motion for a rehearing, case reversed and Tendered In lieu of re versed and remanded. Motions Overruled. Charles Glnther, Intv vs. Rosa Campo de Zabaliroltlo et al. froei El Paso, two cases. t motions for rehearing bTta M. liisnop vs. uan a. japnec irom Harris, appellee's motion for a rehearing H. C Marks vs E. Sambrano et al, from EI Paso, appellant's motion for a rehearing W L. Dickson vs F L. Lights et al, from Harris, appellee's motion for a rehearing. Motions Submitted. J It. Vance vs. A. B. Miller et sJ, from Martin, appellee's motion for a rehearing. J T Patterson et ux vs. Sylvan Beach Co, from Harris motion of all parties to substitute lost record. VJeanette A Rose Bergere vs. B. J Par kt from Harris, appellees motion for a rehAuing A, Affirmed. Charles filler et al vs. Ben Campbell, from "Harris. H. Prince et al vs. Joe H. Tayior, from Harris. Bastrop & Austin Bayou Blec Growers Assn. et al vs. J. B Cochraa et al, from Harria Affirmed With Kcmlttltnr. Southern Pacific Oh et al vs. Annie Walker, from Harris. Reversed and Remanded. W H. Irvin vs. James Jehasen et sJ,' f ram Harris. J. W. Miller et al vs. T. F. FMtery et ux, from Harris. Set for December 3. 1914. Royal Indemnity Ce. vs. A. Schwartz, irom til z'aso. s T. C and C T. Mitchell vs. C O. Thomasw from Presidio. Galveston. Harrisburg & San Antonio By. Co. vs W T Kallogg. from El Paso, J R. Day n& Levi Anderson vs. G. E. Darsey trufil Culberson. Daniel Pi Sanford vs. D M. Cobe, from Reeves. H. T r.odge vs. Toyah Valley Irrigation Co et al. from Reeves. Texas & Pacific By. Co vs. Sd Miller et al. from Ward. ' Southwestern Portland Cement Co. vs. H. A. Kezer. from Bl Fmso. Texas & Pacific Ry. Ce. vs. Mipanla A. de Marujo. from Bl Pass. Leslie A. Needham et al vs. P. Albert Cooney. from Reeve. H. C. Zlmmer vs. First National bank of Pecos, from Reeves. Toyah Valley Irrigation Co. vs. Winston, from Reeve. W. E. 31TH DISTRICT COURT. Dan M. Jackson Presiding. John A tier vs. Frank Foster et al, suit on contract for damages; on trial. Lincoln Park company vs. Government Hill company, autt for damages fer drain age of surface water, on trial. B A. Ferguson vs. 3. K. Ferguson, suit for divorte. Plaintiff granted leave to amnd petition. SrECIVL DISTRICT COURT. Lcich Clark, Presiding. C E. Ryan vs. the Galveston. Harrisburg & San Antonio Railroad company, suit for $25,009 damages for personal Injuries: on trial. Case Settings. Monday. Dec. 7 6629 Basken vs. Fulkerson. 8319 Crayon Co vs. Martin. 943S Slum vs. White. 9114 Cullen vs. Parker. Thursday. Dec 10: 8394 Folx vs. Miller 8938 Warden vs. Kroeger (non-reIdnt). 95S9 UcMtllan vs. T. & P. By. Ce. 1094: Rosenblum vs. G. H. & S. A. Monday. Nov 32: 10298 Schoonmaker vb. T & P. 9960 William vs. Mex. Ry Co. 9925 Gano vs. Business Men's association. Thursday. Nov 26- 10949 Booker vs. E. P 4 S W 11031 Woodson vs. E. P. & S. W. 9084 Burndam vs. Texas Co. Thursday. Nov 19 10983 Lederle vs. S. P. Co. 41ST DISTRICT COURT, r. R. Price, Presiding. Case Settings. For Nov 19- 11003 Guadalupe Saucedo vs. Bl Paso Milling Co. 10532 Rosendo Vasquez et al vs. Hughes Bule Co. 10533 Martin Vasquei by next friend vs. Hughes-Bule Co For Nov 13 1098S George F. Lederle Vs. Southern Pa cific Co For Nov 23' 10298 D. W Schoonmaker vs. T. & P By Co. 9950 F I Williams vs. Mexico North western Ry. Co 9926 Cora W Gano vs. Business Men's Protective association. For Nov 26: 10949 L. E. Booker et al vs., EI Paso S. Southw eetern system. 11031 W W Woodson vs. E. P A s. W. I By. Co. 9054 u. i: .uurnaara vs. lesae co. For Dee. 3: 10992 W. M Barrett vs. Southern Pa clftc Co For Dec 10 1092 V Carranxa vs. Wells Fargo Ex press Co. (non-resident) JUSTICE COURTS. J. J. Murphy. Presiding. State vs Francis KIrchgesner charged with assault to murder held te grand Jury In sum of 3500 State vs Lulu Stevens t barged with theft over laO complaint filed State vs LIHIe TVinei charged with con- WHEAT RALLIES; GJIIN MODERATE Corn Strengthened by Pros pects of Unsettled feath er; Oats Also Higher. NOTE Quotations reflect Thursday. November It. closing price. Chicago, IH , Nov 12 Wheat tended ta rally today because of the absence of any developments that would confirm Wednet, dayi rumors of peace The open log which ranged from the same aa Wednesday night to to c higher, was followed by a moderate Advance all around. Closing prices were steady at to c net advance. Prospects of nn net tied weather strength ened the corn market. After opening to je npv prices advanced to nearly the top reached at the offset. The close was lirm, to to c above Offerings of oatsxwere light. Accordingly quotations rose as in the cases of1 other eereate. Frovtsloos sympathized with the firmness of grain. Grain and Provisions. Chicago Grains. Close. Wheat Dec. L15V: Mar. L25. Corn Dec., 6. May, 7SK. Oats pec., 49. Mar. 53. Chicago Provisions. Close. Pork Jan., 19 49, May. 19 77. Lard Jan., 10 57; May, 18 70. Ribs Jan.. 10.35, May, 10.65. LIVESTOCK Kansas City -Livestock. Close. Kansas City, Mo. Nov. 12. Cattle Rects. 7000. market steady Prime fed steers. ?1OO91L0O. western steers, $7 00095, calves, (6 50 10 50 Hoj-ts Recta. 18.000 market strong; bulk. J7j4 07.75, heavy, (...,;. pies, 6 si- Sheen Rects. 7000: market steady Lambs, 38 003 00, yearlings. 37.50 Ft. Worth Livestock. Close. (By Zelger Hotel.) Cattle Recta 5400. Including 10M calves. Steers, 36.3590 75. stocker steers. 35 750 (90. cows, 34 2565 25. heifers. 36 250(20, bulls. 34 5005 25 calves, 32 7505 75 Hpgs Recta. 2000, top, 37.70, bulk, 37.35 67 60 Sheep Rects. 150. MONEY AND METALS. NEW YORK MARKET. (By Associated Press). New York. Nov 12. Closing Mercantile paper. 5 49)6 percent Electrolytic copper weak at 11 IS for cash and 11 20 for 30 days. Mexican dollars, 40. Bar silver. 40. Spot tin, quiet, five ton lots. 33.62i0 24 25. and 33.SO034.2S fer 26 ton Iota. Lead, 3E:S0 Spelter. 4 94?IM. Electrolytic copper, 11.37S91I-54; east' lng. 1L25911.37K Iron, quiet and unchanged! London 3Iarkets. London. Bng- Nov 1L Tin, I18S ster ling, straits. 1149 sterling. Copper. 59, sl5. London. Bng.. Nov. IS. Spot Un, IKS, slO; straits. 1148: eepper. fSl, si, lead, 17, s7. d. spelter. 24. s. ht Imts Lead and Spelter. St Louts. Mo- Nov. 12, Lead higher S.42He3Sti. Spelter nominal. 4.SS. TUB LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency, 20. Mexican gold. 49. Mexican pesos (El Paso buying price) 4" Villa currency. 17, Carranza currencr 18. Chihuahua currency. 17 Bl Paio Smelter Quotations. (Corrected Daily) Pig lead 3 50 Bar silver (Handy A Harmon quota tionUon) 48 X London lead. 17, sT, di. eaaUng stelen property; complaint filed. Joee Garcia Conde. charged with using abusive language. Hoed 35 and costs. Miguel A. Alridee, charged with, disturb ing the peace fined 31 and costs. E. B. MeClIntock. Presiding. Cae StftHngs. Nov. 11, No. 41S1 Lamar Davis vs. Max Gory. Nov. 12. No. 4010 Rades vs. Daniel. Nerr IS, No. 4103 Curtiss-Mannlng Co vs. Atderete Bros.: No. 4163, Elliott. Madison vs. G. N. Thomaa. Nov. 16. Ne. 4173 Rascon vs. Casares. No. 4149. Chavez vs. SabadX Nov 17. No. 4150 JamUon vs. Brown No. 3932, Wfctte-Fadea ReaHy Co. vs. James T Nox. Nov. IS, No. 418 Adaras vs. Austin & Marr. No. 4132, Powers it Truesdala vs. Maurice Schwartz. . . Nov. 19, No. 2444 L, W Hoffepker vi Cambridge Tile Manufacturing Co. , No. 4170 ilaruete. vs. G, H. & S. A. tr. 20, No. SJ85 HajnlHan Sliver Co. v. Spnsjser. No. 40S5; Trejo vs. E. P. & S. W Nov. SI Goldine vs. Kran. Nov -tS No. 4151: Sparks vs. Edwajds, No. 34SS, AWerete vs. Bryan. Nov 24, .No. 41S Hemming vs. Lewis No. 4156. HoV.'eker vs. Springer. No. 4155. Hoffecker vs. Whiber Nov 25. No. 3995 American Grocery Co. vs. Kraky. V. Nov. 27, No. 4051 TBsSTP vs. Peyton. Nov. 28. No. 4021 Held vs. Butler Nov St, No. 4147 4JeorK SJ. JEarp vs. Ochoa. " - WEATHER BULLETIN. X. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTXBE. WATIIES BUREAU. Observations taken at S am, TSth me ridian time ( EI Paso time). Nov. 12. 1914. Forecast. EI Paso and. vicin ity Fair tonight and Friday. New Mexico To nlght and Friday, fair. not much change in tempera ture. West Texas To Blght fair, colder in the Panhandle. Fri day, fair. Precipitation last Si hours (Inch).... Weather at 8 a. ra. I Lowest temp, last night I T Highest yesterday.......! f I ienip. at s a. m.....r AMIene S 61 56 rant Amarlllo 43 s 42 clear Atlanta SO 64 SO clear Boise. Idaho 40 56 IS clear I .SS Beaton .40 54 SS clear Chicago .48 56 46 cloudy Cincinnati 43 58 40 cleudy Denver ..SS 72 34 clear Detroit 38 50 34 rain Dulnth. Minn 28 40 24 cloudy Bl Paso ...r ..45 68 45 clear Galveston 70 70 SS rain Havre. Mont SO 54 90 pt. cldy Jacksonville 56 68 54 cloudy Little Reck 48 72 48 cloudy 0 OS 0 0 e o o Los Angeles........ 58 64 56 cloudy NashvI'le 40 66 SS clear NewOrieans...... 00 70 SS cloudy New Tork..T. 42 68 38 dear Omaha 46 04 44 pt cldy Phoenix 54 72 54 clear Rapid City. S. D ..46 43 pt cldy Beewell 4 00 46 clear o e o o 64 0 0 .10 0 0 0 St Louts 50 62 48 clear ssut Lake City I 5S IS clear San Antonio 64 64 Of rain San Francisco 53 68 SO cloud) Santa Fe 32 54 M clear Seattle 4i 60 44 pt cldy Washington 38 60 34 clear Wichita, Kane 46 (8 44 clear Yuma 54 76 64 clear MEXICAN TAKKN TO THST HOUSE. J Cerauga, -Who oame to Kl Paso from Monterey. Mex , was taken to the isolation house Tluirsday by th health authorities suffering from smallpox. He had been here bnt 10 days JUVRKZ CHILD DIES OF SMALLPOX. The four year old daughter of Mrs Refugio Boisaelier de Urruita died Wednesday at the family home on Comercio street, Juarez Death result ed from smallpox. Remember Clean coal and full weishu mean fuel eionomv bouthwestern I-uel to , phone 1 dvcrtivment iHMVH.. Y?"e-.tvMn