Newspaper Page Text
LUIS GUTIERREZ Brother of Provisional Pres ident Declares in Fa vor of Chief. Gen Lul Gutierrez, brother of Eula lio Gutierrez. provlional president of Mexico by the Aguaacaliente confer ence, it is claimed, te loyal to Carrara Gen. iuia Gutierrez is chief or arms of the city of Saltillo and his defection would have been a serious blow to Car ranza. That he has declared in favor of the first chief is the information re ceived by the local Carranctsta con sulate in a telegram from Carranza, sent from Cordoba. ,.., Some days af?o Col Sebastian Car ranza, jr.. a nephew of Venustiano Car lanza. and chief of arms at C. P. Diaz, informed Gen Luis Gutierrez that he would move his command of 1708 men against Saltillo, unless Gutierrez de clared for Carranza. Whether this ac tion had any effect in determining the attitude of Gutierrez is not known. His stand against his brother, however, will have an Important effect on the atti tude of other Carranza generals who have been wavering, it Is stated. Gutier rez has at Saltillo WOO men. Hatred I Bier Factor. x All reports of defections of Carranza troops to the Villa side are discredited bv Carrancistas. who state that the hatred between the northern and south ern forces will absolutely preclude this. According to Carrancistas. Villa, from the very formation of the division of the north, has carefully fostered the hatred of both the men and officers to troops of the south, using as his chie argument the claim that the division of the north was cheated out of the clory of entering Mexico City. It is V laimed that thisVtred is felt Just as keenly by the southern troops and tha.. for this reason. If for none ; other, the troops of the south will fight with Carranza as long as he Is against Large supplies of arms and ammu nition have been received by Car ranza forces In the last few weeks, it is stated. - . . . At the port of Laredo alone, which is commanded' by Col. Alfredo Rlcaut B. 000.000 rounds of ammunition have been received since Oct. . The Laredo garrison, it is declared, numbers 2000 men. while the Villa troops that have been reported as preparing to attack bands. Zapata Capture Supplies. The repeated attacks on the suburbs ttt Mexico City by Zapata and the ap parent disregard for the wasting o ammunition, despite the reports that the Morelos leader has but a small quantity, is explained by Carrancistas here bv the fact that Zapata has re cently captvred a large amount of am munition from exfederals. It is state! that, at the capture of Cuernavaca by Zapata, he secured millions of rounds of ammunition that had been left there by Gen. Pedre Ojeda, when the feder als disbanded. Those who have taken up arms against the Carranza a-overnment are now being referred to in official com munications as "Convencionalistas," while the Carrancistas call themselves Constitutlonalistas. The new name for the supporters of Gutierrez has Jusi been adopted and was used as an of ficial term for the first time Thurs day. REBELS ARE ATTACKING PUEBLA, IS REPORT Veracrux, Mex.. Nov. II. Higinio puilar, supported by Gen. Benjamin Argumedo and a contingent of Zapata followers, is attacking Fuebla. 67 miles southeast of Mexico City, according to advices received here. The attacking party already is in possession of the outskirts of the city. Constitutionalist soldiers sent from the capital to rein force the Puebla garrison are resisting stubbornly. TWO MKSILLA MBN HELD FOR NEW MEXICO OFFICERS Luis Lucero and Jose Rojas, of Me silla. N. M., ,are being lteld at the police station. They were taken in charge by. K. Moreno, a deputy sheriff from 6na Ana county, N. M., who was here on other business. Frank Amador, who owns a livery barn in Las Cruces and who Is here, says that Lucero and Rojas obtained two horses from his barn to go to Be lino to see their father, who was sick. They failed to return. Amador says, and the horses were found here, to settler with two other horses. MEXICAN CATTLE TO LOS ANGELES. Mexican cattle were shipped to Los Angeles Thursday morning over the Southern raeinc line in a train or i cars. !XSMeK!XX3CXJHWCXX-XX'0fei Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy is Home- Made Easily Prepared In a Fctt Mln- Btcs. Cheap bnt Vneijaaled Some people are constantly annoyed from one Tear's end to the other with a persistent bronchial cough, which is whol. ly unnecessary. Here is a home-made remedy that gets richt at the cause and will make you wonder what became of it. Get 2 ounces Pinex J 50 cents worth) from say dnujRwt, pour into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Start taking it at once. Gradually but surely yon will notice the phlegm thin out and then disappear al together, thus ending a cough that you never thought would end. It also loosens the dry, hoaree or tight cough and heals the inflammation "in a painful cough with remarkable rapidity. Ordinary coughs are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bronchitis, winter coughs and bronchial asthma. This Finex and Sugar Syrup mixture makes a full pint enough to last a family a 1JK time at a cost of only 54 cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas ant. Easily prepared. Full directions with Pinex. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, and is famous the world over for its ease, certainty and promptness in overcoming bad coughs, chest and throat colds. Get the genuine. Ask your drujaziet for "2 ounces Finex." and do not aeeept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. 'The Pines Co., Ft Wayne, W. Kevi Dutch Lunches. Hot Lunch. Hassenpfeffer. All Kinds Cheese. Sausages and Budweiser Smoked White Fish. Marinite Herring Phone 105. 020 N. Stanton St. US EUR NORTH COAST Austrian Forces Slaugh tered in Battle; Rus sians Escape. (Continued from face One.) position held by the British army, which repulsed the attacks of the enemy and particularly an offensive movement un dertaken by a detachment of the Prus sian guard. , "From the canal of La Bassee as far as and up to the river Oise, there have been minor engagements. "In the region of the river Alsne, In the neighborhood of Vailly. we retained our position against a counter attack ana we sirenBiuo"i " -.. -- ... . the territory previously conquered By f iia I Enemy's Cannon Silenced. "In the region of Craonne and on the fleurtebiz farm, our artillery succeeded in reducing to silence the cannon of the enemy. Several of their pieces were even destroyed. "We also made some progress in the vicinity of Berry-Au- "In the Argonne, In the Woevr e dls -trjct, in Lorraine and in the Vosges the respective positions show no change, TOO French. Cnptured. Berlin. Germany, No. 12. Via .Lon don. 6 p. m. German general head quarters today Issued the following. "The enemy advanced from. Meuport as far as Lombartyzde, but was driven across the Tser. The eastern bank of the Yser, as far as the sea, Is now clear of the enemy. , "Our attack across the Tser is Pro "In the region east of Tpres we have advanced farther and captured 109 Fiench soldiers, four cannon and four raschine suns." U. S. CRUISERS SAFE, v CAPT. DECKER REPORTS Washington. D. C Nov. "--The .ar mored cruiser Tennessee in the Medlter- a A4n.. eho Vifld neen in wireless communication vntn tne cruiser .worm Carolina hcuumu that the ship was safe in Beirut har bor. The message was sent by Capt. Ben ton C. Decker of the Tennessee and reached the United States by relays of wireless and cable. It simply an nounced the safety of both ships, mak ing no mention of the reported landing of bluejackets from the North Carolina at Beirut. GERMANY AND HOLLAND AID FOOD DISTRIBUTION London. Eng. Nov. 12. Jarvls E. Bell, of New York, the first member of the American commission for re lief in Belgium to return from Bel gium since the distribution of relief began, states that Instead of hamper ing the efforts to relieve the starving population, the German authorities are dnlnv thnir utmost tn assist the com mission in the work. Mr. well praises equally mo .Luiuix officials for their assistance in the matter of food shipments. In the case of Coblenz, the first American relief ship to arrive, the officials suspended the law momentarily and for the first time In history a ship was permitted to discharge her cargo at a Dutch port on Sunday. RUSSIANS SEND. 50 CARS OF FOOD INTO POLAND Warsaw, Russian Poland, Nov. 12. Representatives of the Petrograd re lie fund for Poland arrived here today from the capital with 50 carloads of provisions for destitute families, and 2SO.O0O rubles (1130,600) in money for the relief of the needy. Russian soldiers continue to unearth, near Warsaw, German machine guns, rifles and ammunition, which had been concealed by the Germans in mounds on the battlefields, which had the ap pearance of graves. U. S. WOXT ENFORCE NEUTRALITY OF OTIIER AMERICAN NATIONS Washington, D. C, Nov. 12 No repre sentations will be made by the United States to Mexico against the alleged m .-.A.1 JtaaAnAwA w9 1 pal ACCf use OI a recently uwwtcicu .n., tower at Ensenada Lower California. One of the European belligerents has made representations direct to Mexico City, and It is understood the state de partment will expect all the European powers to handle the questions of neutrality with Central and South American countries direct. 23,000 AUSTRALIAN TROOPS EMBARK. GUAlUJtilJ MX muiouu San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 12. Pas sengers who arrived here today on the liner Ventura, which left Sydney Op tober 24, reported that a few days sailing 26,000 Australian troops were embarked in 23 transport convoyed, by 14 cruisers, and sailed under cover of night for a destination rumored to be Egypt. 4000 WOUNDED REACII LIEGE. Amsterdam. Holland, Nov. 12. Four thousand severely wounded Germans arrived at Liege Tuesday from the bat tlefields around Dixmude, where most sanguinary fighting has taken place, according to a dispatch from Maes tritch to the Nieuws Van Degen. The dispatch adds that 800 Hungarians passed through Liege en route to Cra cow with several 5.10 centimenter guns. GEN. SCOTT TO BE ARMY CHIEF SOON Gen. Hugn L. Scott, former com mander of the border troops. Is ex pected to succeed Gen. William W. Wotherspoon, the present chief of staff, on November 1G, when Gen. Wotherspoon will retire. Gen. Scott, It is believed, will Boon be raised from the rank of brigadier to major general, as it has been cus tomary for the chief of staff to hold this rank. - Gen. Frederick Funston, command ing the army of occupation at Vera cruz, 4s the ranking brigadier general of the army and he is also a candidate for promotion to be a major general. AMERICANS ESCAPE FROM JUAREZ JAIL A Jail delivery occurred In Juarez Wednesday night, when two Americans and five Mexican prisoners are reported to have escaped. They dug a hole in the rear adobe wall and succeeded In reaching the river and escaping to the American side. The Americans were confined In the Juarez jail on minor charges. ONE KILLED, TWO WOUNDED ABOARD STEAMER AT SAE. Charleston, S. C, Nov. 12. F. W. Hin man, business manager of the Jackson ville, Florida, Times Union, was killed; Capt. Ingram of the Clyde liner Mo hawk, and C. L. Wright, of Utica, were seriously wounded by a passenger al leged to be H. G. Perkins, of Baltimore, while aboard to Mohawk Wednesday night at sea. DIVORCE IS GRAFTED. Ella Parks was granted an absolute divorce in the 34th district court Thurs day afternoon from John Parks, on grounds of cruelty. Parks was ordered to pay all costs of the suit. ss-notc mahogany player-piano, with free exchange of music rolls, only $350, tcrmp p g Billing3 Piano Co., 102 N. fronton Advertisement GITT10E I ASK YARDS FOB OPEN Kansas City Banker Dis cusses the Cattle Situa tion in That City. A. Newman, of Kansas City, Is In V. Paso. Mr. Newman, by the way. is vice president of the Drovers' Na tional bank of Kansas City, popularly supposed to be a collateral concern of Morris & Co., and one of the chain of banks which that great packing com pany has found it necessary to estab lish wherever they have packing plants or stockyards, ariu" In many places where they have neither, but where they may be In position to finance cattle producers and thereby extend their control over the cattle market of the great central west and south west. Why Itc Is Here. While Mr. Newman has not stated his business In El Paso, from the fact tlitit i.a i.n ..... i in,n .,,, iintrn- ..,. ic nan ciiLCicu nifcv ." ... Tersy between Morris & Co., who are wiesing a irancnise ior a uit"" within the city limits, and those who are opposed to the establishment or any stockyards or kindred Industries where they may prove, to be a nuj sance, it is assumed that as one of the financial representatives of Morris Co he is here to see that the wishes of his superiors are carried put, so far as it lies in his power to control the actions of those who have it in their province to grant the franchise. "Union Stockyards' Good. In his interview In the El .Paso Morning Times, Mr. Newman lays great stress upon the advantage to be gained by El Paso by having estab lished within its limils a "Union Stock yards." He makes a play upon the word "Union." . , what those who are opposing the blaming oi me irauwiiM: w. yards within the city limits are aiming to secure, when they ask that a re served district outside the city limits, bo designated as the location for all the stockyards, packing houses, etc, which may be established in. the El Paso district for the purpose of handling the livestock Industry of the district, from this time henceforth. In the interview alluded to above Mr Newman says: "In my judgment a Union Stockyards is a great advantage to any city, as it helps to establish a cattle market and cattle center." , Mr. Newman Ih Right. Mr. Newman is eminently right. A Union Stockyards, that is to say, a stcckyards that will be a Union stock yards In every sense of the word, will do just exactly what Mr. Newman says it will do. and that is why efforts are being made to establish a truly Union stockyards on a reserved district out side the city limits. Mr. Newman further says in his In terview: "By the issuance of daily quo tations the producer knows just what the market is and he can ship his cat tle with every guarantee and assur ance that he will receive the market price." A Word Regarding Quotations. In this statement Mr. Newman Is rlcht, provided the quotations emanate from a competitive market, are handled bv newspapers who employ stockyards reporters with a thorough knowledge of the Ins and outs of the stockyards and livestock games, and who cannot b- induced, under any circumstances, to publish any quotations not based upon actual conditions. Where a stockyards and packing house center is under control of a single individual, firm or corporation. Of by a close combination of Individ uals, firms or corporations; where there is no competition between the buyers, the market is Just exactly what those in control see fit to make it, and tnelr published quotations, arbitrarily r ade. give the cattle shipper just about as much idea of what the market Is or should be as though no quotations had been published. But, What'n the Ue: It is true that, by spending plenty of money and having friends at the cattle tenters of the middle west and east he can have quotations sent him daily by telegraph from those cattle centers and arrive at his own deduc t ns as to wnat the market In El Paso properlv should be. Even with that knowledge he could not be sure that 1. would receive a proper Prlcef0"; his product upon arrival at El Kaso with the stockyards In control of a CM?. Newman further says: '-The Un ion stockyards of Kansas City have been a great success in building up one of the greatest cattle markets In the world and I see no reason why El Paso should not take advantage of its natural situation and become for all time the great cattle distributing point for the southwest." What In Present Situation. Mr. Newman Is right when he says that the Union stockyards of Kansas City werfc very successful in building up Kansas City as a great cattle center. He forgbt to add. however, that for many years after the establishment bf the yards theKansas City market was an open market in which hundreds of buyers competed for the livestock brough Into those yards. Has a similar situation existed since the Kansas City yards came under the domination of Morris & Co.? , The first stock exchange building In Kansas City was a frame structure 24 by 24 feet, having six offices allotted to as many commission firms. Up to a year and a half ago, when the Union stockyards of Kansas City passed under the control of MoVrls & Co.. or so long as the open market was maintained, the business grew to such proportions that a nine story building, 250 by 126 feet, with 475 offices was required to house 287 livestock commission men, repre senting 75 different firms, each one of whom competed with the other for the purchase of cattle and other livestock, shipped in by independent producers, who knew that because of the intense competition they would get the best possible price based upon supply and demand for their produce. Seats AVorth S1S00. Kansas City were worth U500 and up.1 -...., nm nan. ,, M I oi, AA In . 1. n T v. ... I City Times of January 23, 1914, by A. P. Byars, of the firm of Byars & Adams, just a few monhts after control of the. Union stockyards at Kansas City passed Into the hands of Morris Si Co, ho raid that he had offered his firm's seat for sale and in evidence thereof exhibited a classified advertisement taken from the advertising pages of the Kansas City Star, reading as follows: "Membership for sale On account of ALHAM THE CHICAGO LIGHT OPERA COMPANY PRESENTS "CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA" Admission Boxes, Tucj lower floor, 50c; balcony, 30c. No re served seats. Balcony and box seats sold on second floor. Time of Performances Motion pictures, 7 to 7:30; opera, 7:30 to 8:45; motion pictures, 8:46 to 9.15; opera, 9:15 to 10:30. Myrta Bel Wooster as "Santuzza." Teresa Vonell as "Lola," Ralph Bralnard as "Turiddu " W H Gallier a3 "Alfio " the packers 'boycotting' me. I offer for Slemy membership in the Kansas City Livestock Exchange. Preacher Adams. Are Now Worthless. Preacher Adams Is Mr. Byars s part ner In the livestock business In Kansas City In explaining why the member ship had been offered for sao Mr. Byars said- "I have been in business at the stockyards for 27 years and my part ner Preacher Adams, has been in busi ness longer. Our memberships In the exchange are worth 1500 if we can do business. If we are not permitted to do business they are not worth 15 cents t0That is the Kansas City situation. While the Union stockyards at Kansas City was an open market, permitting free competition, the Union stockyards were of undoubted Denefit to the city, and of equally undoubted benefit to the cattle producers, who, in the very na ture of things, could not combine and were compelled to compete with each When K. C. Flxe'd the Prices. While the Union stockyards of Kan sas .City were conducted on the "open market" basis, allowing full and free competition, they not only built up a great cattle center at Kansas Oity, but they were a check upon the mar kets of St. Joe and St. Louis and other points where the trust exercised un trammeled sway. Hundreds of cattlemen in the terri tory tributary to El Paso, and who for a lack of a market In El Paso have been compelled to ship to the east, fre quently, in order to avoid flooding the Kansas City market with too many oat tie of one grade, have "split" their shipments, sending a portion to St Joe, only to find that they never could make a sale in the trust controlled St. Joe market until after the price had been fixed by the competitive market at Kansas City and the quotation tele phoned or teiegrapnea over. No Difference Now. It thus can be seen what a check the competitive market of Kansas City had upon trust controlled marKets. since Kansas City has become trust con trolled, with competition eliminated, it can make no possible difference now to the shipper to which market he sends his trainload of cattle. In his Interview In the Morning Times, Mr. Newman says: "The Kan sas City stockyards are conducted as an open market There is nothing to prevent the Individual from dealing in cattle If he sees fit and he Is not dis criminated against by the packers, as has been charged." What Do They Call Itr It is probably true that the packers do not say to the individual cattle pro ducer, "You cannot trade In this mar ket" There are many insidious meth ods of discrimination. They may mere ly refuse to give the independent pro ducer pen accommodations on any one of many pretexts. They may claim to have no room. They may offer him such a Tow price that he feels that he cannot afford to accept it In many cases packing house buyers have been known to openly say .to a boycotted cattle dealer that they had been in structed not to buy his cattle these are some of the methods of discrimina tion which may be employed and It Is said often are employed. Followed by Boycott. It has etn known, too, where cat tle dealers who have been driven out of one trust market for any reason, and who have shipped to another trust market, as for instance from St Joe to Chicago, has found that his shipment has been traced and he himself con fronted upon arrival at the new mar ket with precisely the same adverse conditions which drove him out of St. Joe. This may not be "discrimination," but It Is so closely akin to It that It will be hard to find another word with which to define it The packers may call it "elimination." lies Its Own Banks. It has been the habit of the great confederated packing and a,tockyards Interests to establish banks of their own wherever they have control of the packing and stockyards industries. Their buyers have been known to so licit accounts from the cattle dealers, including the independent shippers, with whom they do business. It would be only human nature for them to dis criminate against the shipper who would refuse to become a customer of their bank, who would refuse, for In stance, to deposit the check he had re ceived for his shipment in the bank controlled by the stockyards concern which had issued the check, thereby opening a new account ' Would See Great Llrjht. No matter how friendly he might feel toward the old established. Inde pendent bank with which lie had been doing business for years, and from which he had many times, possibly, re- New V .rJgm .No lPl Miiyk $KMoeifi Urctee Tailors to particular Men 208-210 City National Bank Building. 1 F 1W 9am & W i QOMPANY Just Eeceived A Car Peaches Pears Apricots Plums Raspberries Pineapples Grapes Blackberries White Cherries Black Cherries SPECIAL PRICES BY THE DOZEN. Phones 505 and 506 204-206 E. Overland Street MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION. . INTERESTING TO THE SHRINERS i reived accommodations, he would not nave to be "eliminated" from the mar ket for more than two or three times oetore he would see a great light and would open the required account In the stockyards bank. The packers may not call this "dis crimination," but to one who is only "Rested In seeing the cattle Industry oi EI Paso properly built up it does not appear that It would have a ten dency to make the outside cattle men entertain the most frlendjy feeling for a -trust controlled El Paso market. Stand for Open Market. -the main thing for those who have 't in their power is to see that the Pe.n market Is maintained and that wmie the members' of the great pack ers confederation shall be welcomed if "ey come here to establish stockyards ana packing houses, they shall not be Placed in position to dominate the sit uation. Advertisement. r- Green Trading Stamps Carry Dealers to Court r-ro'?n Iing "12 ounces and two m,r?i radIns stamps do not make a S was responsible for a damage ternoon. iustlcs court "Wednesday af- rn?flR.5en.thal ana Samuel Kaufman S?" t,fr"lt stores on opposite sides of ffiM ELPaBO street Mr. Rosenthal st !hat he be&an Klvlng trading ,, t purchasers of fruit for the purpose of attracting trade, and that his" store"1 huns the sien ,n front ot On the witness stand. Mr. Kaufman Jlas asked if he had posted this sign. . e.?plIed: '"Well, they don't make a pound." he lu,ry awarded Mr. F.osenthal damages In the sum of . SUFFRAGETS OPPOSE ANY ATTACKS ON POLITICIANS Nashville, Tenn, Nov. 12. By a de cisive vote, the executive council of the XatlOnal AfnaKlnat. Ttr-W c.. . n. ociatlon, at the opening of the 46th ...u,ua. tuHvenuon nere loaay, aeciarea its political nonpartisanship and went on record as opposed -to attacks upon any political party. This action was considered a prelim inary victory for the socalled adminis tration forces against the element in opposition and generally supposed to look with favor upon the congressional union. Debate In favor of this resolution was led by Jrs. Medill McCormlck, of Chicago, chairman of the congressional committee of the national convention. The opposition took exception to the socalled blacklist sent out by the con gressional committee and containing the names of nine senators and nine representatives who opposed suffrage in congress. RACE OFFICIALS AND 200 HORSES ARRIVE IN EL PASO The "Elrod Special" arrived in El Paso Thursday afternoon at 2:15 over the Texas & Pacific railroad from La tonla. On board were 200 horses, the cream of the eastern turf, among them being many of the horses that were campaigned across the river last year. Col. Matt Winn, manager of the track, his secretary, Harry Brelvogel, and other racetrack officials were on the train. Telephone Snbscribers, Attention. The new telephone book is out and everybody will be delivered one within the next 10 days. In connection with the delivery, the Telephone Company has requested that all previous issues be taken up. There is nothing compul-, sory about this. The idea is that there' are nearly 2006 changes and additions in the nw book. As long as the old book Is In existence, it is liable to be used. You are liable to call one of the wrong numbers. The old directory is a menace to good service, and for that reason the Telephone Company wants ns to get them in and destroy them. If you have any private memoranda in the old book you want to preserve, please transfer them so the delivery boys can pick up tBe old directory when the new one is leit itememner, mis Is a request from the Telephone Com pany to us. We are simply passing It on to you. The Franklin Prlntlne Co, PnbHBhers. (Advertisement.) Need to B uy FURS ttis Year Bring your old furs to us, and we'll refashion them. Fur work is our specialty, you know and some of the most fastidious of El Paso women will tell you, f,rom satisfactory experience' that we know our business thoroughly. McLELLAN BROS. TAXIDERMISTS. 309 San Francisco St. Phone 700. xnarsMAVBjm ALL orajtiLB of California Tabla FVnir.s py Exceptionally Good issue mm fun FORBIGPARnDE Chinese Are to Be Invited to . Make Oriental Display; Pioneers to March. Final arrangements were made fori tho Pioneer day to De held on Novem ber 18, and reports of the chairmen of the different committees were pre sented at the meeting of the Pioneers' association and volunteer firemen at the city hall Wednesday night at ! oclock. Chairmen Report. Tom Powers, the chairman of the committee on commissary, reported that only El Paso products would be used at the barbecue. E. Kneezell, the chairman of the committee on parades, stated that there woilld probably be 500 or more in the line of march, and that there The Famous CHICKERING PIANOS SAVED ON THESE BRAND NEW PIANOS THE GREATEST SAVING OPPORTUNITY YOTJ WILL EVER HAVE ON A HIGH GRADE PIANO TO THE PCBLIC: Read this ad and read it carefully. It is offering to you the greatest opportunity since the inception of the piano business in this country, of purchasing the oldest, highest priced and most artistic piano made in America. The Chickering U recognized all over the world as the greatest piano ever made. We have just secured the agency for Western Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, and in order to acquaint the people in this vicinity with this piano we are going to give Boston Factory Prices for ten days, which means a saving of $50.00 to $150.00 on each piano. We hae an expert right from the faetory that will go into detail and explain everything that constitutes the Chickering piano thoroughly. IF YOU CAN'T CALL, USE THIS COUPON Jenkins Piano Co. El Paeo, Texas, Gentlemen: rieaee send me catalog and full mfonaalioa nefSRrtiing your special offer on Chkkerffl- pianos; whteh ends N, Ktfe. iNamc ... ....., .,. Street li City State ,. Have you a piano? 10 -FREE -$10 "ha Durah -What it? Rubber, wax, pr a real man! $10.04 eredit eardg to anyone answering the questions correctly. Make it smile, get $50.00. You must hear it ptay the piano. Tlie exhibition is free and we extend a cordial in vitation to all who choose to come. Free exhibitions every afternoon, 3:30 to 5, and every evening, 6:30 to 8. A FEW $750.00 PLAYER'PIANOS AT $395.00; EASY TERMS. SEE THEM FIRST. Don't buv a player piano anywhere until you see these instruments. Look at the sp"lrndid beauty of the players themselves: Plain cases, handsomely shaped, artistic in every line. Then look at the mechanism. There you Bee the pinnacle of player making. You can operate them at one. $87ilpi reekffi ' We have accumulated a number of good upright pianos that we have no room for. We must dispose of them and do it quickly to ipake room for our new goods, arriving daily. Fischer $87, Wing & Sows $95, Smith & Bomes $90. Read Reflect Consider Compare Act. Jenkins Piano Company THE BIG- PIANO HOUSE ' The Home of the Chickering. 211-213 Texas St. Phone 2958. El Paso, Texas. Why Do You Jump When You Hear the Fire , Whistle? , Perhaps it's because you know you are a heavy loser if the Ere is at your house or in your store. If that's the case,why not relieve yourself of all that needless anxiety? Why not come NOW to this agency and protect your property against loss by fire? The Crowell Agency represents some of the largest and strongest fire insurance companies in the world; and Croweli Service guaran tees you the lowes obtainable rate. ' Douglas C. Crowell Agency Fire Insurance, Fidelity & -Surety Bonds. 208 Mills Bcildinff. would be a number of floats repre senting El Paso business concerns. Tbe parade, wnicn win siari m xu a- m, will be headed by a band ot 1 dlans, followed by prairie schooners, an ox team, the old overland stage coach, and a coach in which the D. A. R. and G. A. R. will ride Chinese Invited. Park Pitman suggested that mayor Kelly see the Chinese and others in regard to display. Mayor Kelly then appointed Pitman, A. W Reeves and Adrian Pool as a special committee for the Chinese display, and suggested that Mr? Pitman see the Chinese con- A W. Reeves, the chairman of the committee on floats, said that it was Intended that the expense In connec tion with these floats be minimized. S2S.00 CREDIT FREE. Give the name of the piano the beau tiful lady is playing each day till 9 p. m in the show window of the Oldest Piano House in HI Paso Bl Paso Piano Co. W. R. Sehlitz, Prop. 208 Texas St, next to WatsoaU Grocery. See details on card In window. AdT. 8S-note mahogany player-piano, with free exchange of music rolls, only J350; terms. F. G. Billings Piano Co, 102 N. Stanton. Advertisement -I 9) A USED $450 FISCHER Taken in on neir Chickering. In good condition, only TERMS, $1.50 A WEEK This piano will be placed on sale in the morning at 8 oclock. Phone 578. V 4