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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Thursday, Nov. 12, 1914 . . A Shop Early Only 35 Shopping Days Until Christmas orroid Friday Remnant Day Double Green Trading Stamps All Day Fr s Floor Samples With Prices Eeduced to Insure Immediate Clearance Beds, Chairs, Tables, Desks, etc. An excellent Double Stamp Day Opportunity $12.50 White Enameled, brass trimmed bed. . .$7.95 $1250 Bronzed, brass trimmed bed $7.95 $6.95 White Enameled Bed $4.95 $6.00 White Enameled Bed $4.15 $5.00 White Enameled Bed $3.85 $12.50 Table $8.45 $15.50 Chairs $12.95 $ 8.50 Table $6.95 $12.50. Chairs $10.50 $ 6.50 Table $4.45 $ 8.50 Chairs $ 6.95 $ 5.00 Table $3.95 $ 6.75 Chairs $ 4.45 $ 4.50 Table $2.95 $15.00 Settee $12.95 $ 5.00 Sewing Table $3.95 $ 3.95 Hall Rack. .$ 2.95 $ 6.75 Sewing Table $4.95 $29.50 Writng Dsk$23.50 $14.50 Chairs $11.50 $16.95 Lamp. . .'. . .$ 9.50 Shop in El Paso's feiL.- Shop in El Paso's $ jniy rii.r.rjH.jjr j ..v um, m. iuu jf Liepartmenz oiore uepurimeni oiurt:, - j&riirairaNth. - '- j0RM&2zZm'Z. E': 5 n ci i L f rJ rasss ' iday C"Wk Mil B jl lilf A 11 a m t iHnSii " ' nil m l'ulimJ iuil n m tt t i ,J 71 7 7rT P - ' ' . rf ' aS? ao' X I " l ""egaM" rfJB ra Vane Day TWO tf Green Trading Stamps Instead of One Day Friday i -Remnants A dQ r FOLDING CARD TABLES, size 36x36, cov-q -J QQ JtJ.Olered with green felt P A c0 Friday only. One to a Customer V Sp uying Opportunities In Our Ready-to-Wear Section W.M.. " . Only Good Merchandise Sells Down to Remnants & Small ' Quantities These Remnants offered Friday are from our Best Selling Numbers. Their low prices and double stamps with each purchase makes it doubly; interest ing to Friday shoppers. Silk Remnants Friday at Greatly Reduced Prices Thai Have Just Come A number of stunning models in all wool serges, displaying the newest suit ideas of the season Jackets are long Redingote models lined with excellent grade satin. Skirts in plain tailored effects. Bear in mind that you are choosing from suits that sell usually up to $15.00. Our price ticket says CO CSC opts 0SJF y Third Floor. i - " ' 'lL " Mr 3l Friday Coats For Utility Wear Jaunty 40 inch models that will look well on any young woman; a splendid motoring coat, excel lent for street and school wear. They come m wide belted or loose rippling back. They are tailored from Scotch mixtures, plaids. Astrakhans and tweeds. There are just 50 coats in this lot, and early selection is advis able. They're sS.BS Third Floor. Friday $7,. SO $12.50 and $15.00 Trimmed Hats For Friday we offer a large assortment of our regular $12.50 and $15.00 trimmed hats in a complete line of colors, many trimmed tf "7 Cfh with ostrich feathers at V C cOU Aside from saving $5.00 to $7.50, one of these hats bought Friday entitles yon to 150 Green Trading Stamps instead of the usual 75. i Second Wee of Our Linen Sale Leaves Many Remnants For Friday . With Prices Greatly Lowered Mercerized Table Damask. Linen Sheetings Pure Table Linen Linen Waislings This Picture Shows Section of Basement Store Where Begins Tomorrow a Radical Clearance tO Make Room for Holiday Toys ' Note the Extraordinary Values The Sale of Afternoon & Evening Dresses Created unusual enthusiasm today, many taking advantage of this splendid opportunity to supply their dress needs for some time to come. The sale will continue tomorrow. Dress values from $15.00 to $65.00 are now selling for ' $7.95 to $39. 75 Third Floor Roman Stripes Crepe Meteors Crepe Taffeta Awning Stripes Persian Silks Silk Waistings China Silk Satin Messalines Chiffon Taffetas Silk Poplins Underwear Silks Silk Mohair Silk Shirtings Lining Silks Peau de Soie Silk Egyptian Silk Gabardine Satin-Duchesse Remnants of Woolens Broadcloths, Storm Serges, Nun's Veilings, Wool Poplins, Albatross, Wool Taffetas, French Serges, Charmeuse, Shepherd Checks, Cloakings, Roman Stripes. Gabardines, Awning Stripes, Henriettas, Wool Cheviots, Wool Plaids, Mohairs, Diagonals, Bedford Cords, Chuddah Cloth, Scotch Plaids, Egyptian Crepe, Wool Crepe, Wool Challis, Chiffon Broadcloths, Cashmeres, Panamas, French Flannels. At Greatly Reduced Prices Friday Note the Extraordinary Values WAISTS OF CREPE in new fall and winter models, with long set-in sleeves and V necks with newest collar effects. Former Base ment price $1.00 and $1.59 2Q Clearance Price ,, 07C CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Made of dependable quality ginghams in pretty plaid and plain colors; new long waisted styles. Were our 95c Basement Special Clearance A ffc Price TTcC WOMEN'S SKIRTS One lot of skirts; just the thing for house wear, made of stripes and plain colors in dark tf t shades; worfli $1.95, are marked. ... P 1 XjXj MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A large assortment of muslin underwear, consisting of drawers, gowns, corset covers, slips and combinations, worth up to 75c per garment, are O f now y. 5C CHILDREN'S WINTER DRESSES One large table of splendid dresses for children's school or street wear. vThey are made of good dark colored worsteds. Ihey are worth to $A50. We need the room so have priced them at - WASH WAISTS A large assortment of crepe and voile blouses that will stand the wash. Ihey re values weve been selling as high as $1.00 Friday they are. WOMEN'S FINE SUITS of iroadcloth, French serce. wnnl nnnllnc late ,.,!.. lined with satins and messaline silks. Former Base ment price $l.v5; Price for Clearance $1.48 39c $9.95 39c HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED We have enjoyed a splendid business on our special Basement Store Hats. They were marked 95c We have added a number of trimmed hats to the JQ lot and will sell them now for Ol7 V MIDDY BLOUSES hildren's Middy Blouses in white, made of good quality alatea; are good 50c value now O Q .aarked OV C CHILDREN'S CREPE DRESSES Made in very pretty styles with velvet girdles in dainty color effects; have been selling for $1.59, Qg are marked for clearance vul NEW STYLE CORSETS New model corsets in the winter weight materials, in low and medium busts and long hips; good values at 69c, are now marked. GINGHAM PETTICOATS Women's extra size petticoats made of good quality gingham are now priced for Clearance at, " yj Q -, each TrO C OUTING PETTICOATS Tsew arrivals, just as the weather turns colder; good colors that wash well, of splendid quality S Q -, outing flannel, are each afO C FLANNELETTE GOWNS Good full cub long length gowns for women, in both regular and large sizes; good patterns, JQ- are each O C WOMEN'S COAT SUITS of worsteds, stripes and mixtures, lined with good ser viceable lining; jackets medium length; skirts tunic styles. Former Basement price $9.93 Clearance Toilet Paper Special Extra large rolls of good quality er so'd n many places at 2 rolls for 25c A special Fri day Feature in the Basement Clear- J?"V ancc-7 ROLLS FOR DUC Remnants of mash goods fabrics are offered in the Easement Store Friday at Half Pace. Fine assortment of outmg flannels, kindergarten clnlh, poplins, ginghams, galaleas, crepes, percales, madras, flannel shirtings, cotton 'suitings. On One Large Table FREE WITH THE BOSS OIL MOP. With cery Boss oil mop sold Fri day we gi e 1 quart can of polish that id excellent for both floors and furniture. A corabina- d " tion worth $2.00 Friday V PHONE YOUtt ORDERS. , Extra Blanket Values Washable Plaids Largo double size cotton blankets in pretty, washable plaida are good ?2.00 -values. Basement l 1 JO Store Price . . JJ 1 .027 HeaVti Cotton Blanheis Made of heavy cotton in doublo bed size, in grays, tans and white, with neat borders, in pretty col- tfj n j- ored effects, are priced at, pair .. P 1 SrfO rmer Basement price $9.93 J 7 AP Women s Flannel Waists This ierj special offering should interest eery woman. These waists are just the weight and kind for immediate service. They are made of elite flannel in plain grey and stripes; hue large collate, laee or button frost; A Q are worth 95c. Clearance price Tfi? C f , afWaa'JrftW.-lH,ni l-gaWHlMTKggqECT