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Why Are COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST MANAGER OF PRIZEFIGHTER Johnny Papke, the featherweight champion of thermy. Thursday morn ing filed complaint against John J. Manyon, his manager who, he said, left the city and had J 115 of his money rapke and Man) on are both mem bers of company D. I6th infantrj, sta tioned at Fort Bliss, and the feather weight has been managed by Manyon 1b all his recent bouts. Complaint was filed Hi J J. Mur phy's court by Papke against Manyon. iSBSBEJ WHEN THEY'EE HOME WHEN THEY'RE OUT Schoolboy Eleven Played Through Two Years Without ' a Defeat, and Was Only Twice Scored Against, Al though Always Playing Against Heavy'Odds in Weight; Team Has De cided Now to Disband. LIAR TEAM ENDS ITS SEASON W1THRECOHDOFWIANYVIGTDBIES Some Fathers Like This BY J. G. . .HEN tbe Lamar football team A decided to disband after last V Saturday's same the end was maikod of one of thTT greatest aggre gation of schoolboy footballers that ESI l'ao has eer seen. Tills team has hung up a sequence of records which the uooks do not show for the greatest te.mib in the country since football was ii.i jgtirafd Lamar has not only won every game in which it has competed during the past two years, bat it has only been scored upon twice during that time. J luring one of the league games last ear a San Jacinto boy kicked a field goal against Lamar. The other score xtas the touchdown scored by the high school boys last Saturday. This makes a total of nine points scored against Iarnar in two years; and during the same period the team has rolled up no less than 4SS points against its oppo nents Moreorer, in every game the box s played they were working against odds. Playing last year in the Gram mar School league, they gave away a handicap of 42 points to two teams and ea 10 a imra in tsvery uwimiuicu fame which they played. Repeat the Record. Last year high school had II men on the second team averaging over 18 x ears of age. Lamar had 14 averaging loss than 15. This year high school lias h squad of J7 averaging practically the ame age, Lanmr has It averaging a little younger than last year. Lamar defeated toe high school team twice last vear, thereby wfhning the Junior championship of the city, after having -n on the scholastic championship shield. Tliev repeated again this year. This vear there was another contestant in the field, the T. M. C. A. second team. This team had a large membership of boys much older than the Lamar team to draw from. Tet Lamar disposed of them. Winn at Basketball, Too. And this same wonderful little bunch of athletes, not being content nith its football record, last year went out and annexed the grammar school basketball, baseball and track cham 1'ionihips. Cecil Boyd, the captain of the football team, made a broad jump of 11 feet, four inches, within an inch of the southwestern record- And at that time he was leas than 18 .years of age. This is the same Boyd who, in New Rul uause es Recent Scores Present Several Problems By FRANK HERE is a problem for those who are fond of mathematics: Wash ington and Jefferson beat Dick inson 105:o 0. Dickinson beat "West rrn Maryland 40 to 0. Western Mary land won from Maryland Agricultural college 3a to 0. The question is: If W. and J. played against Maryland ?ricultural college what would be the score" - Those who submit a correct answer to the above may take a whirl at this little quiz A isconsin beat Ohio state 7 to t. Illinois beat Ohio state 37 to 0. What will be the score when Illinois and Wisconsin clash on November 31. Amateur Sberjockers may tacklQ this m stery: Dartmouth beat Willaims 21 to ;S. rrmceton beat Dartmouth 16 to 12. A week later the Princton team beat Dartmouth and the Williams team that was walloped by Dartmouth battled to a T-7 tie? How do you account for thisT The business of officiating at a. foot ball game In these new football days is causing lots of wrinkles to grow upon the brows of those who pursue the arofesaid business. Most of the officials have studied the new rules so that they know them backv ards, but in nearly every came some new angle arises some variation j ouestion as to whether the play is le gal or illegal. The officials, whose judgment must be of the snap variety, are earning their pay. Tale isn't quite as cheerful concern ing its prospects in the Harvard game November 21 as it was before it learned that Charley Brickley was getting quite proficient aa a left legged booter. Brickley, owing to his weakened right aide, following an appendicitis operation. Isn't taking chances by kick ing with his right leff. In less than. a week's practice with his left boot he ' averaged seven goals out of ten trials CIGARETTES NoPremisms with Camels THE cost of the to baccos in Camel Cig arettes simply forbids the giving of such induce ments. 2Qfor 10c and you nevet smoked a better cigarette at any price. They're pleasing in flavor and fra grance. Besides, they mil KQt bite you; tongue or parch your throat, nor wSl they leave that citamty taste! R. J. REYNOLbS TOBACCO CO. Wiattoa-Salen, W. C. DUAXX .the first game with high scnooi inw year, won the game for Jils team lth a drOD kick irom iu - j". -."" ---.-is the longest field goal that has i been kicked on the local gridiron in the past two seasons. The other boys on the team are fit running mates for him. In Mudd. the high school will next year get what it has needed for several years, a good quarterback. And in Lochausen and Richards it will get a pair of great line smashing and run ning and interfering backs. Lochau sen's tackling was the best seen here this year. It was low and deadly, and when he hit a man the thud of -the im pact could be heard almost across tho field. Marty, Thurston, Coalson, Mor ris and Croom will also help to boost high Behoofs football stock next year. ct ...... ... ).a tMm will he in oilier au iiittjiy vl ..... .... -- - -- hleh school next year, the "Hi boys can well afford to take their defeats philosophically. The other boys on the team who are not mentioned will not go to high school until 191C. ' Not Due to Coaching. There are those who say that La mar's victories are greatly due to the i-i .1... t....... TinvA rdppiven. There 1b no one in a better posltlort to rerute this statement uwn " .. The coaching has had little to do with it Even Folwell, of W. & J., could not have developed a team to make such records without wonderful mate rial; such material as Is seen in a team only once in a lifetime. The real reason for the success of Lamar Is the magnificent fighting quality the boys have developed. It's a Fighting Team. That Lamar is a fighting team is easily proved from the fact that It has alwavs played against heavy odds. It is further proved by last Saturday's game. The high school team scored a touchdown in the first five minutes of play. After that they had the ball in Lamar's territory only once during the game and then only for a very short time. Although they had the ball in high school's territory nearly all the time after "Hi's" touchdown, Lamar failed to score during the first half. Between halves the boys got together and told one another how muoh better they were than the other team. Then til cy w eiu jii aim ivoiv nu "itni iwtiij weak line, through sheer fighting, held iiib ijcnvy iuivxiiua uiuuauuui me game and at one point at least out played them. Referees Vv orry G. MB.VKB. from Inside the 25 yard line, and he hoped to increase his average and the distance before the Tale game. Brickley may get into the Tale game and he may not. If Harvard needs his boot and needs it greatly, Brick ley probably will disregard the doctor's orders and jump into the pastime for the sake of his alma mater. But under no circumstances will Brickley enter the game for any other purpose than to kick. y It seems that about one-half of the population of these UnlteaStates wants to be among those present at the Tale Harvard game. Before that date rolls around it may be that Tale and Har vard will be playing merely for the championship of Tale and Harvard, but on one stems to mind that. The new Tale Bowl, the greatest stadium in the world, normally seats 61,900 persons. For the Tale-Harvard game 3900 extra seats will be added. That will bring the total seating ca pacity to 70,000. Already application has been made for over 100.000 seats. Before the game is played it is likely that the aDDllcatlon list will iramhpr 135,000. This is what they're saying out west about Pete Russell, the great Chicago quarterback- "Long runs are becoming so com mon with him that he'll probably be playing 50 years." Russell to date has ripped off several runs over 60 yards and numerous ones that averaged between, 35 and 55. He's a wonder in running back punts and they call him the "Bel" because of his ability to slip beyond the grasp of the opposing tacklers. -BELGIAN GOVERNJIEXT TOO BUST TO CO.VSIDBU COLOMZATIOV A telegram from E. Havenlth, Belgian minister to the United States, has been received by the chamber of commerce, stating that the Belgian government has not yet taken up the matter of locating immigrants in this country. The telegram is a reply to a letter sent by the chamber of comnerre In viting Belgian immigrants to settle in the El Paso valley. 17 yonr dttlet cin'liipplfjoa, tad 10c Ur I picktgt er $1.09 for a carton of lea pacfciges (200clgtrtlttt). pestaffepresifrt. Atltr smoking 3 P2cbgc, il rca do s tlni CAMELS 21 rep. ttsnttt, return tetaad pur 20&- IOf aonej. KASCAGNI OPERA IS SUNG AT ALHAMBRA The rustic cavalier is just as tuneful as ever. The Chicago Light Opera com pany proved it when the members of this company sang the score of the famous "Cavalleria Itusticana" at the Alhambra theater Wednesday nlcht Overcoming any minor handicaps of costuming of stage setting, the singers made the Mascagni song-story go with a swing at the opening engagement of the Imported company Wednesday evening. Miss Bel Wooster and Ralph Brain crd ably demonstrated their ability in their singing of the difficult parts of Santuzza and Turlddu. Mr. Bralnerd sang a prelude behind the curtain which was as pleasing aslthe singing of Miss Wooster in the Baster devo tional scene The prima d0nna and the leading tenor are actors as well as singers and their work was a pleasant surprise. The orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Ernesto Gonzales, played the famous intermezzo between the two acts like a symphony orchestra. The orchestra also shared honors with Miss WoosVr and Mr. Brainerd in the open ing opera. The chorus members all have well trained voices. ARMY BAND TO PLAY MARCH MUSIC An appropriate march for an armv band is "On the Hike," which the 15th cavalry band will play at the Fort Bliss matinee concert Friday at 3:30. The concert program also includes a num ber of favorites. "The Glow Worm" Is one of those that never grow old. The complete program is: March, "On the Hike," Laurcndeau. Overture, "Kaiser," JCeisler. Selection, "Reminiscences of Scot land," Godfrey. Waltz, "Valse Boston," Lumbe. ' Bag, "Rose of the Mountain Trail," Brebbab. "Fantasia. "Auld Lang Syne," Delbey. Idyll, "The Glow Worm," Lincke. March, "On the Avenue," Rierson. "Star Spangled Bannor" Rocco Resta, chief musician. GOLFING HINTS Br "STBAIGHT DIUVE." Those who have a quick swing do not require much spring in club shafts, but the player with a round even swing can do with some spring, and readers will remember that I tounseled them to swing evenly. Therefore, get a club with some feel In it, and if you find that you keer. Slicing the ball, get your profes sional to remove the grip and give the shaft a scrape under the hand. This will make tho club feel just like a well-balanced fishing rod, in it the spring seems to come right up the arm, and it makes casting an easy thing. Fishing with a stiff butt the arms would soon tire, and I main tain the same applies to golfing-. Tho concussion is absoibed by the spring, but the whippiness must not be too great, otherwise the hands are apt to reach the ball before the club head. The "Dreadnought" was a supple club, but the large head made the club unwieldy; now the "Dread nought" is still being made, but with the old-fashioned pear-shaped head, and In talking over this with an ex-champion he said that his ex perience was all in favor of some "whip" in the shaft, and a long faced narrow head, and he finds that his member;, aie keener on thpm than on "Dreadnoughts ' The onl place we requiro "Dreadnoughts' is on the sea. rZ7 WHEN VOU 60 OH im EOflD V jW SON NEVEP- . ' . I Tfeu. OOR customers -TrWT J I "TUU- j Lit -THE " NEW BUNCH OP tSOOPS fC I woris HfTTes t) J The same as eefoRe.-fc ' cone, oh boYS - , -v. ALL OF You - HAVE. ; jr v. X I A DRINK. WITH y JrgJ vou pot .t N, "x Jgk p iSEVER BE eRE5Y You'J-L SEV.I. YOUR. ( YOO SHOULD SHARE- PLANT To OS )T 1 YOUR TOYS W,Th7 OUR PRK, OR- J l.oTriER CHH.tRN4 I oot of kos)Hess T' I ' u TODAY'S AMUSEMENTS. "KEYSTONE K03IEDY" SPECIAL. Chaplin outdoes Chaplin, in "His Trysting Place," a "Keystone Komedy" special which 'will be shown at the Grecian today. This is the second of the Keystone specials which will be a regular attraction at the Grecian every other Thursday. "His Trj sting Place" is one scream from beginning to end. Chaplin starts his antics in scene 1, act I, and the two reels slip away before you know it. He merely sits down In the kitchen to read the war news, while Mabel tries to tend to baby and make bread at the same time. H leans back, upsetting the boiling kettle and burns his leg. Then the trcuble begins, one aggravating triv ialty loads to another until you are Plunged into the complications of a well-devised story. The incongruity of Chaplin's portrayals, his extreme seri ousness, his sober attention to trivial ties, his constant errors and as con stant resentment of what happens to him, all this .has to be seen to be en Joyed. Mabel helps materially in all the amusing scenes. Great team. Great comedy. Don't forget, today only. Come early. Advertisement. HEARST-SELIG 1 EEKLY BIJOU. "Playing With Fire," a dramatic two part feature will be the headllner to day. The picture exploits the conditions existing between man and wife, and an other man who Is deeply in lovo with her. The woman foolishly encourages the advance of her husband's friend until she finally finds herself entan gled in his net The picture teaches a. vivid lesson to the careless and thoughtless wife Hearst-Selig Weekly, with its usual interesting current events and timely war news, will also be on t!e -program. Friday Arthur Johnson In "The Hold Up," seventh complete chapter of "Tho Beloved Adventurer" series. These pic tures are becoming very fascinating and thrilling and you should not miss any from now on. Advertisement LAST TIME OP "THR nllKYHOL,.VD.' The photoplay adaptation of Paul ? iiireirui,Bt lamous unaerworia pm. "The Greyhound," will be seen at the Wigwam today for the last time It Is a very dramatic production and the characters are in the hands of emi nent actors, several of whom were in the play's original cast The famous card game on shipboard is admirably pioduced and is one of the features of the picture. Tomorrow Alice Joyce In the "Lyn brook Tragedy," one of the best pic tures in the Alice Joyce series of com plete dramas, Advertisement ACTOR. IS ARRESTED. George McDonald, an actor at the Crawford theater, was arrested Wed nesday afternpon on a charge of Keep ing a vicious dog He put iu oonu , tin fey !,!, nnnnw-n..A v.fc nlt&mrtnn in corporation court WH00PIH coueHi SftUMUUIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BSOKCHmS CATASKU COLDS A simple, safe and effective treatment avoiding dni8s.VaporiKd Crcsolcne stops the paroxysms of Whoon'n Crm'h nnrl relieve Snasmodic i Croup at once. It is a boon to sufferers from I Asuima. 1 he air earn ing the antiseptic vapcr.iiv g mica witn every breath. maws creathics easy; soothes the sore throat sed stops the cough, assurinc restful nlshts. It Is InvilnKblo t3 mathors wimycuitg chlieren. Send us postal for descriptive booklet Sold by Druggists VAPO CRESOUKE CO. 62 Corti.mlt St . N Y. tm M Est. 1879 fflfisUHsV nwWJiij l-cprjffcle Jvt, J Jpl, California aal bub ii S 4? a w m & "jiua m eASjf.Viv. 1 Leaves El Paso 2 p.m. Arrives Los Angeles 2:40 p.m. Make your reservation early and let us talce care of , ydu properly. v ' CITY TICKET OFFICE ROBERTS-BANNER BLDG. Every Day jn the Week Through Tourist Sleeping Car TO New Orleans, Atlanta, Mont gomery & Washington VIA IfSOILBUSHINoitr 1 I w9 i locoMcmvia I Pi 1 DINING CAR SERVICE City Ticket Office No. 206 No. Oregon St. Phone T42. Automobile and Accessories Dierctery RENT Day and Night Service. Careful, Coorteons Drivers. TViriTioci AUTO LIVERY CO. t CITY HALL STAND g' Trip noe per passeDger. Rates 83.00 per hoar. OIU CARS Auto Tires and Bosch Service Station Western Battery & Magneto Co., 508 N. Kansas !J The Golden tate Limited PREMIER TRAIN OF THE SOUTHWEST Ilrll' Buy "Made In El Paso" "Perfection" Hen and Chick Food This food Is prepared from the best of grain and is guaranteed to produce healthier chicks more eggs than any other food on the market. A TRIAL ORDER WIIX CON VINCE YOU. W. D. WISE SEED CO. High Grade Seed, Grain and Poultry Supplies RETAIL. STORE, 106 NORTH STANTON. Office and Warehouse, Corner 2nd and Chlbnahna Streets. for the depositor's money is the first con sideration of the officers and directors of this institution. strict adherence to thisv principle making everything else second ary has gained the con fidence of serious minded men and women who are careful of their funds. in this bank they know it is safe, secure and always on hand. 4SI on savings. BiiKL?yiitTr Ofc nKAJ3tjJlxJlil5j THE CHINA PALACE The largest and most complete stock In Texas of exquisite china pinner ware. Glassware. Silverware, Cut Glass, Crockery, and other house hold. HoteC Restaurant and Bar Furnishings. Wholesale & Retail. A. ST0LAR0FF 113 SAN ANTONIO ST. "Scientific Dry Cleaning" E! Paso Laundry Oar Wagons Are Everywhere. Phones 470-471. ASK FOR "President" "Ambanador" "Statesman" COFFEES For Sale at Your Grocer's. WESTERN COFFEE CO Buy Your Groceries FROM Jackson-StandardGroceryCo. Phone 3332. SOS-210-212 Hills St. , "We Give Trading Stamps. COTTON ADDITION LOTS Best Boy in EI Paso A. P. COLES & BROS.. Agents HANAN SHOE S I VI 1-