Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 10 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1914 Us Boys ' C Seems ks-s-Attwwfl Unwed wnv not ) H S"1 $8 Jlf 1 K-v , - WZZM- M 02? OWES DUES ) UvmJHE30frlflOfF- U - J-- V fe ffl SoNCE. ) rv5?JL HBR EN BESORE- ' 1 jcjlj ft f-j f l 1 ,l ; - ". 'gg2i rtgSS fT ' , ' " ?", - "; -, "- iafltAtjCe tXSH'V - ' ' . . I Z. U . TT ...l T O t - C-l n 1 r- . . r: r t C CI. POTr,;nT Hnn WflTiled SitU2.U0nS. Rates For Oajjified Ads: One Cent per Word. No charge less than .... .25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word 05 Notice To Gasiiiied Advertisers All claselfled advertising ordered to run Indefinitely (L f.) must be In wrltlnc No t. t adverUwjments nted over the telephone. Orders to discontinue t. f. ads must also be In vrltlne and can not be accepted over the telephone. A top ordf r re cspt trill be given when a t. f. ad is ordered discontinued. Bnsiness Chances. MONBr tTO IOAX 1S TtbU Balding. r.BOCBKY STORE and fliture. lor sale. Bt location on El Pm St. 79 8. hi Paao. (PtENDIW bin'-s opportunity. J800 If taken at once. liABAOE TOR SALE Well located, eatab liihed Mvaral yeara Apply phone S17 w. invn A 11TVE flATl At any eorner the aama a you -would a clreet car. S cents la the fare. CATXIJ5 Experienced man aealrea partner who can furnish capital for cartle. Busi ness address Cattlemen, care Herald. TOB. 8AJLB A good paying meat market: pert cash, balance term. 11 K. Second St. I'hone tU. rOK SALE A splendid bnslneas for one who can devote but a few hours each day to light work. WOO gets It. Address G. 14. Herald. .OOI) BUSINESS OrrOKTUMTi fer lady tlat -wants outdoors -work: good Income and only small capital of about ?4 needed. -Write G. H-. Herald. HAVE SSeeo IN HE.VI. ESTATE and would like to trade for grocery or prodnctle busi ness. A. EL. 121 Talarosa St. WANTED Party with 12506 to atari a busi ness that baa unlimited possibilities and will pay from start; strict Investigation Ge ared. Call or address No. , Booth Apts. HERB IS A BARGAIN. A good paying meat market, doing $M to 7M per month cash. Other business reason for selling. Fhoae 29(2. Financial. MONEX TO LOAN SIS Trust Building. JITNE CARS All start from the Plaaa. Ride home In an nuto for S cents. Legal Notices. CONSTABLE'S SALE. Ths State of Teaas, County of EI Paso. By virtue of an execution Issued out of the Justice court. Precinct Mo. 1. of El Paso county. State of Texas, by R. K Bow den, on a Judgment rendered in said Court, on the 4th day of June. A. D, 1914, and directed and delivered to me as Constable of El Paso county, Texas. I have levied upon and will offer for sale on the 1st day of December. 1S14, between the hours pre scribed by law. at public vendue, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, before the -ourthouae door of Kl Paso county. Texas, the following described property, towit: All the right, title and Interest of Joe Dunse In and to the following described real properly situated in El Paso county, Texas, towitT Lot (6) and the west 20 feet of lot (4) In block numbered (8) of Latta's Woodlawn addition to the city of El Paso, Texas Lot (28) and east one-half of lot 2) in black number (12) of East El Paso addition to the city of El Paso, Texas. Lot (4) and east one-third of lot number (I) In blH-k (28) of said East El Paso addition and also lets (S) and () in block (28) of said addition. Said property being levied upon as the property of Joe Dunne and to satisfy an execution issued out of said Justice of Peace ourt in favor of R. E. Bowden and against Joe Dunne. This, the 11th day of November. 1914. D. Montoya. Constable Precinct No. 1. El Paso County, Texas. By L Q. Olron. Deputy. Lost and Found. MONEY TO LOAN 315 Trust Building. LOST A lady's gold open face watch, with monogram, either I. B. E. or L E. Return to Blatx bar and receive reward. LOST Small gold bar pin with horseshoe et with small diamonds. Appropriate re unrd Mrs. A. M. Walthall, phone 1779. LOST Four lengths 2 inch galvanised pipe on Alameda or north loop road late Satur day evening. Finder please report to Loma Tlva ranch and receive reward Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN SIS Trust Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE Address Jones, Jones & nardle. Caples BIdg.. City. PRIVATE BANK Loans money on furni ture, pianos, diamonds, livestock, real es tate, eta; good notes bought and sold. Phone us or call at our office. Courteous treatment and confidential dealings ex ten1d tut Two Republics Bide Ph 1444 Personal. MONEY TO LOAN 315 Trust Building. Lace Curtains Made Like New.. Ph. 4866 J. W ANTED Lace curtains to wash. Ph. 3678. AILEEN BERG'S Preparations at Ryan's. WANTED Names and addresses of people .-. 'shing to get down town at 6 a. m . living near Montana. Write W. H.. care Herald. UmONLABEL Stocks and Bond. For Rent Houses Furnished, for Kent nomeKeepmg ivooms tLcci5Ji!5iJEx!i3L5iS tzLZCZXXZZ Z J -5VE WA-T TO BDT S00 Mines Co.. of America, 1600 San Toy Mining. 100 Lucky Tiger (El Tlgre). 190 Cattlemen's Trust Co, of Ft. Worth. WE HAVE FOB SALE SO Two Republics Life. 15 Citizens' State Bank of Toyan. CnrtUs-Mannlnff Co.. Stock and Dond Dealers. First National Bank Building. El Paso, Texas. Phone 3J6. This Is our 31Sth consecutive advertise ment In this space. Personal SriRELLA Corseta Mrs. Hulett. Ph. 3572. Mrs. Chonla's LeBelle Face Cream Ladles' Handicraft Exchange. 310 Texas. .Ph. 3042. STOr A JITXE CAR At any corner the same as you would a street car. S cents Is the fare. JAMES r. COLLEV. 508 Caples BIdg., financial advisor and business counselor. Appointment only. Phone 17. Men's Suits, dry cleaned, pressed 50c Ladles. Suits, dry cleaned, pressed 75c Cut Rate Cleaning Works. Phone 5756. Auto Will Call. WANTED I am now in Lubbock Jail, charged with robbing Seminole bank on Feb. 15. 1912. On that date I was at work with a bridge gang in old Mexico near Pear son. Bill Woodard. our foreman; L G. Mc Lean, chief boss; L. J. Trottl, of El Paso, was civil engineer In charge. 25 Americans In gang. My trial Is set for Dec 7. Have a friend who will see that your expenses are paid. Cashier of bank swears positively I am guilty. Please come to ray assistance. J. B. Humphreys. Lubbock. Tex.. Care Sheriff. Special Notices. MONEY TO LOAN 215 Trust Building. OKDER your Xmas baby dolls. Ph. 4892 J. STOP A JITNE CAR At any corner the same as you would a street car. 5 cents is the fare NOTICE To Whom it May Concern: I will not be In any way responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. Herman John-son- Very respectfully. Herman Johnson. For Rent. STORES FOR RENT Cor. Kansas and Myrtle avenue. Douglas C Crowell agency. FOB RENT Basement of Boulevard Con fectionery. Phone 302. FOB KENT Large room, private family. Phone 6122 J. FOR RENT Small store room with or with out fixtures; on San Francisco St. Inquire FredJ. Feldman Ca. LIST YOUB 3, 4. 6, 6 and 7 room rent houses with ua. We turn people away every day for the lack of them. Anderson Really Co. Phone 6805. FOR RENT. 1933 Arizona. 4 rooms ....322.50 2024 Ft. Boulevard. 5 rooms (new) .... 3509 2320 Wyoming, 3 rooms (rear) 8.00 801 Austin, 8 rooms 60 00 914 Lee, 7 rooms 50 00 1110 San Antonio, 3 rooms (flat) 16 00 Austin & Marr. Phone 4350. For Rent Apartments Furnished. ONE 3 ROOM furnished apt. ence. 70S N. Flor- FOR BENT Furnished 4 room apt, 710 N. Virginia. Call 861 Wyoming. MABGUEBITE APT. Steam heated. Phone 3015. BEAUTIFULLY furnished apt, steam-heat, close in 1024 N. Oregon, Apt 2. FURNISHED APTS.. steam heated, close in. 122 50. 340 Phone 5546. TWO BOOM furnished apt 1009 E. Boule vard. Phone 6808 J. FOR KENT 1 rooms and bath, private residence, close In; furniture and neighbor hood firstclass. Phone 4473 or 788. NICELY furnished 3 room apt, with bath, within walklngn distance, 700 Mundy. Phone 6115. FOB RENT Desisable 3 room furnished apt, no sick, pets or children. Apt No. 2, 323 W. Missouri. Phone 6642 W. FOB BENT 3 room furnished apts.. 611 W. oiiosoun; sieam neaieu jnoaern DUliaing. Austin & Marr. FOB KENT 3 room furnished steam heated apt in "The Lucille," 611 W. Missouri St 335 month. Austin & Marr. Phone 4350. FOB RENT In new Germane Apts., 2 and 3 room apta, modern, close In. steam heat and Janitor service. Apply to H. B. Stevens, or phone 5246. FOR KENT APAETMENTS. TOE NEW ST. KEGIS. On Missouri St. very close In. S blocks from business district Positively the finest and most raodern equipped building in EI Paso. Each apt has 2 rooms, bath "and entrance hall: hardwood floors, tile baths; bulltln beds and handsome buffet Building Is equipped with interior telephone system. Janitor service and steam heat Make reser vations now. Austin & Marr. Phone 4350. J04 San Antonio St For Rent Honses Furnished. FOB KENT Furnished house. Ph. 2456 W. VEBY NICELY furnished 5 room bungalow. 385. no children or sick. Phone 2857. fl BOOM completely furnished house for rent, 3 blocks from business center. Phone 240. CLEAN, well furnished modern cottage, sleeping porch. 908 Rio Grande. FOB HENT 18 room unfurnished hotel close In. Phone 229. FOR RENT 6 room furnished cottage. Ph. 2727. FOR KENT 4 room brick cottage in High land P-rk. Modern conveniences, on car line Phone 3590 FOR KENT in nice new unfurnished apt, 2 rooms kltrhfnet sleeping porch and bath for J17 50 at the Tarris Ait. 314 S. Vir- Jginia, and also furnished apt at same price. Copyright 1914, International News Service FOR KENT. S room house, completely furnished; close In. Davis Bros. Phone 118 FOR RENT Large furnished home in Sun set Heights. 11 rooms and large reception hall; handsome furnishings, fine piano. Will lease to desirable, healthy people 1 or 2 years. Call 1219 N. El Paso. For Rent Houses Unfurnished. FOR BENT. 1923 Arisona, nice 4 room house on corner, near car line, S22 50 month. Austin Marr. For Rent Rooms and Board. FIRSTCLA8S TABLE BOARD Phone 926. NEAL'S, 513 MESA Phone 3417. Rooms strictly uptodate. Table firstclass. NICE CLEAN ROOMS and good home cook ing. 601 Myrtle Phone 9(7. TWO adjoining furnished rooms with or without board 1305 E. Boulevard. Ph. 4806. BOARD AND BOOM, J6.50 per week. Phone 1288 W 1025 Myrtle FOB CONVALESCENTS Room, board and sleeping porch in home of graduate nurse. Phone 5240 W. MODERN front room with bath: for man and wife or two gentlemen, with board. riace without children. Phone 3992 J. FURNISHED ROOMS In private home with or without board; Creole cooking. 1305 E. Boulevard. Cars to and from races pass the door. BOOM, sleeping porch and excellent board may be secured In private family; modern bungalow, by convalescent In good condition; lady preferred. Phone 1873 W. FOR KENT Beautifully furnished room in private home, with bath, for 2 gentlemen; breakfast if desired, references exchanged. Phone 6456. For Rent Offices. FOR RENT Desk room In desirable office In Herald1 building. Address v.. Herald. ! FOB RENT Office and storeroom at 516 San Francisco St. LIGHT, AIUY OFFICES for rent. 2d floor Herald building: will subdivide to suit ten ants. For Rent Rooms Furnished. BEDROOMS CHEAP Close In. Ph. 17S9. COMPLETELY furnished rooms. 706 Myrtle. DELMAB BOOMS (17 N. Stanton, rag. wa ter, free baths. SOc, 81 day; 32.50 up wkly. rOE BENT One room. Apply 151 N. Vir ginia. BEAUTirUL large front room. 709 Ari zona. FURNISHED front room, heat, bath, adults; no sick. 1725 Boulevard. NICELY furnished room, close in. 219 W. Rio Grande Phone 2289 J. TOB RENT Nice room with sleeping porch. 615 N. Florence. A STEAM HEATED furnished room in pri ate home. Phone 6173 for particulars. I FOB KENT Large front room to gentle men only. Call after 6 at 114 Chihuahua. TWO LARGE ROOMS J25. private entrance, walking distance 1029 Olive FURNISHED room In private home to gen tleman, no ck. Phono 771. HANDSOMELY furnished room. 401 Hon tana! NICELY furnished bedroom, 312. 4982 W. Phone FUBNISHED ROOM for gentleman. 811 N. Stanton. FURNISHED front room, gentleman only, close In. 915 N". Kansas St Phone 5836 W. GENTLEMEN Furnished room, sleeping porch. 1117 N. Kansas. Phone 371. WELL furnished rooms close In; references exchanged. 816 N. Oregon. FOB BENT Furnished. 4 rooms and bath. 501 Upson Ave. Apply 70S San Antonio St NICE STEAM HEATED room for gentle men. Phone 4560. .. NICE FRONT ROOM Hot water, lights, bath. Phone 2181. FOB KENT Front room adjoining bath, in private home, walking distance, reason able. Phone 6147 W. NICELY furnished room in a new bunga low, private family. Phone 6154. Ask Miss Salz. For Rent Rooms Unfurnished. UNFUBNISHED BOOMS for rent; private bath and sleeping porch. Phone 972 W. For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. ROOMS for light housekeeping. Ph. 925. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ell E. Boulevard. HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms. 612 Myrtte. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 914 N. El Paso. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. S18. No elck. 1215 E Boulevard. Phone 6087 W. TWO M(K furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranee. 901 Mesa. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 806 E. Mis souri. TWO housekeeping rooms for rent Phone 3109. TOR KENT 2 housekeeping rooms with bath. Apply 1003 Olive St. or phone 5187 J. FOB RENT 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 909 Ange St 2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms with kltchenet 805 Upson. Phone 4530 J. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with private batlu 1302 Myrtle. Phone 4403. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms, pantry and clothes closet, porch; hot water. In prt ate family 415 California. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms with prhate porch, in private home. 619 Noble rRONT ROOM for rent to couple with pril lege of u--ing kitchen no children. 2f;ofi v. ( Boulevard. Phone 2192 W. nit s FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Phone 5358 W. mornings or after 5 p. m. BOOM with sleeping porch, cooking allowed: no sick 1120 Florence. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 916 N. Kansas. Phone 5509. NICE 2 ROOM suite. J22.S0. 4084 Wyom ing. IIOUSEKEECTNG BOOMS New apt, large airy rooms, large sleeping porches. 1715 Montana. FOR KENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms in Altura; no children; 511 month. 314 San Antonio. COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, one large room suitable for two gen tlemen, hot and cold water; single beds. Phone 6365 W. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, completely furnished; lights, water and flat work, pri vate toilet, 317 50. 2714, E. Rio Grande. Ph 5869 For Sale Automobiles. Ijtuk Jlll.r urana pew i passenger auio- iuuu.iv, ., jjt. .iwu.. uvuw ,., ,,. FOB SALE Ford, 1913 model, good condi tion 1220 E. Missouri. OWIRLAND S passenger. '14 mode), self starter; run 2 weeks. 3870. Phone 6413. FOR SALE 5 passenger Studebaker. fine condition; 3300 cash; no trade. P. O. box 1091. GARAGE Completely equipped, with ma chinery and tools, for sale very reasonable. Write E. 490. Herald. STOP A JITNE CAB At any corner the same as you would a street car 5 cents is the fare. AUTOMOBILE for sale A bargain. Good aa new. six-60, late model, in perfect repair with new set tires, 2 new extra tires and rims; driven only 6000 miles by owner; selling because of my health. Write F. 32, Herald. mil BUT A MOTORCYCLE BUY A SCRIPPS BOOTH TWO PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE. T Ten horsepower. 700 pounds weight 35 miles on one gallon or gasoline, iz.wo to 15,000 miles on one set of tires. A Child Can Operate It i Ideal for Hunting Trip. Cheaper Than Horse and Buggy. Spend your Sundays In the country. Factory price. Four Hundred and Twenty Dollars. We are closing out these cars at S225.00. Get your order in early as they will not last long at this sacrifice price. Phone 6516 205 W. San Antonio St For Sale Dogs. THOROUGHBRED bull pups for sale. 3020 Alameda. t FHSafe--Fmp;itnrei FOB SALE Oak dining table. Ph. 5549 J. FOR SALE Furniture of 5 room house; house can be rented Phone 5627. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms complete for housekeeping. 3 beds, 3 stores, etc 812 K Mo, I FOR SALE One golden oak buffet, $18. and one Hot Blast heater, 58. Apply 3106 Ala mogordo. FOB SALE Furniture In nicely furnished 8 room residence; rent reasonable. Call after 4 p. m. 1002 Prospect Phone 2176 J. FOR SALE Furniture of 3 room house and house for rent; has large sleeping porch. 2007 Ohio St. take Highland Park car. COMPLETE furnishings of 5 room house cheap for cash, terms If desired. Ph. 3237. or call 1401 Wyoming St For Sale Miscellaneous. FOB any kind of flowers, phone 4692 J. FOR SALE Base burner. 1309 California. PIANO FOB SALE or trade Phone 5272. WHITE ANGORA BABBITS for sale. 707 N. Campbell FOB RALE Winchester pump gun, 12 gage take down, good'as new, 815. Ph. 8886. MACHINE SHOP with all tools for sale. A uarjcain wnia m. yi, iieraia. FOB SALE Hand painted china In sets, at reduced prices. 112 W. Franklin, opp. the library. FOR SALE Folding gocart in good condi tion at a bargain. Sheers Hdw. Co, 212 Mills St . STOVES TO BUBN from 75c up. Ths best gas ranges, 38 50. New cook stoves cheap. Iron safes, 332 to 5(5. Elegant chiffonier, worth 818 SO for J10.50 Sideboard, J10.E0. Base burner. $15. Phonograph and 25 rec ords, 318 50 Lots of other bargains. Welm. 21S S. Stanton. For Sale Motorcycles. JITNE CARS All start from the Plaza. Bide home in an auto for 5 centa. For Sale Pianos. FOB SALE Very reasonable. A pianola. ovu iuo uranae . FOR SALE Concert Grand piano, cheap for cash or will trade for auto and take or assume difference. P. O box 850. Ph 2549 W FOR SALE Las Cruces lots for $11 each. Terms. 81 caah tier lot balance mortgage for 1 or 2 years. A It. carejlerald. For Sale Real Estate City Property. MONEY TO LOAN 3 Hi FOR SALE C room Trust Building. v.w.m modern bungalow. Apply 2627 E Rio Grande BEAUTIFUL home at a sacrifice. Sroomt 2 story, inodren, cut from S8500 to $5800 owing to Illness must be sold. Phone owner 3065 W. ANDERSON REALTY CO. 317-318 Herald BIdg. rhoneC805. "IJAt"ANo UU Bl-XiU- BUY FROM OWNER and save commlsison. Modern 9 room house on Montana St; all builtir features, party leaving town. Wrlto M odern 87, Herald M18T SACRIFICE mi modem 5 room bun galow, all builtln features, never occupied, J. 700, terms. Phono 6SC7 Skinny s Boss Is Laid Up : ,-" - r77?n FOB BENT 7 room house, furnished, oa Montana St; all comforts. Apply Ph. 4266. rOB SALE5 lots. East El Paso, $700, easy payments. 2 corner lots on paement Al tura Park. $650. easy payments. Colbert Coldwell, 503 Caples BIdg WE 1LWE THE BUYEBS. List your 4 and 5 room houses with us at once. Austin Marr. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful 5 room bungalow, paved street: modern in every respect Will sacrifice if sold at once. Address B. 35. care Herald. AN UNUSUAL INVESTMENT. 5 room completely furnished new bunga low on Rio Grande St Rented permanently at $50 month. For quick sale, $4100, rea sonable cash payment baL $45 mo , inc. both Interest and prlniclpal. 3. w. rwiiips, With Austin & Marr. lu dandy cottages and bungalows at $2504 each. 9 room beautiful residence, all furnished, best residence district $800. 5 room dandy new bungalow, all furnished, garage, only $3000. Very easy terms on alL See for bargains. 408 N. Oregon BlckneU. Phone 5238. MONTANA ST. SITE $450. A snap. 40 ft. 2 blocks from paving. $50 cash and $20 mo. NEW BUNGALOW S150 CASH, $35 month. Including Interest 5 rooms. In cluding glassed-in room: hardwood floors and all new bulltlu features; on car line. Price 82810. J. W. PhUllps, With Austin a Marr. NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. SEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, BONDS. 100 SAN ANTONIO ST. S4000 5 rm. home. 1300 bik.. Nevada. & front Wilt take small place part pay. $10005 rm. modern home. 50 ft cor . beautiful location. 2 blka, car line. Trade for valley land. $25004 rm. modern home, Wyoming St $300 cash. 5300 per year. $17003 rm. modern home, 1 bik. car line, H. P.; small cahh payment baL per ma S1500 2 rm. modern home, 1 bik. car line, G. V. 5250 cash, $20 per ma $70009 rm. bungalow, Inglewood, Cat, exchange for El Paso home. S30 per ncre 110 acres, Socorro; small cash payment, bal. suit $30 per acre 86 acres Island tract; fine location and fine land. Trade fer house clean $7500 IS acres Ysleta, t rm. noose, z story barn, windmill, paved road. 8 acres In orchard; all Improved; cash and terms to suit $400 per acre 25 acres Ysleta, paved roaa, 5 rm. brick house, 9 acres orchard, large barn; terms and cash to suit Newman Investment Co. For Sale Real Estate CountryProperty. FOR SALE 5 acres onnosite Clneeue Park on paved road. 2 south front lots, block 15, Manhattan Heights. See W. H. Scott owner. Phone 2130. QUICK SALE Hundred acres good land, surplusage of water, half under ditch, good house, orchard, alfalfa: controls tract good grazing land sufficient for 300 cattle. Denny Osborn. Carrizoso. N. M. SMALL MISSOURI FABM. $5 cash and 35 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full information. Munger. I. 129, N. Y. Life Bide. Kansas Citr. Mo. EXCHANGE OB SELL. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT? WE HAVE: 40 acres halt mile of town, all In alfalfa; will raise from 250 to 300 tons per year. 600 acres adjoining the town: 30 In al falfa; balance grubbed and ready to culti vate. 2000 acres, part In cultivation. We will cut up In tracts to suit 1000 acres of pasture land. 6 brick stores, all rented. On main busi ness street Several modern uptodate residences on the best resident streets In town. Any size you want from 4 to 12 rooms. All rented. 1000 choice town lots, both business and residence All of this property is unincumbered and rituated in the most beautiful little city in the southwest If you are built along trading lines we can do business. We are not agents but owners. W. It Eldwin, Alamogordo. X. M . For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. TO TRADE Lots on Montana St and a new Overland automobile for a well located bungalow. Address 47, care Herald. TO TRADE for El Paso property, bearing apple orchard, adjoining city limits, of Ros well. N M. Phone 2407 W WILL TRADE choice building lots at mar ket value for medium weight 4 or 5 passen ger automobile. Call 619 First National Bank building COJIFORTABLE HOME CHEAT Will sell or trade equity of $2500, main paved street Just beyond high price district A money maker, t rooms, large lawn, garage. Phone 1525 For Sale or Exchange Miscellaneous. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Mountain hack for second hand farm wagon in good con dltlon. F G Belk. Anthony, N. M For Sale or Rent. PIANO FOB BENT or sale cheap. 5524 J. For Sale Rooming Houses. FOB SALE A NICE ROOMING HOUSE OF 8 BOOMS, WELL LOCATED. Rent only $40. Takea only 3125 to handle It or will trade for smaller place. REMEMBER that we are the only agents selling irrigated alley land who WAR RANT the soil and title as represented. The reason why we can afford to give these guarantees Is we have had 25 years living and farming in the valley. K. C. Bailey Land Co. 306 Mesa Ave. Phone 206S MONEY TO LOAN 315 Trust Building. All Hands Declare Tkeir Neutrality For Sale Rooming Houses. TiO SMALL rooming houses, fait Call 3907 J FOR SALE Established boarding house for conva'escents. Phone 4405 SAVE THE COMMISSION SO rooms, $14 W; terms. St Louis Hotel. 9 R. Beet little place in town $ 300 10 R. Good place 900 12 R. Close In, for cash 900 26 R. A mint special price. 27 R. All L. H. K.. rent $90. Bargain. 408 N Oregon BlckneU. Phone ftii Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS Great European War Book. Hlus trated and uptodate. Wonderful money maker. 50 percent commission. OutfU free. Write The Thompson Pub. Co. St Loult, Mo. WantedBids. RII1S FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK. Notice is hereby given in accordance with law that contract will be let and bids are Invited for making and constructing dams, canals, reservoirs, head gates, sluice gates, and all other improvements whatsoever to be constructed by Ward County Irrigation District No. 1. as shown by specifications and profiles and Engineer's report on file in the office of the district at Barstow, Texas, such bids will be in writing and sealed and delivered to the president or secretary of the Irrigation district, together with a certified check for at least five per cent (5 percent) of the total amount bid. The district reserves the right to pay amount due under such contract made by it in either cash or bonds of the district aa provided by law. Any and all bids may be rejected in the Judgment of the directors. I Said bids will be opened at the office of -i - . ..- -. j Ta-rai Ait Tnacu'lav December 1st. 1914, at 10 oclock a. m. Full details will be furnished, upon application to Ward County Irrigation district No. 1, the district however, reserving the right to charge for copies of the engineer's report and profiles, the actual cost of having such reports and profiles made and furnished. .Bids are called for in accordance with the provisions of sections 85, 86, 87. 83, 89 and 90, of chapter 172. of the Acts of the 33rd Legislature of the State of Texas. Ward County Irrigation District No. L By u. w. ifyer, rrearacau Attest: Rent. L. McKntght, Secretary. Wanted Help Female. finnrr ir.ivnm t KtA Pro-as-act. Phone 146 ere-niDga or weonegQay amnnwa. TVA'VTKn Vfr-n-trlasR co61c ABIlr befor 12 m. and after 6 p. m. 1119 Arizona, JITNE CARS All itaxt from, the Plaza. Ride home In an auto for S cents. WANTED A person for cooking and gen- l "U AMkw. a4vama '"ntllr'sll rlftlTl ems uvuee v w c-c- ! -- vh -- - - cans need not apply. Call mornings at 1WS jg. Kio uranoB a., or pnona ba Wanted Help. COUPLE FOB RANCH WORK Woman for housework and man to take care of stock; colored nref erred, will consider others. Phone 753 Wanted Situations. GRADUATE NURSE will care for several small children In her own home. i"n. . WANTED Situation as housegtrl In small family. 920 E. Franklin. GIRL wants housework on ranch. Write E. J., care Herald. WOMAN wants work by day. Phone 3959, room 8. 1VANTED Position as housekeeper, good cook. 8, care Herald. FIBSTCLASS CHAUFFEUR, good references, desires position. Write L. L.. care Hernld. POSITION WANTED by a good white man cook In restaurant or boarding house. Apply at 1000 Wyoming St WTW?RYWXT.T7rk V..11b. Al.n.Av vtmtKa position, neat appearance; good mechanic; speaKa ojmluibii. n rue j&. ?. xxvraiu. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position. nKAn. Jin. POSITION WANTED by experienced book- anT In nnv :in. nn nhlM? tn start Write E. 20. STUDENT wants to do Janitor work and take care of furnace morning and evenings. Address Student, 503 S. Florence. Ph. 391. PUZZLE Czarina as colonel empress rf nil the P.usm ! Find nn Austrian soldfcr and a Russian peasant. ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S SVZLVt Left aide down In k corrlnRc night aide down behind soldier Left side down below knees. n'lvntn A position as cook by an experi enced Japanese Write Frank. 61 a u laeo ai- ... n -iu4 mi... nositiOn 111 . . .1 , lAtmi-atorv experience. Address A V. J-. care O. L. White, Fair banks. Ariz. , Wanted Help Male WANTED A painter. 410 N. Campbell rwww rlH9 aii ..-t from the Plaza. Ride home la an auto lor cepis. WANTED Japanese, Chinese or Mexican boy for work in rooming house and to at tend furnace, references, fair wages. 31 j "4 Myrtle. My free booklet V. 632. tells how. Writs today now. jaxi bwiuxius. .u.u.,.w- D C . Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED 2 good burros. Phone 993 J 5. WANTED 50 cars bones at highest market price. .Herman xhuch v-u. WANTED To bur or rent Italian harp. Phone 2796. Af WANTED Second hand Ford car. state pnee and condition. C M. 33. Herald. Wanted to Rent. WANTED To rent a nice home in Grand View quick. Phone 6366 W. J&S&lbcSsLJjfe&w 1LVVE $1109 IN CASH and first mortgage notes to buy cottage, not over $2500. Ph. 5238. j Memorandum qJ mu4 )du7L TELEPHONE EARLY IF HERALD ISN'T THERE Subscribers failing to go The Herald promptly should call at the office or telephone No. 2030 before 6:30 p. m. All complaints will receive prompt ittention. PICTURE QjiffnuMoJrAr(l