Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD .Wednesday, Kov. 18, 19l 11 fi-.v0'3 The First National Bant Building and Those Who Occupy It Cigar and Periodicals. Ready Reference Business Directory Accountants. CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE concerning soil na crop adaptation. R. A. .Harris. Phone jJll j for apliolntraent Sell and hortloul. Tuial expert. Report furnished for mode- nt I HTM- TAKE VACANT LOTS wehaw for architectural and saperHrtendenfa work. A M. Sackett Phone 4180 W. Attorneys. ... nWVT T.AWVT?IL C25 Mills Bldg. Phone S13 J. Auctioneers ... 4 IVITlljlVfl. Auction Sales and Commission Broker. Office Phone ML Residence Phone JS50. Office: Bntranee to Caples Bldg. I Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale. Auction Sale. ..-nn.wn. CW lnwnl.,1- ml ThUrSdSV. lth 10 'a. m.. at Stewart's Furniture Store. " Stanton St 8T0RAGK FURNITURE that has been left with Stewart Furniture house. .insisting of alt kinds of household furni ture, stoves, beds, chairs, tables, dreysers. ashstands, ruga, carpets, kitchen b'n's sewing machines, pictures, rocking chairs, in fact all kinds of second hand furniture. Sale starts 10:M a. -m. TV. A. vrttHams, Aectteneer. AUCTION SALE. Grading Outfit to sell at Auction Monday, ov 2S, ot 10 a. m.. at Corner Euca lyptus and Michigan ATenHes. 10 big work mules. loo large fresnos. 12 small fresaos- 40 slips, or scrapers. t 13 plows, from t to 1 hone plow; Big and smalt 250 lead bare and donMetiees, 40 plow chains, or fifth dial as. 4 blacksmith outfits, complete, 100 sets work harness. 2 sets of harness repair tee, 2 good, heavy saddles, 12 wheelbarrows, 2 buckboards, 20 wheel scrapers. 50 tent, all kinds and stats, 2i tlg wagons, with floats and feed beds, 2 medium else wagons, 2 storagp water tanks, 10 water troughs, 2 wagon tanks, ,.,., , 4 cook outfits, complete Mississippi ranges, dishes and tents for 100 men. Shovels, picks, axes, mattocks, striking hammers, steel drills, 2 Masting bat teries, groceries, lumber for stalls and blacksmith shop and a number of other articles. All sums under $1M. cash. AU sums over $100 6 months' time wUI be given, one-half In i months and one-half In S months, draw ing 10 percent Interest en good. Bankable paper Five percent discount will be given on all sums ovao $1. IV. A. VfHIlaros. Auctioneer. EL PASO WELDING CO. Broken auto and machine parts welded good as new; all work guaranteed 618 N. Kansas. AUTOMOBILE repairing done efficiently and promptly. Amer. Motor & Machine Wka J IL Hurxthal. Prop. 311 Texas St GENERAL AUTOMOBILE KETAIBJNG H H. Lipsey. SOS N. Kansas St GENERAL LATHE and machine work, auto mobile repairing. Amer. Motor & Maehlne Work ,T H Hurxthal. Prop. 213 Texas St Bottles WE BUY AND SELL any kind of bottles. H Nelson. 1401 Myrtle Phone 2280. Carpets Cleaned. DUSANG & WELLBORN. PnONE 3999 Steam and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS CLEANTlD and general house work. Duntley Vacamn Cleantag Qo. PhJjOg Chimney Sweeps CHIMNEY SWEEP Stoves set up and re paired Phone SOT. ASK lorwmon. JOE MARQUEZ, Chimney sweep. Stoves set up and repaired right The man who has jlven satisfac tion for the past 6 year in El Paso. Legal Furniture Co. Phone 3714 206 S. Stanton. China Painting. LESSONS 50c; firing. Mra Nafe. Ph. 1491. HAND PAINTED CHINA Lessons, SOc. Mrs Walters. 401 Prospect Phone 4049 J. Cleaning and Pressing. BRING US YOUR CLOTHES TO FRBSS. Only SOc a Suit. Morehead, the Tailor, 402 N Oregon. Phone 3186. t Contractors and Builders. LA YERNE KERSHNER for brick work. -12 Mills St Phone 1730. Dancing Lessons. INSTRUCTION in aU new dances. Miss Stone. 36 Buckler Block. Ph. 3704-2584. Dressmaking. BUTTONS COVERED Angelus Cl'g. Wks. CLASSY DRESSMAKING Phone 6368 J. DRESSMAKING 1 4 K Kansas. Ph. 1S8I. DRESSMAKING and alteration. Ph. 5918. WANTED Plain sewing by the day. Ph. 143 WANTED To make baby trousseau. 2134 W Ph. PLAEN' AND FANCY SEWING Alterations, darning mending and repairing. 417 Texas. I-hon- 3774 HEMSTITCHING WORK by etpert demnn i inr ri ut1 on th'irt notnt .nd rtnMin " r . Sir.- r trrc R Ki riMt St ' .. 'K r r rrits v 1 i , n 1 '' - 'do JI to uj a u. t ji fa , $jr u .js. -..,. 0 -"V TOED BROMBERQER grd. floor. Ph. 1652. Dentists. DR. LEE McINTOSII. Dentist- Ph.522. R. 608 Detectives. WILLIAMS Detective Acer- Ph. 4406. BJi. Paring. TEXAS DITCI.mnC CO. Ph. 3355. R. 70. Specialists. OK. CAB1. L. SMITH Ph- 1171 Rm 317 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. JAMES T. JfrMITn. . Room SIT NORMAN B. YEAZEY. p. O. Box 817. Phone Adding Machines. DALTONAOalae Mactjlnes. SI" wl Bt- AETlCUUUIOl i.i-... Ready Reference Business Directory DressmaMng , UKKSSsnOaNOTAluTion. reroodellne. 5H. , eWM.W-- QP- . . , hn tmndR OUP I PACKING ana snipping no"""".5r, Tnd ' specialty Furniture rearing, finishing anc i , i..Ann. t t. n.n Furniture, wax- TesS "Factory " ".,. Phone 1025 Electric Irons. - ..... ...... en VfTVTTV T1AY. El Taso Electric Kallway Co. ' Electric Bldg. Phone 2W- Furniture Repairing. FUBNITURE KETAIRED Upholstered cushions made to order, prices reasonable. Phone 6185. 5 Gasoline. r, GALS. B. GAS.. 75c: oil. 65c Phone 356S GUNS REPAIRED We Can Fix It Shop Phone SIS. U. MOHR PAYS THE HIGHEST rRICES for guns and tools. Ring us up 131. . B. Bl Paso St ., , Junk Dealers. ILLINOIS BOTTLE JUNK COMTANY. 1005 Overland. Phone 1611. HERMAN BLOCH & CO. Scrap metal, copper, brass, bones, wool, hides, horse hair, skins all kinds. Ph. 5453. 305 E. Boulevard. EL PASO IRON METAL CO. 1505 San Antonio. Dealers In scrap Iron, rubtwr. cop por. hras. bones, etc Phone 2i, Laundries. PANCY LAUNDRY washed by hand, air dried, also rough dry. Phone 5083. Sell Livestock Buy. S MONTHS OLD bull cajf. Phone 5322. l'OU SALE Two horses and top wagons good bargain. Call 1005 Cotton. Ph. 687. POK SALE 37 large Missouri mules and five 8 ton ore wagons in good condition. Address Gregg & Glelm. Marfa, Tex FOR SALE Fine 3 year old riding mare with practically new Stanhope. C P. Hos tetter. 422 San Francisco St THIRTY MCLES POK SALE. In numbers to suit purchaser; time payments; satisfactory security; also saddle horses suitable for for eign trade. J H. Nations. SEVERAL registered Poland China boars. big bone stock. 5 months old. $15 each. Also 2 year boar, grandson of A Wonder. Would sell or exchange for boar equally well bred. John C. McNary, Berino, N. M. WANTED Have customer for two span good light mules 6 to 8 years old; weight 906 to 1000 pounds each; also one good driver. 1100 to 1200, 6 to 8 years old; muBt be sound; prefer grays. Dr. R. A. Higglns. Phone 336 FOR SALE Good driving horse, good sur rey and harness for $175 complete. If taken at once: large, gentle horse, speedy and In excellent condition. Outfit worth much more than this price. An excellent family outfit Phone 5222 or 2281. Millinery. MISS LULA MASON Remodeling a spec ialty. 720 N. Stanton. Mattresses. Mattresses Renovated DnSang & Wellborn. Mercantile Agencies. IC G. DUN CO. Mercantile reports. El Paso office. 501 Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on individuals, collections. Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Agenclea Harry Patemnn, Mgr. Rooms 321-m Herald Bide Musical MANDOLIN LESSONS given at 604 E. Rio Grande. WALTER DAVIS Piano teacher, $S month. Voice. $6. Phone 2693. Osteopaths, Regularly Licensed. 11. F. WRIGHT, M. D., D. O. 30S-S Herald giqg. pnone a.4z w. TA. PASO PAPKK no. Phone 3673 318 Mills St Poultry, Etc. BREEDERS and pullets. $1 each; IS eggs. $L Measday Poultry Farm. Alpine. Texas. 400 HENS, rULLETS, COCKERELS All n nfirl TCperi rnAm fratATne free. Parsons Chicken Ranch. El Paso Plumbers. PRONTO PLUMBER Call us for that hurry Up Job. We don't hold you up In prices. Rea phone. 5013: office. 1063. Public Stenographers. J. J. CROWLEY, Public Stenographer, 426 Capita. Bldg. Phone 1069. . Storage Warehouses. EL PASO STORAGE WAREHOUSE Larg est, best equipped in city. Goods called for and stored Cheapest and best Ph. 2166. Spanish Lessons. PROr. BRAVO. Graduated. 24 Buckler Bldg. CONVERSATIONAL Palmore College. Ph! 3130. SS.00 A MONTH Spanish lessons from 7:30 to 10 oclock at night Hotel Lawrence, room 50. Second Hand Goods. LADIES' CLOTHING BOUGHT Ph. 1534. CLOTHING We positively pay good prices for second hand clothing. Phone 4f37. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for men's 2d hand clothing. New starter; needs goods. Ph. 8384. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds sec ond hsnd clothing, shoes, hats. Ph. 1534. Second Hand Furniture. WANTED 2d hand furniture. R. L. Dan iels Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1025. WANTED TO BUY second hand furniture. Landa Furniture Co., Ill E. Overland. none bay, ...u,&A0. X lAjtKS 1'dlll lOr B6CUUU uuu furniture, stoves, carpets. Phono 4097. Texas irvrtirircm nn.r. .. . t .. tnA ,uimiurg iv., 1V0 ss. .1 i'aso Ofc. WE BUY, SELL or exchange anything In household goods. Rio Grande Hardware and Furniture Co . 407 N. Oregon St Ph. 896. Stove Repairing. STOVES SET Ur PHONE 889. NEW PARTS MADE and carried for all makes of stoves. L. J. Peeler, with D. and H. Iron Works, corner E. 5th and S. Flor ence ata. Ph. 344. Will call at your home. Taxidermists. M. CLUGSTON 3624 MnrencL Ph. 6964 W. WANTED To. buy id hand tools and guns. H. Mohr 309 a El Paso St FOR SALE L. C. Smith visible typewriter. Tl I ,- ...... r r C Ua.llfl i ovrKRin, 9a. wrue im v.. o . i; ..c.. 1 TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. LAU makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona I Typewriter 216 Utile St Phone 832. Veterinary Surgeons. eterlnarv Surgeon T Brown Phone 4'17. Wallpaper. FornitarePactoni I HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed. sW"f .9d shinned, uusang &. v euDoru. - Guns. GUNS REPAIRED Allen Arms & Cycle Co. Too Late to Classify. NOTHING DOWN Just move Into this nice 4 room bungalow and pay balance like rent It li a dandy. $2500. ! nu , """"" "". LOTS WANTED In Grand view , si.: uawKins Bros. Vista In exchange for 5 passenger auto. !.,.- iatio ijasjli m ui&uu view or Alta Vista In exchange for E passenger auto elec tric lights, demountable rims. i 2 STOKY BUSIDENCE"w"ANTED VO-e have cash buyer waiting with $10,000. Hawkins Bros. ON MONTANA New bungalow, 5 rooms. All the bungalow features; never occupied any old terms. Take a look before you buy anything. , Hawkins Bros. Phone 800. N. FLORENCE 5 room red pressed brick xor wiwu. iuiH uiie ui me Dest buys on our books. $500 down. ' I Hnwklns Bros. Phone 2800. A SACRIFICEbn N. El Paso, 8 room 2 story brick. Must be sold quick. Cut from 56500 to "5500; walking distance: terms. I Hawkins Bros. Phone 3800. I ON BOULEVARD 6 room brick, south 1 front, paving paid; walking distance. Owner ..... ., ..If ,,,. how.. .m...... ,. . . . J5J00, cut to $3600. Want it? linn Kins liros. l'none 2800. $100 DOWN, S15 MONTHLY for 4 room home near car, fenced. $1600 If taken quick. Hawkins Bros. Phone 2800. GET SOMETHING DIEFEBENT. 5 room new modern home just completed. Perfect in every detail and one of the most complete and best planned homes ever built. If you are hard to please let us show you this home. Price S5SO0. $504 down. Howell Realty Co. MS Herald Bldg. Phone 567. MONTANA ST. SITE. S1275. Just east of Cotton Ave. The section that is being so rapidly built up; paving paid; sidewalk and curb In; very reasonable terms. Austin & Marr. 301 San Antonio St Phone 4350. S2S0O. ' Brand new pebble dash bungalow, 55x120; terms to suit $1800. 5 room adobe, 2 corner lots, on St Vraln. $350 cash, bak easy. $3750. 5 room new bungalow, heating plant A beauty. $500 cash, bak 525 per month. S12S0. 4 room frame, 2 blocks Alta Vista school. $100 cash, $25 per month, including In terest $3000. 4 room frame, 3 lots. $100 down, $25 per month. SNAP. 60 acres 16 miles of valley, $4200. Better hurry. . 400 acres lower valley, fine land, will take Vi trade. Anything worth the money, any location. to ncres 18 miles up-er valley, on paved road, for quick sale. $75 per acre. Whlte-Paden Realty Co. Phone 1549. 11-12-13 Morgan Bldg. NEW BUNCAI.OW ON EASY TERMS. 4 rooms on 2 full lots, red pressed brick; large screened sleeping porch and cement front porch. Everything of the latest con struction. The house has not been com pleted and at this time can be finished to suit purchaser. Price $2100; small payment down, balance to suit Austin & Marr. LAND. 40 acres level silt uncleared, fenced: no overflow. $70. $450 cash. bal. $40 mo., or 5 years. Close In on main road and ditch. E. S. Tennebaker. Real Estate. Valley Lands. Ranches, Cattle, Mines. El Paso. Texas. SACKEWCE TOR CASH. 3 choice lots Just off paved street run ning through Manhattan Heights. Lots In same vicinity selling for $600 each. Owner needs money and offers the 3 lots for $450. Anstln & Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 43S9. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 1andy new bungalow, modern, south front large basement Only $2700; easy. EI Taso Land Trust Co. Phone 6389. 708 Two Republics Bldg. MONTANA ST. SITE. $1275. Just east of Cotton Ave. The section that is being so rapidly "built up; paving paid, sidewalk and curb In; very reasonable terms. Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 4350. 1LWE YOU SEEN "LAFAYETTE TLACE." Located Just 8 miles down the valley on the north loop paved road la the heart of the valley. This location cannot be beaten for your country home. This land Is ail in cultivation. The price ranges from $300 to $600 per acre. . You may name your own terms and cash payment If you ever intend to buy valley land, don't neglect this oppor tunity to get something good for your money. Drop in some time and be convinced. W. P. Payne, Owner. 401 Mesa Ae. Phone 1250. HOME ON INTERURBAN. One acre of land. New 3 room adobe, well finished, large sleeping porch; also large front porch. Cost $1400 Owner leaving lng city and will sell for $1100, $350 cash, balance $45 per month. Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 4350. RAILROAD AND AUTOMOBILE TIME TABLES. AU trains arrive and depart from Union depot toot ot San Francisco street All arrivals and departures given In Bl Paso or mountain standard time. SANTA FE. Frr Albuquerque. Denver. Chicago. Loi Angeles Lv. 8:30 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. From Albuqnerque, Denver. Chicago, Los Angeles Ar. 10:00 a. m. and 6:10 p. ta. EL PASO SOUTHWESTERN. (Western Division). For Arizona and Sonora Lv. 2 p. m. and 7:45 p. m From Arizona and Sonora Ar. 7:45 a. m., 2:30 p. m. (Eastern Division). For Kansas City. St Louis, Chicago L. 2:45 p. m. and 10:50 p. m. Fron Kansas City. St Louis and Chicago Ar. 6:38 a. m., 1:45 p. ra G., II. & 8. A. AND S. P. TRAINS. Per San Antonio. New Orleans. Washing ton Lv. 8:45 a. m. and 11:00 p. m. From San Antonio. New Orleans. Wash ington Ar. 6:40 p. m. and 9:15 p. m. For Arizona and California Lr. (:S3 e. m. and 9:30 p. m. From Arizona and California Ar. 1:1 J a. m., 10:30 p. m. texas ft PAcrna For Dallas and St Louis Lv. 7:4S a. ra 0:30 p. m. From St Louis and Dallas Ar. :0 a. m 3:50 p. m. NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF MEXICO. (No regular service.) . MEXICO NORTH WESTERN. (N6 regular service.) GLOBE TO PHOENIX. Eight hours. Via Roosevelt dam. Leaves Domlnlor. hotel. Globe, dally, 8:39 a. m. Arrive Phoenix 4:30 p. ra. Fare. SIS. Make reservations in advance. Gila Vnller Anto Stage Line. Globe. Arlx. BOSWELL-CAERIZOZO MAIL LINE. Passenger service leaving both Roswell and Carrizozo daily and Sunday at 8 a. m. for PIcacho, Tlnnle. Hondo. Lincoln. Ft Stanton, Capltan and Nogal. Through fare one way. $8.40. Interme diate points at 8c per mile. Baggage carried up to 175 pounds. SO pounds free. Excess at lo per pound. Roswell Auto Co. Owners and Operators. LASCnuCES AUTO LINE FOR MESILLA VALLEY FOINTS. Leaves Herald office each week day at 2:30 p. m. Fares from El Paso to Ccnutillo !.. .76 Anthony j,oo Berino L25 Vado 1.60 Mesqulte . 1.75 Jlesllla Park 2.O0 Las Cruce-i 2.00 Leaves Las Cruces Drug Co. for El Paso at 10 a. ra. dally. BLACK RANGE AUTO STAGE AND EXPRESS LINE. Passenger service, leaving Engle and Chloride daily, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. for Elephant Butte. Cuchlllo. Willow Springs and Falrview. Through fare ens way $6; Intermediate points, 10c per milt. Baggage carried) 60 pounds free, excess 2 cents per pound. MONAIIANS. GRAND FALLS, IMPERIAL AND BUENA VISTA faTAGE LINE. Car leaves Monahans 7:00 a. m. Arrives Grandfalls 9:00 a. m. Arrives Buena Vista-11 30 a. m. Returning arrives Monahans 4:00 p. m. Fare $3 50 each way. -J W Brown. Monnhans. Texas. HiCKOK hotei7and auto lineT En-le. N. M Trlpj to E'rs mt Tune and Palomas Springs. Cars meet alt trains. Too Late to Classify. n i inttniin rnn nASTT- X choice lots just off Paved street, run I i i t v.ttton TTMsrhts. LOtS In gTOe vlclnltr selling for $600 eacn. ""' "e3 money an.a ',fcri lh!-l! l0tB i nintr uiruuKii " --o . . ... ,'U5I Tihnn 43! Antllii ft Marr. 301 San Antonio St. Phone 4350. 4 BOOMS FURNISHED. Modern red pressed brick cot tage, N. Kansas St.. S corner lots (78x120 ft) at S3750. Lots alone worth S1000 each. Ad ministrator must close estate. Terms. J1750 cash, balance easy. Invest and watch your dollars double. Lots 2 blocks south now priced at J1800 each. No trou ble to show. W. RIO GRANDE ST. Modern 6 room red pressed brick cottage, 2 south front lots, running through to anotter street, giving you a street front and back, in the event you would care to build an apart ment Price SC500. Lots across street priced at $100 front foot You do the figuring. 0ncJ owes $4150. payable $50 a month, including Interest Rents will take care of It Hard to locate a better apartment site. Will trade equity or sell ior $2360 cash. , Cassldy & eel- ... Ill Mills St Pbone 920. . VVHB BETTER CLASSES ARE MADEfJ thrfirsfttoft factory In El Paso and gave to Texe. p3Wo the newest in Glasses. I grind I t"iWany lens, and color or shape desired. ? , ,, Geo. D. Kendall, u Mn IV, Makes Glasses Right NEW BUNGALOW ON EASY TERMS. 4 rooms on 2 full lots, red pressed brick large screened sleeping porch and raent front porch: everything of the latest con struction. The house has not been com pleted and at this time can be finished to suit purchaser. Price $2100; small payment down, balance to suit Austin Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 4350. FURNISHED nOUSE. 5 room furnished house on Button St for year's lease at $50; garage. lisk-Ramsey Realty Co. Phone 1073. T3' BIaS- REAL ESTATE NOTES XOR SALE. 1990 first mortgage notes secured by Im proved valley land of three times value of notes. Jny F. Knox Company. Lobbv Hotel Orndorff. Phone 477. 125 ACRES all In cultivation, the best farm in the lower valley for sale at a great bargain. A. J. WUson. With Austin Marr. 301 San Antonio St FOR RENT BY rTeTlYONS. Umi,iu 5 . 7 rooms, furnished. ......Sse.OO I Prospect 4 room apt, furnished 75.00 Dallas St. 5 rooms, furnished... 6S.0C Tularosa St, 5 rooms, lurmsnea su.oi, Hamilton St. S rooms, furnished 45.00 N. Virginia. 4 room flat, furnished.... 45.00 1518 Montana, 9 rooms I.'?? Cambridge St, 8 rooms, 50.00 Vln.,, UUkiMv 7 rnATnS. . ....... 30.00 130 Tobln Place.'s rooms 30.00 I List your rental ana tor sais property with me for results. References: City Na tional bank. Hotel Sheldon Lobby. Phone 1137. LAND, RANCHES. FARMS, COLONIZA TION TRACTS. $350,000. Ooe of the best stock ranches In the southwest $2.25 Per Acre. 160,090 acres In old Mexico. A firstciass ranch proposition. $1.25 Per Acre. 60,0.acres south of Douglas In old Mex ico. Tillable land. $2.25 Fer Acre. 17.712 acres situated on Pecos river. Val Verde oounty. Easy term. S2.75 Per Acre. 7000 acres located in Culberson county. Best of grass. IRRIGABLE. $35 Per Acre. 673 acres. Buena Vista, Texas, under 12 foot irrigation canaL Full paid up water right $37.50 Per Acre. I 640 acres near Grand Falls, Texas. Pecos . county FuU paid up water righta Two i big irrigation canals. We have many other i good propositions, iaii auu d w i.i i.' ticulars. ANDERSON REALTY CO. 317-18 Herald Bldg. Phone 680S. 10 ACRES IN ONE TRACT, 40 acres In two other tracts near Socorro In the lower val ley for sale at $95 and $110 per acre. See A. J. Wilson, With Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St CHALMERS "3C" TOURING CAR. Fully equipped, self starter and in fine condition. Will sell on terms of would ac cept small car as part payment Jay r. Knox Company. Lobbv Hotel Orndorff. Phone 477. FOR BENT Furnished 40 room hotel, steam heated; good town; Income $1500-2000 month: large dining room. $250 per ma, 5 years lease. See Creel, Austin Marr. Ph. 5075. FOR RENT. 8 room dwelling. 500 W. Boulevard. 4 room dwelling. 631 W. Missouri, $25. 4 room dwelling, furnished, 1716 Montana, $50.00 Store rooms, corner Myrtle and Kansas. Donglas C. Crowell Agency. 208 Mills Building. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE. 6 rooms. Tent $35, nice furniture, price $400; good house. 7 room, rent $20, always rented; yours n.w I9RA rath- InMm, fifl TYinnth 8 room, nice place, large sleeping porches. J $800. 10 room, walking distance; rent $50. $1000. 12 room, all light housekeeping; house i now rented for $98 month: rent only $30; 2 j year lease. Yours for $80; $100 cash. 21 room, heart of town; good money maker. Price $2100 cash. I 23 room, rent $100, alt light housekeeping. I Never any vacancies. A 'national bank to . you. Yours for $2500. $1800 cash. 32 room, all new furniture. 5 year lease rent $150 month. Yours $3509; terms. When you want a rooming house see Creel, With Austin ft Marr. Ph. 5075. 4 ROOM COTTAGE On Douglas St. $21. Whitc-Paden Really Co. Phone 1549. ?S33 FOR GOOD SITE. South front on Alamogordo St High, level ground, full depth: terms. Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 4350. NEAR MANHATTAN HEIGHTS. I $250 down, balance $35 month. 4 room bungalow, 2 south front lots on car line. One in Grand View ; vsame terms. Douglas C- Crowd! Agency. 208 Mills Bldg. Phone 578 $72.50 PER ACR& 80 acres in heart of upper valley's best farming district Adjoining land in cultl-. vatlon priced at $200 per acre. , Kilbnrn-Llnd-icy Co. . j Succrs. Tobin Iteal Estate Co. ' SO PERCENT ON $1000 INVESTED in this 5 room new bungalow for $4100. $1000 cash, ' baL $44.75 mo. House rented for $60 mo. Figure yourself. t Creel. With Austin ft Marr. Ph. 5075. j ANOTHER ASSERTION j Easily proved A bargain. ' SO acres. On the Borderland. Pure silt $125 per acre. $2250 rash, bal. 5 years, for 1 week only. Title absolute. Close to market This tract will bring $300 within 2 years. Autos at your service. . E. S. rennebaker. Suite 507, Two Republics Bldg. Phone 2611. DAILY BULLETIN. ' 640 acres, well Improved, western Indiana, ' for Bl Paso property, valley land or ranch. 12 room brick, nearly new, 2 lots, east front, paving, sidewalks, curbing; house ha- hardwood floors, bulltin features, good fur nishings included; steam heat Price $12,000 I!) mm E. Fenimore. 308 Trust Bldg. Phone 5052. AUTOMOBILE TO TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE. We lne a 'tirnt who ha automobile f h lu of "00 u ho wtli trade for vai'tt ' tot i - imp i njr . VutIn ft Marr. I l;.! Sin An' mo Su Phont. 4i-0. Too Late to Classify. AUTOMOBILE TO TRADE FOR REAL We have a client who has automobile of the value of $700. 'Who will trade for vacant lots of same value. .- Austin Marr. 301 San Antonio St Phone 4350. HAVE YOU SEEN "LAFAYETTE TLACE." Located Just 8 miles down the valley on the north loop paved road In the heart of the valley. This location cannot be beaten for your country home. This land Is all In cultivation. The price ranges from $300 to $600 per acre. You may name your own terms and cash payment If you ever Intend to buy valley land, don't neglect this oppor tunity to get something good for your money. Drop in sometime and be convinced. W. r. Tayne, Owner. 401 Mesa Ave. Phone 1259 RACE HORSE JWEN ATTENTION. Large stable. 94x120 ft dose to business district for rent. Jay 1'. Knsx Company. Lobby Hotel Orndorff. Phone 477. HOME ON ESTERURBAN. One acre of land. New 3 room adobe, well finished; large sleeping porch; also large front porch. Cost $1400. Owner leav city and will sell for $1100. $350 cash, bal ance $45 per month. j , Austin & Marr. 301 San Antonio St Phone 4350. FOR BOOMING nOUSES BUSINESS CHANCES. CITY PROPERTY, VALLEY LANDS. SEE US. W. C. Belden Realty Co. . 105 N. Stanton St Phone 9016277. y $500 CASH BUYS a $8600 completely fur nished 5 room modern bungalow, brand new, the balance monthly payments to suit the purchaser. Let me show you this bargain. A. J. Wilson, With Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St tl PERCENT. A corner close in, south side, 83x120 ft, tenement location, $2100. Do It now. 5 corner lots 1 block from end ot paving on Montana. $1000 for the,S. 1000 exchange propositions. E. S. Pennebaker. Real Estate, Valley Lands. Ranches, CatUe, Mines. EI Paso. Texas. $335 FOR GOOD SITE. South front on Alamogordo St; high, level ground, full depth; terms. Austin & Marr. 304 San Antonio St Phone 4350. TOR SALE Furniture of S room house. Please call from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.; house can be rented. Call 915 Williams. FURNISHED ROOMS Only 3 left conveni ent place to spend winter, at reasonable rates. The Ayers, 310 W. Missouri. Ph. 1592. FOR' SALE Registered Hetstetn bull calf; very fine animak Sam B. Qlllett 420 Ca ples Bfdg. FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jersey hogs. They are the best I have ever raised. Sam B. Qlllett 120 Caples Bldg. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE 61SH N. Camp- belL rUBNISHED housekeeping rooms. 712 Ma- goffiiu NICE BEDROOMS for gentlemen only. 703 Magoffin Ave. FOR SALE Nice N. Stanton. steel range, cheap. 715 NICE FRONT housekeeping suite, center city. 415 Myrtle. FOR RENT 5 room bungalow. Alta Vista district, on car line; modern conveniences; no sick or children. $35. Phono 553J be tween 6 and 8 p. m. NICE TENT ROOM for rent for 1 or I men ' or couple. Phone 6675. I FOR SALT: House in Val Verde at a bar gain: terms. Phono 4972. a-TMtiT TT-p.ATnn "ROOMS. 2 windows, run ning, hot and cold water, bath. 345t Myrtle, j en np!Tv,wltf furnished front room. private family; gentlemen. 708 Roosevelt Ave. , 6 LOTS ON PAVED STREET $2S0 each. Will sell any 2 or more. $7.S0 per month per lot Phone 4226. AUTO MECANICLVN and driver wants employment as chauffeur. Address JL 36, care Herald. DESIRABLE sunny bedroom with spacious sleeping porches, in modern home; reason- able. Phone 2188 J. 1109 Arisona. LOST Laay"s hand bag. Popular, second floor, containing watch and small change. Return to Vogue Millinery and receive lib eral reward. NICE unfurnished rooms and sleeping porch. 912 N. Virginia St No sick; refer ences. . BLUE STEEL DLVMOND for sale, also trade for a lot In second ward. SOS a HUL - Will Call 3IODERN unfurnished 4 room apt, Missouri. Inquire Apt No. 3. 533 W. -EnT OtTI? Cahia TirACtlCAU V MW 1UIU1- ture at 2-3 Ks Invoice value for cash only. Will mall list and prices on application. Phone 6314. . FOR SALE Cottage with trees and Karage, furnished or unfurnished. 1318 Arizona, Phone 374 or 784. . FOR RENT I 'room cottage, $16. Phone 11SS. 3S17 Blsbee, FOB SALE Thoroughbred Chihuahua dogs, also Angora cat; reasonable price. Call SOS S. Hill St OUR WORK AS GOOD AS HIE Bra' better than some. We w on bun " mend the rips. Try us. Right Way Laun dry. Phone 1119. AUTOMOBILE TOR ' passenger, uptooaie. wi " .--;.- JZ&a&S. ; -T VI'iS t rstciaas condition. Bargain for cash or part cash. Ask fop d"!tra' tion. Apply 102 N. Stanton. Phone 167. rOR RENT 2 nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms at 904 Upson Ave. $25 on large sleeping Porch: everything comfort able and homelike. Phone 2116 evenings. -vi. tthiit iimisr.KKBFING S nice rooms in private family; 1 bedroom com pletely furnished, balance vacant; large porch. Phone 3107; FOR RENT 2 elegantly furnished rooms; lWhYg room fitted with disappearing bed taVge private tile bath and outrtde entrance; walking distance. Sunset Heights. Ph. 2160. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Bath, sleeping porch. hardwood floors, heating plant; all : modern features; brand new: on t full l1fr'i $4600. small cash payment balance $30 per month. Phone 4226. BBO riFTH TOURING CAR ""-sale-Best car on the market in Its class: close price for cash. Howell. 202 Herald Bldg. vor" SALE-New No. S Royal typewriter cheap. R. u Mitcneii. v p .w. -- .... . .. , .a a.... i.inniii ;l. BABY BED AND BUGGY for sale cheap. 205 N. Florence. WILL TRADE Highland Park lots 1 block from car line for auto In good condition. Address T. K. E Herald. WIDOW with daughter attending business college y.ants situ ulon as housekeeper in cltyt P. O. box 1078. El Paso, Tex. We Will BaaBBBBHssflsaS IsSflOH-BURMINaiCTl 1 3 R wcoHanvzsj p I Too Late to Classify. FOR RENT 3 nice rooms close in. and fine new furniture of same for eale at a loss; must leave town immediately. 155 N. Ochoa. Phone 214. FOR SALE Furniture of 5 room house, everything complete. $160. Phone 327. FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalow in Manhattan Heights, $30 per month, a H LeavelL Phone 4226. FOR SALE House and rooms, elose in; 2 rooms rented for $17 per month, you get 4 rooms and sleeping porch for $18 by buy ing the furniture at your own Price. J. R. Cro2ier. room 793 Rio Grande Bank Bids Phone 2829. FOR SALE Lot of laying hens, also bull calf cheap. Phone 3512 W. DAILY RECORD Buildin? Permits. To J. W. Hull, to build a nricK oungaiow j On lots 17 to 20, mClUSlTe, rami H, mm El Paso; estimated value $1500. To Franklin Bros., to build a brick garage at 1020 Rio Grande street; estimated. value To Baker & McDonald, to change front at 205 East Overland street; etsimated value Deeds Filed. South side of Trowbridge, between Haus- tnn .n.1 T-amill- Streets W. K. MBIT tO W. H. Reynolds, lots 36 and 27. block 3, Gov- ; ornment Hill addition; consideration I $4799 66; Nov. 14. 1914. Socorro grant F. R. Allison andv N. A. Brown to A. H. Bllnebry. a tract o land containing 11 9-10 acres In Socorro grant EI Paso county; consideration $1; Oct 13, 1914. Socorro grant A. H. Bllnebry to D. Vlckers a tract of land containing 11 9-10 acres in survey 153. Socorro grant El Paso county: consideration $1390: Oct 20. 1914. Jesus Ochoa grant J. G. Barada to H. L. Mitchell and F. G. Belk. a tract of land containing 110 17-100 aeres In Jesus Ochoa grant El Paso county; consideration $10; Sept 2, 1914. Fort Bliss Acreage tract J. L. Dbwn and E. W. Earl to J. M. Langford. lots 8 and 16 In subdivision No. 1 of Dixon's subdi vision of westerly one-half of block 12, Fort Bliss Acreage tract El Paso county; eeni I sideratlon $80; sept. s. isn. North side of Stevenson between Crockett and Bowie streets Guaranty Trust and Rjmkinr company to Cornelia L. de Plaza. lota 15 and 16. block 2, French addition; consideration $350; Nov 10, 1914. North side of Cambridge, between Marr and Jefferson streets Lyrfa Carpenter to Annie jx hiw ww, .. uU ., uium 79. Government Hill addition; consideration $SS0; Nov. 16. 1914. North side of Boulevard between Williams and Hutton streets Duncan Campbell and wife to J. C Cooley, southerly 46 feet of lots 29 and 30. and fractional lots 31 and 32, block 57, Franklin Heights addition; con sideration $2250: Nov. 12. 1914. North side of Cambridge between Marr and Jefferson streets Lyda Carpenter to Anna B. Warnock. lots 13, 14 and 15, bioek 79, Government Hill addition; consideration $750; Nov. 5. 1914. Automobiles Licensed. f 2822 C. H. Haynes. Orient hotel, Metz runabout I 2823 T. R. Warnock, National hotel, five puumifici x. .n. x1. Licenced to Wed. Jose Beanes to Juana Naranjo. Births Girls. To Mrs. Francisco J. Perez, earner Third and Santa Fe streets; Nov. 16. WEATHER BULLETIN. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Observations taken at 8 a. m 75th me ridian time -(8 a. m. EI Paso time). Nov. 18. 1914. Forecasts. El Paso and vicin ity Partly cloudy tonight and Thurs day. New Mexico To night and Thursday, fair, notmach change in temperature. West Texas Part ly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Precipitation last I hours (Inch) Weather at 8 a. m Lowest temp, last night Highest yesterday...... Temp, at 8 a. xn I Abilene 44 Amarlilo...... 28 Atlanta 30 Boise. Idaho. ...... .26 Boston 26 Chicago 30 Cincinnati 24 Denver. .......26 Detroit 2" Duluth. Minn 12 Bl Paso Galveston 62 Havre. Mont 9 Jacksonville 42 T IHIa T),u.V 34 I 38 28 28 24 24 26 20 22 18 2 42 50 18 42 32 58 22 38 34 34 52 32 14 32 26 48 52 :t 36 24 28 54 cloudy ptctdy clear clear clear cloudy clear clear cloudy snow clear rain cloudy pt cldy cloudy clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear cloudy clear pt cldy dear clear pt cldy clear ! lnM SZ Nashville J , jjew Orleans -J New York 3 f uuinucfc. ....... ." r Phoenix Rapid City, S.D 11 Roswell Jf St Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio 4 San Francisco J4 Santa Fe Seattle J Washington Wichita. Kans Yuma. 62 SETBNCB OP MARTINEZ IS AFFIRMED BY-HIGHER COURT. Austin. Texas. Xov. 18. The case nf Atir-iioi t Martinez, one or, the Mexi- cans charged with being a member c , the Dimit county Dna ai wnssirawra and smugglers, was today affirmed by the court of criminal appeals. Marti nez was given 12 years by a jury in the district court of Bexas county for his connection with the murder of deputy i sheriff Ortiz, who was one of the mem bers of the sheriffs posse that pur- I sued the band. FUNERAL OF GIIIL KILLED BY SWALLOWING GARGLE IS HELD. The funeral of Clinton Mae Kitt, who died suddenly Tuesday morning as the result of accidentally swallowing a medicine with which she was gargling her throat, was heW Wednesday mom ing at 10 oclock at the family home, 1109 North St, Vfain street Inter ment was made In Concordia cemetery. Metronole Bar. 164 Mills street. Adv. COURT OF APPEALS AFFIRMS SENTENCE OF EL PASO MAX. Austin, Texas, Nov. 18. The court of criminal appeals today affirmed the ease of George Romano of El Paso county, who was given two years in the penitentiary on a charge ot embezzle ment The appelant was a former em ploye of the Wells Fargo Express com pany. Metropole Bnr, 201 Mills street. Adv. Give You THE BEST 1 vvoi.v.,, v jj i AND THE QUICKEST TIME Between EL PASO and NEW ORLEANS, ATLANTA, WASHINGTON, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO and LOS ANGELES Come in and Let us Show You City Ticket Office No. 206 North Oregon 'CM ;IE ! es n. Favorable Weather Makes Corn Easy; Oats Traders "Watch Other Grains. NOTE Quotations reflect closing pries Wednesday, November 18. Chicago. HI.. Nov. 18. Higher cables had a strengthening effect today on wheat Af ter opening H to V, to HcVnp, the market steadied slightly above Tuesday night's IeveL The eleee waa firm "ft to lc net higher Clear, cold weather that favored the handling of the 'new crop made the corn market easy. The opening, which varied from unchanged figures to to 14c highe was followed by something of a sag all .round. The close was firm, H .to He above Tues day night Traders in oate seemed disposed to watch ether grains. There waa but little pressure to sell, and the market kept relatively firm. Lower prices for hogs carried down pro vMess; Grain and Provisions. Chicago Grains. Clee. Wheat Dec., LISft: May. 1.22M. Corn Dec., 6714: May. 11 4. Oats Dec, SO; May. 53. Chicago Provisions. Close. Pork Jan, 18.77; May, 19.00. Lard Jan.. 10.12; May, 10.22. "Ribs Jan.. 10.00: May, 10.22. LIVESTOCK. Chicago Livestock. Close. Chicago, 111, Nov. 18 Cattle Rects 11 -000; market weak. Beeves. $6.00010.60; steers. $5.0009.20; calves. $8.OO01L5O. Hess Recta. 32.000: market slow, mostly 20e under average: bulk. $7.2007.40; heavy, $6.907.50; pigs, $4.9006.25. Sheep Rects. 18,000: market weak to 10c lower. Sheep. $5.5006.25; lambs. $6,500 8.99 Kansas City Livestock. Close. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 18. Cattle Recta 9000, market steady. Prime fed steers. 510.00011.00: western steers; $7.0009.75, calves. $6 50010,50. Hogs Rects. 21.000: market lower; balk. S7.2S07.SO; heavy, $7.3507.50; pigs, $6 50 07.2S. Sheep Recta, 6000; market strong. Lambs. 8.2S09.1S: yearlings. 8.5907.M. Ft. Worth Livestock. Close. (Br Zeiger Hotel.) Cattle Recta. (000, including 600 calves. Steers. $6.0006.50: stocker steers. $ 000 6.7S: cows. SC250S.25; heifers, $5.5006 25. bulls. J4.S905.2S: calves, St.OO0S.5O. Hogs Rects. 2000; top. S7.S5; hulk, $7 20 07.50. Soeee Rects 1000. Wethers, $5.2305 50; ewes, $5.2505.50. MONEY AND" METALS. NEW YORK MARKET. (By Associated Press). New York. Nor. 18. Cleetng: Mercantile paper. 50t percent Mexican dollars, 40. Bar silver. 49 . Sterling exchange, steady: 60 days bills, 4.85.75; for cables, 4.88.65; for demand, 1 4.9S.15, Tin. dull and easy: 3t.M032.62H for five ton lota, and 3L75032.2S f ec 2S ton lots. Electrolytic copper, firm; 12.00012 25; castlngs, 11.75011.87).. Lead. 3.0503.75. Spelter, 5.1505.25. Iron, quiet and unchanged. London Markets. London, Bug, Nov. 18. Spot tin, 1137. slO: futures. 117: straits. 144. Spot copper. 53, slS; futures, 53, sl7, dS- Lead. 18, sl4. Spelter. 25. s2. d. St Louis Lend and Spelter. St Louis, Mo, Not. IS Lead firm li) 03.62V. Spelter firm. 4.(505.00. THE LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency. 20. Mexican pesos (SI Paso baying price) 40. VBla currency. 18; Oarrann currency, 19U: CMhaanaa. currency. 19. Bl Paso Smelter Qaatatiens. (Corrected Dairy). Pig lead. 3.70. Bar silver (Handy A Harmon quota tion) 49 S. London toad, 18. s5. do. Copper, wire bars, 11.25. NEW YORK COTTON. CLOSE. Mew York. Nov. IS. Spot cotton quiet; ! uplands. 7.50. - Oalls for Hsip Nature's 'Wiling Workers are Always at Your Service. T I If It Is eczema, pimples, bolls or worse yonr safeguard Is S. S. S , the famous Mood purifier. It is always laird up to attack diseased blood. And it always docs the work. It does the wort after disap pointment, after alleged specialists, mer cury. Iodides, strychnine, arsenic and other destructive drugs that have reaped a bar Test of mistakes and left a host of invalids guessing as to what Is to come. S. S. S, Is not such a drug as the cupidity or Ig norance of man would be able to produce. It is Nature's wonderful contribution to our necessities. It is wonderful because It can not be imitated; can not be made any other way than to assemble Nature's prod ucts anil produce what a host of men know as S. S. S., tbe world's greatest medicine. There are people everywhere that had an old sore or ulcer that defied all the salves known. And yet S. S. S. taken Into the blood just naturally put Into that old sore the elements that made new tissue, new Sesb, and covered It with a. new coating of healthy skin. Get a. bottle of S. S. S. today of any druggest and be on the way to perfect blood health. But beware of substitutes. Fer special advice consult the medical department. The Swift Specific Ce, C5 Swift Bldg, Atlanta. Ga. It Is free and has helped a multitude. SERVICE