Newspaper Page Text
II Si LIQUOR TDDHYSECTIDNS Texas Court Holds vIt Is No Violation of Law. Austin, Texas. Nov. 18. The court of oriminI appeals toBar overrulod a motion for rehearing In the Elmer Peede caee from Kaufman county which involTed the Allison liquor law. The action of the court today settles the question and means that the court of criminal appeals adheres to Hs for mer opinion In holding that interstate shipments of Intoxicating liquor may be delivered In prohibition territory if such deliveries or -shipments are not to be used in violation of any of the laws of the state. MSTIPJITEQ! LODOT TONGUE If cross, feverish jor bilious give "California Syrup ofKgs." No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative should al ways be the first treatment given. "If your little one is out-of-sorts, half-sick, isn't resting, eating Etad act ing naturally look. Mother! see If tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that it's little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, full of cold, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after - giv ing this harmless "fruit laxative." because it never fails to cleanse the little one's liver and bowels and sweet en the stomach and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs;" then see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company " Advertisement We Must inw 1 ft ft Our fmmk s SWBBBKmS) if Ww$ PI jV W 2500 Suits and Overcoats to Select From 515 Suits and Overcoats cut to . . . $20 Suits and Overcoats nut tn $25 Suits and Overcoats nut tn Stetson Hats Less Than Cost TEMPTING PRICES ON TEMPTING HATS Odds and Ends of Stetson and. Chamois Hats, all sizes arid colors. $4.00 Stetson Hats cut to ... $3.00 Chamois Hats cut to ... The $15 Clothes Shop 107 SAN ANTONIO STREET 1IAIIRIS KBIW, Prop LEW HOCEHY -w COMPANY JUST RECEIVED. Fancy Evaporated Pears. Fancy Evaporated Silver Prunes Fancy Evaporated Peaches. Fancy Evaporated Figs. Fancy Evaporated Prunes. Fancy Evaporated Apricots. CLUSTER RAISINS. TRADE WITH US AND SAVE MONEY MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION Phones 505 and 506. 204 and 206 East Overland St WE HAVE ALL MADE MISTAKES some very serious ones. Let us not make the mistake of not repaint ing. It Induces others to follow your example. It 1b an excellent example. Let us assist you In making out a bill of paints; -write us. "WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO 210 NORTH STANTOJT ST. STQCKMEMTO LI WIS Meet to Organize Associa tion; Nations Wants Yards and Plant Together. The Cattlemen's Stockyards associa tion haf been organized, with capital stock o? $100,000. A meeting was held in the office "f Charles F. Hunt Wed nesday afternoon, at which plans were yeted tor the new Stockrd sociatlon. which proposes to build preuminafyeting was held Tday aaernoV at the oflce of the CoKtrins Livestock Commission com ply "n The Morehouse block. Thomas B Love, of Sierra Bianca, was nudle chairman of the meeting r. Ch ari es . Hunt, vice chairman; Vincent B. An dreas, secretary, and William Amo nett treasre7y' Committees were ap pointed to arrange the details of the "TnuTb'eTof cattlemen were present at the Tuesday meeting and stock sub scriptions for a new stockyards were made. The amount df stock to be held by one person or firm was limited to 5000 and requests for stock were read from the cattlemen of the surrounding cattle district. . , . The association Is being organized by the cattlemen who are interested in the erection of a new stockyards out side of the city limits, one of the or ganizers declares. Yards and Plant Together. "Any franchise that permits the building of stock yards in the city lim its should contain a provision that a 'packing plant can be built next to the yards," J. H. Nations says regarding the proposed franchise to allow the build ing of stock yards In the southern part of the city. . ., . "El Paso should settle for all time the question of granting franchises in connection with the building of stock yards and packing plants." Mr. Nations continued. Packing Houses Follow. "Packing hertises always follow stock yards. If a franchise Is given to build yards that franchise should definitely specify that permission is also granted to build a packing plant. The two al ways go together and, unless permis sion is granted for the building of pack ing plants, the yards are almost sure to be only temporary affairs. From every standpoint, such as rail facilities, sew age and general convenience the two must be together. Valley Needs Pnctlng Plant. "If a franchise is granted allowing both the yards and plant to be built to gether I can see no objection to hav ing them in the city limits. The loca tion is an excellent one and will not. in my opinion, in any way interfere with the growth of the city. "As soon as the Elephant Butte dam is completed stock raising in the valley, particularly hogs, will greatly increase and a packing plant at El Paso will be an absolute necessity to the valley." Reduce Overcoats, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods Go at Unheard of Prices, Right In the Flush of the Season. CIA P AnTs g f w A . . AVE DO AS AVE ADVEItTISE. TJNDEIlSELTj AIL OTHERS .50 8.50 INVESTIGATES AI01FIS Thirteen Destructive Blazes Arouse Suspicion of In surance Department. Phoenix, Ariz., Nor. 18. Thirteen suspicious fires that have occurred re cently In Arizona are being investi gated by W. N. Bridges, superintendent of the state Insurance dflnartment. Five of the fires took place in Phoenix, five j in xucson, one in Globe ana two in Miami. The most mysterious and destructive of the Phoenix: firR xvaa the nne that I destroyed the Harry J. Jones block. iMjimoasi. corner ot central avenue ana Washington street, Monday morning. Some of the handsomest business es tablishments in Arizona were totally destroyed. According to the most re liable Information that can be ob tained, the blaze did not start inside ine store of Charles D. Barnett, as was originally reported, but in a little cor- ?." -be.tlvf e" "I? rear . JI the. Barnett store and F. B. Baptist's stationery shop. There is a nnsalhilitv that a snark from the chimney of Gass Bros", res taurant started the fire, but Bridges does not thitiir t,i- uir.w. ' does not think this likely. EL PASO IS NOW IN LINE TO SECURE MOOSE SANITARIUM El Paso has a good chance to get the Moose sanitarium, but is meeting with plenty of competition, according to Drs. F. P. "Miller and R. B. Homan. the El Paso delegates to the sanitarium com mittee meeting that was held in Den ver. The El Paso delegates returned Tuesday night Colorado Springs. Colo., had nearly secured the sanitarium when the two El Paso delegates made such strong representations that the committee de cided to defer action and send a sub committee to El Paso to again look over the ground. All the advantages of this city were recounted by the El Paso delegates and a favorable impression was made. The subcommittee will prob ably make Its viSit here early next year. ADDING 1000 ACRE FEETTO ROOSEVELT SUPPLY DAILY Pboenlf, Ariz., Nov. 18. More than 1000 acre feet of stored water are be ing added daily to the supply in the Roosevelt reservoir, which is the prin cipal dependence of the italt river val ley for irrigation purposes. At ine present time there are nearly 200,000 acre feet of water above the dam, an Increase of 60.0OO. in the last 12 months. For several weeks the gates around the dam have been closed and all that flows into the reservoir from above is being stored. The Verde river sup plies all the water that the farmers in the valley are using now. NIGHT HIGH SCHOOL. Beginning November 23, night school will be conducted by the regular faculty of the high school on Monday, Wednes day and Friday nights at the high school building, on Arizona street. Any person qualified to enter high school may attend, courses will Oe ofiered in Spanish, mathematics, science. English, i business, history and other subjects for J which there may be requests. Terms will be reasonable, depending upon number in classes. Hours: 7.30 . A.f Cfn ..... .Hll.nllAn ... ". A Ml ..OU. ocuu juui ayiiu.uuu iu v. JJ1 Reukauf, care of high school, or phoaH 117C Avnr HoATriAYit . ' N Holmrx FanltlesH dry denning is the best obtainable. Phone 78S and alit will call. Holmes Cleaning Worksr-- Advertisement. Sletronole Bar, 20 Mills street. Adw nolmefi Cleaning Works, phone 786.' Advertisement. ATTEXTIV, EAGL.ES AH members and visiting brothers big initiation and something doing to night Advertisement. Athey cloth-lined weather utrlp keeps out the cold. Rathbun-Mlx Co. Adv. Metropole Bar, 204 Mills street Adv. Valuable gown and dresses cleaned, pressed or dyed. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone 78C and auto will call Holmes Cleanlng'Works. Adv. TODAY-; TOMORROW ONE SOLUTION OF ?The Question of the Ages? IS GIVEN IN "The House Next Door" A Delightful Romance By An All 1 Star Cast. From the play of J. Hartley Man ners, author of "Peg o" My Heart" FEATURING DAINTY ETHEL CLAYTON See the Great Ballroom Scene. This is the picture that caused the bitter controversy. Mr. Campbell of the EL PaSo Wigwam saw it in Dallas and personally guarantees that it contains nothing to offend Either Jew or Gentile. Passed and Praised by National Bonnl of Censore. CniLDREX ISc ADULTS 23c MUSICAL f AT THE Pretty Chorus Girls. Tuneful Music Graceful Dancing. Sparkling Comedy. First Performance 7 p. m. Second Performance 8:45 p. m. Admission: boxes SOe LOWER FLOOR 35c BALCONY 2Sc Beginning Thursday "Prince :iiarmin," with Ralph Brainard m the title role. News Brevities (Advertisement. J Train Bulletin. Train No. 3, of the El Paso and Southwestern, arrived 15 minutes later than the schedule time of 1:45 p. m. Wednesday afternoon. All other after noon and night trains for AVednesday vrere reported to arrive on time. One car of assorted mouldings. Pick It out at half price. Bargains in sash and doors. Roofing paper. Lander Lumber Co., phone 2S2. Dr. Morford, moved to 218 Mills Bldg. LonBTrell Co. Chances Name. The Longwell Auto Truck Co., has changed Its name to the El Paso Over land Truck Co. The charter of the company has been amended at Austin. Dr. A. T. Still Osteopathic Infirmary; Or. Ira W. Collins. physWan In chief; Dr. M. Alkire, lidy specialist; Dr. Carl Gibson, 201 V. Missouri street. They cured others. They can cure you. II. F. AVrleht. 31. D- D. O- is back i. hi. rootipo in the Herald Bldg. Os teopathy A specialty. Phone 1543W. T-i.i. Tinh.. 406 Nl Oregon. Clau- sager has returned. Phone 1090. T.1IZL. Kn. New York, Nor. 18. A. voluntary petition in bankruptcy, giving liabilities 101 Kfin nnrt on assets, was filed in the United State district court here Tuesday, by John Treadwell. who said " . . .' . n. ... Jit.....!. rtmivt ViorA he tvas-a minor. The principal creditor Was the receiver for the California Safe Deposit and Trust company, with a claim of approximately $2,000,000. Pntton Henrlnc- Held. Testimony In the preliminary hearing of H. A. Patton, arrested on. Oct. 26 by city detectives on a charge of burglary, was taken Tuesday afternoon in justice E. B. McClintook's court. Patton was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $500. In default of which he was remanded to the county jail. An extra large sepia picture free this month with each order of $5.00 or over. Stunrt'a Studio, Morehouse Blk. i ' Hill, Optician of Precision, 421 Mesa. Democratic Clnb Growing. The executive committee of the Pmntv mil) fMtv Democratic club met Tuesday night and considered a num ..... e,.- annii.gtinnii fnr member- ship in the club. The executive com mittee members say that the club now has a membership of 1S27 members -and many voluntary applications are being received through the mails. Monition: Notice is hereby given that there has been seized In this collection district, for violation of the U. & cus toms laws, one black mule, with Mexi can brands, which will be sold in front of the custom house. El Paso Texas, at 10 oclock a. m., AVednesday. Nov. 25, 1911. Any one claiming the same is re quired to appear within the time pre scribed by law. Zach Lamar Cobb, Col lector of Customs. DIwum Schedule Change. After a conference with superintend ent R. M. Hoover of the G. H. & S. A.. T. H. AVilllams, superintendent of the Tucson division of the Southern Pacific, left. for the. west Wednesday morning. Ph-ncaa. nf time in the schedule of trains. ta-ath6r with the working of the G. H. JjtoBS'In this lty were dlseussed hv tho rals with George -MctJormacK, suiwrintendent of motive power of the railway system. V - rVr. .Tamtrnan. -Sidney. Blad- lrlfljKk' SWn and Kectum.?-618 Mills Bldg. nr.TIiirIr-r.219 Herald Bldcr-obstetrics. .H-eases of women and nervous troubles. AmIu Receiver For Motor Company. New York, Nov. 18. A receiver is sought for the United States Motor com pany, a New Jersey corporation with authorized capital of $42,500,000 and -plants at Hartford. Conn., Detroit. Day ton, Ohio, Providence, R. I Newcastle, InL. and Tarrytown, N. T., in a suit filed today in the United States supreme court by Emanuel Metzger of this city, a stockholder. Sec The Herald's Ready Referonce Business Directory in our classified section. Arranged al phabetically (with telephone numbers) for the convenience of readers who may require instant service. Longwell'a Tnnro Lavender Line of auto baggage- trucks. Phone 1. Dr. Cathcart X-ray laboratory re moved to 310 Rob-Ban. Big. Phone 886. Dr. Rbert, dentist, 216-218 Mills Bldg. War Aids Americnn Sngar. San Francisco. Calif, Nov. 18. The European war will be a big help to the American beet sugar manufacturing In dustry, acoording to a statement given out here Tuesday night, following a meeting of the United States Sugar Manufacturing association, embodying the views of Its members. The European output for 1914-15 will be about 5,500. 000 tons instead of the estimated 3.000, 000 tons. The statement said: "In con sequence of which the rise in the price of sugar has given the domestic pro ducers a respite." Longwell's Tango Lavender Line Lllnouslnes. Phone 1 day or night Dr. Cameron, dentist, 202 Rob.-Ban.31dg. El Pnso Distilled Water Co, Ph. 489. O. D. Q. M.. El Paso. Texas, Nov. 16th. 1914. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 a. m., December 16th, 19U. and then opened, for furnishing fresh beef and fresh mutton required for troops on border between Pecos HIgn Bridge, Texas, and Yuma. Arizona, dur ing the period commencing January 1st and ending June 30th. 1315. In formation furnished tm application. William Elliott, Major. D. Q- M. For the Bet taxicab service phone 1 for Longwell's Tango Lavender line. Dr.iAnna Renin, Buckler Bldg., over Elite Can't Explain Murder Motive. Denver, Cojo.. Nov. 18. John i. Freeze, Charged with the murder or Florence Freeze, his commonlaw wile, tok the witness stand in his own bo half late Tuesday. He told the Jury n was unable to explain why he kHie the woman; that he was seized with a sudden Imtulse to slay her but de clared that they had not quarreled and that he was not angry at the time. OUR PRICES 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar y... $1.00 Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans for 1 5C Extra Standard Sweet Corn. 3 cans for 25c Extra Standard String Beans, 3 cans for 25 c Fancy Pink Salmon, per can .- 1 0c Krinkle Com Flakes, 4 for 25c Hills Bros. Coffees, none better 35c, 40c, 45c, per lb Diamond M. Flour (guaranteed the best) 24 lb Sack 85c 48 lb Sack $1.65 Lion Grocery Company 109-111 S. Stanton. Phones 2405 and 2424. Freeze shot and killed the woman and then attempted to end his own life on the night of June 19 after breaking into a room occupied by his wife and two children. Phone 027. Wilson Milllcan. the best cleaners. "White work a specialty. Bandits Get Fortune In Jewels. Chicago, 111., Nov. 18. Jewels esti mated as worth from $25,000 to $50,000 "Our Hats Off HH-Ttrsclay. THIS EVENT has been by far the most Attractive Exhibit of Holiday Goods ever shown in EI Paso. Thousands of Useful and Practical Gifts for Men, -Women and Children Make this a "Practical Xmas" by Purchasing Useful Xmas Gifts. , Assist in the 'Early Shopping Movement by starting Your Xmas Buying Tomorrow. No better place to begin than at The White House. Every modern Innovation for your pleasure and comfort while shopping. I At the In . Every Waiated Style asad Color, Toaaon'ow at .... THIS is the most remarkable collection of Silk Dresses we have shown thus far at the price. Just 57 New Styles made of fine satins and crepe de chines in semi-basque, deep girdle, Redingote and Russian Tunic Models, in black, navy, African brown and other dark colors. Blouse fronts, the collars and cuffs of pretty lace or white satin. Plain and plait ed tunics. Values Poso, Tomorrow at. 150 Tisny LS Just received 150 Tiny Tod Dolb the cutest and best looking yet Dressed in little rompers or dresses in big variety of styles. All have non-breakable heads and strongly made. Every "Kiddie will want one. See them Tomorrow at ... . ii i 1 1 Pioneer Plaza A Message to Thin, Weak, Scrawny Folks An Tak? Way to Gain 10 to SO Lbs. of Solid, Healthy, Fermanent Flesh. Thia. nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere are heard to say: "I can't understand why I do not set fat. I eat plenty of good, nourishing- food." The rea son Is Just this: Tou cannot get fat. no matter how much you eat. untees your di gestive organs assimilate the ' fat making elements of your food Instead of passing them out through the body as waste. "What Is needed Is a means of gently urg ing the assimilative functions of the stom- h nni4 Inta.Miua ... alu.!. .1... ...I.. .... . ObU .. .u....uwa ... .WWIU bU3 WHO KUU tats and hand them over to the blood, -where they may reach me starved, shrunken, run down tissues and build them up. The thin person's body Is like a dry sponge eager and hungry tor the tatty materials ot -which It is being- deprived by the failure tot the alimentary canal to take them from the food. The best -way to overcome this sin ful waste of flesh building elements, and to stop the leakage of fats is to use Sargol. the recently discovered regenerative force that is recommended so highly by physi cians here and abroad. Take a little Sargol tablet with every meal and notice how quickly your cheeks fill out and rolls of firm, healthy flesh are deposited over your body, covering each bony angle and pro jecting point. E. a. Kyan. El Paso. Texas, and other good druggists have Sargol, or can get It from their wholesaler, and -will refund your money if you are not satisfied with the gain In weight it produces as stated on the guarantee In each package. It is inexpensive, easy to take and highly effi cient. Caution: While Sargol has produced re markable results In overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles. It should not be taken unless you are willing to gain 10 pounds or more, for It Is a won derful flesh builder. Advertisement. Guarantees Positions. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Spanish, English. R. F. DAVIS, Mgr. TRUST BLDG. Phones 1484-1465 El Paso. Tex ARE LOWEST were stolen from a north side loan bank Tuesday night by two robbers who bound the proprietor, a clerk and two austomers, looted the safe and escaped. Charles A. White, former state repre sentative, whose signed confession started the investigation into the elec tion of William Lorlmer, was one of th customers bound and gagged. mark Announce Railroad Purchase. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 18. An to the Pioneers erf Y Sliouild See toe ay Opening' Displays Friday . Saturday w SilK Dr very unusual in J . , Tod $3.95 C A special lot of navy and white. Made of satin Novelty and plain basque styles in Our regular $3.95 values. None on or exchanged. last your choice mn i i jp fWMa "Tine Store o Service" BANKING BY MAIL Just as easy to open a savings account trKh us as though you lived nest door. TVS PAY i percent Interest compoundedTvslce,-Every Tear. We do business under the Depositor's Guaranty Law ot tha State of Texas and are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided by such Lair. Our plan, in addition to being convenient. Is safe, profitable and liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a State bank In Texas. Write today for our free booklet "BANKING BT MAItf or simply mall your deposit. El Paso Bank and Trust Co., El Paso, Texas STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April. 1SS1. Capital. Surplus nnS Profits, $200,000. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. E. ilOREHEAD, President II C N. BASSETT, Vice President JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. Pres. 1 GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. L. J. GILCHRIST. Aset. Cashier. (ll Dr. n. A. MAGnUDEIt Graduate Louisville, Ky, College, 1S9 DR. H. A. MAGRUDER HHXTIST TCifahllnhril 1D02 References Auk Anyone. mi&s'mmwmjmLs jS6N6BO0llnP6N PRESEmZD BY THE El Paso Herald, Nov. 1814 - AT EXPLAINED BELOW ' SEVEN SOMG f COLLEGE ONGo SIX OF THESE COUPONS Entitle the Bearer to the Beautiful Song Book Described Beloti. when accompanied by the expense amount set opposite which covers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk ! Hire, ana oilier necessary expense items. "SONGS THAT NEVER GROW OLD" ILLUSTRATED A errand collection of all the old with the utmost care by the most competent authorities, illustrated with j ' a rare ealaxv of 60 wonderful portraits of the world's greatest vocal artists, . Mtn in favorite eatttm3. This hit? hrmlr . Sacred and Colleee tones: Operatic and , ia Unt. volume, i'rwent sia coupons to 79C for the beautiful heavy English th binding. MAIT. ORDERS By nareel Dost, incliiiti. KTRA t eenti within lta miles , io cents 150 to 300 miles: lor ercatcr distances nouncement was made here Tuesday by former senator W. A. Clark, of Mon tana, of the purchase of the Bullfrog and Goldfield railroad by the Las Vegas and Tonopah road. The newly acquired line Is 98 miles long and connected Goldfield and Beatty, Ner. The consolidation maKes a straight oonnactlon from Goldfield with the Salt lake route at Laa'Vegas. Dr. Paget, dentist, 502 Roberts-Banner. El Paso Today Satis satin basque Blouses in black. Duchess, all sizes. approval While they at Phone 4580 Union Clothing: Co. Underneath TJ. yp BOOKS INOffi OPERATIC SOWS favorite sones comoiled and selected rnntain mm nt TTnnif. and TnTC 1 Patriotic. . National onra-EVEN complete aonz books scow you are a reader st tha paper ana ask postmaster amount to include for J lbs. , sorrow j esses a if 111 m It HI ill Basque I es at $2.95 9 1 1 11 v