Newspaper Page Text
EL VASO HERALD "Wednesday, Xov. 18, 1914 NEWEftHTO BEAfllRONGROSS Kaiser Announces a New and Stronger Emden Will Be Built. Berlin, Germany, bv wy of London, r, 18 Emperor Wllllom has sent the r 11. wins reply to the town council of 1 iideu. -which had telegraphed sym 1T I v for the loss 'of the cruiser Emden: 'iv cordial thanks for your tele jfrjiu f smpathy on the sad but heroic ! E' .if the cruiser Emden. The brave shio in her last fight against a strong er i r a rued new laurels for the Ger - in naal colors. A new and stronger 1 mdfn will be built, on whose bow an jr. u lies will be affixed to commem cmc the glory of the old Emden." smr foimjkrs in oai.ej CHEW OP 12 IS RESCUED. rottle. Wash., Nov. 18. The steamer T'.r.go, owned by the Alaska Steam ship company, foundered Monday eight m ,i Iicavv gale off Cape Spencer. Alaki, while being towed to Seattle 1 v the jussenger steamship Cordova of the ; ,ir,e line. The Dirlfro's crew of i. v is -.aed by the Cordova. ALLIES HONOR LORDJOBERTS Impressive Funeral Services for Former Field Mar shal Held in France. A Nervous Wrech Had No Desire To Live eruna Is A Tonic and Strength Builder So Says Mrs. Frank Stroebe, K. F. D. 1. Apple ton. Wis. Her letter reads- "I began using Peruna a few months ago when my health and strength were all gone, and I was nothing but a nervous wreck. Could not sleep, eat or rest properly, and felt no desire to live. "Three bottles of Peruna made me look at life In a different light, as I began to regain my lost strength. While my recovery took nearly four months, at the end of that time I was better than I ever had been before. I had a splendid color and never weighed more in my life. "I certainly think Peruna Is without h. rival as a tonic and strength builder; and It has my endorsement." Mr. Charles Brown. It. It. 4. Box 79, Rogersville, Tenn., writes: I have tried many different remedies, but have found that Peruna is the greatest tonic on earth, and a perfect system builder." hhBF London, Eng., Not. IS. Picturesque and wholly impressive funeral services for former field marshal lord Roberts were held in France, according to the account given out by the official press bureau. The funeral was held at the headquarters of the British army. The narrative follows: The official press bureau gives a touching account of the funeral ser vices for field marshal lord Roberts at the headquarters of the British army in Franca "The route of the cortege from the hcuse where he died to the Malrie, where the funeral service was held," S6ys the press bureau's statement, "was lli'ed with British and French troops. Tlie coffin was borne on a gun car riage. It was an impressive ceremony. The guard of honor was composed of Indian and British troops. To the wail of 'Flowers O the For est ' from the pipers, the cortege moved slowly through double ranks and sol Jiers with arms reversed. General staff officers acted as pallbearers. Those following the casket included repre sentatives of the family of lord Rob rts and of king Albert and president Poincare- the nrince of Wales, prince Ai thur of Connaught, and Gen. French. "The simple funeral service was con ducted by chaplain Anderson, of the British forces. At the close of the sen-ice the British bugles rang out with 'The Last Post" As the coffin was removed to a motor ambulance for conveyance to Boulogne, French trum peters across the square blew a fan fare and the guns of lord Roberts' old regiment roared out a last farewell. A double rainbow gleamed on a mass of dark clouds and an aeroplane circling above, one of the aerial guards watch ing and protecting the procession, dipped in salute." The body of lord Roberts has been brought across the channel from Bou logne to Folkestone. Everywhere it was accorded the highest military hon ors. The body will be entombed In St. Paul's, In the mausoleum of England's distinguished military dead. SAYS MAKERS OF ARMS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WAR New Tork, Nov. 18. Responsibility for the European war in a large meas ure was laid upon the makers of arms In the nations involved, by David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Leland 'Stanford university. In an address at the meeting of the New York Peace society. Dr. Jordan said the United States should not think or entering the conflict "if only for the reason that on. this one great nation of ours must fall the duty of saving all that Is to be saved from this catastrophe." nxiv. nnw TAKES 1IITGK , rOUTIOX OF WAR LO.W. J London, Eng.. Nov. IS. ilve nun dred million dollars of the new British war loan of $1,125,000,000, already has been taken by one firm, it was an nounced In the house of commons by David Lloyd George, chancellor of the exchequer. ilr. Lloyd George also announced in the house of commons this afternoon that an additional duty of three pence, (six cents; per pound would he placed on tea. To ar $5o Save mJEBmsEgm to 4aSflHSHn chick- HjBj RealMI Money 5HffjE Saved YOUR LAST CHANCE ON THE FAMOUS CHICK5RING PIANOS "IT SINGS" said de Pachmann he was speaking of the Chickering Piano "like a human voice." Oh, that wonderful VOX HUMANA. It is strange that for ninety years it has expressed the great musical emotions of the great music masters. It has taken from them something of their greatness. It has given to them something to make them greater. We shall be glad to have you come in and see and hear, or better, play yourself, one of our new 1915 Chickerings. You can buy any of their styles, plain pianos, players, or electric playing, and grand pianos, this week at ("hickering's lowest Boston prices, and WE PAY THE FREIGHT, saving you from $100.00 to $150.00 on each piano. Your old pianos taken in exchange. Balance on easy payments. $10 Free if WHAT IS $10 Free if you can tell LA DURAH you can tell If you want to see a show, and a good one, free, be in front of our store eery day this week. 3 30 to 5 p. m., C: 30 to 8 p. m. You will see the great "La Durah." One of the most expensive attractions of the kind in the norld. Free this week at JENKINS PIANO CO. THE BIG PIANO HOUSE. 211-213 Texas St, El Paso, Texas. Phone 2958. Our IVcdd'mg Rings Insure Happy Marriages Thanksgiving Suggestions "N Some New Silver. Cut Class, Carving Sets, Special Prices. Casseroles, a good one for $3.50 Sandwich Plates, a good one for.-... $2.50 See Window No. 4 for display. The A. D. Foster Co. Herald Bldg. This is a good time to remember some distant relative or friend. We prepay parcels poslcharges an place in the U. S. 4ffip f Join the Xmas Shoppers "Shop Early" Movement and come to El Paso's Big Christmas Store where on every hand one is met with a suggestion of Yuletide cheer, for this is truly a store of a thousand gift suggestions both prac tical, useful and ornamental. PAY A VISIT TO THE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT A store within a store, for it includes the departments of Sterling silver and plated ware, cut glass, leather goods, Ehell goods, Thermos equipment, watches, clocks and jewelry. For practical Xmas gifts accept able and appreciated by every mem ber of the family, this department stands pre-eminent in EI Paso with larger assortments and prices to your liking. STOP AWHILE AMONG THE NEEDLEWORK The "Popular's" Art Needlework de partment offers a world of pretty things and things to be made pretty. There's a sensible, and at the same time decorative suggestion in things for the home for the man's room, for Mama, Sister or the Baby. Many re quire but a little to finish others much, but gifts of this character are lasting remembrances of the giver. NOTICE THE RIBBON-MADE NOVELTIES As gifts, there's no one thing that adds so much cheer and brightness to the occasion as these exquisite ar ticles made of pretty ribbons, and de signed for Milady's boudoir. EVERYONE APPRECIATES HANDKERCHIEFS be it man, woman or child, but "Popular" handkerchiefs in tasty Xmas' boxes are an added delight to both donor and recipient. Not at all necessary to purchase expensive 'ker chiefs, tho we have them of the finest but we will show you the daintiest, sheerest styles at 25c, 15c and even 10c JUST ACROSS THE AISLE PERFUMES As well forget a box of candy as to forget to buy a bottle of perfume and this is not addressed particularly to 'men folks cither. Coty's and other imported perfumes, Hudnut's and Col- t gate's American essences, Egyptian spins jiuwei Buuieis, xreucu ivory ar ticles, etc, etc are offered in almost endless selections. AN EXPOSITION OF BASKETS and the wonder of it is that among the thousand and one pretty styles are scarcely to be found two of a pattern. You may choose here from by far the largest collection of bas kets to be found in the city. There are baskets for every purpose, deco rative and useful trimmed or to be trimmed. GLOVES MAKE IDEAL XMAS GIFTS but when you purchase gloves for a gift, be sure to buy a quality that will give the best of service. This is the kind VOU'II find here frlnvoa fnr women, misses and children; imported from France, or made in America two clasp up to' 20 clasp lengths. BEAUTIFUL LINENS FOR XMAS Mama would just love to receive one of these exquisite linen table sets one of our dainty Madeira hand em broidered lunch or napkin sets or any of an hundred other useful articles that abound in tiiis section and best of all, you will discover that prices are way down to low ebb. A GIFT FOR THE BABY OF COURSE! Ivot to visit this "Stork" section is to miss seeing the prettiest baby goods display in town. There are "Kew pies of course, made of unbreakable materials; Birth Records, Rattles, Animals, Birds, Toilet Accessories And the cutest, daintiest Dresses and Coats imaginable and withal, the prices are surprisingly low. T YOU MAY CHOOSE NOW We will deliver your purchase when or where you wish. Extra Special! TOMORROW WE OFFER MEN'S SPRING NEEDLE Union Suits In an excellent grade of cotton just the right weight, and in all sizes. Choice of either gray or ecru, made with closed crotch; a very special value, on sale all day Thursday, at $1.00 Suit Ask to be Shown Those very special values in our fa mous HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX: ?S?RS-PEET C0 FITFORM SUITS AND OVERCOATS; they're m a class by them- tf o ff selves, at plOiUU Others as high as $40.00. The "Popular's" Annual Mid-Season Sale of Silks ? Woolen Dress Materials A selling event that strongly emphasizes the superior value giving of this im mense daylight dress goods section on the second floor. At no previous time have stocks offered better selections nor were values better than right now. You have absolute choice of the largest stocks of silks and woolens in the entire southwest at utiderpricings that offer the biffgest econ omies of the entire year. All lots advertised previously have been added to, and tomorrow will find buying and choosing even more advantageous than today or vesterday. w in. uteri!, ue. uiilliE 36 IN. SILK POPLIN, YD. 59c An excellent, heavy quality, lias high lustre, in all the desired shades. Very popular for street wear, worth $1.00 regularly; mid-season sale CQ price...." J7C 75c FANCY DRESS SILKS, 29c A gingham price on silk 1000 yards of silk in neat checks, stripes and floral effects, suitable for dresses, waists, etc. Every yard a bargain OQ Extra Special (tiJC $1.25'SATIN FINISH'D SILKS 85c Beautiful, all silk dress fabrics, full 36 inches wide, in dainty pin stripes. A full color assortment. Regularly worth $1.25 yard. Mid Season Sale QEirt price OOC All silk, extra heavy quality, in both eening and street shades. " A popu lar silk in great demand; regularly worth $1.50 a yard Mid- fQ Season Sale Price. cOC EXTRA EXTRA BARGAIN SILK TABLE Here you will find the most wonderful bargains Broken lines of Silks Odds and Ends Accumulations, not neces sarily remnant8 but Dress and Coat lengths, full pieces, etc. In this lot arc Messalines, Pussy Willows, Satins, Crepe de Chine, Crepe Meteor, Chiffon Taffeta, Repps, Bengalines, Poplins and TVioveltj Silks of all kinds and these you'll find are in most instances MARKED AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE! 36 IN. CHIFFON TAFFETA 98c Absolutely the be6t $1.50 grade to be had. Has high lustre, soft finish. Comes in 50 shades, very popular for dresses, drops, etc. Mid- QQn Season Sale Price ZtJ 36 IN. FANCY DRESS SILKS 39c 1000 yards fancy silks in neat fig ured effects, comes in plum, Copen, navy, dark green, taupe and brown. Full 36 inciies wiue, worm i.uu the yard. Mid-Season Sale Price $2.50 PUSSY WILLOW TAFFETAS $1.89 42 inch genuine Pussy Willow Taf fetas, so much in demand. Comes in all shades. Very soft and ser 39c $2.50 54 In. Sponged and Shrunk Broadcloths at $1.79 $3.50 54 In. Sponged and Shrunk Broadcloths at $2.39 $5.00 54 In, Black Imp'd Chiffon Broadcloth at $4.15 Values to 93.00 Offered at ffl.DS. This big- lot will Include only high grade woolens and fine Tailor Suitings such as: Imported whip cords, gabardines, ve lours, suiting serges, novelty weaves and. mixtures. Imported wool repps, diagonals, chev iots, broadcloths and high novelties. Regular ly these are worth up to J3.0 the yard. Mid Season Sale $1.98 iceable. Can be washed. Regu larly $2.50 yard. jj -t QQ Mid-Season Sale PriccP 1 .07 $1.25 24 In. Costume Velvet, Street Shades 89c $1.50 27 In. Costume Velvet, Street Shades $1.19 5.00 42 In. Imp'd Chiffon Velour, Desired Shades... $3.95 Black Silk Specials 36 INCH LIBERTY SATIN, high finish; $1.00 regularly; sale KQ price OtC 36 INCH ALL SILK MESSALINE ha Full width, extra special (SC 36 INCH BLACK SILK MOIRE; reg- qo ularlv $1.25; sale price OC 36 INCH BELDING'S GUARAN- QQ TEED lining satin; extra special.. . OtC 36 IN. ALL SILK MESSALINE, rii -$1.50 yard regularly; sale price. . V 1 JL O Colored Silk Specials 36 INCH ALL SILK MESSALINE, QQ 100 shades, $1.00 regularly; sale price 02C 27 INCH ALL SILK MESSALINE, jn all shades, extra special OJ7C 23 INCH ALL SILK MESSALINE, all shades, extra special 40 INCH ALL SILK CREPE DE CHINE, all shades, extra special 36 INCH SATIN IMPERIAL, rt aq dress satin, $1.75 reg.; sale price J) X HcU 55c 98c Coating Specials Extraordinary reductions on all Woolen Coatings in the most popular weaves and colorings: $2.00 54 in. Coatings yd.$1.69 $2.50 51 in. Coatings yd.$1.95 Iff.OO 54 in. Coatings yd.$Z39 $4.00 54 in. Coatings yd.$2.95 $5.00 54 in. Coatings yd.$3.45 Values to $2.25 Of fered at $1.69 This lot includes high grade novelty dress goods and suitings, in both imported and domestic weaves. Many beautiful effects, for suits, dresses, skirts or cloaks; also staple serges and broad cloths, cheviots, black and white checks, Scotch mix tures, homespuns, etc. Reg ularly worth to -52.25 the yard. Sale tf- ?Q price ,P 1 .DJ 1 " 1 litl vf For Those Who Waited We Offer These New Dresses That Earlier Would Have Cost Anywhere From (tlfk fifi $15 up to $18.50, Tomorrow, at Only uplU, UiJ Not because we wanted to save the best values until last but because the maker used up hundreds of remaining lengths of materials from earlier orders and sold them to us in these seventy dresses of the newest design at a big concession. You may select the model best suited to you tomorrow, and pay only Ten Dollars for the most noteworthy dress value it has ever been your good fortune to secure. Let us show you how clever how perfectly lovely are these "Hus- sar dresses witn tneir run lengtn iiaring tunic these loose fitting "Baby Doll" models -with their big sash and bow these wonderful new variations in basque effects; they're all of them handsome, beautifully made, and offer the best values of the entire season. Materials are pure wool French serges, with velvet or satin. Colors include black, navy, brown and other desired shades in sizes forewomen- of regular and extra size, and for misses. This New Shipment of Women 's Suits- Brings a New Standard of (T 1 g ll Values to El Paso at pDUU And by this it is our contention that suits of this quality and character have not hitherto been sold in this city -at this modest pricing. En thusiasm was at its height when we marked these suits at $15.00. Salespeople were eager to show them immediately, but we thought it better to offer them all at once as a very special Thursday attraction. Now those who want a most exceptional value may come here tomor row and find better than they looked for. Suits of French and Storm Serge, Cheviots, Unfinished Worsteds, Gabardines and Other Wool Novelties, Fur trimmed, button trimmed, braid trimmed; models of the latest design, with long, medium or short coats in black, blue shades, brown shades, tan, green, etc., in sizes for large or small women. f Handsome Coats Of Exclusive Design Many new coats have come to grace these "Popular" salons, coats that are peculiarly suited for the Horse Show, the Races, or for Afternoon Wear. These are shown in magnificent furs, in long nap. deep pile crushed plushes, in broadtail, Persian lamb, etc. The newest modes are portrayed in this gatheringwhich includes designs by the noted coutouriers of both the old and the new world. The three quar ter length models are superb, showing a graceful manipulation in the full skirt and back draping quite, unique. The blacks are favored with a strong tendency towards the dark, rich browns. Perfectly Charming Dresses For Evening Wear OE if ArePrciedat tpD.Ulf That it pays to wait if one waits not too long is emphasized by this special offering of dancing frocks and party dresses. Nearly three dozen came in yesterday from New York, and to these we have added enough from regular stocks to make it an even fifty to choose from dresses that were marked to sell at $35.00 and $39.50, all entered into the same assemblage to be sold at only $25.00. The illustration herewith will give you a slight idea but only the exquisite colors, the laces and dainty chiffons themselves can give you an idea of the fascin ating charm these gowns embody. The Moyen Age or Grecian free, long, straight lines are shown with equal impartiality with the semi or full fitted models in an elegant selection of the best modes of the season's designing. yisit the Big Doll Display 3 These Shoes Have Just Arrived Tomorrow we offer them to you Fawn Quarter, Patent Leather, Button Shoes As a POPULAR t f- ff SPECIAL" $5.UU This style is entirely new, being made with the whole quarter in fawn suede, patent leather, plain toe vamp, and Louis Cubaa hels. We invite you to come and see these charming shoes and ask to see the NEW KOMAN LACE BOOTS. For Misses and Children. At The "Popular" 'Basement--- Bring the children here to see the splendid big dollies from every land under the sun. "Bewful" dolls, too, that look at you with such big. innocent eyes and pay not the least at tention to the big Teddy dolls and monkey dolls that seem to creep nearer and nearer. IT'S A SIGHT TO GLADDEN EVERY CHILD'S HEART. We would urge that doll purchases be made now in advance, in order to avoid a question of being disappointed .later. Imported dolls will in all probability be very scarce just before Christmas and by purchasing now, securing the purchase with a part payment, you may store your purchase as long as you wish, without added cost. We will deliver it where and when you wish. See the Special Window Displays Me&hjudaL The "Popular's Toyland ft SANTA CLAUS'S HEADQUARTERS IN EL PASO WILL OPEN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH After which Santa will hold daily receptions, distributing souvenirs to all good children. L Jl II J