Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD "Wednesday, T$ov. 18, 1914 ... K SOCIET Y'S DOINGS Church Affairs. A DrovUtons shower will be held all this week at the First Christian church for the Rescue home. Packages of groceries may be left at any time In the study of the pastor, Rev. Perry J. Rice. . Mrs. W W. Pink entertained circle Ko 1 of the First? Methodist Episcopal church aid society Tuesday afternoon at her home, on Magoffin avenue. The afternoon was devoted to sewing for the Christmas bazar. At the close of the work a salad course was enjoyed. Miss Clara Fink and little Miss Katherine Kilburn assisted the hostess In serving. Among the members present were: Mesdames Herman G. Porter, H. M. Whitfield, J. F. Kilburn, E. A Bush. W. A Price, S. V. Young, E. It Irvin, G. II. Hunt, E. F. Dlllej- and John Sukel, of J! plena. Mont.: Misses Mabel Logan, Kitherine Kilburn and Clara Fink. Mrs. Herman G. Porter will entertain this circle with an all day Sewing beo next Tuesday. Miss Ivy Toung entertained the "Sun dav School Helpers club" at her home, 3821 La Lux "Street, on Saturday after noon The following program was en loved: Recitation, Helen Temple, read ing by Luplta Hill; recitation by Irma Vance, reading. Ivy Toung, and song tv Mary Bradley. After the program a Euesslng contest was enjoyed, In which Miss Lupita Hill received first prize, while the consolation prise went to Miss Mary Bradley. The table was beautifully decorated in blue and white, the club colors, and refreshments of cake, tea, punch and fruit were served. Those present were: MtsseB Lupita Hill, Helen Temple, Mary Bradley, Irma Vance, Ivy Young, Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. loung and Mrs. L. Schraid. The reception given In the First Christian church parlors Tuesday even ing, complimentary to Rev. J. W. Kerns. of Austin. Texas, was well attended bv the church people. The parlors vl ere decorated with Quantities of pink and white chrysanthemums. During the evening vocal selections were sung by Mrs. H. E. Bowles and Parvln Witte, accompanied by Bdwin C. Knickmeyer. Mr Knickmeyer played a number of piano solos. Refreshments of hot chocolate and cake were served. The Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church held an interest ing meeting Tuesday afternoon In the ihurch parlors. Mrs. M. B. Deason and Mrs William Hogarth were in charge of the program.' Mrs.. J. E. Townsend. the vice president, presided. Mrs. H. B. Durkee conducted a brief scripture study. Miss Anne Weeks re cited. Mrs W. C. Haden sang. Miss Pauline Bryan and Miss Mabelle Bryan sang a duet Mrs. Mary Hamilton talked on the woman's synodical so ciety meetings. Mrs. W. L. Crockett talked on the meetings of the synod. A social time followed the program. Mrs. Y. D. Tipton and Mrs. Varnall Tate iere the hostesses and served tea and wafers. The meeting was well attended. The Woman's Missionary society of Trinity Methodist church gave a de lightful social Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. T. Wadllngton, on Nevada street The affair was a pro gressive Kensington party. Quantities of chrysanthemums of various hues made the rooms most attractive. The guests brought their sewing and fanr., work Tbey spent 10 minutes In sew ing In groups of 10 discussing a given topic Then the groups would change. A vote on the best conversationalists among the women present was taken at j the ( lose of the afternoon and Mu. W. P Glenn, Mrs C. Wesley Webdell and j Mrs. J. O. Wiley were elected. During the afternoon musical selections were enjoyed. Mrs.. J. J. Tyndall sang ana Mrs. C A. RiverB and Miss Anna Haw ley played a piano duet Rev. C. Wes ley Webdell talked briefly on mission ary societies and gave the benediction at the close of the meeting. Refresn ments of coffee and cake were served by the hostess. Among those present were: Rev. and Mrs. C. Wesley Webdell. Mesdames L. J. Trotti, S. S. Birchfield, R. E. Bryan, Charles E. Bryan, W u. Carre, Mack Crawford. E. J. Cummings, R. U Daniel. J. C. Griffith, H. I Gra ham, O. A. Danielson, W. J. Fewel, D. Hurley, L. D. Hullum, William Hart, G. L. Jones. D. McDonald. George B. Oliver, Frank Powers, E. G. Perry, Wlp Robin son. William Sachs. D. M. Smith, J. O. Wiley, M. C. Yerkes, W. P. Glenn. J. J. Tyndall, C. A Rivers, W. R. McKenna. J. A Pruett, Hubert Smith. I. J. Ayers. M. J. Davis, of Cleburne, Tex.; E. Miller, W. A Trayler. It A. Schroclw Davld Butler, of Pecos; Tom Killing worth, of Norman, Okla.; Misses Alice Carre and Mary Hawley. About El Pasoans. Miss Nettie Hester is HI at her home, nn Nnrth Kl Pson street t Miss Ruby Patton, an El Paso girl, who Is the cataloger at the Houston public library, was the guest at din ner aboard the V. S. battleship Texas. given by Capt Moses, commander of the battleship, in honor of Capt and Mrs. Isaac Newell during the ceremo nies connected with the presentation to the ship of the silver service from the state. Ansco Cameras Make Perfect Pictures. Our unqualified endorsement goes with every "Ansco" Camera we sell. This make Is praised by both Amateur and Professional. Whatever your in dividual Camera needs be. we can sup ply them from the various sizes carried. In addition to Cameras, we carry a full line of Ansco supplies. We do develop ing. Leave your films at either store. Scott White A Co.. "Safety First" Druggists. Mills Bldg. Roberts-Banner Bldg. (Advertisement) OPHELIA JAuAiml i itiiinj mill tmi & TW ifpTfci tftt?vWT Parties. CwHiM. Ulltr pu Miss Aileen Berg gave a delightful little party Tuesday night at her coun try home up the valley, lr honor of Mr and Mrs. M. G. Goddard, of Oak land, Calif., who are the house guests at the H. A Kezer ranch. Music and games occupied the evening pleasantly. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. A Pretly, Mr and. Mrs. H. A Kezer, Mrs. S G. Kezer, Mrs. Jessie M. Howe and Miss Katherine Briggs. Mrs. G. A. Graham entertained Tues day evening at her home on Fort Boulevard with an informal little party in honor of Mr. Graham's birthday an niversary. The rooms were attractive ly decorated with pink and white chrysanthemums. Among those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCor mick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. It T. Bowie, Mr. and Mrs L. t. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A H. Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Det wiler, and Miss Helen Robinson. The guests brought many attractive gifts for Mr. Graham as reminders of his anniversary.' During the evening a dainty luncheon was served. Tlttlft Miss Nora Mnnrtnlnl Anta,. 1 tained her Sunday school classmates of Trinity Methodist church with a bunco party Monday afternoon at her home on North El Paso street Gladys Muller won the first prize and Lena Merle won the second prize. Refreshments were served when the games were over. The hostess was assisted In entertaining by her mother. Mrs. E. MeDanlel, her sister. Miss Ella McDanieL and Mrs. D. E. Humphrey. Among the guests were Miss Mabel Murry, the teacher of the class, and the following girls: Hazel Vaughan, Margaret Hughes, Doris Blake, Lena Merle, Gladys Muller, Eliza beth Young, Mary Ellen Pumphrey, Sadie Ponsford, Ruth Rhodes, Gladys Wright, Beatrice Markgraff and Amy Mead Johnson. Out Of Town Visitors. Mrs, John S. Curtiss has her sister, Mrs. C. C. Martin, of Vinton, Tex., as her guest for a few days. Mrs. W. W. Lawhorn, Jr., and Miss Anne Curry, of Douglas. Ariz, are visiting Mrs. W. W. Lawhorn, at her home, 903 Upson avenue. Robert Hunter has returned to his home In Phoenix, Ariz, after visiting his son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter on Bliss strefet Miss Eva Hayworth, who has been visiting her brother. O. M. Hayworth, has returned to her home in Knoxville, Tenn, being called back by the death of a brother, George Hayworth. Mrs. J. E. Swearingen, of Bliss street, has as her guest her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Cruse, and baby, of Boise, Idaho. They will be here until after the New Year holidays. Miss Sadie Sclpio and Miss Nina Sclplo spent Tuesday in El Paso as the guests of Mrs. R. L. Daniels. They have been visiting in Las Cruces. They returned to their home. In Alamogordo, Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. J. A Pruett have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. David Butler, of Pecos, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Butler I the fair. They will remain in El Paso 1 for a few days. . ADDITIONAL SOCIETY -t . SEWS OX NEXT PAGE & Cards. in i ..- ir.i A Uolf TrMri cltlb WAS ertCrtained Tuesday afternoon at tne heme of Mrs. Wyche Greer on Lee street Mrs. Lea Wilmot won the prize Following the card games refreshments were served. The guests of the cluti were Mrs. Edgar Miner auu . Gtorge Taylor. The memoers yr" were: Mesdames '- q"tton sorter, inomas v. oau. " - wii and Miss Valeria Garrard. Mrs. vii mot will bo tne ciuo s uw- week. Mrs. W. S Crombie and Miss Sua Cromble entertained complimentary to Mrs. R. X. Fisher Tuesday a"efionphe their home on Montana sekd party-was the first of two. the econti affair being given this afternoon Quantities of yellow chrysanthemums decorated the rooms. The ye" color was repeated in the refreshments aM In the score cards, which were decor ated with yellow flowers. M-:f"-Howe, Miss Josephine Woolen and Mrs, R. L. Slaughter won ft'Pf.?' lowing the games, a salad and an ice course were served. The Mix Double club was organlzect Tuesday night at the home of Mr. ano Mrs. It J. Sterner, on Lee street The club will meet every Wo weeks on Tuesday and will play -500.' H. W at son and Mrs. H. J. Sterner wonthe first prizes and Mrs. G. B. Taylor and Wil liam McSaln won the J?"!'0" prizes. The rooms were attractively decorated with quantities of white chrysanthemums and carnations, a salad course was members are Mr. and Mrs. S. T. -ross, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olds, Mr. a nd Mrs. Wyche Greer, Mr. anTl Mrs. Victor Wat son, Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. William McSain. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowling and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. bter ner. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Watson will entertain the club at the net meeting. Mrs. John S. Curtiss was the hostess m.rrr? " "i. f- the. Tuesday Luncheon Bridge club at her home on Kansas street The rooms were at tractively decorated with quantities of autumn leaves and chrysanthemums or various colors. Mrs. Ben Cowan won the prize for the highest score. The only guest In addition to the regular club members was Mrs. C. C. Martin of Vinton. Tex. Mrs. Fred G. Billings will enterraln the club next week. Miss Lillian Coles entertained the Tiesday Auction Bridge club Tuesday afternoon at her home on Boulevard. Miss Lucille Smith won the prize. Fol lowing the games a salad course was served. Tho members present were. Mesdames J. W. Lorentzen, L. C. Miller. Hal B. Christie, T. J. Stafford, Jlisses Karma Deane, Lucille Smith, Milda Connolly, Madge Brick. Loretta Brick. Nora Bradley and Mazie Coles. Mrs. J. H. Hurxthal gave a very pretty bridge party Tuesday afternoon at the tea rooms, which were most at tractively ornamented with Quantities of autumn leaves and great clusters of pink and white chrysanthemums. Each table was centered with a tall vase of the lovely blossoms. The ta bles were arranged in a circle about a larger table ornamented with cande labra and the chrysanthemums. Heart shaped mints of pink and salted al monds were served during the card games and after they were concluded a salad course was enjoyed. Mrs. E. G. Plumb won the first prize and Mrs. William A. White the second. Both prizes were silk hose. Mrs. Maude Deane won the prize for which the players cut It was a gilt basket filled with gold colored chrysanthemums. Among the guests were: Mesdames J. E. Keltner. William A White, E. G. Plumb, D. H. Bradley, Jr.. K. D. Frank lin, J. M. Lewis, Maude Deane, S. J. Glumaz. Carl Lee Smith, L. T. Rogers, Frank Hadlock, H. M. Splnelll, Misses Lauramaude Fink. Lemlre Nebeker, Opal Hadlock, Emily Kemp and Beulah Brown. Fnnllleas dry cleaning, phone 7S6. Adv. i How Did We Ever Get Along Without It? That's what almost every family wonders after getting a Victor -Victrola. They really didn't appreciate what they were missing. But they realize it now and they wouldn't be without a Victor- Victrola. -Haven't you ever felt the need of some music in your home? Wouldn't you like to hear this wonderful instrument? Come in any time. e Want the Attention o Every Smart Follower of Fashion for a Few Months and the reward will be the best value giving news you ever read. The handsomest, smartest styles ever shown; new creations, copies from high priced imported models, that tell the story of their inception at a single glance, all at a price that will be im possible later in the season. Ladies' Coat Suits Hade in gabardines, serges and broadcloth and all the latest materi als on the latest models; $22.50 value di r flE? ipi.yo fo Ladies' Coat Suits Made in all the latest materials, short and long jacket, trimmed with Z1.......$1S.95 Ladies' Coats Made in Salted Chillete, brocaded velvet, hodo links and broadtail, fur trimmings, skinner satin lined, the very late6t effects; 3i O QC J22.00 values for 91.ttJ Ladies' Dancing Frocks Afternoon and street wear, very lat est models, made of chiffon, crepe de 'chine and mcssaline, with handsome lace trimmings; J1 C QC $25.00 value for P 1 t ZiJ New Fur Sets A beautiful line to select from in black and all colors: $18.00 value t I-J O Qfi $28.00 value fur tet $19.75 jf ifvEfi """"""'p Ladies' Dress Skirts Made in serges, gabardines and broad cloth, trimmed with, braid and but tons; $9.00 value d( QJ? Ladies' Dresses Peter Thompson dresses, fine quality serge with white, ted and black braid, and anchors to match; J?Q QC $15.00 value for tPO.iJ Children's Coats Made in corduroy, velvet and heavy new materials, new mod- dj QtZ els, size 1 to 6, $8.50 value J t SO $10.00 value .Misses' Coats $5.95 VWSfVWWWMSVNr Ladies' Waists 2sew arrivals consisting of Ro man stripes, crepe de chine, chantilly lacea and flowered crepe in plain and basque ef fects, many with detachable belts, long or short sleeves. $4.50 value Special $6.50 value Special $7.50 value Special $9.50 value Special $1.98 $2.98 po.9o $4.98 Thanksgiving Tahle Linens SPECIALLY PRICED White Table Cloth, 68 inches wide, in bleached and unbleached, in new patterns. O O Special price &f Toweling, in plain, striped, checked, and 1 birdseye, full width, good quality; special IVC Kapkiiis, 18x18, heavy quality, German (N" OQ dish designs; dozen P Kapkins, pure linen, 18 1-4x19 1-4, in J-J QQ beautiful designs, English; dozen Pi.C? Colored Table Covers, 58x72 inches, new designs in red, green and blue flowered; AQr sale price JJ Table Covers in all colors, size 68x84, extra QO big, flowered design ; special price IOU EXTRA BIG BARGAINS Round Table Covers, linen, white with fh -J Q dots. Regular $2.75 value, to close out. . P 1 s Dress Linens, 36 inches wide, in all colors; extra good quality; regular 65c and 75c y Q value; sale price &S MILLINERY Children's Trimmed Hats, of the better grade, in the newest creations. $1.75 value QQ for OC $4.50 Trimmed Hats Ji Qfr LADIES7 'TTNTEDffiMED SHAPES New assortment to chooe from; extra (J" QP good selections; $5.00 values for $i .IO LADIES' TRIMMED HATS Artistically trimmed with flowers and feathers, all the newest effects $10.00 values Ay QC for '.... P.?0 L500.values $4.95 LADIES' & MISSES' SWEATERS In all colors and sizes, well made and J QQ finished; $4.50 value for P X . tO CHILD'S SWEATERS All colors and sizes; $3.00 values; (jj-i AQ safe price ijli.t 1 Basement Salesroom We have the higgest, best and most temptingly priced display ever shown in this city. The Basement is re- I splendent with Glassware, Lamps, Enamelware, Eugs, Comforts and Blankets at prices you want to pay. We are daily receiving by freight and express all the newest novelties in Holiday goods and you will find in the toys, games and silverware de partment many things to interest both young and old. Selecting pres ents for tide youngsters from these goods will be easy and a pleasure. We Can Save You Money, Too. Sole Agenb for "Queen Quality" Shoes. -HOME OP LOW PRICES- Since 1S8S Elevator Service To All Floors V STANTON, COR. OVERLAND. GUNTON'S STUDIO China Painting and Water Colors Apt. No. 2. Lucerne Apt.. Phone BOOG Tell These People What You Want They Will Respond Promptly Victrolas $15 to $200. We Arrange Terms. UW. G. WALZ COMPANY enings Until 8 o'clock. 103 South El Paso St. Phone or Write for Catalogue. vmmmmBmi Will fix up the finest Dutch Lunch, Sandwiches, Salads, on short notice. Budweiser Beer, Wines, and Liquors, for Family use. Phone 105. 520 N.Stanton Voar Complexion lhould be cleaned if tan. freckles ind all blemishes now that summer Is over. Wrinkles, hollow heeks, baggy eye- iias mat reraiuu After Uerore one of Illness or dissipation, superfluous hair and mole, that coarsen the lace MKS. BENSON. FACE SPECIALIST OF CHICAGO. Room 303. Herald bulldlnc. corrects all theaa detects. No pain or Inconvenience. Many El Pano references can h glwn. . Herald Want Ada bring Kesults I Try Ce nnd B. 0Tlce. PHONE 608 926 A. E. B.YXS DRUGGISTS OPEN A1.I NIGHT El 212 San Antonio Longwell's Transfer DNight i j n - (. k mi T PniifBctr Cnrs PHONE NO.l Autos. Hacks and Baggage, Limousine, 5 and 7 Passenger Cars, Auto Baggage Trucks. Mineral Wells & Return $24.35 New York & Return $95.00 Asheville. N. C. & Return .' $65.85 Chattanooga & Return " .$59.00 Hot Springs & Return $39.85 7;45 Two solid trains daily through to C"30 A.M. St. Louis. UP.M. Why experiment? Use Herald Want Ads and get quick results. The cost is small and the returns are large.