Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Wednesday, Xov. 18, 1914. SOCIETY'S DOINGS Dances. An Informal little hop was given by the officers of the border patrol at Fort Bliss Tuesday evening. The 15th cavalry orchestra played the dance music Among; some of those present were CoL and Mrs. Oeorgre H. Mor--an, MaJ and Mrs George Moore, Capt. nil Mrs Howard H. Hlckok, Lieut, and Mrs James P Marley. Mr and Mrs. S. W Daniels, Mrs Stanley Johnson, Mrs. T . Goodall, Misses Alice Wulff, Dor- h Morgran, Edith Morgan, Irene i iighlin. Virginia Semple, Virginia v " rt, Grace Wingo, Anne Lee i . s .ind Valeria Garrard; Gen James , i ( r MaJ W. R. Sample. Capt W. B j m-m Capt A- Morrison, Lieuts. J. t K id jr. T H. Rees Jr. F. C. Rogers, SORE WAY TO GET RID OF DANDRUFF End Itching Scalp and Stop Falling Hair At Once. There Is one sure way that never falls to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This destroys it entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary lieiuid arvon; apply it at night -when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It in gently with the finger tjps. By morning most, if not tlL of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every slngleJ ign and trace of it no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lUBtrous. glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you want to keep your Mair looking rich, do by all means get rid of dandruff for nothing destroys the hair so quickly Jt not only starves the hair and makes it fall out, but It makes it stringy, straggly, dull, dry. Brittle and lifeless, and everybody notices It You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is in expensive, and four ounces is all you n ill need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Adv. It. O Annin, Theodore Barnes Jr., R. S B Hartz, T. H. Monroe, Francis M. Brannan, TV C Houghton, Dale F. Mc Donald. James L. Collins, DeWltt Grubbs, Oliver S. TVood, George Guild. K. AUTO DRIVER IS KILLED IN CAR Women's Organizations. The Sunshine Helpers' society met Tuesday afternoon at the home or Miss Mabyn Madison, near the Country club. The afternoon was spent in rolling bandages for the Red Cross society. The first eening concert of the Woman's club music department given Tuesday night in the auditorium of the High school was very well attended and was a most successful affair Miss Rose Go6dman gave a piano recital, playing Grieg's sonatftin K minor; Chaminades "Ariequlne." "The Fauns." "Barcarolle and "Valse Caprice" and Chopin s Bal lade" and "Sherzo." Miss Goodman was assisted in her recital by Mrs. Ralph J. Wilson and David Holquin Mrs. Wilson sang Massenet's "O Weep, O TVeep, Mine , Eyes," and "If I Were L,iKe lou. oy J.'uccini Mr. iioiquin P1" '""."""" solos, Mozart's minuet, and Vieuxtenips, "Fantasia Appasslonata." Mrs. C. p. Johnson was the accompanlest of the evening. The musicians were presented with quantities of floral boqucts. School Notes. The newer members of the teaching staff of the High school will be enter tained by the teachers who have been longer in service, at ah Informal little party Saturday night at the High school. TODAY'S AMUSEMENTS J vW W?3& Nadine Face Powder (In Crten Boxet Only) Keeps The Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Honey bc!c If not en tirely pleased. Nadine i pure and harm less. Adheres until washed off. Prevents sunburn and return of discoloration. A million delighted users prove its value. Tints: Flesh, Pinfc, Brunette, White. By Toilet Counter or Mail. 50c National Toilet Company, Paris, Tens. lra$ Hair "WALWUTTA HAIR STAIN" Restores dray. Streaked or Bleached Hair or Moustache lnslaaunoasly. Gives anrshade from Light Brown to BlocS. Do, not wash or rob eff. Con tains do poisons and Is not sticky M nor KTvair aota or au gtutzisis, or we win send you a Trial Size for 0e postpaid., large size (eJeht times as much) 60c II yoor drusidst oont sen it send direct to us. Send the yellow wrapper from two Dottles purchased from a drnrcist and we WU1 sire you a full-size bottle for nothing WALKUTTA CO, 2208 CUrk A. SI. Louts, Mo. "HOUSE BfEXT DOOR' TODA1. "The House Next Door," adapted from the play of J. Hartley Manners, author of "Peg o' My Heart," will be shown at the Wigwam today and tomorrow. The play and the picture hae both caused considerable comment and controversy. The national board of censors found nothing in it that did not meet with its approval, however, and it has pleased wherever it has been shown, although the spectators did not always agree with the argument presented in the play and picturd. E. E. Campbell, of the local Wigwam, saw the picture in Dallas and is enthu siastic over it. He vouches for it and assures the Wignam's patrons that there is nothing in it that will hurt the feelings of either Jew or Gentile. The cast is a splendid one, consisting of dainty Ethel Clayton and most of the legitimate stars that appeared in "The Third Degree," ''Lion and the Mouse," eta The fact that it was pro duced by Slgmund Lubin, himself a Jew, is additional guarantee that it will not offend members of that race, despite the comment it occasioned. The first show will begin at 11 a. m. and each show will run one and one-half hours. The prices are 15 cents for children and 25 cents for adults. Advertisement, JOIIX BIUJY AT THE III JO U. Leah Baird and John Bunny, two popular motion picture stars, will be featured today at the Bijou. John Bunnj, in "Bunny Backslides," lj an ingenious comedy that will please every one. If you enjoy laughs see the finish. Leah Baird is good in "His Wedded Wife," a drama that is up to the minute. The happenings are so uncommon that they create great in terest as to the ultimate termination. Miss Baird is ably supported by a star cast. Thursday. "Rosemary, That's for Re membrance," and Haarst-Selig Weekly. Triday Arthur Johnson in "Partner to Providence," showing one of the most thrilling railroad collisions ever 8 to Red for moTing pictures. Mongay and Tuesday Ethel Barrv more, the noted actress. In "The Night ingale." Advertisement. CANDY SPECIAL! ON DELICIOUS CREAMED FILBERTS 20c THE LB. WEDNESDAY ONLY " Ascents for 1ITJVLEIVS ASD MAILLARD'S CAMJI MUSICAL COMEDY ALIIAMBRA. "A Winning Miss." the sparkling musical comedy, continues to draw large audiences It is the kind of a light, musical show to make ou for get your worries. Catchy songs, pret ty glrU, real comedy, and splendid voices. The prices are for every one boxes, 50c; lower floor, 35c; balcony, 25c No seats reserved. First show at 7 p. m. ; second at 8:45 p. m Beginning Thursday, "Prince Charm ing," with Ralph Brainard In the title role. Advertisement KEYSTONE "K03IEDY" GRECIAN". "Fatty" Arbuckle .will be seen at the Grecian today In "An- Incompetent Hero" A crackerjack Keystone "Kom edy." "Fatty" surely proves a- hero finally, and as usual cleans up every thing in sight. It Is very funny. "Redblrd Wins," a great race piMure, Is the two reeler on today's program. us a siory witn many novel leatures. It shows a great race It tells a pretty story, and is full of action. William Garwood and Vivian Rich are featured In this splendid program. Don't miss it Advertisement "SMpsassBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBaaBaBBBSHBSBcasisBnsoHBBsnuaasBSSBBBCanaoaaasaBaBflnw Ladies Suitable Footwear for Evening Wear All that is new and correct to go with the newest crea tions in Evening Gowns, you can always depend on finding in our well assorted stock. We have many exclusive styles, in beaded effects, with cut out vamp also plain but elegant creations. The materials are the patent calfskins patent coltskins mat kiflskins bronze Mdsldng. Also satins in all col ors, as well as a white calfskin. We can fit you perfectly in exactly the Evening Slipper you have in mind. PRICES $a.00 TO $tj.00 GRFATFD Ci ntu-nw. fr-ni-Z. rv"ivl O urcfitCZJ SHOE STORE y (ihey J SHOE- CQM&ANV 203 Mesa Ace. Lr We Give UTII Til. A? mm nnnam. or iliiwmia. .stflsfe. Hssssb. A. M Hi xHsVk Phone or Douglas Man Is Muurdered and Robbed as He Sits at Steering Wheel. lent, Douglas, Ariz.. Nov. 18 J E. Eng- an automobile driver, was mur- aored and robbed Tuesday morning as ?. ssil j the wheel of his car on 15th stieet, 200 jards east of the city pump inc station. He was struck on the nt-ad behind the right ear. Footprints leading from the car to ward the Country club were followed ny peace officers In the hope of get ting the muiderers It appeared that tney had engaged Englent for a ride, spied themselves In the tonneau, and stiuck him from behind when the car reached a lonely spot The wheel tracks showed that a struggle to overpower the auto driver began about 60 jards before the car was stopped. FERGUSON IS FINED $100 ON AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CHARGE The jury In the case of the state against J. E. Ferguson, charging him with aggravated assault returned a verdict of guilty and his fine was fixed at $100 and costs in me county court last Tuesday evening. Ferguson was alleged to have struck Henry M. Walker while they were leav ing the labor halL Many union men 'were called as witnesses during the hearing. TlILSOX BEGINS WMTIAG . 3IESSAGE TO CONGRESS Washington. D. C, Nov. IS Presi dent Wilscjn today began work on his annual message to congress, which he will deliver in person at the opening cf the regular sescion in December While the message has not Set taken definite shape, Mr Wilson is Expected t- discuss Philippine independence, conservation, the Mexican question, government ownership of merchant ships and the effect of the European war tJn the United States. Aihey cloth-lined weather strip keeps out the cold Rathbun-Mix Co dv Just put a f ow drops of Sloan'a on the painful spot and the pain stops. It is really wonderful how quickly Sloan'a acts. No need to rub it in laid oh lightly it penetrates to the bono and brings relief at once. Kills rheumatic pain instantly. Mr. Jamet E. Alexander, of North TTarDnptU. Me., tmtex! "Manv strains in my back and hips brought on rheu matism sn tno sciaue nerve, a oaa it so bad one night when sitting in my chair, that I had to inmn on my feet to ret relief. I at once applied your Liniment to the affected part and in less then ten minutes it tra3 perfectly easy. I think it is the beat of all Linraeats I have ever used. ram At all dealers, 25c Send four cents in stamps fcr a TRIAL DOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. DcpL B. Philadelphia, Pa. sKwwjawsisfl Buy "Made in El Pasol "Perfection" Hen and Chick Food This food is prepared from the best of grain and is guaranteed to produce healthier chicksV- more eggs man any other food on me marKet A TRIA1. ORDER WILL CON VINCE YOU. VV. D. WISE SEED CO. We Give S. &H. Green Stamps rnone or Mail Your Orders. Shop Early Only 30 Shopping Days Until Xmas Shop Early and High Grade Seed, Grain Poultry Supplies RETAIL STORE, 106 NORTH STANTON. Office nnd Warehouse, Corner -na nnd Cftlhuahaa Streets. Hay. Grain, Field Seeds, Furl and Dnildlng Jlacrlnl. Phones 35 and 38. Second and Leon St. T eSec Sh on own A of (J ur Basement Must he Vacated or ore In he Pexi I wo Bargains READ ABOUT THEM WAISTS 49c One special lot of Elite Flannel Waists with large collars, and laced and button fronts, in plain and madras stripes; splendid for this cool -weather, worth 95c. APEONS- 39c 25 doen Bungalow Aprons in a late shipment that will be sold Thursday at 39e each. They're excellent values for 50c They will he on sale Fri day, loo, if there are any left. To Make Room For Our Holiday Toys r HERE'S every reason to believe that it will, for the prices We are making on all the mer chandise that now occupies the space, will compel immediate action. Blankets, Comforts, Robes, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Blouses and other kinds of merchandise thai is needed right now. It Will Pay You to Visit Our Busu Basement Store in the Next Two Days and the Sooner Ycu Come the Better Will Be the Selection. Days i Bargains RE ID ADOUT THEM COSSETS 39c You can buy a good style me dium or low bust corset with long hips, made of substantial winter weight material for 39c Thursday and Friday in the lower price store. SWEATERS $1.59 Wool sweaters, a wide assort ment of kinds, some with shawl collars, pockets and belts, plain and combination colors, such as maroon, red, navy, gray, etc Sweaters worth one dollar more. Here We Tell About MTJSLINWE AR 39c Last call on muslin underwear. The lotsN we're been helling at 59c, 69e and 79c are now grouped in one assortment and offered at, garment 39c; gowns, drawers, skirtb, corset coers, etc. The Blankets BLOUSES 39c Worth at least 75c. Crepes, Voiles. Wash Materials, in white and figured and striped patterns, dainty patterns. Styles are for fall and winter wear. The materials alone cost more. 200 Pairs of $2 Blankets n A &stJ Pair PLAY-SUITS 25c 10 dozen Play-Suits, made of good quality material iat tan and blue combinations. While they last the price is only Sac Early selection advisable; phone your orders. Two to a customer. - TOILET PAPER , 7 ROLLS 50c 1000 sheet rolls of good quality toilet paper, kind bold many places 2 for 25c. Special Thurs day and Friday price. 7 rolls fer 50c. Sold Only in 7 roll quantities. We offer for these two days' selling, for quick clearance. 200 pairs of beautiful plaid cotton blankets in pink, blue, gray and tan plaids at the very special price of $1.29 a Pair. $1.25 COTTON BI-4SSETS, 93c Good quality cotton in gray, tan and white with neat borders, are only 9S. Extra durable double blankets in greys and white, T are splendid cotton blankets; a pair J) JL o Large Double Blankets in dark colors of gray and tan, fine for out-door sleeping. A pair Nasua woolnap blankets, silk bound and excellent tf ff Wp quality, tan only; a pair Phs! tt ALL-WOOL BLANKETS A complete line of all wool blankets, plain and ( -fl A j f plaid, ranging in price from $5.00 TO P1t.DU DRESSES 49c Children's splendid Wash Dresses, made ot ginghams and percales in plain and fancy col ors; new styles, worth to $1.25, in sizes for girls 4 to 14 year old. APRONS 15c You can bny one or two good quality gingham kitchen aprons here Thursday at 15e each. Plain or cheek ginghams. No mail or phone orders. Limit, two to a customer. Fine Broadcloth and French Serge Suits . .$9.95 S $1.00 Velvet? hopes It may sound unreasonable to say "Suits worth $25.00 for $9.95." But when we say this about these 39 suits we do not exaggerate the value in the least. There are just 39 suits in the lot and almost as many different styles. We can sell them at this price because a certain maker quit making suits and sold us the entire lot that were made up, at greatly reduced price. Come see the values frr ifMivenlf TliAr. 9TI A II M7CS. Come tomorrow if you would have one of these shapes. While there are nearly 200 to sell at this price, past experience tells us that when a special of this nature is offered that this amount will scarcely last through a day's -selling. They are our special $1.00 values. Long Winter Coats .... $5.95 10 OZ. DUCK SPECIALLY PRICED Table Oil Cloth 15c a yard Good quality 10 oz. duck for sleeping porches, awnings. tents, and so forth, is onereu ui uiu iimunuig special prices for a few days: 48 inch 10 oz. 75c quality 59c Yd. 54 inch 10 oz. Soc quality 69c Yd. 72 inch 10 oz. $1.15 quality 90c Yd. White table oil cloth, mill run of regular 20c quality; Thursday and Friday 15 a yard. JUST 59 LEFT The best value m the city at this remarkably low price. They are made of good quality crinkle broadtail, with large collars of self material; lined with a good wearing quality Italian lining. Coats that are usuaHy soM as higli as $12.50. There are also some plain doth coats and some striped and novelty coats with velvet collars and rnff in n lnf nt $5 Q5 s EXTRAORDINARY COMFORT VALUES, $3.50 A timely offering of splendid values in comforts Thurs day and Friday. Every desirable color, filled with clean, white straight cotton, covered with extra fine quality decline. EI Paso' Only Fire-Proof De partment Store. El Paso's Only One-Price De partment Store. M I Tf-M,lgM" -msranmmasia iuu i y , . ,