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New ,York Yanks II-- ":ll:- - Ji To immy oiaDDy Br II. II. --, EPORT6 wafted westward from R Philadelphia announce that Frank Farrell, owner of the New York Yankees, is negotiating for the purchase of Mate Collins, the star in f ielder of the Athletics. If Karrell is successful In landing Collins from ite Athleties ha states he will make him manager of his ill fated club. John 8blbe, secretary and part owner of the athletics, is quoiea oy eastern spon writers as saying he is ready to sell Collins, as Is Connie Mack, providing they get the purchase price they de- Had it not been for the statement made by Shtbe little or no credence would be given the rumpr, for if Col lins Is lost to the American league champions, together with Bender, Plank and Coombs, it's a good bet that the tieam will not finish in the first division next season. Collins led his team in batting during the past season, and he is considered one of the greatest of all second basemen In the major league The New York American league team has proved a losing proposition for several years and some drastic steps mufct be taken to strengthen the club. The attendance showed a marked de crease during the past season, and if Farrell can get Collins at any reason able figure, It's a good wager that he will grab him for the management, as with Collins at the helm the Yankees would no doubt prove a factor In the pennant race. For several seasons Collins has been Connie Mack's chief lieutenant. His suggestions have proved helpful to Mack in .turning out winning teams. Philadelphia, despite its champipn team, has proved a poor drawing card at home. Where Eddie Collins draws one dollar In attendance in Philadel phia, he will draw ten in the gates of the New York park if he is made man ager of the Yanks. Only Wants INucIeu for New Team. Connie Mack has been quoted as say ing that he desires to retain only enough of his old stars next season for a nucleus around which to build up a championship contender from his young material. This he Is evidently going to do, judging from his recent actions in asking waivers on his trio of old star hurlers and placing Eddie Collins on the market. If Frank Farrell could obtain Col lins, Bender and Plank he will haYe the start of a pennant contender Of course it will take a lot of money to get these three players, but they would prove big drawing cards for the lanks, and that club would undoubt edly get as large crowds at home as the Giants do when they play on the Polo grounds. Jeff Clark Coming Here. Big Jeff Clark, the "fighting ghost," ana his manager, Jimmy Bronson, are expected to arrive the last of the week from Joplin, Mo. Clark is one of the greatest llgtat heavyweight fighters that ever stepped into a roped arena and is a. popular local favorite. He fought Rufe Cameron of San Francisco I across the river last summer and knocked him out in the 13th round of their scheduled 20 round bout. Be- cently Clark outpointed Sam Langford at Joplin in a 10 round go. of the fastest fighters of his weight in the game. Clark in t florht Tnmu, TaMr Tkn son in Juarez and will start training xii un ovaui upwn nis srrivat. These two black boys are about evenlj matched Johnson has fought Lang- To individuals and insti tutions that are experi enced and have time to select and manage in vestments, this is no problem: but to those , inexperienced, -wh o s e time is devoted to other things, the question arises, "What is- the best security and -winch returns the largest in come, combining the maximum of safety and profit and requiring the minimum of care and at tention?" It k acknowledged by experi enced investors, both large and small, that Mortgages are the safest form of investment and provide a profitable income yield. This being determined, there only remains the selection of a reliable institution, experi enced in the Mortgage Business, from which to purchase this class of investments. Our organization, both in the field and in our offices, experi enced and thoroughly competent to select securities and care for investments, is of the best, and our years of experience malce it possible for us to render to the " investor the most efficient service obtainable. Our loans are secured by the very best improved real estate. Out service to investors in clude the management of every detail in connection with the loan. Our mortgages range in amounts from $500 to $10,000 and we "have a stock of them at all times in denominations con venient to the investor. fio Grande Valley PI A bit A- TniiA f uiwnrm ut iiTUdl LiU - J' i9rr il urnciencv has been Drovided. H & JLJf vW ' B I Si ! I I i , I Accounts subject to check are solicited. 1 " We pay 4 per cent Interest on Savings I Invest A j j l Ba afo TUSH eri B a I ism HH IS. Ik tAoa iTSiflrVffM oi.VlK VA Collins :: - -:!:- Visit El Paso Soon CADDLE. . ford and other tars ana lias an excoi- lent record. Clabhy Also to MkU City. Jimmy Clabby of Hammond. Ind, conceded by many to be the legitimate middleweight champion, is soon to visit El Paso With his manager. Clabby wrote the writer a letter a few das ago announcing that he is coming to El Paso on business and while here will rrV to arrange a fight with Eddie Mc Goorty of Oshkosh, Wis., or Mike Gib bons of St. PauL for the championship Clabby is the rtmn ine maicnmasers 1 would especially like to secure for one ale. He recently gave George Chip an awful beating on the coast. Clabby and -Gibbons would no doubt prove a big drawing card for a cham pionship eventi They have met in three different engagements and the newspaper decisions give Gibbons a shade. In St., PauU 1910, Clabby was awarded the decision over Gibbons. A few months later they fought a ten round fight at Milwaukee and the sport writers gave the event to Clabby. Later they1 fought 15 rounds at Winni peg and the press accounts of the event differed. From that day to this there has been a much discussed question as to which of the two middleweights are the best. Brickley to Get Into Game. Telegraphic advices received from Cambridge indicate that Charles Brick ley, captain of the great Harvard ma chine, and one, if not the greatest of all kickers, will participate in the an nual duel Saturday V against Yale. Brickley will not play the entire game Neither will he buck the line or do any tackling In all probabilities he wil not be sent into the' game until Har vard has the ball well Into the Yale territory and needs a score. Then Brickley will be sent In to boot the oval between the beams. His toe ought to prove a potent factor in the strug gle Saturday. Both Harvard and Tale teams are do ing light practice this week The coaches are taking no chances of in juring their men by having the regu- May Get - . THE EVIDENCE II of increasing prosperity is shown by the gain in deposits of the First National Bank. I I 1 R1- 1 i 1 1 Si r- .1 .1 . . . i i I 7 1 voytnmg tnat promotes Security and 3 g 1 SBHBEMlifBWkrB!BHABfll3B? 9i8w BBaSJfrferxrMHWrWiy"Mhflffi-T j I i Special Lew Fees I I'm H 8feT""2C zs&oic&ii Established Eight Yearsj in El Paso. Most Successful and Re liable Specialists. 18 Years' Active Practice and Experience. Our Diplomas, Certifi cates and Registrations to be seen in our office, prove us to be the most expert and best qualified Specialists in EI Paso. WHY EXPERIMENT? AVhy waste further time and money for Patent Medicines, "free trial treatments," electric belts, or with those -nho treat but seldom cure, or with those who are not prepared and equipped to treat you? They treat by the latest and most effective methods knoxvn. and for the lowest possible fee consistent with good treatment: CATARRH, RUP TURE, BLOOD POISON, EPILEPSY, NERVOUS DECLINE, VARICOSE VEINS, HYDROCELE AND ALL CHRONIC KIDNEY, BLADDER RECTAL AND SPECIAL DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES. CONSULTATION FREE Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1, Established Hammett Block, Cor. Texas St. and & "11 112 Mesa PUBLISHER'S NOTICE ThiioPh? lJhrald,Was established In March. 1881. The J31 Paso Herald Ircludes Th3abs0ri tl0n and succession. The Daily News, The Telegraph The Telegram, The Tribune, The Graphic, The Sun, The Advertiser! Fnt ;f I??pe'Jent' The Journal. The Republican, The Bulletin. Entered at the Postoffice In El Paso. Texas, as Second Class Matter. ME3IDEK. ASSOCIVTED vssocivtio vm wbre weunesd y and Wee End issues nm NITS El PASO Hair Oil, Telegrams, 'the Makin's" and Beer Are Struck by Stamp Tax. Billiard rooms and brokers, chew ing gum and circuses, bowling alleys and bankers, telegrams, wines, tobac co and face paint are some of the things which the new war tax hits. j. uuuipieie scneauie oi me nev wai var tax. lsvery oeaier wiiu bbjib iu tax which was passed by the last con- hacco in any form must pay at least gress has been received by internal The Herald buildine- A laree number of the special war taxes became paya- I hie after November 1, while others will go into effect on December 1. Bankers Are Taxed. The tax on bankers became payable after November 1, being an annual tax of $1 for each $1000 of capital used and employed by the banker Brokers must pay apannual tax of $30, this term applying to stock and bond bro kers. Pawnbrokers must pay an an- I nuai tax or $50, customs DroKers $iu lars buck the scrub team Reports from the two training camps indicate that both teams are in the pink of con dition for the annual contest A. S Roos, manager of Earl Puryear, the clever little Colorado bantam weight, who is being boosted for titu lar honors in Los Angeles, arrived in El Paso Monday from Phoenix, where he supervised the racing features of the recent fair. Mr Roos statari that Puryear has Improved 50 per cant over I his showing in the Juarez arena one ' j ear ago, and is heralded as one of the most promising little boxera in the glove game. GOLF EXPERT WILI. SPEND S WINTER AT COUATRY CLUB David S Livle. who was golf In structor at the El Paso Country club during the winters of 1911 and 1912. will arrive Saturday from Lake Geneva, Wis., to coach the golfers of the Coun try club this winter. Mr. Livie is a "pro' for the Lake Geneva Golf club. In order to ghe all afflicted people an oppor tunity to secure the sen ices of Successful Specialists and for the purpose of proving the superiority of tlicir New System of treatment, ihe International Specialists are charging less than one-half their usual fee during the entire month of November. This offer applies not only to those who call during this month, hut to all who hare ever called and hao been told what their charge would be to cure them. They hae treated over seven thousand cases here with few "failures to cure and with little dissatisfaction, and most of these people are sending them their friends. As a result, they have built up the largest specialty practice ever known or heard of here, and for this as well as many other reasons they can treat you for less than most doctors or specialists. Their offices arc the best equipped in the southwest; they "have had many years' experi ence in generaj practice and exclusively as Specialists, so CIAUSTS Eicht Years. Mesa Ave., Opposite Rio Grande Bank Ave. El Paso, Texas. AMnnii- xim, ,..,...,. .,. BihVii; op ttRcii:Tio"S. "UUV will be mailed Iqr JJ.00 per ear, I ch year, commercial brokers are taxed 20, and $10 is the part the cus toms brokers must dig up to make up the deficit caused by the battle royal in Europe . .. . Theaters, circuses ",i .,. ovca ' of amusement must also pay a war tax although Chautauquas are ex cluded A circus having the three ring ceremony must pay iuu in eacn. uis trict where it shows each sea son. Moving picture theaters, with a seating capacity of 20 or less must pay $25 annually, those having seats for 500 are assessed $50, and those having seating capacities of not more than 800 must pay $75, and those having more than 800 seats are taxed $100 Bowling alleys must pay $5 an alley, and the owners of billiard and pool halls are set back the same amounts for each table. Thc Makings' Taxed. qiniuivn and heer are both hit bv the 54 S0 for each shop, whllo manufactur- f xg 1 fif I III " 'nowj t ; 1 . - t "" """ II m ui ers of cigars, tobacco and clgarets must Pay heavier taxes, depending upon the amount of business done annually. Domestic and Imported sparkling wines are taxed at the rate of 10 cents a pint, still wines are soaked one cent a pint, while beer must pay an addi tional tax of 50 cents a barrel. The stamp tax, the same kind of a tax that the colonies went to war with England over, is to become effective after December 1 on bonds, certifi cates, legal instruments and records, Bonds, debentures or certificates of indebtedness issued after Do cember 1 by any association, com pany or corporation will be taxed five cents on each $100 of face value. On each sale or agreement to sell a tax of one cent for each $100 or fraction Is assessed. Promissory notes, except oank notes issued for circulation, are " at the rate of two tents for each $100. Bills or lading must have a stamp of one cent value on each ship ment All telegraph and telephone mes En Ihh Solicits the business of the Cattle and Livestock men of Texas New Mexico, Arizona, and the entire Southwest. Have modern facilities for prompt, ex peditious handling of livestock New modern, sanitary pens. The necessary buildings have been erected and bal ance of construction will be pushed to completion soon as possible. Market is open to cattlemen, specu lators and others handling livestock. Prices for feed furnished are same as being charged by other I here at the present time. TELEPHONE 2794 ' - - -: hi in h En On Second Ward sages, for which a charge of more than 15 cents is made, must be taxed a.t the rate of one cent for each message de livered. Bonds for Indemnifying per sons and other forms of bonds must have a tax of 50 cents paid on them. Certificates of profits and other cer tificates are also taxed. Deeds, instru ments or other writings for conveying lands or other realty are taxed at the rate of 50 cents for each $500 In value. Goods entered in customs warehouses are taxed, as are goods withdrawn from bonded warehouses. Each insur ance policy Issued against peril to property is taxed at the rate of. one half of one cent on each dollar of the premium. Passage tickets on a steam er going to a foreign port are taxed $1 for value of $30 and $3 for $00. , Hair Oil lilt. Perfumery and cosmetics, toilet wa ter, tooth paste, pomade and hair oil and other necessities are to pay the toll of war. This tax Is three-eighths ofton Addition Car Line of a cent for each package, ,)ar or carton. Chewing gum and substitutes are taxed at the rate of four cents for each $1 in-value. The failure to obtain application blanks for these stamps Is not taken as an excuse under the law and does not relieve the dealers from fines and penalties imposed by the law The stamps will be offered for sale by the postoffice. collector Pateman and also by the United States depositories in El Paso ATTKTIO, KAGU3S! All members and visiting brothers big Initiation and something doing to night. Advertisement. THIS WEEK'S BARGAIN. Kimball Piano, haitdsome walnut case, for $175.80. Payments $S 00 per month. Guaranteed by the Oldest Pi ano House in El Paso. El Paso Plana Co, 208 South side Texas St, W I. Schutz, Prop. Advertisement yards "t in J i