Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 14 Friday, January 22, 1913 BY GEORGE M'MANUS BRINGING UP FATHER es ' - Copyright. 19K. International NewsSercicc ( rjOMiLiATEO 1 "fOURE OnsC ftCHT MAK. TOTHEDBiTTWlTH HABiT 'TOO WE AHO HWE THAT f-- SJR-, CjOTAffrTHlNcJ FER ME TOOTH TOOTH TAKEN OUT HbW.DARE tOO INSULT V" -i me: rt1 ACHE? y : , c . j . r V- i 5 n V I -OCiRE qolNC RKHT DOCTX-rtSWY ( MY GOODMAN- ( 1 J . VEU.-JFTHAT5 V, r ' -- v v-w vt-w... i rsnuw ' k. j J i l )- W ,r M , WHA1 'OHAMr,ttHlNQ; &l " ViV.ltnr.i r- ' .- I II1 .oV-jar ' .-r- ..., MLI J J I 1 I I .?. I "OiTT TOU v j vfJTI nnnx-3 nt -utn- l i i . v"ss.. l !-ri- -s. -. J . r . r ja c icn--T-'r . v i i v " .---- - i----. i -. -a i zw t vvjwn - i v i 'a,r -i nrc i i a x t i - ACHEr J erfrxw WSSi MV TfinTM 13: J I T--rW ciocti L ,-i A n . v. r r WT ''I R oothort FT2 tSOT Rvik LZlJS?2ftit && V I L JJ$ly )N SIB ff jfesk--) Jj inV ? r4dl "yJ flirll I Fr 5 Hft Af mv I r ) u TlV v J jmmmW n! V J vi" i s I alll 0 j hh &BLWr? i flu so 3 M W'aBi l C wLwx UJi jHi THrrH PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The El Pmo Herald was established In March, 1881. The El Paso Herald includes also, by absorption and succession. The Daily News, The Telegraph, The TelegTam. The Tribune, The Graphic, The Sun, The Advertiser. Tfte Independent, The Journal, The Republican, The Bulletin. Entered at the Postoffice in El Paso. Texas, as Second Class Matter. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS, AMERICAX NEWSPAPER. PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION. AND AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Herald, per month, 60c: per year, $7.00. Wednesday and Week-End issues will be mailed for $2.00 per year. Rates For Classified Ads: Oae Cent per Word. No charge less than $.25 Six Consecutive Inscr- tkms,,,per Word . . 05 Notice To Classified Advertisers All classiOed advertising ordered to run tnd-flnltely t() must be In writing Not t advertisements ac Lcpteii over the telephone. Orders to discontinue t- fc ads must also be in writing and cannot be accepted over the telephone A stop order receipt wlU be given when a t. f. ad is ordered discontinued. Answers to Herald Ads. The following list or uncalled for miwers to Herald Want Advertlse maW now being bold for delivery at The Herald business office: H G . s .1; r b o P s3 1 155 S C. H jl 07 Housekeeper i C MaiMe Owner L. 2 Baker . V Sem t41 -07 Lest and Fesnd. t.OLD HATCH, carved case, cryii ""m Phone 531 ' LOST In Postal Telegraph office, small ne!ook market "Howard Miller," In gilt. return to Postal Telegraph office and re- Hve liberal reward. , Personal. 8PIKELLA Corsets. Mrs. Holett Ph. 3672. Tj,ce Curtains Made Llle New. Ph. 48S6 J. AII.KKN BKHfa'S preparations at .Ryan a. MME. MACK, formerly of 112 W Franklin ht now SOS Mesa No phone. HANTKlJ Man of good habits to share room, separate beds 411 N Campbell LVBELLE FACE CREAM Ladles' Handl craft Exchange 510 Texas. Phone S043 BIG RAHG IN Every" housewife wants It See 1. Weber s ad. page, column 1. FRANCI8 W TOPPLING Letter at post ..fflce. 8ee W. E Easton. First NafL bank. ) l Paso Tex WOMEN'S EXCHANGE and Gift Shop. 415 F Boulevard Orders taken for homemade cakes etc Phone 302 Special Notices. AMON'K wlfhing to store a piano for its use no children Phone S710 NATIKE'S 4.IFT TO MAN Whole grain unpolished rice Our specialty S J. Fen roll 1115 K Kansas Phone 3517. -HILL MAKE TRADE for my 45 H P Im ported Flat chassis, in perfect order Cash alue $1000 A J Inderrelder, Lordsburg, N M APPLES- -APPLES. MOUNTAIN PARK, Anybody s Produce Co.. 217 N 8tanton St. Phone 1593. Per box 75c and up, delivered an here TRY OUR MJVELTY Made In El Paso phonograph needles. Do not Injure reo orils and produce a sweet pleasing melody Once used becomes a habit Trial, 8 dos. . c, 100. 75c. El Paso Carlo and Novelty o Bl Paso Tex . box -378 Wanted to Rest. HOIHK OR ArT. Unfurnished Phone 4707, W. close In. MKMSHM APT:, 3 or 4 roomi. strictly modern Write S 315. care Herald. WANTED lii couple nlth 8 year old child, llKhi. housekeeping rooms or share cottage -loie In. ! rite 8 330. Herald. M TEI To rent by a Japanese man, 10 i re 4 good land for vegetables, within 5 miles of HI Pno coed water right, no alkali 52,, El Paso St RF IOC SATISFIED with the; present ni"nage lent of your property Give us a trial We guarantee satisfaction. Kilburn IuiMcll Co . First National Bank Bldg. I'hone 803 Wanted Miscellaneous, M NTKD 50 cars bones at highest market price Herman Block A Co. W NTKI TO BUY furniture enough for 3 rooms, cheap for cash. Phone 666 WANTED Ford automobile for passenger 4ri!ce In good condition. Phoae 5185 WANTED Surrey and harness. Address C B Herald. WANTED TO BUI Dairy calves. S days to months old Phone 4507 W WANTFD Sexeral car loads of Bayerata oeans must be clean and packed in new bags or 100 lbs. (Signed) Herman Bkjch CO i-yflf UmONSBEL r ' -:T?n k i a infl ib I it H w vl x mmmmE' B I V I I 1 Hi . - l , I yi j jtiL Stocks and Bonds. CURTISS-MAXNING CO BONDS AND INVB.STMEM SECURITIES. We lavite Inquiries relative to the Inveat ment of fends, or for statistical lnforma tien resrdlns any securities In the United States, or abraad. Our serme Is free. nrst National Bank Bolldlnp. El Paso, Texas. FOR SALE OB TKADB Eqalty , In my 1 story home, finest reaMencs street, for $500 cash, remainder in bank stock or bonds. Write Home i. Herald. Business Chances. WANTED TO BUV Cigar stand -in central location, mast be cheap, describe stock, fixtures lease, etc. P O box 88L WANTED Reliable man to Join in opening grocery store and manage same. I also have grocery for sale. Price J18M Inquire o0 Mesa Ave. POK SALE General store on account of death of owner, good stand, excellent cli mate, located In ranch section at county seat. Address Box H. Sanderson. Tsxas. FOR SALE FOR CASH Restaurant best ocatlon long lease. $250 profit month guaranteed, stands closest Investigation. For Information address P O boxyi091. .FOOL ROOtl and cigar store, S tables, good -bnsiness. $160 cash bandies It now COW- ART. with LEAVRLL 4 SHERMAN, 207 Mills St Phone 422C. A CHANCE for a lady or nun to learn the pnotograph business. Will sell half intereat in pnotograpn scoaio Apply at ueni aiu dio. :2Vt San Antonio 8t. FOR SALE The only mllUnery store In Demlng, N M, good established trade and location. Price considerably less than in voice Reason for selling, manager re signed, owner in other'-buslnese. Write N. 272, Herald. , . . . FOR 'SALE Old, established saloon busi ness, -sltb pocket blllterd outfit complete. Fixtures sre in srood shaDe. stock Is low. 320 will handle the busiaess. Great oppor- J tunny to mase money ror a goou man. Address box 7C4, Tucumcari, X, M. WANTBD TO BUT lft. to S acres suitable for poultry raising, mast have water, house and barn, not far from scbooU Small ixn- I proved farm preferred. Can pay $SM as nrst payment A A, N. Macrate, Austin Marr Co. LCIGAR STAND, well established, doing gooa Dusmew. wiu sen m tuvurwv. nun salable stock. Central location; good lease, rent cheap Restaurant doing 1550 a equipped, central, good lease. week, $300. well Grocery store, well equipped, good stock. WeU paying business .i fine location. Snap. See Maeratl, With Austin & Marr Co. 3- San Antonio Bt Sell Livestock Buy. FOR SALE Large gentle mare, Ph. 4395. HORSE FOR SALE Phone 4776. FOR aLE I nice sows cheap Ph. 4043. WANTBD To buy fresh mUk cow. 184 W Phone WILL TRADE milch cow for "gentle horse J and buggy Phone 4503 A BARGAIN Yoong pony and practically new light delivery wagon. Phone 2640 IV. FOR S1LK--Ia-d yearling mules, flrst dass stock, cbegp tf taken at once. Phone 494V W 'Write' BT. Ui, care Herald. FOR SALE Ctop span of medium sized mules, well matched. $100 Phone 2996 or call at SOS Trust Bldg, For Sale Automobiles. 'y,r-.--'-hNr-fc"X'S-' WANTED TO TKADJlTpLots for an auto. Right Way Laundry . Cjlpfsr Young FOR SALE 8eontt- rfitdSter. run only 3500 miles. Trade for lot. Phone 9. FOR SALE 5 passenger Ford, excellent con dition. Master ' VWatlr. Southwestern Wrecking Co . 112 Dtrrango St $700 TAKES my 45 H P Fiat Imported chassis, in Al condition. Phone 4189 or write N 258 care Herald. JSOO A BARGAIN This i passenger E M. r. JO H p . over $00 worth of new tires. In good condition. Demountable rims. -Hawkins Bros. Phone .800. CADILLAC 30 TOURING CAR. Low price, easy terms, has powerful engine-, good car, easy to change into fuck or roadster Phone t209 and Will call. S PASS. AUTOMOBILE, good condition, good tires worm w, tor quick sale JI.& cash will buy It Hawkins Bros. Phone 2800. SECOND HAND Overland roadster, Hudson touring car, Cadillac touring oar, good terms on all Phone 0209, or write P. O. 919 , FOLLOWING HINTON SIXES taken In A trade on new Wlntona. Will sell at bargain. uiectric lighted, self starters New paint and tops, overhauled Carry same guarantee as new cars. 1912 model, $1950 1913 model, $2250 Also a Garford 7 passenger, fine for ranch, $750 Terms to responsible party. win consider trade El Paw Auto Sales Co. Phone S585. ' Wanted Help Male LINOTYPE operator wanted. Burk Prlnt- ing House WANTKD Rubber stamp maker. Texas St. 408 WANTED Flrstclass harness maker; must be sober. Write us, giving full particulars regarding- experience. J. Eorber & Co, Albuquerque, N M. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURER wants district manager, high class article, S200 to $780 capital, will pay expenses to Dallas If you are man we want, references. Box 3I, Dallas. WANTED A few flrstclass- lot salesmen to handle a gilt edge proposition on money making basis. la Salle Realty Co. Lobby Herald Bldg . Phone H9 MEN INCREASE TOUR EARNINGS Learn the barber trade, for which there Is alwajs a demand. Maiy jobs waiting at wages higher than you would expect Taught In few weeks by our system Earn while learn ing. Write today. Moler Barber College, Ft Worth. Tex. Wanted Help -Salesmen. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN to sell our line of popular priced laces and embroideries on liberal commission basis to merchants in Kansas. Nebraska. Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Address with full informa tion. Brin Brothers, Direct Importers of European Laces. Dallas. Texas. Help Wanted Male and Female MAN TED Persons to copy letters at home; pays $10 to 52i weekly Send stamped .en velope for particulars. National Copy Co , 3418 Brooklyn. Kansas City. Mo Wanted Help Female. EXPERIENCED CASIUER for Saturdays. Atdoln's Market LADY SOLICITORS with permanent ad dress In every town. Must be neat and aotle. Phone 4108 or write P O box Sz. lit ANTED Bright young lady bookkeeper: 'must be good worker and flgurer. ulth ref- ! crencea 'Address Competent care Herald. I TED-Woman of business ability to act as state agent for Denver concern, big i profit, easy selling goods. Call this even- ling at room 3, Carlyle hotel, i I . ! MILLINERY IIORKERS WANTBD Open- ;ing for one who can make and trim low nuJ Kb. a 1ha NUHmImiI ka1la(lV fOT same. Appiy with particulars to P O. box 48S Situations Wanted Male WANTED .Windows to clean. Phone 8414 10UNG Japanese couple want position for housework. Address 519H S. El Paso St COMPETENT young man, age 29. wants po sition as 'salesman, in or out of the city; Al reference. Write N 244. Herald THOROUGH BUILDER, draughtsman, estl- mator and carpenter wants work. Price no object Phone S684 W. TTJT T TT TJ Hi-..- .1j-,va. -nan irania srAi-V 1 in ranch or farm7 or houseman or yardman; vn -.-.vwri.-e T 3fi2 TTftr-irl- , o- j.. - . it ANTED A position as salesman, either drygoods or groceries IS years experience; good references. Phone 1338 W. )1 ANTED By young man, to travel for wholesale company, will work on part sal ary and commission. Address K, 328, Herald. It ANTED SITUATION General kind work, good Japanese, steady, honest Write S. 322. Herald ' 11 ANTED Position by young man; 1 years experience In groceries; 3 as manager. Will consider anything that offers a chsnee to rise Address P O box 514. ASST. BOOKKEEPBK-etenograpber, speak Spanish and some English. waAts office work. Address P. E. Granados, 117 S. Kansas St , SPANISH MAN and wife, speaking English, desire positions as housekeeper, manager hotel or any kind housework in city or any where Sr Meza. 92:t S Santa Fa. WANTED Position by flrstclass meat cut ter and grocer, good habits and steady: will leave city, state salary. Address S. S, care Herald. WANTBD FOSITION by young married man who has knowledge of steam and elec tric engines and hydraulic pumps, good all around man, will go anywhere. Address S. 327, Herald. Situations Wanted Female PRACTICAL NURSE desires position. 3032 Ph il ANTED By experienced practical nurse, confinement or tubercular cases Call 4851. REFINED LADY wishes housekeeping po sition, city of out, for gentleman. Write "Stranger." Herald Money to Loan. THE DIXIE CO. Salaries discounted, a M Hsrley. Manager 203 Texas St. room 10 over Llgr.tbody's Store rPhone 1219. 20,000 TO LO IN on Diamonds at E percent Watches cleaned 50c malnsprlngB 50c Den ier Jewelry Co. 106 San Ant, Wlgwsm Bdg. PRIVATE BANK Loans money on furni ture, pianos, diamonds, livestock, real es tate, etc ; good notes bought and sold. Phone us or call at our office. Courteous treatment and confidential dealings ex tended. MI. Two pe.puhllc- Bldg Ph 1444 Wanted Automobiles. FOR SAL15 Wagon, team and new harness cheap Phcne 4737 AUTOMOBILE WANTED Diamonds and cash to exchange for 6 passenger car. Ph. 6489 T Dressmaking. BUTTONS COVERED Angelus Cl'g. Wks. SEWING BY THE DAY Phone 3S24. SEWING WANTED Phone S2S2 W SEWING BY THE DVY Phone (StS J. DRESSMAKING and remodeling Mrs. Webb. i'hone 6.99. PLAIN snd fancy sewing, repairing. C11H Sail Antonio. Phone 3771. For Rent Apartments Furnished. rUBNIMIED APIS. Ill W. Boulevard. HOUSEKEEPING APIS., 2 library. 1007 N El Paso blocks from FOR RENT J room furnished apartment, bath and sleeping porch. Phone 1820 FOR RENT to couple, furnished apt W. Missouri FOR RENT A large new apt. S rooms, kitchenet bath and sleeping porch, for $17 SO. at Farrls Apts., 314 S. Virginia. BOOTH APARTJIENTS Finest in EI Paso, steam heat Janitor service, walking dis tance, one vacant 334) W. Boulevard. CLOSE IV First floor, furnished large front room, kitchenet Independent bath and lava tory, to permanent, $23, no dogs, n,o sick. Phone 6018 For Rent Apartments Unfurnished. NEW APTS. Only one left large and roomy Phone 1358 THE MONTANA 917 Montana St, facing Houston Park. Apts, to lease, most elegant In Kl Paso For Rent Honses Furnished. 3 ROOM furnished flat. $25, ' 218 Upson. FOR BENT 5 room furnished cottage. 1205 E. Boulevard LARGE NEW HOME, elegantly furnished; 8 blocks north of P O 1219 El Paso St TOO STORY RESIDENCE on Montana SU all newly furnished has furnace hater. In quire First Nat'L Bang Bldg , 318. FOR RENT 2 room cottage, fine steeping porch, closets, furnished light housekeep ing. $11 L. Blakesley. 613 Gold. Ph. 2757 J. FURNISHED HOME for rent on Montana St , all conveniences, hardwood floors, ma hogany furniture, 2 story, 7 rooms, only responsible parties need apply Ph. 2813. FOR RENT FURNISHED nOUSE. Large 2 story 8 room furnished house, few blocks from end of Park car line, A snap for some one. Reduced to $45 month. Austin Jfc Marr Co. HOUSES TOR RENT. 2820 Fort Boulevard C rooms $35:00 3025 Fort Boulevard 6 rooms , 35 0 Manhattan Heights. 6 rooms , 4firft0 Manhattan Heights, 5 rooms 35 00 Lraveil & Sherman. 207 Mills St Phone 4S2S. For Rent Houses Unfurnished. S ROOM house for rent 514 San MardaL FOR RENT 5 room house. 2900 Flnley SU $25 month Austin Jc Marr Co. For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms. 511 Myrtle imfawirvwnivn trnnxna fljwe t -ui.-u.i : ZZ ZZZZ , TW O housekeeping rooms. Gale Hotel, -,., . . . . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS -"511 E. Boule- , vara. FURNISHED modern housekeeping rooms. 09 N. Ochoa. TWO FRONT light housekeeping rooms. I ..,, naua. r. .vujiwus, -iiuu wv.o 1. r-. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 916 Magoffin. Phone 3137 TW O furnished housekeeping rooms, no children. 801 Wyoming. TW O housekeeping rooms, $3 50 week. Ph. 767 1 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, no sick. no children. Highland Park. Phone 0W1 W. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for Tent, close In, 415 Upson FOR RENT Nice sunny housekeeping suite. 915 N El Paso, LIGHT housekeeping ifloim, and also 2 front bedrooms Phone 1803. FOR RENT Nicely furnished S ,room cot tage, arranged for 2 families; cheap to per manent party no sick. 718 N Ochoa. FQR RENT 2 furnished rooms and sleep ing porenvfor light housekeeping, modern conveniences 136 Tobln Place or phone 407L FOR RENT Two suites of housekeeping' rooms with sleeping porches; privilege of piano and parlor, $35 each month. Phone 6318 913 Lee St For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Unfurnished. TW O unfurnished roomi newly papered. 2 porches. $8 Highland Park Phone 5185 ForRent Rooms Furnished. STEAM HEATED ROOM close In Ph. 5606. STEAM HEATED ROOMS 614 N. Santa Fe FURNISHED ROOMS in cottage. 609 N. Ochoa Apply STEAM HEATED ROOM, hot and 4cold water, baths. 345 V. Myrtle. BEAUTIFUL front room, connecting bath. private home with no children. Fh. 5010 SMALL ROOM for gentleman desiring quiet home. 711 Upson Ave. COMFORTABLE ROOM, hot water, lights, bath ihone 2181 SUNNY BEDROOMS with sleeping porch, also housekeeping rooms 215 prisons, NICELY furnished room for rent close in; breakfast if desired 416 Upson. FURNISHED or unfurnished large front room. 1315 K. Boulevard. FRONT CORNER BEDROOM 1011 N. El Paso LARGE FRONT ROOM, furnace heat; hot water, reasonable. Phone 6122 J. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with porch in private family, no invalids or chil dren Phone 3956. ELEGANTLY furnished large front rooms in beautiful home, close in, brand new, reason able prices. S00 E Bio Grande. FOR KENT Newly furnished steam heated room with bath, 10 minutes walk to plaza. In private family no children, suitable for 3 gentlemen with flrstclass references, no health seekers. Phone 1712. For Rent Rooms Furnished. DELMAR ROOMS 117 N. Stanton, rng. wa ter, free baths. 50c. SI day; $2.50 up wkly. FOR RENT Basement for hand laundry, close In. also garage Phone 3S4S J. TO A GENTLEMAN Front bedroom la small private family, all modern convenl ences. Phone 1108 J J For Rent Rooms and Board. NEAL'S, 313 MESA Phone 3417 strictly uptodate. Table flrstelass. Rooms WANTED To room and board two health seekers, able to be up End of Highland Park car Phone 4191. BEAUTIFUL front room with furnace heat on Tularosa St , board If desired. Phone 2888 J For Rent. STORES FOR RENT Cor Kansas and Myrtle avenue. Douglas C Crowell agency. FOR RENT 38 acres alfalfa and 50 acres cu Itlvated land. Apply to Fred Weckerle. HALF BASEMENT front room in apartment house, suitable for store or delicatessen. Phone 3517 mornings. For Rent Offices. I OR RENT Desk room in desirable office in Herald building. Address v.. Herald. For Sale Vehicles. FOR SALE 2 single harnesses. Transfer. 312 S. Ochoa. Lron's BUGGY FOR SALE Elegant 2 seat brand new buggy very cheap. Inquire 218 S. El Paso St , For Sale Bicycles. FOR SALE Bicycle cheap. Ave. 6SS Prospect FrjUcjnrnitare. FOR SALE 3 rooms, elegant furniture. 703 Magoffin Ave. BARGAIN Furniture (used 2. months only) of 8 rooms; beautlf ut home, olose in ; most select section. Special for money makers. Wiri sacrifice for cash or arrange taens. Ig 72 BARGAINS! ALL HEATERS BELOW COST! White drop head machine. $14. roll top desk. $1S gas range. $S, big ,gas taage. $9, safe $32. coal range, SU, base burner, 31V Weiss. 215 a Stanton. . Poultry and Pet Stock BABY CHICKS. $20 100. Parsons. 2 DAY OLD EGGS delivered. Phone 6113. X-RAY INCUBATORS ARE BETTER Per sons Chicken Ranch, Agents, Kl Paso. FRESH Y1RD EGOS for sale. Render I'hone 2983. 5c a dozen IP YOU WANT A SITTING of choice White Orpington eggs, phone 6192 HATCHING EGOS, $. 15. Parsons Chicken Rench El Paso Catalog free. FOR SALE 3ftne Rhode Island. Red roos ters, 1221 Wyoming Phone 4900 W JUST-LAY FAMOUS Parsons trap nested Barred Rocks. BREEDERS AND PULLETS. $1 Ancona. W. Wyandottes, B. Orpington cockerels, $1.50. Measday Poultry Farm, Alpine. Texas FOR SALE 1 doz. Rhode Island Reds. 1 Mandy Lee Incubator, chicken coops and wire net Dr W Warnock Val Verde. Phone 1310 HATCHING EGGS for sale Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rocks. $1 dosen, fresh yard eggs, market price, delivered north of tricks and east of El Paso St Ph. 5663 W For Sale -Miscellaneous. MADERA BLLBS. 50c a doz. Ph. 3124 PORTABLE tent house new Phone 5902. FOR SALE Gas range almost nsw. Phone 1736 J ONE CODD Protectograph, perfect condlt-op. Phone 1729 Vf. HARD PINE WOOD Big $6 50. Phone 6246 horse load. FOR SALE Fine opals Apply Monte Carlo notel. room a, from 1 sf to 4 p n, Juarez. FOR SALE Team and wagon cheap. Pl 5114 W 501 Wheeling .t ROOM HOTEL for sale. 416 N Ore- gon St I'OIt SALE One $20 jihonograph and over 400 records. In perfect condition, and one record cabinet P. O box 77 or phone 6734 FOR SVIB-One 20 gage double barrel hammerless. one 28 Remington repesker,' both new. Store 1930 Arizona. DL.MOND8 2 very fine stones weighing i and 1 karat at a sacrifice. 318 San Antonio St FOR SALE Bargains. One complete set cigar fixtures, one small cash register, oae floor showcase one 7 passenger Premier auto. Al condition. 302 Two Republics Bldg Phone 1444. , For Sale Rooming Houses. A PROFITABLE INVKSTMENT. 21 rooms, modern, beautifully furii-shed, ! blocks from postoffice, nets $360 per month $1200 cash, balance on terms. It BOOMS, Close In, bevt resident section, elegant furniture A beautiful heme and a, desirable Income $800 $400 cash, balance $26 per month - 14 BOOMS Near library A new building, well fur nished, gives you a home and net profit of $140 per month $600 cash, balance on terms. M. -E. Townley, With Bailey Land Co , 306 Mesa. Phone 344$. FOR SALE AT 0NCB 6 room rooming house, all new furniture; rooms all rented. also dandy Jersey cow, small cash payment. balance J-'-, a month. Phone &93S w. For Sale Rooming Houses. 8 ROOM rooming house for sale. Phone 3785 J CLOSE IN well located rooming house for sale by owner Address Terms, care Herald. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN. 6 room rooming house, 2 blocks from post office, on Mills St, for this week only $25. Can give terms. Frank J. Etle. Phone 843. 209 Mills St For Sale Farms and Ranches 20 ACRES $30 per a,cre; fine alfalfa, faces on North Loop paved road. Just 11 miles from El Paso, has phone and pos tal service. Would make fine country home 18 9 acres, $76 per acre, about 15 miles from Bl Paso, raw land. NEWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone 550 100 San Antonio. ALFALFA FARM. ' 16 acres highly Improved. 11 acres al falfa, plenty of ditch water, fruit trees; good house 2 horses, hogs, chickens. aU necessary implements, new wsgon, close to El Paso. Big sacrifice See us. Macrate. Austin & Marr Co. PARJI LEASE 40 acres, fine soil, plent) wster, pumping plant; good house V.IU lease 3 years, $150 first year, balance free rent for care of orchard Ideal truck or poultry farm. Close in. See Macrnti. With AHstin & Marr Co. 304 San Antonio St BIG SPECULATION. $7.5. PER ACRE. 640 acres 13 miles from El Paso court house, surface rolling, soil sandy loam, rocks none. tiUable all, irrigation water in weffis abundant grass good produces anything, especially fruit and grapes. Terms to suit aU or half or quarter laul MeCombs. . 600 N Oregon St Bell Phoae 1314. Commission to Agents. For Sale Real Estate Country Property. ACRE PROPERTY for sale, close in on Interurban. S. T Ferrier. 3008 Pera St FOR SALE Beautiful Croudcroft cottage. Just - completed Win take part price ta cattle. Write box S, Cloudcroft N. M. FOR SALE 19 acres on paved county road, opposite Clnecue Park. 2 south front lots, block 15. Manhattan Heights. W IL Scott, owner Phone 2130. FOR SALE AT SSOOe A $10 000 tract land tn lower valley, 51. miles from El Paso, or will trade for home in El Paso. Address Geo Pence R F D No 1 El Paso. Tex. For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. 1. ANTED To correspond with owners lsad for sale or trade. Box 273. McKinney. Tex RESIDENCE for sale or trade on easy terms, suitable for dairy Phone 1364 WILL TRADE ISO ACRES of patented land, located In the Sulphur Springs Valley. Ari zona, for East El Paso property Address 624. care Herald office CLEAR RESIDENCE LOT In Dallas, mac adamized street cement walk, curb , and gutter, water gas, sewerage and lights, for light car in good condition, first payment. Phone 6141 W OARAGE FOR SALE OK EXCILYNGB Modern tools and equipment, alued $15M. best mining town southern New Mexico. Will trade for good auto or equity In im proved or unimproved El Paso realty. Jess Turner, Santa Rita. N M FOR SALE A SNAP to get Into good pay ing 'business. $6000 stock of general mer chandise tn upper valley, also good store room with basement, also good 5 room resi dence all clear, will take part pay In good valley land or close In El Paso property. Trade 1- good now. but will double In alfalfa season. Address W J Jones, 1123 N Oregon. HILL TRADE 40 acres of land In artesian belt for something in or near El Paso. Phoen 6671. LARGE HOUSES for small cottages, alJf north and west Texas stuff for city or" valley Address box 273. PUZZLE Canadian arincrt 1 mot Find n German and i l with m.ichme truns. Belgian soldier. A-NSIIER TO xESTERD WS FIZZLE. lp-lde ooivn. noie at Lody's chin. Left side down under gateway. ' 11 ILL EXCHANGE Improved valley Ian 1 for suburban property, give particulars first letter. Address "On Interurban." care Herail RAILROAD AND AUTOMOBILE TJMEJABLESj All trains arrive and depart from Union depot foot of San Francisco street AU arrivals and departures given in El Paso or mountain standard time. SANTA FE. For Albuquerque, Denver, Chicago. Los Angeles Lv. 8 30 a. m. and S 00 p. m. ' From Albuquerque, Denver. Chicago, Los Angeles Ar 10 00 a. m. and 6 10 p. m. EL PASO & SOUTHWESTERN. (Western Division). For Arizona and Senora Lv. 2 p. m. and 7 45 p. m. t From Arizona and Sonera Ar. 7.4S a. m., 2 30 p. m. (Eastern Divtsios). For Kansas City St Louis. Chicago Lv I 45 and If S p. m. Fro Kansas Clt. St Louis and Chi cago Ar. 6 38 a. nu, 1 4. p. m. C, II. fi S. A. AND S. P. TRAINS. For San Antonio. New Orleans, Washing ton Lv S-4S a. m. and 11:00 pi m. From San Antonio, Nsw Orleans, Wash ington Ar. 6 40 p. m and 9 15 p. m. For Aiisoua 'and California Lv. 6 53 a. m. and 9 3 p. m. From Arizona and California Ar. S 30 a. m. and 10 30 p. m. TEX S PACIFIC. For Dallas and St Louis Lv. 7 45 a. m.. 6 30 p. m. From St Louis and Delias Ar. Ill i. ro.. 8 50 p m. NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF MEXICO. (No regular service) MEXICO NORTH JTESTEKN. (No regular service) ROSWRLL-CABRIZOZ0 MAIL LINE. Passenger service leaving both Roswe! and Carrizoso dally and Sunday at 8 a. m. for Plcacho. Tlnme Hondo, Lincoln, Ft Stanton. Capltan and NegaL Through fare one way, SS.40 Interme diate points at 8c per mile. Baggage car ried UP to 175 DOUnds. 50 Cunnda free Excess at le per pound. RenweH Ahto Co. Owners and Operators. LAS CRUCES AUTO LINE " POK MESILLA VALLEY POINTS. Leaves HerUd office each week day at 2 30 p, m. Fares from El Paso to Canutlllo j 73 Anthony , i0o Berino -...5 Vado ...,.... k iso Mesquita ...., 17; Mesiiia Parte too Las Cruces .90 Leaves Las Cruces Drug Co. for El Paso at 10 a. m. daily. ,. , EL PASO-LA MESA AUTO IJNlE UI'PEIl 1 ALLEY. WEST SIDE. HERALD DELIVERY". Leaves Herald office each week day at 3 30 p. m Fares from El Paso to the fol lowing points are as follows Canutjllo . . j -3 La Union store . . .. 100 Chamberino is. La Mesa 1 t Car leaves La Mesa for El Paso at 10 a. n dally Telephone 3X1. Thompson Bros . La Mesa, N M ; m . GLOBE TO PHOENEC Eight hours. Via Roosevelt dam. Leaves Dominion hotel. Globe, daily. Ill 1 m. Arrive Phoenix 4 80 p. m. Fare $15 Mske reservstions in advance. Gila Valley Anto Stage Line. Globe, tlx. BLACK RANGE AUTO STAGE AND - EXTKBSS LINE. Passenger service. leaving Engle and Chloride daily except Sunday, at 7 a. m for Elephant Butte. Cuchillo. WUlow Springs, and Fair-lew Through fare one way. 36 intermediate points, 10c per mile. Bag gage carried 50 pounds free, excess 2 cents per pound U1CK0K HOTEL AND AUTO LLNE Trips to Elephant Butte and Palcmas Springs. Cars meet all trains. MONAHANS-GRAND FALLS AUTO LINE. M . R. Beaty, rrop. Round trip dally (ex Sunday) One way $: BUBNA 1ISTA STAGE LINE. .1 f. -.. T Bound trip (except Sunday) one way SL2S. Herald Want Ads for results. PICTURE fl J