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EL PASO HERALD WILSON HOLDS A PiLIC Hi Five Hundred Attend When Arguments on Immigration Bill Are Praaenterj. V liinsrlon. D C. Jan 22 Fjvo iiioiod men u nl women social work- lebor Jc tdcr and publicist i wdfd tlie cist ioo'ii of the white i - tol.i a- a jjulilir hearing before sldrnt WiIm.ii on tnc imm' -latton v i' detrimental to business commerce, fi nance are necr the work of the illit erate onM Hnr Honest Idlior. "Vicious talent sharpened and Ue el oped by letters is the mo-it serious problem societj has to deal with Yet this absurd literacy test would admit the dangerous European criminals' 61 the continental cities and bar out the honest and hard working and badly needed peasant " l'rof. M D learned, of the Lniversltv of Pennsylvania, opposed the literary tf st on the ground that ft did not test ehaiactcr Os ward Garrison Villard. of Nw York, pointed out manr lessons why a litcrac test was not a realifcst of the qualities of desirabmlity of an immi grant and how It would exclude many w no become good citizens Foreigners 'Will Flock Here. TJobert K. Wagner, of Kew York, also opposed the test, lie laid 80 percent Of the population of New York was either foreign born or the children were of foreign born Tjarents and that the pereeit of literacy in the city was unusually low. "We are enjoj uigr peace and pros porlti, in this country largely as a re sult of your efforts." Mr. Wagner said to the president. "Therefore many ef the foreigners will want to come here following the war abroad. We should open our doors to them " FOUR KILLED, NINE HURT IN U. S. CRUISER ACCIDENT On Board U S S. San Diego, La Paz, - A . ,. .- t iuex., .fail. v lit nircrivaif lu .iiii vw.uld enr-ouraee educatioji in Europe , D, Caiit Four men were killed A iien.ns, lormeny oi rnnwuin ,nt. KB, TICKETAFPEflRS AT THE PHI ibife houis for argument v ere ap 1 lioned equ.ilH between tl'e oppo- iii s md th. supporters of the mods i heated nt a long tablbc flanked i i liK militai aides in full unlfoim, ii n Mi nosrail.or-. pi evident Wilson liKuned to the disiussiou ,T m Patton of the Farmers" "-ition-il cniijrrcn una the Farmers' National i n oei ei tlie hearing for the ad- ips of tho lull, 8aUnp; he spoke ' . ill organisations aualified to rep i -out tne fanners of the cx'Jnti. He d the firmers wanted further re v'Kticns against immigration before w. vn of distributing them were worked i lUnlcl Protect American. Ti presidents apptoval of the bill -iv i protection to American worktug ii "! was urged l Wm M. Clark, who - . he renreHenled various onranixa- ti s of railroad employes, numbering j Sto oro m"nt Prof H P rairchiW. of Yale, spolce f.i the llterc test, because he said, ' vis highb American to require lutiuim lie conieiwieu mc test Chamber of Commerce Di rectors Suggested on Ballot Mailed "to Members. A ticket for the directorate of the chamber of commerce was mailed out in a plain envelope to the members or the chamner Thursda;. nfght. .The pnmar election started Friday after-, nooij at 2 oclock and IS names will be A VALUABLE TIP! Come to the ELEVEN AND ONE O'CLOCK SHOWS To Avoid the Saturday Night Crowd. Each Show 2 Hours Beginning 11 a. in. selected from winch the nine directors w ill be named at the elation to be held on January 27. According to the rules of the cham ber of commerce no ticket is made up for the primary election. Members of the chamber vote for any nine men they think would be best for the di rectorate. Tta names of the 18 men having the highest vote are then printed and. nt the regular election, which comas on January 27, nine of this 18 are voted for and the nine ra- einfnsj tlif highest number of otes are then declared to be the directors. The Mall Ticket. 1 ol lowing is a copy of the ticket that has been mailed out to a number o: chamber of commerce members: Burt Orndorff, H. & Potter, Henry S. Beach. Maurice Schwartz, W. G. Itoe, J, StoUroff. IL. P. Jaeksen, H. Y. Bills, Walter Kohlbcrg, George LeBaron, Joseph A. Wright, Jas.-F. primm. Beginning last year, a Plan was put in effect whereb at leist three of the retiring directors were to be re elected, so that the new board would have members upon It who were con ersant with current and unfinished business. It Is reported that the three directors of the present board most favored are Burt Orndorff. J. F. Primm and Robert Krakauer, the retiring president Every dollar spent Tor home vallej products is well Invested. TWO MAYORS WILL TALK CLEAR ACROSS CONTINENT San Francisco, Calif, Jan 2-' The firttelephonic conversation ever con ducted clear across th American con tinent except b telmhone comp-inj officials, will be held u-xt Monday -tween mayor Mitihel of New York and roavor Rolpli of San rr.nc1sco Thev vill speak over a direct wire stretching from ocean to ocean. Timert. who said he represented . i imo uienbors of religious and pa "iii iu organisations in New Jerse a .1 New York, also favored the test M IIkoh Check Rnlllvan. Opening the argument for the oppo se if- of the bill, representative Galli t of Boston, asked all on his side of the question to rise, but president A il on objected. sav:ng he would not li Influenced bv numbers Represen nti Gallivan said ' IT there ii one thing that stands out mme hnposinglv In our national life i i mon than rihers it is that literacy I i not been the source of American 1 1 citv or the c.uise of nurlcan great- c It is cvcrlabtinglv true that the i imcs must usurious to societv, most an8- pine seriously injured Thursdav afternoon on board the armored cruise San Diego when a boiler tube blew nut after a steaming trial of four houis had been completed The dead were all fneireti Some of the injured wotc seamen or -oal passers The San Diej,o is the flagship of the Pacific fleet aim is in command of Capt Ashlev II Robertson. TRBBS A!D PALMS ' are now growing in 'the pa'k spacn z in beautiful Richmond Terrace. Thi suburb is tbe most beautiful home place in El Paso Every modern Improve ment is there nothing taken for granted Lots are now selling at Ho and upward. Easy terms Austin &. tarr, agents, Caples Bids. Adv. , MEAT Nations' Fancy Oven Boast, per lb 15c Nations' Veal Shoulder Boast, per lb. .... . .20c Nations' Pork Skoulder Boast, per lb 20c Nations' Fancy Plate Beef, per lb 10c Nations' Ground Beef and Pork, for Loaf, per lb 15c TRY NATIONS HOME-MADE SAU SAGE, LARD AND BACON 500 People ' 1000 Scenes Annette Keller maim The Petfecl WomaiTv V with Form Divine J In the Thrilling Gorgeous Maslerpleca "Neptune's Daughter' THE GREATEST PICTORIAL SPEGTACIE EVER CONCEIVED Two Hours of Thrilling Surprising Delight Direct from its triumphant Run in the Globe Theatre, N. Y. A Fairy Romance of a Royal Youth Interpreted by an All Star Cast Including LEAH BAIRD & WM. SHAY TODAY TEXAS GRAND THEATER 3 MglitK Cora. 1'rldnj, Jan. 25 (Gala Matinee Snturda; ) " p. m. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON ! OLIVER M0R0SC0 Presents Presents the Five-Act Faijce A Brilliant Comedy Founded on One of the Most Eemarkable Stage Successes of Becent Theatrical History. A CAST OF OBIGINAL STABS TODAY AND SATTJBDAY ! I THE SUPREME SUCCESS LOWER FLOOR 25c BALCONY 15c I THE ALHA&1BFIA I H HOME OF BEAL FEATUBES I ALL OTHERS I PVY GROCERY 1,61 COMPANY SPECIAL FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY L.ins Sliced l'caehcs C?A 7 Cans Peas pA OUC for 3UC Cn V Caa Chicken Tauialcs Prt lor . . . 7 Cans Tom a' f..i .. . ?. HARTLEY MANNERS In ehhh LAUSET7E TAYIOB MADE A WOSLD'S RECORD RUM OP TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS IN NEW YORK Prleen To Fit Kvrrj- Pocketbook. lilt niK-. $.1.(10, SI. SO ami ?.. int. Hat. SOe to 91.50. Scats Jon on Sale at Kyan's Drue Store DOVT GET LEFT! Way A Brady Production Prices: 15 to 50 cents .. X, K ! W M All Kinde of Home Dressed Poultry, Fish and j M Oysters. S B Our Aim Is to Please All. . B i ) BE ' B TeUefeeae FGVYT&WTE 220 Mesa K ' 1 . bUUi a I ' ', B ---- H La.j jjay in El Paso I TUC Al UAMDDA 1 - , , . m m - ' u m in 1 AWF0RD Now Playing GRACE GEORGE'S A Woman's Crepe de e and Chine )ale of New atu-rday ' rrri I c If? jy x?p M Just received in time for Special selling Saturday the most remarkable collection of New Blouses ever offered in El Paw atthc price. Secured far under value by our New York Buying Organization and we gladly share our good fortune with our customers lhe wllec .: :.t. f ,.,. ,.,;il.r tnfft A rr. rl rtn'nP R!nu5p5 in flesh, uhite. Duttv. nink and navy blue in all sizes 34 to 44. r-ascinat- ing models with long set-in sleeves and semi-roll collars. Elastic blouse belts and new style buttons. Itiu sale CI Qk ..--"" r " will cause a furore tomorrow morning in The Blouse Section at. . . . SILK & LACE BLOUSES AT $2.25 One tabic of pretty silk and lace Blouses including $2.95 and $3.95 values, Saturday SILK & LACE BLOUSES AT ?3.95 lar $4.95 to $6.95 silk and lace Blouses, Saturday -A special grouping of rcgu.- $3.95 'To StisEmlate j-2'j!br Bsiigi iced at UH first Ojiening Exhibit of Spring MillniM-v .was such a iiro- mmwa and so many smart Hats vwre sold to admiring shoppers tlmt we have planned for Saturday sell ing a most wonderful collection of New Models at special .prices te stimulate early buying. In this sale will be just 75 of the newest conceptions including the smartest hand-tailored models such as the "Tipperary Turbans," New Sailers and othr wanted Spring Styles in the new shades of sand, putty, South Sea blue, Kinf? George red, etc. All made of the best silk, hemp and straw combinations. The ideal hata for wear sow; VBmt valuta wiH eompare favorably witfe-those shown aJsswTwre at $7.60, $10.00 and $12.00. Diid into three lots for easy selection, and ffti. selling Saturday at . . '$2.95 $3.95 .$4-95 .Extra Special!. Toilet Goods .Extra Special!. A Final Clean-Up of . o 1 Special Mer In the Toilet Seetioa Saturday we offer with ,eery bottle of White louse VelVb' 'Hand lotion at 50c a white ivory top glass salve and ointment Jar FREE. No Phone Orders, Nothing Sent C. 0. D. We reserve the right to limit and control quantities. 4711 White Rose Glycerine A f Soap, Three Bars in Bos -fcUL, 25c Bottles Jcrgen's Bsnzoin -i n & Almond Cream J.y' 10c Bars Kirk's Health Glow n Toilet Soap,xBar O 25c Cans Bath-A-Swect Toilet 1 7 Powder, Saturday Z.C 15c Cans Jap Rose Talcum 11 Powder, Saturday A X. 69c Size Bottles Pure Bay QQ Rum, Saturday OH 25c Cans of Mennen's Talcum 1" Powder, Saturday IOC Jewesberry and Brown's (r Oriental Tooth Paste iUC 25c Tubes of Kolynos Tooth iq Paste, Saturday JL27C 25c Tubes of Sanitol Tooth s Paste, Saturday IOC $1.00 Size Bottles of Lambert'si s e Listerine,' Saturday O O C Rikers Tooth. Powder, AU Day -f ( Saturday ., XUC Bourjois Java Rice Powder, oq Saturday DC Roger & Gallett Anthea Face fJQ, Powder, Saturday 02 C 50c Bottles of Parisian Sage qg Hair Tonic tJOC 25c to 95c Values A re-grouping of neckwear' for. quick disposal tomorrow. Some slightly soiled from having been on display. The lot includes separate collars, eollor & cuff set1;, vestees, lawn, organdie and pique creations, wimi-liuimlpm! collar A cmf sets, etc Kcgular 25t, oOt, 7c it 05 Values, Clean Sweep Price ... .. IliC w ir o 18c, 28c, 38c N'this Clean S)eep Sale will be found hundreds of oairs of lisle. silk lisle, fibre silk, boot silk and cotton hosiery in well known stand ard brands. The prices in every instance are far below the regular value and the Hosiery Section is sure to be the scene of spirited see ing tomorrow. Note the special values 25c Hose iotf A mammoth clean Sweep Sale of Cotton, Lisle and Fibre Silk Hosiery for Women. Regular and out-sizes represented in the assortment. AU colors, black and white shown in this lot. Regular 25c vaIues;iCIean Sweep Price, the paif... 5c Hose tor' sensational values in fine cotton, lisle, gauze lisle, fibre silk, etc., in all wanted sizes and colors. Also black and white. The very best standard makes in this assortment. Regular 35c values, Saturday, the pair . up u r i 8c 28c W&tcH Arcade Windows For S-pecXsl Values ti Auc nose tor A wonderful showing of fine cotton, .silk lisle, lisle and fibre silk Hose in all the well known standard brands. Regular and out-sizes represented. AH colors, black and white on sale. O Q 50c values, Saturday, pair,. . .OOC c3 A Cleaia Sweep Sale at SilK Hose 75c Embroidered Clocked Silk fjQ $1.50 Pine Sheer Silk f " O O Hose, Clean Sweep tj'ts C ' Hose, Clean Sweep ) JL c7 $1.00 Dip Silk Hose, in black only, Clean Sweep $1.00 Fine Sheer Silk Hose, Clean Sweep c c $2.00 Extra. Qaality S'& Hose, Clean Sweep $2.50 Superior Quality Silk Hose, Clean Sweep. $L59 $1.89 50c Vests Or Pants For 2c Valises Seldom Approached 1m .1 Paso A special table of Women's Vests and Pants in ribbed plain' knit and fleece lined styles. A large .variety of styles to select from. Shoirfn in white and gray. AN rmist be closed out Saturday. Extra special Clean Sweep Sale Price for p these 50c values, the garment N , 3'C SilK and Wool Dresse isc!dittig $17.50 Values All Fall and Winter Dresses mack of Silk, Wool and Silk and Wool Com binations must move out NOW. The most Sweeping Reductions of lhe year are now in effect. Every conceivable material, style and color is represented. Values as high as $17.50, go on sale tomorrow at I , $8.95 Accessory Specials Clear Sweep Prices Prevail WHITE PETTICOATS 95c Pique, muslin, cambric and sateen Petti coats with plain and double panels. Nicely trimmed. Extra Qf? Special Saturday." 0 C $1.00 CORSETS FOR 69c-A special grouping of good models made oPtoutil and batiste. Regu lar $a)0 values, Saturday 69c LACE TRIMMED GOWNS & PETTICOATS FOR $4.95 Fine washable crepe de chine garments including regular $6.50 values. All daintily trimmed with Val lace, insertion, medallins and edgings. Extra Special Saturday, the garment. . . . $4,95 s $8.95 Pioneer Plaza Phone 4580 Trae Wkfc Us aai Skve Meaey Mail Orders Prompt Attention Phones 505 & 506. 204 & 206 East Overland St. IK-S9 rUr? Store cl arvice5'