Newspaper Page Text
EL. PASO HERALD SOCIETY'S DOINGS i Weddings. Miss Ethel Jacobson and R. W. Miller mere married Tuesday night By ltev. Wesley Webdell in the parsonage or the Trinity Methodist church. .Acoom-parning- the bridal couple were the bride's mother. Mrs. F. A. Murphy, and mster. Miss Clarabells. Jacobson, and the groom's sisters. Misses Beulah Mil ler and Haxel Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller w ill make their home In Bl Paso. El raso brands Dicksle and Avon dale canned fruits and vegetables. Advertisement. WORLD ALMANACS JUST IN MILLS BLDG. Out Of Town Visitors. .r T CffFan 'nf Ti911R9R CltV. af- rived Thursday jto spend several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. MiUf Ravel, at their home 114. West 'Nevada. Mrs. H. S. Selling and little son, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. Sell ing's sister. Miss Aileen Berg. Miss Berg gave a dinner at the Valley Inn, Vsleta, Thursday night for her guest. The other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vlfred Pretty, of London, England, and Mrs. Carroll Lewis, of San Francisco. The better kind of canned fruits and vegetables are Avondale brand. At your grocer's. Advertisement. CANDIDATES MOCRATIC TICKET Subject to Action Democratic Primary For Mayor C. B. KELLY Bjbt Aldermen W. C. HAHVIB . W. C (CARTER) WHITE HEX LEVY WALTER S. CLAYTC3NT For Assessor and Collector DAVE SULLIVAN For Treasurer jJ.A.MAR DAVIS For CorporatioB Judge . RAIiLARD COLDWKLLj For City Democratic Committee Chairman TOM STUWHAX Members.v A. M. JAMKS JOE WRIGHT OASTCTO CAMPA MARTIN SWBBXBV We Respectfully Ask Your Support A FOE TO TUBERCULOSIS The Journnl of the American Medical Asoclatlon, In its inline of August 9, 1013, review Inc an article on "1 he In fluence, of Calcium Snlts on Constitu tion nnd Health." iialili . faThey (the nutuors report numucrn of concrete loBtnces In which patients coined in vltnilty and energy after tak ing calcium.' Doctors seem to agree that in tuber culosis and chronic throat and bron chial affections, lowered vitality and lost energy are conditions that must be overcome. One of the constituents of Eckmans Alterative Is caltium (lime), so com bined with other ingredients as to be easily assimilated by the average per son. To this, in part. Is due Its wide spread success in the treatment of these distressing and disastrous trou bles. By preventing, as well as arresting the ravages of the tubercle bacilli, Eck man's Alterative performs a service, which even some ethical practitioners have acknowledged to their patients. We do not make wholesale claims for t. ... ah- Vnrtilailc nf -nrhat ft has j done warrants the statement that IT CAM MEL.I'. It contains no opiates, narcotics or habit-forming drugs, hence a trial is safe. Should your druggist be out of it, you can order through him or direct from the makers. Eckmnn Laboratory, Philadelphia. Kelly & Pollard, Knoblauch Drug Co, People's Drug Store. Advertisement. Cards. "IF QUALITY COUNTS, WE ARE WITHOUT COMPETITION" Diamond-Engel Cleaning and Pressing tCIub Rates. $3.00 3 Months Ladies'-, Work, a Specialty. Work Called for and Delivered 304 So. Stanton. Phone 136 ' - I- , ill! fl'V o o " ' o -o o o "to ' ot-k o e "o o o -o p o I j j 4 I " .r - . v j ' : The velvety gmootfaiies'Vtlie I ii I ii nli Hn-vrbT1 nf wiv rx&t"BTrj0,6. X.X.SMM. ""1V W-. -w - -fc,uo o ' are obtained only by even, U : steady grinding for 36 hours! : -- H : ill J& MU I'll r jQ lill I I FRESH (E$ERYHOUR ' III c 111 Onr Sales Agents in El Paso are . e Hi Elite Confectionery Co. ' lyslty & Pollard . ijj Euyler's Cocoa,' like Huyler,s Candy, is supreme . Ill t a a e oao r o o t b o p o o o o o o O till Women Look Well Whan they escape the sallow skin, the pimples, black heads, facial blemishes due to indigestion or bilious ness. At times, all women need help to rid the system of poisons, and the safest, surest, most convenient and most economical help they find in EECHA njAia WCftfllK tBw This famous family remedy has an excellent tonic effect upon the entire system. It quickly relieves the ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion, headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness. Purifying the blood, Beecham's Pills improve and Clear The Complexion Direction of Special Vain to Women with Ertry Bex Sold everywhere. In Boxes, 10c 25c Mrs. "Will T. Owen will entertain Friday and Saturday afternoon of next week with bridge 'parties In honor of Mrs. Jerome Dale, of Dallas, who is ex pected to arrive the first of the week for a visit. The Half and Half club was enter tained Thursday aftornoon at tfie home of Mrs. J. W- B. Robinson, on, Mon tana street Mrs. W. H. Loretz was the only guest besides the club mem bers. The prize for the highest 'score was won by Mrs. D. C. Sutton. Re freshments were Served at thg comple tion of the games. Mrs. Lea. Wilmot will entertain the -club at its next meeting. Mrs. E. B. Rodgers,'was the hostess for the Eureka Bridge club meeting Thursday afternoon at her home on Rio Grande street Mrs. T. B. Rains won the priiu for the highest score. Only the members of jthe club were pres ent Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. A. E. Ryan will be the hostess of the club at Its nest meet ing. ? Miss Hilda Connolly'entertalned the Zcta Tau Alpha soroflty Thursday faf- ternoon at her Jiome on ujuson avenue. Bridge was played. Miss Grace Fleck won the prize. Following the games, a luncheon was served. Pink carnations and ferns formed the centerpiece of the luncheon table and at each guest's plate were small pink crepe paper bas kets, filled with candles. Miss Grace Fleck will entertain the sorority a week from Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raynor entei talned the Social Evening club Thury day night at their home on North Kan sa3 street The game of "500" was tae evening's amusement Light refrefA ments were served by the hostess dur ing the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vardy Puckett will entertain the club next week. The- members present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brownn. Mr. and Mrs. Vardy Puckett, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gault, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mueller and Mr. and Mrs. W: R. Sanders. The first of a series of card parties was given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Frank H. Todd, at her home on Mundy avenue. Mrs. T. C. Phillips won the first prize and Mrs. H. E. Christie the second prize. After the games refresh ments we,re served.. Assisting the hos tess were Mrs. C W. Fraser and Mrs. H. D. McGregor. Among those present were: Mesdames H. D. McGregor, C W. Fraser, R. Emmett Hfnes, James Vance, I.ocke Tucker, W. P. Miller, James Cooper, Carroll Helmtck, T. C. Phillips. H. R. McCllntock, Herman An dreas, J. L. Sweeney, w. J. rreeniau, Bruce Smith, Frederick George Billings, Paul Terry. Frank Huglfes. J. H. Me Broom, A. J. Fraser, D. Baker Smith. James Crawford, R. W. McCandless, Hal E. Christie, J. TV. Lorentzen, Harry Lackland, D. V. Fennessy, Frank Spenee, Lee Orndorff, George G. Morse and Miss Elizabeth. Fitch, of Williamsburg, Mass. Mrs. -Todd Is en-fri-tainlnc- azain this afternoon. Complimentary to Miss Catherine,-! Wilson, of Washington, D. C. who is the guest of Mrs. R. K. FlsbCr, her cousin, Mrs. Fisher entertained with a bridge party Thursday afternoon at her home on Nevada street Pink chry santhemums and pink carnations' dec orated the rooms attractively. Miss Virginia Hill won the first prise and Mrs. R. Ii Ramev the consolation prize. A salad course was served when the I games were conclndde. Among the guests -xteret Mesdames James ,-.H Parker. C Jfr Bheiaon, Walter Jrwini W. C. JClutts, R. L. Rira. Paul Ota tber, AV; "Van Long,, Dan White J.fA Wright, Claiborne Adams. 'WHl S. Crombie, Harris WaJthalL C- H. Flnley,. I Louis St J. Thomas; Misses Catherine Wilson, Virginia Hill, Louise McCor- mlck, Jane Brown Christy, Cora Han cock and Sue Cromble. Mrs. H. E. Stevenson. Mrs Fred E. Stevenson and Mrs. Frank B. Simmons I were the hostesses at a delightful i bridge party given Thursday afternoon in the tea rooms, mossomine pottea nlanta decorated the rooms. The score cards were, ornamented with a mono gram -in jroid 01 tne tnree .letters, a, for the hostesses. Mrs. James A. Mur dock was the winner of the first prize. Mrs. Samuel B. Prewltt won the second prize. Mrs. W. D. Greet won the" third prize, Mrs. W. C Itaum. the fourth prise, and Mrs. Frank Whltelock the fifth prize. At the close of the games. two course luncneon was served. Among the guests were: Mesdames George A. Camphuls. Frank J. Langan, Aj McGowan, K. W. Mitchell, J. R Long, It W. Graham. A. M. Plllssury, W. D. ' Greet, D. F. Johnson, A. L. Eaton, J. J. I Eean. E. F. Plumb. Harry Piatt J. S. Cdrtlss, W. C. Ranm, J. B. DuBose. H. M. Maple. C M. Newman. F. E. Beecher, P. J. Edwards. S. T. Turner, Edward Auer, Winchester CoqJey. W. W. Tur ney. James G. McNary, J. W. Eubank, F. E. Hunter. J. A. PIcTcett, James L. Marr, Herbert Hunter. D. H. Hullum, W. T. Hixson, Frank Tui ner, Samuel B. Prew ltt A C. Heep, Horace W. Broaddus, It P. Noake. T. J. Stafford. O. H. Baum, C. R, Kelly, J. A. Murdock. E. M. Bray, A. Mathlas, R. B. Alves, I. T. Dewey. TV. E. Ward, R. W. McKenna. Thomas Quigley, J. D. Neely, U. S. Stewart C. F. Braden.-J. Donahue, Harry T. Walz, Henry Pfaff, C n. Waterhouse, E. P. Kepley, L. M. Hartman, J. T. Hardle, W. H. Bryan. W. J. Rand. E. H. Irvln, W. G. Roe, & J. Freudenthal, R. J. Tighe, C. Teague, Percy McGhee Jr., F. White lock, W. H. Burges, G. E. Wallace, Clyde Holmes, Harry Carpenter. W. K. Brown. James A. Dick. J. B. Watson. M. Pv Schuster, C. A. Reinemnnd, Fred Woodworth, W. W. Fink, B. L. Farrar, George Mackenzie, Dan White, A. P Coles, J. Frank Coles. Otis C. Coles, J. H. Nations, Josephine Nations Morflt, Lamar Davis, W. D. Wise, W. L. Gaines, H. It Stark, A. L. Hawle, C A. Hlrsch. W. R. Jamieson, Van C Wilson: Misses Myrtle Rollins, Martha Saddler. Mary Strader, M. Walsh. Madge Brick, Anne Lee Rlx and Hallle Irvin. Doesn't this thought , tempt you?; A fresh, sweet, cooking fat made of a vegetable oil which is as pure and healthM as the finest salad oil-skillfully combined with beef-stearme from the cleanest, sweetest, leaf beef suet It is A m M.3L 'M -ka jm. You do not experiment when you use it we have been.mak- ing it for over a quarter of a century. You save money when you use it you use one-third less than of any ordinary shortening or frying fat You make better food when you use it its purity and high quality contribute deliciousness and digestibility to the food. You get Ml value when ybu buy it-it is 100 cooking fet-no water and no sdt in it, nothing but the finest qualities of a cotton seed oil so high in grade that it is not listed on the market, and of the richest, fresh leaf beef suet You set sureness of results with it the instructions for its use are so simple that they take one or two lines of plain print on the label. Tell vour grocer you want a pail now; arrange with him for your regular weJkly supply. Cottolene .will be a necessity, an economy and a real help, in your home. Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for our frel cook book-a real cook book-"HOME HELPS." Gse FAIRBANKS! Cottolene makes good cooking better Guaranteed Pure Aluminum Percola tor and Double Rice Boilers sent, charges pre paid, to any address for only $2.10 Either one of the above items will be sent, charges paid, for $1.13. Capacity of the above, 2 quarts. Money refunded if not witl.factory. Send postal or expreu money order. AfSeat minted. Dlgr monry can be made. Address E. WEBBR, 520 3f. OJh Si, Slanllonroc. M Is. .SSSSM "iSSSSSSSSS W omens Organizations. Mrs. G. P. -utnam entertained the Thursday Embroidery club Thursday afternoon at her home on North Bl Paso street The afternoon was spent In sewing and a three course luncheon was served by the hostess. Mrs. T. H. Blnkley will entertain the club at Its next meeting. The club guests were: Mrs. G. B. Oliver, Mrs. B. M. Brown, Mrs. V. E. Ware and Mrs. TV. J. Eus tace. The members present were: Mes dames William Graves. O. A. Danlojson. Blake Roach, D. H. Huffaker, George Franklin. Tom Lea, T. IL Blnkley, A. M. Manker and II. P. Jaekson. Officers of circle No. 2, of the Aid society of the First Methodist church, met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Nettels. on North Campbell street. The officers elected were: Mrs. RoseS. Donaldson, presi dent; Mrs. A. L. Foote, v'ce president; Mrs. D. E. Pope, secretary; Mrs. J. D. Foster, treasurer; Mrs. Nettie Bretney, collector. A business session 'was fol lowed by a social time and light re freshments were served. Mrs. Howard B. Durkee assisted her mother in en tertaining. Mrs. A. L. Foote will be the hostess for the February meeting of the circle. The Alta Vista Woman's Missionary society met Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. T. Bush. Mrs. H. M. Smith read the scripture lesson. Amelia Har per and Elizabeth Bush rendered piano selections and little Clarabelle Harper sang. Refreshments were served. Mes dames V.. T. Bush and Mrs. J. B. Clem ent were hostesses. The following were present: Mesdames H. M. Smith, J. W. Ross, W. Al n, E. W. Bryan, G. T. Moore, It. Z. oyer, Orlott, David McKnight, Benton, W. H. Clark, Cun ningham, J. H. Harper, Adamson, Burk, G T. Garner. W. A. Kessler, W. T. Bush. J. B. Clements, E H. Florence; Misses Amelia Harper, Fennel, Eliza beth Bush and Clarabelle Harper. The second meeting of the El Paso Equal Franchise association was held Thursday afternoon In. the parlors of 0U1PEUF DALLAS, TEL PRESCR1BESAKDZFDR 1EIATI1 Says Mineral Remedy Brought Quick Relief to His Patient, Officer Strait, of 3518 Cole Ave., Dallas. , After getting no results from dif ferent remedies and treatments. Dr. J. D. Mclver, 1514 Main St, Dallas, Tex., prescribed Akoz for a case of muscular lheumatlsm, and the patient. Officer Elmo 'Strait, 3518 Cole Ave., Dallas, got the same quick relief from pain that thousands of similar cases have gotten. So pleased are they with the results obtained, both Dr. Mclver and Officer Strait unite In praising this new 1 medicinal mineral remedy. Their let ters ioiiow; Dallas, Tex.-, -Jan. 1S-1&. Gentlemen: It gives mo great pleasure tp state that I have prescribed your "Akoz" In a case of muscular rheumatism with the, greatest success. In a case of a man aged'38 years, who had been con fined to his bett almost six months with muscular rheumatism, Ofld could hardly move during the past two months, your Akoz proved Its virtue by bringing aboht a' cure after all other methods of treatment were failures. Tours respectfully, J D. Mclver, It T 1514 Main St, Dallas, Tex. Officer Elmo Strait has this to say: "I have suffered the past 6 months with very severe pains in all parts of my body, my neck was so stiff I could hardly move it and I could not turn over In bed without assistance. After the first application of Akoz compound I was decidedly improved. Taking Jhe mineral water along with the external treatment x am getting wonderful re sults, and my general health is Improv ing every day. I am so encouraged with AJtoz remedy that I will con tinue it a little longer and am sure that I will be a well man soon. I have been an officer for about 6 years and anyone wishing to confirm this state ment may call on me at my home or phone me Haskal 4532." Akoz has proven equally effective in treating stomach, liver, kidney and bladder trouble. Files, ulcers, eczema, and other ailments. It is now being introduced in El Paso at Kelly-Pol-land's drug store. Visit, phone or write the Akoz man for further In formation regarding this advertisement the Hotel Orndorft. As the temporary chairman, Mrs. George Ulrick. was III and unable to be present the secre tary. Miss R. M. Augur, presided. The following additions to the list of char ter members were announced: Mrs. Horace W. Broaddus, Mrs.' D. C. Booth, Mrs. T. W. Lanter, Mrs. S. J. Fennell. Mrs. F. Whltemore Eagan, Mrs. H. R. Gamble. Dr. Corlnne McCarthy. Mrs. i.; P. Rankin, jr.. Mrs. George Bruuuer, Mrs. Carl Lee Mrs. B. F. Jenkins, Mrs. Lillian Waldron, Mrs. Thomas O'Keefte. Mrs. A. M. Strelltx. Mrs. Christian Garllck. Mrs. O. A. Crltchett r n. Rernard. Dr. Ida E. Bishop. Mrs. J. P. Nash. -Mrs. Sam Goodman, . r, .- irl-.Int. T An XII.B IalMl i AL1SS Urate HR'" xjvs.,, -""" - Logan, Miss Evelyn Logan, Miss Mar garet Walsh, Miss Gail Lane, Miss Nora Lawhorn. Miss Myra Prater. The char ter membership will remain open for three more weeks. The secretary out lined the purpose of the organisation as being non-partisan politically. The organization i3 for the purpose of uniting the women who believe In woman's suffrage, for a study of the suffrage question and the best work that the organization may undertake to help for better laws for women and girls, and for securing for the wosnen of Texas equal sffrage rights with men. Articles on woman's suffrage, by judge Ben B. Lindsey. of Denver, Colo.. and Ellis Meredith, were read by tne secretary. Dr. Alice G. Merchant Mrs. W. J. Cox. Mrs. Charles De Gron. Dr. Ida E. Bishop, Miss Grace Virginia Logan and. others gave short talks on the subject, making suggesUons about different lines of work that might b undertaken by the organization. When the charter roll Is closed and the per manent organization perfected, with the year's officers elected, the best and most practical of these suggestions will be adopted for the year's prograrc Ar .n,.i! fn, thA nrcnnlsstion. The next meetinc will be held Thursday after noon at 3 oclock in the parlors of Hotel Orndorff. & Dinners, Luncheons, Teas. In honor of judge and Mrs. Julius A. Buckler, a dinner was givenby Charles Robinson Thursday night at Hotel Paso del Norte. Pink carnations and ferns decorated the table. The guests were: Judge and Mrs. Julius A. Btfckler, Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson. Mrs. A. Cogg8vilIe, of Butte, Mont.; Mrs. M. J. Robinson. Mrs. John B. Wright, Mrs. 'Kitty Weaver, Jack Kennedy and J. A. Tapee. Mr. Robinson, with his mother, Mrs. M. -J. Robinson, and his sisters, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Weaver, leff Thursday night at midnight for Cali fornia, where they will spend the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Carr gave a sev en course turkey dinner Thursday night, at their home, 1721 Wyoming street, in honor of Mrs. J. Claunch. and; little daughter, Marjory, of Marfa, Tex., who are the guests of Mrs. Lea Glas cock and who return to their home to night The table was attractively dec orated with pink carnations and roses. Following the dinner the guests were taken by Mrs Lea Glascock In her au tomobile on a trio down the valley as far as West Ysleta. The guests were: Mrs. J. Claunch. Mr andMrs. Lee Glas cock, Mrs. W. P. Connell. Mrs. M. Pole, Mrs. J. Beebee, little Miss Marjory Claunch and Jeff Connell and Willie Pole. ' El Pasoans Returning. Fred Losran, of the V. S. customs service, who has been stationed for sev eral months at-.Columbus, N M, has been returned to El Faso for duty. United we stand. Let's unite In buy Ins home valley pioduit' Praise Lydia E. Pmkfaam's Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no vilfage so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Ho woman who is suffering from tneVflls peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial.. Is it not reasonable ,tp .believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell, III. BosuNELL, III. "I think all the trouble I haw bad since my marriage wastcaused bj, exposure when a young girl. Jtfv work has been housework of all kinds, and I have done mukinfe in the cold and snow when I was too young to realize that it would hurfcjne. I have suffered very much with bearing down pains in my back and such miserable pains across me, and was very nervous and generally run down in health, but since I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound my back never hurts me, my nerves are stronger, and I am gaining in health every day. I thank yoli for the great help I have received from your medicine, and if my letter wfll benefit suf fering women I will be glad for you to print ifMrs. V asies Cbusxk. Bushnell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. IIodqdon, Me. "I feel it a'duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terriblapsufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could searcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine." Mrs. Haywabd Sowers, Hodgdon, Maine. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedyforfe malc ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many sufferingwonientohenlth. 0gBWrite to LYDIA E.PINEHAM MEDICINE CO. 3 (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Herald Want Ads Bring Results lf"HSll6S,"