OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, January 22, 1915, HOME EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1915-01-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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8 Friday, January 22, 1913
Are Served With Elaborate Menu at New Institution
Where Tuberculosis Is to Be Cured; Pifty-Three
Rooms All With Baths, Sleeping Porches
and Tiled and Enameled Walls.
EI, PAO Kotanans hafl one or. the
jollitst times ol their lives Thurs
day tening: at the Hendricks san
atorium, on Government Hill, and the
Koiarians have had some jolly times
r-inet they organised, a year ago.
The Hotarians were guests, of Dr. C.
M Hendricks and R. X. Harvey, own-
ra of the recently completed Hendricks
sanatorium, Dr. Hendricks being a
member of the club. The gruests were
shown over the new institution by their
hosts and were then entertained at a
dinner that Bertt Orndorff comphment-
d as one that would do credit to any
hotel anywhere, and Bert is recognized
as knowing a good meai.
An orchestra rendered rrusic during
ihe reception and dinner. Speeches
ere made liy the various members of
the club during the evening and toasts
w ( re drunk to the hosts. The evening's
pleasantries ended with three cheers
j or the hosts and the singing of "He's a
Jolly Good Fellow."
The table service of the new lnstitu -tjon
was used for the first time, as
the sanatorium is just completed and
has not yet accepted any guests. The
silver, glass ana napery arc all of a
hign class and fully equal to that of
the beet hotels. The tables were deco
rated with bequets of carnations, in
ut glass ases The meal was served
liv negro waiters in conventional dress
end the whole aspeci of the place was
that of a resort hotel somewhere, not
that of a nome for sick people.
The Home Iden l'revalln.
This idea is carried out throughout
the big institution. The living room
has the appearance of the living room
of a home on a large scale, with a
treat fireplace at one end, circular
btairway on one side, big, heavy rock
ers and settees here and there, a player
piano and a Viotrola The floor is bird
wood, highly ptfhshed. Off the Jiving
room is a librarj, with another big
fireplace, and adjoining the library is
r large sun room overlooking El Paso
und facing old Mount Franklin. The
library and living room are finished in
hard wood. Builtin bookcases are a
feature of the library.
There are 53 rooms in the place, and
pery room has a sleeping porch and a
tiled bath with a shower in each. All
ihe interior finish is concrete and en
amel or tile and the sanitary precau
tions are modern and advanced. Sun
100ms and roof gardens are features
of the institution, one of the root gar
dens being ample in space for a tennis
' urt in midair. The place is steam
luated throughout.
Will Brine Honey Here.
Dr. R. Xd Rame struck the keynote
of the sentiment of the Kotanans after
their inspection of the huilding. when
he said at the dinner. "i:i Paso has
for ears lost thousands of dollars a
far because of its inability to accommodate-
sufferers from tuberculosis In
a manner that appealed to them. Silver
city. Phoenix and California have en
tertained these people, but those wittu
money went past Kl Paso. Tuberculosis
claims more people, perhaps, than sag
other disease und it is no respecter T
Ticrsnns The rich i s well as the poor
become afflicted. This is & place where
the rich and those not so rich can secure
k'k h accommodations as a sick person
defcires The place is not so expensive
that those of moderate means cannot
.if ford it and it is so complete in its
appointments and appeai that the rich
could ask no better. 1 predict that this
institution will result in bringing many
thousands of dollars monthly to El
Paso that we do not iget now "
Many Praise the Plaee.
Joe Wright, Capt. A. P. Watts, R. B.
Orndorff, J E. Preston, Prof. R. J.
Tighe, Prof S J. Worrell, Prank B
Simmons, D. C Booth. J. J. Tyndall, J.
M Ieigh, ti. A Martin, Sig N. Schwabe,
- W. Croom, C H. Pinley, Dean Clark,
It E Connor and various others added
their praise to the institution, Mr. Sim
mons dwelling particularly upon the
sanitary feature of the place.
Charles M. Gibson, the architect who
planned the building, told at its com
pleteness in every detail its cold
storage system, Its pumping plant,
dispensary, heating plant, sterilizing
plant, hospital ward, and all the modern
features that have been installed, and
said that in all his experience as an
architect he could not say that lie ever
planned a building" where more atten
tion was given by its builders to de
tails for comfort and convenience.
A. E. .Rowlands, vice president of the
Rotary club, who 'presided in the ab
sence of president Adams, added his
praise to th institution and said he
believed humanity owed a debt to two
men vho could plan and carry into
execution such a Rlace for the rest and
care of the afflicted.
Arrest of' Tuberculosis.
Dr. Hendricks, speaking for himself
and Mr. Harvey, told of the ambitions
they had when they first planned the
institution and Mt(A be was glad their
plans had worked out to such a satis
factory end. He related the history of
: tuberculosis, which, he said, was older
than the Christian era. Out declared
that It had been but a few years since
its cause and treatment had been dis
covered. He declared that every state
west of the Rooky mountains is a
monument to the cases ot tuberculosis
arrested or cured and said that these
Is no longer any doubt that the disease
can be arrested and in thousands of
cases cured, if taken in time and
treated properly. ,,
A Natural Sanatorium.
The west, Dr. Hendricks declared, Is
the natural sanatorium tor the cure of
the disease and El Paso is as favored
as any community in the west in this
respect This Is proved, he said, by the
few cases that have developed here.
Only seven such cases have come to
the attention of physicians in the past
10 vears. he declared, and these were
no doubt caused by germs carried In
tne dust, a result oi failure on tne part
of those afflicted to exercise proper
Besides the serious speeches, 'here
was much story telling and good
natured grid-ironing, and, on the whole,
the evening was most pleasantly spent,
the early part, following the inspection
of the building, in front of. the crackling
i loar fire in the exeat living room. whiln
!' the orchestra rendered various lively
airs. When ut. Hendricks and Mr.
Rowlands led the company Into the
dining room, which overlooks a palm
decked patio, the orchestra took station
outside the room and continued Its
concert between speeches and stories.
Special Menu 1'repared.
Menu cards were printed especially
in honor of the guests, bearing the
rotary emblem on the front page and
the announcement "Dinner given In
honor of the Rotary club by the Hen
dricks Sanatorium, January 21, 1915."
The menu consisted of the following:
Oyster cocktail
Celery Salted almonds Ripe olives
Soup, vermicelli
Braised filet of beef, au champignons
Asparagus tips, vinagrette
Shi imp salad, mayonnaise
New York ice cream
Cigarets Demi tasse Cigars
The members of the Rotary club met
at Hotel Sheldon at 6:30 In the evening
and proceeded to the sanatorium, ir
Government Hill, in automobiles. They
were received by Dr. Hendricks and Mr
The Guests.
Those present 'as guests Were: V. M.
Lmanter. B, W. Latrabee. G. A. Martin,
.Start Orndorff, J. E. Preston, A. E. Row
lands, Dr. R. L. Ramey. A. E. Ryan,
Charles M. Newman, R. Jf. Schwabe, W.
R. SchuU. Clopten X..Snl.t.F.'rii., Sim
mons, Roger Stuart, A. R. Scott, S. N.
Schwabe. W. II. Shelton. J. J. Tyndall,
R J. Tighe. P. B. White. Josenh A.
Wright, Vernon E. Ware, H. O. Wilson,
IX C. Connor, S. u Worrell. Capt. A. P.
Watts, a M. Grider, .T. M. Leigh, E. C.
Davis, C. R: Millican, D. C. Booth. C. W.
Croom Dean Cuarir O fV Crlamni TT
D. Converse, Ben L. Clements, A. G.
Foster jr., Leo Ferlet, C. H. Finley. A I
J. Fraser, H. M. Hunt C G. Mueller, R
L. Stevens and Mr. Ballagh.
Los Apgeles, Calif., Jan. 22 De
spite his bride's efforts to save him
from conviction, Percy Tugwell tta
found guilty Thursday murdering Mi
Maud B. Kennedy. His wife tried i
break the chain of circumstantial i
dence against him by taking poion in
cpen court to disprove the prosecution s
theory that a similar quantity of the
poison caused the almost immediate
death of Mrs Idnnedy
The jury fixed Tugwell's punishm.it
at life imprisonment.
Will Xot Get "Full" Next Mouth At Allj
Mokes Up Thix Month By llelng
"Full" Twice.'
In February the moon will not be
full and the next time the same thing
happens it will be 2.500.000 .years hence,
so astronomers declare.
The fact that the moon is not to be
full In February may be cause for re
joicing by the "drys." if there is any
thing in .the signs of the heavens.
The last time the moon was not full
In February was in 1866, the year af- j
ter a big war, ana still again if the
signs of the heavens mean anything.
It may mean something to the warriors
on the blood soaked fields of Europe.
During the present month the moon
will be full for the second time. It was
full on the first and ft will get around
to the same condition on the 20th. The
same applies in March so, therefore,
there is no chance for February to have
a full moon. '
Douglas, Ariz., Jan." 22. Brig. Gen.
Thomas F. Davis, commanding the 6th
brigade of United States troops, which
have been at Naco, Ariz., has signed a
lease for a tract of 120 acres here as a
campsite for the brigade. The troops
are to be moved to Douglas from Naco
as soon as water mains can be laid to
the site, which is just east of the ball
park. Staff officers have begun the
survey of the site. The city, will fur
nish the water mains. Capt. Cabell,
in charge of the brigade quartermas
ter's department, is arranging for of
fices and storeroom downtown.
The 9th cavalry has returned frqra
Naco. A squadron of the 10th cavalry,
under command of Maj. G. L. Byram.
will remain at Naco permanently. The
rest of the regiment is returning to
Fort Huachuca.
Denver, Colo.. Jan. 22. Though 10,000
miles apart. Miss Eugenia Campbell, of
Colorado Springs, and John Pleter
Scholton, of the island of Java, were
married Thursday night. The marriage
was performed by proxy. Rev DavidJ
.bouse performed the ceremony here,
and a newspaper reporter was the proxy
The proxy wedding was authorized
by the Dutch government through the
Dutch consul at St. Louis, and was ar
ranged in order to evade the immigra
tion laws of Java, which require that
two months must elapse before au im
migrant may marry.
Mrs. Scholton will leave in a lew
days for San Francisco, from hi" she
will sale for Java to join her husband.
Madrid, Spain. Jan. 22. Because ad
miral Dewey will be present, the Span
ish government has decided not to
send the battleship Espana to the
Panama-Pacific exposition at San
Francisco. The government is appre
hensive of some untoward incident.
"When the government first agreed to
send the battle ship, it was not known
that admiral Dewey, the American de
stroyer of the Spanish fleet at Manila
bay. in the Spanish-American war, was
to be present.
Your neighbor knows that clean coal
and full weights mean fuel economy. Do
you? R. C. Semple, successor South
western Fuel Co, phdne 531. Adv.
Fresh Violets 10c Per Bunch, All Day Saturday
Choice Field Carnations 25c Per Doz., All Day Saturday
Ihe Store You Hear So Much About97
"b' -. r
in neckwear section for
Saturday, are offered
a t remarkably low
prices, some as Anniver
sary. Saturday Specials,
and because some are
slightly soiled from dis
play Li eixliet case the
low price should cause their quick disposal.
organdy and embroidery; regular prices, $1.50
and $2.00; marked down on ESlTi
account of being soiled to only OIJ'C
COLLARS AND CUFFS Made of organdy
and pique, regular 50c, marked O g
down to, per set fcrfO C
satin, regular $1.50 and $2.00;- Ag
very special at, each M' C
AUTO VEILS Made of best quality chiffon in
all colors, plain and shaded; 2 1-4 yards long;
regular $3.00; special d S fkp
at ,. P L ntt5
SHOULDER BOQUETS Of .dainty flowers,
regular price, 35c; special " f
Silk, Beaded and Leather
Bags Specially Priced
Black Silk Jloire Bags with Dresden Bottom,
Silk Tassel, Moire lined marked
Special for Saturday
Beaded Draw String Bags, newest
patterns. Specially priced
Leather Bags, fitted with mirror, coin purse,
powder puff, etc., satin lined,
specially priced
Party cases, of good quality leather, new
shapes and colors, fitted with gold plated and
silver fittings, values up to J6.00 d1 t7P
Saturday Special if) L i O
Green Ooze Leather and Silk Moire Bans, with
acorn pendant, nicely lined and ? 'PA
fitted, Special each J)0 OU
Everybody's" Special Plaving Cards fr
finest quality. TWO FOR dUt
Cut Glass Tumblers, Star Cut in new
thin glass; set of 6 for
Do,zot m
The Price
prejudice you against the SI
SILK HOSE we offer tomor
row at 69c Like all the Dol
lar Hose we sell, they are
fully guaranteed. They are
pure -silk full length, or lisle
garter tops, all the new
shades, also black and white;
choose Saturday, Q
per pair ,vJ v.
Women's Outsize Black Silk
specially priced, per
Boot Hose
Women's fleece lined Cotton Hose, with high
spliced heels and double soles are, C g
per pair wC
Women's fine grade Cotton Hoe, high spliced
heels, reinforced soles, offered (ft 1 ff
Saturday. 3 PAIRS FOR P ,1 U U
Children's "Fay Hose" no supporters required
unlike most children's hose, they do not
wrinkle in leg, caused from loose supporters;
per pair, 35, Of?
and 7 MtC
50c Hinds Honey and Al
mond Cream, Saturday
25c Colgates Dental Cream in tubes
sold regular at 35c 1g
The Second Drug Sundry and Toilet
Goods Day of Anniversary Month
50c Pond's Extract, the
remedy, regular at 50e
10c Moth Balls, one pound packages
sold regular at 10c J"
Special OC
75c Hot Water Bottles, made of pure
guaranteed Paragon Rubber, 2
qt. size, regular 75c 5Q
Special OtsC
50c Cold Cream, Biekseckers perfect
skin cleanser, regular o J?
Kilo Knooial " .l3P.
26e Sozodont, a JfmfM tooti wasl s'50e Vanishing Cream, (Seme Elcaya,
OAIS1 1AfTlll,. W "tfh MI T'A.. '
"- -& iv --m f . , UXUHU- OW,
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, tubes sokl
regular at EOe QO
Special 55C
25c Rubifoam, excellent for the teeth,
' sold regular at 25c. !
Special IOC
3H11' Red Wlnton Six for hire: 1913
modl; $3 per hour. Phone 449. Adv i
. mi m- . be)
iXipK ., S
sm-z,rz" a iR m m k a re
JitesjA I imw -'
f'J n rW
a ir
50c Violet Cerate Complexion Cream,
regular 50c, V5Q
Special &UC
25c Face Powder. Pinauds TivoK, face
powder, all shades, reg Q
ular 25c, Special A J C
25c Hair Brushes, with good qual-
ity bristles, regular 25c, jr
Speciftl .LC
75c Hair Brushes. Ebony and Rose
wood, warranted solid backs,
and pure bristles, reg OQ ,
uiar 75c, Special OJC
10c Tooth Brushes, fin'! and medium
bristles, regular lue, r
Special OC
$1.25 Moth Bags, tarine and ecd
ared, air tight and germ proof,
Regular $125 7Gkr
Special C
$1.00 Listerine, regular $1.00 CQ
Special 0C
Listerine, regular 50c
size, Special
Listerine, regular 25c
size, Special
. Listerine, small size,
-' Special
Peroxide, the one pound
marked very special
at, only
Worth up to
$1.00 per yd.,
Special Satur
day per yd.,
Wa Shoe Sale Values jm
iAU pure Silk Taffeta ribbon in stripes, floral
and fancy, widths for sashes, and hair ftp
bows, per lyard, Saturday uDC
You can' be correctly
fitted here Saturday
in a R. & G.. W. B..
or Majestic Corset at
a very reasonable
A complete line i just
received in these three
favored make eorseta.
Newest models in
medium and long hip
spring styles in med
ium weight materials
suitable for winter
wear. Special models
in each make at $3.
52, 11.50
and . .
A Busy Saturday in Our
Broken sizes in long
Gloves to Close Oul
Saturday Radi
cally Reduced
1 6 and 20 button Kid- and
Suede Gloves; not all sizes
left, but a good assortment
of sizes, in black, white
and tap; values, $3.75 and $4.00; choice
Sr. $2.48
WALKING GLOVES Lamb Pique Walking
Gloves, I -button lengths, in white, tan and grey;
our regular price, $1.50 per pair; AQ
Saturday Special, per pair t?Ot
Wonderful 'Basement' Store
Children's school handkerchiefs of
good quality applique -1 J?
per dozen . . .-. iuC
32 in. Cotton Suiting, neat stripes,
fast colors, 15c regular, f
Saturday, per yard...t... J.vPC
A large double table full of lace,- em
broidery and trimmings, Values gj
to 50c yd, Special pfr yd O C
Large white crib blankets, with piuk
and blue borders, Special
Each .'.... Ii5C
Hair Brushes with stiff bristles are
good 25c aiues." -f J?
special IDC
Blepched muslin three-quarter yds.
wide, sold in 10 yard f5Q
bolts for 52yC
SSGs.-,.-' Lav ir si
Bath robe blankets, a good assort
ment of Indian and other patterns,
frogs and cords to inafeli. Special
values at $4.50
and . '.
in medium
Women's Union Suit
weight are extra good
quality, per suit
Children's hose in Inack, fine rib,
regularly sold for 20c per QQ'
pair, Sat. 6 pairs for Ot C
"Women's mu&lin underwear trimmed
with embroidery and val laces, gowns
long and short skirts, while O Q
they last per garment tJ 27 C
Kitchen aprons made of good nalitv
Amoakeag gingham full e jj
width, each &iC?'C
Babies' knit caps, in uitc, pink,
red and blue to close out - f
at each A o7 C
Boy's blouses made of od quality
gingha'n. perrale, madras and sateeu,
eomes in black, white and blue with
stripes Two extra good 5!S
values at 50 and fcisjC
Gingham petticoats made- of ging
ham, percale and &ateen, in stripes,
checks, plcida and plain colors, 12 to
16 in. flounces in pleated and plain
Three remarkable value
95c 69c 59c
Sweaters, for children 2 to 6 vear&
old. of wool yarn, m ntrc blue.
gcy and red. Special
a alue
Children's dresses made of gingham
in good watAable qiiiilitx . in checks,
plain and plaids. matly trimmed and
made with belts', ages 2 to A Q
6 years, Special values TtO C
House dresses, trimmed in embroid-
ery and plain colors, sonfe with de
tachable covered buttons for wash
ing. Made of Amoskeag Wiugham. a
guarantee of washing and wearing
qualities, sixes S4 to 52. Three re
markable values
$1.75 $1,.25 98c
SttKrsrii -. rfll
For Coats
of Astrakhan, Broadtail,
Zibeline. and fancy mix
tures in latest winter
A fullrange of colors
and sizes Anniversary
Special; choice Satur
day $4.90
$1.95 SERGE
$ 1 oO'
Children's Storm Serge
Dresses in navy, red,
blue, brown, all neatly
trimmed; our regular
$1.95 values; reduced
to $1.25
Third Floor
Two Dress Specials
For Saturday
"Radically Reduced"
Wool Serge Dzesses in plain tailored styles
and long tunics, especially suitable for
street or business wear, tf A f
are reduced to Tl" e
Silk Dresses in high girdle and long
tunic' styles, with silk, pique and Jace col
lars, such favored materials as char
meuse, crepe de chine, in the assortment.
Just 27 dresses in the lot,
reduced to
Surely one day's selling will, closer eut the
entire lot. 3rd Floor
Three anniversary specials in Wom
en's Gowns that should attract ev
ery woman to this store Saturday
We. Give ?M:
Green Stamps
who needs a gown.
One lot of muslin ovns
just received, made of
soft quality muslin, in
slipover style neatly
trimmed off wed n j"
each mvC
In blue Crinkled Crepe,
neatly trimmed in laces,
are offered as au anni
versary spe- OQ
eial at each U7L
A large asboruuen. of'
fine quality muslin
frowns in values usual
ly sold for 75c. with
lace yokes, and em
broidered vokeb. Anni
versary Spe
cial .
(Lxtra sires in this lot"
Second FIooi-

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