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EL PASO HERALD 10 THEIR ONE BEST GAME AS VIIS1TED BY MODERN PITCHING STARS BY DILLY EVAXS Written Especially for This Paper by the Famous American Umpire. League WALTER JOHNSON'S record since joining the American league fairly teems with won H. rful pitching performances. Shut ' uts galore are credited to Johnson, tra inning victories are numerous, ' .mi low hit games are the rule with luin lather than the execution. On a number of occasions he has been de nied the honor of breaking into the list of no h:L twirlers by a fluke safety late in the game Gimes In which he his nhiffed eight or more men haTe bevn rather common The Philadelphia club of the Ameri- in league is a fiard team for any irler to beat. Mack's athletes can 11 1 r the pill and few twirlers give them it worry. Despite bis great speed nml fast breaking curve, Johnson has 'ounil the Jlackmen a worthy foe. 1 once heard Walter say that any time a twlrler trimmed Hack's team he owed himself a vote of thanks. He also re marked that any time a pitcher let the Philadelphia team down with a few hits and recorded a ' shutout, he not only must have had a lot of stuff but also must have been favored by the breaks In luck. One of Ills Greatest Feats. It is only natural then, that Walter should regard n. game he pitched against the Athletics on the opening day of the 1910 season as one of the very best feats of his truly remark able career. The contest was staged on April 14 at Washington. The fact that it was the opening mine, the Athletics the attraction, and Johnson scheduled to pitch, caused an over flow crowd to fill the old park in that city. Only this overflow crowd kept Johnson from pitching a no hit game. He beat the Athletics 3 to 0. The one hit of the game Frank Baker was credited as a double, although on a clear field it would have been the easiest kind of an out for Zeb Milan, J It was agreed that a hit into the ' crowd should go for two base:;. An oidinary fly ball, that would have been an easy out except for the crowd, fell among the fans. Just out of Milan's reach, despite a desperate effort on his j part to pluck It out o. tne crowd. Ine Fanned Out, That was the only hit of the game. In the other innings it was urually the one, two, three order. Nine of the men vho faced Walter went out on strikes. For the opening game of the year, against a team of batters like the Athletics, it was, indeed, a grea,t pitching feat. On September 25, 1910 near the close of the season, Johnson beat St. Louis by a 3 to 0 score, al lowing only one hit and striking out eleven men. On August 16, 1912, he beat Chicago 4 to 0, allowing only one hit. the rankest kind of a scratch by Hath. This game was Johnson's 14th consecutive win, which would have made it all the more remarkable had not Rath got away wltli a fluke blngle. (Copyright, 1915, by the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) H . . i trap Will Visit Towns in the Pro posed Rio Grande Asso ciation This Week. "WILBUR SMITH REXESKD. Minneapalis, Minn., March 1. Catcher Wilbur Smith, for five years with the Minneapolis American association base ball club, has been released to St. Joseph, Mo , of the Western league. B jtiEtok. HH in the first two days of sale at ALTU HhIb iiH Yiu 0 fi? Cents a I m wk m W Pllf own NO INTEREST NO TAXES FOR THREE YEARS. This sale will be continued this week only until all the lots are sold. The best locations are selling fast. Take a Fort Bliss car to'Altura Boulevard at once. Price $163.00 to $329.00 NONE HIGHER vilaS Special Selling Agents Office on the Addition Open Daily till Dark Downtown Office 210 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 1 558 Open Evenings m Why send away log" the m reasonable own 8 you Cer CANDY SALE , ON OUA SLICED COCOANUT BAR 15c THE LB. WEDNESDAY ONLY &2icl Anr WHY? If You Wsat O rj Cents the WINE at- tO Bottle Any Kind of LUNCH GOODS CaU iKeevifs your money "bargain roof- when you can get rooting at a price of your dealer whom i know? man in lowa got a guarantee on a cheap roofing, but when he wanted the guarantee made good, the company had disappeared. Buy materials that last Roofing is guaranteed in writing S years for 1-ply, 10 years for 2-pIy, and 15 years for 3-ply, and the responsibility of our big mills stand behind this guarantee. Its qual ity is the highest and its price the most reasonable. '" General Roofing Mfg. Company TTortdTM largest manufacturer of Booting end Building Paper KtvToifcClr Braten Cbico Pitl.linn FUtJtJpUt AlUcta dereliad Deficit Si. Lous Ciaduuti KamuCttr Minntjyoiii SuFrauuco Scttlle Loadon Htrctan Sjrdstr At each of our bic mills we matt the fol lowme products : Asphalt Roofings (all grades and prices) Slate Surfaced Shingles Asphalt Felts Deadening Felts Tarred Felts Building Papers V Insulating Paper vvauttoaras Plastic Roofing Cement Aspnalt lament Roof Coating, Metal PainU Outdoor Paints Shingle Stains Tar Coating! t Insist on Getting Made In KI Fuo "PERFECTIOV 11KS AJTD CHICK FEED W. D. WISE SEED CO. Retail Store 108 North Stanton Office and Warehouse, Cor. Snd and Cblhunhua Streets. HEID BROTHERS COr WOOD, KIIVDLIJVG, II VY. URWV. FIBLD SEEDS AD BIILD15RV SIPPLIES. I'rompt Deliver) I'koneH 35 anil 3. 1 "Ki:h tfxks and dai.t.s DISTRIBUTORS: NEFF-STILES COMPANY EL PASO, TEXAS. EL PASO SASH & DOOR CO., EL PASO, TEXAS. Momsen-Dunnegan-Ryan Co., EL PASO, TEXAS. I! "BECK." t (HE Rio Grande Baseball associa- .:,... .tll n-at n-rfn n n lvlrif- UVil Sct nf IU t ..J .."O , -- start mis weeic xnree oi in club leaders, McCloskey, Atkins and I Brandes, had a long talk this morning and arrangements for the trip around the circuit, starting Wednesday morn- I ing. were about completed. Bill Hurley, the manager whom Mc Closkey had been trying to get from the Saskatoon club of the old Western Canada league, was heard from by wire, declaring that he is ready to cast in his lot with the league here and asking for further details. HcCloskey will wire him the required details to night and ask him to comevhere at once, as Hurley is an experienced organizer and will prove of much assistance in getting the league going. Jack Atkins is after a Chicago man to act as business manager of the Phoenix club for him and an answer from the windv city man is expected any time now. Hugh Harbin, the local baseball player who has been in the Texas league for the past two years, left Sun day for Galveston to Join that club and get in shape for the coming season. & -3fr That the Rio Grande Baseball asso ciation is making a good impression far away from this part of the c6un try Is evident from a letter recived to day from Edmonton, Alberta. "Deacon" White, manager of the Edmonton team In the Western Canada league last J ear, is the writer. He says in part: "I have played nearly all the Edmon ton team for this season and the rest of the clubs have done the same with their best players. It looks as though the Rio Grande association ought to be as big a success as was the Western Canada league before this war blocked up and your managers should be able to pick up a swell lot of players from the sur plus material of the ' Northwestern league because there are absolutely no other leagues in this part of the coun try this year, the Union association. Western Tri-State and Western Canada leagues all being inoperative. Every club in the Northwestern has at least 30 players. Where will the surplus go? x am uuw Living 10 get in toucn wnn 'ho r MAKE it a point to visit El Paso's Metropolitan Department Store while here. Come in today and lomorwu) and every day: Make use of the store's conveniences while in the city. They are at your service. 1 J WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS EVERYBODY'S "THE STORE. YOU HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT" Bill Hurley. stead in the baseball colony near Elk is o get stilt on his home- Point The railroad is not In there yet and the telephones have not yet been extended that far so Bill is rather out of the world. However, I nave writ ten 'strongly urging him to take Mc Closkey's offer of a berth as manager in the association and believe he will accept. If he does, you can take it from me that Bill will have a team that will be in the race all the time for he stands awful well with the man agers in the Northwestern; league and will likely gather his team from tne surplus there. You can count on Bill having a team of m-ettv neni- class Tt caliber for a class D leasue, so warn' me otner managers not to look upon that pennant as already won. Give my regards to "Honest John- ana tell him that I wish the new league every suc IXTEItCLUH HOWLING MATCH. SCHEDULED SATURDAY. AOT HELD The return match of the interclub bowling series between the Wigwam and Cactus trundl,ers did not take place Saturday night, as had been ar ranged. The Cactus bowlers announced that they could not secure the use or the alleys for the game any night ex cept Friday and that happens to be the Wight when the Wigwam men are busy with their own league fixtures. The Wigwams declare that the Cactus trundlers, having won the match oh the Wigwam alleys, are perfectly will ing to refrain from taking any more chances. ELOW is reproduced a section taken from our Page Ad in Saturday Herald, Cattlemen's Edition which tells of an extraordinary offering of Women's New Spring Suits and which- occasioned unusual activity in this department early today. ' N Just When Most Every Woman 1 Is Thinking of New Spiring Stiits Comes These Wonderful Values' at 2450 . M i E HA VE assembled for this special of & fering and showing, the very best Values that could be procured they are the most re markable values We've been able to offer this early in the season and should not be confused with the suits usually priced at this figure. A LL the ne&1 styte features are ihown pi'flin tailored, Jm. fancy effects, Norfolk and Military Styles. In Gabar dines, Serges, Fancy Crepes, Diagonal Weaves, Basket Wiaves, etc., in all the rsanled new Spfmg colflrs. 50 SUITS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE LOT FOR TUESDAY'S SELLING. obfefe A Splendid Opportunity FoK Con vention Visitors. WHITE SOX AVIX EASILY PR03I SALT LAKE TEA3I San Jose, CaL, March 1. Buck Wea vers two bagger, following two sin gles, gave the Chicago Americans two runs in the first inning Sunday, in an exhibition game with the new Salt Lake team of the 'Coast league. Chi cago won easily, 5 to 2. Score: R.H.E. Chicago 5 5 $ Salt Lake 2 S 1 Batteries: Chicago, Scoggin, Scott and Schalk; Salt Lake, C. Williams, Halla and Lynn. BIG CROWD WILL SEE THE GIBHO.VS-M'GOOltTY FIGHT (Continued fKm Page C) whether' Gibbons was really ill when he met McGoorty in the Garden a cou ple of years ago, or whether it was Mike's insane fear of McGoorty's wal lop that made him show up so poorly that evening. Tommy Walah, who is now superin tending McGporty's affairs is confident that a 115,000 house will witness the contest. SPRING SHIRTS JUST RECEIVED OUR "ARROW SHIRTS " for Spring. Guaranteed Fast Color $1.50 AND $2.00 Come in and See the New, O With Collar to Match SOMETHING DIFFERENT nes HANAN SHOES KNOX HATS Why This Institution In Preference to Others? aJ! IvILH VXK XSU WILLIAMS SIfcX. J Philadelphia, Pa., March 1. JohnnT Kilbane, featherweight champion, and "Kid" Williams, nantamweight champ ion, will fight six rounds here the night of March 17, it is announced. They will make 112 pounds, ringside, and each will receive $5500, or the privilege .of 25 percent of the gate receipts. .SENATORS STRT SOLTII. Washington, D. C. March 1 Mem bers of the Washington American base ball squad left here Sunday for the 3pnng training grounds at Charlottes ville, Va. TRANSFERS AND ASSIGNMENTS j . IN QUARTERMASTER'S CORPS I Washington, D. c , March 1 Army orders j hae been issued as follow. ! Lieut Col Richmond McA. Schofleld. quartermaster corps, will proceed to Boston, Mafas on bu nesa pertaining to the quarter master corpp Lieut Co ..cors;e Montgomery, ordnance department. .11 visit Chester, Pa., on busi neei pertaining to the operations of the ordnance Ucparlmant. Capt Horace f Mobbs, 17th infantry, for duty with the organized militia of the Dis trict of Colombia as . inspector instructor, and -Rill report to the chief, division of militia affairs, war Cepartrnetit. Capt Frank S. Long, quartermaster corps, is assigned to the M1 company, coast artll lers corps Capt Thomas L. Smith, general staff, detailed in the quartermaster corps, will re port to the quartermaster general of the army for assignment for doty. First Lieut Royden E. Bee be, 27th ln Xantry, Is transferred to th 8th Infantry Additional Second Lieut. William K Burr, ;th field artillery. Is assigned to his present regiment as a second lieutenant Leaves of absence: First Lieut Herbert A- Dargue, signal corps, three months. Lieut Col. Prank Qv Mauldln, coast artil lery corps, ordered to report to commanding officer, coast defences of San Francisco, for duty, Mai. JMerre C. Stevens, quartermaster corps, ordered to Governors Island, N. T , and report to Col. John V. White, coast ar tillery corps, president of army retiring uumu, iur examination. Capt William K Murray, coast artillery corps, detailed for service In quartermaster corps, vice Capt. Frank S. Long," quarter master corps, relieved. Second Lieut. Walter W. Vautameler v,i Brunei? uorpe, aviation student, an nounced as on duty. ' IffliiJiUlMiK BORDERLAND AUTO SUPPLY CO. LEE TIRES PI'AIN AXD PUNCTURE PROOF CORNER JIVRTLfc AAD KAXSAS THE QUALITY TIRE 'M.L. NAQUIN, DISTRIBUTOR West Texas. New Mexirn. AriTnna CWA A!-nV Hotel Taxi Garage. . Phone 878 for Demonstration. I Simply this: Because, other things being equal, we have a keen desire to serve you and serve you well. We have suffi cient capital for safety; but others have as much. Our in stitution is governed by experi enced business paen of sound judgment and proven ability; but others probably can offer you as choice a group. BUT We want your ac- jjfj count. Our interest in you and your financial affairs will be far from casual. It will be keen, alive we'll give you the best that's in us. That spirit is worth something. We think it's worth your account. What do you think? Rio Grande Valley Sank & Trust Co CADILLAC SALES COMPANY E. P. & S. W. BLDG. PHONE 5105 J Phone 3585. W El Paso Auto Sales Co. E&sfe Office 713 N Oehn- St J. R. JOHNSON, JR., MGR. Ellioit-Garrett Co. 4:2 San Antonio St. Phone 833 Csrj National and Studebaker Tires Goodyear and Republic. EL PASO OVERLAND AUTO CO. Overland Automobiles and Willys Trucks PHONE 170. 120-122 SAN FHANCISCO STREET. Oakland Oakland Auto Sales Co, FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 407-40D-U! Myrtle Avenue. H, ELMORE. Mgr. Tel 1143 Xotlce. , Tuesday. March 2nd, 1S15, being a legal holiday in Texas, all banks com posing the a Paso Clearing House As sociation will be closed. ' lil i'aso tlenrlnn Hoiine Association. I (Advertisement.) J FISK RED TOP NON-SKIDS FOR FORDS, 5,000 MILE GUARANTEE WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. Phone 526. 318 San Francisco St. lv Iho iWalri lAant 'd ASK FOR GLOBE MILLS Peerless Hen Food Made from the formula used success Tally for years by the Peerles" Poultry Supply Co., of Los Angeles one of the largest poultry supply houses in the west. An elegant egg producer, and. lest you forget, MADE IN EL PASO GLOBE MILLS "Scientific Dry Cleaning" El Paso Laundry Our Wagoas Are Everywhere. Phones 470-471. l'feune S7 . EMERSON HARE Oeflcral Contractor and Builder Jobbing S02J Louirrille Itura Rcrk Kl I', TcxaH I K