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EL PASO HERALD T 01 LOCK THE GERMAN T (Continued Itoui rage Onei. t. the north of Poland, where the Rus iians appear to be making a desperate ffort to regain the ground field mar shal von Hlndenburir won when he tbi-f-w them hai k from east Prussia. iyn sequent! v tlic stubborn struggle (ntinuos on the line from the Bobr t i the Nare" v, hire- Brand duke ..lcho 1 is has jet to establish his ascend an In the wist inteiost is centei injf on (he fichtinp un tlio Cnainpagne region, v lirre fierce nttaiks and counter at laik" have maiked the operations of the last week Berlin claims to hae i 'pulsed the cuntinued Trench ad .mes in this lecrlon. while Paris as s rts the Fren h troops have been auc Lt..ful in making progress and re pulsing the German counter attacks. JViis clainud also the capture of 2!'U0 jards of trencnes to the northwest and north of Beausejour. Frcnrt Connect fniilnred VoxIllonM. The French war office at Paris gave out the following statement this afternoon- "in rhamnmrne the various support ing positions we successively secured j now form a continuous cnajn two Ki lometers in length to the north and northwest of Perthes. In the Vosges our attacks Sundav made slight pro- Kress at Chapaelotte, three kilometers north or uelies. French Kxplodc Polnonouo Gases. The official announcement on the progress of the war, given out in Ber lin, Germany, today, contains a state ment that the French forces have be gun the use of a special artillery shell which spreads a poisonous gas on ex ploding The communication savg- "At a certain part of our front the RWpffipHSti "XTT Well worth dreaming of c & Yes; and better yet to wake up to this delicious soup so wholesome and so pure. Its bright color and tempting flavor are drawn from the sunshine and the soil. It is made from the finest of tomatoes. The choicest of butter, sugar and spices are used in it. No wonder it is so nourishing and tasty; so satisfying alike to young and old. Many thousands have long since waked up to this interest ing fact. Have you? 21 kinds 10c a can Slumber sweetly and completely Little lass so fair. If through your dreams this label gleams You'll wake to find it there. :w K SXXXXIXXI1XXXIE If 4s $ 444yjMx MU-Jci shm4assssssasBuatss..ViMJasassferfsdfl TSSAT-SUNMAR.6-7 2nd Record Breaking Making Triumphal Tour. Direction, LeCOMTE & FLESHER. Mort H. Singer's Best Comic Opera Offering "A MODERN EVE" THE XBRRIE6T, SONGIEST, DANCIEST PLAY ON THE MUSICAL STAGE TODAY. Perfectly Cast With Fifty Well Known Comedy Players and the New Famous Original Chorus of "Beautiful Eyes." A VERITABLE SENSATION EVERYWHERE. PRICES Mat. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Box Seats $2.00. Night, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Bos Seats $2.50. seats on sale Kyan's Drug Store Friday morning. Texas Grand Theatre March 2 and 3; 2 Days, Tuesday and Wednesday A Play From the Book of Harold Bell Wright. "The Winning of Barbara Worth" Dramatized by Mark Swan with GERTRUDE BARKER As BARBARA WORTH Full Scenic Equipment. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $150 and $2.00. Matinee Wednesday, -SEATS ON SALE AT RYAN'S. , tt,f COMPANY UNDERSELL ALL OTHERS WELCOME CATTLEMEN Visit our store and be convinced our prices are beyond compare our goods the bestvin the market Phones 505 & 506. 204 & 206 East Overland St. MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION French are making use. as thev have done on previous occasions, of a kind of shell which, on exploding, throws out evil smelling- and poisonous rases,' which, however, do no damage. "Our positions in the Champagne country were repeatedly attacked Sun day by at least two array corps. TheBe forces were repulsed after fierce fight ing at close quarters. "We repulsed Russian attacks north of Consha and northwest of Ostro lenka." RuftsInnM Drtic Imnders Back. ' The highest importance is attached by the Russian military authorities to the German defeat at Przasnysz, ac cording to Petrograd advices. It is as serted b Russian staff officers that the German hope of success during the operations of the last fortnight along the northern front was based upon con fidence in breaking the Russian line at Przasusz. This attempt by the Ger mans to strengthen the position of their left wing, which was an Important part of their plan for a; gigantic encompass ing movement extending from Augus towo to eastern Galicia, is said today by the Russian leaders to have failed definitely The Russians assert that the retire ment of the Germans in the north is more precipitate and disorderly than any previous retreat Jn that theater the war They state that the Germans have abandoned large numbers of heavy and light guns and have even left behind wounded soldiers in an effort to exe cute a hasty retreat. This condition of affairs, according to the Russian view point assumej.added sisnificance from tho fact that the Germans are said to have employed some of their best troops in this fighting. ENGLAND TO FIGHT LIQUOR, SAYS DAVID LLOYD-GEORGE Bansor. "Wales, March 1. Declaring that a minority of laborers employed in the government armament factories had refused to work a full week be cause of the lure of drink, David Lloyd George, chancelor of the exchequer, de clared in a speech here Saturday that the government has wide powers to deal with the liquor problem and means to use them. "We need men, but we need arms more than men, and every day of delay is full of peril to the country," he as serted. "For one reason or another we do not get the assistance we have a right to expect from our workshops. Industrial differences are Inevitable, but we cannot afford them now. "It is intolerable that the lives of Britons should be imperiled for the sake of a farthing an hour." The chancellor made pointed refer ence to the United States. "If Germany is triumphant over this country," he said, "she would be prac tically dictator of the world. And where," he said, "could we then look to a chivalrous country to protect us to America? "If countries like France tid Russia, with bulge armies, and we, ( with the most powerful navy in the worTd, could not face this terrible machine, Tiow could America steti in' It would be more than America could do to defend her Interests in her own continent. America is more unready than we were." SCUTARI MAY BE SEAT J OF OTTOMAN GOVERNMENT I Washington, D. C, March 1. As a re- buu Ul Lfio uujiiuaLruiueiik ui luc iai ua- nelles by the allied fleet, the Ottoman government is considering removing the capUal of Turkey from Constanti nople to Scutari, according to advices received by the state department. Foreign diplomats are asking their governments for instructions in case the Turks abandon the capital. It is understood ambassador Morgenthau, from the United States, Intends to re main in Constantinople In any event. RUSSIANS WHO DON'FIGHT WILL PAY SPECIAL WAR TAX London. Knc . March 1 Tho Russian 1 government lies Imposed a special war ! tax on men immune from military service, according to a neuter Telegram company dispatch from Petrograd. The tax applies only to men who are under 46 years of age, and varies from S3 on incomes of $509 or less to $100 on Incomes over $10,000. I FRBXCil HEAD. WOG.NDBD. total nr.o,ooo, is report Rerlin, Germans , March 1 (By wlre 1. ss to Sayville. L. I.) The Hamburger Tvachrichten has published what par ports to be an authentic list of French , losses in the first six months of the war The paper sajs this list was com piled by the French ministry of -war and that It was not intended for publi cation as yet. It gives the number of dead at 290,000 and the wounded 700,900, of wHtnri 400,000 are described as sllghtir hurt. In addition, 200,000 men have been reported missing. Special Sole of Music Big assortment of popular songs nd instrumental numbers going this week at 2 for 5c. Dunn's, 404 San Antonio St. Advertisement. Exhibition of PAINTINGS of , Ihc OLD WEST Cow Punchers, Trappers, Hunt ers and Indians W HERBERT DTJNTQN at the Chamber of Commerce, El Paso. From March 1st to March 4th (Inclusive) and an AUCTION Of These Paintings On Friday morning, "March the 5th, at 10 oclock, at the HOTEL PASO DEL NORTE. These Paintings Are For Sale During the Exhibition. CRAWFORD TONIGHT Sporting Goods and Saddles The most complete line in El Paso. Reasonable prices Highest quality. Shelton-Payne Arms Co. "The Trail of the Whispering tT 1 TSPQ A tale of mountain A lUVd nfe Tennessee Wednesday Mat, 10 cent THE CHINA PALACE The largest and most complete stock in Texas of exquisite China Dinner ware, Glassware, Silverware, Cut Glass, Crockery, ana other house hold, HoteC Restaurant and Bar Furnishings. Wholesale and Retail A. ST0LAR0FF 112 SX ANTONIO ST. SPAIN WOULD PURCHASE FOOD IN UNITED STATES Madrid, Spain, March 1 The gov ernment of Spain is endeavoring to purchase 30,000 tons of wheat in the United States. The effect of the war on food prices is already beginning to be felt m this mnintr. To meet the budget deficit and the expenses of maintaining -:eutralllty the govern ment plans to float j. loan of $200,000,-000. ship d ci is Mr.i:u BY PltmCH VrKAMKItS Paris, Frame, March 1. It is of ficially announced that the steamer Dado, carrving cotton from GaUeston to Bremen, has been seized in the Eng lish channel by French cruisers and taken to Brest. The Dacia was making a test voyage- She had been trans ferred from German to American regis try. Cotton shipments to Germany have been held by the allies not to be contraband. FLVG OX DVCI.V HAULED DOW ; CRF.W SENT HOME New York, March 1. The American flag which flew over the steamship Dacia, captured last week by a French cruiser and taken into Brest, has been hauled down and the American Consul at Brest is sending the Dacia's crew back to New Yotk City, according to cablegrams received today. 150,000 TOS OF Fo'oD FUIIMSIIED TO DCLGIAXO. New York, March 1. The American commission for relief in Belgium has sent 150.000 tons of food to Belgium ur to February 3 according to the com mission's semi-monthly report GltAND JUIIY INDICTS HAJIBUnG-AMERICAX LINK New York, March 1 The federal grand Jury, which has been investi gating the furnishing of supplies to German cruisers in the Atlantic, today returned an indictment against the Hamburg-American line a-d blx men, charging conspiracy to defraud the government through fllins false r c ords, false clearances of vessels .'nd false manifests of cargo The men named are Karl l5un di rector In charge of the ew Yo.k office of the Hamburg-American l.n. ,T Pop penhouse, who served as up-i or,jo on the steamship Berind: -Jeorge K-tter, Fells, fc-effner and Vlolpi Mac .'leister. GRAMBLING MAY BE JUDGE OF THE CORPORATION COURT Allen R. Grambling may complete Ballard Col.iwelVs term as judge of the corporation court. Coldwell has been named by Gov. J. E. Ferguson as judge f the new 65th district court Paul Thomas, who was recently elected on the anti-img ticket as corporation court judge, wifi take charge of the office in April by light of his election. Sheet MnIe, " for 3c. Special sale ,of papular songs and in fetromental, numbers all this week at Dunn's, 404 San Antonio St Adv. CHIEF OF (ilUIJUN AHMIHALTY M'lLL COIUUMI BATTLE FLEET Berlin. Germany March 1. Admiral on Pohl, chief of "the admiralty staff, has been selected as successor to ad miral von Ingenohl, whose removal from command of the German battle fleet was made known Saturday. No reasons have been assigned for the change in command, news of which has not been published in Berlin. GERMANY ANSWT3JI1S V. S. NOTE; PLACES BURDEN OX ENGLAND Berlin, Germany, March 1 Ger many's reply to the American note con cerning the naval war zone was handed today to ambassador Gerard. It corre sponds, in general, with the forecast of some davs airo that i!rmtinv wii,i end the blockade if Rngland wouli ' miuw ioou cargoes to Germany to pro ceed unmolested. Ill I Ull J miLKiE &- -sjjssr n TURKS HAVE EVACUATED THE SIXAI PENINSULA London, Rng., March 1. The Morning Posts correspondent at Cairo, Egypt, says it is officially announced that the Turks have evacuated the Sinai penin sula. This confirms the belief that all danger of a second invasion of Egypt is now removed. KRTJFr FAMILY SUBSCRIBES TO NEW GER3IAN WAR LOAN. Essen. Germany. March 1 The Ivrupp family has subscribed $7,500 000 to the new war loan which Germany has decided to float. The Krupps direct the great government gun factories here. TO THE PUBLIC: , Aer 29 years In the City- National building, we moved to No. N20 San Francisco street to reduce expenses to enable us to offer our wares from 25 to 40 percent cheaper than any of our uptown competitors, and before buying would invite you in order to convince yourself, to investigate our line of Mexican drawn and lace work, zarapes, tablecloths and bedspreads. silk shawls, lace mantillas. Navajo blankets and Indian relics, antique silverware and works of art for wedding presents. opals, diamonds and other precious stones. Ingersoll watches at factory prices. KLINE'S CURIO CO., 420 San Francisco St (Advertisement) Sheet Music. S for Sc. Special sale of popular songs and In strumental numbers all this weelc at Dunn's. 404 San Antonio St Adv. Mffini 1 We Give The "Glad Hand" To EI Paso's Guests WE HOPE this greeting will reach all visitors now in the city and those intending to visit El Paso during the Cattlemen's Conven tion. El Paso is glad to have you with her and we wish to extend our per sonal invitation in addition to the general one you have. Any service we can possibly render we are at your command. ( : NATIONS' MEAT & SUPPLY CQ. We Remind EI Paso Housekeepers GOOD things to eat go a long way with guests, "We might say the mem ory of a good meal will remain long after the recollections of the Mills Building, the Paved Streets and the 101 other big things in El Paso are forgotten. Now, some of your guests have been eating Eange Fed Beef. Don't repeat the offense in El Paso. Give them a choice cut of Nations' Stall Fed Product. Telephone 2576 I " 1 $200,000 Wortli To Select FronTj Entire Stock of Big New York Importing House Forced to Sacrifice by European War offered, with theSil- berberg Guaranty, at exactly REDUCTION FRO MANUFACTURER'S PRIOi This means about one-half regular retail prices. i & ' 25 iale Commences Tomorrow. Afflarch 2nd Diamond LaVallieres Diamond Brooches Diamond Bracelets Diamond Cuff Buttons Diamond Bar Pins Diamond Mesh Bags Diamond Ear Rings Diamond Lockets Diamond Cluster Rings Diamond Dinner Rings Diamond Set Watches Diamond Scarf Pins Diamond Set Emblems See Special Window Disrj. See Special Window Display . "The mere thought of buying a Diamond should suggest Silberbeg Bros." Mesa Ave., Cor. Texas. "The House of Distinction." floor Special This Week' 48 lb sack $2.00 I' Globe Mills Banquet Flour- 24 lb sack $1.00 Diamond M. Flour 24 lb sack $1.10 48 lb sack $2.10 Fresh Texas Eggs, per dozen 30c Rose Brand Butter, per lb 30c Pink Salmon, tall can 10c Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2 lb cans, 2 for 15c Extra Standard Sweet Com, 2 lb cans, 3 for 25c 1 Lion Grocery Co. I H 109-111 S. Stanton. Phones 2405 and 2424. I G-jartntxd purely lrm c!4s alkali, er animal f nnnta. An txcalliat traatroanl Tar atamach an bawal IrauM. A aeantareMigt. Far ail by all druf 4lr - - $1.00 - - Pan-American Medicine Co., EL PASO. TEX. 1100 by mall P 0 Bai 81B THE HOME OF Holeproof Hosierv for "Men, Women and Children. BRYAN BROS. Sbb Antonio & Oreson. HeraBd Want Ads Bring Results EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Quality the Best Prices the Lowest Eyster's CO.D.Grocery Prinnps Grocery Dept. - 434(1 THERE SHOULD BE A VIOTEOLA IN EVERY HOME W, G. WALZ COMPANY COTTON ADDITION LOTS Best Bay ia EI Paso A. P. COLES & BROS. Agents