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EL PASO HERALD JiraiMEKSTra El iUUHUEl El Paso Cattleman Is Urged to Run For President; Fight For Secretary. I l Paso, while not a. candidate for tin next convention of tbe panhandle '" "elation, is backing Joseph H. Na I" ii v for president of the association. Mr Nations is first vice president J oik of the moat active members. " B Slaughter, of Dallas, has been ii mloned for the position by his ft ifnds throughout Texas But he has 1 n nresident of the association In the I'tu and is not an active applicant for tit iio'ttlon His present residence In "alln is also considered against him. as the panhandle association is pri marily a western Texas association Mr Nations has been engaged m the cattle business since a boy and is, con sidered one of the cattle authorities In the south-west He has attended practically all of the cattle conventions of the Texas and panhandle associa tions since they were organized and knows all of the cattlemen in the southwest by their first names H. E. Crowley, of Midland, Tex , is an oitlvp fnnrifrlntp for the OOSitiOn o necretar-, of the association for the J next year s mm goes nnncTii'eniViiTunQ'Gcniii UU BnlBU I ULuUili ' si! i il hfClBlw IcrMIIllSx ' Sunshine State Special to Carry 250; Vanguard Here and Hard at "Work. "Albuquerque 1916 Sure" is the slo- The Panhandle Delegation Comes on Special to Land the 1916 Convention. Amarillo is here "with bells on" and t. ," ...;Tj i,., -uMiiiorv, I gan of the Albuo.uero.ue delegation to -I a brass band attachment The pan- I IN IlllVt I R1U U Y IS 1I11B11I 1 tl. .... . Harrell. who has his headquarters In the convention, which will arrive here ."a"a,e delegation arrived Monday morn mZZlZ Mr r-rnwlev was once secre- . n-...i.v ml aa .k- IPS on. a special train, over the Santa El Paso Mr Crowley was once secre tary of tbe Texas Cattle Raisers' as sociation . Athey cloth-in-ed weather strip keeps out the cold Rathbun-Mlx Co. Adv. One-Third Million Dollars in Mounted and Loose Diamonds Will Be Placed On Sale Beginning Today This display of Mounted Jewelry will include LA VALLIERES BROOCHES BAR PINS DINNER RINGS SCARF PINS EAR ORNAMENTS CLUSTER RINGS SOLITAIRE RINGS GENTLEMEN'S RINGS Mounted in Diamonds, Pearls and other pre cious stones. All made by one of the best known platinum houses "Specially Mounted' nipt," but successful merchandise made by a sucpajgf firm. This merchandise will be pneekrto you At Cost Plus 10 "We have never heard of a similar offer and we invite El Paso and its visitors to inspect our remaukable offerings. Tuesday morning. Advance members of the delegation have already arrived, however, and have established three I I GENTLEMEN'S RINGS 1 I m this country. 1 I I ' NOR "Bank- 1 1 I I w t uiYCHrJ rn li li ! 1 1 191 UUb ill HALL-MARK JEWELERS 1 1 '' II MESA AND MILLS ON THE PLAZA Jj aft MS nj u ihe best theck . W 1 I Against Overpayment ! 1 li is to pay all bills by. check then you IS H will get the most positive receipt. 8 M Checking Accounts, large or small, are cordially' invited. H 4' '- Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. H H II IE headquarters, pne In the efflce of Col C F Hqnt,, in the First National bank building, .another in the looby of the First National bank and the third In tile lobby of Hotel Paso del Norte. The support of every city la New Mexico, the New Mexico legislature and the Colorado and Arizona delega tions is claimed by Albuquerque, which, from the time of the arrival of the first delegate, has been working for the 1916 convention. Big Bunch Coming Tuesday. The main delegation, 85 strong and headed by a band, will arrive at S oclock Tuesday morning Included In the delegation will be a delegation from the New lexico legislature, represent ing both the senate and the house. Senator Barth, of Albuquerque, will head the senate delegation and speaker of the house S Romero will be chair man of the house delegation. Gov. TV. C McDonald will arrive here on Wed nesday D K B Sellers is chairman of the Albuquerque delegation and is al ready on the ground. Albuquerque will fight for the con i eiiflnn. hut has no candidate for presi- dent of the association an will sup port a Texas man, accorains iu me statements of a number of the Albu querque delegates. Part of Delegation. An incomplete list of those who will come on the special follows. J B. Good, T A Egan. Morning Journal representative, G Rogers, Frank McKee, W Connell, N Martin, M Man dell. S Stern, S. Stevens, B Skinner, TV Mearns, J. Beaven, L. M. I'ee. Gross, Kelly &. Co representative. Coombs hotel representatie, R. Mc Donald, city clerk Hughes, J. C Boyd, A. Archuleta, TV Anderson, Joe Bar nett, Dr Kraft, R. M. Pray, S Weiller, Jerre Haggard, TV Trimble. J Korber, Ed. Otero, D. Weiller, I. Boldt, G. A. Kaseman, I Ilfeld, W. Edgar, P F. McCanna. T Ross, C. H. qoons, J. A. Montoya, Elfego Baca, Harrj Leonard, mayor Boat right, A Bachechi, J. A. Hubbs, A Shamale. J. Mahboub, A. Michael, J C Balarldge, Tom Walker, Dr. Elder, C A. Hudson, Charles Mas, F Van Deinse, D. Weinman, O. Durand. M Goldenberg. Charles Gatlin, W Watson, J Romero, D Farr, J. Robertson. W. Hesselden, senator Barth, representative Veal, L. H. am berlin, W. L. Noneman, Charles Chad wick, A. Vohs, L. B. Putney repre sentative, Charles Noneman, Tony Garcia, Policarplo Armijo, Santiago Garcia, D Robinson, George Rosling ton, C P. Chase and J A Root Athey cloth-lined weatner btrln keeps out the cold. Rathbun-Mlx Co Adv. icai Succumb to Anti-Kamnia Tablets This trouble commonly called "sick head ache," is said to be due to the retention of urea In the system. Often It i staled that a poor condition of the blood Is a frame of these headaches, or that It Is a nervous condition, and In certain cases, no doubt this is true. Where treatment Is demanded, it Is mora for the pain than anything else, and Dr. A. F. Schellschmidt of Louisville, has found Antl-kamnla Tablets to live prompt and satisfactory relief. "Rest should be Insisted npon" he says, "and the patient should go to bed, darken the room, and all tbe attendants and family should be as quiet as possible. An emetic will some times shorton the attack. The bowels should bekCDt onenwlth "Actolda": a hotbatb and a thorough rub-down with a coarse towel, often give grateful relief. Two Antl-kamnla Tablets when tbe first signs appear, will usually prevent the attack. During an at tack, one tablet every hour or two will shorten the attack end relieve the nanal nausea and vomltme " These tablets mv be obtained at all druggists. Ask for A- K Tablets. They are also unexcelled for ner vous headaches, neuralgia and all pains. CHILDREiH I PILLS DC STOR OIL If cross, feverish, constipat ed, give "California Syrup of Figs." Look back at your ehlldhod days. Remember tho "dose" mother Insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how jou fought against taking them. With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well founded. Their tender little "lnsldes" are injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver And bowels need cleansing, give only deli clous "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit lax.Uive" liandy; they know children love to take It; that It never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoenful given today saves a sick child tomor row Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here See that it is made by "California Fig Syrup Com pany." Refuse any other kind with contempt. Advertisement. Specialists For Men t&wj German-American Doctors 206 1-2 Mesa Fe, with an overflow crowd coming flrpr tha UAiithn. oetarn hi iwotr rtt Til- cumcarl. N M It required 12 coaches I to bring the panhandle folk down to the convention and they ?av another big 1 crowd will be here Tuesday as reserves . and reinforcements to aid in the fight 1 ror the 1916 convention which Amarillo is making with Albuquerque The Amarillo delegation, led by presi dent P H. Landergin, of the panhandle association, declare that they are work ing to take the convention back to the place where It was born They say they have attended the Oklahoma City convention last year, the Bl Paso con? vention this year and they want the honor of entertaining the convention next year. They say they will not stop work for a minute until the convention city Is named Thursday by the conven tion They have a number of some of the most prominent men In the associa tion working for Amarillo for the next convention and express confidence that they will get the honor next year This is all that Amarillo is after, they say, and they will concentrate their efforts on getting the 1916 convention. Has Stronir Drlrgntlon. In addition to president Landergin, who came on the special, the Amanillo delegation Is depending upon W. H. Fuqua, who will be hero Tuesday to aid their cause materially before the convention Lee Bivlns, treasurer of the association, is also a member of the delegation and working for Amarillo Mayor J N Beasley, of Amarillo, will be here Tuesday to lead the fight on the floor of the convention. B. T Ware, president, and C. T. Ware, cashier of the Amarillo National bank. F A. White and J C Lorin are also leading in the fight for the convention The Amarillo delegation was met at the union station by the reception com mittee and marched downtown behind the Amarillo military band! Somes of Delegate. The members of the delegation are J. W. S. Hutchings, Oklahoma Cit-, , Scott Stringfello, Amarillo; W. W Lewis, Canadian G B Cooti, Romero, Henry Lyman, Channing, Geo. Sitter, McLean F 11 Herring. Elk City, A O Sweet Wellington, E. T. Davis, Lrick. I A iVant. St. Joe, Mo., O II Nelson, Romero W O Bryan, Stratford L. M Price, Stratford, P J Becker, Ama rillo, F M. Ong, Amarillo: L. E. Mc Mahon, Amarillo. W R. Maatsler, Ama rillo, T A Morrison. Amarillo, r. E Burleson. Amarillo R. T Blehop and wife, Tulia Geo M. Roach. Amarillo. J A. Siaton, Amarillo. A. N. Rossen. Plainview, F L. Moore, Plalnview, G A. Burson. Amarillo, C T. Herring, Amarillo; W. L. Mathers, Miami; R. G Byrd, Amarillo. Roy Reed, Amarillo; J. L. McDonald and wife, Amarillo, John J Kuber, Miami, W. a Milan, Memphis, J. C Loren, Amarillo, Robert S Reed, Childress, Carl Moore. Ama rillo Jot Montgomery, Memphis; F. A. Finch, Memphis W E. Herring, Ama rillo,, Miss Alice Landergin, Amarillo; Mrs. A. V Curtis. Amarillo; Mrs. C R. Garner, Amarillo, Mrs T A. Curtis, Amarillo Mrs Jot Montgomery, Mem phis R M Lasater, Panhandle, A. R. Letts, Clarendon Lee Wllks, Panhan dle Joe Sneed, Amarillo. J. L. Harrison, Panhandle Sam F Dunn, Amarillo. B W. Gra. Amarillo, Chaa. Keeys. Ama rillo, E. Harney, Hereford; JV. W. Philips, errfoL G.R. JewefciHer ford, Joim A. Newfna-lV'Miaml; Nawt S Locke. Miami J. G. Lard. Miami: B P-. f Jackson. Miami r J. B Balrd. Pampa; Koy L. Morrison, Miami; John W. Puckett. Amarillo, W. F. Roberts, Ama rillo, C B. Reeder, Amarillo, B. H Towry, Copley. W. G. Russell. Lubbock, W. L Ellwood, Lubbock, Joe Powell, Plalnview, Fred Horbrugh, Amarillo, T. T. Martin, jr. Oklahoma, Robert Tur ner, Clarendon. Lee Bivlns. Amarillo. Geo S. Williams, Amarillo, Ross Harp. Plalnview. C N McFarland, Amarillo. R. M. Broyles. Amarillo; Jas. A. Cox, Amarillo. Chas McFarland, Amarillo, TV. E. Bledsoe, Abernathy, Myrtle Gloze, Abernathy, Mrs. Joe Powell, Plainview, Mrs. W. G Russell, Amarillo, Tom Cur rie, Amarillo, L. A. Wells, Amarillo, J. P Witts, Amarillo: Pat Walfforth, Amarillo; B. T Ware, Amarillo. W. O'Bryen and wife, Hereford; J. C Studer, Amarillo, TV. D. Firber. Cana dian, R. A. Moody. Amarillo; John L. Wilson, Hereford: J. D. Burkett, Here ford: W. R. Hoyt and wife, Canadian; F. P. Reld. Mobbetie; R. L. Baley, Mobbetie; W. S. Carter. Amarillo; M. G Bivlns, Amarillo- C T Ware, Ama rillo; E. Z. Pickens. Miami, W. E. Tandi, Canadian; Ed Calhoun Miami, E J Pickens. Miami. W H Dial. Miami E. Brooks. Amarillo, T M. Cunningham, Miami, Frank A. Fore, -Memphis. L. L. unggs, uiarenuon, Minnie Kelley. Pan handle, C. Henny, Lubbock; W. A. Brooks, Pampa, H. B. Lovett. Pampa; Mrs. Cal. Merchant Panhandle ; Cal Merchant Panhandle, Rich. Coblin, Groom, J H. Gibson. Memphis: C W Jones. Lubbock J. S Wvnn PatniMX Mrs. H. B. Loving. Pampa, W. B. Schott. Silverton W R Picke, Memphis, R. A. Wagner, Groom, H. B. Perry. Amarillo J. B Wllks, Panhandle- J. D. Dickson. Panhandle, C. Coffee. Miami, Geo. Ger lach and wife, Canadian; Miss Gerlach, Canadian C. T Herring. Amarillo; J. L. McDonald and wife, Silverton, R. G. Byrd, Amarillo E Brooks, Amarillo; Roy Reed, T L. Coffee, Miami. Nick Alley, Amarillo. ALL BEADY FOR THE CATTLE CONVENTION (Continued From face One). ning, exhortation by B. L. Bogan, mu sic, chamber of commerce quartet, vau deville by the G'ass players, fight to a finish, by Billy Smith. "My Hero," sung by Parvln Witte, accompanied by the band, battle royal, to be followed by a four and a six round boxing contest Those attending the meeting were Burt Orndorff, H M Andreas, D F White, Art Woods, G. A Martin, Wil liam Harrell, John Kennedy, H. T Bowie, Judge Dan M. Jackson. W. N Pence, Leo Ferlet, Harry Swain. TV. L Amonett, J A. Prultt, Tom Powers and A. W. Reeves COMING TO Bkl CVTTIVE. Kaw Kirk, formerly of Denver, now of Stanley, N. M., has bought 3G0 beeves and has taken a lease on 2560 acres of land He wfill attend the Cat tlemen's convention at HI Paso, to meet cattle owners and buy cattle for his big ranch, one of the larfeest in the valley, at Stanley. Of Special Interest to Convention Visitors and Toutists " SSI DRAWNWORK AM.SIT to Jl Taso without takint; home some real Mexican Drawnwork would indeed be something to be legretted after wards Here you will find a b-auttfol selection of both huge .and small pieces that were made bv the Dc Leon family ot Aguascahentes, ;llexaco. The, prices are exceptionally interesting, i t Tray Cloths, 90 to $1.25 Center Pieces, $1.50 to '5 to 8.50 Lunch Cloths, $40 Doilies, 15 Each to $lo Dozen. Dresser Scarfs, $2.75 to $5 Lace Pillow Covers, $2.25 to $3.75 Lace Doily Sets. $4.75 Set Baby Caps are 75 Each Handkerchiefs 75 6 Each -Lace Collars, $1 to $4.75 Springtime Wash Fabrics MN new and exclusive designs are being shown in these five desuable materials for spring: 32 inch Embroidered Crepes 3S inch Embroidered French Voiles 35 inch Embroidered Tissues 36 inch Stnped Oepea 40 inch Plain and Novelty Q g White Voiles yard ...OOC OFFICIAL PROGRAM FOR THE CATTLE CONVENTION TUBSDAT, 31 A11C1I . Meeting Texas Grand Theater. 9 30 a m Music at intervals during the meeting Municipal Band Meeting called to order b President P. H Landergin, Amarillo Invocation . ... Rev L R. Millican Address of welcome. Mayor C E. Kelly Address of Welcome on Behalf of the El Paso Chamber of Commerce and Cattlemen of the Southwest . . . Judge Dan Jaikson Address. Chairman State Sanitary Board of Texas J H Aeo Appointment of Committees VED-VKDAY, 3IAKC II S. Meeting Texas Grand Theater, 9 30 a m Music During the Program .Sixth Infantry Band Meeting called to order by the president Address . Senator C B-Hu48peth Address C B. Beefler, Amarill Address W K Waddell, Ft. Worth ddres . L. J. Allen. St. W6rth Short talks h)i members. Reports of committee. THCRSD IT, MARCH 4. Meeting Texas Grand Theater, 9 30 a m Music . . .... Municipal Band Report of executive committee. Unfinished business. Address, "Is El Paso on the Map.';. . . O G Tousg. Kansas City Election of officers. Selection of plabe of 1916 convention. Adjournment. Visit Our Tailoring Department in charge of Mr. Lazeres, who will give his personal attention to planning and choosing your suit. "JIT-VB JIOW" (AUTOMOniT,K nrrs boy Saturday mght Gustav -Straus, a bov resldintr at 1216 East Missouri street, was struck by an automobile driven by J. TV. Spelter, Saturday night in front of the Hotel ( urnaorii, on Mesa, avenue. The boy was taken to the police station and was then sent home in charge of Spel ter. He was apparently uninjured. A change of reckless driving was en tered against Spelter at the police sta- I nun wi ne was released on nis own recognizance. charlbs a. brans ariTs CITli MSW "KICK CLERK" 3T YMED C A. Brann has tendered his resig nation as city auditor and Ed TVhite has been appointed in his stead Mr Brann stated Saturdaj that he would enter some new line of work in Bl Paso. , , f , Special sale of Music. ' Big assortment of popular songs and instrumental numbers going this week at " for 5c D inn s 401 San Antonio St Adveitisemeiiu SuDDle at Sixtv I Ago and ripe experience mean hap piness ana usefulness when mental and bodily powers are nreserved J by keeping rich blood In the veins. Nitars'srarenoarUhraent la Scott' a Emultlon creates rich blood, warms the body and aStvtates rheumatic tendencies Iu oil-food Imparts slrengih to both body tad train. It it Noarithmtnlnot Aleohot mw;?TiWKiFtotA-,'t i M TVe of nothing the equal of Keystone It gi e-, that oft venety finish and is washable. Eighteen colors am' white. Our windows are lighted until 10 P. At. TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. 26 and 206. 210-312 ST. Stanton St. pwjp uu u m wjmpFmmsMm Displays. 1 i irrmr, Biscuits I gffifo SUNSET I Baked I mP LIMITED I fniy: I a Solid Sleeping I You never tasted B 2".-Al 1 Car Train I baked thCaIiimefcWUw H , , They're always $WffigM I BETWEEN W good delicious. II tSym H m R rlfllzi I El Paso and New I mcSARDsMW i I ' " Orleans 4 World's Para Food I lt4ii T Hj H .chic, IW m 34 Hours Enroute Paris Ezpotttlon, AM SvHtK& H 9H r. "-jm I DINING CAR OBSERVATION CAR I Ami frwkW W I wiuunuwwmviivi j- JBt ym lj 1 7 You Are Goins East the Sunsd Lied WW. E ' WlW'!w3&' Fl I Satie You Time. Wt W$ri iVI I Los AnSeles and Retam &SQQ i zm i llw I m FTancisco and Reium ... - - $45.00 I " rf!SL-m I San Dtego and Rdam $35' 1 ll jUb ivIEII I ROUTE: Going and returning via Southern 8 il rarSPk si? 81 I Pacific, or going via Southern Pacific and I u r mw$ffi I f I returning via Santa Fe through Albuquerque. B L lfi & J I SELLING: March to November 30. Limit I w am Itifflti&i I ree monlns frm ate sae not lo exceed I Lj.ip yEwi I December 31.' ''.-' I jESfer I City Ticket O0ice'No.2O6'N. Oregon. ' I Lwhtm mBm southeast am K3h MB? I WB&m, . ,HH V 'mngpmi&v'JL (liliHJt oXlHHH jssigq sy IHHH. HHUHHlllHlfl T daa'I tm man rlta job Iit dm mt Oin m ' . nr coBookal soro wfcofcwine zm btst resets. I BaafKatanaa KflaiHitsvnnKHiBiaBDBiaBmBaagiQ uJ For Beautiful and Sanitary Walls PTilU'Lliilll IL i niiiiJi VVS. ftiltiEltf PHONE 608 226 A. E. KYXS DRUGGISTS OPBJf ALL SIGHT 212 San 4tonio Herald Want Ads for results. Herald Want Ads for results.