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EL PASO HERAXD MISS ANNE LEE GAINES BECOMES BRIDE OF LIEUT. A. D. SURLES AT BRILLIANT WEDDING Mi -ISS ANNE LEE GAINBS and Lieut. Alexander D. Surles, of the 15th cavalry were married Saturday night at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Charles L. Overstreet pastor of the church, performed tlje ceremony. The choir stalls were screened with a mass of southern smllax which extended the entire way across the walls on either side of the choir. Palms and ferns were used also In forming a background of green. The rostrum platform was a glittering mass of candles and easter Hlles. At either end were two very tall, gracefully shaped, Ivory white baskets, filled with Easter lilies and tied with Mg bows of white tulle. Between these. In tiers of various heights, were many seven branched silver candelabra with glowing tapers, and quantities of Easter lilies In white covered jardinlers. The floor of the platform was studded with white hyacinth blossoms and covered With smilax. The aisles of the church were roped off with streamers of white tulle, with a, bow at each pew entrance. Preceding the ceremony. Miss Walker McClellan sang "Because" and "At Dawning." Mrs. James G. McNary pre sided at the organ. Miss McClellan was gowned In an old rose charoeuse dress with silver trimmings and wore a pink poke bonnet trimmed with black velvet ribbons. She wore a corsage boquet of pink roses. Mrs. McNary wore a dress of jellow chiffon with gold embrbideries and gold lace trimmings. As Mrs McNary began the "Bridal Chorus," from Wagner's "Lohengrin," the ushers made their waj down the two side aisles. Each wore a yellow daffodil In his buttonhole. They were Messrs. Martin M. Gaines, Ted Hough ton. Garnett Klnc. Carl A. Beers, Charles N. Bassett and Walter M. Drury. Then the groosmen, in dress uniform, en tered singly and made their way down the central aisle. They were: Lieut Chester P. Barnett of the 16th cavalry; Lieut A. L. P. Sands, of the 6th field artillery; Lieut. Isaac S. Martin, of the 15th cavalry; Lieut Stuart W. Cramer 1r., of the 15th cavalry, and Lieut James L. Collins, aid de camp to Gen. J. J. Pershing. Miss Martha Thurmond led the brides maids, who vere: Misses Florence Cleveland, Olive Davis and Virginia Stewart. Tbey were gowned alike In costumes of the 1860 period, made of white silk net over pale pink silk. The bodice was formed of the net; the waist line was high, the skirt being attached to the waist with a narrow frill, and about the waist line were small pink rosebuds. The skirts were ankle length and very full. Four ruffles of the net finished the skirts. The net was draped full above the ruffles, and about the upper ruffle was an edge of small pink rosebuds. The hats were quaint flat shaped hats of .the 1866 style, of white, with pink facings. A hand of broad black velvet went across the top of the hat. tying underneath at the back of the head with a bow on the right, and long streamers extending half way down the length of the skirt A cluster of pink roses ornamented the right of the top of the hat with another cluster of roses under the brim on the left side. Each bridesmaid carried a round boquet, in the old fashioned paper lace holders, of narcissus blossoms, yellow tulips and lonqulls and white snapdragons. The boquets were tied with white silk cords. The matron of honor, Mrs. Frank M. Hurchlson. wore a gown of white taf feta, made In the 1860 period. A frill of the fluted taffeta finished the edge of the skirt The little sleeves and upper part of the bodice were of white white net, with a silk crown, trimmed . Ished with small pink roses. A pink with a single cluster of white rosebuds. She carried a round boquet in the lace holder, of white narcissus and snap dragons and yellow tulips, and Jonquils. Miss Lemire Nebeker was the maid of honor. She was gowned in a quaint 1860 costume of pink taffeta and wore a tiny little poke bonnet of white straw, trimmed with tiny pink rosebuds and a band of black velvet and black velvet streamers. The small short walsted bodice was trimmed with three rows of narrow ruffles; three ruffles formed the sleeves, and the short full skirt was trimmed with three narrow ruffles, arranged in a "V" effect in the front and back and high at the sides. Her boquet was of jonquils, yellow tulips, snapdragons and narcissus in the quaint lace holders. Rev. C. L. Overstreet with the groom and his best man, Lieut William W. 'Gordon, aide de camp to Gen. J. J. Pershing, entered from the vestry and awaited the bride at the flower decked rostrum. The bridal party grouped themselves by couples on either side. Miss Gaines entered with her father, W. L. Gaines, who gave her In marriage. Her gown was of heavy ivory white satin, made Instep length. The skirt was made In pointed tiers. Each point was ornamented with small cloth of silver rosebuds. The gown was made with the high waist line, which was ornamented with a group of sliver rose buds. The low cut waist and small sleeves were of heavy point and duchess lace. Her only ornament was a dia mond brooch, .which was worn by her mother on her wedding day, 25 years ago. The brooch was given to Mrs. Gaines as a wedding present from her father and was Mrs. Gaines's wedding present to her daughter. Sprays of orange blossoms were on the shoulders of the gown. Her veil or old lace was worn over' her face until the close of the marriage service ana held aDout her head with sprays of orange blos soms. The veil extended in a long train behind her and to It were at tached small sprays of orange blossoms. She carried a round boquet. In a lace holder, of orchids, lilies of the valley and maiden hair ferns with a shower of tulle ribbons and ferns. The ring service of the Presbyterian church was used. Following the cere mony, as Mrs. McNary began playing the strains of the wedding march from Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream," the groom stepped down the aisle and the groomsmen advanced and drawing their sabers, formed an arch way under which the bride passed lo Join, the gro'om. The bridal party left the church in the following order: Lieut Gordon and Miss Nebeker; Llout Barnett and Mrs. Murchlson: Lieut. Sands and Miss Thurmond; Lieut Cra mer and Miss Davies; Lieut Collins am' Miss Stewart The church was packed to its capacity with the friends of the bridal couple and the line of waiting automobiles extended for sev eral blocks outside of the church. The wedding reception was held im mediately after the service at the hoinn of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gaines, on Montana street Mr. and Mrs. Gaines, Mrs. Caroline Surles, mother of the groom and the bridal party formed the receiving line. Mrs. Gaines was gowned in an I860 costume of "cloth of gold," brocaded with sil-ver-and gold flowers. The sleeves and filling of the "V" shaped neck was of white tulle laid In folds, with a narrow edge of Mack net at the edge of the brocades. At her girdle was a black velvet and Jet ornament from which tulle, laid In folds. Her hat was of j extended black tulle streamers, fin- FOR SALE 180 Mexican Mules MAPLE & WALZ 806-7 Mills Building Imtnediate Delivery rose was at her girdle. Mrs. Surles wore a gown of golden glow taffeta, also in the 1860 period, with a pattern of clusters of pink rose buds. The draped skirt was caught in the front and back with black orna ments, and narrow black velvet rib bons extended over tho sholders. She wore a tulle scarf of white. The drawing room, where the guests were received, was decorated with bo quets of pink Klllarney roses in tall crystal vases, tied with boys of pink satin and white tulle. Candles In brass sticks were everywhere and the man tel back of the receiving line was or namented with palms and dwarf cedars, tied with big bows of white tulle. Punch was served In the hall and up stairs, where the presents were dis played. The wedding presents filled an entire room and were very hand some. In the dining room an ice course was served. The ice was white, in heart shape, and the white mints were heart shape. Above the dining table hung a wedding bell of white tulle, with a clapper of yellow tulips, sus pended from the electrolier. About it were streamers of tulle, each ending in an Easter lily blossom. The cloth cov ering the table was the same used at the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Gaines. 25 years ago. At either end of the- table, were the bride's and the groom's cakes, each in heart shape, frosted In white, with a crystal vase filled with large old fashioned narcissus blossoms in each center., Over the cakes were tiny sprays of lilies of the valley, tied witu narrow white satin ribbons. In the center of the table was a group of yel low tulips in a cloud of white tulle and about the table were numberless yellow tulips in individual vases of sil ver and crystal. Tho bride cut both cakes with the saber of her husband. The bridal party and the younger guests pulled the lilies of the valley sprays from the bride's cake and attached to these were the usual trinkets. Miss Martha Thurmond found the button; Lieut W. W. Gordon the dime; Miss Maud Austin found the wishbone and Miss Emily Kemp the ring. About the dining room were quantities of candles and the bay window was filled with palms and potted plants. Assisting in serving and entertain ing the guests were: Mesdames H. C Myles, Zach T. White. M. O. Wright, A. P. Coles. E. M. Bell, U. S. Stewart W. E. Arnold, Franklin. O. Johnson, W E. Race, James Vance, R. Emmett Hines. George C. Barnhardt C. P. Bar nett Franklin O. Johnson. E. C. Hough ton, C N. Buckler, J. M. Dudley. Dan T. White) W. D. Howe. C. L. Overstreet, W. jv. Ramsey, S. T. Turner, Julia Wilcox, Julius A. Buckler, Robert Campbell, O. H. Baum. B. M. Worsham, C. Henderson, T. W. Lanier, D. Mc Daniel, Barney Hughes, J. A. Happer, J. F. Williams. J. A. Covode. H. S. Pot- I ter. Kenneth D. Oliver. W. S. Tilton. LW. D. Wise. Georgo Saner. Charles JJavis, w. w. Turney. J. C. Krause John L. Dyer, Alfred F. Kerr, Charles Mapel, W. H. Bryan, Charles Newman, James A. Dick, W. L. Tooley. W T Hixson, Otis C. Coles, J. Frank Coles, W. H. Austin, R. W. McAfee. James L. Marr: Misses Hildegard Sauer, Alice Wulff, Virginia Sample. Frances Ma-v-fleld. Frances Gillespie. Marion Toung, Emily Kemp, Estelle Berrien. Mabelle Bryan, Pauline Bryan and others. Lieut and Mrs. Surles Ipft El Paso today for San Francisco. Lieut Surles has been appointed by Gen. Frederick Funston to represent the southern de partment in the polo tournament to be held at the Panama Pacific exposition. Mrs. Surles's going away gown was a tailored suit of blue gabardine with a small black straw hat Among the wedding gifts was a set of silver individual saft and pepper shells, used by lvapoleon and Empress Josephine. The silver shells are en graved with the crest of Napoleon. The privates of Lieut Surles's troop presented him with a. handsome clock. F. M. Lasslter announces the engage ment of his daughter. Miss Minnie Lee Lassiter to Frank Joseph Tlbbetts. The wedding will occur in the early spring. The Army. Eat This Good Breakfast Hot off the griddle, brown topped and fragrant, give those well baked batter cakes to that hungry family for breakfast. With them, serve the syrup that tops them all in flavor, richness and food value. Its name is Velva and it's Nature's own fine prod uct. Children love Velva, and it's good for them three times a day. Give it to them on hot biscuits, on waffles, on muffins ' or on slices of light bread. You can't buy the same amount of nourishment in any other form for the same price as you'll buy in Velva. Use it and you'll keep the cost of your table down. Ten cents up, at your grocer's. Save the coupons on the labels and send for pre mium catalog to PENICK & FORD, Ltd. New Orleans, La. MaJ. George T. Moore, of the 20th infantry, has returned from a short leave of absence. Col. and Mrs. Edwin A. Root of the 16 th infantry, have taken an apartment In the Wright apartments. Lieut Thomas a Bridges, who has been ill, has returned to duty with his rcKimeni, me sixth lniantry. Mrs. Alfred W. BJornstad will arrive from California in a few weeks to Join her husband, Capt BJornstad. of the 16th Infantry. The Douglas, Ariz, International con tains the follOwinc- Qnn(ilin,aniB.( I which will be of interest to the army fK't uns. iii h. larirn nauco ftran at Fort Huachuca, Feb. 12. Lieut Col. and Mrs. De It C. Cabell 1flth ir,. announced the engagement of thMr daughter, Agnes Elmer, to midshipman Edouaxd Victor Isaacs, class of 1915, U. S. is aval academy. The date for the wedding will be announced later" The officers of the 20th infantry en tertained with an informal party and buffet luncheon Saturda; afternoon at the officers regimental mess hall. Ill honor of MaJ. and Mrs. W It Sample, who have recently ar rived to Join the 20th infantry, also of Capt and Mrs. T. R. Harker. who leave soon for foreign station, and of the three recent brides who have Joined the regiment, Mrs. Clarence H Danlelson. Mrs. Robert Cotton and Mrs rfugo D. Schultz The regimental band played a concert during the afternoon. 1 lifter: - rrrm ! Mon ey-Sa vn $ Pric ES 1 talitilllltf IjlW This. Week Ony 1 HHH. A 11 Uilw? CrwJ - I 413 JfiiRe 1 3-lfe fins 11" I H Jits 1 i?A i3k i 3 I a J s m L -1 K I t 4 " f I ' tig dXJiBA 54b IiosflH 1 I W5WHMH I you Takeno-CAaffCMB I liiillliPlI Our Guarantee I Mliii m i r I Mmm m as yoiss m mjwiBi tmm&mm m d. a.t jl. ? m tl refuncTHne Pull 1 VP price you paidfor MJjB if iT I 5 does nop please yourjaste I I PackecTBy havelisedouLef the cao I Special Process I I inAfiiH" Tins MJ.R.fa nJr flkffo I I lo Preserve IIiJ wtyurjiu.j.ui I I i&Havor ISOOaJh. 1 J. It NATIONS MEAT&SUPPLY CO. DISTRIBUTERS. Parlies. - i . . - i i - i Women's Organizations, Mrs. C. W. McGehee entertained with an informal little party Saturday night at her home on Wyoming street Her guests were Miss IMarcelite Galllen, Miss A. Williams. Foster Cole and A. Eaton. Later in the evening the party enjoyed an automobile trip down the valley. The members of the T. T. club of the First Methodist church met Saturday afternoon 'at the church, with their teacher, Mrs. C. H. Appleton. in charge Games were played and various other amusements enjoyed. Refreshments were served. The hostesses were Misses Rosa McLean and Marlon Doollttle. The entertaining committee was Misses Ma rion Rullmart- and Helen Mahoney. Those present were Misses Rosa Mc Lean, Marlon Doollttle. Marlon Rull man. Hazel Mahoney, Helen Mahoney, Ruth Hyten, Coral Bias. Madeline Bir ney, Natalie Clark and Mrs. C. H. Ap pleton. Miss Alice Cook and Miss Ruth Hickman entertained a party of their friends with a marshmallow toast at the .old rock house on the mesa Thurs day night After leaving the mesa the party went to Miss Cook's house, on Virginia street, where games were played 'and refreshments served. Those present were: Misses MaJorJe Thomp son, Alice Keslcr, Dollle Spellman, Hat tie Williamson, Gladys Haile, Nina Kraft Ida May Word. Willie Bell Hlg glnbotham, Mary Erlce, Martha Jones, Majorle Greene, Blanche Bradley, Lulu Frlberg. Ruth Hickman and Alice Cook; Mrs. John Kralil and Mrs. C. W. Peale: Messrs. Seymour Thurmond, Jr., Lee Bradley, LeeWe Read, Walter Reynolds, Earl Smith. D. Lindsay. Billy Sanford. Chllds King, Dan Harris and C. W. reaic. Convention llMtorn sk vour grocer when vou go homo about that better kind of rollffl oat A ondalr -fir kind 'hat 's guar,.ntefl free from b' srs and fifil II n r A - . , nl. K . . . . .. J" ' ' ' 'I difi '"(! i 'Hi lie m isi II li 'uuous portion of th" grain. At, v. The Woman's auxiliary of the church of St Clement will meet Tuesday after noon in Kendrick hall. The Henrietta Circle of Trinity Meth odist church met the last of the jveek at the home of Mrs. W. H. Meers. Miss Margaret Meers was the hostess. After the business meeting, refreshments were served. The monthly business meeting of the missionary society of Trinity Metho dist church will be held Tuesday aft ernoon at the parlors of the church. Mrs. T. H. Binkley will conduct the de votional exercises. The election of officers for the Aid society or the First Presbyterian church will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock in the church pHrlors. Mrs. James A. Dick will be in charge of the meeting. The hostesses will be Mrs. W. Van Long and Mrs. F. W. Norton. The Woman's Missionary society of the First Christian church will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the parlors of the church. Each member is expected to respond to the roll call by naming a favorite' hymn. Mrs. R. M. Ashlev and the members of her divi sion will be in charge of the program. Longfellow's "Hiawatha" was pre sented by the girls of the camp fire circles Saturday night on the 108th anniversary of Longfellow's birthday. The performance was given in the down town rooms of the Young Women's Christian associatlon'vand was very sue- i cessfully presented and attended by a very large audience. The stage set tings were cleverly arranged. In one ' scene an Indian tepee was used, draped wiiii skids oi -.villi animals and Indian blankets with Indians squatted about on the skins of animals. Im the Wres tling scene, a lake was represented, with reeds and lilies growing beside it In another scene the corn field was shown, with shocks of corn from the chamber of commerce valley products exhibit. In all the scenes Indian basket work 'and ollas and pottery added in terest. An unusually attractive Indian loom was used by old Nokomis In one of the scenes The costuming of the characters was very good. "Hiawatha" wore an eale feather beaded war head dress that belonged to "Sitting Bull" and was loaned by Mrs. John T. Came ron from her Indian collection. "Min nehaha" was costumed in a beaded jacket of white beads with figures in red and blue heads worked upon it that was also a part of Mrs. Cameron's-"Sitting Bull" (ollection The opening scene presented the war dance of the warrior, who were Ellabeth Kuhlmar. Lola Bushontr Ioi l.i Tetkaska I'a Ros MaruMtr Much"- met i Lin- 1l,iuer Louise 1'e.n h dn) Tliul i Hiirtu The were dri -td in mn' d 'iliajis ? and Indian feather headdresses and carried tomahawks "Gitchie Manl tou," acted by Imogene Mulligan, wore a flowing white robe, with a white headband and powdered hair. Helen Be-sswengeV acted well as the little "Hiawatha" Harriett Heermans was "Hiawatha" the chief Rosa Grossblatt was "Minnehaha." old "Nokomis" was acted by Margaret Hardie. In the. wed ding feast scene a clever dance was given by Vineta Lindauer as "Pau Pu Keewi?" and the love song was sung by Miss Ethel Little, as "Chlbiabos." She was the only one in the play not a member or the camp fire circles. An arrow drill was given in this scene bv the Indian warriors and the Indian maidens, who were Daisy Hudnall. Gentry Hudnall. Jane March. Bethel Osborne. Helen Mathews, Bessie Mattico and Elsie Hubbard. Zelema Newsome as y"Iagoo." gave the boasting speech in this scene Mabel Lancaster was ".Eamlne" and Kthel Osborne was Fever. Jane March was the priest who comes at the last of the play when Hiawatha" bids farewell to his peo ple. The two guides were Mabel Lan caster and Gentry Hudnall. Mrs. II. B. Stevens, jr., trained the children in the dances and drills and made them up for the performance. Miss Delia Keifer pi?ff1 the Diusir during the play The ohiWren had been tratmed by the guardians of the camp fire circles in SJ?'- The guardians are Mesdames H. T. Bowie. Robert Bowie. E. P. Ran J"n. jr.. E H Yale. R L. Daniels, G. A. Thnmm. F. W. Norton a'nd Miss Delia Klefer. ASTHMA COUGHS WS?SiKLCrrVSDC,i . SPASMODIC CROUP . BXONCHITIS CATARRH C01DS m Est. 1873HtfflBB. Est. 1879 A simple, safe and effective treatment avoid- uiKurogs. useo. witn success lor 35 years. The ir carrying the antiseptic vapor, inhaled with eery breath, makes breathing easy. aw uics mc sure uiroai asd stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Cresokne is invaluable to mothers with young children and a boon to sufferers from Asthma. Send1 us postal for LBOLD BY ORUGQISTS VAPOCKES0UMECO. 62 Crtl.nJtSl. N.Y. "The Car That's Malraff Motordoa Rab Its Eyes." Sheet aiuile Sale. Big assortment of popular and Instrumental numbers at 2 for 5c. Dunn's, 404 San Antonio St. Adv. Mr. Cattlemnn Your friends at home will be glad to know tBat there is a 'brand of rolled oats guaranteed, with out time limit, free flrom bugs or weevil. It's Avondale rolled oats In special paraffin-lined packages. Adv. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY MSWS OX PAGE SEVEN SMS500f J &&-$" aT?1 TT & Nadine Face Powder fn Green Boxes Only) Keeps Tho t complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Money back if not en tirely pleased. Nadine is pure and harm less. Adheres until washed of. Prevents iUJJfn V?. Z"""1 of discoloration.. A million delighted users prove its valae. T'2uF,,h' Pia Brunette, White By Toilet Counter: or Mail, 50c. National Toilet Company. Paris. Tenn. DON'T TAKE CALOMEL ! ! 4. """ ! til II 1 H Instead of dangerous, salivating Calo mel to In en otir liei when bilious. heartarh or t onstipated ft a 10-cent box of CiMnrft, Thv?- start the licr .'nil liowI Mul 'tiamhton -sou up bet ter li n ii i u t acmci without crip- I inj, vi. luulusifa jou ilk Adv. HIKE RED WINTON SIX'S IBIS Model Ask for J. Ellis or A. Bering AT PHONE 149. First Showing la El Paso of the new KING O-LVJ Lin Touring Car "The Car of No Regrets" i Herald Want Ads for results, i iONEl MOTOR CO. J. Edward SuHivaa, Gen. Mgr. M. L. Barkhead, Saks Mgr. Cor. Myrtle and Campbell. Herald Want Ads for results.