Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERAXD Mondav, March 1, 1913 FIGHTING REPORTED NOB GUIS (Continued From faee One). i !iaf nest of Navojoa and it is stated 'ii;it it is his advance guard that is now engaging the Villa garrison of this ".tport. A further advance north from ipiransa, on the Southern Pacific of Mexico, is also reported. CATHOLICS ANDANTIS RIOT AT MEXICO CITY Voiacrun, Mex.. March J. It has been earned here that a serious outbreak "ccurted in Mexico! City a week ago Mindav in which alericals and anti- fvwwwwv. HELP THE STOMACH DIGEST YOUR FOOD When the stomach fails to digest and distribute that which is eaten, the howels become clogged with a mass of waste and refuse that fer ments and generates poisons that aie gradually forced into the blood, causing distress and often serious illness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purgative agents that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive in its effect and 'that will quickly relieve constipation is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Tepsln, sold by druggists at iifty rents arid one dollar a bottle. It does not gripe or cramp, but acts eaBily and pleasantly and is there fore the most satisfactory remedy for children, women and elderly persons. Kor a free trial bottle write to l"r. v. B. Caldwell, 452 Washington St., MoMlcello, Ills. iAAi WWWWWV usnir poe SORE, TIRED FEET ,mTrj,j! mi i- 1 11Z' IOrpUtfed-UP, aclllllff X- - A 7 o I sweaty, calloused feet and corns. "TIZ'mtk my feet m Good-bye sore feet, burning feet. I according to rttjjortm received by tne swollen feet, sweaty feet smelling feet i commander of the L. S. gunboat ln tired feet j dianapolis at Guaymas haYbor. No de- Good-bye corns, callouses, "-bunion i tails were given. and raw snots. io more snoe tigm rcess, no more limping with pain r.r drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ" i! magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the, poisonous exudations which puff up the feet the only remedy that does. Use "TIZ" and wear smaller shoefc. Ah: how comfortable your feet will feel. "TIZ" is a delight "TIZ" cot harmlate Get a 25 cent box of "TlZ" now et any druggist or department store. Don't ... tl.n r.A .. I.J f. fait . UiiVi, xiti.c ivwu iwjL, Aau i-t. x.-,. that never swell, never hurt never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaran teed or money refunded. Adv. TIE SILTS 10 ilUSIKIEYS ,- - Earless meat if you feel ..y'Backachy or have Blad der Trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites .ind overworks the kidneys In their fforts to filter it from the system, l.cgular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. Vou mu?t re lieve them like you relieve your towels: removing all the acids, waste :uid poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in The back or sick headache, dizziness, ; our stomach sours, toiuroe Is coated :n. when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is loudy, ful! cf sediment: the channels often get irritat'-d, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night .To neutralize thee irritating adds nd flush off the bod"s urinous waste i about four ounces of.Jad Salts i -oni any pharmacy: take a table "poonful in a glass of water before liieakfast for a few days and your kid ) tyn will then act fine ana bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts : made from the acids of grapes and icmon juice, combined with Hthia, and has been used for generations to clean : nd stimulate sluggish kidneys and Mop bladder irritation. Jad Salts Is ir xpensive: harmless and makes a de lightful effericscent lithla-water drink i hich millions of men and women take now and thenf" thus avoiding serious K.dney and bladder diseases. Adv. Any one who la "troubled with thin, dull, falling hair can positively and surely rejuvenate and replenish It -by using the Harflna Treatment This is an absolutely new method that makes xhe hair fairly glisten with beyity and the calp glow with vitality and health. Bogin with the use of Ilarflna. a nourish ing and stimulating preparation of won Irful efflcacv for toning the scalp and inducing unfailing hair-growing condi tions. With each bottle you receive Jib 'olutelv free a unique Harflna Shampoo and Dandruff Comb. The use.of the comb Induces morf- thorough cleanliness, invig orates the scaip ami impravrs circulation. I'nder the Har fna treatment, dandruff and uinv Hlirinnear. a sturdv irrowth of hair appears, and the whole held becomes lus trous and b'Jiitlful. ... Get the gi nuino Harflna for 50c from vo'ir druggi't. He guarantees It and will refund money If not satisfactory- 1 ., - !o l. Kr 11 I'ullr .1 - 1 New Hair Grower Brings Lustre, Life, Beauty Jg Harflna Stop Vasdrag, Hair Le X Sbampeo OefBb Vne 0 clericals took part. It resulted from tne oraer inai liic yucsia wu, . deported unless they made up a large contribution for the relief of the poor. Little crowds of Catholics gathered in various parts of the city and in the rinwntnwn Hintrlcts a. gathering, made ni) largely of women, began parading, This crowd was met bv a counter ele- . of the bunday school, with the grown ment crying, "Down with the church!'' j ups dancing for the latter part of the and "Death for the priests!" party. The march which opened the Col. Bertard elbowed his way into I dance was led by Miss Selma Hersko the struggling mass of people and was j witz and Lester Krupp. An ice course stabbed, but meantime he shit and j was served. The guests. were seated killed two men in the Catholic contin- , at a table decorated with a runner of gent. Soldiers, who had been caiieu out, fired, wounding a number. frn,,r riead bodies were found later. Unconfirmed reports reaching hers state that more rioting has since been in progress. AUTHORITIES AT COLIMA DEMAND FOREIGN PROPERTY On board U. S. S. San Diego, Sari Diego, Calif., March 1. Rear admiral Howard has received advices that the Carrancista authorities at Colima, Mei: nctinir on a proclamation Dy tne governor of Colima that he refused to vnanintpp nrntection to foreign owned ?i??LnhnweH?ServPn the town all foreign owned properly in tne town limits. It was reported an American ranch had been looted. The military authorities of Manza nillo, Mexico, are said to have guar anteed the safety of "Spanish subjects recently kidnaped from Acapulco. Another engagement between Carran cistaa and Villistas near Rosario, Sin aloa, is reported. The result has not been learned. CARRANZA ANNULS DECREE AS APPLIED TO FOREIGNERS Washington. D. C. March l. Consul i smimmi ha notified the state depart ment that Gen. Carranza has annulled so much of Gen. Obregon's decree levy ing a tax upon commercial houses In the Mexican capital as applied tj Amer icans and other foreigners. The state department had made rep- I mentations to Carranza authorities at ' resen frnntcfC MTlcn for tne 'release oi the American schooner Martha, held there on the ground that her master was seeking to evade port duties on a consignment of cattle to Galveston. ; PRESIDENT'S REPRESENTATIVE CONFERS WITH GEN. ANGELES I Washington. D. C, March 1. State , department advices say Duval West, president Wilson's representative, con- ferred Saturday with Gen. Felipe An ! reles. of Villa's army at Monterey. He ers, representing the state department. The advices say the conference was I .,...,.-,.,, that Afnnlerev wasi was accompanieu oy ucuirc - v.- HftiM-v and that Monterey was quiet. West and Carothers have now left for Aguascallentes to meet Gen. Villa. ' VILLA TROOPS EXECUTE CERVANTES, AN AMERICAN San Antonio, Texas, March 1. J. j Cervantes, an American citizen, born I of Mexican parents in the United States 1 was executed at San Luis Potosl by or t der of CoL Memesio Reyes, a Villa offi ; cial, according Xo advices received hero i... nn,nA nt itia rhaniArlnin estate. of which Cervantes was manager. Cervantes had been ordered by Gen. Avlla, of the Carranza, forces, to cut , wood on the estate to provide train fuel. He was executed by the Villistas for complying with the order lAnUIS KILL AH1I1CA ' ItAILHOADBR IX SOXORA On board V. S. S. San Diego, San Di ego. Cat. March l.--Jean Cameron, a lineman in the employ dt the Southern Pacific of Mexico, was slain by Yaqul I indians at Leocho, Sonora, last Frida. 7. M'ATISTAS WILL KKSTOHE MBXICO CITY WATBR SERVICE Washington. D. C. March 1. State department advices state" the Zapata forces besieging Mexico City have de cided, for the sake of humanity, to reetore the water service, 'for lack of which the capital has been in distress for the past two weeka v n, . T j rr- jlXmCvS, LWlCheOnS, 1 COS. ' ' Mrs.- A. L. Cox will entertain in honor of MIbs Frances Mayfield. with an Iilsh , i ipi'erantry -tea, inu uneu snuwer on Thursday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock at her home. 2401 Montana street The visiting women attending the cattleitien's convention will be enter- tained Tuesday afternoon with an ?n- iwrinai tea s-feii uy n- . n. iiauuiiB ..fLtr.i:.m,e.?? Maff"S!ven?-e-.,?5: i f Morflt and Miss Mary Turney Nations. will her Miss Mary Turney Nations enter- tained at dinner Saturday night at her I home on MagdTfln avenue. The table and white and the favors were suggest ive of the approaching St. Patrick's day. A centerpiece of fresias, narcissus blos soms and white carnations, -combined with ferns, was used. Green candles in crystal sticks were about the table. Lit tle green snakes were curled around the sticks. The favors were green hearts. There were eight gacsts. A delightful progiessivc luncheon mb viijwcu uy a numpcr 01 ise sins t of the younger school set Saturday af- j was enjoyed by a number of the girls icrnoon. iimsmng wun -a. party at tne mvv,i-n. juia jnit ion nuwe servoa me first course at her home on West Bou levard. Her color plan was pink. The center of the table was decorated with a glass basket filled with Dink sweet peas, the handle tied with a bow of pink tulle. Abdut the table were pjnk candles In crystal sticks tied with tulle, and tiny pink baskets, filled with pink candies, were the favors. The second course Was served hv Mis Marearet Neff at her home on Montezuma street ! The table was decorated with a crjstal j bowl of white narcissus blossoms. Thki ! Tourso was soup, and upon the soup j jioaipu nine wnitc (lucks and swans for souvenirs. Miss Nancy- Williams I "lin(. iiuiu course, si ner nomc j on West Rio Grande street. Tellow jonquils in a glass basket, tied with yellow ribbons, ornamented the tabfe's center. Tellow candles In glass sticks were aoout the table. The favors were tiny yellow flowers in flower pots, tied with yellow ribbons. In addition to all the hostesses of the luncheon. Miss Wil liams had as her guests Miss Agnes Wanlck and Penv and Jack f7nvole. The fourth course was served at llv nomc of Miss Lydia Happer, on Haw thorne Place, she carried out a Kewpie decorative plan. A little wedding scene, with kewpies as the bride, groom ana attemlents, was arranged on the table. Kewpies were everywhere about the table and the favors were kewpies tied with green ribbon bows.' Big vases of white carnations with green ferns or namented the table, which was laid with a central lace cloth over green silk. .The dessert course was served by Miss Helen Dunn at her horn In Sunset Heights. Her table was deco rated with violets in a large brass bas ket, tied with violet tulle as a center piece, with four smaller brass baskets containing the same fragrant flowers at the corners of the table. Little bunches of violets were , the favors. Following the luncheon. Misses Lillian Corcoran and Min'da Laskin entertained the girls with a line party at the Movies, going later for refreshments to a local confectionery. Genuine Marian Harland's Cook Books, regulaV price. $2.00: special. 50c. El ! Paso Book Co.. Mills Bldg., phone 1S1! J AdvertiFement. Popular Sonss. 2 For 5c. Special, sale of sheet music all thin week at Dunn's, 1 Pan Antonio St. Advertisement. ! society's doings InnCCS The annual Purim ball was given Sunday night by lhe aid society of Temple Mt. Sinai, in the old Fraternal Brotherhood hall. It was attended bv auout 4uu people. The earlv mrl of1 j the evening was1 given to the children . southern smilax through the center, I studded with pink roses. The rink and green colors were used In the ices. Mrs. Martin Zielonka was the chair man in change of the party. Assisting her receiving tho guests were Mrs. Nathan Solomon and Mrs. J. Zelman. j Punch war served during the evening. ' Mrs. D. Lerner and Mrs. ,E. Neufeld presiding at the punch bowl. The en tertaining committee was composed ot Mesdames S. I. Schwartz, J. Bromberg, Nathan Solomon, I. Laskin, F. Zlabov sky, C. Aer. J. Sackett, E. Sanders, J. E. Winner, I. Goodman, S. Herskowits, Harris Krupp. Nathan Lapowski, S. LefKovitz, J. zelman. Max Mayer ana p- Bergman. Maurice Schwartz was w ", h- i, r ,. Hanelmr in charge of the floor for the dancing of the older people. There was not "a. very large crowd at tending the Country club dance Satur day night, as rnpst of the people who usually attend were at the wedding of Miss Gaines and Lieut. Surles. A few of these came quite late to the dance. The hall was prettily decorated with red, white and blue in celebration of Washington's birthday anniversary. Over the doors were arranged stream ers of red, white and blue, with large American shields In the centers. In- stead of the usual moonlight dance, an the lights were extinguished excepting a large shield of red, wnite and Diue electric lights over the archway to the smoking room, which gave a very pret ty effect Anions: some of those pres- J e'nt were Col. and Mrs. George H. Mor- gan, Maj. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schley, jjaj. and Mrs. George D. Moore, Lieut. and Mrs. C. H. Danielson. Lieut, and Mrs. Robert Cotton, Lieut and Mrs. Charles K. Nulsen, Lieut, and Mrs. Hentv B. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Winches ter Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Pot ter, Mr. and Mrs.I. R. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Semple. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Marr, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Daniels, Mr. and Mr R. Harry Sims, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Jolm I Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. RamseV, Mr. and Mrs. Wa ters Davis. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Broad dus. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Jamieson, Dr. and Ms. W. L Brown, Mesdames K. C. Houghton, Fred Feldman, L M. Turner, Caroline Pavne Harris. M. J. Gamble. Misses Virginia Eean, Virginia Semple, j Virginia Stewart, Alice wum, inmo i Laughlin, Martha Thurmond, Florence I Cleveland, Dorothy Morgan, Edith 1 Morgan, Augusta Anne Reese, Sarah ) Bridgers. Flov Pence, Lydia Pence, Olive Davis, Margaret Davis, Hlldegard Sauer, Margaret O Connor, Anne te Declares Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. Shamjock, Mo. "I feel it my duty to tell the public the condition of my health before using your medicine. I had falling, inflamraa- ! tion and congestion, j female weakness, j painsjn both sides, backaches and bear- i ing down pains, was I short of memory, J nervous, impatient; passed sleepless ! nights, and had j . m...... . i j ! energy. There was always a fear and ,' mcau iu my iuuiu. J. JJ&U CU1U, IJVJTVUUS. weak spells, hot flashes over my body. J- had a place in my right Side that was an T M.tU l.Al.. l. .. At- -t.x- i.x.. t: j j-j Weight Of my Clothes. ItnedmedlcinsS and doctors,- but they did me Httie sood. and I never expected to tret out azain. I got Ljjdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable umpouna and mood runner, and I cer- ' tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved me. But now I can work all day, sleep wen atmgnt, eat any tnmg 1 want, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous snells. ,1 , . , . , . 4 Aii pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my nouse, children and husband are no longer neglected, as I am almost entirely free of the bad symptoms I had before taking your remedies, and all is I pleasure and happiness in my home." Mrs. dosiE HAM, K. F. D. 1, Box 22, Shamrock, Missouri. If you want special advice write Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. I SI GASES. S ESS 10 II ESI "Pape'S Diapepsin" ends all j stomacn distress in j five minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable: you mustn't Injure it i with dractls drugs. Eape's Diapepsin is noted for Its ! speed in giving relief: its harmlessness; I its certain unfailing action In regulat ing, sick, sdur. gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dys pepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world ! over. i Keep this perfect stomach doctor ih you home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then If anyone should eat something which doesn't ajrree with them: If what they cat lays like lead, ferments and spurs and forms gas: causes ueadacre. dizziness and nausea; erectationB of acid and undigested food remember as soon as Tape's Diapepsin comes in ontact with the stomach all such dis tress vanishes. Its promptness, cer tainty and ease in overcoming the woist stomach disorders is a ie.latin lo those lUin tr it AJprli iw.i. nt. OASE ofrs. HAM i n u ii n ' mm OM Rix, Walker McClellan, Grace Wingo, Valeria Gerrard, Beulah Brown, Mary Kaye Alves Marion Young; Gen. John J. Pershing. Capt'. Martin I,. Crim mins, Capt. Clyffard Game. Lieut W. W. Gordon, Lieut. Chester II. Hodges, Lieut. A. L. I'. Sands, -i,ieui. piuart . LlttlllCI. J'-, XIWUV. illTOUU'V, .,- -, Lieut Dennis E. McCunniff, Lieut P. K. Johnson. Messrs. AV. F. Payne, W. H. F. .Tudd, S. P. AVeisiger, Robert Carstairs, Dr. E. It Carpenter, Garnett King. Carl A. Beers, Martin M. Gaines, Charles N." Bassett, Walter M. Drurv, Mason Pollard, Tom Newman, Claude Buckler. Lewis CrookeK James Alvcs, C. C. Shoemaker, J. A. Happer, John Mc Naughton, Robert McCarte, Sterling Blackshear. Floyd Bates, Ted Davis, Britton Davis, Ernest Sauer, Roger Brown. Harry Owsley and Allen Gram- bllng. I Aboul El Pasoans. Miss Marie Beechman is ill at Hotel' Dieu. Mrs. K. E. Murden is 111 at Rolston hospital. Mrs. Charles Baird Is ill at Provi dence hospital. Mrs. W. M. MacDonald Is 111 at her home on Mesa avenue. Mrs. G. T. Newman, who has been quite 111, is a little better. Mrs. Charles Patterson is recovering from an illness at Hotel Dieu. x Mrs. J. W. Belk, who is ill at Hotel Dieu, is beginning to Improve. Mrs J. B. Bryan is improving at Ho tel Dieu from her recent illness. . M. F. Cockrell is improving at 'Prov idence hospital from his recent Illness. I Mrs. T. M. Johnson Is doing nicely after her recent operation at Hotel Dtsu. A. Shobe was operated upon at Rol ston hospital Saturday and is doing nicely. ' Miss Charlotte McGill. whV hag bee quite ill at Providence hospital, is im proving. Mrs L Flint has returned to her home after an illness in Providence hospltat. Charles McCarty Is abb? to be about some, after a long Illness at Providence hospital. i Mrs. W. B. Hill, who has been 111 at FEELBIL1BUS? GSLOILSIttSS! GLEHNLIVEONDBOWELSMYWnr Doirt lose a day's work! 'take a spoonful Headachy, Listen to me! Take no more sicken ing, salivating calomel when bilious or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel is mercury vor quicksilver which causes necrosis' of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it breaking it up. This Is When you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out" if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or vnil hnvA hndnche tHnlnefaa inntMl ! tongue; 'If breath is bad or stomach sour just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful to night and if it doesn't straighten you One wm, "P e GoupQji T "P 7 Texas for Texas B U Spoon Spoon 1 M Coupon L THE SOUTHWEST GOING SPOON WILD 0 i And do you know how long our supply of Texas spoons vill last. If there are any left at the end of the week it will be a surprise. That is how fast these beautiful Souvenir Spoons are being bought by Herald readers. Everybody wants the Texas spoon. The demand is enormous. The crowds coming to The Herald office for spoons proves the tremendous interest in the spoon craze. The reason is that Herald readers are now able to get Oneida Community Guaranteed Silver Tea Spoons at 1 5c, something that has never occurred before in busi ness history. Watch for announcement telling what state coupon will appear in the next big snssSMaanaBJMsKansajBjaHuVBKBniMHBrjajaBaBMB has returned to her home. Mrs. Grace Howell is doing nicely at Providence hospital, after a recent sur gical operation. Mrs. H. P. Fredericks was operated upon recently at Providence hospital and is doing nicely. Mrs. Charles Tt Loomis is improving from her recent operation for appendi citis at Hotel Dieu. Mrs. Ida Etta, who has been quite ill in Hotel Dieu, has recovered sufficient ly to return to her home. Mcs. n. D. Shrivalle returned the last of the week to her home with her in fant daughter from Hotel Dieu. ,Mrs. Hilar Meader has recovered from her- recent illness at Providence hos- I pital and returned to her home. G. H. Bell will be able to leave the hospital in a few days, after being ill for some tune at Providence hospital Mrs. J. Lyme has recovered suffi ciently from her recent illness at Ho tel Dieu to be able to return to her home. Elgje Smith, who recently-underwent an operation for appendicitis at Hotel Dieu, has recovered sufficiently to re turn to his home. Charles Foley, who has been ill at Providence hospital with an injured foot, has improved so greatly that he will soon be able to return to Elephant Butte. Sheet 3IiihIc, 2 For 3c. Special sale of popular songs and in strumental numbers all this week at Dunn's, 404 San Antonio St. Adv. NOTICE TO CITY TAXPAYERS. CITY TAXES ARK 1MTAIILE THIS MOXT1I AND BKCOJlK DKLiIXQUEXT OX MARCH 3lKt. 1815. OKFICIS -WILL III! OPJ5X ISVBRY XIGI1T UNTIL. 8 OCI.OCK. ij. v. sui.t.ivax. cut asskssor axij Collector. (Advertisement) Sheet Music Sale. Big n ssortraent of popular songs and instrumental numbers at 2 'for Ic. Dunn's, 404 San Antonio St. Adv. Cook lionkM Marian Harland's; worth $2.00: special price, 50c. El Paso Book Co., Mills Bldg., phone 1619. Adv. If .Constipated, Sluggish, of "Dodson's Liver Tone." ritriit nn nnrt mnkp -vou feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go j back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine: entirely vegetable, therefore it cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guar antee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feel ing fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless: doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Advertisement Providence hospital, f-O -tCc c K C Baking Powder is guaranteed absolutely pure and wholesome. There is no Kochelle salts; no harmful residue left in the food that' is leavened with K C. Even the most delicate can eat hot breads raised with K C without distress. Try K C Baking Powder breads if yeast raised bread does not agree with you. jr .Jinn : .' ; .jj. jbmiw, ,., ,,. t rM aaBgnjMB jy BANKING BY MAIL Just as easy to open a savings account with us as though you lived next door. WE PAY 4 percent Interest compounded Twice Svery Teer. We do business under the Depositor" Guaranty Law of the State of Texas and are a Guaranty Kund Bank as provided by stich Law. Our plan. In addition to being convenient la safe, profitable and liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a State bank In Texas. Write today for our free looklet "BANKING BY MAIL" or simply mall your deposit El Paso Bank and Trust Co., El Paso, Texas I HUM STATE NATIONAL BANK ratubllsned April. 1881. INTEREST PAID C. R..MOREHEAD, President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. Pres. L. J. UIUJiUUST. Asgt. tawiier. i. dl BULLS FOR SALE 23 Grade Shorthorns, coming 2 years old and good ones. Range bred and raised in the open; fed eake on grass two winters; never lieen off ranch where bred. They are hardy and just right for range use. Price $100.00 p- head delivered on cars, all inspections passed. FIELD BOHART COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Iff Dr. H. A. MAGRUDER DR. H. A. MAGRUDER DENTIST rc.fnhllnhril 1SM2 References Ask Anyone. K 111 ! Capital, Surplus and I Profits. JSOO.OOO. ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS j C. N. BASSETT. Vice President. GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. Graduate Louisville, Ky., College, 189" Union Clothing Co. Underneath ' ; . . "jf55.5 c. m SSJ