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EL PASO HERALD 8 BY GEORGE M'MANUS BRINGING UP JERRV WOC-f - ME TO SEE THE AlRtHlP 0 UP ODVY3 PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The El Paso Herald was established in March, 1881. The El Paso Herald includes also, by absorption and succession. The Daily News. The Telegraph, The Telegram. The Tribune. The Graphic, The Sun, The Advertiser. The Independent. The Journal, The Republican, The Bulletin. Entered at the Postofflce In El Paso, Texas, as Second Class Matter MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS, AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION. AD AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Herald, per month, 60c: per year, $7.00. Wednesday and Week-End issues will be mailed for $2.00 per year. Rates For Classified Ads: Ohc Cent per Word. No charge less than $ 25 Six CoBsecHiive Isser- tiess, per Word 05 Notice To Classified Advertisers All classified advertising ordered to run indefinitely (t f.) .must he in writing. Not t advertisements ac cepted over the telephone. Orders to discontinue t. t. ads must also be in writing and cannot be accepted over the telephone A stop order receipt will be given when a t. f. ad is ordered discontinued. Abjwcts to Herald Ads. The following lis( ot unealled for answers to Herald Want Advertise ments are now being held for delivery at The Herald business office: A :6l H. a K. at. CI M. D. MS r. .js N. P li i S 175 i ,, it, :e: T I. T 181 t B. 1 Ibi I! 3.'-i 3 l H china .1 o 44 j Vi -c; j ..78 :s: i. : Jjir Rosa Lost and FeanrL FOLND Good automobile tire. Ph. 1016 W. LOST Automobile tall lights and number plate, removed. Phone 8481 J. STRAYED Bay bone. K 1 brand on front hoof, split ear. Hberal reward. Ph. 278. LOST Black vest for full dress suit in street Monday morning Phone MT or call at 217 Mills St. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch with Hampton to oila engraved on inside back. Dec 2th, 290 Finder please phsne 52 l Reward. LOST Saturday evening on Bstrella St.. bundle containing eiderdown quilt, red blan ket and other articles. Anyone returning Fame to El Paso Nursery wil) be rewarded. LOST Gold sleeve button, marked with the Initial A J. C Finder will please return same to 801 N Stanton St.. or at Herald office Reward. LOST A ring In a small purse, also con tained one IS and one lie bill, between 'White House, Kl Paso and San Antonio Sta. no diamond ring with sapphire setting. Lib era reward offered. Mrs. J Shilling. Lockie Hotel Personal. Lace Curtain Made Like New. Ph. 466 J. WANTED Lace curtains to wastu- Ph. 3678. AUTO FOR HIRB $L8 per hour. Ph. 267. HAIR MANXFACTUBERS13 Myrtle Ave S1MKKLLA Corsets, Mrs. Holett Ph. 3572. AILEEN BERG'S preparations at Ryan a. MRS. CHONLA'S La Belle Face Cream tor fait 316 Texas, Financial. WANTED Money on first mortgage on a public utility in a growing town. Write A. - Herald SKE US if you have good notes to sell or uant a loan on chattel mortgage or col 1 item I security Equitable Loan, Aasn., 314-n- Trust Bldg Keaey to Leas. MONEY TO LOAN 218 Mills Bldg. THE DIXIE CO. Money advanced to sal aried people C M. Harley, Mgr , 2SM Texas at . R, 10 over Llghtbody's store. -Ph. 1219 We Make Losbs on chattel mortgages and ohateral securities also buy good notes. I qultable Loan Ass'n 814-115 Trust Bldg ture, pianos, diamonds' etc notes bought and sold Courteous treatment, confidential . 1 allng- 102 Two Republics Bldg Ph. 444 Special Notices. MVMCLKING 161 Myrtle Ave. OR HIRE New 6 passenger by hour or iii.. careful drer Phone 1111 WANTED to learn German or exchange Spanish for German lessona Ph. 1258 WANTED Men's shirts to make. 4426 . Phone WE ULA AND SELL, pack and store house -lio.d goods. Sell your goods to the one that pas the most H. L. Stewart, Furniture. ..'5 S Stanton. Phone 611 NOTICE CATTLEMEN. Now is the time to buy a nice collection of books chap Come In and look over our stock Magazines and paper backed novelB eat h or six for 28c. All books very reasonable Epic, Sll Texse. FATHER U .fun-r Uftr! J NEVER ARE THEY DO. r-r ISOV Stocks and Bonds. WE Transact a general Investment business. Deal 'in Railroad, Industrial and PfbUc Service Bends suitable for conservative In vestment We also buy or sell for cash any Listed or Unlisted Stock in tbe'U. a or abroad. Curttss-Mannlnc; Co. M First Nat. Bank Building EI pass, Texaa Jyttdallotices.- EXTRA SrBCIAL DISCOUNT en furnishing your home for cash with any grade furni ture you wish. See Chas. Foutz, 112 N. tanten St. WANTED. Several sets of electrical and civil engn- neerlng books. Also mechanical books. All kinds of books and magaines bought and sold. Come in and get acquainted. Epic, 311 Texsv. RANCH LIGHTING SVSTBSIS. HOLLOW WIRE LIGHTING STSTEMS Blighter than electricity, 10 times cheaper Also hot weather stoves and Irons. Doerlns I Light Co.. 408 Texas St.. gl Paso. ' FORD OWNERS make the front seat o i your car folding back and sleep with com I fort while on your cross country trip- We are especially equipped for this work. Phone 1 63 ! ANXOUN CEMKNT. i I desire to announce to my friends and patrons tnat I am now writing Fire. Burg ! Jary and Automobile Insurance of all kinds , for the DOUGLAS C. CROWBILL AGENCY. Mills Building, and will appreciate the con tinuance of your patronage. Mrs Robert L. O'Bear. Auction Sale. AUCTION SALE Of furniture of 5 private homes, to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, with out reserve consisting of high grade golden, mission and fumed oak. Blrdeeye maple and mahogany pieces; brass and iron beds rugs, pictures, dishes, cooking utensils, odds and ends too numerous to mention. Sale starts Tuesday, March 1, at 2 p. m sharp This is a bona fide sale, and we ab solutely guarantee no fake bidders. El Pao Auction Houfce. 116-118 a Stanton St G. A. Mertes. Auctioneer Business Chances. FOR KENT Garage and repair shop. Pb. 4912. SSw.eeo PAYROLL monthly upper valley. Take the La Mesa auto from Herald office 3 30 p. m. FOR KENT Fuel and feed business. PhT 4912 FOR SALE OR LEASE Bakery and res--taurant In town of 200, doing good business; good location and cheap rent J Buech, Artesia. N. M. FOR SAT.K 25 shares of Colonial Motion Picture corporation stock. "Seats of the Mighty." shown at the Alhambra theater, Is one of this company's productiona Write Colonial, care Herald. WANTED AT ONCE Offers with full Infor mation on 1,000,000 acres of land for agri cultural purposes, reasonable well located and with water and transportation facilities In state of Tamaulipas, Mexico But no objection to Veracruz. Nuevo Leon er Coa huUa. 502 Trust Bldg Phone 6710 , TWO BRICK STORES, 25 by 100 feet each, adjoining on north side square. Plain, lew. Texas, In the wheat and grain belt, abundant water around Plalnview for irrigation , plate glass front and uptodate, splendid for drug I store, dry goods, or groceries, rent $67 SO jn-. iuvulii, i.uu,cn uu a.v, 171m, xci. WANTED A party with $30 to take Interest in a steam laundry to be estab lished In El Paso. Tex. The advertiser la an experienced man in all branches of the business has some new machinery, all paid ! for. In storage at Seattle, Wash. . need money I to pay freight and lnstal the plant with. , For information in detail as regards the I above call on or address J W. Dalton, 2612 Wyoming St. El Paso, Test Rosebushes. NOW IS THE TIME to start rosebushes. write today lor my tree list of best ever blooming roses and plants for this climate. Special offer 12 big 50c 2 year bushes, best sorts, sure bloomers this year, all for $2 25 Also shade trees, finest stock. lowest prices. Francis E Lester. Mesilla Park. N M Piles Cured. Xioo REWARD for any case ot Piles we fall to cure witnout the Knue, Ligature, cau tery or Carbolic Add Infections. International Specialists, Corner Texas and Mesa. El Paso. Tex. For Sale Bicycles. FOR SALE CHEAT Bicycle In good con- uiuon. i-none S67Z w Wanted to Rent. 6 OR 7 ROOM modern unfurnished house. close In by March loth. Phone 5187 W. WANTED To rent a 4 room bungalow with ' Sll ASSTll tlgW tlrtrpti mlia'V Ka vac 0n a 1 a A -lil-baa Bungalow, care Herald WANTED To rent or lease a 7 or 8 room unfurnished house at once. Address M D.. 1020. care Herald WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms with bath no objection to respectable Mexican family Inquire lohn Lamb, at A. D Foster Co Phone IS.! . ' v j y . . s j .. ,s'j, i ' ,,., t i HOW MANY ARE THERE - WHERE ARE "TVIEVRE JUST Q1N- UP.' JanteJWp Male flAXTlD Boys with 1 heels. Acme Tip Top Messenger Service WANTEDColored- boy for a bootblack stand and porter work. Call 103 E. Main. WANTED An orphan negro boy. age 7 to 12. to raise for servant. Phone 4929. WANTED DrHer for Ford delivery car. The Bllte Confectionery. WANTED Ruler and bookbinder. Frank Iin Printing Co WANTED Young man of good address who speaks Spanish, for house to house sampling. Call J. W. Mitchell, Hotel Paso del Norte, tonight or Tuesday noon. MEN Our Illustrated catalog explains how we teach the barber trade In few weeks, mailed free. Write Moler College, Ft. Worth, Texas. ABLE BODIED MEN, good eyesight, for firemen and brakemen. good wages, pro motion to engineer or conductor, S180-SZ06: I state age, necessary; experience unneces- '"hum- TtriaA Tii1ImmJ. riu. YT. "aij mim unimnj, mi p ncr mu. Help Wanted Agents. CArAIlLK WOMAN" as city manager for El Paso to organize city, appoint agents, splen did proposition, investigate Write E. 131. Herald Help Wanted Male and Female W ANTED To correspond with musician who can arrange for piano. P. O. box SI, Engle. N. M. Wanted Help Female. WANTED Refined lady to help at desk. typist preferred. The Elite Confectionery. If ANTED A good cook, white or colored, must stay nights. Phone 1918. WANTED Dining room girl at the Jehn son House. M ANTED" An Engllsn speaking girl for general housework. Phone 6814. i WANTED Woman for cooking and house work, must be good cook. No 12. Ft Bliss. GIRL for general housework; must stay imgnts. 801 Upson. I'hone 271. WANTED A colored girl to stay on place. , 111S Montana. Phone 1102. . 1 WANTED Woman for general housework In small family. Phone Post Exchange. Ft Bliss. WANTED A girl or woman who under stands dining room work. Apply 917 N Ochoa. WANTED A good cook and general house work girl, colored or white, good wares. 1 Phone 7029. i - 1 LADIES to work at home on handbags. parasols, pillow tops, automobile scarfs. In- , structlons free, no experience necessary. , Parisian Art Studios. Sll N Stanton. , Situations Wanted Male WANTED Windows to clean. Phone 728. COLLAKD CLEAN'S WINDOWS Ph 429. STENOGRAPHER, general office work, Al references. Address G 376. care Herald CIL1UFFEUR Experienced, with Al refer ences. Address G 176, care Herald. UPPER ALLEY MEN to ride with the La Mesa Auto line. Leaves Herald office S-36 p. m. WANTED Position by bookkeeper of large experience. 11 years with one concern. Write F 141, Herald. A HIGH GRADE ACCOUNTANT and office manager la open for a position, an Inter view will convince you of qualifications. Write F 310, Herald. Situations Wanted Female WANTED Family washing Ph 4870 W. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN at home or go out by hour, references. Phone 4S19 J FIRSTCLASS colored cook wants position. Food reference. Phone 3671 I PRACTICAL and experienced nurse In Eu rope and America will go out by week or month. Phone 4931. lOUNG LADY with best ot references de sires position as manager of millinery depart ment or saleslady In or out of the city. Write F 350, Herald. ' Wanted Miscellaneous. SQLABS WANTED Homan Sanatorium. WANTED 50 cars bones at highest market price. Herman Block &. Co WANTED TO BUY Any old carpet PhT 399. W'ANTED Smsll coal or kerosene cook stove cheap Phone 2034. W'ANTED TO BUY Second hand freight elevator Da Sang & Wellborn. WANTED TO BUY Ice cream cabinets, packing cans and tuba. J. D. Tolson, 2019 Alameda Ave, WANTED AT ONCE 60 extra good gas ranges. Phone 1106. Chas. Foutz. WANTED Mountain Hon and Javolena, alive will pay highest prices. Oliver John son. Malaga, N. M. KELICS WANTED Gold, silver, metal and wood of any description. Any old coins. Davis, 27 San Francisco -St WANTED 12 or 16 rooms right in town. Buy from owner and pay cash. Call 104 14 S Stanton, room 2. HIGHEST TRICES PAID for second hand furniture, stoves, clothing, books and junk. Acme Second Hand Store, 61 San Antonio St Phone 4280 WPJSJReglEstate. WANTED TO BUY from owner, 40 acres of land under the Elephant Butte project S M 47. Herald. i WANTED TO BUY Small modern cottage SKA down nntl nn. .,.. em ..... ,.. cludlng Interest Phone 658 Wanted Board and Rooms. POSTOI'FICE EMPLOYE desires room with steeping poreh board and place to keep hore near new substation on Montana St Aduresd P O , cart Herald "V. -UP.' V '. Cod right 1314. International News Ser - THERE'S, ONLY ONE -ITS oiN' AROUND THE STATUE OF UBEC?TV! 'WSt For Rent Apartments Furnished. j IDEAL housekeeping apt. Phone 8072. NICELY furnished front apartment. 403 Montana, FURNISHED APT., $30. Sll W. Missouri. Phone 6846 m HOUSEKEEPING APTS. and rooratt SOS Texas. FOR RENT rUKN'ISHED' APIS. 611 W Missouri St.. $10 and 135 monthly. Jas. L. Morr Co. BOOTH APARTMENTS Finest In El Paso, one vacant, steam heat, Janitor service; Walking distance. 220 W. Boulevard. ST. REGIS APARTMENTS. Single apartments, furnished, steam heat, janitor service, 3 blocks from business cen ter, absolutely modern. 40S E. Missouri, corner of Kansas. APARTMENT HOUSES will find extra bar gains at 113 N Stanton St. In buying one article or a hundred I hae the price to suit you. Give me a call. Chas Foutz. For Rent Apartments Unfurnished. FOR BENT Unfurnished apt., 317 W. Mis souri. Phone 3927 J. TnO BOOM unfurnished apt with kltch enet, bath, large sleeping porch and steam heat. Apply H. B Stevens or phone 824 6 For Rent Honses Famished. FOR RENT Furnished house, 70 N. Santa Fe St FOR RENT by the month or lease. 9 room furnished house. Davis Bros.. 106 Texas. FURNISHED 4 room modern bungalow, $28. Phone 8634 - FOR RENT Partly furnished house, 11. Phone 87SS FOR! BENT 4 rooms and sleeping-Torch, completely furnished, in walkln? distance 140 See E. S Pennebaker, S07 Two Repub lics. FOR RENT 86 Upson Ave., 8 rooms, brick, i furnished $80 per month; unfurnished, $U; I hot water heat Will give lease. Horace B. Stetens. , Real Estate and Insurance, Mills Bldg. For Rent Houses Unfurnished. FOR RENT 6 room bungalow, corner Lee land Wyoming, good repair, rent $37.50. Ph. una roll KENT 6 room modern bungalow. 1820 Fort Boulevard, $3. Lea veil & Sherman. , itl Mills 8t Phone 4226 i T O LARGE ROOMS, brick, Juit completed. f water inside. 2 lots, cement walk, outbuild ing, flee aoU for garden. 2311 rinley St. I East El Paao Phone 52S9 W.' For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished j HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms. 512 Myrtle. ' LARGE housekeeping rooms. 116 Wyoming. ' SLITE of light housekeplng rooms, $15 per montli Phone 3404 J ROOMS and light housekeeping reasonable, i 219 Myrtle. ' OXB OR TW O fumlihed room for house- 1 ceplng Phone 219. PW O beautiful large front housekeeping rooms s.'5 no sick or children. 79 Arizona. KIR KENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms 1011 N Florence. Phone 18. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. Call 1114 San Antonio "St FOR RENT One front room for light house keeping 1104 N Florence. Phone 6147 J. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with porch, close in 811 N Flor-nce TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; no children $J0 111 Tornlllo St EXTRA large housekeeping room for rent and also sleeping room. Ill Myrtle TW O furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent Phone 5923. Highland Park. ONE ROOM suitable for light housekeep ing Inquire 151 N Virginia. TWO large front housekeeping irooms;. no sick. 1206 8an Antonio Phone Ett8 J. FOR RENT Suite of housekeeping rooms, furnished complete. 1129 Magoffin. Phone 1813 W FOR RENT in private family, 2 furnished connecting light housekeeping rooms. Ph. 2246 1120 .Wyoming For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Unfurnished. FOR RENT Ti o unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 802 X Virginia THREE LARGE connecting unfurnished rooms, sleeping porch, private home, no sick, no children, suburb, on car line Ph. 1441. For Rent Rooms Furnished. FURNISHED ROOM 1029 Olive. 4.0LDEN WEST HOTEL Phone 432. TWO furnished bedrooms. 81 Texas. NEWLY furnished front bedroom. Ph. 8950. FLRNISHED front room. 217 Arizona. ROOM FOR -BENT 69 B. RIO Grande. FURNISHED room for rent 82 N. Oregon. NICELY furnished steam heated room. Ph. 4027 - FOR KENT Nicely furnished front bedroom in new modern home, steam heat Ph. 8183. LARGE FRONT ROOM In private family, no sick need apply Phone 498S LARGE nicely furnished front room, bath connecting, private entrance Phone 4890 W. EXCEPTIONALLY clean nice room private entrance, bath, reference. Phone 2214 FOR RENT Furnished room with bath. 811 Roosevelt Ave Phone 3880 ROOMINo HOISES Can rent cots for the convention Phone HOC Chas. I'outz. ONE furnished bedroom suitable for 2 gen tle nen or ladies close in Iphone C5S4 V ui call .il. Putuain. EE.:: ; THAT'S RNE: IS IT VER.Y HjH UP? i - .. i . ' 7J For Rent Rooms Furnished. COMFORTABLE ROOM, hot water, lights, bath. Phone 2IS1 GENTLEMEN' Nicely furnished sleeping rooms, lis. 1201 Button. OLTSIDE ROOM with bath. Inquire, flat 116. Lockie Hotel. , ONE NICELY furnished room in private family Phone S107. FOR KENT Nicely furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone 8821. DELMAR ROOMS 117 X. Stanton, rng. wa ter, free hatha 80c, $1 day, S2.SO up wtcly. GENTLEMAN desiring modern front room or sleeping porch In new home phone 2176 W. GLASSED-I' sleeping' porch, furnished for bedroom, suitable for young lady, board If desi.-ed. Phone 6484. 8BEAUIXFCLLY furnished room, walking distance. 1219 N. El Paso. No sick. Ph. 3243. SLEEPING ROOM AND DEN Single or combined, steam heat, bath. Phone 4402. No. 4 Lucerne Apts. TOR RENT 2 large, elegantly furnished connecting bedrooms, sfeeplng porch and private sitting porch. 716 Myrtle Ave. ROOMMATE WANTED Young man would like congenial roommate for a large front room near high school; moderate price. Phone 2787 FOB KENT in private family, two clean comfortable rooms, two beds in each room, private entrance, reasonable price. 1480 Texas St Phone 6729 J TWO N'ICELY furnished rooms In- private family, suitable for two ladies or 'two gen tlemen, breakfast and dinner If desired. 1006 E. Rio Grande; walking distance FOR BENT Furnished, one large bedroom with sleeping porch, suitable for 2 gentle men. also room with hot and cold running water 10 minutes walk from town. Sunset cars. 616 "W Boulevard Phone 11?&. For Rent Rooms Unfurnished. FOR KENT 3 large rooms, half of brick. t. no sick. S17 Gold. FOR KENT 3 unfurnished rooms, no chil dren Phone 305 J For Rent Rooms and Board. ' ROOM AND BOARD 101 N. StantOS. SELECT HOARD and rooms. 118 N- Stnfl-- i ton. Phone 61SS, W. BOARDERS WANTED ; Phone 211 Highland Park, , JOHNSON HOUSE dining room opened ut- der new management Boarders wanted, j ROOM AND BOABD Sleeping porches. 111 N. Oregon. Phone 671. ' BOARD, sleeping porch and room for coa jyaleicent Phone 3841 W. I TWO NICE front rooms with board, suit- ante ror 1 or 4 gentlemen, pnone lzsa. TW O NICE ROOMS with board, home cook ing. Phone 2722. 201 E. Nevada. BOARD AND ROOMS Strictly firatelass. Mrs. C. F. Leary. HI W. Missouri. nEAL'S, 312 SIESA Phone 1117. Rooms strictly UBtbdate. Table ftzstclass. LARGE desirable south front roojp with er wlthsut board In pri ate, family r-hot bath; conveniences' reasonable. ll Nevada. A LADY desiring board and room with sleepinv; porch accommodations in beautiful country home In foothills of mountains can get further information by addresatmr X. Y. 5Uq.Herald.-Stateconditton ot health, For Rent. ,...;...;.. . J .... PRIVATE GARAGE tersst Phone 412. Austin St and Boulevard. FOR KENT Building lots near Unie kiln cheap. Write F 2. Herald ' FOR RENT " 406 San Francisco St. storeroom . . $ e.O. . .. ... . ... .. set! Aiyrtie Ave., storeroom ZAS UnMlnn. St riwollins- 2 M 188 Montana St. dwelling Douglas C. Crowell Agcnc) 28 Mills Building. For Rent Stores and Offices. LIGHT, AIKY OFFICES for rent 1n Herald Bldg. v For Sale Furniture. IFURNITIRE for sale cheap. 323 T I' St. house xor rent lis. FOR SALE Fine oak dining tabic cheap Phone 5549 J OFFICE FURNITURE a specialty See Chas. Foutz. 113 N. Stanton St. I FURNITURE for sale ot 2 room modern apt 1 Apt for rent 514 W Missouri. ! FURNITURE for sale and 1 room house for i rent: party leaving city. Call 1211 Newman NEW FURNITURE ot all kindto exchange for old. Phone 116. Chas. Foutz. HIGH GRADE FURNITURE 5 rooms com ptete, like new bungalow for rent A bar gain Phona 4605 BARGAIN'S. For Sale One 40 Inch dining table $7, one sideboard. $15. one desk. $10, one bar ber chair,' $10. Call on u and sav e money Legal Furniture Co. Phone 2791 206 S Stanton For Sale Motorcycles. THOU MOTORCYCLE. 1916 model, used 1 days SltS. Allen Arms & Cycle Co. 404 N Oregon TWIN. INDIAN motorcycle, $50 in good condition. Can be seen at 4312 Clifton St Government Hill or address George L. Bor den. substation 2. city For Sale Dogs. THOROUGHBRED fox terriers for sale Te as I' OK SLE t perfectly marked Scotch col j lie puppies sired by Imported champion Southnort .Successor Call 816 Mesa. j W NTEI Home for brown water spaniel. female i kin 1 rid affectionate and loves I i . cU ill 111 J Ik anj YOU KIN ITS OUT , JUrrsEE OF SU3HT AUTTLE SPECK : NOV' -y- For Sale Atuom67jHes. 5 PASSENGER FOED Phone 168. MITCHELL 8 passenger S cylinder SO H P. fine condition. 51 COO Phone 1183 10 a. m. FOR SALB A bargain New 7 passenger Studebaker 112 E. Missouri St. room it S FOR SALB Light auto truck A bargain (El Psro Re Refrigerator Co j FOR SALE OR TR IDE for touring Ford a 1 new $50 Kimball piano See Mr Lewis at Everybody's iOR SALE 7 passenger Ksncs cylinder electric gear -hlft 7 passenger Chalmers b. both In fine condition Ph. 3:3 leS'i S Oregon. ONE NEW 5 PASST" PVTERSON KAIL electric starter fully equipped A bargain for quick sale Call for Barber. 80S San Francisco 'ONE NEW 3 PVSb. PATERSON KAR. electric smarter, fullj equipped. A bargain ' for quick sa'e Call for Barber. 88 San Francisco FOR SALE Electric coupe This oeauti fui 4 passenger car will be sold cheap to, make room for large limousfr - Address 201 W Missouri St Phone 1S06 ONE OVERLAND ROADSTER, 3 horse power in good running order new tires, can be made into a truck at a ery small ex pense can be bought at 1200 cash. Call 1211 Xeuman. Phone 3471 J WANTED Is your automobile for sale? If so tell us and ne will sell it Our trouble now is lack of car' We have plenty of bujtrs. W e especially want Fords. Ecseboro & Hatcher. Phone 723 215 Texas St Ford S pacs. new top body, radiator and tires . . . . $ 359 Ford runabout red body 300 S.udebakrr ' 6 7 pju& 1914 model looks like new, runB like ne, good tires, new tep. Is almost new 7 Bulcir 4 pass Bargain r Buick pass, mechanic ily perfect.. . 325 Kicscl Kar 2 pass, racey type 40 Orcriand model 69. electric light and starter . . 40 Packard 4 pas; new tires 4i Chalmers "W 7 pas. "Terms" 1200 Hudson C, 7 pass., half price .. 120 Rnseboro & Hatcher, 31J Te-a- St Phone I2Sr S ell Livesto ck Buy. FOR ULLL SERVICE Phone 248. (BUY REGISTERED Duroc Jersey hegs of Slam B. GlUett El Paso. Texas. I OK KAI.B Jersey cow at 819 TornilW St Phone 234. i CATTLE FOR SALE 450 good native year lings. or particulars phone 3422 J TOUR JERSEY milk cows for sale or will ; for fat cowa Phone 4661. FOR SALE Cood horse and bugg cheap ori traoe for anything of value 'F 263. HeVald. j COMBINATION riding and' driving horse. gentle lor ladles to Dandle 1111 Montana. Ph 6117. l'Ult SALE 200 hea,d of full blood Hereford bulls, coming yeariinga. E. L. and W. L. Bogel, ji . Marfa. Te-. Win have headquar ters at Sfaoldon Hotel durfc,; the convention. WANTED TO-BUY-FOR CASH 2 or2 voung Jersey cows must be good milkers. Write P. O. bo-; 218. citi or phone 740 W roB SALE 2 mares 1 colt. 2 horses and 2 rTa?m ""r? San-a Fe Fuel Co 7th and Senta Fe Sts FOlt SALE MONDAY AM) TUESD Y Four jaalr good mules weighing 1000 to IS each 1 thlBe Urm OT,lraL.t work. Phone 213 or call 781 First Nat Bank Bldg I860 GOOD SHEARING NANNIES In fine isnape r-w snu montn ail young, reason for 1eniug. have no range. Price $3.25. , jjiumphri Marts, Texaa foR SALEEasy termsTs'alr-1 Wl-Tmulo! j an(j harness also Jersey milk co.. voull 1 lease there teams by the day week or " Wrt " M, G csr9 Herald Cal. I nt Nil W Pi. Crand. --- . --. ..-... 1 . n ...-- 77 T 7, FOR HALE High grade Angus bull calves ' m fin. condition in car lota 165. single $75 . Alro have pasture for several thousand I steers by tho year J. M SheUon. Ama i rillo Tex. v Intel qua te a Trench am' a t.crmnn PUZZLE PICTURE -HfsFSB.i I wmJ' fm4iiib'' vf Z vMMktm? "TMMMmmkmMM4iM ixHimmattFAoiMitnau, -cvjBtiuinsai 'j23-XLXjrz:?rjaQiftimu'mb I Soidle.3 ! F'nd -fSSWEIt TO StT'.ltBt'.'S PliTZL llisht Mile liev-n bra ci the k n;. I . a.... Lt v.. iu irint of king. ISNTTHAT ?EAT- ' Then let sO HOME-' Se8 Livestock Buy. j FOR SALR. 16 MEXICAN MULBS. Maple Walx. 86-7 Mills Bldg. Immediate delivery. 1 I HAVE FKKD AND PASTURE for 500 to ' 100 head of cattle, will advance freight ' earn- feed and pasture bill aatil cattle ar loV or will take half interest In the catt . ! or will feed cattle by the pound. Pastur- located in Blaine and Dewey counties Okl I homav Rock Island. 'Frisco and Orient rail roads. References furnished Frank Crou- kite Watonga. Oklahoma Cattle and Commission files. ' COflfilV Livestock and Commission Co buy ami sell 212fc San Antonlc Ph 4763 1 FRANK A. SPENCE Cattle and sheep j '! Mll' Bldg Phone 132 j ForSgle-jharKis I FOR SALE Schuller piano, good condition j practically new, mahogan; case. Call morn j inga, 242 Diaz. Phone 5426 J Poultry and Pet Stock WANTED SITTING HENS. PHONE SISi. WANTED Sitting hens; Phone 284. ; WANTEDSitting hens. Phone 1568. j WHITE LEGHORN SITTINGS Ph. 8280 wT i THOROUGHBRED single comb White Leg j horn sittings for sale. Ph. 484 J 1 FOR S-VUS Thoroughbred bine Andulasiai. jPou4SJ ! WANT TO BUY A dozen good laying Black Minorca nessC Phwne 571 s after 5:2 p. m ! GUARANTEED 7KRSH ranch eggs. SH doz. ' for Si delivered. EI Paso Poultry Farm Phone 711 , ; WANTED Brown Leghorn or Black Minorca rooster must be reasonably priced. W-ue P. O. box Ml, city BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS Best in south, west Eggs for prize winners, $2.50 ani , 12.00 per sitting. H J and A. J Sher wood 1121 Alameda Ave Phone Ml ! BARRED ROOKS Best in southwest My winnings at El Paae. and other shows prove It Eggs, prize and utility stock for sale Dr A L. Foots. 2718 Montana. PrT GAMES Warhorse. Grist. vRed Cuban Crosses Account ill health vryl sacrifh -hens SI 50 cocks 12.5 Dead game antl great fighters. Order quick. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address John Dodson. Hender son. Texas. FIVE AKIET1ES BABYCinCKS, 15c eac i 1 $14 T. o varieties,f20c. 15 eggs. 11 and 11j5 10 85 and $8. Stock. $1 up V. -aim to p'ease Measday Poultry Farm. Al pine. Texaa FOR SALE KeHerstrass "White Orpington cocUereK also Barred -Rock cockerels, and one Black Minorta cockerel Sitting egg from White Orpingtons, also Barred Rock all trap nested $1 for 15 Lang's Chick-n Ranca. Phone 6167 EABY CHICKS HATCHING BGGS. COCK KRKLS AND INCUBATORS. CATALOI.S FKKK. PARSONS CHICKEN RANCH, "El. PASO. Dressaaking. ' BUTTONS COt BKKD Angelas CTg. tV . SEWINO BY THeIiAY Ph. S8 J WANTED Sewing. by the day, work guar Rniceo Phone 5417. : DRESSMAKING and remodeling. Mrs. Webb . ore 62S9 DRESSMAKING 91.. sis; f El Paso. Phone SEWING MACHINES, $1 a week for tus Standard. See ' Chcs. Feats. US N. Stanton St. I RENT THE EAST RUNNING WHITE, b-.t mil nine in the world for family use Re pairs for all makes of machines , t Whit Sewing Machine Office. . H L Stewart, Agent j :.' a. Stanton. Phone C22 For Safe Vehicles. , FOUR TOP WAGONS and horses ror sa'e. Call ;i E Overland St mldier.