Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD fiv The First National Bant Building and Those Who Occupy It. DeB&tx. lilt I.KK Mr TXTOBH. Dentist. Ph.sH. B. COS Detectives. WILLIAMS Detective Agcy. Pa. 4496. B. 619? Paris. TKXA8 BITCLITIUC CO. Ph. 33S. R. 703. Physicians. DR. CABL L. SMITH Fa. 117L Rm. ML For Sale Real Estate City Property. NEW BUNGALOW, only S2J. i'h. 6 MS. FOR SALB One building site, S400; easy terms. 3 blocks from Mesa car lie. Ph. 39. FOR SALK BY OW.YBK Fine home arts near foundry, easy terms. Phone 1101. 10 R SAI.K CHBA1' by owner, building lots near lime kiln Write K. 37, Herald. FOR SALB One of the best located lots In Jloud ruft. S100; easily north 5160. Address 1 Sbj care Herald. BARGAIN' On Montana St A fine home aita all modern improvements, garace and servant's room. Address S3, Herald. ' FOR SALE 7 room house, 2 large sleeping uorchf-, 2 separate entrances; arranged for ; families. 1207 N. Oregon St, apartment district, rents for S0 per month. Phone 070 day, 6081 night FOR SALE New 5 room bungalow, light. bath, toilet, gas, big baeement Price 337S9. Jk50 cash, willing to take Ford car as part cash, balance easy. Phone 3422 J. FOR QUICK SALB A bargain. 12 room. house and basement 4 blocks from post uffi. e. Rents S100 a month. Will consider Home trade. Call 14 41. MONTANA ST. LOTS Is lots. Mock 2S00 Montana St.. 1850 each. Including cement valk and street paving in and paid for; terms. Hawkins Bros. Phono B96. CLOSE IN 1IOMK room briok. bath, keeping porch, garage, heating plant, full basement, hardwood floors In every room: beamed ceilings, elegant finishings. Price J :. ; 5 . and a bargain. Leavell A Sheroatn. -? Mills St. Phone 4226. TI'OLLD XOV KNOW A BARGAIN IF YOU SAW IT? One of the classiest new bungalows In city, all modern conveniences. 2 full lots. only l:000. on terms to salt. Field, Bxell & RedrlgueV. 421-422 Mris Building. I NEKD THE MONEY!!! Four beautiful south front lots on car line and paved Tsad In Altura; also my new thoroughly modern 4 room bungalow near Manhattan: BOpO. terms, but I'm ashamed to tell the priffe here. Just call "Cashier," at phonea 2020 or 3655. " FOR SALK. " The largest business block hi the city, a modern building on a busy corner, paying 10 percent on an investment of 9185,000. and future Increase In value. Can yen beat this' A number of choice apartment house sites. near the baalaesa center, at bargain paces. 120x120 ft. trackage) on Texas St.. anti able for wholesale or warehouse bastaees. Thls is the dee eat in trackage available In the city. FOR KENT. Store, No. 117 tt S. Stanton St. 20x120 feet 405 and 407 Texas St FRANK A. Sl-ENCK. RKAL HrJTATK, LIVHSTOCK AND INVHSTHBNTS. 405 Mills Bldg. Phone 1022. A GKANII HOKR. Centrally located, easy walk ing distance, southeast Corner. 4 lots, magnificent view. The fin ish second to two la the math went; hardwood floors, doors, casings, stairs, etc.; hot water heat; built a little over one year At a cost of over 127,000. Can be bought at a bargain. CawWy & Keel. 211 Mills St Phone . Manhattan Heigh ta, . Macks south of these 2 level oaraer south front lots; terms. yiwe. S100 cash, 120 month, tBClad Ing interest, class sleeping porch and 2 room brick. S4m Famished bungalow en S lata; I, rooms ana sleeping porch. 14 blocks from P. O. 100 .loin for 5 room bungalow. ., sisee. 5 rooms. SS0 down aad J1S a month. New. NBWMAN INVKtfTMKNT COMPANY. Phone 560. 100 San Antonio Bt GOVERNMENT HILL BARGAIN. 3800 buys 4 south front lota on 1. Lui St, east of Alta Vista school. STOP FAYING HKNT. $50 cash buya 4, room frame house In Highland Park, close to car line, balance 315 per month. APARTMENT SITB BARGAIN. Corner on N. Rl Paso St, 62x120; street paing paid. Price only $2000. Worth more money. WYOMING ST. LOTS. $000 buys S lots P the 2000 block, Mgb and let el; close to car line. WILL TRADB. Lota in Grand View addition, for S passen ger automobile. I). G. Hetefraan. Pneae MS. Mills St . st;e. ' l room new bungalow. occupied. 2 blocks Alta, JVlat school. This is a little better than what you have seen; loca tion the best: terns or tots- a first payment. $190. 4 room pebble dash. 2 lota, en corner. $100 lown, $26 per mo., including interest 3M8. 6 room sew bungalow on JUo Grande St A beautiful heme. $1000 down. $00 month. Includ ing Interest 5 room new bungalow, close In. furnace heat: fine drive and, garage; on car Hae. $000 down and S5 a month. Including in terest ?aOO. Two south front lata at a bar gain, on paved street. 2 blocks to school Will make terma 54 acres upper valley to trade for good income; all In alfalfa; 5 room house WMte-Faden Realty Ce. 11-12-1 Morgan Bldg. Ph. 1319. 7 ROOM HOIKR HOME on fine residence ' Htreel oirereu i'r immeuiaie saie at less than actual cost $750 cash, balance less than $1000 a year: large screened porches. basement servant's room and toilet, beau tiful electric fixtures trees, lnes. crass. rf 1 or eale by ftwncr, Mr' Michelmore, ! lleraM For Sale Real Estate City Property. I roil SALE Close In Texas St. property. , 111 take small valley farm as part pay- 2S21. riTMAN CATTLE CO. 8 and I) Moreuoute Mock, 1 Paso, Texas. Phone 688. Investments In cattle and ranches paying larger dividends and safer than any other business. GOOD RANCHES FOB SALE. WITH OK.WIX1IOUT CATTLE. -BARGAINS IN LOTS. Block on seebnd mesa, 200 feet from pavrngf $2600 It sold at once. '. Lots on Mesa close to Kan sas St $250 per lot Block on first mesa, overlook lag the city; prettiest block on the mesa. Price $10,500. Lota in Manhattan Helgths on Wheeling St, overlooking city and valley. $500 to $000 ' per lot BUSINESS PROPERTY. Corner in heart of business district, 118,.- Destined to be ana of the finest corners In the dty. 00 feet dose in on north side of tracks. Substantial improve ments all around It Price $$0,000. Corner, etoee In, In very cen ter of dty. $118,000. With some improvements can be made to net 10 percent Corner, croee la en north aide. Just the peace for an apartment $ff,000. RESIDENCES. We have beautiful homes In an parts et the dty. ranch ns. 00,000 acres la northern ?tew lfexloo. Oeee te Santa Fe. $2.10 per acre. Itte Grande bounds it on one side; good por tion of this land tillable. Por tibn well wooded; fine crass. See ae for parttculara. VALLEY LANDS. Tracta of valley land from 10 ta 40 acre JaHtter In culOva rJoa er In raw stale. Special Induesmaate to aettttra, . I Broaddus & Le.Baron, ' ' 200210. iyret'-?ifet Baafc- Bid?. Phase ISO?.- '. it wy-nv T 4T" &VTXEBSIBN" ATTENTION!! WE ARE BIO RANCH SPEC IALISTS. 13,000 acre ranch In New Mtx-. Ico. 10,000 acre ranch tn Texsa 27,000 acre ranch In Mexico. 5,120 acre ranch In Texas, $2 per acre. Includes bonus and. state debt ALFALFA AND FRUIT RANCHES. IJPPBB VALLBY. 37 acres 10 miles from town, $150 per acre. 32 Vi acres near Canutltto. $126, per acre. 48 acres 1 mile from ruce. $135 per acre. LOWER VALLBY. 2? acres 15 miles from tayn. $240 per acre. 48 aeres on the Island, $60 per acre. , 10 acres 6tt miles from town. In fruit modern frame house. $11,000. SNAP! ' l 32 acres, 1-3 alfalfa, 1-3 corn, 1-3 wheat $128 per acre. Will handle for $500 cash) A BUY TOR THE MAN WITH $1000. 6 rooms, bath, screened porch, red" pressed brick, in Jnghrand P4rk. all for $2700. WE HAVE A RELINQUISH MENT FOR SALE NEAR C0 I.UMBCS. WE HAVE 80 ACRES IN AR KANSAS, 30 ACRES IN TEACH ES AND APPLES. 40 acres more in cultivation with 4 room frame house, barn and corrals to trade for city or valley property. v SEE ONE Or THE FINEST TRADING LISTS IN THIS . COUNTRY. 000 GETS A MODERN HOME. 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porciy Inside the wall, basement ana heating plant hardwood floors. on Montana St This Is built of yellow pressed brick. We will aire you 5 years to finish pay las' for it Anderson-FIUer. i "8UPJPRIOR HOMES." 1-4 Buckler Block. Phone 401. .VXTBJfnON' &VTTXBSrBN. ' -- a - , Tie finest .cattle feeanac prepo- -sttlmi . in the United States. ' (f acres vaUey land and 1200 acres mesa land adjoining. 3S miles below El Paso .on the railroad aad umy read, one mile from station.' $6 per acre for the valley laad aad ' no charge for the mesa land. 7 years time. i VALLEY :LAND. 1200 acres valley land' on the Island-at $50 per acre. Verms, long tltne. '' TINE HOME FOR SALB. ' The most beautiful residence in Sunset Heights on top of bilf overlooking the dty. 10 rooms, steam heatetd, billiard rpotn, launary, etc.; i large grounds. $17,000; terms. Beautiful 9 room residence n Boulevard: south front heating plant hardwood floors, $16,000. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Corner 60x120 feet on Mills St . close in.-- $000 pel1 front foot Broaddus & Lc Baron, 29-210 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 1558. FOR SALK Lovely home on a principal street: thor ouglffy well built house, 9 rooms, closets, hot and cold water In bedrooms, hot water beating plant lawn tree etc Apply to OWNER. P O box 507. arrange lnterwew. For Sale Real Estate City Property. FOR SALE A new modern 5 room brick. steeping porch, basement. 3 lots: frnlt trees and vines. S. T Ferrier. owner, 3608 Pera St LOOK AT THESE GOOD INVESTMENTS. $4600 buys S room brick house on N. Stan ton St. cloee to Montana St ; rented toi $36. $700 cash, balance to suit S. STANTON ST. 43 feet close to Second St. improved, east front; price and terms right APARTMENT SITE CHUiP. 62x122 foot corner on N. El Paso St., street paving paid, onner needs the money and will sell for $3000 If sold at once. OSTRICH FARM AT A BARGAIN. 71 acres, mostly in alfalfa, good house, stable, 2 pumping plants, other improve ments. Price only $22,000. Worth more money. YOU CAN" MAKE 100 PERCENT. 040 acres of the best land in Texas, 46 miles st of Bl Para, d Joining the valley. It is lata out in 10 acre tracts. U.. II. & S- A. fyllroad runs through it and has a Wn Bwftch for shipping purposes. A snap at $7.59 per acre. De not miss this chance. I). G. Helncinan. Phone 843. 200' Mills St MUST SELL to save foreclosure, 4 room -'brick on 2 lots in Highland Park. Make a easH ofTer. .ON MAGOFFIN, near Toltec club, two 8 room 2 story brick houses, 05x120, room to build apartment in rear. $12,000 will buy them, terms. A SACRIFICE 6 room brick west of Cot ton Ave. $2900 if taken at once. $600 down. IN ALTA VISTA-4 room brick. $1700. $200 down, $20 monthly. This Is a dandy. "Homes Our Specialty." 100 DOWN, $15 monthly, will buy 3 room pebble dash, new, Arisona St Only $1400. NEW BUNGALOW 6 rooms, south front, on paved, street; never occupied; furnace, hardwood floors, $4000 $500 cash. "Homes Our Specialty." HAWKINS BROS, to collect your rents. G ROOM BRICK on Boulevard. Owner out of city, needs quick money. Cost him $5500. Cut to $3000, terms. WILL BUILD TO SUIT PURC1LSER on Montana or Bliss Sta. Hawkins Bros. Phone 2800. For Sale Farms and Ranches 320 ACRE relinquishment for sale or trade; fine land: bargain. Phone 6889. 10 ACRES on the Interurban, 10 miles from El Paso, all In alfalfa. Worth $300 to $400 per acre, tor quick sale $200 per acre. P. O. box 353. 16 SEC. OF RANCH LANDS, 15 miles north or Sierra Blanca. This land to be sold at once. See owner at Carlylc hotel Tuesday or Wednesday, room 48. WELL IMPROVED Arkansas farm with 21 acres fine orchard to trade. Phone 0389. TOR SALE Irrigated farms. Improved and unimproved In the Rio Grande -'valley, along the Santa Fe Ry.; permanent water rights, community plan; good crops, good market; $30 to $60 acre. Add. P. M.. Bernardo, N. M. 10 ACRE TRACT Near West Ysleta Coun try club,' all tn alfalfa. Adjoining lands selling at $300 to $400 per acre. This is only 30 minutes ride from El Paso; on the Interurban. Price $200 per acre. P. O. box 363. ATTENTION FARMERS. ISO HIGH GRADE BAIRY COWS. BARGAIN PRICES. Must be sold In next 10 days. See us 'for particulara WEST TEXAS REALTY CO.. 308 Mesa Ate. Phone 1172. Call for J. M. Langford or Ernest Wright VALLEY LAND. 30.5 acres. $226 per acre, ml. east of Ysleta, under cultivation, Bounds on Franklin canaL Ideal location for home; terma 18 acres, $126 per acre. 2 ml. east of Ysleta, on old paved road; all raw land. This is a bargain for cash. 80 acre?. $75 per acre. This aide of Fabens. Planted new in crops; good new 6 room log house; good silt soil; some alfalfa; terma 01 acres, $$200, 3 rat east of Fabens; all rair land; near graveled road; good ant seat ,A aargala far you. 1 to 10 acre tracts. $126 to $000 per acre:. located n Ysleta and this side of YMata'unaer cultivation. Your own terras. NBWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phase 550. 100 San Antonio St "SHE 136" TOR CATTLE RANCHES. 10.000 acre ranch. 121,000 acre ranch. 50,000 acre ranch. 142.QOO acre ranch. 2,000 acre ranch. 3,300 acre ranch. 3,000 acre ranch. 5.000 acre ranch. 16,000 acre ranch. 01,000 acre ranch. Several small acreages of pat ented land controllng large areas of leased land. UNDER ELEPHANT BUTTE PROJECT. 300 acres at $32.60 per acre. 40 acres at $60. 180 alffa, $120 per acre. For any alie and price tract "SEE. US " BaTls-Tandj Com. Co. Rooms 612-14 Trust Building. Phone 3014. For Sale Real Estate Country Property. 10 OR 30 ACRES fine valley land for sale; eaer . terma 11 7C r?sntrll 4AC ixr Tlnnt. vard. Phone 6997. I GOVERNMENT IAND. There are a tew choice homesteads left in the Mlmbres valley; developed land near by selling for $12S acre: location fee reason able. Write Geo. F. Scran ton, Cambray, N. M. SNAP IN VALLEY LAND 37 acres, 20 miles down the valley, about in cultiva tion, all good dirt on the main Elephant Butte ditch, $55 per acre. Also In sameflocatlon,- 84 acres, partly cleared, at $09 per acre: all silt land. Also 27 acres joining the town of San Elizarlo, with 7 room adobe: about hx In cultivation; land Joining held at $200 per acre. Up the va41ev about 20 miles rrrm 131 Tw, lAn acres. 75 acres in cultivation; all good dirt, no oeiter in tne vaney, -sso per acre. w. j. Jones, 1123 N. Oregon. ' For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. FOR SALE or will exchange for vaoant lots close in. A nice red pressed brick. 8 room house with all modern lmprsvements. Ad drees -23. Herald. EXCHANGE Income property that brings returns of $180 to $!! per month for an improved valley farm. Write P. O. box 517, Tucumcari, N. M.,for photo and full infor mation. OWNER wishes to exchange beautiful 10 room modern, residence in best residence district Kansas City, Mo., for El Paso in come bearing property. For full particulars write D. 316, Herald. 640 ACRE FARM in the best developed iiii.uuii uiBunM ul .ew Lxico. jine i reture and hay land. 40 acres in alfalfa; : nnmnlnr Tilatits IS ft t. vatn. x.n1- tract -can be put under Irrigation: fine fruit and truck district; weU equipped with tools, work stock etc. Will sell on easy terms or nwuKpi. income properly. Aaaren owner, i. O. box 291, Denting. N. M. ' Price $75 per UBT'S TRADE. Close In residence wanted for 15 acres extra choice valley land. $350 an acre. Government Hill lota wanted for an ant. house site In Sunset Heights. Price $2250. $1100 worth of lots wanted on a 4 room house. Price $2100. $6500 worth of lota, in Grand View or Altura Park wanted on a close la residence. Price $8800.. 160 acres -of land 70 miles from El Paso: value $700, and $900 cash as first paymeiff on lots or cottage. Howell jwaity to. . 202 Herald nidg. Phone 607. For Sale Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Furniture of 7 housekeeping rooms; rooms can be rentetl 30.1 Montana. 24 LIGHT housekeeping rooms close In, fine locetion making monej Write C 287, Herald. For Sals Rooming Houses. ON .IV. MISSOURI. 9 rooms elegantly furnished, gives you a 3 room apartment pays the rent and a net income jf $75 per month. ON W. inWNKLIN. 10 rooms, beautifur home and a desirable income. ON OVKRLANII. I 32 clean rooms, will net $250 per month. $2800; naif cash. (If you contemplate buyfng a small tran sient hotel, modern In every detail, very t reasonable terms, nothing else like it on the market call I M. E. Tonnlcy. I With K, C. Bailej Land Co. Phone 206S- 200 Mesa Ae. I For Sale Miscellaneous. FOKi SALE A gas range. Fhoe 4420 J. GOOD GAS STOVE for sale. !.. Ph. oSS8. J WHITE ANGORA RABBITS Xor sale at 707 IX Campbell. ' . BEAUTIFUL- Chrysanthemum and Dahlia bulbs for sale. Phone 3148 W. , HEATERS $1.00 a week 1 Chns. Fouti. 113 N. Stanton St. .' FOR SALE Second hand dental chair and ' cabinet Cash or payments. 21 Mills Bldg. i FOR SALE 2 large oval showcases cheap. Phone 2811. OIL COOK STOVES ! and 3 burners. US N. Stanton St. Chan. Foutz. SWEET TOTATOES for bedding, any quan tity. Phone 43, Patterson, Ysleta. A BEAUTIFUL GUITAR and case for $15; cost $C5 813 N. Campbell. Fhone-2712. FOR SALB Dooley yams for eating and seed. Slips in season. Laguna Dairy Farm, 1201 Montana St, or Clint, Tex. SUDAN GRASS Free sample seed. Pull Information. Will trade. Want agents. C. Ullery, Lubbock, Texas. FOR SALE Two fine cameras. Cost $76 and $35. Will take $25 and $15. P. O. box 884. FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern soda foun tain. 10 feet, 12 pumps, marble; magnificent back bar. Adurese "B," The Herald. AT MYRTLE TRADING PLACE California dried fruit 700 lbs. prunes, 500 lbs. fancy peaches, 400 lbs. apricots. 26 and 60 lb. boxes. Phone 5102. ONE 30 FT. BRUNSWICK BALKE bar and fixtures: 1 ears In use. $600 cash. Write for further Information to box 537, Miami, Arleona. PLANTS OF FINE CHRYSANTHEMUMS, white, pink, yellow and dark crimson; Jap anese white and yellow; $1 a dosen. Madera bulbs. 40c a doxen. Violets. 23c a dozen. Myrtle plants, 2ic each Mrs. S. G. Gates, 2020 Wyoming. Phone 2107. Too Late to Gassify. RESPONSIBLE middle aged woman will care for children t home, will go out by day or hour; references. Phone 4880 J. UNFURNISHED for rent near high school, $ room flab' with both front and back porches: ground floor. Call 506 B. Nevada. FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms furnished, private sleeping porch, close in; $20 per month to permanent renters. 1100 Magoffin. WANTBD Young man with spme experi ende In grocery, must talk English and Spanish. Apply at once. 800 Myrtle Ave. CATTLEMEN If your clothes or your wives clothes are dirty by tbe travel, I'll clean and press them properly In a w hours at 40c each salt Work called for and dellv ered. ' Phone to 6008 W. at all nours. t FOR SALE Lot and a half. Government Hill car line. cash. Phone 5929 J. FOR SALE Boarding house doing good business. Call 312 Montana. Phone 6658 W. Ready Reference Bntincu Directory Accoaolanti. NORMAN E. VEAZBY. P. O. Box 827. Phone 3055. CLARENCE LOSGNECKER Phone 620 First Nat' I. Bank Bldg. 531. Adding Machines. DAI.TON Addlnc Machine 216 Mllla at Auctioneers! W. A. WILLIAMS, Auction Sales and Commission Broker. Office Ptaotw 631, Residence Phone 3560. Office: Entrance tn Caples Bldg. I Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale. Brokers. JQSE M. HORCAS1TAS Merchandise and real estate broker Mexican beans and corn a specialty. 320 First National Bldg. Joltle WE BUY AND SELL any kind of bottle. H. Nelson. 1401 Myrtle. Phone 5213. Carpenters. JOB WORK and repairing. Phone 6791. Carpets Cleaned. STEAM AND VACUUM Carpet Cleaning! Bu Sang Wellborn. Phone 3009. CARPETS CLEANED and general house work. Duntley acuum Cleaning Co. Ph. 3218 Cleaning and Pressing. "WEAR THE EL TASO SMILE" And gel your suit pressed for only 600 at Moreheadrs Busy Little Shop. Phone 3366 402 N. Oregon. China Painting. LESSONS 30c; firing Mrs. Nafe. Ph. 1494. LESSONS 30c 710 San Antonio St Fh. 5483. 1 Ganton's Studio. 2 Lucerne Apta. Ph. 6JH)Q. DeadCattle. FULL GROWN dead cattle, horses, mules, hauled away free. Phone 74 Immediately. Elocution. MISS MABYN MADISON Ph. 6246. $6 mo. Furniture Packing. rURNITCRE UPHOLSTERED, repaired and packed. Du Sang & Wellborn. Phone 3999. PACKING and shipping household goods our specialty. Furniture repairing, finishing and upholstering. R. L. Daniel Furniture, Mat trear Factory. 410-12 Myrtle Phone 105. Junk Dealers. ILLINOIS BOTTLE JUNK COMPANY- ivv, urcu.uu. ruvne ion. HERMAN BLOCH & CO. Scrap metal, copper brass, bones, wool, hides, horse hair, skins all kinds Ph. 51o3. 305 E. Boulevard. EL PASO IRON METAL CO 1505 San Antonio. Dealers in scrap iron, rubber, cop ner hrasn bone, etc Phone 426C Mercantile Agencies. R. G. DUN Si CO. Mercantile reports. El Paso office, 501 Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on Individual:, collections. Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Agencies. Barry Fateman. Mgr. Rooms 321-329 TTfrald Hide JSiWIinery NEW LINE OF rLOWERS, braid and ma terial fnrnlsbed. Remodeling a specialty. Lnla Mason. 720 N. Stanton. Musical. WALTER DAVIS Piano teacher, $5 month. Voice $6. Phone 2093. Plamberi. MOKE BUSINESS Plumbing guaranteed. Walter F En In. 105 S Stanton Ph. 137. TltONTO PLCMBEIOall usTor that hurry up job ftp lont hold ou up In prices. Re phone, 3013, office, 10C5 ' Ready Reference Business Directory ) Paintin?. Yfllon Taint Co.. 300 N. Stanton. Pa. 1247. Roofing. ALL KINDS OF ROOF WORK New. paint ing, repairing. Estimates furnished. I. X. L. Roof Paint Co Phone89- . Spanish Lessons. PROF. BR.VI O. Ph 2800. 24 Buckler Bldg. MRS. FIDENCIA A. CARRKOX Ph. 3485. CONVERSATIONAL Palmore college. 3430. Ph. Second Hand Clothing. SECOND HAND i lothlng bought Th. 316S. HIGHEST POSSIBLEPRICES paid for all kinds second hand clothing. Phone 4037. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for old clothes. Photte 303C INDIES' AND MEN'S second hand.clothlng boafebt. highest prices paid. Ptone102 Second Hand Furniture. WAVTHTl ?d hftnri furniture. It I Ban- i ieht "Fornlture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1026. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second hand furniture, stoves, carpets. Phone 4097. Texas Furnitur CO.. 406 8. El Paso St ! WE BUY, SELL or exchange anything In ' , , . , m.. .aJ ITamap. anil nousenuiu guuun. j.iu wibuu. ....... ...... Furniture Co.. 407 N. Oregon St Pit 890. EXCHANGE ,NEW FURNITURE For second hand. Western Furniture Co.. 308 S. El Paso St Phone 1482. Signs. CITY SIGN CO-. 20 N. fetanton. Ph. 1247. Silos. MADE IN EL PASO, Galv. Steel, best made. Hills. Sutton White Manufacturing i. Storage Warehouses. yr T,cn wmrrxnr ii'Amlinnftl Tjircr. jib, juou o".-..". .. .'-' - est best equipped in city. Goods called for and stored Cheapest and best Ph. 2166. Stove Repairing. STOVE REPAIRING New parts made and carried for all makes of stoves. L. J. Peeler, with D and H. Iron Works, corner E. 5th and S Florence Sta. Phony 314. Tanks. tanks. CITI.VEUTS. irrigation nlpe. silos. garages, etc Ask for catalog. Phone 1456. Hills. Sutton & White Vsnufactnrtng Co. Tazideimists. M. CLVCSTON- McLRLLAN BROS. Ph. 700. 109 'Frisco St Tools. WANTED To buy 2d hand tools and guns. H. Mohr. 309 S El Paso St Turkish Baths. 400 N. OREGON Phone 1000. Leo. Typewriter. A BARGAIN In almost new Underwood. Call at 361 Myrtle Ave- or phone 683. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. AH makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona Typewriter. 216 Mills St Phone 832. UNDERWOOD, back spacer, 2 color ribbon, $47.50. Remington No 10. $40. Repairing. rebuilding, exchanging. Others $10 up. Rebuilt Typewriter Co., Phone 274" 409MeMu Veterinary Surgeons. VETERINARY SURGEON T. Brown. Ph. 4517 Hospital for hores. OOP Texas. Ph. 222. Wall Paper. WE TATER ROOMS FOR $4.30 an furnish paper; painting and tinting done at reduced prices. Talbert Paper Co. Phone 269. Welding Shops. FROZEN Gas Engine cylinders welded good as new. Guaranteed. Oxy.-Acet and Ther mit Weld Co.. 212 San Francisco. "WE WELD ANY METAL THAT MELTS." We GUARANTEE not to CRACK or WARP auto or gas engine cylinders in weld ing. Expert pioneer welders of El Paso. Passed the experimental stage 7 years ago. ' Til rasa Welding Co. 610 N. Kansas' St. Phone 655$. News Brevities (Advertisement.) Trnln Bulletin. Train No. 9 on the G. H. S. A., from the east, due at 5:30 p. m, la reported to arrive at 7 p. m. All other afternoon and night (rains are reported m time. Ask. for Carbo steel posts. Lander Lumber Co. Distance Walkers Here. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carpenter and L. K Horn arrived here Monday on a walking; trip from Los Angeles to New York. They have three pack burros and camp on the road. Br. Thompson V. Grace, 2IS Mills Bids. Schools Close1 Tuesday. Tuesday, the anniversary of Texas Independence day will be observed by the public schools and banks of the city with an all day holiday. The post office will close at noon. No afternoon carrier deliveries will be made. Dr. A. T. Still Osteopathic Infirmary. Dr. Ira TV. Collins, physician in chief: Dr. M. Alkire, lady specialist; Dr. Carl Gibson. 201 W. Missouri street. They cured others. They can cure you. Jinn Vt ith Potato Sack Arrested. A Soca was arrested Sunday night upon complaint of Mrs Emma Sheffield, at 417 North El Iaso street. She com plained that Soca was seen leaving the basement of her home by way of a coal chute with a sack of potatoes and groceries, she claimed. He was for merly employed at the Sheffield home, she says. El Pnan Distilled Water Co- Ph. 483. Six Companies Bojcott Japanese. San Francisco, Calif. March 1. Rep resentatives of the Six Companies, the powerful Chinfse organization which has instituteed a boycott against Japanese on the Pacific coast owing to the demands made on China by Japan, said the movement would be in full swing by the end of this week through out the west and inparts of Canada and Mexico. They saiflthe boycott would be continued in the expectation that ulti mately the Japanese affected would bring pressure to bear on their home fovernment to modify the terms of the apaneae demands. Ask for Surety Irond Roofing at your hardware dealer or Lander Lumber Co. Bernhardt In Recovering. Bordeaux. France, March 1. Dr. Denuce. who is in attendance upon Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, whose right leg was amputated last week, said in his bulletin today the condition of the patient continued excellent. Dr. M. I. Schuster, Providence Hos pital Bldg. Office hours, 7 to 10 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Phone 395. . MonKollnii Reaches Port. Halifax, N 3 . March 1. The disabled steamship Mongolian of the Allan line arived Sunday under convoy of the United States coast guard cutter Seneca The Mongolian carried 2000 passenger! and a valuable cargo. Dr. Anna Ream, Buckler Big., over Elite Crate I'sbmm Fire." box. which was placed near a grate caused a fire alai m Sunday etening at 7 Id The file was at 1010 Mi rtle av- STICK MARKET HESS Range of Quotations Is Nar row; London, Neglects American Offerings. New Yofk, March 1 Stocks rose and fell within narrow limits today, the under tone. honcer, reflecting firmness. Dealings were light and professional. The American section of the London stock market was neglected today. Cana dian Pacific was the only attivo ltsue. Th market closed dall. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS fBy Associatosu Press New t"ork, March 1. The following vet9 the closing- quotations on the New .York stock exchange Amalgamated Copper . . 53U American Sugar Refining Ex-Jiv. . . . ;110 Atchison 94 Chmo Copper 35 Northern Pacific 100 Reading ..142'-, Southern Pacific ." 2 Union Pacific, Kx-Div 117 United States Steel 41 United States Steel, pfd 104 U MONEY AND" METALS. NEW YORK MAKKKET. (By Associated n-eas; New York, March 1. Mercantile paper, 2e. Bar silver, 49. Mexican dollars. 37. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds, steady. Time loans, steady; 60 days, 2tt3; 9v days, 3; six months. 3- Call money, steady; higu, 2, low, 1; ralinc rate. i. Tin, strong; five ton lots, 39TaeeS9; a ton lots, 3975 4190. Copper, firm; electrolytic $14.7S014.87; casting;, $14.25jl4.2. ' Iron steady; No. 1 northern, $14.s9 15.40; No. 2. $1 1.25&1 4.7; , No. 1 and No. 2 southern, $14.25914.75. Lead. 3.87j3.92. Spelter, $M.1210.62. London Markets. London, Kng.. March 1. The London met ala markets closed as follows: Lead, 20. 85. Spelter. f43 St. Loals Lead and Spelter. St. Louis. Mo., March 1. Lead, 3 $0; spelter, 9. 25 910.00. TILE LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency. 15. Mexican pesos (El Paso buying price) 25. Carranxa currency. 12; Chihaahua cur rency, lib. .EI Paso Smelter Quotations. (Corrected Daily.) Bar silver (Handy & Harmon Quota, tion) 49 Vi. London lead. 20. sa. PiB lead, 3 85. Copper wire bars, 14 45. enue, which is the home of W. P. Har ley, the fire department record show. Dr. Bryan, dentist, 20S Herald Bldff. . . Portuguese Deputy Slain. Londorr) Ens;., March 1. A Centra News dispatch from Lisbon says that deputy Henriques Cardoso was assas sinated Sunday while entering the Democratic club to attend a political meeting. The assassin is believed to by a Syndicalist. Dr. Jamlespn, diseases Of Kidney, Blad der, Skin -3d Rectnm. 61S .dills Bldg. Geo. If. I'llus "Wanted. M. Jeffers, of 1111 East 13th street, Denver, Colo., has written the police department asking; for information con cerining George It Pilus. Dr. Cameron, dentist, -02 Rob.-Ban Bldg;. Voraaa'a llandtiajr. Fonnd. A woman's black handbag was found Sunday night by D. P. Wilbanks on Magoffin street. He turned the article over to the police. Ask for Carbo steel posts. Ladder Lumber Co. ' Botk Charged With Shoplifting. Nicolas Pay a res and Jorge Rain-boa. two Mexican boys, were arrested Mon day morning on charges of shoplifting. The boys are said to hafe been caught iln the store of W. G. Walz attempting to escape with some goods. Dr. Kbert. dentist, 2IS-218 Mills Bid;. Strikers lleinrn to Work. Fairmont, w. Va., March 1. Three hundred men returned to work at the mines of the Jamison Coal and Coke company in the Farminqrton district today, the 700 who remained on strike making no demonstration. Fifty deputy sheriffs were busy serving warrants ordered by the grand jury last week which investigated the not in which constable Biggs was killed and a num ber of deputies injured. , Phone Sir. Wilson Millican. the best cleaners. White work a specialty. Auto Hits Motorcycle. Jose Aguilar was arrested late Sun day night on a charge of reckless driv ing. Aguilar is said to have driven his car into a motorccie 00 a downtown street. Ask for Carbo steel posts. Lander Lumber Co. Billy Stewart's Auto Stolen. An automobile belonging to "W. W. Stewart was stolen from in front of the Sheldon hotel Sunday night. The car was found later on Montana street near the outskirts of the city. Dr. Paget, dentist, 502 Roberts-Banner Hospital Property Transferred. A special meeting of the county com missioneis' court was held Saturday afternoon for the purpose of authoris ing I. G. Gaal to transfer county hos oital furniture and other property from , the old to the new hospital No other matters came betore the board at this meeting. Distiller Arc Bankrupt. Louisville. Ky., March 1 The Mat tingly & Moore Distilling company and j the K. G. Walker Distilling company. ' tvn of th. nlriKt rnn,ernt rtf th. Iz-IimI in the state, filed voluntary petitions In bankruptcy in United States district court saturdaj. The plants of the 1 companies are at Bardstown, new " T..,.,iavlll, MRS. ORNER'S MURDER TRIAL TO GO TO JURY THIS EVENING The case of Mrs Agnes Orner, charged with the murder of her 11 year old daughter Lillie on Feb. 19, 1911. will probably go to the jury late this evening. Arguments to the jury started short ly after 19) o'clock Monday morning. P. H. Marcum. special counsel, opened for the state. Judge T. A. Falvey opened for the defence. When the trial was resumed Monde- morning. Mrs. C. A. Sorrels was placed on stand by the state. She testi fied to having seen Lillie Orner on the morning of the day on which she died. At that time, she declared, tbe child was apparently in good health. One witness for the state was exam ined Saturday afternoon and court then adjourned to Monday morning. Tha witness was Frank Archer, who cor roborated some of the testimonv of hla wife concerning alleged confessions made by Mrs. Orner. PREACHER IS INDICTED ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE Milwaukee, Wis., March. 1 The Rev. James Morrison Darnell, formerly pas tor of a Unitarian church in Kenosha, Wis., was indicted by rhef ederal grand jury Saturdav charged with violation of the Mann white sja e law in trans porting Ruth Sopri, of wt, .Uonna. Minn , to Kenosha, Wis. HERT PI Tin i Belief that the Dardanelles May Be Forced Is Re fc sponsible For Drop. NOTK Quotations reflect closing AionUa, March 1. Chicago. Ill . March 1 Wheat pr. made a sensational (Jownvxard plunge totl an a result of nw that 13 miles of Uif tVardanUes had alread b en fort. ! mi that apparently the release of vaat st rcn of Russian grain was only & question of l short time, possibly no more than a lort- rniffht Opaning quotations as a nhole ai ied from Jac to Sc under Heturday night with the market steadying' afterward about 33tc lower than Saturday's fldW figures The close was excited al bc to 6Sc un der Saturday night. Corn went sharply lower, affected hy thn weakness of wheat. Selling, however, w as not of unusual volunae. The market, whi h I opened hc to le lower, suffered a ma I tertal further setback and tken made a good rally. ine nose was neay, Vi(c 10 :aiV 2c net lower. Action in tHe oats market paralleled that in corn. Important support devatoped after prices had sagged something more than la. Provisions tumbled with grain. Grain and Provisions. Chicag-e OraliH. Close. Wheat May, 31.47; Jnry. I1.1SU. Corn May. 71Hc: July. 73, Oats Kay. 54c; Jnly. 51 He. Chicago Provisions. Oosa, Pork May, 317.19; Jnly, 317.89. Lard May, Jie.17; July, 319.49. Elba May, 19.75; Jnly. 319.95. LIVESTOCK. Kansas City Livestock. Close. Kansas dty. Mo.. March L Cattle Rects. 11,999: market steady. Prime fed steers. J!98.6; western steers, 39.6997.90, calves, SC.t9019.5O. Hogs Rects. 9999; market higher; balk, .9eJ6.79: pigs. .ISJ.9. Sheep Rects. 11,999; market steady. Lambs, 9.509.9; yearlings. S7.3t0S.25. Port Worth Livestock. Close. (By Zeig-er Hotel). Cattle Recta. 3900, including; 190 calves Beef steers, steady: top, 39.75; bulk, 36,-5 0C.5. Stacker steers, strong and active. top. 37 M; bulk. SC.350C.a9. Eighteen loads Mexicans at 35 25. Cows and heifers steady, cows, 35M05 59; heifers, 3C.M07.9e; stock' er cows and heifers, strong and active; cowa, 35.2509.C5; heifers. SC.90O7.25. Balls steady. S4.5O05.35: atocker bulls, S5.9a05.59. caltes steady, top, SS25. bulk. S4.5O06.59. Stock era steady. S5.5907.49. Hogs Rects. 2009, market 5 to 19c high er, top, St. JO; balk, SC.5906.S9. Sheep Rects. 3909; market steady. Goats at 33.00. NEW TORE; COTTOX. CLOSE. New York. March 1. CottoftSpot quiet ; middling uplands, S.25. Sales. 39 bales. KANSAS em PRODDCE. Kansas City, Mo., March 1. Butter Creamery. 29: first. 27: Keen. 25: nack- ilng. 17. Kggs first, is; seconds, li. Poultry Hens, 13; roosters, 19; tur keys, 15. COTTOX PRICES BREAK BBCArSB OF BLOCKADE New York. March 1. Cotton broke u points or nearly S3 a bale here today upon receipt of authentic news of t&e alies phns to place a virtual blockade against rip- ments of all commodities to German pnri October contracts sold off fron- 9 05 to j J CANADIANS GUESTS OF IT. E. MEMBERS A special excursion party of Can i dians from Toronto, on their wa. to rSan Francisco, arrived here Sunda evening and were met at the I'nun station by a delegation from the Unit ed Empire club. Autos were waiting andT the partv was taken to Juarez. Mondoy morn ing they were taken on a trip aoout the city and up and down the vallej. At 4 oclock this afternoon they will be en tertained at a reception at the chambe of commerce by British rice consul 41. C. Myles. The delegation will Ica e tonight at 9:30 for tne coast. Those in the party were: Miss F". Withrow, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. An drew Bates, Miss L Wickett, Mrs. V. v. Pearcy, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Dickson, Miss M. Mathewson. Miss E. Mathew son, Mrs. I. O. Stuart, Miss L. Dunn, Mrs. A. E. Hayward, Mrs. Eliza D. Mc Lean and Joseph Brown. Among those who met the Canadian were J. A. Happer, H. C Myles and Frederic Duck. I "RED" MULLEN IS INDICTED IN ROSENBERG MURDER CASE The grand jnry, late Saturday after noon, returned an indictment against W. E. (Red) Mullen, charging him with the murder of Maurice Rosenberg, the wealthy junk dealer, whose botK was found buried in an embankment along an irrigation canal near Tgleta on Feb, M. Mullen was remanded to jail without bond. WEATHER BULLETIN. O. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGKICDLTPKB, WBATHHB BUREAU. Observations taken i at S a. SL. 75th me '0W3UHS3iHlT OHEOFTrnSE- ridian time (Sara. El Paso time). Marih 1. 1915. Ferecanls. El Paso and icin ity Unsettled to night aad Taesda: ; warmer tonight New Mexico To night and Tuesda). cloudy ; probably rain or snow; warmer north portion and east portions to night. Arizona Tonlg h t and Tuesday, rai.i south portion, rain or snow north por DfW WHERE NtH FEEL rWFULW AJTn-Ef tion roider north portion West Texas Unsettled tonight and day, warmer tonight. Weather at S a. m. OHEOFTrnSE- I U(Vt WHEKC TUN I I FEEL rWFULW Lrrn-E? Lowest temp. last night I j Highest yesterday j j Temp at a. m I I j I Abilene 32 4: S2 cloudy Amarillo 2G 34 -6 cloudv Atlanta 32 48 f- clear Boise. Idaho 34 4S 34 cloudv Boston 24 34 -- clear Chicago 23 32 -8 .lear Cincinnati 24 36 :4 clear Denver 26 44 -4 pt. cldy Detroit 18 Si 18 clear Durath, Minn 34 Bl Paso 4 56 "4 pt eldv Galreston 42 56 J .loutl Havre. Mont :'0 Jacksonville 48 41 cloudy Little Rock 32 3 "J clear Los Angeles 46 58 '' pt. cldy Nashville 28 42 ? clear New Orleans 4: 58 -'-' doudy Nev4Yrk -- 36 ..' clear Omaha JO 36 '0 clear Phoenix 50 68 "0 cloudy Rapid City. SD 26 S8 14 cloody Roswell 30 43 30 pt cldy St. LouN 30 40 30 clear .Salt Lake City 40 4; 2S cloudy San Antonio 34 60 :i clear San Francisco 48 r,4 41 clear Saata Fe " 4i 3J cloudy Seattle 44 4 '-' cloudy Washington -' 4.' 21 cloudv Wichita Kans 30 34 : clouds uma '! 72 ;- clear Comparative El Paw Precipitation. I Jan. 1 to Feb. r". Inclusire. 1911. .. 110 1 Jan. 1 to Feb. 11. tnchwive. 191; Jan. 1 (o F-b. :. inclasiye. 1913 n ..1 I .Tan 1 10 Feb fi. inclnsivj. 1914 .. Jan. 1 t.i Feb .7 Inclusive 1915 I formal Jan 1 to Feb 27 ,lc)usie 1 '