Newspaper Page Text
2 S EL PASO HERALD WEDDING OF MISS GILLESPIE AND ARTHUR M'KNIGHT TO OPEN WEEK'S SOCIAL AFFAIRS A Narrative of Everyday Life Women's Ore motions. I The Sening society '.'Temple Mount I Sinai tv ill meet Moua afternoon at 30 oclock in the Sunday school room 1 THE WEDDING of Miss Frances ing the earning week there will be Gillespie and Arthur Lanier Me- I thr parties complimentary to Miss " "!p """ r""" Ma field. Mrs. A. J Freeman will gie Knight will open the weeks a dinner Tuesdai. Miss Hi'dcgard Sauer - .cial events Mondas night. The mar- wj entertan wlth a tea Wednesday nage tull be a quiet family ceremonj , afternoon nd Friday afternoon Mrs. it indcrest," the home of the bride s , Georgt R0bertson will gie a bridge MSter, Mrs. Alfred Kerr Only the rel- ; party n honor of this popular bride- uus will bt present After the mar- , ejecl i asr? weddmir receDtion to which a . s... k -.,.. M.n,iui .,., tk.. er large number of the friends 1 arc a number cf events of unusual iu-i 0menf the "lslon circle of the i ir Miung coupie nave men inviieu. i ,-.-..., to come this week. On Monday . '" yi"in tiiurtu inui; aiier- i 111 be held at A indcrest. Miss oil- ,he soman's club will provide a treat leie s sister. Mrs. Kerr will be her ; for itB members in a lecture to be giv matron of honor She will be given iu i en Dy j,, Lutie Stearns, at J oclock narnase b her brother, Allan Gilles- j in the auditorium of the high school. e ci xiiusuoru, x . ji nc&niguia Their Married Lif Helen Carries the Letter to Warren and He Does Not Open It Before Her. , or the temple. A fcusiress meeting will ; , .,- ,,.,, vi- nrmA ln.eH for precede the work, at which matters of ' TJELN hd Nora 8Prd for AX"" importance will be brouzh. up. unina was aiscusaea by me yonnc f-st man will be Wlluam CarrolL ucial affairs in honor of another oiiile to-be. Miss Frances Ma field, u ulalso occuir. a lot of interest in the '-'(ill -world for the next north. Dur- PURE ICE CREAM or Fruit Sherbet For Yoar SUNDAY DINNER DESSERT Place Yoar Order Early With Us and Get Choice of Different Flavors. We Pack Quart Orders In Ice. FREE DELIVERY. CAMOZZE ICE CREAM COMPANY noon. Miss Merle Dale presided at the meeting Nik Evelyn Ellison gave the scripture lesson. Miss Esther Rice talked on church work in China. Miss Nellie Smith read reports front other mission study circles. Mia Frances Dodge read a paper on mission study and hah lately been delivering; a series i "rS 'T ??. S, ew. memo " on Warren casually That was a good of lectures at the Kiverside Librar I received. Miss Lilly Dale and Hazel i plan. bnt ,nen ,, Warren should sus school in California. Her lecture will t "'" KeJrf;,,,nent? were 2 at pect that she had taken any interest be on -What is Happening to the Am- 1" 5 "J,."8,. mJL,ns They were I beyond the ordinary in it things might encan Home.", On account of the Mm- KJISl SLi.r. 2i? t vn W", erj uncomfortable. She hardly ited seating capacity of the high school ' MeI? DaIe' t,elm Wltooa and knew what to do hhe had heard that auditorium the attendance will be re- j rnce,Iuoose; , . . .. ... I if men thought their wives were jeal- Miss btearns is a woman of much ex perience in lecture work She is a mem ber of the Librar school of isconsin J on a corner of the dining room table. "I'm not ver hungry, Xora," she said when Nora asked her if she dldn t feel welL "Just warm np some pota toes and open a pot of that strawbero jam, and we'll have the lamb chops." As she ate Helen tried to decide what to do about the letter She might take it down town and drop In While Saving WHY NOT place your Savings where it will not only earn you something, but at the same time you will get in close touch wtih the officers and di rectors of the bank. The deserving person saves his money and bankers like to help those who show the ability to save. You are invited to open an account with this bank. 4'- Paid on Savings 4 stricted to club members, with one guest each. There will be no admission charge. The club, in bringing Miss Stearns to El Paso to lecture. Is follow ing a custom in use in the larger clubs of the east and elsewhere, in pro viding free lectures for the club mem bers. While in El I'aso Miss Stearns will be the guest df Mrs. Olga Kohl berg Another event of unusual interest will be the lecture to be delivered by Miss Helen Keller, the famous blind girl, under the auspices of the Wom an s club, on Thursday night in the 1 Paso theater. The board of directors of the loung omen s Christian association will have its monthly meeting Thursday morning in the down town rooms of the association. The El Baso Equal Franchise league will meet Thursday afternoon at S oclock in the parlors of Hotel Sheldon. xnere trill Be the ususal week end dance at the Country club. The semi I monthly post hop of the 15th cavalry officers will be held at Fort Bliss Tues- , day night The West Ysleta Dancing club will have a dance at the West Ysleta Country club Thursday night. Miss Edna Long will entertain for the younger set with a dance at her home on Ange street Wednesday night in honor of her birthday anniversary An interesting musical program will be given Wednesday by the musio de- iwunem 01 ine H Oman s club in which Thomas A. Christian will give a recital of songs. Of the card clubs, Mrs. W J Rand will entertain the Tuesday club on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J w. Lorentz en will be the hostess of the Tuesday bridge club which meets on Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Lewie writ be the hostess for the Halt and Half club. Thursday afternoon. . The Shamrock circle of the Sunshine '7 """ir";'',?! su"sn.,S! . " hem furious. Helen was C,. u.Vi:i: S?T "lr "U'l 7 , rtaln as to just how to proceed. home of Marian. Roma Km. on North t. Paso street. A business meeting was held. It was decided to start a Sun shine library at the county hospital. One new member, Ruth Goodman was enroled. There were present Teresa O'Keeffe. Tama O'Keeffe, Elisabeth Spence. Margaret Spence, Ruth Good man, Louise Hooper. Mrs. M. Pnelan. EZ.3 &1LK JS. "Jf. ! ' were groundless anyw March 19 at the home of Klisabeth Spence. Following the business meet ing a social half hour was enjoyed, with refreshments served by the hostess. Nora came in and set an eclair down before her Helen fancied that it didn't taste as good as usual and pushed it aside after a few mouthfuls. She would go down town and do a little shopping and then go into Warren's of fice with a couple of small packages. She could hand him the letter with a nonchalant air, too and perhaps her The officers and teachers of the First Baptist church Sunday school were en- ffrrtaind Vridav nivhr Kv Wr ,mi 1 C O. Coffin at their home on Upson ' She dressed carefullv in her brown suit and a new straw hat of tan straw with little rose colored wings stand ing up smartly from its crown. It was rerr becoming, and as Helen turned awav from her dressing table she felt satisfied with her appearance. In the subway she met Mrs. Stevens and for tne nrst time n her life felt like not talking to her old friend She remem- avenue. During the evening, the heads ' bered that it was just about a year ago First Aids to Beauty. In addition to oar own Preparation Witch Hasel and Almond cSm-!we have the best selection of Toilet Ar ticles to be found in El Paso. We are especially careful in the selection in this Department, and if yon have some favorite Toilet Water. Soap. Dentifrice or other Toilet requisite we are certain yoJ?u fln ' M it is a toilet Whites and get it. Scott "White i Co. Safety First Druggist. Mills B Deport Pharmacy Roberta Banner B. (Advertisement. ) "Why otf Recommend Beach's Art Shop te your visiting friends for zarapes, drawnwork. souvenirs. All goods guaranteed to be genuine. Prices in alain firann 14 Pioneer Plaxa. City .-itL Bank Bldg tAufenuemcnLi Sheet Music nlr. Big assortment of popular songs and instrumental numbers at 2 for 6c. Dunn s. 404 San Antonio St. Adv CHEAP LUMBER Sacramento Pine and Spruce Surfaced cm side and edge, thoroughly seasoned. Closing out entire stock at special low retad prices. DAWSON FUEL SALES CO. LUMBER YARD TV. N. Rhemhamcr, Sales lgent. Brown & Missouri. Phone 498. TAKE 4. BOX HOME CANDY SPECIAL ON OCR PECAN PRALIENES 25c THE y2 LB. BOX SAT ITED AY ONLY Weekly Fashion Hint &&t ssffT'j& HEtt WE'NUE VXD TEXAS STREET ol the different departments in the scnooi reported about their work, and plans for future work were discussed. A social time followed. Refreshments were served oy tne hostess. There were present sr. and Mrs. C H. Ashton. Mr. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. William Graves. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Orr, Mr. and Messrs. Ray Knooneisen. Steve lupran, Jiesaames Tom ta and F J. Franklin. Miss Anna Franklin. Miss Lizzie Hall and P K. Johnson. The monthly story hour of the girls of the camp tire circles will be held Monday afternoon at 3 30 oclock in the central rooms ot the Young Woman s Christian association Mrs. Charles L. Overstreet wiU be the story teller. Mrs. James Graham McNary the chief guardian of all the camp fire circles. The Triangle club of the First Chris tian church met Friday night at the home of Mrs. W. T. Hayes, on Arizona, street. Miss Hazel , Robinson led the meeting and read the scripture lesson. Hiss Helen Hay recltel "The Ragged Little Boy" Hiss Elvie Hubbard read paper on Robert Morrison, missionary to India. Miss Lovette Cassens read a paper on mission work among the foreigner immigrants in Indianapolis. Then a bible drill was conducted y Mrs. Hayes. Mrs. Perry J Rice gave a missionary talk. After the program, a short business meeting was held The meeting was attended by a number of visitors. These were Mrs G A. Thumm. Mrs. R. D Hull little nun. Hall and little Georgia May Hood. The members of the club present were: Misses Hazel Robinson. Edna Suther land. Hazel Allen. Viola Allen. Elvie Hubbard. Lovette Cassens. Marie Kerr. Helen Hay and June Covington A social time, with the serving of re freshments, followed the program. The monthly work and business meeting of the Woman's Charit) asso ciation will be held Thursdaj after noon at 2 30 oclock at the home of Mrs. B M. Worsham. on Montana street. While the month's reports are present ed, the members will make garments for poor children and all members are asked to bring their scissors and thim bles. The meeting of the board or di rectors will be held Tuesdav morning at .J0 oclock at the home of the pres ident, Mrs. T W Lanier, on Montana street. t the Thursday meeting the hostesses will be Mesdames B, F. Ham mett, Henry Pfaff. H. S Potter, W H. Pickels. C S. Pickrell. J A. Pickett, E. G Perry. Charles Pomeroy, Frank Powers. Robert Knbur,- Kohlberg. W jc Pence. J. F Primm. R. l. Kamey. 1. A. Rawlings. W. F. Robin, son. W W. Rose. Will E. Race, W J. jrvana. i. nyan. Alien H. Rodes, H T that Mrs Stevens had come to her, blue and unhappy, to ask about her own husband's fidelity. It seemed strange! that I.a b1,aU .. .. ... k . now Helen remembered how secure she had felt in "Warren's fidelity at the time Now it seemed as though the foundations of her life were crumbling under her Mrs. Stevens spied Helen almost im mediately and crossed over to sit beside her "Now where are you bound for. all dressed up" she queried gayly. "Just down shopping," Helen an swered, "and then I'm going to call for Warren " Planning to Sleet HusbaniT. "I am going to a matinee with Jane Graham, and then I am going to meet Mr Stevens and go out to dinner "Have you a new girl yet" asked Helen with interest. Mrs. Stevens s girl had left to get married and Mrs. Stevens had bemoaned the fact ever since. She declared that she would neier hare a maid she liked as well. 'Not yet." she admitted, "but I rope to have soon You'll be losing Nonz soon, won't yon "In the summer some time, but Mag gie ,s coming over and I am to have her' "Lucky woman. Who is Maggie, may I as"" "Nora's younger sister. Of coarse I can't expect to have a paragon like Nora, but at least I can be assured that she is dean and honest," "That's right. Do yon think you'll have to teach her everything yon want done" They say greenhorns are terri bly stupid." "I hope not. Nora says not." "WelL If you hear of anyone, let me know. Are you getting off here Yes, I'm going down to 4!d street. .1 take the local here, too." Helen said goodby to Mrs. Stevens and rode on down to ltd street. 8ke wandered down to Ordway & Croft's and bought a shirtwaist and had It put up in a small parcel so as to have something to carry when she went to zee Warren. Then she bought a box of cinnamon candy, of which Warren was fond, and had a soda to take np time She wanted to get down there just about closing up time and come home with Warren. IJnger as she would. It still seemed early when she entered the huge office building and took the elevator. A boy met her as she opened the office door' ana asked whom she wished to see. "Mr. Curtis, pleas-." she said with some dignity. "Tell Mm his wife would like to see him" "Warren Greets Her, The boy vanished and Helen sat down to waif She went to Warren's office so seldom that it was qutte a novelty. As a rule Warren did not like her to come there. He had nfloa said that there was no need of a man's mixing up bis business and his home life, and Helen, although she did not exactly agree with him. was always willing to abide by his wishes. The boy came oot after a minute or two and asked Mrs. Curtis to come in. Helen followed him Into Warren's of fice and Warren rose to meet her. His stenographer. Miss Wells, looked up from the typewriter and bowed cbeer ilv. Helen liked the girl very much, better than any stenographer Warren had ever had She seemed so bn-jht Impeded Warren had not left her a and rheer and she alwavs dressed so .k.. for anv questions unl-"s a ntl.. hr It wait s ntoajuire tA look ' -.... tn nnoear curious. )ht ! t . J r I -- " rr .&, at her "Hello. Helen." said W arr n cheenl "How did ou happen to tome down "Oh I mas shopping and I finished so that I could take ou home with me It seemed so foolish to go home alone ' Warren busied himself with some letters on his desk and Miss Wells, after pulling some sheets of paper out of the typewriter, slipped its coer on and rose and went into the other room. "I have a letter for you." said Helen, taking the bull b the horns and fum bling around in her bag Warren looked up For me" n asked. "All right, band it over Helen handed him the letter with out speaking and she watched his face closely as she did. He took the letter and with a glance at the postmark slipped it into his pocket. Somehow Helen felt that it was just what she -Win; lowed nerrou!r t-n men uk calniH is -he ion J Business wrr. 1 i iv 1 un j sentu . ....... in , way me Bin. '...,.,,- , Hoi n .n thine more bscau t mi .... i , ..-- ttirrpn eiofceo uis m " ' nis ui.n" rose to go "We'll star down town to dim ' would you UKc that- be said fie ' '""Sn rixh. dear, but 111 have to -e- , "GTahd while I wa up- ....v n near mj M.ltn tun ed to the !. little ache at her The answer couui " -. --- I with a nn.ii sTieep ui M f j I his drawer Wirren closed his desk In teleph' heart b wlh a little urn -- -- -Se had never felt before to her 1 Copyright. 115. International .V Copyrti Service . II Lodges and Clubs. The Army. xue oeiesrates irom tne local Anad. I s. . . .. . men Circle groves left Kl Paso today I j""- " " to attend the state convention at Fort I '"nT. kas gone on a short leave of I TT. a"u rTanetseo. He was caiieu mere By, the niaess of Mrs. Kor- win. Worth. Mrs Frank D. Scotten and Mrs. ijuiu Mattice are the delegates from Willow Grove Mrs. G A. Jackson rep resents Alameda Grove. Dr. Ida K. Bishn represent Ihwiwti. Rmv. They will be away for about a wt airs. k. a Smith entertained the members of the T.aillA nt , w--m. bees" Friday afternoon at her home on Arizona street. The games of See and high five were the afternoon's amuse ments. Mrs. A. StitKr and Mrs. Dale Slaughter won the prizes in the SM game and Mrs. Dora Day and Mrs F. E. Truax won the prises in high five A supper was served when the games were over About M people were pres ent. The mission study class of the Alta lsta M. E chun h met Friday evening it the home of Mr and Mrs. R. Boyer. W .H. Lark was leader for the evening. A salad course was served after the study Those present were. Mesdame D W. Burney, C H. Schmid. J B. Clements, T C. Gamer. E. H. Florence. R. Z. Boyer and A. J W. Schmid Misses EuU Harper, Florida Harris. Ruth Harris. Carma Temple and Helen Temple Messrs. H M. Smith. D. W ,Bu"j- - J w ScumH. W. H. Lark. Clvde Nav H Park 7. Kn.. and Albert Schmid Jr j The Auxiltarv to7the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers gave an eajov- ! able catvl Mrir Prtif-V -... 1 l - i-- - .j Kiiriaimi in i the Knights of Pythias hall High Ave was the afternoon's amusement. Brail i Smith and Mrs. Mary Spellman won tne first prises. The prizes were a net ' roio curt outtons and a silver sugar Popular Song, 3 For 3c Big assortment of titles both vocal and instrumental while they hut i for c. Dunn's Music Store. ti San An tonio street Advertisement. it ill Perfection ia Style and Fit Is Obtaised Ofij TariHigb The Use of McCall Patterns Tke BseieL Sfastratej k fsM of tie Srwk el Sprisg is a dress of sand colored prBBeHa. Tie new style featares arc einpswsbod in tke kigt cHar, trnalf bst lanei waist and fal skkt The frock k also practical for varwHis cettea fabrics sack as popfia, ratine aad ntqee. Tke perfect fit and skapSdtj- of ad McCal PaHera asake tke very latest ad kst styles pos sible to tke wosaa ef fea ited sseaas. The Spnsc SVoek wjm Sosi vst sad Psfl Skirt McCaD Pattern ojoa. Ose of the 5a smart dencas isr Mssch. 10c AND loci Apr! McCaM Patterns Now Ready Pattern Depi. Makt Fleer. Safford. V. P Safford, George Sauer ' bCttl nd cream pitcher Alton Hobein I M. P Schuster. V. E Raggio. S. Shcultz. . 1a . M rs- H J Sterner won the eon- ' fc. K. Thornton. S. H. WorrelL W E soiation prizes. The men s arise was I lf.,?d JiH- JfeBrn. nl Miss Mary jwme xiwiizr Vn r. r urih. .......t-. .. . - "- , ciiicriuieu imv Needlecraft club at her home in Grand I View Thursday Afternoon. Potted plants and white carnations decorated ine rooms, me only guest in addi tion to the club members was MrsHj bert Miller Mrs. F. C Kilgore wilt en tertain the club on March IS. Out Of Town Visitors. . . . j. .- . T "i iTuai ana suit nangers in j ; , . mm, ana uie women s con- p soUtion prize was a shoe horn and j shoe buttoner in a leather case. Follow- ' ing the games, an ice course was i served Mrs. C M. Cunningham was ' the chairman of the entertainment committee. On the committee were: i Mesdames G P Walker. Emll Smith. M F Bauman and v. W. Young. Among . cT.VL " XT J re rr nno'ntrs. Emu i 1 Smith. Mesdames J M. Rltz, Mary j Spellman. F M Brewen. Foster Hath- Mr and .. xv.nir r--w, -, T .. 1"V:. '. "?njan. H. J. Sterner, -fc n burg. K .. are spendingfew dVyk i Gco."p WatkerRo's-i' S,nii,shm' P "cCoursey. G A. Stoddard. V. C Tunlr Ul- mi.- ! Canl!,'?KJulm' "" M"b1 runningham. and Miss L. G Blair and Alton HobeinT THE CHINA PALACE She largest and most complete stock in Texas of exquisite China Dinner ware. Glassware. Silverware. Cut Glass. Crockery, and other house hold. Hotel. Restaurant and Bar Furnishings. Wholesale and Retail. A. ST0LAR0FF 112 SAN ANTONIO ST. BREAD, 4c A LOAF Best of fresh Vegetables, Meats and Staples at Lowest Cash Prices. No deliveries cuts the cost of high living. McMickle's Grocery MO Ssn Antonio t. Tonne 6190. I SEND ail your garments to us for expert cleaning, dye ing and pressing and we'll guarantee to return them just like new. PHONE 627 THE BEST CLEANERS AND THE PRICE ALWAYS RIGHT. In addition to our French Clean ing Department we are now pre pared to Clean and Renovate CARPETS CaH us Hp and we'll talk it over. 1 WORK WHEN PROMISED?! Wilson -Millican 1102 E. Boulevard. I El Paso. I rs. R D. Hall and son, BliUe Hall, who have been visiting Mrs. W T .. gu Arizona street returned to dav to their home in San Simon Ariz. A. C Stewart of Matagorda. Tex is visiting his brother. Green Stewart and family, at their home on Arizona street Mr. Stewart is a cattleman of Mata a: He wiU be in El Paso for about i Miss Florence Cleveland, of Roches ;2V X ,- and Mn- Caroline Surles. of Milwaukee, who have been visiting Mr and Mrs. W L Gaines, will leave Wed nesday for southern California. En route they will visit the Grand Canyon. ftr spending some time in San Diego and Los Angeles, they will join Lieut and Mrs. Alexander D Surles In San Francisco. Musical. A NOTRE GAME LADY'S APPEAL Te an (sewing MOtrtrs of rrsniitliui irkets er BHHcakr or of the Mats. sd.Oo. liiilnaM. . pains ia the abbeys or aeerafcna Pum. m -rate te ser tar a son weatawst I !!-. t vms has repeatedly corea .11 at ia ,' Aee:beLBgrime, 8s feels It her dwy to send It t- an isTinn rBPJS. Tee em. joanelf at hcase as laainiaili lrtr. twrttj so ekaase ot eliaule bHac se ary. mis staple dnvaTery hanbfeea crlc aeM from tke Mood, loosens the stiffened Jamts. psr is tbe bkMd. and krtrttefii (he area, striae eiaatidty and tone to tbe whole syatea. Jf tat share iattmts job. for ntoof addreas ifrz. M. Seauaerf. Box B. Jwtre Dase. lad. A recital of unusual interest will be given hy Thomas A Christian Wednes da afternoon in the program of the ELm 'c department of4he Woman's club, held in the auditorium of the hign schooL Mr Christian will be assisted by Mrs R. Brown, as his accompa nist Mrs. Ralph M Henderson, as violin ist, and Mrs. J J Raster, soprano. The program is in charge of Mrs. R. V. Pearson who Is chairman of the day. Mr. Christians first selections win be 'tSK-'L Am V by wt4 a M leslre, by Xevln. From the son.- cvcie -stars of the Desert" by Amy Woodford Flniln h. iii -i'-rrl I m . , rv ass DIUK OU&sTsl i'f.JLit -D2SSf,''i. "You Ar A" "" u tI .' ,TheJt,ce Wa Un"r Water' and Fate Mrs J t v..i -. u. Christian will sing tbe duet of "Leo- una vonm ol r- -' IT IS TOUR FACE that counts so- y.V j, ciany or In business. Lit-. Wrinkles. Hollow or A Rouble Chins. Puffy ifvwwi iutstanaing j-fEars, Roman Noses. -V Sunken Noses, III- P Shaped Lips. Super fluous Hair and Moles, all scientifi cally treated. CnnanUaftnn 17- GRACE A. REASON". Face Specialist of Chicago. 1IEK.XB ntJILDIN. fe Luna." !- ll i Irnm Tswa.... j . jars, itaipn n. Henderson will play a violin solo. "Canvonetta." by Friml Mr ChrlsUan will sing two of Kipling s splendid poems, "Danny Dea der ith the musical setting by Dam rosch aid -Mother o' Mine with the music by Tours. His closing groun of -ongs will be the old English baflao. Drink to Me Onlv With n.!,, vJZZ u , , .... ." : -. - au.u Mrvm, nn.ievs -An. "ns a Dream." -Ab- it!ni-'? Llttle and " tn Shore." b Neidlingtr The final song will be the climax of the program. It is Tann hausers song, -Oh Thou Sublime, Sweet Lvening Star." from Wagner's opera, "Tacnbouser - About El Pasaans. in OLD HICKORY FURNITURE IS MORE POPULAR TODAY THAN EVER BE.'ORE-llTu, i, fast becog , rt-of-cW a A result of this desire to be in the open has creUed an ever .ncrcaang demand for tmwikmz for the veranda. lawn and garden. "OH Hickory ' is the only natural log! oot door tmrtmc. IT IS BUILT TO LAST-IT IS QUAINT, ARTEUC-IT MEVER 0FFEMDS-IT IS GENUINE HANDCRAFT. I. placing 0td rictory- f-nurc on yor porch t, m . matMi y, nature, thus making your surroundings all harjuxuons. ''OH Hiclcoo'" is haik to last and costs no more than the cheap stmt fWantare. We have just received a car of this artistic furniture and offer three piece set a shown ft 1 n r,r m aW AwtratHM,; Settee. Rocker and Am C air. three piec. ,njy P I 1 J84D OUII TWO CARS OF REFR86ERHTOLHS areiKW'sampfcdandwearesliownigalartyrassorrineat than ever before, huduoW the world tTUmFFwi CIeBaWe' Porcelain lined; Gurney and CcH Air. all the beat of their das. Kefrhjerators are priced , p nm So, 75 HIRE RED WINTON SIX'S ISIS Model. Ask for J. Elh's or A. Bering AT PHONE 441 miss Virginia Harrison is quite . ; uviwr, a ti9 nations avenue. Mrs. S. W Fant will hix.1. -. Saturday with a-party at her homo on East Boulevard. i Harold, the little son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank E. Gallagher, of lm Wyoming street, who has been seri- ' ouslv ill with penumonia. has recovered i """ i uuw auic to leave tne notlse. AH the latest society dances taught. Class lessons Private lessons by ap pointment Social danced every Satur day evenine; Rjan's Dancing Academy. Phone SS10 Vd ertisement. Try It for breakfast tomorrow that better rolled u4ts onlaIe brand. At your grocers Advertisement. imiie at the tranafrr slntion ston in I EASY PAYMENTS TO ALL We Give Green Trading Stamps top in j m n Jilif.kf f I fHW ssmsmft (nfcssBmimimimiP 108-110-112 North - Stanton Street 1 "" " ii-w II1KB "zine 1 I I U T j l I 1 v . , -'