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EL PASO HEUALD TVek Ilml Edition, March 6-7, 191- 5-B BY GEORGE M'MANUS BRINGING UP ' BY COLLY.' THESE SOCIETY CTW5 ARE ALL RKiHT-j'M HAYIN ACiOODTlME Lj TONKiHT "-y L UUUUUUUUUUaU Wu PUBLISHERS' NOTICE The El Paso Herald was established In March, 1S8L The El Paso Herald includes also, by absorption and succession. The Daily News. The Telegraph. The Telegram. The Tribune. The Graphic The Sun. The Advertiser. The Independent. Tbe Journal, The Republican. The Bulletin. Entered at tbe Poetofflce in El Paso. Texas, as Second Class Matter. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS, AMBRICVN linSPFEU PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION. AND AUDIT BUREAU OF" CIRCULATIONS. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Herald, per month. 6c- ver year. J7.0S. Wednesday and Week-End issues will be mailed for $. Der year. Rates For CltrtiTied Ads: One Cent per Word. No charge less than $.25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word 05 Notice To Classified Advertisers All classified advertising ordered to run ind-fimtely it. f.) must be in writing Nd t. f. aavertlsesaeats ac cepted over the telephone. Orders to discontinue t- t. ads must also be In writing and cannot be accepted over the telephone. A stop order receipt will be given when a t. t. a.a is ordered discontinued. Answers to Herald Ads. The following list ex uncalled for answers to HeraM Want Advertise men is are now beans heW far denvery at The Herald business office: .27 M. . H. M. 5 1L K. r T. G. MS H 222. T lil H :s, v 1M 1 2-7t X. T Z. J 44 Diary K. 2Ci HuusslfcS-pfT I- 41S Grocery I. 4S 2- Lost and Found. IjOST Between courthouse and SI Paoolce and Refrigeratlag Co.. leather wallet with key ctuotn ttacbod. Retnm t Rio Grande lank for reward. tsined one Si aod one SI bin. between hite House. El Paao and 8aa Antonio sta. 19 diamond ling with sapphire MtrJsg. Lft era! reward offered. Xra J ShllUag. Lockie HoteL Personal. HAIK MAXLPACTUBBRS Myrtle Ave. ALTO PORHIKE Sl-t per boar. Ph. T. lace Cartalas Made IAe New. Ph. 4 J. SI'IKKLLA Corsets. Mrs. Haiett. Ph. W AILPEN BEBli'S preparatlona at Ryan a MRS. CHONLA'S 1. Belle Fsjce Cream for ti e. 310 Texas. GEO. V. KKNDALI 18 MES.V. uiaaaeo uignu HUB OV TBIBD the Wisteria Cafe' If l -t it - our lossr- 114 San Antonio. "VI ANTED To communicate with some one going to Ft. Worth rlte V SIX Herald. j I. crRTIS, 1. M. C. A. Please com- ; mopicate with Owl Sign and Paper Co. rtKSOVL Nevada i months divorce law opfed from statutef in pamphlet form. 1-Ke-o Advertising Bureau, box S2. Reno, Nevada. i UUHEb wanting firstclass manicuring. shampooing and facial massage call Mra Harrington, phone 58Zt V Will call at our borne If desired lOlTNO LIB! wants young lady who Is v orking for roommate for a nice dose la r om on Montana breakfast aad dinner If desired , reierences cmmubcu- x wn. TtBEKClLOsIS CATABKH U yoa de sire information about a new. safe remedy for Tuberculosis and Catarrh, phone lies. Literature will be mailed you. If convenient call at 21 E. Main 8t, S. B. Eliejr. El Pibo Texas. FinaficIaL WANTED Money on first mortgage oa a pubii- utility In a growing town. Write A. 72 Herald. SEE ITS If you have good nates to sell or want s loan on chattel mortgage or col lateral security. Equitable Loan Assil. 314 :i. Trust Bldg. S PCT. MONET rCT. MONET 6 PCT. Loans mav be obtained for any purpose oa acceptable real estate security. Liberal rr-. i.eges correspondence sonetted. A. C gency Co, 75t Gaa, Eloctric Bldg, Denver, i o 416 Pierce Bldg St. Lonte. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOtN 21S Mills Bldg. THE DIXIE CO. Money advanced to sal aried people C M. Hariey. Mgr 23 Texas St R- 1 over Lightbody's store. Ph. Ill TKHATE BANK Loans money oa furni ture pianos diamonds, etc.. notes bought and sold, courteous treatment, cesifldential ueslinga 302 Two Republics Bldg. Ph. 1144 JX)AN WANTED of S2. secured by mod- ern 6 room bouse on corner lot. Address 101 care Herald. FATHER t VELL MR.J 11 CERTAINLY LAO TO HAVE THE. PLEASURE OT MEETING vou: S locks and Bonds. INtESTMENT BROKERS FOR lNDIIIDUALS AND INSJTTCTIONS. "We have NOTHING OP ODR OWN TO SEU. bat are Interested oaly la what will best meet tbe special requirements or. each Individual client." Inquiry invited. Cartfcs-ManiitBg Ca. Investment Securities. First Nat. Bank Building. El Paso. Texas. Money to Loan. He Make Ixmns oa chattel aaort gages and collate! seciuiUes; also bust rood notes. EqnltaM Loan Assn.. 11115 Trwst Bids;. HOMST TO XOVN en El Paso city property in asaeqnts of 5M. J 75 and J I tot: Interest 9 percent, to ran 1 or 2 years. In anewerlna glve description of yonr property and amount wanted. Want to deal direct with Write B. -I, Herald. Special Notices. MAMCURING 3Ct Myrtle Are. WANTED Men' a shirts to make. 142- W GBO. D KKM)LL, 26ft HRSA, Makes Glasses Right. 1 1 WILL 0 LOGBK be reapooafble fer any i bills contracted by my wife. F Huttanus. t KLECTKIC MASSAGE and scalp treatments, 1 SlSs San Antonio St., room S, Fairmont ' J hotel. 1 UK BIT AND SELU packkand store bold gooda Sell yonr goods to the one that pays the moat. H. 1. Steivart. Pernirare. 25 a Stanton. Phone 111 POKD OWNERS make the front seat of yoar car folding back and sleep with com fort while oa yoar cross coaatry trip- We i are especially equipped for this work. Phone UlU j 1VK AHE SHirriNC car H. K. goods to j California Monday, have room for S j poaada. If yoa wish to ship phono ; 125 quick and save half of your freight I charges. j K. I Daniel Farn. Matt. Frty. j 1IS BCPFAI.O XICKELS. ?Sc each paid for them and Lincoln pes- ! mes. certain kinds highest prices paid for I e'd ooina. Send lc for ooln catalog and ' j.e.a. ... lv tva. mti, t,viu ! Dealer, box I. Newton. 111. I WANTED To sell from 2 to ;M shares t of 'La Concordia" Preach Oil company, owning 25,342 acres of oil land in the petro leum belts of Tanto-Toca and Tuxpam. I Mex.. where ao one bas lost a penny Dot o 127, property of the company, bas 22 ; oil seepages on the surface ground and one hole unfinished, which produces 1 liters j of good oil per minute. In said lot the new city of Tuxpam wtll be erected and the ' sale of 2 million of cubic meters will nro- suce not less than 2 million dollars. Prepa rations have been made for the exportation of 5 tons of good asphalt dally without consideration of tbe petroleum produced. Price of share S5. but will accept offers. For more Information write box S72, EI Paso Texas. Business Chances. POB RENT Fuel and feed tmstaeee. 412. GEO. D. KENDtLI, 28 MBSA. Makes Glasses night FOK BENT Garage and repair shop. 412. GABAGE FOR SALE in good town, estab lished trade. For partlcalars address M. 138. Herald. $5e,eM PAYROLL monthly upper valley. Take the La Mesa auto from Herald office 3 3 p. m. RESTAURANT, bakery and grocery, living room, chicken yard, long lease, rent 33. Snap. Call owner 53a J. IP YOU ILYVE Clteo to Invest with cer vices in paving business, with good salary, address M. 427. Herald. WANTED Capital to market patented ar ticle. A sure success. Investigate this. P. Ol box 137. city FOK SALE Grocery near school, bastness ass per month, invoice; reasonable rent; calla Aod. Grocery, care Herald. PARTNER WANTED for feather renovat ing aad mattress bustnesa to go from town to town, not much money required. Write N. 41 Herald. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE I will sell for less than value, completely equipped zinc mine. C2 percent ore. For particulars write J. P. Hamilton. Fortune, Mo, or H, H. Parsons. Detroit, Mich. POK SALE SSM will buy the best paying business 4s EI Paso, st present netting 312 per day clear profits, long lease, best loca tion, chean rent Willi stand Insnectlon. Write N 44C. Herald TO TRADE Will trade long time vendor's lien notes as part payment on dwelling, or to contractor to furnish material and build. or for valley land, or city property Write P O box 251. El Paso Texas. TWO BKICK STORES, 25 by 100 feet each adjoining, north tide pquare, Plaimlew. Tex., for rent. In wheat and grain belt; abundant water around plainview for Irri gation plate glass front and uptodate. splendid for drug etore dry goods or groc eries Rent C7 SO per month each Address box 1C6 Tjler Texas, -j vou : g r i mm YOOTOLD SOWE. tCOOO 1VE CERTAINLY ENJOYED MESELFi Badness Chances. FOR SALE Moving picture show, good tosra. no opposition, guaranteed to clear tit monthly MM will handle If taken at once. Beet of reasons for selling. A snap for someone W G Shomsker. Naco. Ariz. FOR KEXT-XEWB.iKiBV. ' 14o9 Alameda, rally equipped with every thing necessary for running of flrstclsss bakery. Will rest for J IS month. Ja. L. Marr Co Snrceeortt to Anlln Marr Co. Phone 43St M4 San Antonio. OWIr. TO ILIaNBSS I offer for sal my Bsay Bee Confectlooery store, doing a $20, M baincs3 a year. Cost orlaiaallr J-tee; wift aell -cbeap for cash. Will stand ricld iasfectio&. If you want a mint bay this store, 10w percent profit In confectlona, H. W Schatze. Mar fa. Texas. MIDIND OrHKA llOVSE Overhauled and remodeled best show town in West Texas, country In fine shape, guarantee packed hooee to firstclass attractions. Ask for dates. W A. Taylor, Mar Opera Hosse. Midland. Texas. BUY OIL STOCK In C1. tO company, just organized, ground floor proposition; It percent dividends 9$ days possible. 2t wells at once quick action on yonr money. United number shares at 2c per hare H buys $SM par value stock big advance In stock soon selling fast, remit now. Write for free Information, dividends declared soon. Amalgamated Oil Co., 1147 Colcord Bid-, Oklahoma. Ofcla IF ?iOT ISOLD BY ATRIL 1ST I offer to lease my Bury Be confectionery store to one or more responsible men. who can give, security and who have enough cash to run the business on. tit per month lease oa futures and good will, valued at $; gooa cntoce xor nustiing man wicn a iiv capital- Will lease with option to purchase at expiration of one year party leasing must buy my stocky H. W. Schutae, Marfa. x BUMNffib CHAIN CBb. Cigar stand, central tocatlaa. good stock and future. Low rent. ITS. Cigar stand and shoe shining parlor. Well located, J Me. Confectionery, light counter and fruit stand; low rent, good tfon. Includes stock and tine Iocs Restaarant doing ST day. SKs. Reataaraat. good toeathm. STM. LvBcfa coantar, S4S. General dry goods, fiae stock, good loca tion and leace. S'SM. Stock in merchandise, groceries aad crock ery ware. Ail salable geoda la tl in voice lots totals 17 will exchange for lots or valley land. See Mamie, James L. Marr Co. 14 San Antonio St. For Sale -AatoEiooges. ONE DETROIT ELECTRIC, good terms. One Hupmoblle touring ear. terma Ph. 2S 10 K SM.K One passenger machine, tlrst claas condition. Inquire lf & Staatoa. MITCHKI.I. 5 passenger cylinder H. P fine condition. JllffS Pbone 125S 1 a. m. I OK hALE Firstclass Studebaker car in ' line condition. Call 5s Mesa at 1 p. m. POCK CARS for sale at your osm price. spark plugs cheap, til N" Campbell. FOK bALE A bargain, ma T jsisillSl Studebaker C 112 E Missouri St. room 2 HIPMOBILE FOR SALE 2 passeager. fine condition, cheap for cash or mill trade for diamond, x Phone 2234 POK SALE New auto de luxe player piano, cost SS5 A bargain if taken at once. Phone 1057. or writ De Luxe, care Herald. FOR SVLE t passenger Studebaker. first class condition all around. 3225 cash. P O. box 19L city $122 I PASS. CADILLAC, new tires. Just overhaaled. runs ansd n-akld good truck, red brick rear 3331 Alameda Ave. MIST HAIE MONEY Metx runabout, out of factory bat few months sad la perfect condition. Gift at J 25. Phoa 3CM or call l jsucaier Bldg. roil SALE Electric coupe. This beauti ful 4 passenger car will be sold cheap to make room for large llmoasina. Address 21 W. Missouri St Pbone live. FOB SALE 7 paneager Hanes ( cylinder, electric, gear shift. 7 passenger Chalmers C. both in fine condition. Ph. 3652. Mia S. Oregon. ONE OVERLAND KOADSTER, 3 horse power. In good running order, new tires, can be made into a truck at a very small ex pease, can be bought at 2s casta. Call 1211 Newman Phono 3471 J. WANTED la year automobile for saieT It s tell us and we will sell It Our trouble now Is lack of cars. We have plenty of buyers. We especially want Fords. Boseboro Hatcher. Phone 721. 315 Texas St LOOK! LOOK! Here Is a special bargain. One of the rare snaps we occasionally have to offer to the critical baraaia buyer. Chalmers V 114 (-passenger, electric lights and starter, seat covers, good tires, motor and car la At condition. Must be sold at once. 35 buys it. Do not delay. Eoeoro Hatcher. 315 Texas. Phone 723. Ford, passenger s Iti Fotd. : passenger, oversized tires JN Bulck. & passenger mechanically per fect, new tires. Bargain !; Buick. 4 passenger 2t' Bulck. 2 passenger. Mod. 1C racing roadster &ae Packard. 4 passenger 45 Hudson "C," 7 passenger 12v Chalmers . 7 passenger lztt Hupmoblle 2t : passenger..... 22; Overland. 5 passenger. 4&e Moving picture machine with stereopti- eon attachment i;& Everybody can own an automobile. See us. Roschero t listener. SIS Texas. Phone 722. For Salt Pianos. 10 IX SLB Schuller piano good condition. practl ally new mahogany ca?c Call morn ings. -12 Diaz. Pbone i2 J. Tl at I - n -v- rUnaREr!v K-JtyJSEc fzZLstp'z&z.t' tuuutSi -jfitrffjz jt IvScJo , Copyright. Mil. International Newsservice. YOU SHOULD HEAJR HAP VARD TELL '-TORIES! I jj "-j some: s r EL PflSO ftFTEH HTTLEiEET Special Car to San Francisco Convention; Auto Trip to Silver City. A strong delegation, headed b J H Nations, president of the Panhandle and Southwestern Stockmen s associa tion, will be sent to ban Francisco to attend and secure for El Paso in jt-G the American National Livestock asso ciation convention. The convention will be held March 24-24. If a suffi cient number of El Pasoans who are soing to the- fair can be induced to leave Just prior to the convention a special car will be secured. President H. A. Jastro. of .'he Na tional association, who baa been here attending the convention, has assured EI Paso that Its chances for securing the 191S comention of his association are excellent Mr. Nations will be ac companied b his faxnil. Auto Trade Trip. An auto delegation to tbe meeting of th Southwestern Cattle Growers' as sociation, which meets in Silver City. N M . on April 2, is being arranged by the chamber of commerce. Although cattlemen are especiallv invited to ' make Ui- tnu. the auto delegation will I be tn the nature of a trade excursion I and an effort will be made to have as I many business men as possible make me trip. Those who hae recentl) gone to Silver City b automobile re port that the roads are in good condi tion and that fast tune can be made, chinee will make the trip. MES. 0RKER ASKS FOR SEVE NTH TRIAL Tbe attorneys of Mrs. Asnes Oriwr. eonMcted of the murder of her 11 jear old daogjhter. Lillie. late Friday after noon, filed 'a motion for a new trial in the 34th district court. The motion will be acted upon by judge Dan M. Jack son before the end of the present term of court If granted, this will be her seventh trial In the motion nine allegations are made attacking many of the points scored by the prosecution in the trial which ended in her ccnvlction last Wed nesday. One of the grounds on which the plea for a new trial is based is the alleged disqualifications of some of the jurors. In the petition are mentioned G W Bell. W U Kobald. C. V Murray and J H Graham as being unqualified. Portions of the testimony of B. P. Vaa Horn at the recos trial, which were admitted at the late trial, are attacked, as well as tha4 of Frank Archer Ob jection is raiseu to evidence admitted giving details as to tne death of Alfred Orner, the defendants husband, in 196S. MRS. HEARST GIVES CORN FOR MEXICANS Three thousand bushels of corn has been given by Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, of California, for the suffering poor of the state of Chihuahua, where she owns large ranch interests. The grain has been ordered from San Jose de Babi cora ranch by J C Hayes, the manager of the Henrst ranch Interests in Mexico and will be delivered to governor Fidel Avila. at Chihuahua and will be dis tributed by the state officials to the poor of the state. . When Mr Hayes was In California recently he told Mrs. Hearst of the suffering among the poor of Chihuahua and she ordered the donation of corn to the relief of this suffering, announc ing that, if more was needed. It would be given. Mr Hayes will leave for Bablcora Monday and will personally supervise the shipment of the corn to Chihuahua cit. "RED" MULLEN SAYS HE IS NOT GUILTY .A plea of "not guilt)" was entered b W E- Mullin. charged with the murder of Uanrie. Hnxenbere. .en arraigned before judge Dan M, Jackson in the :4th district court Saturday morning. j The case was set for March H and a, I special venire of 15 men will be drawn. J In the absence or counsel, the court ap. pointed D. Harrington and O Wilson to represent Mullin at the trial. HAS NEtVFiDRb DEVICE TO HELP STEEFORD CARS E X Ford has arrived in El Paso to locate here the selling agency for western Texas and New Mexico o "the auto safety steering device" for Tord cars. The device is located upon the front axle, connecting with the steering rod. "With the use of the safety steering device iou always have your car un der nerfact control, as it is compelled to go onb as directed." said Mr. Ford, i -in is deuce removes an tne shock. from the steering wheel and the jost ling and jar of the car and makes the light car ride smooth and eas It pre vents the hard labor of toing to hold the car straight in the road, will pre vent 7s per cent of all accidents and make a machine last one-third to one half longt r It holds the machine steady, thereto presenting it from le ing shaken to pieces and making: it safe for an one to drive a car With the use of one hand, the car can be d-ien with mori pase than with both hands u lthout its usi's. III i . ' - I EY THE WAY -MR. Jkjqs - ARE "XCU t1ARRED! Wanted Helj Male BOY AROUT 16 wanted at San Antonio re pair ahoy. REAL EbTATB S.lJfi5HA WANTED. " IlanLlss Bm. GEO. D. KENDALL, 24W MESA. Makes Glasses Right. DENTIST An all around man registered la New Mexico, married man preferred. Ad dress Dentist, care Herald. WANTBD An experienced man for bot tling room work, mast give reference. Write Dairy. Herald. WANTBD Maa with motorcycle, also boys with wheels. Can make good money Acme' Tip Top Messeager Service. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get My free booklet. T (22, tells how Write today now. Karl Hopkins. Washington. D C WANTED Men aad womea get names and sdarfsst for man order houses, Paztlcalars fer stamp. Direct Appeal Co. Ptymouta. lad. SJtflO ANNUALLY Cooperate with me evealags at home everything furnished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brows, Omaha. Neb. SSO MONTHLY and expose, to travel aad distribute samples, take order, appoint agents, permanent Manager. 2144 Ogden Ave. Chicago ' WNTED AT ONCE Toung mea for aAo mobile busiaess. Big pay We make you export tn 1 weeks by mail. Pay us after we secure you position. .Century Automo bile Institute Los Angeles. Cal. MEN W OH EN 125 weekly collecting all kinds asraes and addresses. No canvasatag. Send stamp. Superba Co. X. 1S2. Balti more. Md It ANTED Sober, middle aged Americas who speaks Hpsslsb fmeatly to dxstrlbate cards, permanent position tfnd good pay to right maa Call room . Stevens Bids., aad bring referencea LIVE, EXPERIENCED MAN to take orders for my frne 2 year rosebushes, ate. shade and frntt trees best tested sorts, lowest prices, good commiseiea. Writs qalek. Francis B. Lester. Mesiila Park. N M. SECRET SERVICE-Saa Francisco. Ameri cas local po'nta. traveling and foreign ser vice reliable persona interested in bocsva lag expert Investigators, sead coafldsntlal personal particulars to Astatic rsslrU Agency Portland. Ore . -jffip yAne-fyjv- 4M PCT. PROFIT selling our repeat goods. Samples and partlcalars free Lather Co . Northwestera Bldg.. Chicago. PORTRAIT MEN 24 hour service on prints I and finished work. Write for catalog. Bob- I erts Artists. 143 McCcc. Kansas City. Mo. AGENTS 5M percent profit Free samples. Gold sign letters for sres sad office win dows. Anyone csn put on. Metallic Letter Co, 437 N Clark. Chicago. WE WTLL rY YOC SISu to distribute re- Ugious literature in your community. M days' work experience not required. Man ' or woman, spare time may be need. ZeSgief Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. BILLY St-NDAY- MESSGE. AUTHORIZED. We will pay you 312 to distribute it In yoar neighborhood, s days' work. Great opportanlty for man or woman. Spare time, may be used psrtlcalars and samples free Universal Bible House. Philadelphia. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS of your owaT Got oat of the wage earner's etasu Your cooperation with our factory starts yoa with little capital during spare time In your own home We manufacture exclusive srtlcles. No canvassing experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg Co, Dept, D 7. ft Broadway. Buffalo. N T MAKE $11 NEXT SATTRD VY Brand new proposltfaa. patented Jan, 114 Amaslng lavsatloa. compressed air washing machlae. weighs but 2 pounds, excels work of high priced machines. Customers excited. Agents eolalsg money A sale at every house. Price oaly SI ft. 2 percent profit. Does family washing In 2 to ( mtaateo. Works Uko magic P Hughes msde S21 first 3 hours. No charge for terri ory Beware of Imita tions. Write dov Wendell Co.. 723 Oak St. Lelpslc. O Wanted Help Salesmen: SILESMEN clear 314 on each order for our punehboard deals. Address Behrend Bros., 1347 Adams 8L. Chicago. SALESMAN with ability to get a hearing with eaaineers aad purchasing agents. Splendid opportunity aad territory open to big prodocera Manager box 19. Station C Cleveland, O W NTED Two high grade specialty sales men or capable ex-merchaats for 1915: vacancy now staple lipe. liberal weekly advances, protected territory, old estab lished house & E. Kline. 292-1 Crafts Bldg Cleveland. Ohio. "I UANTKD Salesman for New Mexico. Ali sons, Colorado and other states, for best article ever before the public -must know about stea m bol lera. S4 M month s nd ex -Basaes guaranteed, Sle required for sam ple. No others need apply Joe Xeyers. 10H N Stanton. Kl Paao. Texas. SALESMEN W.VNTKIr Experience uaneeea sary. easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering opportunities te earn SIM to 354 a month while you leant. Address nearest otflre. Dept. 222. Nation. Salesmen s Training Ass n., Chicago. New Tork. Kansas CHy. San Francisco. -?P-y???JTJ?e Female EXPERIENCED FARHxlR with wife to work on farm K. L. Wetxtg, Clint. Texas. RANTED Bookkeeper and Answer in jwn handwriting. care Herald I tenograph!. Write M. G WantedHelp Female, AVANTEB A good colored nurse girt to stay nights. 72t Uundy. Apt. . CaU. no phone WANTED 2 lady canvassers. Al proposi tion Call 401 Mesa Ae. DO EAS, pleasant coloring work at home good pav n,. rtnavtnf no experience re quired Hiuitrat--ti particulars free Help ing Hand Stt i i Chicago YES' ' u rLTTp Y " .uuuuuuy '''OlIX BBS .$7sj&& -MsluffV $'& wii Y-- Sjj 'jjny'' WhlAT-bTHE. MATTER- HAVE I OFFENDED -1 'YOU'5 Wanted Herp Feaale. WOMAN for general housework to stay place: reference required. Phone 124. 1VAVTB1) Thoreuahlv exserksneed for housework family of x. Apply Ph. 2434. GEO. D. KEN BALL. tsXS MESA. Makes Glasses Right. WANTED Wet nurse with baby a- month old. Fhoae 14H, 1 to 13 a. m. 3 to 4 p. m. ' WANTED EnkUsh sneaking Mexican girt. APPly ! PBIWIB Ml 111. , ---. WANTED Women to sell hair goods, cor respondence sonetted. wholesalers. Gibbs a Co 7 E. Jackson Blvd.. Cfcleago. WANTED Girl for general heaiessih. Ap ply office Oakland Ante Sales Co.. 4417 j. Myrtle. . WASTED Maid for general housework; , mast bo good cook. Fort Bliss, old No. I. ' new No. 12. ' WANTED English speaking girl for coek i rag aad general housework, no washing or Irdoiag. retereaces reqmrea. r-aooo msi. FIVB BRIGHT, capable ladles to travel. I owmoassrate ana ami iiwum. .- -per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich . . .e wla aTst aBaiskaa Vak jLTUg 'JO.. orTpV !- Ws ' wu. IBIBtv Immediately Copy and write letters at home: all or spare time, pen or typewritten ! to J weekly; no canvass ing, enclose stamped envelope for partica- larS. tOIUmOHl -W . WANTBD Experienced young lady steno grapher with some knowledge of bookkeep ing must be neat, accurate and give refer ences, good position for right party. Cader- wood Typewriter -u IrLABIES To address envelopes. 2 per rn. canvassing light, agreeable work. I imimani li ml li ess can commence w I imaasdlatety. . DmUucOoas and ay "A ' terial. 12e. Meaey refunded if as sstls . fled. The Western Copying Co.. box SI. Chicago. Sitnatioas Wanted Male WANTBD Windows to Mean. 72S. COLLABD cleans windows aad eaflees. Ph. IZi . . ' WANTBD Work as Jaaltor or porter. Ph. 22M. 1 WANTBD Firstclass paper haager. Address Paper Hanger care Heraia. GBO. D. KEN BALI, IeS MBSA. Makes Glasses Bight. MAN AND WIPE want work an ranch, ex perieaced with stock. Write H. tti. Herald. I GOOD COOK desires position, hotel or camp. MAN Union carpeater, satisfaction guaranteed, aid. awe work: Write H. 33. Her- W ANTED Work by strong American boy after school hours and Saturdays. Phone 4S W ITI'KB VALLEY MEN to ride with the La Mesa Ante Isse. Leaves Herald office 3 3 p. m. Al BOOKKEEPER desires positlOB of treat caa ruraian spienaia rexcrencos o Write N 45C Bersld. STOKE MANAGER wests position out of town, speaks Spanish, can get results. W rite H- 388 Herald. WANTED A position as bookkeeper or any kind of clerical work, good references fur nished. F H. Perrin. 212 W Saa Antonio St. ClLtlPFECR wants position, own mechan ic firstclass references. Phone 73 or write 2327. Herald CONbCIENTIOCS, energetic young maa wants emplomeat, clerical and sales ex perience, reference. Address box 34. T M. C. A- WANTBD By competent, refined widow, nositlon ss manager of hotel or boarding i house In Cloudcroft or might rent desirable j house. Address M. 137 Herald. 1 SUPERINTENDENT and foreman requests i Interview regarding building .construction t and detail draughting Address N 453. Herald. I CHAFFFECR Repair maa and mechanic i wants work of any description net afraid of long hoars or hard work, will go any where best of recommendations, reasonable wages accepted Write L. 415. Herald. , EXPERIENCED lANDeC VPE GARDENER. l Now Is the season to start to make lawaa 1 to keep through winter like California ! iswns. that need skillful arrangement st first 1 am a lawn expert aod can furnish !2L references. Write N 44. Herald. SitnatioBj Wanted Female WANTED Family washing Ph. 437 W. ' EXPERIENCED NURSE Had hospital i training, wants nursing Phono C379. GEO. B. REaSBALL, 29 ME&A. Make1 tlasMes. Right. STENOGRAPHIC ..r off it e work for sev eral hours a du ill do extra work. Ad dress 4 Her. 11 KlferONMBLK middle aged woman will care for children at home, will go out by day or hour, references. Phone 4329 J. M ANTED By middle aged widow with a well behaved girl years old. position as housekeeper good cook. Phone 2050 COMPETENT aad experienced young lady stenographer desires position good refer encea. Phone l$J W evenings. COMPETENT and experienced lady ste nographer and office assistant desires posi tion. Phone -514 PRACTICAL and .xunrleneed nurse bi Eu rope and America will go out by week or month. Phoa. 431. lOING LAKY with reference. tle as caahter or any position of trust writs SL : Meraio. NEAT. REFINED LADY will keep house la widower's home out of city for small com pensation Address Housekeeper, car. f Herald TEACHER of t years experience, university graduate, wants position on ranch in south west Sparlah and English specialty Phone -13 nening ak for 22. I r-7 NO-OOVS JUST SPOfLED NY EVEN IN BY REMINDHS ME OF it: jyanterRealtalg WANTBD to hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send cash price aad description. D F. Bash. Minneapolis. Mm. WANTBD Small modern brick bouse. High land Park district. SIM cask. SIS or : moathrv. Phono 541 W WANTED To hear from, owner of good farm or aaiaint oved land far sale. C C Bocldngham. Houston. Texas. WANTBD Modern bsagalow of 4 or S rosais aad sleeping porch: good location at to exceed S5M. WB pay cash, or wl 1 lease farniahod buagalew. 2327 Moatans. Phone 277a. Wanted to Rent, WILL RENT one team of work horses X or 4 month, for ranch work- Address H- J Gray. Cllat, Texas. WANTED TO RBJvT by March IT. 4 or 7 reesa hsass woU faraifthed. with raraxe twaikiac dlstsi Lamar school. Write M. j 421. Herald. I i ONE OK TWO BOOHS WANTED with pri vate bath: 15 minutes walk from Little ilaxa. No other roomers or boarders in noose. Address 31, Herald. BBSPONSIBLE PABTT would rent for six months or osm year, wen furnished house or apartments la host tssIiVmico district, for family of S healthy adults, retereaces ei- Asaaross ass, tjersJd. WantedBoard and Rooms. WANTBD Room with sleepln: porch and place to keep horse, within 1 blocks of new P. o station oa Montana aad Plearas St. Call 217 W Wanted AntomobSes. AUTOMOBILE WANTED for cash, latest model. Address L. 424. care Herald. WANTED Oscoad hand automobile, must be in good shape, cheap. Ford preferred. Writ X. M. 2, care Herald. WANTBD Second hand automobile o pas- be m good condition and cheap. wanted aOscelaneoni. WANTBD Good 2d hand top buggy. E. L. Wetstg. CMat. Texas. . PRIIATB PARTY wants to buy used fur nltnre. no house wanted. M- Herald. WANTBD TO BUY DIAMOND Mast be bargain: state- else and best cash, price Writ M. 44. Herald. GBO. D. KENDALL, 3g MESA. Makes Glasses Right WANTBD To lease or bey a rotary hydraa 11c well drilling outfit Address C. N. Ha gue. Serross. Artx. RELICS WANTBD Gold, stiver, metal aad wood of any description. Any A coins. Davta. 37 saa Francisco St OLD COINS WANTED SS Bald for ISoS half dollar, no arrows. St for 173 half S. saint. SIM for 134 dime S. mint Many valuable coins etrculattag. Send now 4c get oar coin circular May mean large profits to yea. Numismatic Bank. Dept 5. Pt Worth. Tex. HIGHEST PRICES PAID fer second head furniture, stoves; clothing, books aad junk. Acme Second Hand Store. (1 San Antonio St. Phone 43s S4J3S BACH PAID for rare date 1853 quar ters without arrewa Cash premiums paid, oa hundreds of other tJ s. and foreign coins; Send 1 cents at once for new tl!.. trated Coin Value book. 4x7 Get posted. Clarae Coin Co.. box IS LeRoy. N T AactJoa Sale. AUCTION SALE of household furniture. -1 Ik --. " . m.v. . B..VU .. r soswac oc.'-jionaay. starch s. : B. TH Will ..II ..!.. fimllta. . . boose, consisting of front room, dining, bed room and kltchea furalture.v This furnlturs must be sold, ma the people who own it are out of town aad will not be back House has been rented, aad furnlturs nun be -" "w m.e bcth aoviseo. CO SCU furniture at auction lor what It will brlnr " ." uanj m ui. owner W Ai Williams. Anrtlnnser AUCTION SALE 3260 Bankrupt stock of O A. Laada, located at 111 E. Overland St to be sold at publ -auction to the highest bidders without re serve, for cash. Stock consists of new an 1 second banc furniture, rugs, trunks, shoes hardware silverware, crockery, clothin. office furniture, desk. safe, etc The -tixi will be sold In lots aod Individual plc-e. Avail yourself of this opportunity !,. pu -chase your real bargains. Bring cash i j checks accepted Sale starts Wednesday. March 10 at ' a m. sharp and continues until all is o L. R. Hraly. Trustee In Bankruptcy. 45 Caples Blcg G. A, Merles. Auctioneer. I -2 Mills Bldg. Phon- 0 ! Rosebosaes. I OW IS TBE TIME to start rn. (ooay lor my rree nst of beet eer blooming rosea aad plants for this climat Special Offer 12 big 5 cent 2 year bushe bes. sorts sure bloomers this year all fo 22 75 also shade trooo. finest stock, lo. est prices Francis K. Lester. Mestlla Park N M DresHEajanj. SKWING BY THE DAY Ph. .3(3 J BUTTONS COVBBBB Angeros Cl'g. Wks. DBKSSM KLNG and remodeling. Mra WebbT Phone 39 DRJCSehLlRXNlS J 1 i C13o w El Paso. Phono BENT THE EASY RENNTNG WHITE, belt machine tn tb. world for family use Re pairs for sll makes of machines. White Sewhse: Machine Office. H L. Stewart. Agent ::; & Stanton. Pbone III