Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD & B Week-End Edition, March 6-7, 1913 PUZZLE t wcrk with field telegrrph ai.d telephone Find another telegrapher and moldler. A"SVER TO FRIDAY'S FtZZLK. I palde down, behind nnsslnns. Left aide down 1A front of Russians. HIGH SCHOOL CADET CORPS IS PRESENTED WITH COLORS TU t- H iprh school cadet corps was 3 r- e ited with a beautiful American f j? Saturday afternoon In an Impres ceremoni- at Cleveland square. The flag was the gift of the Civic Tmproement league and was pre - rt d to the corps by Mrs. BurtOrn- orff the president of the league. idee Dan Jackson made the speech of t indentation and Claiborne Adams, on bfhlf of the school board, made the sirPe h of acceptance. lea b the 15th cavalry band, the cfjr corps executed the military es ort of the colors. The flag was re cpned from Mrs. Orndorff by Robert i Mi the color bearer, and escorted by I we iron and Harry Pearson, the cole truaras. An the band stand which was occu Ted as a reiewing stand, were repre ventaties of ihe school board and the u ic lTrproement league. INJUNCTION SUIT IS FILED AGAINST TOM WALKER'S CLUB Seeking to restrain the Century clnb, 1 ated at Ml 1-S Broadway, from the i urther sale of liquor, an injunction suit -is been filed by district attorney W n Bridgers in the 34th district court The petition alleges that the place is ei c-ae-ed in the sale of liquor without a luense Tom Walker, manager of the i iub is made a party to the suit. The First National Back Buildme and Those Who Occupy It. Dentijtt. J)R- LEE McINTOSH. Dentist. Ph.523. R. 48 Detectives. WTII.MAM'i Peteetlve Agcy Ph. 440. R. 416. Paria". K VS HlTri.lTlUC CO. T-h. 2355. P- 701. Physidans. OR. CARL L. SillTH Ph. 117L Km. 237 For Rent Apartments Fnrnished. FOlTt ROOMS and private bath. Ph. 321. DE WITTE APTS. 3 rooms fernisbed. prl u f h n Phone 116 BIGHT IN TOlVN- Phone .r -Large furnished flat HOI SEREETING APTS. and FURNISHED 2 rooms with steeping porch. , 1 i 3ouleard. 1 1 KNI6HEK APTS. heat, private Phone S71C. bat1 fine aUdng distance, VERY DESIRABLE, close la, beat and hot at-r service Ideal for business women. Phone 3;1 mornings or after 4 p. m. BOOTH APARTMENTS Finest In. El Paso. VMlLVlFtneet tn.Bl Paso. . steam heat, janitor service. cne acant talking distance. 22 W Boulevard. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED APARTMENT Desirable tenants only, references. Phone 1,3:0 ENTIRE FLOOR of private home, good neighborhood. 144 Alisons, Phone C794. call Saturday or Sunday or after 4 p. m. t ther davs. Rates to destrablea. ST. REGIS APARTMENTS. Single apartments, furnished, steam heat. ! im-or service. 3 blocks from business can- i absolutely modern. 44 & Missouri. I of Kaa FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS. I I ;:.- Apta new modem building, the COMIOKTABLE ROOMS for employed U nt. n the city, 3 blocks from business 1 dies, private family Phone 399L Jas. L. Marr Co. Pi one 43a0 34 San Antonio. FarRent Apartments Unfurnished. TOR RENT Unfurnished apt.. 317 W. MIs- ur- Pbone 3927 J. FOR RENT I room apartment, good slep ng porch Phone 94. 111R RRT I nfttrnlsh S mAn, ! ril. iitn rrun. and back porches, close In near p 1 igh MThooj -.u n. j. ,mwM. TWO ROOM unfurnished apt. with kitch- eitet bath large sleeping porch aad steam 1 eat. App H B. Stevens or phone 5248 For Rent Houses Furnished. TOR RENT b. the month or lease. 9 room ten?ceV clotl8 to oio-t. cSlsrmn'd hou, Pavl. Broa. 19 Texas. ' SgSTsil ggon Ave. 'SZZS'tll01 ?SnS ,fi?llLXr3?BI U-. -ge .rooms. FOR BENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 8 room 2 story completely furnished a few blocks from end of Park line on paved road -nater free. 34 month. Jas. L. Marr Co. Phone 43j0 394 San Antonio. For Rent Houses Unfurnished. FOR RENT 4 room bungalow en corner. good repair 1529 Wyoming St. Rent S37 5 Pnone 3719 FOR RENT. - room house In East El Paso, sleeping porch. 325 per month. Broaddus Le Barer 209.219 First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 1558 FOB RENT I room modern bungalow. 325, 1 ock from Country club sleeping porch furnace pou'try yard etc Opea Sunday - to a 20 Phone 784. PICTURE EL PASO DELEGATION GOING TO SAN ANTONIO CONVENTION An EI Paso delegation will leave Sun day morning for San Antonio to attend the Texas Cattle RaiserV association convention, which will be held for three days beginning Tuesday The delega tion will urge the support of the as sociation and of all the cattlemen there to the project of securing the American National Livestock association for El Paso In 1916. Those who will make the trip are judge Dan M- Jackson, who will deliver an address at the meeting. John Wyatt. Joseph Irving. William Harrell. J W. Wilkinson. W. B. Mitchell. H. & Ste phenson. Charles 3L NTewman and Abner Wilson, of Clifton, Arte. Should any others desire to Join the delegation, sec retary Andrevt Ree es of, the chamber of commerce, will make arrangement for the trip GEN. FUNSTON IS COKING TO FORT BLISS FROM NACO j Gen. Frederick Fu"iston. commander of the southern department, is expected to arrive here next week from Xaco. Ariz- to make an inspection of Fart Bliss and the border troops. Gen Funston has been at Naco mak ing an in estimation of conditions there and also inspecting the troops stationed at Naco and DouglasL For Rent Homes Unfurnished. TOR RENT ( room house with bath. 22IC Mills St, across from Southwestern shops. Phone Whlttafcer 53. I For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 914 X El Paso. TWO large front housekeeping rooms; sick. 1-C San Antonio. Phone 5448 J HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Apply 1721 boule.ard Phone 1299 or 25 W. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 1413 N Florence. Phoi f THREE furnished rooms for nght , I eeping Phone 659 ' TWO LIGHT clean housekeeping 1 mooern. 1167 N Stanton. LAR4.E housekeeping rooms. Ing St. 114 Wyom- FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms. Phone 553 W. TllO LARGE clean, housekeeping 95 N. Stanton. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES SISfc N. Camp-Ltd FOR RENT Housekeeping reems close In. Phone 512 W 0K FRONT Ught hoosekeepiDK room. 425 Jf. Santa Fe. FURN1MIED housekeeping rooms, etoee la. 29 & Florence. Phone 33K FOR RENT One housekeeping room cheap. 915 N EI Paso FOR BENT 3 lovely rooms famished for light housekeeping, nice porch, all modern. liS Wyonfng. TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping, one suitable for two young men. reasonable 114 N Florence Phone 223L For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Unfurnished. TW O furnished or nnf urnUbed rooms for light housekeeping 1332 San Antonio. For Rent Rooms Furnished. FURNISHED BOOMS Court House Block. FRONT furnished room. 111 N El PasoT (.OLDEN WEST HOTEL Phone 432. NEWLY furnished front bedroom. Ph. 595 A LARGE nicely furnished room, reason' able Phone 5122 J. LABGE farnJshed ! room for gentlemen, dose . in. Pnone 3159 W FURNISHED ROOM. 5549 J after 7 p. m. new home. Phone FOR RENT Bedroom and parlor private fandly 912 N Stanton. Phone 5J71. nto.NT BEDROOM with private entrance. adlolmn, .,!.. no ,, .! m sso? j NICELY furnished front room on Montana, steam neat I'none 27 . NICELY furnished; front room, i I south Toltec club, list, S. Ochoa. VERY DESIRAULE ROOM fer lady. Meant heat, bath close n on street car line, ref erences required. Phone 145 FOR RENT One nicely furnished front room for lady or gentleman. 411 B. Mis souri. GLASPED-IN sleeping perch, furnished for bedroom, suitable for young lady, board If. " - T.tRllK FTinN-T RnilT tw.1t --. beds and bath suitable for 2 or 4 geatle- men. 419 N El Paso St. Pbone 5727 j EXCEPTIONALLY clean room for one or more persons reasonable, private entrance, I reference Phone 2214 connecting bath, private entrance. 3 min utes from P O Call at 55 N Stanton. ONE furnished bedroom suitable for 2 gen tlemen or todies, close in. Phono (584 W or call 515 Putnam. FOR RENT Furnished room In private family, separate entrance. Phone t58 W 1315 Myrtle. ROOMMATE WANTED Young man would like congenial roommate for a Urge front room near high school, moderate prior. Phone 3787. FOR RENT In private family, two clean, comfortable rooms, two beds In, each room' private entrance, reasonable price. 145 Texas St. Phone (729 J. DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM In private fam ly for rent cheap to healthy woman, one who works preferred, priiilerte of cooking breakfast in kitchen. Phone 3440 W 3495 Montana St. I SOUTHWESTERN LUMBERMEN Eelect pEiR officers sociation held its annual dinner Friday mrht in the nrivnte frill room of Ho- tel Sheldon Albert St-ir. of Douglas . . . r . - - - . nz , presided as toastmaster Among hoe present were R- A. Whltlock. lolin G. Connors. A. Wiley, Fred Wood- orth. Robert Lander, Percv McGbee, R. W Long, I A. Shedd. George Evans, Ubert Stac. E. Henning. J C. White. J H Anderson, W L. McFall, Poane Merrill. G C White. Fred Week erle, Robert W McAfee. Will K. Marr, K L. Barron, of Houston : A. F. Arnold, of Amarillo. Eugene Raraw, F L. Vustin. of Roswell; C. H CVnpbell, of hreve'port. La.: H- M. Spinelli, Charles Walker, of Denver, Colo.; r-romett Ilines, Sam Wannock. Jack Watson. J. k I'aaaacK. w. w. Larroii ana r vor- . aon ferry. All the oxxicers were reelected, xnese are Albert Stacy, president: J. W. An i gle. of Willcox. Arix, vice president; R. A Whitlock, secretary The di rectors are J. F. Hinkle, of Roswell, N. VX fl TV e T.n i7eiie. Al oert Stacy, of Douglas; J. W. Angle, W. Carroll ana itooert. ianaer. An orchestra played during tie din- ' ' u a jiuuiuw w auucav cyv - cialties were given. FORMER" MINOR LEAGUE MAGNATE WANTS FRANCHISE Another baseball mogul Is coming to El Paso Bill Reed, former manager of the Missoula club In the old Union as sociation. Friday wired John J. Mc Closkey that he was on his way here to , look into matters ana. it posstDie to get a. franchise, he wants to take over a club Reed was one of the most suc cessful managers in the northern league. He is a big fellow with a. very polished manner and is fond of Ma good front." as he terms his "Sunday go meetings." The organization meeting of the Rio Grande association will likely be held here in about a week. McCIoskey and Mathes will go to Tucson and Phoenix about Tuesday, and it Is expected that there will be little trouble In lining up those towns as the preliminary work there has been done. Albuquerque is ready and Silver City has already named its delegate to the league meeting Secretary Farrell, of the national as sociation, has been communicated with and asked to send a supply of the stand ard contract blanks so that the man agers can get busy at once and sign "up their players , NORTHMAN RESIGNS FROM "irvrnvRnnvQ" PDirQinrwrv "7." .. li . iw Joseph L Northman, president of Ev- erybodj s Department store since its reorganization, has retired from bis po sition and will be succeeded by Alfred Fantl, of New York. The resignation of Mr. Northman and the instalation of Mr Fantl will be made at a meeting of stockholders of the company to be J held some time before April 1. Mr. rtortnman wni leave aoout April 1 on a Ge day trip Vt the coast and then expects to return to El Paso He has not yet decided what business he will enter. He has sold his interest in the firm. Mr. Fantl was formerly secretary and treasurer of the com pany and his new title will now be president and treasurer His position as secretarv will be taken by M. Hart man, who formerly was a director of the company. I. M. Marer. vice president and cren- I eral manager of the store, will continue In Bis present position. Mr. Mayer la the only resident officer here, both Mr. Kantl and Mr. Hartmann living in New Xjprk. CRN. SCOTT'S SOX HERE. L. M. Scott, son of Gen. Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff of the army, is in the city on a business trip from Parral. Mex. He will return to Parral Sunday - For Rent Rooms rurnished. ROOMS and light housekeemng. n I 99A. Uvr.1. . -j..., NICEL1 furnished room, private home for roomers or light housekeeping. Ph. 737 i r ; .. r; ; ! FOR RENT Sleeping porch, all modern conveniences. 38 per month. Phone 43IL 1 FURNISHED ROOM, connecting bath, for ' gentleman. 911 N-Stanton. 1 . . FTRNIMIED ROOM for rent, reasonable I rase. 415 Upson. J FOR RENT Furnished room with hath. Ill Roosevelt Ave, Phone 38. K KENT Furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen close In. no sick. Phase 3111 J CLOSE IN newlv furnished room with fur nace heat for rent Phone 4739. ONE NICELY furnished room la private family Phone 317 lOUNG MAN' would like a roommate, mode rate price and'close In. Phone 3845 GENTLEMAN desiring modern front room or sleeping porch in new home- phone 2178 W DELMAR ROOMS (17 N. Stanton, ran wa ter, free baths. 5c 31 day: 32.5 up wltly. NICELY furnished room. 19 minutes walk from plaxa eierv convenience. 312.5 per month. Phone 5442. LARGE TRONT ROOM suitable for gentle nvan or man and wife Phone 2372 W. 1333 san Antonio lH STT?J5!? 1. n" P"'vl, J- U'Uo main. s,u 4WSB, ! I 1 minutes walk to town. W Boulevard. Phone 2184 For Rent Rooms Unfurnished. FOR RENT 1411 Brown. Two nice unfurnished For Rent Rooms and Board. ! FOR RENT Room with flrsteJass board. tpbone 1283. FOR SALE Boarding house doing good business. Call 212 Montana. Phone 853 W. room. BO VRD and deeping porch for con r.l.uu.t yi..l. ,. izr valescent. Phone 3542 W. JOHNSON HOUSE dining room ,opened an der new management Boarders waated. SELECT BOARD and rooms. 115 N. T. ton. Phone 518 W I1KSTCLASS room and board with sleeping porches, 17 Montana. Phone 518. HO VRD AND ROOMS Strictly flrstdass. Mrs. C. F. Leary. 333 W Missouri. MiVL'S. 312 3IESA Phone 3417. strictly nptodate. Table flrstetass. W VNTEI1 Good borne In private family for 1 year old school boy and room for I xacner. write jo. in, Herald. ROOMS AND BOARD. Both exceptionally good. 44 N. Oregon. For Rent Stores and Offices. LH.HT. AIRY OFFICES for rent in Herald Bldsi For Rent. IrOIU RENT Good suburban home with 23 ! acres. Phone 993 J 5 HAV E GOOD PASTURE for few bead cows or horses. Phone 993 J 2. FOR RENT W ithout exception one of the very best business locations In the city. If Interested write to box 767 with particulars as to what kind of business you wish It fer. IOR RENT. 44 San Francisco St. storeroom .. 345 Myrtle Are, storeroom Douglas C. Crowrll Agency. ?0 Mills Building. 5 . . I For Sale Dogs. AIREDALE PUPS for sale. 25 champions In the pedigree. Phone 4657. 133 Myrtle. I OR SVLIr 3 perfectly marked Scotch col lie puppies sired by Imported champion Sonthoort Successor Call 815 Mesa. For Sale Vehicles. FOUR TOP WAGONS and horses for sale. -an ixv r, uenana SU Poultry and Pet Stock , zZjZrnr2 WHITE LEOHOKN SITTINGS Ph. 5:s W COCKER! LS :so to 35. Parsons. --. W ANTED SITTING HENS. rilONE I492. BVUY CHICKS and hatching- eggs. Par sons Chicken Ranch El Paso, Catalog free. GIARANTEDD fresh ranch eggs, delivered. I Hi dox, for $1 Phone 711. BABY CHICK irooi'ers. breeding pens for sale cheap. Phone 432. THOKOlbHBKEII Black Minorca eggs for fitting Phone 4&C( J PETALIMV INCIBvTORS, 33.S and up. Bl Paso Seed Co, 519 San Antonio. Ph. 33. jawing contest WINNERS Parsons Barred Rocks. Trap nested and bred to lay FOR SILK Cycle Hatcher tacabator. Price 14 for quick sale Phone 2(34 THOROl GIIBRED slngte comb 'White Leg born sittings for sale Ph. 484 J. ;.,-; "frk -- phl. ,, X-R.W IN CUB VTORS Freight peld. sons Chicken Ranch, distributors. Par- i FOR SALE Sitting eggs. White Leghorn ana nnoot jsiana nous, . iir nmmj. at K StantonSt. (rnR s 1.K Wnlta Wvandotte En lo- hatching, high record layers. IS for eggs. Phone 244 HATCHING EGGS V Plymouth Rocks or White Leghorns, IS Jor ?1. delivered. Phone 5MJ w. SITTING EGOS Kellerstrass White lntons.' also Barred Racks, 1 for 15. A few left. W hlte Orpington and Barred RoeK cockerels. Lang s Chicken Ranch. Ph. 4147. BRREI ROCKS Winners wherever shown. Prolific layers. Breeding stock and i eggs for sale Strong, vigorous stock that will make yon money Bargains in choice rlmmn. KffAelr !UE cockerels. R. T Williams. s San mega. BUFT PLVMOCTH ROCK! Best In south west. Eggs for prise winners. S2.5 and !. per sitting H. J. and A. J. Sher wood, 2321 Alameda Ave. Phone 3939 BARKED ROCKS Best tn southwest. My winnings at El Paso and other shows r-rove It. Eggs, prise and utility stock tor sale. Dr JLL Foote. 2715 Montana. 60 CHOICE PLYMOUTH ROCK HE.V i f or sale. 4 nearly 3 years old. 3 not quite I year old all are now laying, choice In lots of 10, 31.35 each, take all 31 each, rooster free. Address P O box C8. El Paso FIE VARIETIES BVBV CHICKS. 15c each. 16. 314 Two v.--rietle. 20c. 15 ergs. 31 and '?""?: SL.a 2. JV? w,!i" r " To-1- " j" aim to please. Measday Poultry Farm. AI pine Texa. THE 3IO-T SlMT.Mil and always depend able egg Is an Infertile egg They can't spoil In the hottest wcatber Ask your grocer for them, packed and shipped by the 9ani- ' tarj. Fxrm s,,, AntomK N- jc. i Stjl Livestock Buy. FOR SILE A nice gentle saddle pony and saddle. Phone 5S7 W FOR SLE S head high grade short horn bulls. Powell ft Dupree. Colorado, Texaa. BUI REGISTEREB .Dnroc Jersey hogs of Sam B. Cillett. El PaW Teias CATTLE FOR SVLE 15 goad native year lings For particulars phone 3422 J. vv NTEI TO BUV Thoroughbred Angora goats free from the Mexican strain. Write fully to Angora, care ec Herald. FOR SALE J head of full blood Hereford bulla, coming ' yearlings. K. L. and W. L Bogel. Jr . Marfa. Tex. FOR SVLE A bunch of 3 Mexican saddle horses. No reasonable eoffer will be re jected. Phone 299C COMBINATION riding and driving horse, gentle for ladles to handle. 1119 Montana. Ph. 127 FOR SALE High grade Angus bull calves In fine condition In car lots. 543: stogie 375. Also have pasture for several thousand steers by the year. J. M. Shelton. Ama rillo Tex. 26 HEREFORD BULL yearilagx for sale: out of registered aad fatf bteod Hereford rows and registered bulls. For price and full particulars write E. W Gray. Durham. Texas ulrp vrwn Ivn incrnrw e u. .a 194 head of cattle, will advance freight, carr7 feed and pasture bill until cattle are sold, or will take half Interest In the cattle or wm fMd cattle by the pound. Pastures located in Blain- and Dewey counties. Okla- """J- ,s'"n4??V.aBdJ?rit?t!M roads. Reference, furnumed. Frank Cron- kite Watonga Oklahoma. Cattle and Commission Men. tOGGIN Livestock and Commission Co. buy apu reii. .z- aaa Aansm so. vtv. FRANK A. SPENCE Cattle os Mill. Bldg. Phone 133. ant sheep. For Sale MtsceHaneons. lOR SALE 2 large oval showcases cheap. Phone 281L FOR SALE Strong trunk, pillows, an kinds clothing, silverware 145 Newman St. IOR SALE Poplar shade trees, press. Phone 8383 W 3t Cy- GEO. D. KENDLL, 2S MLSv. Mskes Glasses Right FOR SVLE CHBAF Practically new Qwtek Meal gas range. 229 E. Texaa OKIRNTVL KUG, real camels hslr rug for i sale at a Bargain. :is s. oregoa St. T-ftt? .1TU 111 ,. nAAl .k MIH.I .,kl& P'ry rea.son.hle. Phone 54.2 or 1111 Grama. Ml EET roTATORS for bedding, any quan- tlty Phone 43. Patterson, Tsleta. 1 A BK.VITIFIL GlITVR and cost 345 813 X Crmpbell St. FUR SVLE CIIR.VP Two sets of books, new Stoddard s Lectures and Dickens' Work Phone l;47 W FOR SALE -Nen 4 gallon galvanised Iron tank cheap. Call Southwestern Electric Machine Co. 34 San Francisco St.. El Paso. IOR SALE cash discount 3 shares Phoe-nlx-EI Paso Building and Loan. P. O. box 71. I OR SVI.F. OK TRADE Modern soda foun tain, 1 feet. 12 pumps, marble. magutfUeut back bar Address "B." The Herald. PARTI leaving for California will take good automobile as part payment on reeaBinu house. 1 -ooms. good furniture and lease. Phone C32. FOR SVLE CHEAP "Hal Chase" first baseman ml., .one pair of baseball shoe. two league uans one season a wear. 2938. 7 p. m. FOE SALE Tuo plate glass floor show cases, electric lighted, for less thaa half original price. El Paso Piano Co., sat Texas St PUMPING PL.VNT IOR SVLE 12 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine, pump, pipe and tank complete, new, half price. 153 Mundy Are. Phone 255 w FOR SVLE Four 3 m-m. Mausers, four 3-4 U S. government "box msgsxue" " inchesters. one Mannllcrer. one Krag. high power rifles, new. cheap, p. O. box 13. Highlands Sta.. Denver. Cole. PI-VNTS OF FINE CHRIS VNTHRMLMS. I white, pink, yellow and dark crimson: Jap anese wnue ana yellow si a aoaen. Jladera bulbs. 4c a dozen. A loleta. 25c a dosan. Myrtle p'ants. I5c each. Mrs. S. G. Gates, 22 Wyoming Phone 217 PfiesCued. IsiM REWARD for any uncomnllcatod or file we tail to cure wttaont the Knife Ligature cautery or Carbolic Acid injectlona. I Corner Texaa and Mesa. El Paso. Tex. For Sale Furniture. FOR GOOD FURNITURE of ( 3225 719 X Campbell. FOR SALE Golden oak dining room set, library table, rockers, brass bed. rags and Singer sewing machine. Inquire No. 9. Brasos. GAS KANGBS. 31 75 to 3. new Iron safes. 319 o 34. bookcase. 3975. typewriter. 37 5. White dropbead machine. 315 Noth ing but bargaiaa Weiss, SIS S. Stanton. SVLE Or IIOISEHOLD FURNITURE, bed room sets chiffonier bedding, tables, chairs, kitchen utensils. Ktoves. etc . etc 8 Upson Ve Monday March 8th from 9 a. m. to 6pm Tri e mirkeil on eerythtng Special pn.e to buer of nhole furnishing For Sale Real Estate City Property, - ??; a lOR SALE Two lot in i.overament Ulll; terms or cash. Phone 244L i -- , l : l : - : SEVEN SOI Til FRONT LOTS at cast. Gov ernment Hill pur car line Phone 45(5 W GEO. II. K KM) ALL, 2s MBSv. Makes Glasses Right. ELItCk OI" 11 HITS, well located. Grand View Real bargain for cash. 114 S. Stan ton Phone 304G FOR sVI.E BY OWNBR-e-Beautlful loU on N Stanton 8t . between car line, saitable for apt. or home Call (82 J MBfcUN On Montana St. A fine home wl;h a "modern Improvements, garage and , --rvant's room. Address 3. Herald. HIR SLE Beaatlfal home. 14M Montana St., lot ' ft. front by 5t. 11.444, now leased 175 Phone UJl. leased 175 Phone :UL . FOR SALE Two choice Bliss S4. lota at 1IM under the market. S. K. Albright. Phone til' HILL TAKE LOTS as first varment en beautiful new bungalow, all modern, glassed ' sleeping porch, large basement. Phone Own- , er .. j r0B SALCTy Manhattan I Heirbts. at site less wan wnen lois were 15 J first placed on the market over year ago. A K. Heipeman. .rnone ss aaa zf. 1UK SALE n OH NER Madera T house, porche. reception haU, bath, base ment, good investment, on W Missouri. ! close In. also furniture. P. O. box MX j JIONTAN ST. LOTS S lots, block IS Montana. St., 1st each, including cement I walk and street pavlag In aad paw for. I 'ras- ,,.,, j,. pnone ISOO. FOR SALE 7 room house, 2 largo sleeprng porche-, 2 separate entrances; arranged for 2 families. 127 K Oregon St apartment district rents for J 49 per month. Phone 474 day. 499 night. THREE ROOM IIOCSE. completely fur nished, on 2 lots, corner. 1 Mock from ear Una, all for 19. fine Investment. Will pay purchaser SIS for one year's rental, in advance Phone 35. BARGVIN' IN LOTb Two of best lata In 4.4nl X, I aw as. na ha sli m den.vi3sav ri.4BAW , S,"K.. ',. 1 J" run ln, car llae. , rold .-,, nBdw market price. Cash , Tmtat m. muace monthly Snap, care Herald. HOME FOR SALE Bargain If sold within 15 days. 4 room modern bungalow, select neighborhood. Alta Vista district. 15 mln- street Cash payment, balance easy. Call 3425 Tularesa. or phone 3941 after 5-3. I NEED THE MONEY!:: Four beaatlfal south front lots on car line and paved road In Altnra. also my new thoroughly modern 4 room bungalow near Manhattan, good terms, bat rm ashamed to teU the price here. Just call "Cashier. at phones 22 or 3C55. FOR SALE AT A SV.CRIFICE A bungalow, built for home, 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, dosets. beam celling. Ug fireplace, bulltin bookcases, buffet and pantry, pri vate sleeping porch, beautiful electric fix tures, etc, laundry, coal bin. furnace and servant's room la basement, payments easy. Phone 357. FOR SALE T ONCE Cottage oa Tularsea St, has 5 rooms, bath and large sleeping porch, full concrete basement, fireplace, fruit trees and owtbuildlngs. 3 Macks from school all lonrenlences for a real home. Price 327. reasonable payment down, bal ance like .rent. C D. Haney. JT Two Re publics Bldg. Phone 43SJ MOULD YOU KNOW A BARGAIN IF lOt) SAW IT? One of the etasslestr new bungalows te city, all modern conveniences. 1 full lota. Only 32C on terms to suit. Field. EzrK Rodriguez. 421-422 -Mills Building. SNAPS COT TO SELL QUICK. ssse. 3 room house, 3 corner lata, Better hurry Pays : peri tat oa InveatiMaMt. ft. 2 IOCS. 2 good S3. Fays 3 $174). 3 iwuer Ista la oa paved street: south froat, A grant nargnlu. 4 with A mtle better I have seen. Tai tlrsc naysaeBt. Wbite-Padea RraHr Co. 11-12-13 Morgan BtjflsSug. lata. LOOK AT THESE GOOD INVESTMENTS. t45t buys t room brick house on X. Stan ton St. close to Montana St.: rented for 335. 37 cash, balance to ssrit. S. STANTON ST. 43 feet close to Second St.. Improved, east front, price and terms right- ArVRTMENT SITE CHEAP. 52x122 foot corner on N. EI Paso St, street paving paid, owner needs the money and will sell for S3 If aold at once. OSTRICH FARM AT V BAROV.IN. 71 acres, mostly In alfalfa, good houe. stable. 2 pusa4ng plants, other Improve ments. Price only 322. Worth mere YOU CAN M.VKE lfl PBRCENT. 41 acres- of the best land la Texaa, 45 satlea east of Bl Paso, adjoining the vatley. I t, uu H i i. , . r e- & ji,. railroad runs through It and has a rang switch for shipping nuraoses. A seen oa-t, ' jrvci ssa, src. in. nwt, mtwm uua taVtaflsTB. D. G. Hcioeman. Phone 843. 29 Mills St, Sllae It BOOM HOUSE, 4 blocks P. O. sums T room bouse dose In oa Wo Grxado St. Boat hay la city i lata, East SI Paso, north part, 31. TO TRADE FOR VALLBT I.VND. Close hsit Florence, good Income property. Price U,. ( room house on Texaa 88. 4 Mm house aad Iota, Grand View. For an kinds ranches "SESSUeV Davis-Tandy Osm. Co. S12-14 Trust Bids. Phone 314. S9C00. site. 314) 53 Interest. Boated for 33. Alta Vista school. 2 sleeks south. 5 room bungalow, teraaa, StS Bungalow 32 down. baL ulsulh ly. 2 sleeping porches. 3278. La Lax St. bungalow Mew and on SSSM. Bungalow of 5 room porch. Less than SCO down. 5 room bungalow. Oraad yew AjAu. 34 down. S3 mouth. KS7M, 14 Mock. Boulevard. S room cot tage. 3(3 cash. ( rooms and 87V.I1J. terms. SSlvu. Tnlarosa St 5 room porch, street aad sidewalk paved. SI6S. 39 down and 315 a month. S ro NEWMAN INVESTMENT CO. COMPVNY. Phone 55 IN San FOR SVLE My equity of 31 in modern home for S7 Just like finding S25 7 room houfe uell located on El Fasoa finest residence street, improved property of con stantly Increasing value, forced to sell be cause of financial reverses. This is a real chance of a lifetime to bu a home below actual cost. Don t bu ml vou get my figure on this. Write Equity 359 Herald, j For Sale Real Erfate CSty Property. -f-3rss-.fcasr 2r-K I Phone 29. FOR SALE BY OWNER, room modern brick, sooth front in the SO block. Roosevelt for DIN Ph. 4871 W APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. 3 corner lots close In on paved street: 1 block from street ear. 335 Douglas a Crowd! Agency. : Mills Bldg Phone 57. KAHf-AIN IX LOTb Two of best lots In Orand Mew. on paved street comer, close to Country clnb and Fort Bliss car line, will be sold SI under market price. Cash payment III balance monthly Snap care Herald ONE OF THE FTVEfcT HOMES 'n EI Paso. c.icap. Mnndy He'gbui Kern Place Realty Co Phone 4774. GOVERNMENT HILL BARGAIN. . Three lots 5 blocks from school. Improve ments. 4 cosr horse and dairy outfit. 1 caa give you a bargain on this. W. F. Payne. TTuKLL RIO GRANDB ST BOGALV. Brown brick. 5 rooms, modern tn eery respect basement with hot air heating Pant. i.,. HZi iV-jij ii.iin . mi Sa-fomT'ont"1 'in' t deS? ieelSl thla nl&ce W. f Payne. A CAL1FORNIV BUNG LOW On N Florence 5 rooms, modem, Califor nia style, lawn, trees, abeds etc , good terms. See this now VI. F. Payne. MKSOCRI ST. BARGAIN. 37ixl2 4 room frame house. Only 113. with sny reasonable terms to salt buyer This one won t last long. W. F. rajrne. 41 Mesa Ave Phone 121 FOR SALE. Lovely home on a. principal street: thor oughly well built Muse 9 rooms, elesets. hot and cold water In bedrooms, hot water heating plant, lawn, trees, etc Apply to OWNER. P O. box 57 arrange Interview HOMES HOMES HOMES. 245 4 room classv bungalow. on corner, paving and sidewalks paid. 31 cash. 34 room new bungalow, beating plant paving sidewalks ptd. 33759 4 room bungalot? heating plant: paving and stdewalka paid 3125 cash. 355M 5 room Montana St. bungalow basement, heating plant 2 lots. 35 cash. 331 4 room modern bungalow, on car line. 35 cash. 343 7 room bungalow, basement, heat ing plant, paving and sidewalks paid. 3475 C rooms. Roosevelt St., new bun galow Cut Rate Realty. 42 First Nat 1. Bank Building. NEW 5 BOOM HOUSE. E. El Paso. 2 fall lots. 325. 53S cash. baL 335 month. In cluding Intelsat. Creel. Wrth James L. Marr & Co. Capias Bldg. Paoae 575. riTMAN CATTLE CO. 8 and 9 Morehouse Block, El Iao, Texas. Phone 434. Investments In cattle and ranches paying larger dividends and safer thaa any other GOOD RANCHE? FOR SALE. WITH OR H ITHOCT CATTLE. TRADES. 15 acres at fork of roads en the Island. 1 mile south of 'Fa bens, to trade for El Paso prop erty, choice location and a bar gala at 34 an acre ITPER VALLEY. 3 acres good level land, signed up under Elephant Butte. Cut to 345 per acre. Win trade for city property and bsisjhii If necessary. SVN FRANCISCO. CAL. Twe apartment houses at to trade for EI tpaso Baa ! eautty. Cady Nee. 213 Mttsi St. Pnona 93, BABeUIN-. Broaddas Sz Lie Baren. WB ABB MIKING YOU A BUSlNRMi PROPOSITION. WHIT RETURNS 1H KlC GET FROM THE St TO S YOU P VY BACH MONTH FOB KKNT? We are euildmg a home In Grand View, on two south front Iota. This Is a four room and bath bungalow with a sleeping porea. Built of the best materials throughout. Price 321. 33M cash takes It with tne small payment of $25 per r.onto and Interest for a term of fire years. HBRK IS ANOTHER. 4 feet, south front on Mon tana, 5 rooms, bath -nd sleep ing porch. All Inside the sralL Yellow pressed brick, hardwood floors, colonade partitions. In fact It la modem. Tee and a heating plant also, ;44 First payment S5M. the baUnci 34 APVBTMSNTS. There are none i be had. Why don t yon build one 2 percent Income on your Invest meat. Let as fbjrure with you. Wo hanre three of the choicest sites far such a building la the city. 4 LOT SNAPS. earner Iota la aJtara Park for 333S. 3 feet bt the 14 block oa Stanton tor 315. ltwxIXS feet, Tularesa comer for .SUM. 54txl23 feet, ataaa avenue fer 535. TRA8BS. SO acres la that fsianas Ozark country. 4 la talUiatlua. 3 la pistbn anel assjsea, far etty or -valley. 3.14 acres, flaws to d Paso, sailj all ia alfalfa, shout lot frost trees of various varieties. Bod stissiJ brick tease with basement, for city property A dandy two story red aenaatd brick home oa Arlsina street, for a bungalow or good lota, VALLEY SNVP. (Jet 3 acres In the upper valley at 31 per acre Will take 31 down and 34 per Bkonth aad Interest. V adersea-Filter. SUPERIOR HOMES 1-1 Buckler Bldg Phon- 1 91. "HOMES BEAUTIFUL." ON" TUB 2S BLOCK OF HOI LEV VRD. JIST COMPLETED These bungalows are more attractive than any advertisement caa describe Tbey have massy ongmiai reaiures waicn give them a character an their own. The long sweeping I roof to the front gives the broad low lines j that make the buagaww so captivating j The Interior la all cosiness tad convenience t There are 5 large rooma The living room I Is separated from the dining rooir bv a colonade. the woodwork In these 2 room is ' fumed aaa. the floors are oak highly pol ished. The brick fireplace in the liing room is a mighty attractive feature with 1 both aldeSL The buffet In the dining room Is a handsome piece of furni ture. The woodwork In the bedrooms, bath room snd kitchen Is finished with Vltra ltte white enamel (four coat work) all the rooms sre tastily tinted. The kitchen, de- slgneu wltn a view to economical house- keeping They are beauties and complete in every detail These homes must be seen to be appreciated, our autos are at your ser vice Call or phone for engagement PRICE 39 AND 3S5.i TERMS 34 CASH BALANCE LIKE RENT WHVT "STERLIVG- IS TO SILVER. MATFIELD IS TO A HOME MayftrM B'dg Imp Co . lac. Phone 64 S roam niuiHsn house, new, on Alamaasrdn St. hi Bust 13 Paso: south front, - lata, fSTS. BCXraALOW to Manhattan Hatatsm am paved suae. 3 lata: saunaaw sjeUm ansa; lecsae onaw. ; For Sale Real Estate Cry Property. FOR SALE 4. bargain at 82500 88x120. cose In. Kern place Realty Co. Ph. 4774 RIO GRANDE ST. BARGAIN. 3 room 2 story red pressed brick, base ment, lot lliirt ft The best bargain en this street. Price 355 easy terms. Know BrEF BRICK MM. I Grand View, on Ft Bliss ear line. A f ejBe place and a snap, easy terms. I pin- site residence or apartment. 5xi:t I ft. on Upson We 3250 H cash, ml 1 snl .MI. Rio Grande Realty Ca. Hi-US First Nat Bank Building. YAXLEY LAND THE BIGGEST SNAP. 1 acres fine valley land, aeli located on the Island. For a quick sale, price 14 per acre 'fc cash balance I and 2 years. Rio Grande Realty Co. 11-Z12 First Nat. Bank Building. i -WII.I. TRADE I VLLBY LAND. Any idse tract, up or down the valley. RK Grande HeaMy Co. FOR SALS 5 room brick, fit) cash. ha!. 34 per month. Price 338. Cose In. 2 j blocks of Lamir school Rio Grande Realty Co. 17 ACRESS ,Y. IN VLFALF.Y. On new paved road. Will trade for resi dence Bio Grande BeaMy Co. BEAUTIFUL 6 BOOM BUNG LOW AT A HEAL SACRIFICE. LOT 4Jili. Facing south, modern In every respect, hardwood floors throughout, large basement, with cement floor, heating plant. PRICB 3435 SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE LIKE BENT No trouble to show you this beautiful home MayBeld BMg. Imp. Co, Inc. Phone 4S4 S39 CASH. Balance like rent. Nice brick bouse with bath and alesplag porch south froat In Alta Yista district. CLOSE IN. Dandy new 4 nam bvnvgalear large sleeping perch, Isardwood floors, bultaln featursa, barn. etc 838 small cash paymsnt, balance monthly SJew CASH. Balance easy maathly pay ments: best new 5 room bunga low for the Twonoy m. El Paso To can't find fault with ar rangement or Salsa. X blocks from Alta Vises, school. PAYS IS PERCENT ON IXV BSTMENT. 3 room apartment houses for nlnhsd. good location. 111. reasonable cash payment, IJst your property with us. If It Is worth the money we can sen It. Maeas-Seett Keeltr Co. ' 55T9 4Z4 juus Beautag. WE HATE MONEY To BUILD HOMES Or APAKTMBNT HOUSES. Addrr-M V. 4, Herald. SN VPS SNAPS SNAPS. f lota, E. El Paso Add., all 38 cash. 3 R. brick. Missouri St, 5185. terms 5 R. bungalow. Manhattan. 3425. terms. There's a reasoa why my rental business inrreases each aeonta. Cause, prompt re sntttaacea, owner's Interests leoksd after effectively Try me, R. E. Lyons, 317 Fint Nat, Bank Bldg. ForSale- Farms and Ranches BY" OWNER 18 aero fruit ranch. Oil Scott, Ahunogordo. N. M. ACRES ALFALFV. 8 miles south Las Cruces, on pike road well Improved. Ml exchange 335 for livestock, balance ea? terms. F O box 42. Las Cruces. N. M. VALLEY I.VND Small Improved tract up per valley near Canutfllo, at bargain. Will trade on bungalow well located la El Paso. Phone :I3. RANCHMEN. For Sale Dauuy cattle ranch, and abou: 15 head of fine native cattle. A bargain StS,. Thea, G. Altken. Demlng. X. M. FOR SALE Irrigated farms Improved aad ununproved la the Rio Grande valley, along the Santa Fe Ry . permanent water rights. community plan, good crops, good market. S3 to 35 acre. Add. P M. Bemaruo, N. M VALLEY LAND. 9. acres. 112, San acres alfalfa, good adobe house ex cellent meatien for chicken plant. 1$ acres, 3125 per acre, raw bind, paved road, 2 miles east of Yiieta. terras. CINBCUE PARK. 1. 3 and 5 acre tracts, good soil. Irrigated from Fraaklia caaoL NBWM VN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone 55. 14 San Antonio St. CHEAP LAN-B NEAR. EL PASO 2 sec 15 miles oat at 32.5 per acre bonus. 3 sec 3 miles out at 32. per acre bonus. 5 sec 25 miles east at 32. bonua 2, acres. 15. acres owned, balance teased, under fence. Price 33a, bonus, on easy terms. Jay F. Knox Company. Lobby Hotel Orndorff Phone 477 "LAFAYETTE TLACE.- ACHRAGK TRACTS IN CULTIVATION. 8 MILKS BELOW EL PASO. 4N PVVBD NORTH LOOP BOVD. TWO TO FOUR AKB TRACTS M TO 6e PER ACRE. See this land before you buy B9aacnahle terms. - W. f Payor, Oerner. A lies.- Phono 13. I ACRES. MOSTLY ALFALFA. All la cultivation. 14 miles of El Paso. No better solL Jr per acre. 3 under value, f PER ACRE. acres In alfalfa. Vow get busy Caa take trade oa both of these. S3S PBR VCRE. 27 miles north of El Paso 44 acres. Will sell 14 or all. Fine to subdivide. Whfte-FaeVn Realty Co. 11-12-13 Morgaa Buildlag Phone 1549 AFTER YOUR TRIP Up the alley with us, and after you hs e wnat the other fellow aaa to snow you, you will be convinced that the K. C. B.VILEY L.VND COMPANY Has the bargains In valley land. We give our customers the benefit of oar knowledge concerning each tract of land and Its own er and if you contemplate going Into the farming business we can also give you the benefit of our - jeers' practical experience in farming tn the valley. Tour satisfaction Is another booser for us. aad the RIO 'tRAVnv valvar? "-"r- ,AU,iI Office at 048 For Sale Real Estate Country Property. "HICK SYLB Jew 4 room bcagalow bath large leeplng porch garage and fruit tree. Rent C3. per month best residence district. Prlie 3 so VV R. English F O. -Ml imi rix. . OWNER HVS FOR SALE 31 acres vallev land located 14 miles north of El Paso Now resdy for seeding M 1 rgree to plant any crop desired For particulars writs box 425 El Pao FINE FVBM 12 acres plenuid location for fruit and sn,ck ritisins ni 1 sell cfcp or on easy erms account f ttther busin"c Address , n-ner R fc, Fu rrer, Linvi ie, Vrk. Johnson ti GOVERNMENT LAND. There are a few choice homesteads le't In the Mimbres valley developed land nenr by selling for 3125 acre location fee reason- (sble Write ueo F Scranton, Cambr-v N M.