Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD Week-End Edition, March G-T, 191o 7 B STORMS EUBTfllL STD T I i Tendency Is Downward; the Prices of Leading Issues Indicate Profit Taking. "' 'Tf Quotations reflect closing prices urtia March . . i York March . TradinK in stocks u ii Was curtailed by the storm which in- r-upted communication with the middle u snj othr point The tendency was "nard pru e of leading Issues Indicate ff profit taking- iains were almost entire- 1 corfin-d 'o specialties, incladlns; the to- i a'- o roup. I "public stet. preferred. Call- f rnta Petrol u i p-eferred and local trac- nii. Harestr corporation rose 14 points, ) e pr-fTred. Iiwevr. decllatfng 4. Ameri- -in l KnmotlvtN preferred, fell three point' uv new minimum of 7i. The dosing was Hon ' were steady. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS I By Aasoetatea rw). N '"ork. March . The feuowlag were ' oing auotations on the New York ' K ei hange. alcmated Copper 54 ' i an Sugar Refining- l.2 1 ' -"" ' ' "PPT 34H ' urn Pacific l.2 "lire 1.45 u'h'-rr Pacific . .".. . ........... 14 n I'Jiiflc 1.14, s ate. Steel 44 b.ates Steel, pfd. UK MONEY AND METALS. XKW YORK MARKEBT. (By Associated frees). York. March Mercantile paper. Br -..ner. 43. ". ju do.lar S7&. , "imem bonds, stead?. T j Mad b ida, eteady. Tin ff rone Ova tan Ms, 4S.4fia: 2 - 48 cu bid. ' ppe-. steady; electrolytic. 14.75vl4.37fe: - m 14 -41,42U. J ma steal v: No. 1 aw tin is. 14.44e? "" o r. 14.25,14.?;; NO. 1 and No. 2 it' i. SI j;14.!5. , I - ' 2.e4.44. V Sf- ter. 1 ?S1L45. a lawdan Markets. T on t.n Eti,, March . The London aaet- nii-k.ts losed as fellows: I. a i t2. mj. dS. .... .r 44 ale. Spot opper (CS. silt: futures, 4. ik t n iv4: futures, fl2. si. Ar ior.. I724y75- M. tjanz Lead and SptH r. -t oui- Mo.. March - Lead. ZJi: li- icr. 10 ;(, 14.75. THE LOUAL MARKET. '1"ckan currency. IS. l-n. an peso (El Paso bayrac price) 35. arrvnza eurrcacy. 12: Chihuahua eur- v 1,1, El rasa SoteMer Qoeiatien. iCarrected Dally.) It.' Mirer (Handy Jk Harmon eraota- ii i I-orJ. -. lead. 2. si. d3. 1'tK 1 Id 3 Z. ppi r wire bars. 14.45. For Sate Reeatag Gooses. TOR SLE AT A MCKIIICK r.'nin house make me an offer; cash "- t-nr Phone SCCv J 1TIR SILK Furniture 14 room 1 . Ini7li ren, with 2 )ear lease. Dont phone. j ' an-pbelL Miss Lena Baker. ROOMING HOUK W.VNTkTT from owaerT Xi i. t I.. PssoaaSaanlVlaa . nisi t.asi lW.ta bb M- t.un ,linct. and have about 24) rooms, t AJdre , Bujer. P. O. box 77. I-OK SALE HY Orl"NK Rarh ' i. ss rooansq library. Ben rert low. V V rite E. X ca light honarkmaig s Si close in M rciit $3e ............ see rent 34 75 r'o-e in las UIT'- , r Mini, 1 . r oini, rim is rooms trerstent .... ZsS ! ret" $11 2SM - roc ii bousi in fine condition. J - TVzlc roonia. IS Hght swwisjllll plai Ki.r lease: rent I1SS. Prteo Hi. SI 1,0 rash, nalsno Hi nunlh. "U 1 mi on want a iwecajaa; tessss s breain price see Creel, WHi James L. Marr Gs. Phone STS- ill ll-4I.NO Dta'AKTMKNT. ' ' i .. in on Rio Grande. Insslllwl home. J c rooir- nen and elegantly JavusstsBsL Own- rr uiint citi. wiu sacriiiee at stbo. ca-,1 ana ih p ii Montana St, 11 n o-iis rcrt.0 at 123 er i ..n c 340 per snsHstk. !, 'e-a Are, rooms. A- Intranta at I. 100 cash, balnnoo S2S per month. M. K. Towneey. HWi K- ( . BsBey IsMsd CMoanr. I'll i-CCo stc Mesa. For Safe or Exchange Real Estate. ! M .111 IT1 in a 4 room residence 1 block Tr . Man, St. Las Croces. Address Owner, 1111- Momma H. M. Roberts. , 1 OK LE OR TRADE for good aotomo- l 4 if.'! lot. East K' Paso, suitable for j i i- aad garden. Phone S4S. IM'I. TK.1DE 7 passenser automohlle in B u ndition for vacant lots, or first pay- i i, i hose and toe Phone 3992 J. after '- p i J OK '-LE or will exchange for vacant tots y s v nice red pressed brick. 3 room jth all modern Imnrcvenvents. Ad- r- Z He-alA A(IIVS(jK income property that brings t,-.. - of S Si) to 3214 per month for an i p-iiult ,!!ct farm. Write P. O. box S17. Tu urn an. X. M, for photo and fall infor- u ati j'i AW I.I TRADE good home in Dallas. Tex, home or lots in El Paso, or for good l.'m Address 1343 Arisona St, El 3 Trx itaYT. xtea Rorrrv i l , I"! Paau will trade for lota. j i-i- -'ock or would take auto la - cr s r . cmn Herald. JOB" TRADE My equity o" tloM ia a n-n Z room niodem brick htise u Albu- u -que N ju. now renieo tor zo per aso,. r j. i -rail re adence in Kl Paso. Address' i' r. bo- 44. Lis Crnoss, N. M. EXCHANGE. lnre a client with 2Sa cash and t iuuy in 444 acres near Newman to ,n?e for 6 room modern bungs low west addition, vrill aasame some In- ' I See Maerate. James I. Mrr Ca. 204 San Antonio 8c. TRADE TK,DETR.DB. f C000 lGvValley land, on main ditch and r ai. 1- :-iI this aide La Mess, to trade i for I .' Paso property. i i, 000 -; richest land in valley, above truces to trade tar ki iit 501 ' acres close to i n c , ultivatloc. naostly soniir CI Paso property In CTcaange. j .i, " jo . ,rea mile, at Ystrta. Win , - h i ise for city property. I - u0 houses. 2 ksta, rents 327.S njoath. j v i' f-i.e small valley tract. t S'i0u ( room brick. -2 lota, cftsss ia. Beat i :-. ionth will trade far goad vacant let i ,-,11 Paso. i S ,J0, one of the best 3 room bungalows I ':; Pau Will trade for some lets, some 1 ' n ii- ck c!o - in Will tra-le i t T-alr Res'lv room rooming hiqsp. month. f4sM cash. farfa. Take I STRONG DEMNO J1E WHEAT j Lively Buying Carries Corn Prices Up; Oats Quota tions Higher Also. Chicago. 111. March Wheat made a sharp aJan-e today, influenced by firmness of quotations at Liverpool and by reports of a continuance of urgent cash demand on this side of the Atlantic After opening lc to Sc higher, the mark-H scored a mod erate further gain and then steadied at a reaction of about one cent. The close was steady at 51c above Friday night. Lively buying on the part of commission houses carried corn up grade. The opening, which varied from the same as Friday night to Uc higher, was followed by a decided general advance. The close was firm. c to e set advance.. Oats ranged higher with other cereals. Strength in the hog market gave a lift to provisions. Grain and Provisions. CMeaco Graln. Cle. Wheat May. J1.41H: Joly. lUa Com May. llc: Jab. 7aK Oats May. SCr. July. SITsc Chiearo ProTislons. rjtose. Pork May. I17.2: July. 1T.ST Ird May. H.5. Joly. US.":.. Ribs ila. !;; Joly. aia.27. LIVESTOCK KanMM City Llrertock. Close. Kanbaa City. Mow March C Hofta Re. ceipts. ;. market hicher. Polk. ! 1 79 f.Ti. : heavy. 2L7iC.75. pigs. . 2S . Cattle Receipts, see: market steady. Prime fed -rteera. S 2S.7S: ireatern Steers. SC75C7S.:;. calves. 2CSie.7S. Sheet, Receipts. UN. market steaay. Lantba. ! 6; yeariinca, .7 7i0.7S. I'ort lturlli IJreieetV. Clese. (By Zeicer Hotel). Roes Receipts, rso. market ltc hisrher. everythlne sold at tLCO. Cattle ReceisU. IS, market nominal - stocker heifers at J7.10 for the week; beef steers and Mexican, steady: batcher eovs. lie and lie lover heifers, bolls and calves, steady: stacker steers and calves, heifers, .steady: stocker cows. 25c lower. Sheep Receipts, 75. market steady. Ewes at $e.25. wethers at S7.M. For Sale cr Exchange Real Estate. a close in 5 room house on IS lots. Wyom ing St. Here is your chance to make a very desirab'e trarfe on a well paying house. HoweH Realt O. :: Herald Bldg. TO TRADE FOR GRA"S LANDS. Farms, brick balldings. stocks of goods, telephone systems. light plants, pictnre shows, water systems. If yoa have any thing to trade write C. B. Haley. San Angelo. Texas. SlSOe IN CASH and Its acres of land to trade for lots or canity In house. &x sections In Culberson Co. to trade far lotn cr canity In house. 22 acre bonos. SLSe dne state. Pltane C. E. Flocks. S4I. 5S7 Tno Republics Bqildtns;. Ready Reference Easiaen Directory Accountant. XOKKAX E. BAZEY. Box S27 .tsn HU. CI.IKENCE LONGNECKEK Phone ML it First Natl. Bank Bldg. AddingIacbiaes. HAI.TON Art.llnr Machine. 214 Mnbi St. Advertiseri. CT.LOr,S L-ppman's. 42C Trust BMc Architects. EDWARD KXEEZBLL. State National Bank Buildlnc. Phone 24C O. H. THOEKAN CO. ABCHITKCTS. 41C Roberta-Banner Bldg. El Paso. Texas. Phone 22t Assayers. Assayer. Chemists. MetaHorclsta. CBITCIIKTT FERGUSON. Iteai ssentsnves for ore shippers. Umpire and j control work a specialty Send for ore mail- ; lag envelopes. ?le San Francisco. Ph. 324. i nKCriIIAETS INDEPENDENT OFFICE. 34)7 San Francisco St. Phoce 1. ASSAY GEO. V. CA1IBRON. ASS.WEK AM) CHEMIST. 25 San Francisco St. Phone 627 SMMON ASS.VY CO. 4(4 San Francisco St. Aaents for Ore Shippers. Phone 1IH Atiorncyj. KUFUS B. DANIBI. LAWYER. 422 Mills Bulliling Phone 3 J. Anctiineen. W. A. WILLIAMS, Aoeiion Sales and Commlssfon BroLer. Otfiea Phone 41 Residence Phone . Office: Entrance to Captas BMc. I Hell Everythlne at Auction or Private Sale AntomobSes. EL PASO AUTO TAXI LIVERY. 114 w. San Antonio St. Phones 242 143 1113. Anto Supplies. SAM WILLI 4.MSOX. le TBX.S ST, EL PASO, TEXAS. For Auto Bodies of any kind. Also Fire stone solid rubber tires Phone Si. Astomobiic Service. I.KHY SEB ICE STATION. EEMAGNETIZING. MAGNETOS. Foil tine of Remy repair perta, aalr masnetos and colla COILS. Wo re- Texai ESectrleal SodoIv Co. 1 11 N Stanton. Phone 112 Banks;i RIO GRANDE A'ALLEY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. 113 Mesa Ave . Cor. Texas St. Phone 1304. JSottle HE BUI AND SELL say kind of bottles. H. Nelson. 141 Myrtle. Phono S233. Brokers. JOSE M. IIORCAMTAS Merchandise aad j1 estate broker i!-xican beans aad corn i a rpecialty 320 First National Bide ! '; " ' DQSinesS LOlieees. J DKAL'GIIO.VS BUSINESS COLLEGE antoes positions MODB1..N SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. "THE HOME SCIIOOU" S04 II. Iloelevard. I'boee 232. All CtHnmerdol Subjects and Spauifth. Day and Xizht SrheoL Mary I. Stanton. Priorioal. P. II. CURBAN. Booza, Stationery and Office Supplies. Complete Una of Filing; lXvices. 4 Moat Aye. Phone 1934 Cafe. if YOU WANT RESULTS I EVERY TIME AXD ALL OF THE TIME. I Advertlr - In the Ready Reference Baainess 1 Directory. Don't forget the phone number, i "FOUR FI1 E THREE." i Carp enters. ntessse prop- l .,. ,, . Books & Stationery. (New bh. Advertisement.) Train Bulletin. AH afternoon and night trains are reported on time. j ink for Carbo steel posts. Lander I Limber Ctf. California Traffic Heavy. I Westbound tourist traffic through fil I Jaw to California continues to be J heavy. Golden State limited today was J in two sections westbound. With the 7a. 'I1, '-urP puttinK a stop to trans Atlantic trips. American tourists are now takinc? a ft. , oau, a . Sant Fo train No. J, weatbonnd. cUlms to hold the tr.niXr..i.. ' ZZt? day. this train passed through Albn- Hi. "" soctions, each sec ..0.n h5v,nR 135 passenfrers. There were 1M0 through passengers on the train. Dr. A. 1 still Osteopatnte Infirmary. Rr- i.Hr CoUo Physician In chter: lr. M. Alfclre. lady specialist: Dr. Carl Gibson. SOI TV. Missouri street. They cared others. They dan caro you. Slrrnrralker Ans Bonis Man. The man caught Thursday night at tempting; to open the window of the -Sunshine nursery was found to be Xeal Sims, of Ennis, Tens. When caught the man was dreesed only in bis under clothes. He declared that he had ne mougnt oi roDDery, and presumed tnat he had been walking in his sleep. I !' 'W'nrnocfc. dentist, over Postal , Telegraph Co.; bridge work only J 5. Flnlcy's Ilonil Fixed. Ivj Finley. the police officer charged with the murder of , the negro who shot and killed officer Ous Chitwood. was given a habeas corpus hearing before judge Dap X. Jackson in the flth dis trict court Saturday morning and bond was fixed at 214)00. Dr. Jnmleson, diseases of Kidney. Blad der. Skin -nd Rectum. 618 Jlllle Bldg. Arreslcl for Selllnc; Corn. A complaint charging forgery against Isador Olguin r'riday afternoon and one against C. Olguin, charging swindling hae been filed in Justice Murphy's court in connection with the securing and sale of a quantity orcom and flour belonging to the Globe mills. CI Paso Distilled Water Co. Fh. 9. Dr. IVnrnocL. dentist, over Postal Telegraph Co.; gold crowns only 25. Former fcenntor Dies Sleeping;. Los Angeles. Calif, March . Thomas R. Bard. 74. former United States sena tor from California, died Friday at his nome at Hueneme. Calif. He panned away while sleeping, after a heart at tack with which he was stricken last night. Ask for Surety Bond Roofing at your hardware dealer or Lander Lumber Co. Sentllr 4Inn Arrested. Ben Taeger was arrested by city de tectives charged with lading a fugitlv from justice. He was said to have been wanted in Seattle. Dr. Paget, dentist, 4z Roberts-Banner Ask. for Carbo steel posts. Lumber Co. Lander Car Fans Into River. Elsinore. Calif, March . Derailed Friday at a junction crossing two miles from here, the rear coach of a mixed train on a Santa Fe branch line broke its coupling and tumbled off a trestle ! 2 ieet into tne San Jacinto river One passenger was killed and the conductor was fatally injured. Twelve other passengers, men and wjomen. were more or less seriously hurt. Dr. Anna Ream. Buckler Big, over Elite Dr. Bryan, dentist. 208 Herald Bldg. .. Capital Punishment Abolished. Bismarck. N. D. March (. Passage of a bill abolishing capital punishment and defeat of an equal suffrage meas ure were features of the J melon of the Ilth North Dakota legislature, which adjourned Friday night. The session lasted CO days. Dr. Cameron, dentist. Zi Rob. -Ban BMg. JIayti IilcclK President. Cape Haiticn. Hayti. March . Gen. Vilbrun GuiUaume was formally elected president of Hayti Friday. A cabinet was formed. Blds for Car of Oata for El Paso County. Sealed bids will be "received at the office of the undersigned at the Court House In El Paso, Texas, until (S) five oclock March 16. 1316. for a car load of Mo. 2 Northern White Clipped Oats. This is for immediate delivery from elevator point and price Is to be based on F. O. B. car El Paso. R. D. Barnum. County Auditor. Cnrri nf Thnnt-a. We wish to thank the neighbors and ' friends for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our son and brother. Mrs. Emma Burgess and Children. Avk for Carbo steel pests. Lumber Co. Lander A'. Ilson Keep) Open House. Washington. D. C, March . Presi dent Wilson kept "open house" at the white house Friday night for depart ing members of the senate and house. He received callers at the executive offices up to 10 ocock. Phone GST. Wilson MilHcan, the best cleaners. White work a specialty. Dr. Hbert. dentist. zW-US Mills Bid;. Cash Registers. CASH REGISTERS. NATIONALS. New and second band, 324 aad ap; easy payments. Repair v. ork and supplies. A. J. Mrayer. Sales Agent. 341 Myrtle Are. Phone 511 Ready Reference Business Directory Carpets Cleaned. 'STEAM V3I AND VACUUM Carpet Cleaning. Da Sang & AAeHborn. Phone 399. CARPETS CLEANED and general work. Pnntley A'aewnm Cj.,"g Co. Ph. 3213. Cerient. 'I EL TORO BRAND CEMENT. WSTHWEsTEBN PORTLAND L'KMENt COMPANY. Cement Contractors. LET DAN L. CARSON ""1, 7T r?,n,t"wWJ"f.Aflrrt - class Job. Ail work guaranteed. Phone 2444 Civil Engineer & Surveyor. Civil riis'Em Vmtnsisroo rBiV'Lii?r.iiniSSR.VBTOK- City and valley Surveys. Irrigation and Subdivision. Plans and Estimates. 344 Mills Bids. Phone 227. China Painting. LESSONS SOc; flrlng. Mrs. Nafe. Ph. 144. LESSONS SOc 71 San Antonio St. Ph. &4a2. ' ' Gnnton's Studio. Lucerne Ants. Ph. SM4. Contractors and Builders. HEWITT i SON. Contractora and Bulldera, No. 4 Morehouse Block. Pboao 72 II. IIRETTI.EK. currNTEK and miLDKrt. lin'- of ti pa.nL,' clone t'i llu. Ready Reference Bnsiness Directory MIONB 7. I WILSON-MILUCAN CLEANING WORKS. , The Best Cleaner. The went work. 11: E. Boulevard. -HKAR T1IK EL PASO S3IILG" "" ' And get your -:uit pressed for only 5c at MereheadV ny little Shop. Phone 4t: N. Oregon. M CENTS for cleaning and pressing each salt. Work called for and delivered, sma'l repairing free. 761 Copper St. Ph. 99t W. 11EL1CIOI'-, FItOZBN ISKKTS, 11H1NKS AM) I.LClIl-i'J. !i t.i, . Beautiful cot 5)r-effrTd njr "tyle i nowera. fresh daily. Potter Conreetionery and lloral t. I - fnone 4sss Dead Cattle. I FULL GROWN dead cattle, horses, mulea, nsuiea away tree, rnone is imaww in j. Denthtf. DR. K. F. BBEKT. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. 2:t-l MI1U Building. Pbose 111 Detective Agencies. BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AGENCY. Investigations msde in civil and criminal case). 1-17 First Nat. Bank Bldg: Phono 44M. Dinms&GrJHRoomr SHELDON HOTEL. BUSINESS MKVr. LUNCH. SO CENTS. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER. S1.88. POTTFJE DRCO CO. Cor San Francisco and 8. El Paso Sts. Phones 37S. EELLV JC POLL.RD. DRUCGISTS. 341 N. OREtiON. PHONE El. PEOPLE'S DREG STORE Agents far Bay lor's candy. Gibson water and Rexall reme dies. 127 E. San Antonio. Phone 1(1 12. LOVE'S DRUG STORK. WHERE QUALITY TKEVAILS. Prescriptions filled correctly and promptly delivered. Agents for "Whitman's" Candies. 212 San Antonio. Phones 1S 2S0. rKED SCHAETER. DRUGGIST. 24 Mean Ave. Phoce 145. Use Scbssfer's Foot Wash For Tosr Sore Feet. KNOBLAUCH-WARNER DRUG CO. Special Attention to Telephone Orders. Under Orndorft Hotel. Phones T21 722. J. A WE.VBER & CO. NEW LOCATION. 113 KOVERLAND. Formerly 2S S. Kl Paso. Will so pleased to welcome otd cnatomers dad new. Phone 3SC. OWL DRUG CO. A. E. Hyan, Prop. 112 San Antonio. Open All Night. Phones sag m Electrical. Gr.VRANTBE ELECTRIC CO. Our work is honestly done. We take no advantage of you. Prices very reasonable. wiring, fixtures, repairing. , ill . .Boule vard Phone 4524 Electric Motors & Machinery. WE SPECIALIZE ON INSTALLING EIJXTKIC MACHINERY Vo meet yoar requlromont. Yoar patronage solicited. Southwestern Electric Machine Co. 304 San Francisco P. O box lit. Ph. 1114 Feed and FneL CALL 4776 K. E. ALSTON. For feed, coal aad wood. He makes a specialty of prompt deliveries aad full nelgata. SM WbeeHoe St, 13 Paso. Texan. CALL THE 11IO OBAXDE FUEL CO. Foe Hay. Grain. Coal and Oak Cnnaks. 32 S. St, Vraln St. Phono llll. Elocution. MISS MABYV MADISON Ph. 4243. Feetl!Hav&&ain. WALTER S. CLAYTON. Oefioa sad Mrst. Phone Us for Pore Feed. Also Hay and Grain. Prompt petitory Fnel and Ice, BARON rtJEI. & ICE CO. Dealers In CoaL Wood, Kindling nnd Ire. Tomlllo wood from a sack to a carload. Cheapest prices in town. Phone S9SL Furniture Packin?. FURNITURE UniOUSTERED. repaired and I packed. Dn Sang Wellborn. Phono S3S3. I PACKING and shipping household goods onr specialty Furniture repairing', finlshtmj and spnnuimnE n. i. uaniei rurnitare. aiat- t iress Factory. 41-1 Myrtle Phone 142S. . jGrocer&JWeatMarjce i TRADE HERE AND SHI MONEY ' On groceries and fresh meats. The boat o: ; staple and fancy groceries, also fresh meats. Cat rrke Grocery. lVyomtas. ! Pboao 1S7L Gun," Lock and Key Repairs. WE-C N-FI-IT-SIIOP. Bicycle. loekond re7 repairing clone right. Tires at reduced price 247 Myrtie PI- SIS. Hides. Wool Etc FINNEG.VX-B80MN CO. Hides. Wool. Pelts. Tailow. Etc. El Psso Ter.. AlbUQueraue. N. M.: Dour- las, Arix.; Phoenix. Ariz.: Tucson. Arte. ! Chihuahua. Me-s.: Parral. Mex. I A. DROU-NSTBIN i CO. niDBS. TELTS. TALLOW. WOOL, ETC. Office and 1201 Texas St. Phone 411. Mnlw oflTee. 1m A Bides. Csl. Jce RIO GRANDE ICE FUEL CO. anno uuntllod Water. Pore Distilled Water lee. Phono 22: UATCHES CLEANED SV. MAINSPRINGS I avc: crystals i.-. work cuarantoed. alanu factnnnc Jewelers. AVe buy gold and silver Tor rcanafactorin? uaiposea. 22S San Antoedo Gepeva Jewelry Co. Junk Dealers. )!kI: - nS W.XTLE JUNK COMPANY. 1441 Overland. Phone 144L HERMAN III.OCH CO. Scrap metal, copper, ureas, bones, wool, hides, horse hair skins all kinds. Ph. ilSg. 245 E. Boole. anl. I KL ,-ASO IRO'N METAL CO. IMS San , ," Dealers In scrap iron, rubber, cop- ! ner hrasa. hones, etc Phono 4244 -J:iyeJiiVires. GET TUB HABIT Of calling on tbe "Live Wires' Ready Bet- I j cTvncv DsMiias uwrriory tor any ana every thing you want. H's a Goad Habit. : I' Loaac STflm I.O.WED TO SAL.RIBII PEOPLE itniui security. If you nee J money we cordially lnite you to cal' I) D. Drake. 21 Roberts-Banner Bhlc E.K:Senraonds. Manager Messenger Service. CACTI s MESSENGER SERA ICE. -.ip-i nl PI m.. Our llo c. ! J, Ready Reference BasineM Directory K. ti. DUN & CO. Mercantile reports, Paso office. SOI Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and raUna on Individuals, collections. M.m- ber ot tne .National Assn. or Mercantile Ac-ene es. Harry rsdesaaa. Mcr -Z Herald BUIg Mjlfa'sery. MSW LINK or rXOiriHlti, braid and ma- terial furnished. Remodeling; a specialty. i Lola Mason. 72 X Stanton. MaricaL I WALTKK KAVIKptano teacher. K month. vole.. St Ph. rst Voice. $. Phone itt. Naneries. i EL PASO XfRSERY CO. j Fruit and ornamental trees, shrabbery . and evergreens, cat flowers and ut ntaata. j Everything; for the garden. . n ..mi.iiiii. uiimj w. I Qpticfan and Optometrist. ' ! CAR VI, C. HILL 121 MK8.V AVK. My Optical 8ervlce embraces more than seUing- of goods Includes accurate eye ex amination and frame adjustment that gives results. Phone 7 DR. A. T. STILL OSTEOPATHIC INFIRMARY. I 11 year la EI Paso Established IMS. Dr. Ira W. Collins. Physician In Chief. vt asnrgaret Aiaire. Lay specialist. The thoonands of Invalids thev have mad V bappv after tne medical profession bad failed on inam. snxxenna witn every una or ale ease, speaks for Itself. Never followed by Heart Fallon. Cancers or Consumption, as tbov mat th. system and restors ft. Paiatiag. YeWon ralot V, 2t N. Stanton. Ph. 1247. ?iaBes. OMeet Him HatM ia El Paso. EI. r.-o PIANO CO. W. K. Sehatz. Profk Strictly "OXE PRICE" to aa :e South side of Texas St. STEINWAY-K KBKTT-WXBER. PJcmbers. MORE BUSINESS Plumblm anaranteoL Walter F. Ervln. IK & Stanton. Ph. 17. PRONTO PLUMBER Call as for that harry up job. We don't hold yoa np in pricos. Res. phone. (M3: office. IMS. PAY CASn AXD SAVE MONEY On yoar plmnblng work. All work guaran teed Paone MST. El Paso I'kunbioc Co. 1 S. Vlraiola. rPaTgBents. TEXAS BITULITIUC CO, PAVEMENTS. Best by Every Test. Bunt Upon Hoaor. 77-748 Mew First Xsf L Bank Building. Phono 22SS. Prooace. SAVAGE PRODUCE CO. AfMOLKSALE. Poultry. Uve and dressed, to order. Kan, cans Iota, strictly fresh. Prompt delivery. Phone 4342. 724 8. Santa Fe. Pablic SveBetxraphers. TCBLIC STENOGRAPHER DEPT. Praaghon's Easiness College Phone 14S4 Real Estate. APARTMENT HOI'S K IX LOS ANGELES. xi in rng umli. California. Will er change for El Paso property Busiaess prop erty close In. exchange for land or lots. W. N. Carl. Room 11. Stoxens Bldr Phone 43 B- F. IlammeK. V. T-.Ilammett B. P. IIAMMBTT SON. Real Estate and Mining Brokers. Rents Collected Money to Loan. Phono 229 Hammett Block, 244 Texas St. WE HAVE MONEY T4 BUILD A FEW . HOMES WITH. Who will come first" llora-KI Pa BaiMsu; nad Realty Co. .! Herald Bonding-. Phono 434S Roofing. ALL KINDS OF HOOP M ORK New. paint ing, renairlna EstlTnatt rtfn.lsl.Mi r -v t Roof Paint Co Phone 3 Sheet Metal Works. ACME SHEET MHT.ll. linRKO Cbaa. A. Kaaffman (MHe B. Moore. (i'.lr! .hsaaat mill.l us.o- w i --. ...... ... t. ,.vuiitii.iijni nrai- Ine and itntl!ating our speciaJty 409 Ttwaj CI Pa-o Te-; Phone i4io r-o Phone iSSiBBBKKSHSSSKKBKBKBBSBKBlKBMc I i By Gav. Ferguson Now is the time to exchange all the Old Furniture, Shoes, Refrigerators, Sewing Machines, etc., for everything new, "Medium and High GmdeCfrom Kitchen to Parlor. Talfe a General House Cleaning, "Apply the aid goods as part payment," the balance to suit. SEE US MONDAY FOR BARGAINS IN: Parlor Suites ,525 to $125 Fancy Rockers .$250 to $35 Library and Center Tables '.$ to $35 Ladies' Desk, special discount. BED RGOK. FURNITURE I I IM Up ar, hem ,ti i ptI Ir,m. Jn-- ' JBgBSfeSirBS B safi " ffl IfngsHMD K m hiiiiiit It lenrSSow HH tu ' P.1" 1PJH sPryis.Jtsll b m a. ffiifsrs. i m sb stm&.jii n 'i OFFICE FUKNITCRE We will exchange you new desk for old, aiitl v.c liar a good line, medium priced. N , "Attention to special orders of fine furaiiwa." Phone 1206 for bids on your old furatre. Call 113 K. Stanton St. and look over our lilies. CHAS, J Ready Reference B Directory 8KLL your furniture for cash. Ph. 24a- tTANTKlid hand furniture R. L. rn- iels furniture and Uattreaa Fcty Ph. H2S I .. , ch,. anythlnr In l ;," -J-.j. rTT u, .j. Hardware and Furniture Co . 47 X Oregon St. Ph. rV.-? -rSl on.1ITesa. furniture, stoves carpets. Phono tost. Tosas Furniture Co.. 4 a El Paso St. yrcHAXfiy. nkw FiKxrrrRE For second hand Western Furniture Co. JOS S. El Pibo St. Phone HS SeCttBti HaBel CrStsUBg. , . HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICES paid for all kinds accond hand clothing Phone 4027 HIGHEST PKICE8 PAID for old clothes. Phone 2S15 LADIEM' VS1 MEN'S second hand clothlni; boaght htthet prices paid. Phone S1S2. SDauiall LeMOBt. -l-rf-Ml'ai'sW.ili.r-si.r-i rii ss-lrirn.r.fir-..r I-KOF. BK.1.1). I'h :0 u Buckler Bldg. MRSrVlDENrlA A. CRRKOX Ph. 2423 TMANgLATrOKS Spanish lessons. Ph. 17C: CONVKRATH).NAL--Pslmors College Ph. ! Ill Sigas. I em- MGN" CO, 2 X Stanton Ph. 1247 JSL MADE IN EL PASO. Galv Steel, best made. Hills. Sutton ae White Manufacturing Co toj-aoo W-trrnorilr- JZJSSSCjZSlXiiicZ: EL PAt50 STOR.GE WAREHOUSE Lar;- est. best equipped In city Goods called for and .torert Cheapest and hert. Ph. 21C6 Store Repakiue. STOA'E 8EPAIRIXG New parts madeand S f?'ra,k LHZL-Lh fTiTw with D. and H. Iron Worka. corner K. Sth and 8. Florence 8ta. Phono 344. , iahVkS. rrigation pipe, silos, TANKS. CI LVERTS. garages, etc Ask for catalog Phone 145C. Hills. Sutton a- White Manntactoring Co. Taxifieriaists. MeLELLAX BROS. Ph. 700 20 'Frisco St. FOR HiHE AT Nu bt'ttor i-ars in the rout service in EMPas. Driven by experienced, courteous drivers, anywhere, any time. and get the best Auto Livery Co, m Ciiy Hall Stand Day and Night Service. arnasssssiassassslssssssssssssssWsssssssssssssss' ay me tr.. values in Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses Bra iniiii oak to fine ismhOTaay. Dining Room and Kitchen DIMM. ROOM We nave medium grade line that are very showy and at a price that a in home can at ford. KITCHEN Here is wiiere von save the mono l.y BL'YIXl. THE BEST. tHARTER OAK OR PENINSIJI.AR RANGE will save you time and fud, and for tnuuitv tiiey equal the fcest. I e have a aire lice of Gas Ranges, new aad sowr.d hand.) KKKRIGERArORS It will soou be time to make your selection aad by all means you should see the NEW ICEBERGS. One that i guaranteed ur refund vour money. FOUTZ, The House Successor fco Foutz and Zinkler. j Rauy Rcfereace Baaness Directory Toefe. WANTM To bay 2d hand tools ana runs. ! H M"lr- R E-LJg?-g - Transfer as. Storage. IEKO TRANSFER CO. MoTfat: hou?eholii Ktods and pianos con- i tlnnaily ADl erricini sno carerui itnn I th. ncht P'., H.chclaa. ..very Stab.. -.,,.. -- o e--,. ir. m Phmu. ?,. j and offue 2u7 . j and 7C a Sarta Fe St Phones EEKYBODV IS DOINO IT. Dolne what Monng. Bat Odom's Tran fcr is doing most of it. There is a reason. Get wise. Storage. Plaao. Sato mot.og. Phono 14 EL PA0 MANTEL AXD TILE ( O Specialty of tiling tor floors and bnth-c Contracta taken In any part of tbe ou. v- 411 Tem Phons 2s0 Tnrkiiii Betas. 40 N. OBEKIN -Pho" Type writers. F4IR !-.U; Indernood typewriter i 31 51 Myrtl Phone 8J4 W I MIEKWOOU. hack -pacr. I color nob, ;a. Remington No ID 140 Repalnr 1 rebuilding, exchengre Others JH) up i Kebuilt Typewriter Co., Phone :747 4 1'a. I T-TEWKITEK AND OFFICE SUPTLY CO. I All makes aoid renteJ. reoaired. Corona, Typewriter ilu Mills St. Phone 2 Veteriaary Surgeoss. i KTEBINARY SIRGEON T Brown Pi ! ".17 Hospital for horses. US Texas. Ph. :.: ' MAX XASER. i ctertnarinn and Patbetogtca! Hsneihoer. ' Ex J,.orwlI?' Troop L.'th C S. cavalry. Proprietor of Veterinarian I hospital at Chihuahua. Mex. 121i San Antonio St. Phone 11. WeWrBg Shops. , wrozEN Gas Engino cyUnders welded gool I new. ouaranteed. Oxy-Acet and Ther- mit V. eld Co 12. San Francisco I j THE rOTTKR. WBLDIXG CO, ' 314 TEXAS ST, i Can weld yoar broken machinery parts good as new ar a ery large saTing money WaH Paper. , I WE PAPER BOOMS FOR S4J0 and furn.rt paper, painting and tinting done at rMac-1: price-- Talbert Paper Co. Phone ... Fine, New 7-Passenger AUTOMOBILES rent cars in El Paso. March 1 0 H Furnisher PllOl