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El Paso herald., March 06, 1915, HOME EDITION, Sport, Churches and Auto Section, Image 19
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
TYeek-End Edition, March G-7,1913 3-D There's money here money you can keep at the service of Ei Paso instead of thought lessly sending it out of town. Read these advertisements carefully; familiarize yourself with the names of the many good thingsl produced in your city then insist that merch ants supply you with goods , EL PASO HERAJLD " ' i .., , ., , jjrMjr MHMffB,M8MiganBiBaHn BM968IBIflilH9Bii HERE Y V )l . MflflEif BUY BTB I HVe11 bioDe Mills r lour and Help the Southwest Grow There is no greaten word in the English language than the -word "Loyalty" and hy he ing loyal to one's own city, one is hound to help its development and progress in every way. Our' flour is guaranteed to he the equal of any flour shipped into this section of the country at no matter what price it may he sold, and when you can get a flour the equal of any made anywhere, and when this Flour is made right at home by your own people, is it not better to help the business of your neigh bors and friends rather than sending your money to parties in whom you have no interest and who have no interest in you. Mr. Cattleman: You vant a sanitary, up-to-date bath room, just the same as any city house contains; you would not hae it said that anybody has the edge on you, would you? No matter where you live, if your ranch is forty-eleven miles from a railroad, you can have a first-class bath room, with tiled floor and walls. We take your old room, with wood floor and plastered walls, just as it is now, and turn out a beautiful, finished job. It is hot expensive. We invite you to call on us we are in the El Paso Theater Building or write to us, and we will cheerfully make an estimate of cost, and furnish samples. YOU CAN AFFORD IT. El Paso Mantel & Tile Company ' 413-415 Texas Street AVe Arc IncrenMnjr nor Watch Aort All the Time Because arc careful and conscientious for our customers; know how'and in iist on doing the work so the customer will be satisfied. Give us a trial Work Guaranteed. CrrtTIS &. KIG, 115 Texas St. EL PASO RUBBER CO TIRE DISTRIBUTERS Tire Depot and complete Vulcanizing. 399 S. El Paso Street. El Paso. Tex. Mtew Made To Walk On wjjjw CjI K uMJ course a floor pakt must be so con- f"J V Ali VItl stracted that it dries hard and quickly- Mjl! Turtle's Floor Pamt is the best for your floors. Eight colors to select from. Our windows are lighted until 10 p. m. TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. Phones S06-05. HflflEW McLELLAN BROS. TAXIDERMISTS, MANUFAC TURING FURRIERS, TANNERS Retailers of Moccasins and Art . Leather Goods. 360 inn Francisco St. S10-312 N. Stanton St. P ILLSmd "MADE - IN - EL PASO" - I wflflEw QUALITY GARDEN TOOLS at Krakauer, Zork & Moye's, S. I. i 117 San Francisco St. HARDW.VRB SATISFACTION" "Made In El Paso fts PERFECTION POULTRY F.OODS have become recognized by successful poultry raisers as the standard for egg and flesh production. They are com posed of choice grains and seeds, care fully selected as regards purity, clean liness, sweetness and freshness, and are mixed with such care that each mixture is a scientifically balanced ration for the purpose for which it is intended. They stand ore-eminent In the realm of poultry feeds today. W. D. WISE SEED COMPANY Seeds - Feed- - Poultry Supplies Phone 5290 Phone 11 10S N Stanton St and Chihuahua and Second Manufacturers of lents. Awnings, Porch Curtains, Osaple Water Bags, and Camp Supplies made in El Paso. EL PASO TENT-& AWNING CO. 314 San Francisco St Phone 2044 Texas Turquoise Co. The Only Uxclusive Gent Cutters and Dealers in the !outhuet. See the beautiful .display in our win dows, sold at cutters' prices, cut on our new improved JJ009 machine. Gems cut and mounted while you wait. Mail Orders Solicited. 303 San Francisco St. WE REPAIR SHOES for the whole famll. restoring all the graceful lines, smart shapings and good looks. Our shoe rbpiirixg work Is characterised by quality, style, comfort and reasonable prices. For satisfaction in shoe repairing', come here. For Arch Supports or Foot Troubles, see us. CHAS. R0KAHR The Bootmaker 317-319 Texas St Phone 873 El Paso, Texas. m MACHINE SHOP WORK MOTOR REPAIR WORK Southwestern , Elec. & Mach. Co., Inc. ' 302-304 San Francisco Street Phone 1315 Night Phone 3217 J YOliIlj SB.VD IT TO US HMiXTi; YI.I.Y. Will" 7TOT NOIVI" Only welding outfit in town having ma chine shop. You pay only one profit for both machine and welding work. All our work is finished when turned out. WESTERN WELDING AND MFG. CO. 123 & Santa Fe St. Phone S988. FREE BULLETIN "Facts Everyone Should Know About Concrete Silos." Send for it. Southwestern Portland Cement Co. EI Paso, Texas. I'hone 5450 ACME SHEET METAL WORKS Cbas. A. Kauffmnn Ollle B. Moore Warm Air Heating Our Specialty. Agents for the Green Furnace. None better. 411 Texas St. Et, PASO. TEXAS BEAUTIFUL RUGS Made frum old carpets. Carpets Cleaned Clean. DuSANG & WELLBORN Carpet Renoajorn and Upholhterer I'hone 39W Zlii S. Oregon HOTEL PASO DEL NORTE Fire-Proof and Modern RATES $1.50 PKK DAY AM) UP European Wimber & Chenowelh Carpenters and Cabinet 3Iakers Manufacturers of Store Fronts, Coun ters, Refrigerators, Shelving; Saloon. Bank and Pool Room Fixtures. Etc 41S B. Overland St- Phone 3762. Try Cedarine Floor Oil For Hardwood Floors and Highly Pol ished Store, Office and Church Fixtures Made in EI Paso BY THE YANTIS CHEMICAL CO. PhSHe -M47 FREE TO OUT-OF-TOWN LADIES: If you will send us the names and addresses of five of your neighbors we will send you a small bottle of toilet water well worth all your trouble. We do this for the pur pose of presenting as widely as possible the many advantages of our mail-order and shipping ser vice. WARNER DRUG CO. Mall Order Dent. KI Paio, Tex. We Have It What! 1 1 1 ! Everything Electrical Texas Electric Supply Co. ' Heray Sen lee Station rhone 113 llu North Stanton St. SADDLES We make only the best. ( WEST TEXAS SADDLERY CO. We are SOLE AGENTS for SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT CO. Largest and moat scientific paint and varnish makers in the world. The paint you will eventually bay" All our work guaranteed. i Worthingion Paint and Wall Paper Co. -108 N. Oregon St. Phone 93 AtlElf. ti MD Arctic Shortening The Ideal butter "substitute for- cake bakg. For sale by all leading grocers in the Wat Manufactured by the El Paso RefiningCo. EI Paso, Texas. Osaple Broom Factory Manufacturers of Brooms ef sh-xk w. ovtetae at. Phone am. I MAUIS IX BI, PASO Light building Iron work of every kind in Iron. Brass or Bronse. The only shop in the Southwest equipped to make all the architectural Iron work on a building SOUTHWESTERN IRON Jt WIRE ORKS TO-i Texas. Bl Pato. Texas. SPECIAL PRICE oa.our Fnetess Cook er to introduce it id El Paso. Your money back if you want it. ,E1 Paso Fireless Cooker Phone t057 W 2f Buckler Bids. Em. 1897. ELLIS BROS. Printers. Ruth Jobs Are Oaf Etpecid Deiighi. We HAUEig W We are manufacturers of ART GLASS AND MIRRORS Beveling, Chipping, Embossing, Sand Blast -Woek,. .. ORNAMENTAL GLASS of every description. Jobbers of v PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS The most complete glasscraft house west of the Mississippi. QLluV Phone 540O 1001 Texas St AXEL SWANSON Merchant Tailor S. IV. Cor. Sheldon Hotel. Little Plaza - KI. PASO. TEXAS. When in need of a Laxative insist on Sold At All Drug Stores. 25c k&f NONE SUCH Pajo San-A-Wax Floor Dressing and Paso San-A-Wax Floor Sweep You've tried the rei Now try the best. PASS CITY PRODUCTS CO. I'hone 3WC Niagara Pyramid Hot Air Furnaces H. WELSCH CO. 1215 Texa St. Pbone 609. MEN BUILD SANITASY COW STABLES With Sanitary Floors, free from crevices and cracks for dust and dirt to gather in. These same men build their homes and schools with wooden floors con taining innumerable crevices between the boards. I have found the germs of tuberculosis, tonsilitis. bronchitis and the whole host of distempers among children in the cracks of a nen and unusually dean schoolroom." Dr. Leonard Keene Hirshberg. A. B, X. A, D. M. (John Hopkins University.) Acme Sanitary Floors are laid in one continuous, seamless, cracklcts sanitary piece, with curve coves and round corners. With no place for germ laden dust and dirt to gather in. ACME SANITAEY FLOORING- C0.r 305 North Kansas Street Phone 6227 THE KEYNOTE OF FURNITURE POLISH IS OPTIMO IT HAS EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY Behind that quality "Money Back" Gaaraatee "Maiden Get your bottle today. You will like it. and win be glad to demand it. OPTIMO MANUFACTURING CO, RkVASW. TKX4S DELICIOUS gg I 45c, 40c, 35c A WB gv are equipped t o turn out anything in jLsUiri3h3 WHY NOT HAVE SOME TAMALES TODAY? They are easy to make with our NTXTAMAL. The recipe is on eer package. Your grocer has this, or will get it. TRY some TODA SHARP ELLIOTT MEG. CO. p-S. Jflxtamal makes fine hot cakes when mixed half and half with flour. EL PASO BEDDING CO. Manufacturers of Felt and Cotton Mattresses. Wholesalers of BEDS. SPRINGS. COTS, CHAIRS.' ETC. P- O. Box 714 , Paf0i Tesas BOX SPRINGS Hade to order.. . .SK.98 Ep BOX COUC1U3S Made to order JliBO Tp' We Bepair, Befiabh and Upholster Furniture. Aato Taps, Csshkms and sap Coven Made order We pack haol. store sr ship roar fornitore R. L. Daniel Faro. & Matt. Fac FlMM MS. House Decorations Beautiful floral decorations for weddings, and social events of all kinds- Let Potter do jour decorating Wedding Boquets a Specialty Appropriate floral pieces for air occasions. Potter's delicious homemade candies none better Daintily served lunches hot or cold. Fresh oysters any style. POTTER CONFECTIONERY AND FLORAL. CO. Mills Bldg. Phone 4039 is the tranufacturers' A Sample For The Asking-. El Paso." Phone 13S ASK YOUR GROCER, HE KNOWS KflflErrf ap hADEm P , X ; E PERF SALE BY T LOAF" F LL GROCERS