Newspaper Page Text
El PASO HER ATT) 2 A ikeiehi hues pent iipiiskiitebiki! ATTACKS BROKEN ; EOB 9iUT: WGMI1ELL BM1SMISSI! c French Describe Artillery i Approach of Spring Finds and Infantry Battle Fought Near -Reims. i Nations Preparing For a Drive Against Germany. London, Eng. March S. The end of the 31st week of the wai and the first ?igns of better weather condition :.! ter a hard winter, find the allied armies in the western theater nearing readiness for that concerted onslaught on the Germans in the preparation for which Gen. JofTre and field marshal Sir John French have been doing so much during the last lour the use of mines, pro- From the through the dunes ol iles and bombs from aeroplanes 1 Fiander3 lo Arras in France, the ."he-- made an exceptionally Tiolent at- J British and the Belgian armies appear icl. on March 2 I to ha-e withstood vuccessfolly all the Three Towns Bombarded. j attempts or the Germans to break " lolent cannonade -was begun the tl'rouh their lines, while from Arras of:trnoon of the p-eccding day alonsr to the Vosges the French continue to tfte entire front. Kelms. Eetheny and t jush slowly forward. This is espe-r-una- were bombarded all night 'jv ; cially true in the Champagne district. S .- of every caliber. The following j although the skillful German corn afternoon our positions were chu-gel ,iranders exact a heavy price for every 1 v three detachments coming from dif- : step gained in this tection. "-nt directions. Only one of these ' Allies Are KntbuIatc. vurceeded in reaching our barbed Air I Th- unaualiffed optimism with . itanglements. where the charging sol- which, judging from the trend of the oitfTS were eitner Killed oy our n New Mexico Team Defeats j State College President and All Others in Rifle Shoot of Military Schools. : Member of Faculty Have Fight at Hearing. Trance. March How French ...,,,, h tlie most desperate Kind oc ficlitmg, "held their own against three ,' infantry attacks, supplement ed heavy artillery bombardments, is ' nbed in a semi otficial note Is-sut-j i,v the French war office. It says: "North of La Pompelle. on the road from Reims to Chalons, the pssession of , l.ttin iTin at T Ferme Aler had been i .-itli contested inee September. The j spade work in i mans had tried e erv means to dis- , months. (i.' us by the use firp or made prisoners. The other two attachments were stopped by our in fantry and "seventy-fives.' The Ger mans retreated hastily, not waiting to carry with, them their dead and wounded. ' Soon afterward another attack came opposite our extreme fjont directly aqamst Alger, which was repulsed, the Germans beating a hasty retreat. At dusk a third attack was made but this likewise was repulsed by Infantry and lapid firers. The German loss was es timated at two-fifths or the attacking force, or approximately 350 men." vy ) comment in the London newspapers today, the approaching gigantic struggle is regarded in Great Britain, France and Russia, can be attributed largely to the remarkable recuperative powers shown by the troops of em peror Nicholas. These soldiers. In spite of the fierce bk-ws of the Ger man armies under Von Hindenburg. have been able not only to bring Teutonic progress to a standstill, but to push the Invaders back along vir tually the whole front until at one point at least, it is admitted in Berlin, the Sghtlng has again moved very near to the east Prussian frontier. In the southern arena the Russians appear to have tightened the lines sufficient to make their tenure per manent. Turkey Defends Capital. Another event which is adding to the with which the allies today i PEGOUD, "UPSIDE DOWN" FLIER, IS DECORATED Paris, France, March . For services rerdered the French army during the war, Adolphe regoad. the iamous serenity aviator, has oeen awarded the military j regard t medal, it is announced onicuniy. British, French and Russian warships The announcement says that "Pegoud I hammering at the gates of the capita! on several occasions pursued enemy j 0f Turkey with such success, appar- aeroolanes and on Feb. 2 attacked at a ' Anii. thai- Tti,irv- airMv h. Hmmm1 , I,. -.. .-...a .V 4..BI ., m I . . . . T. great neigui auu uuucu .s u. vi . German machine. Soon afterward he attacked, two other aircraft, causing the first to fall and the second to land." Pegoud first came into fame In 1913 as the originator of the feat of flying tip side down in an aeroplane while making experiments for obtaining safety in the air. A short time later he enhanced this reputation for daring ii performing for the first time by an aviator of looping the loop. For his experiments Pegoud was awarded the decoration of the Legion of Honor. Several times since the outbreak of the war Pegoud has come into notice. on August 20 he returned to Paris from the front to get a new aeroplane. his old one having been riddled by the enemy's bullets. He was men tioned in dispatches for valor in No vember and late in January was re ported to have destroyed a German ex plosive depot by dropping bombs on it. Washington. D C. March S. New I Santa Fe. X. M, March . The min- ... - ,. .. tk. I.-ts. Ut.ta hanlr nf Mexico Military institute at RoswelL Laa cruces. containing all the formal X. M is the w inner of the rifle shooting j legal records of the corporation and championship of the military schools I regarded as invaluable evidence in the of the eonntrv havlne- w all of the I effort to substantiate charges against or the country, having won au or the the preEldent an directors now under seven matches and concluded the series . bond is missing. with a percentage of .i for the grand I It is alleged that it was last seen aggregate. Results of the series announced today show that New York Military academy won second place. Class B league was won by Morgan Park Illinois academy, whose final record was 91.94 percent of all matches shot. Send Congratulatloni. Assistant secretary of war Bracken ridge has telegraphed congratulations to the winner of the championship. Scores in the last competition follow: Class A . New Mexico Roswcll 971 vs. Harvard. Los Angeles 870. New York. Cornwall 9C( vs. Kemper, Boonville. Mo., 938. Bordentown. X. J.. 942 vs. Northwest ern. Highland Park. I1L, 930. St. Johns. Delafield. Wis, 94, vs. St. Johns Manlius. X. Y SSI. Class B. Morgan Park. Tils.. 97; vs. Hitchcock, San Rafael, Cal.f.. SIS. Wentworth, Lexington. Mo, 913 vs. Miami. Germantown, Ohio, 888. Tennessee, Sweetwater, 9C7 vs. Bing ham. Ashevllle, X. C. S7u Shattuck. Faribault. Minn, .82 vs. Nazareth Hall. Pa.. 700. I regara ine ruture is me picture 01 she has had enough of the Bgyptian venture and is now rushing her troops back to defend Constantinople An official communication received In Petrogrrad from the Russian army in the Caucasus Sated March 4. says that Russian troops are continuing with the same success the operations in the vicinity ef Tchoruk river. In Turkish Armenia, southwest of Batum. There have been no encounters with the Turks on other parts of the Rus sian front Artillery Combat Is Lively. The French war office this afternoon gave out at Paris the following account of the events of Friday at the front FRENCH ESTIMATE GERMAN LOSSES AT 3,9O,O0O MEN Paris. France. March C An official rote Issued by the French press bureau .loclares that the German losses since it,- beginning or hostilities in killed. woundtrd. sick and prisoners reaches the total of 3,000,000 men. This calculation is based on the L 11 own casualties in ten German regiments. -Somewhat lively artillery actions -!euteLe ,s?ri.0.n- HHil REBUKES "IIS" Salt Lake Ot. Utan, March S Gov ernor Spry of Utah administered a vig orous rebuke Friday night to "dry" senators for trmg to force into his hands the state wide prohibition IU1 which had Just been passed. He re fused to receive .the bill when it was brought to him In a hotel, and said he wonld receive it only in his office dur ing the regular hours of business. Under the constitution the governor is required to approve or veto a meas ure within five days after M receives it when the legislature is in session, otherwise the bill becomes law. Sun days and holidays are hot considered in computing the time. If the governor had received the bill Friday he would be required to act on it not later than next xnursaay. the last dav of the occurred around Nl.-uport and Ypres. From the Lys to the Aisne there was an intermittent cannonade. "In Champagne our progress north west of Boursejeour caused the Ger mans Friday night to undertake fresh counter attacks which -were renulsed. 1 Near Vievillen-Haic northwest of Pont-A-Mousson, a well directed fire upon a farm caused a panic among the soldiers occupying it. They fled to the woods, pursued by our shells." ITALIAN RBSBRVB "XOXCUMS- ARK CALLED TO COLORS. London. Eng March t--The Rome ' correspondent of the Exchange Tele graph company .sends word that the re serve non commissioned officers nf four classes were called today to join the I woman represented that she had legal- colors. QOCRT CIVRS L1TTLB GIRL TO 1IBD ADOPTED MOTHER. Ruth Mabel Hourston. the daughter of Wright Hourston. of Col am bus. X. M, is to remain in the custody of Mrs. Lucinda Hoesli. according to an order of the court in the habeas corpus hear ing held in the 41st district court Fri day afternoon. y Hourston sued out a writ of habeas corpus to secure possession of his daughter, on the grounds that he was now aoie to care lor tne CMM. The 1 adopted the child. nEflsdBssPsaaf!H $200 IHRBlflEi I n-"" 1 Brand jMHf TO ALL VISITORS: If in the market for a piano or player-piano, we offer this week $200, $225, $250, new straight pianos that sell everywherp at $300, $325 and $350. PLAYER-PIANOS "We are offering new 88 note, the very latest styles of player-pianos at prices ranging from $400, $425, $475 and $500. These are even better pianos than are being sold elsewhere at $550, $600 and $700. To make it easy for you to be convinced of the above facts, w? advise that you visit all the other piano stores before coming to our place. Your credit is good at our store. All are wel come to attend our free concerts every afternoon from 3 to 4, and evenings from 7 to 8. Piano tuning, tone regulating, actions repaired or made oter if necessary. Cases repaired or ref inislied. v Jenkins Piano Co. THE BIG PIANO HOUSE. PHONE 2958. 211-213 TEXAS STEEET Attcmnted DMn-r. The "wets" of the senate endeavored unsuccessfully to hold up the signing of the bill until Friday, but it was signed by the president of the senate and the speaker of the house late in the afternoon and was then ready for the governor. The governor had left his office for the day. so a commit'.: of three L.-natora waa appointed to en deavor to find him and deliver the oiH to him. The governor heard of the anointment of the committee, aad in- o wm,UB tor the committee ta rind him, sought the committee in a leading hotel. He found the comr. tt -e in the main lobby of the hotel acl censured the members strongl for "sacrificing the dignity ef the state by becoming messengers." He told them in conclusion that they need not be anxious to get the bill ta him as it would be returned by him within 48 hours after he received it. FOUR WRITERS. MEN AND WOMEN, HELD FOR INQUIRY CItv. Un Vrh c T i Boyle, alias J. J. Moore, said to be the author of a series of criminal fiction stories penned while he was an in mate of the Colorado state prison, was arrested here today after the arrest of ' companions two women and a man. AH are held for Investigation at J?.. r.e,'?"t o Francis M. Wilsoa. united States district attorney. T. Martin, the other man, also is said to be a writer. One of the women ?" it""W,i0 " " formerly Miss Bertha McAndries. a widely known Denver society girl and writer. The second woman under arrest, known here as Trixie Dean, alias Violet Wilson, si said to have been a re porter on a Denver newspaper. TItAI.V ROHtlERilDSHTS JILIIDKH, POLICE CLAIM Los Angeles, CaL. March t Alfred Sells, who with his partner, Charles Sligh, has admitted a series of rob beries, indudlne- train hAllm. - . according to the police, that he murdered Mrs. Jacob Vogel in her home in the outskirts of Oakland, CaL. Feb ruary 11, and that a man. who accom panied him killed her husband. Vogel was a retired banker and waa reputed to be wealthy. The motive was rob bery. - in the room where the hearing was t ona iv.vw. held at Las Cruces just before the as sault by president T. R. H. Smith, or the bank, upon attorney Heed Hollo man on Wednesday. Receiver Clapp of the bank is conducting a thorough in vestigation. A fistic encounter occurred this morning between president George IL Ladd of the college and Prof. R. H. Hare of the faculty, it is said. The hearing was resumed at 2 oclock today in the capitol building in Santa Fe. TROMISKIJ TO I'LAY HACKS AND WIX 5130," IS COHI-LAINT An Indictment has been returned against Mart Parrell and wife, charg ing them with theft of over iS. The couple are charge-1 with having secured $11 from Mrs. M. Barber, an aged woman, with the promise that they would play the races and recover I for ner iw, sne alleges. EL PASOAN BUYS WELLS FARM NEAR SAN MIGUEL La Mesa, X. M., March S. T. L. Wells has sold his fa. . northwest of San Miguel to A. W. Bittick of El Paso The Wells farm is comprised of 45 acres, the greater portion of w'. ich is in alfalfa. There are a few fruit trees. A large dwelling house with all mod ern conveniences and good outbuildings are on the place. The terms are pri vate, there being an exchange of prop erty in El Paso. Mr. Bittick w: ta.- possession the first of April. - r. and Mrs. Weils will locate In M Paso. KXrOSITlO.N ATTBDA.CE M FAR IS 1.305J336 San Francisco, Calif.. March . The total attendance at the Panama-Pacific exposition for the first two weoks. end ing Friday night, was officially an nounced today as l,35.3So, an approxU mate average of 74.MM a day. Tim largest single day for the second week was last Sunday, with S7.M0. The first week's attendance was 2V.tva the sec- TO THE PUBLIC: After 2 years in the City National building, we moved to No. i:t San Francisco street to reduce expenses to enable us to offer our wares from it to 4 percent cheaper than any of our uptown competitors, and before baying would Invite you. in order to convince yourself, to investigate our line of Mexican drawn and lace work, zarapes. taMeeloth and bedspreads. silk shawls. lace mantillas. Navajo blankets and Indian relics, antique silverware and works of art for wedding presents: opals, diamonds and other precious stones. Ingersoll watches at factory prices. KLINE'S CTJEIO CO., . 42 San Francisco St. (Advertisement) "The Corset Store of El Paso' J ALWAYS ' FRONT -l LACED "My New Modart is a Per fect Beauty. Fits Well it Couldn't Be Better" THATS exactly what Modal wearer have to say. We've had customers tell us that they would not do without their Modart if they had to pay ten times what it costs them. One trial fitting and you'll say the same. It's the best corset we have ever seen just as much a pleasure to sell as it is for you to buy. See why this corset is so highly praised. iow.v Govurt.oii SIG.XS SH'I'RAGK AMKXDMBAT Des Moines. la- March 8. The wom an s suffrage amendment recently passed by the Iowa legislature was signed by Gov. Clarke this afternoon. The amendment must have the sanction of the next general assembly before iu submission to the voters. The present assembly has before It a bill to permit a vote on the amendment at the prima ries next year. LEVV 8aeEeY I ll sBfaa w COMPANY ALIj 01'unRS EXTRA SPECLL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 12 Cans Tomato Pulp 50? 6 Cans Blackberries 50f 6 Cans Golden Wax String Beans 50 4 Cans Red Kidney Beans. 2 . 50f 7 Cans Peas (Travelers) 50d 6 Cans Baked Beans in Tomato 7 Cans Chicken Tamales 50 Sauce 506 Trade With Vk and Save Muurr. Unll nr.i..u 1:1... .,.. i .,-..., --. until ausuass. niiinuuil Phones 505 & 506. 204 & 206 East Overland St. SLIDRS CLOSE C.VJVAL TO ALL BUT LIGHT SHIPS Panama. March . The Panama ca nal has been closed to all but the light er draft ships, by a rapid slide of earth from the top of the Culebra cut at a point north of Gold HilL A further slide is probable but no serious tieun is expected. " CATTLB AUK I3IPORTBD. Imports of cattle at the port of El Paso continue to be heavy. Thursday iiS9 nead waa Imported and Friday 00 more were crossed. 750 for J. A. Jjarrett and 150 for George Holmes. S? r r seayule from the Tom on dbrtrict was also entered. BICVCE 1XYMACBD 1JV AUTO. Juan Eeguieroz suffered duun to a bicycle when an automobile hearing license number 32J7 ran into him on Magoffin avenue Saturday morning. H. H. Barry was later arrested, charged with reckless driving. Notice. The puWIc Service Company has pur chased and is now operating the Com pany known as the "Association Car bervice." Association tickets will be redeemed on all cars operated by the PubUc Service Company. All makes of unmarked autos for hire by the trip, honr or day. Five-passenger cars. S1.S per heur; T-passenger cars, I2.M per hour. Open day and night. 41 Myrtle avenue. Phone 1781. Advertisement. Why otf Visiting Cattlemen for your on comfort take home one of those genuine Navajo blankets, to use In the home, or one for a saddle blanket. See the ones on display at , Hrnea'x rt She7s 101 Pioneer Plun. r,tv Nail BnTuJMJs t 'i i-riisi :ne:it j "Tfee Store oi Service" r Important Announcement We take pleasure ia announcing that we have nuaha to our staff a new cutter, Mr. W. H. Ihisftmer, whe eowes to us whfc aa e waste. sMBBsssfBl record Bade ia the big eattara gtyk eeaiers. Oar sfriag line of woolens is complete aew, do not wait any loafer to order that aew SpriBg Suit Clothes Made in El Paso WIMHrfa4;-1J-alll-a.,laT.-n Oft Sattetul Bpjdc Building, Seeoau Iksr The Cheapest Residence Lots in El Paso. Close in, walking dis tance from business center. Lots on Boulevard with street car, Wyoming, Bassett, Olive and San Antonio Streets. 1700 to 1900 block in Cotton Addition at $400.00 to $500.00 each. - TERMS: 6 which is less than $75.00 per lot cash, balance b each year with only 6 per cent interest. You will never have a chance to get as cheap lots again after these lots are sold, so come and let us show you the lots before they are gone. e also offer trackage property at very low prices. j Office 202 North Oregon Stree PHONE 195 ; in J i