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El Paso herald., March 06, 1915, HOME EDITION, Sport, Churches and Auto Section, Image 20
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
FT. PASO HERAI.D 4 I Week-End Edition, March 6-7, 1913 CATTLEIWEN PURCHASEMANYCARS IN El PASO 111 CONVENTION Many of Them Drive Home in Machines After Attending the Convention; El Paso Fast Becoming a Distribut ing Center For Entire Southwest in the Matter of Automobiles; New Dodge Cars Selling. TW. MEDLKY drove 1b from Mag dalen for the stockmen's eon- ventlon in his Willys-Knight i..u-ins. car. Mr. Medley has the only car of this model in New Mexico. R F Stuart, -automobile sale man ager for the Neff-Styles company. southwestern dealers for the Reo car, left this morning on a trip to Maria, Ptcos and Kort Stockton. D. C Weaae, who came in from Mar fi for the stockmen's convention, rode home in a new f i e-passenger model SI Oierland touring car . R. T Mellard is another Marfa. man who purchased an Overland touring car here during the past week.. r. Mellard lives some distance from Marfa but calls it his home town., Among the automobile tourists In town for the convention was C. W. Cos, oi Magdalena, N. M, who brought in a varty with his Overland touring car. Miss Magdalena Rodriques purchased a fiTe-pascenger model 8 Overland touring car from the 1 Paso Overland Sales company this week. The Pioneer Motor company has tak en the agency for the Denby trnck3 for this territory. The Denby truck Is manufactured In Detroit. A. R. Lange purchased a seven-passenger Studebaker from the Blllott Garrett company this week. Lee Orndorff, president of the Texas Bank and Trust company, yesterday purchased one of the new model Velie our cylinder cars. Carlsbad Orders Carload C W Tucker, sales agent for the WlM II. EI MOKE, Gen'l. Mgr. Oakland Auio Sales Co. Factory Sizes $1685. Fours $1150 aaa 126. Car of Distinction Strength Where Strength Belongs Comfort and Style Graceful Streamline Body Power and Economy Go Hand in Hand in tfre Oakland A Car'You Will Be Proud To Own and Drive Saksrsess asd Wareiouie 405-411 Myrtle Are. Phone EL PASO, TEXAS. -- . 114Z msssssssssssmunmn ' oHmsssssssnamwW. Oakland at Carlsbad, ordered a. carload of -four" tonring cars this week. They have already been shipped, from the factory. Mr. Walsh, of Silver City, came Into the city on Tuesday and purchased a flveJbassenger four-cylinder Studeoak er. ' One of the new Oakland speedsters, a stifking model with red wire wheels setting off an orange body, has been shipped to Carlsbad Ante Sales com pany. ' Walter Pendleton, of Carlsbad, A". M, will start for home this afternoon In a new Oakland touring model 37. ue will be accompanied by C. W. Tucker. The EUiott-tiarrett company reports the sale of a five-passenger Studebak er touring car to R. J. Boya. Lubbock Man Buys Car Here. E. R. Ivey, of Lubbock, Tex, has purchased a National four-passenger car, which will be driven out to his home as soon as road conditions im prove. An Oakland speedster has been pur chased by J. J. Oliver, of Marfa, Tex, from the Oakland Auto Sales company, of this city. J. Breck Bichardson company, Kub agents for the Oakland at Tucson, placed an order this week for an Oak laud six-cylinder and three four-cylinder cars. When Charles Dublin, of Midland. Tex. came into this city for the Stock men's convention he dropped in at the Oakland Auto Sales company and par chased an Oakland touring car, making the third purchase of a 'car of that model in the one family -within two months. An International truch has been sokl to the Magnolia Bottling works by the Oakland Auto Sales company. T. F. Sanderson has joined the "IIup mobile family", having purchased a five-passenger touring model this week. G. M. Ross, of the Newman Invest ment company, has invested in a ford roadster. Cruces Wants Fords. W. D. Newton, subagent at Las Cru ces for the Tri -State Motor company. Ford dealers, was in the city, Friday, in -an effort to get fonr touring cars for customers tnere but the agency here is away behind its orders and was unable to supply him. The Motor Bus company purchased a Ford car from the Trl-Stale Motor company this week. C. M. Hickey, factor)" representative of the General Motors Truck company, is ha the city, conferring with the Oak land Auto SalesxCompany regarding the local business. Ben Strickfadden, factory represen tative at Denver, f the International Harvester company's truck department, is expected in the city tomorrow. K. Durham, 114 West Franklin street, purchased a Ford this week from the Trl-State Motor company. J. J. Cissna was among the Ford buyers who were able to get delivery this week. Midland Buys Cars, Carrie A Wells, Oakland agents at Midland, have placed orders for two touring cars and one roadster for Mid land people. K. B. Hines is the proud possessor of a, Hupmobile five-passenger touring car, purchased this week. The first sale tt a, Dodge Bros. ,ear 1n this city was made to K. D. Smith, last Moun4ay, by tae Lone Star Moto: company. ' William Rawlee dove to his home in SiUer Cit), Frlfa, with a new Chand ler five-passenger touring model. J T. Simmonds, sales manager for the Oakland at San Antonio, arrived in El Paso on Friday night and will b. here until Monday. Dodce Cant Now SelHnc One of the new model Dodge cars has been sold to Peter Uallagbc. Easton Parry lcceived a Ford tour ing car this week, through the Tri Statc Motor company. A Ford runabout was delivered to Dr. G. Werley on Thursday. J. B. Clark. 300S Ora street. Pur chased a five-passenger Ford touring car this week. Peter Gallagher has purchased a five passenger Dodge car. Harry C Kler, 1883 Ohio street, is among the new owners of Ford tour ing models. T. it. Lucas, of Syracuse, N. Y, re presenting the Franklin factory. Is here for a conference with tot Oakland Auto Sales company, local agents for the Franklin. C. P. Bowler. 116 Wyoming street, has purchased a Ford touring car. Oakland Sales Manager Here. F. W. Warner, of Pontiac, Mich, general sales manager of the OaMland Motor company, arrived in El Paso today for a conference with A. H. El more, the local sales manager, and J. T. Simmonds, the company's represen tative at San Antonio. J. C Hastings was among the purch asers of the first shipment of Dodge cars to be received Here. Fred Bauer. 285 Rio Grande street, secured delivery of a Ford runabout during the past week from the south western distributors, the Tri-State Motor company. E. C. Morhouse purchased a Dodge five-passenger car this week. Many Ford Sales. A Ford touring car was delivered this week to Mrs.- Cora Gillespie, 71S North Virginia street. Hawkins Brothers received a new Ford model this week. Easton Parry purchased a Ford tour ing car, Thursday, from the Tri-State Motor company. INDIANA JOINS PLAN FOR HIGHWAY BODY The state highway commission ap pointed a year ago by governor Samuel M. Ralston, to Drenare a (rood roads; law. has submitted its bill to the In-J uimaut irs'Df.iuic x uc vui provides tor a state highwaj commission consisting of one nan to be appointed by the gov ernor, the state geologist and the head of the- civil engineering department of Purdue University, to serve without pay and to appoint a state highway engi neer at S40M a year. Plans for road construction or repairs where the cost would be SlAeo or more would have to be approved by the state engineeT. The coo-mission would be supported by the state motor car license fees. If there was anything remaining in this fund after paying the expenses of the com mission, the balance would be divided pro rata among the counties for good reads' work. "WOULD PUNISH FOR DEFACING NUMBERS The recently foned Ohio Auto Trade tsfvetetion has started out to secure a num ber of amendments to the present motor law In Ohio. To thatend. a.lerislotlve commit tee has been named to draft several amend ments which the association will urge upon the Seeislat ure One amendment provides for the ehangins of number plates from one car to another, owneU. by the same serson or corporation by the payment of a fee of M cents. Under the present low when a person nays a new car and discards hts ola one he is competed to pi the full registra tion fee for the new car. The Vender Car kW ifHHHgv ' Vw '-mm J- Y oil can own Turner's or Billy C Think of owning one of these same Maxwells think of driving it wherever you want to over any kind of roads up any kind of hills, wherever four wheels can go, the same car for $695. Remember, every 1915 Maxwell is t an exact duplicate of the Tegular stock Maxwell Touring Cars in which "Wild Bill" Turner broke the world's record up Mt. Hamilton, 21 miles in 48 minutes, beating the world's record by 16 minutes, and "Billy" Carlson broke the world's record up Mt. Wilson, California, making nine miles (up an elevation of 6,000 feet) in 29 minutes and 1 second, beating the pre vious jWorld's record by 13 minutes. But, aside from hili-climbing and speed power facts about Maxwell comfort, Maxwell special Read This List Attractive .Streamline Body Pare streamlis. bodT. graceful raws baser, with all rtreti coaeesled All the zrace. strls sad "snap" tbmt yon will find is. any of th Mfibest prfcd car. A Hifa-Tcnsion Magneto I.'Mrir a!! tta hick priced cart aan fctgk teaatoii raagMto. A high teoaioB mtr"rt- give poaKhra tgnW.r The Slnun aucto. wtth which the Kax wcB U eaatpped. it reeocalzed aa oaa of the heat znagaetos sade. Left Side Drive Central Control Left aMe ateer with" gear afclftiag lerer la caster of itrrtiae earapartmaat center contra! haa heaa accepted hr leading maker of expensive rViam- Wlw as the sateH and meet eeatertabie for the driver: that la why the MaxwaQ his it. The Max well la so eaar to drlYo ana cefctrm act a can caa handle H. Three-Speed S4idin Gear Trantmiseiea All high priced ears here a sliding gear trans ralasfae. It is eesttar to make, bat It Is the heat. If the motor has the power, sliding gears will The Maxvell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers in every part of this country are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices. This splqndid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxvell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can, supply any part for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners. Grclzr a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will give you your car not an excuse on delivery day s.o.e. rir.crr.ic vcr oCTKorr STAiTtt tpuiJ EXTRA an exact arlson9s That's the kind of hill-climber you Carlson in. his Maxwell Racer and get when you get a Maxwell. made still another 300 miles non-stop Now about speed and endurance record in the San Diego race. Againa here are some recent Maxwell Rac- Maxwell Racer ran 300 miles witt ing Car records: Barney Oldfield in a Maxwell Rac ing Car broke the world's non-stop record at Corona, California, for 300 miles, averaging 86.3 miles per hour. Think of it-1 not a stop made! Then, right on top of this marvel ous motor record, along came "Billy" of Expensive Features. The 1915 pull the car oat of aBr mad or sand. The Maxwell has a three-speed selective siidiag gear traasaaieaion because Maxwell engineers de not caaider anr other trpe to be worthy of the Maxwell car Double-Shell Rediator with Shock Absorbing Device The Maxwell radiator la of handsome desire. graeefalrjr carved, and It is baJlt to be trouble proof It is the expensive double shell trpe and ha ample cooling capacity. The radiator la moaated to the frame by means of a ahoek ah arhing device on each side, whiea relieves the radiator of all twists and distortions of the frame, cacsed by rcoghness of the road. The shock ab sorbing device also minimises the possibility of radiator leaks. The Rooiy Fall 5-Pastenger Body Adjustable Front Seat The 1915 Maxwell has a fall grown 5-p socager body. The frent -eat la adjustable, job can move it three inches forward or backward. This makes t'oe ez- really comfortable tor the driver. No cramped 'ogs far tall people or aBcemtortable re&ffilax fer short people. Most drivers' seats are made to fit anyone so 8t no one. "EVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAD" BUQUOR EVfOTOR CAR COMPANY Southwestern Distributors MAXWELL AUTOMOBILES Cor Stanton and Main Sts. Phone 2S07 EL PASO, TEXAS. duplicate of record-breaking Maxwells out a and endurance records, here are some of the features, Maxwell beauty and Maxwell service. Maxwell Has These Features And Many Others. Low "Up-keep" Cerbareter The carbureter weed on the Maxwell was espec ially designed .4r it arte long and severe tests ander every coacatvablo cecdittoa Economy toars conducted by hundreds of dealers and owners in different sectieas of the country have proved It efficiency. Its quick response to throttle and its extremely lew consumption of gasoline. It has beam termed the "Sow op-keep" earbnrotor. Irreversible Steering Gear The greatest margin of safety has Dro- vuea la tne steering gear ec tne 1913 Kaxwen. The Maxwell Irreversible steering mechanlam la et the expansive warm-aad-gear type and Its su periority over every other type lies in its maav adjustments. At no time is more than a fourth of the hearing surface of the gear which operates the worm la nee. Wnea needed, a new bearing surface may be had by adjusting the gear a quarter of a turn. la short, the Maxwell steering gear has four times the adjustment of any other kind. Heavy Car Comfort What surprises most people is the smooth, buoy- "Wild Bill" stop! These Maxwell Racing Cars are built by the same Designers, the same Chief Engineer, that build the regular Maxwell Cars; and the same Max well Laboratory Tested Steel is used in them that is used in the regular stock Maxwell Touring Cars. ant riding Qualities of the Maxwell. The spring sameeetlT suspension of the 1915 Maxwell hi the cotnMnation of long seml-elliptleal front springs and the three-onarter elUptie rear springs that used on most heavy weight, high priced cars. The Maxwell often you every essentia! of the high est priced machines at n fifth of their cose One Svxe oi Tire Anti-Sl-idion Rear The Maxwell car is one of the easiest cars ia the world on tires. Maxwell owners carry but aae spare tire and but one sine of spare tubes. Econom ical 30 Inch x 3, inch tires are used all aiauaw A famous make of anti-said tires are soppUed on rear wheels. A Depeadable Electric Starter For $65 extra, you can have year Maxwell de livered equipped with the famous Slmms-HuC elec tric starter This starter is emclent. trouble proof and easily operated And the Marwell ia completely tuaipud tram the clear vision, ventilating windshield at the treat ta the spare tire carrier at the rear. When you buy n Maxwell you have nothing extra to buy. am fob. nicrac CCC DiTMiT STAKTEX PJU