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Eli PASO HERALD Wcek-End Edition, March 6-7, 1915 3 A Mil GEH SELLS i Indian Troops of the British Find Cold and Dampness More Distressing. iLIFTSISTEl IF FUNIS French Officers Who Used' It Learn Why Germans Spared Lone Building. B rRKDERICIC PAUIEIt. Bn ieIi Headquarters, In France, via i bn;, March . The pictur- i Paris, France. March S. The mje tery of a lone farm house which stood fnr TTianths undama&ed on a conspic- .... .....nil ! Ka TArv k..rt tt 1h &- of the Indian troops of the K.,. , ,... Rnte. with nothing: i -n empire breaks the monotony of Bat ruins all about it, has just been -..mi business of modern war at I cleared up by a French infantry eap- Hr tish front. The little mule carts 'j",,,, thls bnjidins the French llpei soldiers move about among watched the operations of the Uer- Ijot. ei lul motor trucns lrom niw- mans in their trenches a quarter of a mile distant. The especieu every cy i t- become the target for the German j artillery, which played all around s.nd e -n demolished the hut of an old peasant woman only a hundred yards .. V.-.b .n..t.,f Aaum tliV w ather and the miry mud or 1 creDt uu to the place from the rear (1 n I ranee hae been their worse j an took their observations. A peas- iii hen the sun shines a smila ant farther back of the lines suggested Ib ner the whole Indian force, i that the owner of the farm had paid s to main layers of warm cloth- j tne Germans a round sum to spare his (1 careful .lUentlon. tne sick re- ; DroDertv and this explanation prevailed as first feared that the Indians lit not stand shell fire well, but 1 -came used to it, and now they t pn contemptuous of it. Accustomed and do climate, tne cniii anu i the Indian troops is normal. l-ooil HrouKht From India. M' i!i food of these men has to be I - i irvjm India. Speaking: no word ' lih the- dusky strangers have i non the dh. r side of the world f -ht in France for Great Britain. 11-ted in barns wi-h thick layers of s r or their beds each race cooking - i'jo'1 to its taste and according to s . -i.- customs, thej form a separate n v -i of reei ctubing wonder to the i t. h inhabitants. Xp -, morning tnere was seen 3000 i iding l'v on a muddy road at a Vimund of flat and-misty land- s i .uih all the impressiveness they 1 j - iow at a royal review. Oc i' i Hi among the dusky faces lin ger th turbans there were the white for 9Am time. One morning as the French ap proached the place they were met by the peasant woman whose hut had been demolished and who had taken refuge in the cellar of the farm house. Woman Tells of Spy. "A spy came last niight into the garret of the farm house," she declared, 'and he made illuminated Signals to the Germans from the window." The French officers could not believe it. The next day and the next the old peasant declared positively that she had again seen the man come and had seen the light shining from the vrindow. "A spy couldn't possibly slip through our line of pickets," the offi cer insisted. The followiing morning the woman 11 t I pees Of the Knsrlish Officers sL-aH th. nffiMtr tn tnlclnrti,-ii1ar twv v he h-d trained varied tribes and who tice of the stairs leading to the gar- tood with them In the trenches 1 ret In a thin coating of ashes that uaier up to their waists against - c "ejiy Mould FIcht. Despite Ace. Sir Pertab Singh, '2 years old, rode & j i head of his regiment. i c told me I -was to old," he s j but I replied, "if you will not lct in fight in 1 ranee. I will go to v snanistan and fight there. I don't i i. i to die in my bed, and J cannot 1 "uch longer So they let me c I i.nough all the caalr is fighting a i iiant-y in the trenches, cavalry r ' ers keep up their cavalry drills - - ' tne horses are in condition. This i because there maybe a chance for i- airy when the expected German i ak comes Everybody on the line sie is of the German going back as i tr s was as certain as the coming c s ring. out of the British officers w ith p r she had spread over the steps a man's footprints were unmistakably outlined. "We'll see about that tonight," said the captain. Instead of returniing to the French lines after completing their day s ob servations the detachment concealed it self in busnes around the housj and watched the garret window. At XI oclock. though they had seen no one enter the building, lights appeared In tne window and the captain ordered a rush upon the stairway. At the same time a heavy body dropped to the ground on the other side. Tbe Germans had tolerated the use of the house bv the r'rench duriing the day in order to utilize it themselves at night. A complete signaling ap paratus was found, but the spy. who knew the place better than the French seeming! , had made good hts escape. t'ied1 thenlndtantVop7?jdTp8ast j Germany May Melt the Bronze Statues of Kaiser r"idt the remark. T c Canadians in their trenches are nr doing weH." Inicrlran-Brltlsher Fighting. Tli cinrer in the motor car in which t co respondent were conveyed to tie front reealed his Americanism y "1 e t-se of New York slang. He had 16 1 iicags running in New York but he ame oer, as the English say. "to do ii - bit uif meets here Englishmen, Irish- Geneva. Switzerland, March . Swiss newspaper reports of a meeting of iron manufacturers at Dusseidorf say that a Dr. Shuster stated to the meeting that the lack of metal was becoming a grave question in Germany, and suggested, tbe reports add. that it might be easily solved if all the bronze monuments raised to the honor of the emperor and irm and i-cotcbmi n from every part of other members of the royal family were tar w orld read to serve in any menial ; melted jdown. inpacn in ortier to neip. aow ; oil tke this message to all my Irish f r lei ds in America for me," said an elderly Irish medical officer in charge i a hospital train. "Teil them I have en sleeping or. that car Beat for MILITARY SMARTNESS GIVES WAY TO COMFORTABLE CLOTHES London, Eng., March 6 War has - , wpekit with tils harn nlnncKirin of ""-" a ""w 51 uoio muiu.rj' smart- T was a fine time we had when ttey pe "s Of tie nSl afe now SelSl 1 r :ne load im train with wounded i Fn ,warfk?r Hf .Ffi.V areJ??wTl ?,,dJ Tommy In the trenches, wearing goat skin coat, rubber boots and knitted cap pulled down over the head, looks more like a Robinson Crusoe than a soldier. French Zouaves still wear baggy trous- r ;Trt -where the shells were falling, but tfe do not permit that any more." Practice YWth Grenades. Tn the outskirts' of a village where iran shells fall at intervals there an oiiciu iA.& i u.itou wss . .rrencn zouaves smi wear oasey irous seen infantry detachments prac- I ers, moorish jacket and fez, but the v as t ,. rg at hand grenade attacks and in t . defence of trenches. Nobody wor ried aoout the danger from German sh-lls. "while they rent the air -with tieir own explosions of bombs thrown a t'o t quarters. MIKEI GRAY HUH, EASY, SAFE cloth Is colored a greenish yellow like the British khaki. Belgians have changed their regulation foolish little cap for a good, warm cap which looks as if made for a chauffeur. In view of the short range In trench fighting, the. British officer has been forced to do away with the minor ele gances of a khaki flannel collar and khaki colored neckties. His full skirted overcoat early gave place to a short coat of the model of the seaman's pea jacket, which is found warmer than the old model, besides being free from the annoyance of skirts. The men of the ranks have of their own accord cot off their overcoat tails because of their dragging in the mtd. Something Kew Not a Dye (DUTCH SHIP N00DERDYK Acts or Roots Makes Gray Hair Glossy, Soft, Dark I r hrir is sray. streaked with , -ematurelj gray, faded or fall mi 3 ou want beautiful, aark hair, v nd abundant, simply apply hi II- r Color Restorer to hair and i it-H times, rubbing it in gently 'Ik finger tips To use Q-Ban is i a r. as nothing else is required. .onderful and will please and - I wiu b making j our gray hair k Noft fluffj, silk. thick, giving lie i' that dark, fascinating luster at undancp which makes the hair t act.e Q-Jan is not sticky or i harmloss. pnd is a delightful dressing. A stops ns hair o if i n sc&Jp. ti i iran- ted to tlarken g v hair or no charge. T u Don't st gray when ou can si e sil- darken jour hair and look u m Bier 7-oi. iottle only 50c Kelly H T "iid and People's drug Si ore. El X s Tt Out of town people sup i c li. nail Advertisement Ji tfc r f fal IS REPORTED TORPEDOED Iondon. Eng, March 6 The Dutch steamer Kooderdyk has been torpedoed in the English channel, according to the i Daily Telegraph. The steamer was re turning to Kolteruam wiin oroicen ma chinery after having sailed for the United States. The Nooderdyk, a Holland-American line freighter, sailed from Rotterdam on March 2 for New York. Baltimore and Newport News. On Thursday she was reported as turning back for Rot terdam while off the Isle of Wight, for the purpose of making repairs on her machinery. Twice during the last two months the Nooderdk has gone aground but t.aa hdBn rvllllH nff Mltl time Otl Jan uary IS while leaving Port Talbot i England, for Baltimore, sne went ashore in the harbor. She was re flnnteri the next dav and Dro- da druff.-! ceeded. On her return voyage to Rot terdam from the United States she went aground near Pootershaven, in Rotter dam harbor. ISN'T ITCHING ECZEMA AWFUL! e urn an eczema sufferer" Do t Mil; patches of eruption start cp Ei it i as though they would Jrive ; x frantic, and have you tried trett utit after treatment with, at best, onH tempor-ry relief? Then you are trl eoing CAXADA SEJWDS SECOND CONTINGENT TO ENGLAND Montreal, Canada, March . It has been made public that the second con tingent of Canadian troops has been sent to England for final training be fore being sent into 'warfare. Because of the declaration of the German naval war zone about the British Isles four daS before the sailing of the contin gent great secrecy was observed The number of troops sent has not been announced. The transports were con voed by the cruisers Essex and Gloria TUHKEY AWM. BNDON" ITS EGYPTIAN CAMP..ICX Paris, France, March 6. Turkish troops sent to campaign against the British forces in Eg. pt will be recalled for service in European Turkey, accord ins: to a disoatch to the Temos from through the experience of ' Petrograd, which says the supreme Turkish war council has decked to I abandon all further operations against 1 Egjpt tl .j'inds of others who have at last i. id that Resinol bealed their sick fck i s for good. th the first use of Resinol Oint I t and Resinol Soap the Itching and 1. - mi? usually stop, and soon all trace . tlAflin Whn al..1.,,... l.n. .fttwiu. T?4ll. t-o .. .e disappears, even In severe u d war8hips. badly damaKed. have been ly H, , lorn cases. Doctors have pre- j tag in the port of Saloniki for a week. i r bed the Resinol treatment for trfen- J One. of these is the Sapphire, whose t tars, sold by all druggists. For t- al free, write to Dept 1S-R, Resinol, THItHK BRITISH WARSHIPS REPORTED IIVDI.Y D IMAGED Berlin, Germany, March 6. The Tur kish newspapers have Dublished reports c.j,a or similar torturing skin- ! f witnesses of the arlanelles opera - Ijliimore, Md. smokestacks have been shot away and whose machiner has been destroyed. I SIOTOn BUS SER ICE IN BERLIN" IS STOPPED w - tn n4i ;. ' 1 .nuasieruain, noiiana, varcn All toilet socps contain harsh, in- 1 stonoed. stcemviinp n aiiriM -aoa0j 5.1 ou-s alkali Resinol Soap contains by the Telegraaf. The companies le- -oiuten no iree aiasii, ana to it is neve the prohibition against their 1 tne Resmol medication. This i operations is merely temporar .n soothing, healing properties! An official ri.i,imi, r.r ih. lnntfc whi U cl ar the complexion, comfort , anniversary of tlie birth of prime ion ! i i -, is am1 keep the hair health Bismarck has been order, d li the dl- ! - i i i i menu j lector of education in Jitrliu. -oeason planned extensively. Many special purchases have been made and have been added to our regular stocks. Values are so unusual that they are bound to appeal to every woman. $1 Messaline 59c 500 yards of pbek Messaline of extra heavy quality and very high lustre; 36 inches in width and just the right weight for dresses; the regular $1 grade in this sale, yard 59c Limit 10 yards to a customer r . . I it Mi isr, L f 'tii'XUiU E'S , i magcmbXmmmM&sjjKX4 great m x ZiSvlSt? WwS mm . USePmr & 9mlr - DElC Silks of Opens at The "Popular" Monday Morning, March 8th JUST as regular as comes the second week in March comes our mid-season sale of silks. This season it is bigger and better than ever. )e have COMING just at this time right at the open ing of the spring sewing season with East er but tour weeks otr, makes mis sale or extraord inary importance. You may come expecting values most unusual thousands and thousands of high grade quality silks at special sale prices. Mail orders will be given prompt attention. Or der before stocks become broken. S1.75 Taffeta 89c Panama striped Taffeta some thing entirely mv. Navy and blact silk with pencil stripes abovt 5 inches apart; 36 inches in width; silks botujht especially for this sale $1.75 grade 89c $1 Tub Silks 69c Just arrived for this special sale! 50 pieces of this beautiful fast color Tub Silk in dainty stripes and cheeks in both light aad dark effects; 36 inches in width and worth $1; sale price, yard 69c A VERY EXTRA SPECIAL. Oriental Pongee About Half 130 pieces of imported Pongee purchased especially for this saje. Never before have Pongees been in such demand and we were fortunate to obtain this for Season Sale. Very desirable for street dresses a well as for petticoat, chil dren's dresses, pajamas and un derwear, nothing more practic al and durable; do not miss this opportunity to buy Pongee $1 Pongee 33 inches wide 59c 75c Pengee 24 inches wide 49c BARGAIN SILK TABLE. Odds and Ends About Half Most wonderful of all will be the great values to be found oa our Bargain Table. .Many broken lines and short pieces of desirable sifts the season's most popular shades. These pieces are very desir able aad you may find just the dress patterns you like. High grade perfect Silks remember, but be cause they are short lots and odds aad ends they are reduced in price to about half. Spring Apparel Authentic and Correct WOMEN have learned lo rely on the authenticity of the "Popular." Showings here fore shadow the accepted style tendencies. So tomorrow you are invited to view these ad vance styles in Suits. Dresses, Coats, Waists, etc, for Spring. You women of EI Paso kaow already the trend of fashion and what is authoritative. The fashion magazines have told you. Now come and see in reality what you have already seen pktorially. v.. Street Dresses Late arriiak of smart taffeta with the high military or wft lace collar. The richness 'of the colors, the smartness of the lines, the tex ture of the materials are all features which must be seen, and especially most you see those priced upwards to S3430 aad down wards to $10 with all the ia-betweea prices. Dancing Frocks For beauty and beeoiringness the magnificent assemblage of dainty dancing frocks k superb. They betray tbe newest modes and are especially attractive in variety aad fas cinating in style. Beautiful Groa de Ijondres taffeta and pompadour silks trimmed with chic flat bows in front aad with streamers of Mack el vet ribbon in the back. Dainty lac ing of orchid velvet ribbon in sleeves and front farming a eorsage truly reviving the styles of 1830. Afternoon Dresses The extreme daintiness of the new dresses for afternoon will make an irresistible appeal to you many dainty touches to show lovely woman at her best. The many beautiful dark shades which are so popular for spring and the many clever Paris Hems which they em body enhance'tbe beauty. Exquisite new chif fon taffeta dresses and Pussy Willow Taffeta in Russian style, trimmed with old flos em broidery in Georgette sleeves and sash. We especially emphasize the handsome dresses at $25 and upwards. New Suits Strikingly smart aad charming in style. Innumerable- new models which msure a satis factory choice for every woman. Each is a revelation of artistic designing. The flare skirt and the short coat model prevail. In Shepherd Cheeks, Gabardines, Coverts and Serges as well as the new silk suits of Faille, Poplin and Taffeta. The variations in color is all that could be desired, including Gettys burg 'Jrey, Belgium Blue, Copenhagen, Navy and Black. There is an air of refinement and relief abont them that is fascinating. Such a showing is sure to prove highly inter esting to women who love the entirely new We are featuring especially suits at $15, $25 and $34.50. New Model Corsets For Spring Smart Set, Nemo, Gossard, Amer ica Lady and Une. Lyri. Mrs. Richardson Demonstrator of Smart Set and Nemo Corsets is expected to be here for several days beginning Mon day. She is an expert eorsetier and during her stay in our corset department will be pleased to discuss with El Paso women con cerning what is new and correct hi the corset world. 50c Foulards 25c Wiile 1000 yards last we are going to sell these beau tiful high grade silk Fou lards for 25c a yard. Navy ground? with white, green and red pokadots; 50c Qual ity; Sale price, yard 2ae 75c to $1 Silts 49c A special purchase of 2000 yards for this Jaid-Seaeoa Silk Sale. Assorted fancy Dress Sifts selected with the utmost care. In a reg ular way they would retail from 75c to $1 yard. -49c $1 to $1.25 Sales 59c Another 3000 yards pur chased especially for our Kid-Season Silk Sale. Fan cy Dress Silks emhrasisg many of the seasons most popular fabrics; plain and fancy; very special 59c Underwear Sils Shown in Flesh, White aad Bine Only. SI 3C inch Satin Habutai 89c SI 3C inch white Habutai 88c S5e-3C inch white Habutai 69c SOe ST inch white Habutai 45 S1.36 tO inch Crepe de Chine 96c 3mch A. B. C. Silks, special 45c Colored Sills Papular Weaves Papular Prices $1.50 36 inch Chiffon Taffeta $1.39 $L35 36 inch Chiffon Taffeta SOe $50 40 inch Pussv Taffeta $1.98 IJL75 36 inch Grot de Londres. . ..51-49 36 inch Figured Foulards, yard.. 89c $2 14 inch Figured Foulards $1.49 Crepe de Chines and Meteors SUB 40 inch Crepe de Chine 96e SL50 40 inch Crepe de dune... .$135 $2 10 inch Crepe de Chire $1.86 S2 42 inch Crepe Meteor, vard...$1.49 $342 inch Crepe Meteor, van ..S2J9 32 10 inch Satin de Luxe, yard. .$1.85 Silk Poplins $1.5042 inch Sift apd Wool Poplins ...- .$U5 $2.50 15 inch Silk and Wool Popnas $Z29 S30 42 inch Sift aad Wool Poplins $28 Silk Shirtings Special $1 Faner Shirtings for 69c $L3S S3k Shirting at 93c $10 Silk Shirtings $1.35 $2.26 Silk Shirtings $1.98 $2 Silk and Wool Psprias in all the de sired fancy effects; 44 inches wide. Sale price, yard. ...... . ... ....98c S1.00 and $1.25 Catered Dress HeasaHnes 36 inches wide: 100 leading shades Mid-Season Sale price 79c Cheney SUfe Foulards Certainly Foulards are the most prac tical aad stylish of all fancy sifts. Every woman knows the satisfaction to be gotten out of spot proof Foulards. They are here in 23 and 42 inch widths and priced from 75e to $2 a yard. Cheney Bros. 44 inch shower proof Fou lards in all shades; very heavy quality. Special, yard $1.79 Cheney Bros. 45 inch Satin Charmense a beautiful light lustre soft dress fabric, yard $2.35 Cheney Bros. Chiffon Crepe FaiBe, a most popular light weave material, 40 inches wide, yard $2.35 Cheney Bros. Silk Bengaliae for tailored suits aad dresses; 44 inches wide; $3-50 quality, yard $3.19, Cheney Bras. 36 inch all Silk Coat Ben galine of beautiful heavy quality; Mack aad white only, yard 51.39 'Cheney Bros. Kimono Silk Just 50 pieces; guaranteed fast color; new de- the i5e quality, yard 59c Black Silk Specials What You Heed When You Want It. Never have Black Sifts been in such great demand as SOW. Our Black Silk stocks include everything desirable in variety, quality and price. $1.75 Black Waaaame Bengalis. 36 inch es wid Sale price, yard $1.39 $1.50 Satin Florence ;36 inches wide reduced for Mid-Seaon Sale, yard $1.39 $1.25 Heavy Black Messaline 36 inches wide; Mai-beacon Sale price, yard. 98c SI Black Sift Messaline 36 inches wide; our Mil -eaon Sale Price, yard 59c Extra Heavy Peau de Soie double faced and 36 inches wide; Special, yard $1.39 $250 All Sift Black Diamontua 36 mh es wide; a heavy mourning silk, yd. $225 Heavy Black Dress Satin guaranteed for two vears; 36 inches; wide vard " $1.39 $1.50 Heavy All Sflk Black Gabardine, ZS niches wide. Special, yard. ... 93c $& Heavy Black BengaHne 36 inches wide; in our Mid-Season Silk Sale. yard $1.79 $2 Cheney Bros, all Sift Black Foulards 45 inches wide. Special, yard $1.79 $2 Heavy Quality Crepe Meteor 40 inch es in width. Sale price, yard $1.39 Black Silk Suiting Satins $250 Heavy French Satin Suiting, 54 inches wide. Sale price, yard $229 $3.50 Heavy French Sniting Satin 34 inches wide. Special yard $253 $40 Beautiful Imported Suiting Satin, 54 inches wide, yard $335 $2 10 inch .Satin lie Luxe $1.79 $2 10 inch Dress Satin $1.85 SL50 40 inch Black Crept $1.39 $5040 inch Crepe Meteor $275 $150 W inch Brocade Satin $1.35 $25036 inch Brocade Satin $229 $35040 inch Brocade Satut $298 $1.25 40 men Crepe de Chine 93e $15040 inch Crepe de Chine $1.35 $2 10 inch Crepe de Chine $1.79 $250 12 inch Crepe de Chine $159 $15040 inch Black Poplin $1.35 S3 10 inch SOk Bengaline $275 $35040 inch Suiting Silk $3.19 Black Silk Mories $1 24 inch lining Morie 85c $1-2536 inch Black Morie' 96c $15036 inch Black Morie $1.29 $35040 inch Suiting Morie $298 $3.7514 inch Suiting Marie $329 $450 14 inch Suiting Morie $3.75 Black Taffetas $136 inch Chiffon Taffeta 79c $1.25 36 Inch Chiffon Taffeta 98c $15036 inch Chiffon Taffeta... $129 $1.7536 inch Chiffon Tafefte.. .$1.59 $26 14 inch Skinners Taffeta... 98c $1.7536 inch Groa da Londres Taf feta $1.45 Special Prices on All Woolen Dress Goods Space will not permit us going into detail regarding what is to be found in our enormous stocks of spring Woolen Dress Fabrics. The following reductions will be in force on every yard of Dress Fabrics m the "Popular"' store. All staple Woolens 10 per cent Reduction. All Fancy Woolens 15 per cent Seduction. Be Sure to See Oar Window Displays The New Spring Millinery A Brilliant Showing of Smartest Creations New Hals keep coming in. As fast as the new styles are created they are rushed to us. and Monday we shall have ready the smartest collection of Spring fVMKnery lo he seen anywhere in the Southwest. A host of new models, fresh from fashion's band-box and displayed for the first time. The new types range all the way from tiny sailors to the dashing picture hats with undulating brims, and there's a hundred variations of the favored modes is between. Each one distinctive, fascinating and authoritative. We especially direct your attention to the exteaainve showing of moderate priced Milh'nery. A particularly attractive gathering of dainty new early sprmg models, just the style for a moper fiH-in between the somber styles of winter and the atty, faky styles of summer. Wfiile we always show a profusion of stjles in the higher figures, we emphasize very particularly at this time the smart effects at The Very Moderate Prices