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EL PASO HERALD 4 A TT.rk-End Edition, Mareli 6-7, lfllo Eunia loses iu r a .miu ni n ii.ui.unii iiini.i i WHEGKKLLSBDD . . T , i . engineer iiOSeS COlltrOl On ' rt- n i j m - Steep Grade and Tram !..,. T-i r-. PlUMteS IntO ADYSS. Rngion. Mass.. March 6 -Report of a Ircaci acciaent in Mexico in January j -hieh 60m lifs were lost is cn- , i .-i -d in a letter rrceived today by rae nerlcn board of commissioners for "rfiprn missions fiom one of its repre secatiics at Mansanillo. on the Mexi can Pacific coast According to .hi writer, after the ea-t- of the soidiors into TJuadalaJart. meh was apiured toy Carrawta on .1 i,u..irv 18. the governor ordered that 1i . lr fu -nilies should be brought up from . olimii on j. special train. People llu-led IntiSinrc. There were more than 2 cars," the l.tter continued, -simply packed with h imamu, the roofs covered with men ni.d women and many slung under he s in a most perilous position, even lor ord:nar travel. t the top of the steepest grade, enilns down, the engineer lost control. The cars rushed down the long incline. throwing off human freight on both sides and finally plunging into an ab ss. InqnlM Commit Suicide. "Nine hundred people were on the train and onlv six were unhurt. More than 6tm were killed outright. Some of the Yaqui Indiana committed suicide hen they were told of the accident to their families and others have sworn venseance. ,., . Ail the railroad menwere killed, so there is none to suff-." FRISOMSR TRLSTS A PHIE-ND; THEN CIIARGRS BHHK3IZI.KHK.Vr Complaint wss filed against C. B. V.tehell in justice J. M. Denver's court Safird morning, charging embessle T.ient Mitchell is alleged to have been i-tripled by George Harris, in the nt jail on a forgerv charge, with with which to ja off a check M t lifll is said to hive appropriated 1 p -n- pi to his own us" WIGWAM I; TOMORROW ONLY Sessue Hayakawa llic Noted Japanese Actor, in The greatest success in the ca reer of "Walker WMtesides Tins is a special Paramount re lease and on of the most intense ly interesting pictures eer pre -ented. ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday s- LSIE JANIS TODAYS PKOGRASI: Alice Joyce in "Her Supreme Sacrifice" TODAY "The Typhoon" ilhamhra WEEK-END SPECIAL Clara Kimball Young wI AI A By SHOVS START ON THE HOUR ADULTS, 20c- TEXAS GRAND THEATRE Saturday-Sunday MwMar. 6-7 2.VD RECORD BREIKING MMCI.IG TRIlMrillL TOUR. Direction, LrComte & FIrsher. MORT II. SINGER'S BEST COMIC UFERl OFFKRI.NG "A MODERN EVE" THE MHRRIKST, SOGlEST. DWCIEST VI. VY OV THE MlMCtl. STtGE TODAY. Perfectly Cast AVHh Fifty "Hell Known Comedy Plajers and the Nen Famous ORIGIN Al CIIORl S OF -BE4.1TIFI I. EYES A Veritable herniation Everywhere. PRICES Mat. 23c. Sfle. 73c. SI.30. Box Seats S.2.M. Xlght. .-.Oc, 73c., 51.30. iC0 Box Seats Ji5e. Seals "ow on Snle at Ryan's Drag Store. i II li BATTLE . Fight at Sayula Great Villa Victory, oays x&eporoj Ojeda Joins Villa. ! A total of 17(10 Carrancistas were i killed in the recent fighting at Sayula, j inC UUlOCUJam Uiauil.1, wv.uai. lo an official report from Guadalajara received here by YHm officials. The report also .states that the people of Guadalajara Vere so opposed to the Car- rinci8taVthaT they offered vnu io.- " pesos if he would sell them arms with which to fight Geo. Miguel Dieguez the city. Guadalajara and the entire I central' portion of Jalisco is quiet, ac- - ... """-"----- cvruitiB -' cjiv I (Ijedn JoIoh Villa. Gen. 1'edro Ojeda. who, as a rederal general, made a brilliant record in the defence of Xaco and later of Guaymaa. has joined Villa at Guadalajara, to gether with l'S other federal officers. Ojeda has been reported executed and killed in battle at various times since Hueita fled tne country. ObrcKon Wounded. The Villa report also states that Gen. Obregon we; wounded when the Car rcncistas enterc-1 Mexico City, but that this has been kept se-ret. GONZALES LEAVES MONTEREY AND WILL DEFEND TAMPICO Washington. D. C March 6 A dis patch from San Antonio. Texas, to the Carranza agent here Friday night stated Gen. Pablo Gonzales had left Gen. Ildefonzo Vasquez to continue the attack on llonterey. and. with the rest of his armv. had withdrawn to Tampieo to defend that port against any Villista attacks. GOOD SAMARITAN SHOT AIDING INJURED FRIEND Thomas Chicon is fatally injured and is at the new county hospital as the re sult of a gunshot wound received as he was accompanying Areeco Flores. an injured companion, to the latter's home Friday night following a cutting af fray on .West San Antonio street. The snooting took place near 04 Broadway, the home of Flores. At the emergency hospital Chicon stated that thej were suddenly confronted by two unknown Mexicans. One of the men. he stated, drew a gun and fired. The ball entered the abdomen. A short time before near the Paso del Norte hotel Flores and Jesus G. Gonzales engaged in a cutting affray, Flores says. Flores was cut about the face. A charge of assault to murder was entered against Gonzales. AWFORD TONIGHT AliD SUNDAY MATINEE "Lovers & Lunatics" Laughing Hit of the Season PHONE 6470 MAJESTIC Ivlitcrmau . Ilonnrd The Flirting Prima Donna Sat & San. Night Sun. Matinee A clean play that will please the ladies and children. A laugh In eerv line. The crowds that went away unable to get seats we hope will try again. Pric Arfclti 15c, Children 10c 7 Passenger Auto for Hire R. A. WJttriJa. Phone 510. 7 Passenger Cadillac For Hire N. S. FFOTJLKES. Phone 510. TOMORROW OWEN DAVIS -CHTTrDREN, 10c. Entries Juarez Jockey Club Sunday. Starch 7. 88th Day. rjm raceStIBns-; j yeaP Ma,: fMr tur- longs. It (G. L. Ch. t, MaelUk-sVasy Blackford). . Cossack ... B. e Dorante-HaM a BuianJga tJ. GatdMatt). li Illumiaator . CIS Ataka ClSSkOolc ... ltl its las ltl US its its its lit US cm Emly R. 1M C123 AHc Uiei 13 tits Audrey Austin .. 5TS Baa Blanc ... (CM) Kalpb S. Ercond race ftelung; a veer eMs; six fer- lArura. 6551 'Vlrffledot tS "Journey j; iki SmilUw Mas S M7 Edaa H. ...... 9S Ct4S Vesta ...... ............. ...Its (It? Concha . ................Its Ct:? Alkant Its ttS7 John Spohn y Its 57S9 Favorite article ................111 citi Boggy Jaassea ill 611S Zancaree Ill C77 B. A. Jeess Ml I t!tt Tralaae IIS COST Caao IIS SXS Skinny B. Ill Third race Setltag; t year stda and up ward: five aad a half ratiaay, tS7 Belcalore ii Cist Make Geo IS C1SS Grecahra Its CIS4 '0c Allen Its C117 Anytime Its (111 'Polls ltt cm Ej Watte its (Ctll) Haiti C. Its C1I7 Klma its SCST lOazadra Its CttS rhyllto Antoinette its Ctll Mcrteoe Charts us tits Swede Sam lit Cttt Native Son lit (ttttl -Briton lit Fourth race Three year etas and up: Do nepsuncas nanaicap; vaiae juee; Cltl Florin M cast Miss Fielder tt Cir Hard Ball S C1S) Kxeeuter . let Fnrlaag its Sit Cbrlstopheae its CtlS BrookfKM its (C114 Kootenay .................Its 111 Hoenlr its (CtJS) Rash in CIK Grovtr Hsrbes .... .Ill j (CtCl) Pan Zarata r. 113 Flrta race Selling: 4 year eMs aad up ward: one mile. tl Pw 1S1 i CtTJ -Kick T.....-..v....ltI cm -Apto MaM ; :.ii Cl Hester T.. ...... 1S4 cm cioad cauet is (ll$)"DTe MoBtaeaerr .... .its cut FlylusT its C4 8wrr Lump is cut Orbiealatlaa i Ct4 Flerene- KHpp its CUT Ziakand n CllS Melts us cis. suet Mate u J roe dinner .....lit CUT Choctaw m Sixth race SelUac; year eMs aad up- TlTd' lv fail i "! :sv ? :!:: "' erts i Cl3 Maaxaacae Its CS7 Osaple -.It e7I narmnae lts JJJi ?mdiaa IM "? iff" its cut geaeca 1I( 5 'BaisM ;;; Seventh raoa-elllsc 4-year elds sad up ward: mile aad aa eiawth. cut Colonel McDosaall .'. UC Art IBck il (cuo MercVrium JS Ct8 Uabrook ili (CtJ) Voladav II ;T: Five pounds apsreatie alleawBmctsJmed. j II El Paso Is Some Cilu. it Says Steeplejack As He Works 280 Feet in Air Paul C. Rush worth, steeplejack, de clares that he feels Just as safe at the top of the flagpole on the federal build ing tower, 2S feet from the ground, as .tr.Z? "" "l-.. ""? ? ball aT the "ton , i th. Uif 5.T8 J ne moi-S.-wi ,p.-L-tM-Pi', turo.? morning were Inclined to disagree with i. i.usnwonn. rne pole swayed con siderably and looked like anything but a perfectly safe place to work Rushworth is here to "do the spring housecleaning" on the local flagpoles and other high places. A Herald man climbed to the roof of the federal build ing and carried on an interview with the steeplejack while the latter was at his work. "I used to be a structural iron worker." he declared, as he painted, "but I broke both my ankles and that made it rather risky for me to walk on the small iron beams at great heichts. There seemed to be an opening for a steeplejack and I 'took up this work. I've painted the highest flagpoles in Denver and. in fact, all over the south west," he added, as he hit the ball a swipe. "El paso seems to be 'some' city from up here. Wait a bit and I'll come down and let them hoist you up." But the re porter suddenly remembered other pressing and very important engage ments and declined. 'Honeyboy" Evans Takes His Last Curtain Call i Theatergoers of El Paso regretted Saturday to learn of the death of George ("Honeyboy") Kvans. the fa mous minstrel man, who died In a Baltimore. Md hospital followi z an operation Evans appeared here frequently with his minstrel company and was one of the most popular entertainers who ever appeared at the Texas' Grand theater. His monolog was especially popular, as he always worked .nto it local char acters and incidents. W. G. RUSSELL'S SON COMING FOR FUNERAL OF HIS FATHER Funeral services for W. G. Russell, who was found dead in the yard at his home on Florida street Friday morning, will be held either Sunday or Monday. E. G. Russell, of Osawatomie, Kas., is expected to arrive Sunday morning to attend the funeral of his fatuer and the arrangements for tne funeral will oe made upon his arrival. He is a train dispatcher there. The discovery of Mr. Russell's body was made by Mrs. Lena Russell, who who was at the Russell home on Flor ida street and who was the first to reach Mr. Russell after his death. Mr. Russell was president of the Trl State Engineering company and was a member of the Masonic lodge. He is survived by his wife ami his son. E. G. RussslL The burial will be In El Paso. MRS. KATE miXH.VM DIHSi REMAINS GO TO MISSOURI The death occurred Friday evening of Mrs. Kate E. Dunham, wife of the late C. M Dunham, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Iewls R. Montgom ery. 1518 North t'ampbell street. She was Tl years of age and had suffered from organ ii diseases of the heart for some time. Mrs. Dunham came to El Taarn .lutii. .... .ba tl..l.u , daughter, Mrs. Montgomery, she la sur vives oy another daughter, Mrs. J. J. Peters, of Omaha, aad one son. Russell E. Dunham, or Kansas City. The re mains will be taken to St Joseph. Mo. Sunday afternoon for interment in the family plot. WAGNER'S SELECTION INCLUDED ON POST CONCERT PROGRAM The oert.ire from "Tannhauser ' will I he one of the features of the conce-t to be given by the 15th cavalrj band Sun I da afternoon at Fort Bliss, beginning ' !at 3.30 oclock. Another feature or luterest will be the destriptive fantasia. "A Hunti:; 1 Scene." bv BucacallosL The concert will be dlrecteu oy ibjcwi i The program follows: Mcrch. National Emblem" (Bagley). Overture Tannhanser" (Wagner). Medley. "Hits No. IS' (Lampe). Selection. -Carmen" ?" .. Waltz. -Gold and SUveV (Lehar). Fantasia. "A Hunting Scene" iBu- ""Amerltin sketch. -Suawnee P.ivcr (Myddetom). March. -Stabet Mater" (Kossinl). TODAY'S AKUSEIfiENTS wrVI'IIBOV" COSII.G TO AVIGWAM. It is wll known among the 'ollow- ers of moving pictures in El Paso that ( if there Is anything exceptionally good in 'own that It will be found at the Wigwam. This popular photoplay house has oa many occasions put on films . that cost more for a single day's show- I log than two weeks' regular service cost at other places. j It now announces two pictures that I are in the first class and worthy of comparison with the b. st that the Wigwam has shown in the PT;t. Tomorrow, "The Typhoou." a"5 Whitesides's greatest triumph, will be i ...ti wr Whitesides's role will w. -.1. k omu. Hsvakawa. th ' t famous' Japanese actor, and the "Ine' 1 . --t-i. ..all rA- UninMA vrill DC . played by Japanese actors of note. Next Wednesday. Klsie Janis, the staf of "The VanderMlt Cup." "The Slira Princess,- etc wtH be shown in the Paramount feature. The Caprifea of Kitty." Ton cannot afford to rales a Paramount. , Todav, Alice Joyce will be seen In "Her Supreme Sacrifice." Adv. 1IHLH.N KBIXBH. COJIIXG. After twenty years of patient ef fort, guided always by her friend and teacher. Jdre. John Jtacy, Helen Keller will on March 11 ten me r.i people at the Texas Grand theatv the i story of her life. Deprived of tho pow er of sight, bearing and speech since infancy, this famous woman, now in the early thirties, has at last acquired a speaking voice that is adequate for public addresses.- Since her graduation from Radcliffe college, she has written several suc cessful books, which with her public . speaking. Is the culmination of her ambition. Her real message is a story of cheeriness -and sunshine accom- , pUshed by unfaltering determination . Advertisement j TUB AWIA31D1IA. j The attraction at the Alhambra to- i day and tomorrow will be a tlve-act feature by Owen Davis and played by . the talented actress. Clara Kimball I Young; and an excellent support. This . feature. "Lola." is an excellent photo- drama and seems written especially for Miss Young's qualifications. This pro- J dection has proved to be one of the , greatest drawing cards in the east . . d is really a great release. These week end specials at the Alhambra ere be coming very popular and tne public knows that on these days It will be able to see something that Is .oally worth while. The shows will start on the hour and the admission is twenty cents for adults and ten cents for chil dren. Advertisement. PRI7.B DRAMA AT I'MQUB. Today the Unique will show a three act special drama without a name. When the Imp studios furnished tbls production of powerful plot, they bad diffloulty In securing an appropriate name for it, ami the producers decided to let tne panne suggest a ansae and are offering its for the- moat appro- firiate name for the picture. See this eature tomorrow and get the story of I tne play at tne box' ofnee, wnicn will give you full instructions as to how to proceed to win this 10 prise. Adv. "RED IIOV RBHIIVS I'MtlDDBX. The Okstex Cowboys gave to good performances yesterday and the star event of each was the unrldabllity of "Red Hoy." Two of the best riders In this section were unseated to the mer riment of the audience. Again this aft ernoon and tonight at the City Hall triangle the Okatex Cowboys will per form and a bis; bunch of sponey awaits anyone who will ride Rtt Hoy." There will be twoyBig Rides Sunday, at $ p. m. and 8 p. nf. Advertisement. Tire iiuoir. ! " Oysters, of the Tea Dansant.1 a two act Kt em classic, with Rutl two act Kt em classic with Ruth Roland and a cast above the average, will more than please those attending the Bijou today. "The Mystery of the Tea Dansant" is a clever picture -id will carry you through its two reels to your entire satisfaction. A co-ntdy will complete the best program to be found today Advertisement. WYOMING EDITOR AND EX FEDERAL OFFICEHOLDER HERE William C Deming. editor of the "Wy oming Dally Tnoune. president of the Tribune Publishing company and for mer receiver of the United States land office at Cheenne, ia in El Paso. Jlr. Deming arrived this morning over ths Santa Fe and will spend several days here. He was one of the first Repub lican officeholders in the United Stales to resign when the Democratic admin istration came into power. Although j his term had several months to run, he I tendered his resignation to resident Wilson the day the Democratic presi- dent took office. I ! NEW York -max to uakb I .UU112E3S 'IU .112 W J.l,Ujl. I George Benant, of New York, will j S.lve an address Sunday afternoon at 3 J oclock at a meeting of the newly or- I ganixea r.aucauon. economic ana Political league, which will be held in the hall on the corner of Overland and South Oregon street. The subject of the address will be "Cooparatipn versus Competition in the Establishing of the Brotherhood of Man and the Father hood -of God." There is no admission charge to the lecture. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership of George W. Armijo A Co. was diaolved Marcn 3, lslS, and the business heretofore conducted bv George W. Acniljo Co. -nil! from this ', oaie no cvnauciea oy isrnest ri. uemoeis. 10 wnim ail puis anu accounts owing to sard George W. Armijo A Co. are now due and payable Era. H. Gemoets. (Advertisement.) Could You Use' $25 a Week? j You can easily get that inucli and more just as soon s you ran prove you are worth it. Modern employers j willingly par high-priced people if they ; can jet nign-pnced service, ror you, , if Ton are intellijrent ami ambitious it is just a question of the right kind of business training tlie kiii'l that sraii- , j uates of this school are always able to offer, why demy Umtfn (Jet oat o. ; your present rut. Prepare jourself for future success by enrolling, now in one I of our commercial courses. i Investigate before yow decide. That's ', Try oar work before Ton py- lhats tan-. iBterutfaaal Bariaess Csltege. .1. P. Mullin, Pns. , I to.- UMg. Pnon- 1147 f w ,M . i has been planned, and priced and all conditions established with one paramount object in view, that is to insure a safe investment, a sure profit and an ideal place to establish your home. To any family seeking a home, Richmond Terrace appeals very forcibly, because it is in a section already permanently established as a high class residence district. It is only a short distance from one of the best city schools. It is in fact, the veritable heart of El Paso's building activity. Every feature that tends to c-tablish value and insure growth is there. Richmond paoed with bitulithic. There are miles of cement sidewalks, cement curbing, and park spacing with growing trees and shrubbery. Gas, Water, sewerage, fire hydrants, electricity and car service are all there now not simply prom ised. No subdivision of El Paso can compare with Richmond Terrace in point of improvements, location and in the quality of homes that have been built. OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS has been spent for homes in Richmond Terrace during the past few months. You have been promising yourself a home. You have been saying that "some time" you would begin the purchase of a homesite or make an investment of a few dollars each month of your savings.' TODAY is "some time" and your best op portunity lies in Richmond Terrace Fulfill your promise to yourself. Go out to RICHMOND TERRACE to morrow, select the lot that pleases you most and take a definite step toward home ownership and independence. You will feel better then. Build Now Two Five Passenger Ford Cars Or their equivalent in money will be gi en absolutely free to the first two pur chasers of lots who build homes costing not less than $4,500.00. $300 CASH TO EACH ONE OF THE NEXT THREE who build homes costing not less than $3,500.00. x - $250 CASH TO EACH ONE OF THE NEXT FIVE who build homes costing not less than $3,000.00. All homes must be built on not less than two full lots, and work must com mence on or before the first day in September, 1915. The price of lots is $450.00 and up, same as before we Richmond Terrace are We Will 304 San Antonio Street. GAMBLED COLLECTIONS IN JUAREZ; EMPLOYER CHARGES Jack L.eCroir has ben arreteil by the sherif orfice on a complaint thartrincr him with embezzle nentr The charge against I,eCroix it. that he was entrus ed with the delivery of a quait tlt of mest from Vey ton's market to the Tirol, cafe in Juarez and that when be failed to turn In the money but lost it atl In a gam Wins house, it is al leged. Fay wood Hot Springs for Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles, j Kidney Ailments, Inflammations. Ar- i tertal Hardening. Locomotor Ataxia. Nervous Breaking, etc Perfect Treat ment. Perfect Climate. Health. Pleas- j -ire. Large Modern Hotel. Booklet. r. C McDertnott. Advertisement. We Buy Gold, Silver, Platinum Quicksilver; al.-o high grade ores; any amount, form or condition. Metals Buying & Refining Co 210 San Fraacitce St. El Paso, Tex. ASK FOR GLOBE MILLS Peerless Hen Food Made from flie f oi mula used success fully for years by the Peerless Poultry Supply Co. of Los Angeles one of the largest poultry supply houses iu the west. An elegant egir producer, and. lest you forget. MADE IN EL PASO i I MILLS Terrace and Earn going to be higher now's the Lend You the Money With Which lo Build. (Successors to Austin & Man Caples Building. f ((f I IM i It is your duty to keep track of your bank account and avoid issuing checks that -will overdraw your account. If you issue such checks and your bank turns them down, don't blame your bank for your own negligence. Under new rulings from National and State banking departments, banks have no option but to refuse pay ment of checks creating STATE NATIONAL BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. QITY NATIONAL BANK. RiO GRANDS VALLEY BANK TRUST CO. EL PASO BANK AND TRUST COMFAMT. k. Herald Want Ads Bring Results Try One and Be Convinced is close in has all modem im torooemenls. The streets are '&R5 I made tins offe, but lots in lime to buy. Co.) Phone 4351 J " overdrafts. UNION BANK AND TRUST CO COMMERCIAL, NATIONAL BANK. TEXAS BANK AND TRUST CO. AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. SECURITY TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. J