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EL PASO HERALD Week-Eud Edition, March 6-7, 1913 5-A 110 MANY STICKffllS PUSHEfl; LIS BEINO BUILT Plant Covering 30 Acres Being Built by the Union Stock yards Co. Will Be Complete d in Early Spring; Mayfield Construction Co. and Perry-Kirkpatrick Co. Begin Work on Many Bungalows; Home Building Active. BT EARLY spring one of the largest and most modernly equipped stockyards plants in the south vest, the new 1 Paso Union Stock yards Co, will be -ompleted. Already j.'.o pens have been Dullt and the 1.I3 c'fue building Is halt completed. Ihe plant vers SO acres. The ex change building, which will be in Spinish mission style and finished in pebble dash, will be ISO feet long by SO ret wide, and will contain 18 offices. These will be occupied by cattle rok ers. The building will eost about S2S. t'Ou Frerv facility for the rapid and nt handling of cattle has been in stalled in the building of the pens. A tota of ZaOtt feet of side trackage has been .ns tailed and the Incoming cattle v ill be handled over tracks cm the suJthtrn side of the yards, while the outgoing stock will be loaded on tracks at the northern side. Bach pen is egjipped with a. cement trough with drams so that the ground will not be come muddy. Ample feed mangers sxe prunded. At all alley crossings there i re three way gates, which enables sio-k to be driven in any direction. desired in cutting out certain animals. v huge scale, with a capacity of 3"' onj pounds, was completed this week A ork has been started on a complete fire protection system, and high pressure hydrants are being in stalled at frequent intervals. A deep well has been sunk and a pumping Vlant, to supply all of the needs of the yards, is to be installed. H. H. Bass is superintendent in charge of con struction. He built the Oklahoma City ards for the Morris company and states that in point of equipment, the Kl rao j ards are the equal of any in the country. Mayfield Building: Many Buncalorrs. n ei&ht room, two story residence h the 2400 block is being erected on Mcntana street for Mr. and Mrs. O. B. j:ads by the Mayfield Building & Im pro ement Co. The house will cost $8, 500. The same company has started ' (instruction on four bungalows in klr,,k! 73 and 52. Grand View addition. for Tom Newman. The bungalows will bo of four rooms each and. together with the ground, will cost a total of $11,400. Other buildings now under way by this firm include: Three five room bungalows in the 2800 block on Boule vard, that will cost between W00 and JJ950 each; two five room bungalows on Montana street to cost, with the ground, 15350 each; three five room bungalows on Riverside avenue, in the Mundy Heights addition, costing, in cluding ground, J4250ach; a flTe room bungalow at 281 Boulevard for R. Ro mero. Among the dwellings Just completed are: a four room bungalow at 1215 Los Angeles street for K, E. D -1111. casting S3950, a six room bung? iv at the corner of Roosevelt street and West Boulevard costing JS500, and a. five room bungalow located at 2S27 Boulevard, built for Joseph G. Klapper and costing J5500. The firm also re ports the sale of a bungalow' at 2728 Wyoming street to E. McCoy'for J2750 and to R. Revllla. a five room bung alow at 2 07 Montana street for J52S0. Begin AVork. on Right Bungalows, Plans have been drawn and work was begun late this week by the Perry Kirkpatrick company on eight bung alows on East Missouri street that are being built for Tom Newman. The bungalows 'will contain four rooms each and will cost abotu $2000 each. The same firm is building for B. 1. Farrar, three bungalows of fire rooms each in the Mundy Heights addition, on McKinley avenue. The homes will be of unique design and will be built of EI Paso brick. They will cost abuuC J 100 each. Building California Street Home. Work has begun this week on a five room bungalow, basement and beating plant, in the 1190 block on California street by the Anderson-Filler Invest ment Co. The house will cost S35M. and will be built of Atlas white brick. Sella Cottage. Mrs. Maggie Whitmore has sold to C A. Portland, through Cassidy & NeeU a five room cottage on Sacramento street in Grand View. Mr. Portland came here from Pottsvllle, Pa. with his family. The selling price was $2190- ucHi Marital Misery, Dorothy Dii Declares, Is Caused By Money Husbands and Wives Could Eliminate One Source ef Friction, She Savs, by Having Definite Understanding Like Business Partners Before Beginning Life Together. By DOROTHY MX. THIS TRADEMARK ISTOUR GUARANTEE There is no genuine BAKER'S COCOA BAKERS CHOCOLATE unless it has this irade- VsWj iff mark on the package. "WALTER BAKER Q CO. LTD. bcb.inu3.pax off. ESTABLISHED 1780 D0RCHESTER.MASS. FROM time to time I have expressed the opinion that much of the misery of matrimony was merely a matter of money, and that' if the fi nancial question could be settled defi nitely and fairly between si man and a woman before they entered into a life partnership, as it Would be set tled between two men who were going Into business together, it would elimi nate one ever present source of fric tion in the household, and make for peace and harmony. The average American husband Is not a tightwad. As a geenral thing he wants his family to have every pos srtljle1 thing that he can afford to give them. But he Is as set against giving .his wife an allowance as he is against death. He does not want' to let ber have the handling of the money, iie wants her to come to him for every penny, and even when he doesn't mind giving her what she asks for, he likes to growl a bit about It, Wife Writhes Lnder Injustice. All of this infuriates the wife, fahe feels like a beggar rattling a tin cup every time she asks her husband for money. She writhes under the injustice of never having any money of ber own that comes to her. not as a grat r uity, but as self respecting money that she has earned by her own labor. It makes her envious to see working women with their cwn pocsetbooics when she knows that sbe works ten times as hard as any of them, and has no pocketbook. Why men are so opposed to granting their wives the boon of an allowance nobody knows. It would even save husbands money to do so because any woman coukl manage her affairs bet ter if she knew how much she was going to have to spend Instead of Just having to guess how big a bill her husband would stand for. or how much she could jolly him out of. It is a fact, however, that most men are unalter ably fixed in their determination not to give wife an allowance, or any mon ey of her own, and that when you commence talking to one about it, he immediately flies off -at a tangent and grows self righteously indignant at what he calls woman's attempt to "commercialise marriage." One of the indignant men has re cently writter me as follows: "True love and affection, the only justifiable basis of matrimony, cannot be measured by dollars and cents any more than you can add together pota toes and pig Iron. Whenever women attempt to place matrimony on a dollar and cent basis, they should be treated upon a strictly business basis, and he compelled to give value received, and this value received must be estimated by the standard which they with to establish, and in which they expict payment, viz., cold, hard cash." What nonsense, and what a begging i of the question' The real service that j a wife gives her husband is spiritual. J It is a love and tenderness that can I not be bought, a loyalty and devotion that can never be repaid. Worth More Than Ilnbnnd Can Pay. Beyond that, though, the average wife could send in a. bill for actual sen ices, payable In money, that would bankrupt any man who was not a millionaire. Suppose wife sent In her little account at the end of the month for cooking, for washing, for ironing; for scrubbing, for a'ting as purchasing agent, for nursing the baby, for car ing for the elder children, for act ing as sick nurse, for entertaining company, for pressing trousers, for cleaning suits, and for acting as com panion; Uarnv Her Hoard. Cooking, cleaning, scrubbing, sew ing, nursing, sick nursing, entertain ing company, tutoring children, are ell different professions, you know, for which a man would have to pay if he had a family, and didn't have a wife who lumped them all in her day's work. So you see the wife does really earn her board and keep and a little spending money besides. If a woman i- too big a fool to handle a few dollers she has not sense enough to make a desirable wife. Jr she is so dishonest that she cannot be trusted with an allowance, she's too big a thief to become the mother of a man's children. If a woman is sen sible and honest, what excuse can a husband give for denying her the in dependence that comes of having her own money? Hew Wen Would Take It. There Is no man who would not feel himself degraded by having to astc even the most generous ef fathers for money every time he wanted a. dollar, il'omen feel exactly the same way about it. and if husbands only realised this there would be vary few mean enough to put this humiliation upon their wives. It's stuff and nonsense to talk about women trying to commercialise matri mony by asking their husbands for little allowance of their own. It's men who commercialise matrimony, and drive a cruel hard bargain, too. when they take the work of a woman's hands, and the devotion of her soul, and begrudge her a dollar of her own. Helen Keller, Famous Blind Girl, To Lecture To El Paso RATES EL PASO TO San Francisco, via Saa J? i C ff Dkgo .. $4D.UU i Saa Francisco, one way via Denver d f Q t?f and Portland 0 &,DJ Saa Diego or Los Angeles .- i I IFHlfI TWG FAIRS 1 ! S 1 fejtJIJ I IrrP gSf 1 Special Excursion Round Trip Tickets m I i&v IB m THREE MONTHS LIMIT I ffffffoMBlifca6 Stop-Overs at AH Points H I RATES EL PASO TO 1 H San Francisco, via Saa (JJJC A A H Diego .. $40.UU 1 H San Francisco, one way via Denver (ii 7 O Cf B and Portland $ i &.DJ H H San Diego or Los & Q Ef ff H Angeles tPDD.UU I To Portland, Seattle, Spokane or Tacoma m H Fred Harvey Meals while on the Santa Fe m I ' B Visit the Grand Canyon when enroule to B ; fl California ! fl For further information see m W. R. BROWN. J. S. MORRISSON, M B General Passenger Agent City Passenger Agent B B R. G. E. P. & S. F. R. R. Co.. Mills Building. El Paso. fl J ONE WAY RATES m v i m St. Louis - - 33.25 BB Chicago - - 37.80 1n ats stopovkr al- MpTrmlri? . wot; M at new Orleans meHipmi. - - 00.60 i os ALL THROi;GH tickets , New York - - 54.25 ) A IV i k TexasPacifio V T?SS'1J3B!BKBBBsss I I HELEN KELLER AND MRSMACY AND THEIR - HOME A T WRENtHA M .MA 93 x? MISS HELEN KELLER, the fam ous blind girl, will be aSisitor to El Paso next week She Is being brought here by the Women's club of El Paso to give a lecture for the benefit of the fund for the new clubhouse. The lecture of the blind girl will bi upon the subject of "Happiness" and will be preceded by the story of her life, by Mrs. Anne S. Macy, her teacher. Miss Keller will be here on JIarch 11 for a matinee and night ap pearance at the El Paso theater. In the afternoon the club will probably give her a reception following her matinee lecture. Helen Keller has been known to the world over since she was seven years old. when the first reports of ner edu- cation were published, telling bow a deaf blind child bad learned to read and write in six months. Her life has been an unbroken series of triumphs over obstacles. Deaf and blind at the age of nineteen months, she remained in intellectual darkness When Tires Go Wrong Remember There's a Better Road Above You Goodyears Mean Content By going wrong wetlon't mean tires' univer sal fate. AMrireswearoutin time AH makes will yield to mishap or misilse. We would not have you pass snap Judgment on a tire. We mean inherent weakness. We mean skimped quality. We mean faults which Goodyear ways avoid. When you meet such trouble-makers, take the road above you. It is occupied now by hundreds of thousands to whom Goodyears brought content Vast Difference Between a Goodyear Fortified Tire and the best of its rivals there's a wide, wide spread. Goodyears combat rim-cuts in the most efficient way. They combat blowouts and loose treads by exclusive, costly features. One of them our "On-Air" cure costs us $450,000 yearly. For safety's sake, each Fortified Tire has 126 braided piano wires vul canized into the tire base. And our All-Weather tread lough and double thick combats punctures and skidding as does no other tread. COODWEAR AKRON.OHIO Fortified Tires How Can You Hesitate? Note the place which Goodyear holds the highest place in Tiredora. Note its users and endorsers more than any other tire ever had. Note its growing prestige. Last year men bought 1,479,883. Are you fan to yourself when you fail lo prove out what is known to so many as the super-quality tire? Reduction No. 3 Ob February 1st we put into effect our third reduction ia two years. The three total 45 per cent Yet we retain every costly and exclusive feature. We are spending $100,000 yearly to discover other better ments. You wiM find that they average best They mean less trouble, less cost per mile. The place they hold would be im possible without that. Our extra features would befoHy. i fittaCct aroerMo-Rin-Ct feaoue. . L , t BJowwrti-bT oar Oa-Ak" core. Fortawd I Loom Tred-br assay rubber rrrats. Araaut )luecnritr byl2S braided paowres. Fracture and Sldddias by osrdoable- V thick An-Weatber tread. Any dealer can supply 70a Goodyear tires. If the wanted size is not m stock, be will telephone oar local branch. (CSV of Athens and of Diana's temple at Kphesua. Its beauty nay border on the verge of over-adornment, but It is still such that the civilised world cannot afford to lose It." E TO FEET Resembled Breaking Out From Heat. Burning and Itching. Very Irritat ing. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Entirely Well. relief until ve Luke. Md-"My baby broke out with a severe rash from ber bead to her feet. It was Tery dfeOgariBg. It resembled a breaking out from beat, and was burning and itching. It was wry ir ritating to the Utile one and sbe could not rest or sleep but very little. "I tried salve and oint ment, two or three dif ferent kinds, without suc cess. She obtained Bttte MfiAfl f.lllim.ii . - Ointment. We used the Soap for her bath ana anointed ner welt with the Ointment immediately after. A few applications proved sufficient to make ber entirely weU." (Signed) Mrs. Kills Reamer. Sept. 3. 1914. To dear the skin, cleanse the scalp, soften and whiten the hands as wen as meet every want of the toilet and nursery Is the special design of Caticura Soap and Outi enra Ointment. Nothing better. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Drpt. T, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. mini sho was neari. seven. Then Mra, ilacy (Miss Anne M. Sullivan a sru uate of the Perkins Institution, where J" J-" Bridgman. went to Helen Jv lis!! Wrtma I. hei education. At the age of ten Helen lvellr mmA ... ......... . , . I -.... . .jaii. .-n. sixteen sne was preparing tor college. She grad uated from Radciiffe College in 1JI. receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, with distinction. While she was SlL-Jr "Ihlch has been translated into fifteen languages. i.?00 then' Bh ha" written three nooks and has devoted herself to wock 5Ihe bMnd mna tn de- At several tneetinga in their behalf, she has de- duw pok . But her voice did not carry far then and it was al- fence. sentence by sen- H.rinR the " rear 3 taken another step forward in her remark- ChaVle,rw'hi,LDd'",,tn,,0 ot t-narles White, a teacher of singing at the Xw Vnri..j r. -.,. oeakin" JEW HJ-V ! liii .kf - . """ "i" summer of ,, hhf "?JL' b,erore convention of teachers of the deaf at Providence. R ii.Jf'S,wa" the "rst "e that she stood alone on a public platform. V-?1, cSTess in Boston at the H. "art experiments has encouraged her lo aPia';before the neraj pubu" ' .u nT. People say they do not know whom they admlro niore. Helen KeUeT or her teacher. Mrs. Macy. Mrs? Maev-s ?"m i !e mon InstrucUve lectures. ', aHl,.u7la,, and acientific polntif SiStHSB-swis Town Hall in Louoain Is Rich Example of Lale Gothic Architecture Washington. D. C, March fcDe scribing the toim hall of Iouvaln. Bel glum, which has been .n the hands of tne ue.inans almost since the begining of the present war in Europe, the National Geographic Society has pre pared the following abort sketch of its hlstor and architecture: "The Hotel de Ville. or town ball. 13 a very run and beautiful example of late Gothic architecture. Though built by the plain people of a citv of wavers and tradesmen it nevertheless i", one of the most beautiful adminis tration buildings in the world. It has thre facades lavishly enriched with w ulptures. memorialising persons prominent In the history of the town and smbo!king the mediaeval trades of that community. 'The structure stands in the Grand Place, a square In the center of the town, from which the principal atreeta raoiate. It is an achievement wjrthy of belonging to mank-n,!. and its loss oultl Uo h imanlty's loss as wre tlio;e of tin. aooiwlitan masttr. i.ees Why This Institution In Preference to Others? Simply this: Because, al! other things being equal, we have a keen desire lo serve you and serve you well. Wc have suSi cieat capital for safety; but others have as much. Our in stitution k governed by experi enced ousiaess raea of sound judgment and proves abt)iy; but others probably can offer you as choice a group. BUT We want yotrr' ac-1 count. Our mterest k you and your fioaacial affam wifl be far froffi catual. It wiH be keen, arrv; we'll give ywi the best that's m us. That spirit is worth something. We think it's worth your account. What do you think? Rio Grande: llev Bank & Trust Co In Every Department We art well prepared to handle your banking buti ' nest with Jitpalch and accuracy offering nW tnoU liberal terms, consistent mth safety. CHECKING ACCOUNTS ARE INVITED. 4 interest Paid on Savings Accounb. JW Kiil"B m lgTB Bv fm ij 1 1 y ft & iL ii'B "Scientific Dry Cleaning" El Paso Laundry Oar Wagons Are ETerywhere. Phones 470-171. APPRECIATION We appreciate our customers arid will be glad to consider any good new Lusiness. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Protapt. Efficient. Courteous Service. Sporting Goods, and Saddles The most complete line hi El Paso. Reasonable prices Highest quality. , Shellon-Payne Arms Co.