Newspaper Page Text
6 A Week-End Edition, March G -7, 1913 EL PASO HERALD BilLfflP TO TUE1M M MI'S DS1H Jle.t in He . N M. Business Men Eager to At tend Fair; to Be Enter tained in Douglas. e!l. Er Paso & Southwestern system, by A. X. Brown. Garnett King and Kicharu , Warren. Morning Tiiries, Wyche Greer; j El Paso Electric Railway Co, by H. S. j Potter. Western Motor Supply Co, by rcon;kco'iorado Fuel" & ifon yco , by Sonsof Confederate Veterans c A. Beers; jfil i'aso tasn jt uoor to, Trii. -n -rr- -.i- by George Evans. j Entertain For Him; Moose A UTi uiin iavc .av fiivmiacu ii ouw i representatives and tnis win oe taKen .i l'asoi "nelgnborly ejccunspon" to Tucson fair is assured. E- E. Neff, I- is arranging for the trip to Trac ts attend he Southern Arizona . March IS -ftt.ich Will be El PaSO .... ,- th .lMrin. hniiw nnl it i nr,R. ani.ounce.l Saturdav that enough able that all or the banks will send rep- es had been abjured to make the , resentatiies. There are also a number " iun a go and .ill eftorts were sow . of business men who are considering -ted to th.- largest crowd of, i making the trip 'and it may be neces- Paso busn-e-, m 11 possiole to tbk t to add. another ear to the train before the excursion leaves. na metropoli- 'ri1- i:i Pao delegation will leave on the bouthwesttrn train Wed- r u i ltibc. March 17. occupying prl- Pullmaiis V private car of the fc-oiiu t stern sstem will also be al- a.hMl to the train by A X. Brown. ' d lit v ill be accompanied by a num- ' - of hi friends A stop of one houM " I o- mad1 in Douarlas Thursday! r,ii'i,T. where the Douglas chamber j f ynnicrce will meet the train and! ter- m the El Paso delegation. The i vill arrii e ..i Tucson Thursday at i apd will be met there by the I : - i business men The party "Will re" -m i n Tucson until Friday even - . tier ding the fair all day Friday, v iuoii -ill be celebrated as El Paso T'ie El Fasoans will keep open ' j it one of the Tucson hotels Thn-'U evening and a special enter Li i '-ent will be arranged on the train ,. . nc to Tucson, to be given during tli s open house. Tennis Players Going. The Arizona tennis championship l also be played during the week of tli- fair and a number of El Paso ten s plavers are planning t accompany i' e business men to Tucson to particl mte ip the tennis play and witness the -oiirnament Souvenirs will be taken Tom El Paso and distributed at the f.- r on El Paso day. Mr. Xeff, who is irr.-u ging for the excursion, says that e er one who can get away should at t ' u the fair, as Bos Angeles Is work er hard for the Tucson trade and El r i-r. -hould protect her own trade ter Hoi Tiiose who have already signed up "V- Lhe trip are: E. E. Xeff and V. K. m " for the Xeff -Stiles Cot.: Herald . tcs Cu , Southwestern Portland Ce i e-t Co.. represented by S. C Mc i 'ci' Krakauer. Zork & Move, by W. j llespie. Elliott Engineering Co., ! . , Elliott; Sheldon hotel, by R. B. j J" ff Harrj- Swain, Douglas Crow- ' ARIZONA MINERS BEST PAID, t SAYS DIRECTOR OF C. & A. ! Tucson. Ariz.. March S. Arizona min ers are more highly paid than those of j any other state, and more of them are j at work than in any other -state, ac j cording to Chester A Congdon, a di- rector of the Calumet Arizona Mtn- TO REJOIN 17TH INFANTRY lns """ wno w on - Wzshlncton. D c. March The follow- . pany's properties In the AJo district of : ins army order have been Issued this county I,"i,,.Job,'JIj' M7.H?T: '.V I Mr. Concdon said the copper market j ai wtilSSi "tiSi hto-tBf"T- ' te uI1 nd tn demand fom foreign "ttS7SMSSS. SU. ??UnwI?" r.rh.Vonnu'.'SS retired. Inspector Infractor, one month. Hf will return to his home, in I Duluth. I Uent. COL Albert D. Knlakera. qvarter- ! Minn., at the end of his trip of Inspec- i -aj. .-. .. . . . . I sucr runs, will HHim CMin Ol IOC ' vvi. i oju irfn oeaiora rorrest. granason . zeneral depot of the martermuter corps of ' and namesake of Gen. Nathaniel Bed- '. Cblcaso, reiieitnc MJ. Wllklna. who will s LORDSBURG MINE DISTRICT ford Forrest, was honored by the Calvfn ! "" "h'1' ""C" IZSSZ-ZZJ ?"?. .' HA5 RFNFWPn APTIVITUTQ ! Nominate Officers, h itnt-ol i diMi to I . te her, ai u m.ike Kl I'aso his home as he mtend& le.iinic Memphis soon will go from here to Santa Rita. to establish a camu of the Sons I or coniederate Veterans and will re ) turn here to purchase property. ! CHAPLAIN JOHN L. MADDOX M.. March 6. Mining series of entertainments for the grand- I sun di m aizungaisnea soutnerner and he left Saturday morning for Sil ver wiiy. xv jl. and Santa Klta. X. Alabaman Slips in Message of Sympathy With Belgian Package London. Ens;.. March C. M. Paul Mussche. librarian of the Belgian par liament, writes from Brussels to the American commission for relief in Bel gium, as follows: "In the warehouse kindly placed at ! to 'n1 camps of the order in these the disposal of the commission at the j two port of Brussels we found cases of! Judee Jackson Eloquent, corned beef, pork and. beans, " evappr- J Judge Dan M. Jackson made the -. --. ..... . . r ,. w r..vma i.v oarreis or ariea nsn. ana other cases of & more complex kind. They opened one of these before us. It contained a nam. three, pots of jam covered with white paper. 25 kilos of apples, 6 kilos of potatoes and half a sausage. An inscription, almost effaced, showed that the case came from Hurstboro. Ala. At the bottom of the case the employe discovered a soiled clip of paper, on which a hesitating hand hJ traced these words: " To the unknown subject of a na tion which is dying for respect of its word. "Other cases bore different inscrip tions. A great man)- came from Xova Scotia, and on some was written in large letters the words: 'For Belgium, our brave allies, with the admiration and sympathy of the inhabitants of .-ova ecoua. , . i . .. .... in .. iiiw ... . . i-rozier camn. 5onlt of rjnntMlirt mraft It. vAXmvmA fMm ihil. a - Veterans- Vifl- evMilnv laHlh a .. . tlia anaririmupr. -1 rflvfaiAi, A m - I Lordsburg. X. tion at the Elks- club which was ," hi' staiion. Cbleaco. III. activities have been renewed in this attended by the entire camp of Con- i Caw- L,rBn s Eawart cowit artillery ' district recently. Tom Lester has Just federate sons and bv the Daughter nf rorlfc- nnasslgneu. U aniroed to the lth . returned from El Paso, where he had I th rrnnfArfnov . i eotppmny jM,me samples from the Waldo mine Adit. Gen. Forrest of the national : "- ti"i??. M tested, and is arranging to ship a large organisation of Sons of Confederate sineer School. -aribtaatoa TbarrlckVD I qu?,nt,lr ororJ to "..r" .,i. Veterans, is here to make an inspection I tor doty a.nito. barracks. D C I Harvey Sacks, of Clarksdale. Ariz. of the El Paso camp and has been the . " Uent. Arth.r l, Bnmp. uth to- j f WiliSf aV d (MJ guest of local members and officers i J"nr. to relied from treatment at tb. ,. ,of ,wicox. Ariz, de a Gold since his arrival Friday morning. The i Letumnan General Herpltai. the Presidio of ! Hill trip this" week to loov over the reception at the Elks' club closed a 5fB ctoro. - U proceed to Joia properties in tnat a . ei r , 1. i; .u-ZTLj hls reclmeat. The Cllne stamp mill at Start a Garden Farm Almost every patch of ground is good for something, whether it be a small back yard in the city or the larger lot of the suburban home. You can utilize that soil for profit and pleasure far beyond vour ex pectations if you plant WISE PERFECTION SEEDS They are dependable. Because they produce true to type, are thorough bred, and are tested for vitality, professional gafdeners and truckers for years have considered them standard. You don't need to be an ex pert. Write or ask for our Seed Booklet. It will tell you how, when and what to plant. J first Uent. Asa I- Sinrleton 12th In fantry, will proceed to Fort Leavenworth. Kana.. and report to the commandant. United States military prison, for doty. Pay clerk George Brlcnim. quartermaster corps, now at the Presidio of Monterey. Cal . Is relieved from such dnty and will proceed to Fort Winfleld Scott. Cal.. and report to the commanding officer for duty. .Forrest, being Introduced bv Cant. John X. Harris, of the local camp. I Judge Jackson spoke eloquently of the j services the grandfather of the honor I guest naa rendered the Confederacy and of his brilliant career. He re ferred 'to the Confederate doctrine of states- rights from a legal standpoint MINING DEVELOPMENT RAPID IN FINOS ALTOS DISTRICT Demlng. X. M . March . Lee Russell, who was in town from Pinos Altos re cently, reports everything favorable at the Pinos Altos camp for a big Droduct- IVe iMr Mr Dim..! ... .n.I.L i.. I anjl rielarri that fhi. Ia.Mii. -vaB ...i ..-JL ., . . ,. ' ..Hi , ..-. vri --" . r:;. ," t'-: """ """"' som' " r u.s in cuct-v iuu aiiu. wiinoat. li. this republic would revert to a mon- arcniai form of government. The Cllne stamD mill at Oold Hill has been working for two weeks and has !. liandllnf- nr frnm t Roosevelt mine. Cyanide experiments arc now j being made at the Gold Hill proprt SPRING MEDICINE DAILY RECORD CAN'T PRAISE CARDUENOUGH This Lady Was Very NerTons, On Account of SerioHi Womanly Trouble. But Now She Praises CarduL :s Mueri-ross. Ala. The following t om Mrs. W. J. Daugherty, this place I will write UoHHnc Permits. 1 To El Paso Sign On, to erect electric lags at the Oradorff hotel; estbnated cost To EI Pa Sign On, to erect sign at ill Stanton street; estimated cost Soft. Perrjr-Kirkpatriek Co.. to ootid ohrht boa. galows oa lota 1 to 1 tnclnatvo. block 3S. Franklu Uetghu addition; estimate cost Frank Zlabotaky. to baud a perch and make chances at m OUT street: esti mated cost SIM. Saayfleld Buildina- av Tm .k,i r. to bnUd a brick bansalow on lots 4. c and o x. uKiin aaaruon: estis Weeds rHed. Xorth side of Hneco street. Grama aad Coola streets R f and wife to Mrs. Florence Price, lota T and 8, block IIS. Bast EI Paso addition; consid erauon JI71; Jan. 4. MIS. Aorta aide of Texas street, between Wal- betweea full statement of my I ?S. mJmi.y tTr. F- .K"01 "x1 i "" " . j- "wwy. iocs .i. ana zs, brock ci.iiumun reitrre x na uKen uaunai. i " n whuimmb, comnqeratioa sisss; I as er weak. 'I Jan. 1&L 1US 1 nail not mpr nerve . Xorth side of Frankfort street, between Adit. Gen. Forrest resnonded to this address of welcome by praising Ei Paso and her people and declaring that he was thinking strongly of locating in 1 Paso and making this his home. He declared that all sectional lines had been erased and this was one country vith one flag and one com mon purpose. Musical Prosrrnra. The musical program was In charge of Mrs. J. K. Bowen. of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Robert Lander sang "Dixie." -Robert Carson sang "Old Black Joe." Miss Mai narris. aaugnter of Capt. JoLn X. Harris, sinr a solo: Miss Juli ifoiinw also sang a solo; Mrs. F. M. Thomas sang and Mr. Thomas playeu the ac companiments: Mrs. Mary Bond'Whea. also played the accompaniment for several of the musical numbers. Sfrs. lender's "Bonnie Blue Flag" was espe cially pleasing . to the Confederal Veterans present. Confederate Veterans to Jteet. The Confederate Veterans will hold their monthly meeting Sunday after- noun at ine ejks- ciuo at 3 ociock. The Daughters of the Confederacy will give an entertaining program and j-ill IWrfA rfrhmnt. V Moose dominate ItoTrea. At the Friday night meetinr- of the Loyal Order of Moose. C. U Bowen was 1 ivouaaiea to succeea nimseir for re election as head of the order. Mr. Bowen has been active in the cam paign for membership and also for the $5M,vM Moose sanitarium and the Hood's Snrsnpnrilla. the Great Blood Purifier, la the Bert.'. Spring sickness comes in some de gree to every man. woman and child la our climate. It is that run-down condition of the system that results from impure, im poverished, devitalized blood. bodies at from 75 to 1 feet levels. He ( Jt ls marked by loss of appetite and intends going to the 209 foot level be- ' thllt tired feeling, and hi many cases tore taking out anv considerable i "f some form of eruption lmsm w. ! D. WISE SEED COMPANY SEEDS FEED POULTRY SUPPLIES Phone 11. Phone 5290 106 NORTH STANTON STREET and Chihaahajt and 2nd amount of ore. The greater part of the ore is silver and copper bearing with a trace of gold in it. These properties are expected to be among the best paying ones in the Pinos Altos district when they are developed. S0N0RA MINES SHIP 5175 TONS OF ORE IN FEBRUARY Douslas. Ariz. March 4. Despite the crippled condition of the X&cozari rail road, because of IiiifmjI h.ii.u, .i. mines of northern Sonora. shinoeH si 73 J .. I . .- .. . -r' - - r ?. '" ,ui ore to me smelters here. The Kl Tigre. Santa Rosa and Plcacho. I Xacosari led with ISO cars of ore, con- ; taming 4 SCO tons. In addition. El Tigre shlrped 20 bars i of gold and silver bullion, making 2417 ! pounds. 7o sacks of ore and S0 sacks ! of precipitates. The estimated value of all these ship- ments follows Copper SI. 327.000, silver. J561.000;-! The best war to treat spring sick ness is to take .ood's Sarsapa"illa. This old reliable family medicine puri fies, enriches and ret italizes the blood. It is an all-the- ear-round alterative and tonic, and ls absolutely the best spring medicine. Get your-blood in good condition at once now. Delay may be dangerous. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sarsa parilla. and Insist on having it. for nothing else can take its place. Adv. BANKING BY MAIL Just as easy to open a savings account with us as thoogh you lived, next door. WE PAT 4 percent Interest compounded Twice Svery Year. We do business under the Depositor'a Guaranty Law of the Stats of Texas and are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided hy such Law. Our plan, in addition to being convenient. Is safe, profitable and liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar In a State bank In Texas. Write today for our free loofclet "BAXKIXO Br HAIL" or simply mall your deposit. El Paso Bank and Trust Co., El Paso, Texas gold. S236.000 at all and con Id not atam antr note I ' ".. "a Coerchesne streets Charles I members have insisted that he con at an and could not stand amy noise, a . wuuams and wife to Lela Mueller j tinue in office another term in order er.a nao letnaie complaints. i ""IT? """ " "" " . Jutura Fark. 1 consideration SSM: March 4. HIS. At last my doctor told me to try j Lot In Concordia cemeteryr-W. R Wat- 1 nanssn as. ml V - UI.s - . Cardoi and liU. .nrf T . . i Tr. '2JE? ? ."-" aie to an. - " . -" " I ny OSN! 9SUUL lot 22 In tier lOo c rv.. ture has cured me sasnaa and wen, and! JJJf eemetery. consideration SI. Jan. is, . rr, irlad to tell savoas -nrknt Ir AlA i Korth side of Vnnihir mi .-.- ! . . .,, . , , I Noble and- brown streets N. D Bstes. of i mi and it wUl help any suffering! ru county, golo, to Emma KesTaiiia- Rv v oman ,T,d?!1 .""e-teSth. interest In Irtta It and ire II to complete the campaigns which he has been instrumental in stnrtlne- The election will be held next Friday night. ! United Umpire Club To Elecl. The annual election of ofl.-er tnr I the United Kmpire club, the local Kng- ' 1 lisb and Canadian organisation, will i take .place on Monday eveninr- at van's hall. Following the business ' meeting, mere will be a smoker and an atti active program has been ar .anged. Bees tie Ilntr. X Xeteon. sunreme Dreaident of I the Benevolent Order of Bees, who Feb. 2. ins. I makes his headquarters in thin citv. j North side of Memphis street, .between ! Ils returned from an extended trip to of ! ," vlsieo streets L. B. French ; Mexico where be organized sev- medicine. We ..way, keep it . a -t WVuTuWS he organized a SZ iT'IanFe." house for mr benefit. 2SHrTi J.. : eosadratlen . but a short time before completed the TVhen I was told to try, Car nl I did j 52? - -!! -?.. . rSSvSST JSJS I . - . .un. praise Cards! enough. 1 . B.OCK :i. Franklin Meichu addition: I vwwraenuon saw; pen. 24. 1SIJ. oonta sum nf alorenri street. . w. j .. " vw..,c .sail w v.m bxwui Ajistin at jsarr i t 1 Co. tn n P 1I.. i,- .i ...a . l I J. sav and ffive rnvslni ersnl mH Am! . . . I . .'.r. e.TV" ""a 1 - - j i - mh au Mrmwt aaaiuon Bill find my word to he true. Cardui is alt I take in the -way si Puts life md hustle scyocr bens sad makes them Jsy because thcT arc saong-ardvorous. KbSlir r-jraigcoa hsbcs. uciafau cr 1AUSCDOT, COtiETSBOCPRXEDT puts -Kouo to rout. G re m dmlpne waten 2 50c and $L AskzorCookeysPoukryEoak. Conifer's Reaediesaad'Toiuca ere sold br Seed. Fml. H.-A. wars and Ponltry Supply Stars is Kl Paso Texas, nnd everywhere. IONIC ; res5ll I rii TsaS&M 1 i8 i fcji ???ni i B1 i i Specialists For Men German-American Doctors DR. BR0NS0N & CO. SrroBil Floor 00 1-2 01KSV STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April. 1SS1. Capital. Surplus and Profits. SMO.000. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS a R. MOREHEAl), rresident. C. X. BASSfcTT, Vice President. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. Pres. GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. T. J. OILCHRlST. Ast. CaiOiier. U. A. MACRBDER Graduate LoaUvUle. Ky. College. 1S9? DR. H. A. MAGRUDER DBXTIST -Ask Anyone. . GstaMUhed 194 ' Dnloa Clothlnc Co. Cnderneath Co. Herald "Want Ads f or results, j Insure Your Property Against Decay. Tuttle's Imperial Paint ie the best paint insurance. It looks well, covers well, and lasts wel!. Our imloa a are lighted until 10 P. M. "TELL US YOUR PAINT TROUBLES." TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. Phones 8S and 8. Z16S12 X. Stanton Sr. HAflEltf m S J. . flf-aO -, I rot ihink I would, but jot friends kt ; Valley Bank and Treat Co. to H. w. Bald- i ?. summer and this city holds the iinna and imtWoii street Ri sa 1 , . "" -weauMuw in -r-i t-aso win. fr.. lots 11 mwi i kiu.v ic nLki j : distinction of beinir th nniv oitv- it. ihn 1 .. avlv -.. .i ' . - ., iw. uiaUIMIU I .. . " " -rf --.,- ( .aav "" i me unui i. Soi one octue, ana it Irani aaditlon. consideration J1S. March I sute tnat ls the national headquarters vr - ! " . . iiAieraii organization. The mem- - : j ui Boeorro graat c o Coffin to i oersntp in Texas and New Mexico. i t.-. .??" """ "J. surrey 1 2VX. with Its aeeretiosis. of PmrtM. m. Ae My b.-ck has got well, my nerve Is ' Socorro town arrant, coatainlnc ZS.IS acres U rVht and my old re ielU h ""SSS: cJ'SaSrell. owee-A.U sjia ISMD, AaI. u. . . ...a ..uui. iwun.n sou to Km ma H. Moffmsji. lots i 9 I. block 1ZS. East El Paso arfdillaa II .w other considerations: March 2, ISIS. Lands In Tsleta anaT .Socorro grants Jose Coeto to T. M. Wuuro. Ins 4 t ??re".lTl,,?..alo,,e tBe tank of old Tsleta I tpken in and other business w. m Tta It , "ceania ; acres on the aeequla Madre .posed of. ir ,u about one mile west of the plaza, also hi.. ,;.. ,,, 'c-t ?. J?..-!I-. . X. ! The annual ewLf,f,'JJS . . w- .v.c. ij-iuc w me aceqaia eel cam- I T4n . ,.- i. . "-- w i ' Pas, also n acre. the aceqaia de u !S ,od??18'' Benevolent Protective i ..k- -i. . c. r. .. J'TT ! Order of Rllr. wo ku .. i. . -. . . . .. .-re-. if ins A1005 U1C eOSt J .H , . ' T "i" " UlKjnt. cli4 me so much good that I taking: it. pone, and I am stoat and strong as a j 4ru t. oman can be. I am siaH- to say it tias Cardui that I can praise for my health " Tour drugBist sells Cardui J J'r;isement where hives have been organized, now reaches enarly l.MS and the order is growina; rapidly. Mr. Nelson is the originator of the Bees, having 'written the riturj and promoted the orsranicsrmn Tt. i. lodge was organized in Ei I'aso. and i u.u nut nww u nearly tin members. At the meeting of the local hive Tues- "y "win isn. new memoers were IC.2r .--N1"SKiU.tes.od -3U VsfteBjta tie eumorga, and aul, . i.W I 'ackaiesadfceditsJluwnme. e"' cosixrasisitniKrooD ?$& t oadcd aid m gtmc i'-rH y- lie chides suned. Feed it -', "p- K to avery brood yon lji-' --a hank of the E. and w. aeequla.; also 4.7S ' The election resulted as follows: W Paso, Texas, and everywhere. 2 S?"' f3rorfraHis4 Book as PktMta n41M W N."SnNtM,MllllWla1hMMM H W f 7W laniiii,. In Im ul CMwflawtfail ic.. W m F55SW" witieid im ts. saENtxnd W AKEEK-aK. "mvSnXmL&rr ij MOX Ja CO. Palest AUsraejs W S2S T Street. TTaaUastoa. D. O. W i acres adjoining the Valdesaln. tract. j in the Socorro town grant: Sit aad other consiaeraiion , Jan. is. isis. Antomoblles TJcni4ed. 2M1 C T. Boiler, HIS Wyoming street: five passenger ford. 2 Magnoha Bottling Co.. 9JI Myrtle avenue, InternationaJ Harvester track. 3241 Harry C. Kler. ISM Ohio street: fie passenger Ford. 324 Hawkins Bros, Morgan batWlsg: five passenger Ford. 2215 Motor Bos Oo rear of 31X Texas treet. five passenger Ford. 3I4-J- B Clark. MM Oro stnet: five passenger Ford. 3247 High W. Treat. Ei Roberta-Bsa-str bolldlng: two passenger Ford. 321S G. C. York. Hz Magofrnr- avesne; five passenger Ford. licensed to Tt'ed. W A. Steele to Maade Vlonre J W. Holltngsworth to Francis V. Baven. Refnglo Miranda, to Teresa Lopez. Births Female. To Mrs. Ben Ballig, lis Loss street; Feb 18. To Mrs. B. F. Baylias. 1331 Caste street: Feb 19. , To Mrs. Pedro 'Mlchlea. Seventh aad Santa Fe streets. Feb. 22. To Mrs. Jesna Die. 117 Rrauln.: March 4. Berths Male. U MeKalght. To Mr. J. street. March 3. To Mrs. B. J. Kociey, To Mrs. I Getlerres. ll Juarez street; March 4 ttwine). 2: Dakota 113 Odssa street; Attention! Let U Qaote Yon Prices On Cottonseed Meal and Cake CARLOAD LOTS OR LESS FIELD SEEDS Have just received our new stock of all kinds of seeds, .Write us or ,wire us for prices. HEID BROTHERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS, FUEL AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Corner Texas and Dallas Sis. PHONES 35 and 36. -ti . nor LJ. Harncm eY.l.H !-... s. r -" I rle . ." T, . "'" V if I i ..V aoing Kntgnt, C. T. i Amltn. esteemed 1at.i kui.t. . . . Mason esteemed lecturing knight; 1. , E Anderson, secretary; F u. Mur. hin- ' v v. S"7' n"rorth. tyler. R. Stiles, trustee; V. R. stiles! oeiegaie to the grand lodge; C l The recnilar mmMh. a ' Sj.1f,inodBe of Perfection, No. s, , X2th,5"e ' fSnmt7w111 te held Monday night. Only routine mat- , ters will be discussed. It is announced. I The regular meetine- of. Oasis ehaot- ! er. Knights Rose Croli' xS 5,:Rlo : o-h-,Mie,i:oS?c'i.No- J- Knights 'kTd- I osh and Kl Paso Consistory Xo. X , pw".' fnd Acc?Pte" Scottish Hllte of I nTgnrM.nrcn- g - h"d 0nd i I e.rL! nnoJunceJ "t over 30 appli ""f5.8 ar.e aeady in for ti.i. 01 j." "union or the Scot- Uah Rite .bodies that will be held in ! ..PL ?.l".? ' antidpateu , .. xmin! reunion will see one 2rJSeKtars't cIsse'' Pon which de v bodies. conferred by the El o-'HS, rfnl5T Mt,De: of Tornlllo H SE"-. "' W,m'n of the World i I iuj ir;L si one memoer was added by transfer, one by initiation. rjL" applications were filed The h.VKi e?.?1 to 8how a total mem bership for the camp of about SS Encles Are fIro,.lnK. ..'..? J-eg!!,a- meeting of El Paso t.MT-U "" raternal Order of Eagles. I held Vednmulav nleht feivs. i Jrr-.i-.?L-roTS; ;i-i.nnaSd-! rio nae oeen taken in. . Several candidates were iniii..,". ln; I No" '"? "-et"ng of EI Pa, !,;, ?.? p.ra'eal Brotherhood, held r.H"u ""e"ais have been dls- 1 1 .JW'or.k ' 'he "rank of page was cnr.. ; M at the regular meetlr, e t-, I rJ0""' Xo- 82 Knights of PythUts. held Thursdav ni.hi ,S j -Mft. 3f?& n John'H. pVuTphTrey6 1 aJire wn?e8day nigrht the rank of ei- i PumphrTy" "e" Mr. j J GRANDSON OF GEN. FORREST ! 1U MAKE HOMK IN PI PAcni Velk.. l-a sV nJJ general ofS "2 Forrest, adjutant Veifi. he 8ona ot Confederate her?Jfyvtocat'. ln a '"a"- He is ?o. lS rf home ,n Memphis. Tenn.. to Inspect Camp Calvin Crosier, the lo cal camp of the organization. He Is a personal friend of Will Cros by, quartermaster of the Ei Paso camp, aho tins been cntortscmnij iilin .nice he armed. After riding uir the city J ahiornia btate bpoon Adds Anotner Beautiful Souvenir Spoon to trie liberal ofrer of Oneida Community Silverware i Never before has it been possible to assemble so beautiful and serv iceable a collection of High Grade Souvenir Silver Spoons at such low cost, or is it likely to be possible again, therefore we advise you to secure a complete collection. If you did not save your Texas Coupon, get two California Coupons and you can secure both the California and Texas Spoon. These spoons must be right in every respect or the manufacturer could not offer to replace, free of charge, any spoon which does not at any time give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. Don't. Mis a Single State Get a Complete Collection Redeem tke Coupon NOW! Today's coupon is good for either the Texas or California Spoon. Two coupons good for both state spoons' STATE SOUVENIR SPOONS JjJ-MQKJaWJ rfl Cut Out This Coupon NOW and bring or mail to The Herald. This coupon with 15 cents. hv mail is -.uto good fur one State Souvenir Teaspoon, made especiallv for this paper i by the Oneida Community, Lt'd. iusSKsssslV