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33 . ifr j?' rr x ii ' n i ajfc y'inMiw WwM1 1 ! fiww jm. ssSF& v2L nt .UfeCTPMrnnnunnB $ $ i .-.- . -... -M1M Miiilii Ml i mHii Hrr FinWlHwHTiTln (CJccurisbt. 1909. Hlrptr & Bmtbtn. Kew Tort I One of Elizabeth Shfppen Green's Delightful Women Drawn to Illustrate "The Enemy" But the Real Enemy, " "Declared the' Sisterhood, Is a Man. LIKE a tbree-tegged stool with one leg gone is the "Red Rose Inn." The "Red Rose Inn" is. or rather teas, the borne of the three best known women artists in the country Miss Elisabeth .Shlppen Green, Miss Violet Oakley afid Miss Tessle Wilcox Smith. The "inn" was not only their home tint the citadel of their beloved Art. Located in a secluded section not far from Philadelphia, it was not only admirably salted for the bach elor existence to which the girls had 'committed themselves, but it like wise protected their Art from out side dangers. Not even Cupid, with all bis wiles and cunning, oocid ever cross its threshold. At least so thought these three bachelor girls when they took pos session of the beautiful old tavern. In the most sotenra manner. Isdl ridually and collectively, they vowed that never, no never, would they for sake their Art nor each other no, not even for love! That was eight years ago. Now. Elizabeth Shlppen Green is Elisa beth Sblppeo Greem no longer. Last week she became Mrs. Huger Elliot That is why "Red Rose Inn" to-day Is like a three-legged stool with one leg gone. The pretty story of the comrade ship of these three lady musketeers of art might never have been toid but for its unexpected disruption by the marriage of Miss Green. The rout of the knights of tbepatette and brush is the more complete In that it was Miss Green who sus lested the compact. Cupid may well jeel proud of his signal victory. Miss Green was never reaHy a man-hater, but she decided long that to give full expression to her art she must live for her art alone. One day in I93 she happened to sound her two closest chums. Miss Oakley and Miss Smipi. on the subject, and found that their senti ments were about the same as ber own. "Why not let us combine forces," she s u g g e s ted. 'and consecrate onr lives to rtf" The very thtag!" agreed the others io unison. 'The Mansion." "Well, I know the best place in all the world where we can carry out our purpose." declared Miss Green. "It is at Cogslea, In the Creseeim Valley. It's called the. Red Rose Inn, and Ifs Just the dearest place! We will rent the place jointly and can devote the rest of our lives to art without fear of outside in fluences." Arrangements were easily made and the three girls were soon set tled in the old tavern. Their oaly intercourse with the outside world was such as was incidental to the disposal of their work. Every one of them woo distinction. Miss Oakley became .famous through her work on the State Cap ital Building at Harrisburg, and Miss Green and Miss Smith achieved phenomena! success as delineators of children and other character? for the magazines and children's books. Miss Green's work is now appear ing exclusively in the Harper publi cations. Through the courtesy of that publishing house some of her most characteristic drawings are re produced on this page. In 1M7. while the compact was still in force, the Harpers commis sioned Miss Green to Illustrate a story appearing In Harper's Maga zine. This story, prophetically enough, was called "Raising a Family" At the time both Miss Oakley and Miss Smith were -much perturbed at the sinister portent of Mlae Green's assignment .l1 bope the t,me wHI er come. Elisabeth." said Miss Oakley, se verely, "when you will Illustrate this story in any other way than through the expression of your art" "Well, the Idea! I should say not!" responded Miss Green, indig- (Cotirndit. 1810. Hanxr & Brother,. N A Dream of Miss Green Before She Decided to Wed. Copyrtefct, 191 jlf-1 j M 1 i ili 3 "And there was their cher ished companion, just for getting all about her vows. Art! to the nantly. "Do you suppose for a rao icent that I would forsake art for matrimony 7 Never!" This assurance satisfied the titer two for the time belag, and was no doubt perfectly sincere, for at that time Miss Green was not even ac quainted with Mr. Elliot, but at the same time the incident occasioned more or less misgivings upon the part of her comrades. "We ought to keep a strict watch on Elizabeth," declared Miss Oakiey Yotti or American-Examiner- Great Britain fQiKLjg "8 gygtj iyfiy Famous Illustrator E-lizabeth Shippen Green Wasn't Proof Against the Persuasive "Raising a Family" Suggestion, and So the Delightful Sisterhood of the Rose Tree Inn Is Now No More. I : EUZABl"ri.gj to if Miss Green. Drawn by Vfolet 'Oakley, One of the Bereaved Siatersln-Art. Rights Reserved. zj"-rJ . ft -" V to Miss Smith, "she is so romantic, you know, and" might fan us." But as the years weat by and their unreasonable suspicions bore ao frnlt. the girls began to feel reas sured. There were times, of course, when one or the other of the trio would leave the studio for a short period to pay some social visit, and on such occasions the other girls In their lonely fortress would spend sleep less alghts until the return of their comrade for fear that she might for get her vow and fall by the wayside. "I've really got to spend a few days at Philly. girls." Miss Green, perhaps, would say. -Will you hold the fort till I get back?" "Yes. yes. of course," the others rirarfarht. 1M0. "And instantly I was in love."- jany fP- fc jnajSL .2E f " Hn&9nnB 4 nnp , - wsfr.. ?jpL a Jv i ,wr ) 1! Jp 'fv& t fer-.. rToBl ig - k 'Raisins a Family," One of a Series of Prophetic Picture Dealing With Domesticity Which Mis Green, Now Mrs. Elliot, Drew in 1907. would chime in. "but don't you think you had better repeat the oath of allegiance before you go. It gives one so much strength, yon know." And then the three, it Is said, each with palette and brush in hand, is solemn accents would repeat a quaint vow which, perhaps, raa something like this: "While red Is red and blue to blue To art may I be ever true. To art alone I'll give my life; No man shall ever can me wife." How potent this simple formula was may best be Judged by be fact 'that if stood the test for eight years. Xo one Is able to tell bow It finally lost its charm, but a few months ago Miss Green's absences from the inn became more and more frequent and lengthy. Her comrades became suspicious. They learned, with mis givings, that Elizabeth was spending altogether too much time in Provi dence, and although the notes she sent tbem were written on the letter heads of the RhoJe Island School of Design, they began to fear that she was more interested In the gallant director of that school, Mr. Huger Elliot, than in the art which they worshipped in common. "We'll put ber to the test when she comes back." the two conspira tors decided. -Well make her re peat the vow as soon as she arrives. while the influence of ber trip Is still upon her." The scheme worked. Upon "her return. Miss Green was asked to make the vow "Well, girls," she faltered. "I hardly think that is necessary. I'm always willing to take the vow when 1 go away, the Mime as you do. but we have lievrr thought it necessary to repeat it upon return." "But I'll repeat it now." said Miss -Another Prophetic Picture by HI; . rJF P rJr.JTm; JR. -.. s - .: Smith, "and I haven't been awiy at all." "And so will V protested Miss Oakley, "and what's more. Elizabeth. yon might as wen 'less up at oace; you're afraid to take the Vow be cause you intend to break it Isn't that so?" Mhs Green conlaa't keep it la any longer. Tes. sWs. I'm sorry, bat Tm en gaged. I'm gotog to get" "Ob, for heaven's sake, don't say the word!" moaned Miss Oakley. "How could yon do it Elisabeth. you bad girt!" wept Miss Smith. . "And after aU these years, too," added Miss Oakley. "And who is he, and is he a bloadt or a brunette, and is he an artist and how long have you known himr suddenly asked Mies Santa, her womanly curiosity overaomlng for the moment her outraged devotion to her art. These and the many other ques tions along the snuM line which fol lowed in quick sneeession the happj Miss Green answered at great length, but space forbids a full record oi ber answers. When their curiosity was satisfied, however, her two comrades returned to their attack upon ber for her de sertion of the cause. During the days and weeks that followed they repeatedly begged her to reconsider her purposed marriage, but she was steadfast -For the sake of old times, Elisa beth, if not fo art. give ud thr idea!" they pleaded, but it was all in vain. .Last week the eeremonv was ner formed at the studio. The bride's two comrades were present, but tears drowsed the smiles they tried . summon for the occasion, for the strains of the wed ding march sound d in their ears like a funeral dirge, and, as the last wedding gues: left tliat night, the two artists, pal ettes aud brushes in hand, stood sad ly iu the centre oT the floor and re peated their weak ened vow: "While red U red and bine is blue To art may I be ever true To art alone m give my life; No man shall ever call ne wife." And there was a significant empha sis on the "me." Miss Green.